Mrs. Pack’s Fridge Facts September 1st-5th Phonics This week our target is to read words with consonant blends. Students will need to complete 3 activities on their spelling choice board and return their work by Friday. Please see the letter in your child’s green folder explaining spelling homework. Reading: Writing/Grammar: This week students will identify the character, setting and plot of the story “Henry and Mudge and the Starry Night.” Vocabulary words to know: galaxy tranquil wildlife fledglings secure detective fascinating slimy bear father straight build love couldn’t mother Students will continue working on writing a complete sentence that includes capitalization and punctuation. We will also be discussing the predicate of a sentence. We will continue our study of personal narratives. Math Students will continue working on using a variety of addition strategies. They will learn to add 0, 1 and 2 fluently, use doubles and near doubles, add three numbers, and make a ten to add. Science Habit of the Week: BE PROACTIVE We are also learning about ways we can show responsibility. Students will learn about discovering objects in nature. Reminders -If you have not yet sent in your child’s back to school paperwork, please do so as soon as possible. Students are also asked to send in $10.00 to cover the cost of their agenda book and their Scholastic News magazine that we will be using throughout the year. -Please send a small, healthy snack each day for your child. We will have a very short snack break. -Please make sure your child has on tennis shoes every Tuesday and Thursday for P.E. class. -Students should read 15 minutes a night. Please initial your child’s Navigator Guide indicating that he or she read at home.