THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA-GREENSBORO SYLLABUS – FALL 2013 COURSE: MGT 312 – Organizational Behavior FACULTY MEMBER: Dr. Michael Beitler (pronounced Bite-ler) OFFICE HOURS: by appointment EMAIL: (write MGT 312 in the subject line) WEBSITE: Attendance of the First Class is Required. The Bryan School has an attendance policy that says if you are enrolled and do not attend the first class you will be dropped to make room for students on the waiting list. REQUIRED TEXTBOOK: Kreitner, Robert & Kinicki, Angelo. Organizational Behavior. 10th Edition. McGraw-Hill. NOTE: We will not be using Connect. PREREQUISITES for MGT 312: Students enrolled in MGT 312 must have achieved at least sophomore standing (31 or more earned credit hours, not including this term) at the beginning of the semester in which you take MGT 312 and a minimum GPA of 2.0. Any student who does not meet these requirements will be administratively dropped from the course. There is no guarantee that this administrative drop will be processed before drop/add week is over, so if you lack the prerequisites, drop yourself so you may add another course in its place before the first week’s end. MGT 312 COURSE OBJECTIVES: At the end of this course, you should be knowledgeable about major concepts and theories of Organizational Behavior. The learning outcomes for this course are the following: 1. Explain the value dimensions of assessing national cultures using Hofstede's model. 2. Give examples of how the U.S. workplace is becoming more heterogeneous in terms of gender, race, ethnicity, and age. MGT 312 Syllabus 2 3. Identify the stages of group development and explain the managerial responses appropriate to each stage. 4. Demonstrate an understanding of interpersonal awareness by explaining different styles of conflict resolution and negotiation techniques. 5. Provide an example of an ethical issue pertinent to leadership today. 6. Predict how perception and attribution affect the decision making process. 7. Explain and give examples of how personality, values and motivation affect employees’ performance. 8. Identify and explain the dimensions of human resource management, organizational structure and culture and the steps of organizational change. TOPICAL COVERAGE: The following topics will be covered in MGT 312. Organizational systems and processes including organizational structure and design, work design and the effects of technology, human resource management, organizational change & stress management. Group behavior including stages of group development, group structure and processes, group decision making including groupthink and groupshift, work teams, leadership, power & politics, conflict, and negotiation techniques. Individual behavior concepts such as ability, personality, learning, values, attitudes, perception, attribution, motivation, individual decision making, & ethical dimensions of decision making; COURSE PHILOSOPHY: The student is responsible for learning the course material. The role of the instructor is to help the student understand how to apply the material in the business world. The Bryan School of Business is a professional school, thus students will be expected to act professionally. Students will be expected to prepare for, attend, and participate in our meetings (classes). In this course, students are expected to prepare for class by completing the self-assessment instruments, reading assignments, and supplemental materials before attending class. Students are expected to contribute to the class discussions. MGT 312 Syllabus 3 INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR No laptops, cell phones, or electronic devices are permitted in this class. No chatting will be permitted during class. No hats, caps, or hoods may be worn during class. No student may sit in a seat other than the one assigned. Any student entering the class late more than twice will be dropped from the course. Any behavior that is inappropriate for a business meeting will not be permitted in this class. Any student who violates these behavior rules will be dropped from the course. GRADING Percentage of Final Grade Four Tests 90% Contribution to the Class 10% Total 100% ==== Exams Exam 1: Chapters 1, 3, 4, 14 Exam 2: Chapters 15, 16, 17, 18 Exam 3: Chapters 10, 11, 12, 13 Exam 4: Chapters 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 2 Introductory & Overview Chapters Organization- Level Chapters Group-Level Chapters Individual-Level Chapters Tentative Dates Sept 11 Oct 7 Nov 4 Dec 7 Contribution to the Class The instructor may grant as much as 10% to the final grade for positive (value-added) contributions to the learning experience of the class (includes contributing to class discussions, sending relevant articles/website links to instructor, etc.). Positive contribution does not mean attendance. The instructor will not take attendance. MGT 312 Syllabus 4 Grading Scale: A AB+ B C F 93-100 90-92 88-89 80-87 70-79 Below 70 NOTE: There are no opportunities for extra credit assignments. NOTE: The instructor reserves the right to modify the exam and/or assignment dates. Signed Understanding from the Student Each student must sign an agreement stating that he/she has read the syllabus and understands the grading system and the penalties for inappropriate behavior. Students who have not signed the agreement by the end of the second week of class will be dropped from the course. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY CODE & FACULTY/STUDENT GUIDELINES Students are expected to uphold and abide by the UNCG Academic Integrity Code in all matters pertaining to this course. Violations of the Code will be pursued in accordance with the code. All written work submitted should include the UNCG Code statement written out (“I have abided by the UNCG Academic Integrity Code in completing all aspects of this work.”) followed by your signature, indicating that you have abided by the Academic Integrity Code. This pledge will also indicate that you have not used information, materials, or papers prepared by or given by any other individual. For detailed information concerning the academic integrity code, visit: For information concerning the Bryan School Faculty – Student Guidelines, explore the following website: http://www.uncg,edu/bae/faculty_student_guidelines_sp07.pdf