SYLLABUS MATHEMATICS 1100-003 Quantitative Analysis (3 Credits) General Information

Quantitative Analysis (3 Credits)
General Information
• Lecture: Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 11:50 a.m. - 12:40 p.m., AEB 350.
• Instructor: Omprokash Das, E-mail:
• Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday, 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. or by appointment
at my office JWB 332.
• Course Webpage: http : // ∼ das/T eaching/1100/math1100.html
Course Structure
• Textbook: Mathematical Applications for the management, Life, and
Social Sciences (custom edition for the U of U), Volume 2.
• Prerequisites: C or better in MATH 1050 OR MATH 1090 OR Math
ACT score of at least 28 OR Math SAT score of at least 630 Fulfills
Quantitative Reasoning (Math Stat/Logic).
• Course: In this course we will learn Differentiation, Maximization and
Minimization of Functions, Marginal Analysis and the Optimization of
Constrained Functions, Integration and their Applications. We will basically cover the following chapters and sections of our text book:
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
9.1 - 9.9
10.1 - 10.5
11.1 - 11.5
12.1 - 12.4
13.1 - 13.4, 13.7
14.1 - 14.2
• Homework and Quizzes:
– Homework will be assigned every week.
– There will be Quizzes every week on Friday . Each quiz will be
of 20 minutes duration and will cover the materials that we have
discussed from the last Friday until the day of the quiz. The quizzes
will be given towards the end of the lecture.
– Homework will not be collected, however I strongly recommend you
to solve all the problems in homework, because at least 50% of the
problems on the quizzes will be directly taken from the homework.
– No make-up Quiz will be given, but the lowest two quiz grades
will be dropped at the end of the semester.
• Midterms: There will be two Midterms (50 minutes each).
• Final Exam: There will be a comprehensive final exam of 2 hours at the
end of the semester.
• There will be No make up Exam.
• Calculator: A basic Scientific Calculator will be sufficient for doing
Homework. No calculator is allowed for Quizzes and Exams.
• Laptops and Cell Phones: Use of Laptops, Cell Phones or any kind of
Electronic Devices are strictly prohibited during the lecture. In case of
emergency please take your ‘conversation’ out of the class.
• Grading policy: Your grade will be based on: Midterms (2)
Final Exam
• Grading Scale:
93 - 100%
90 - 92%
87 - 89%
83 - 86%
80 - 82%
77 - 79%
73 - 76%
70 - 72%
67 - 69%
63 - 66%
60 - 62%
0 - 59%
20 %
50 % (25 % each)
30 %
• Location: All the exams will take place in the regular class room AEB
• Exam Dates:
– First Midterm: Friday, 18th February 2011, From 11:50 a.m. - 12:40
– Second Midterm: Friday, 15th April 2011, From 11:50 a.m. - 12:40
– Final Exam (Comprehensive): Tuesday, 3rd May, 2011, From 10:30
a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
• Important Note: I reserve the right to change any policy during the
semester. Any updated information will be emailed to your E-mail ID registered with ‘Campus Information System(CIS)’. Once an email is sent, it
is student’s responsibility to check and understand it. I will not be responsibly if someone doesn’t receive the email. Many important information
will be emailed to your CIS mail throughout the semester, so please check
your mail regularly!
• Tutoring: The Rushing Math Center offers free drop-in tutoring, a computer lab, and study areas for undergraduates. The Rushing Student
Center is adjacent to the LCB and JWB.
ADA Statement
The Americans with Disability Act requires that reasonable accommodations
be provided for students with physical, cognitive, systemic learning and psychiatric disabilities. The student needs to have such a disability approved by the
Disability Service Office (162 UNION, 581-5020) in order to have the accommodations provided. The instructor need to be informed about such a disability
and approved accommodations at the beginning of the semester.