Des Moines Register 08-24-06 Dateline Iowa REGISTER STAFF AND NEWS SERVICES Oprah's beau to speak at diversity conference Ames — Oprah's boyfriend is coming to Ames. Businessman, educator and best-selling author Stedman Graham will keynote the 2006 Iowa's Mosaic Diversity Conference on Oct. 17 at Iowa State University's Memorial Union. Graham runs a management and marketing consulting company. His latest book, "Diversity: Leaders Not Labels," will be released next month. Graham, who has been linked with TV talk show host Oprah Winfrey for several years, is a former part-time professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He founded George Washington University's Forum for Sport and Event Management and Marketing. Iowa's Mosaic Diversity Conference offers two days of career development and strategies to benefit from diversity. This year's theme is "Creating an Inclusive Environment." Registration details and forms are available at www.