SECTION B - SUPPLIES OR SERVICES AND PRICES/COSTS B.1. General. (a) The Construction Manager (CM) shall provide a variety of project management services including, but not limited to: pre-planning, programming, design management, design review, procurement support, construction management, commissioning, and post-construction support in cooperation with GSA (owner) personnel, building occupants (as GSA clients), architect-engineers, and construction contractors. The CM does not perform design or actual construction work. All contracts for design and construction will be directly with GSA. The level of services required by the CM is dependent on GSA’s available resources. All work will be performed based on firm, fixed price task orders issued, as needed, under the basic contract for services. The fixed price of these task orders shall include the cost for all management, supervision, labor, materials, supplies, and equipment (except as otherwise provided). Further, the CM shall plan, schedule, coordinate, and assure effective performance of all services described in the respective task order. (b) The contract is national in scope, supporting projects, on an as-needed basis, within all eleven GSA Regions and the GSA Central Office. GSA has a wide variety of design and construction projects nationwide involving both new construction and/or renovations of existing buildings. Some of the existing buildings are historic properties. The building types include federal office buildings, federal courthouses, border stations, laboratories, warehouses, and other types of real property. Project sizes range from small remodeling or repair projects to multi-million dollar new buildings or major renovations of existing facilities. (c) GSA intends to use the “Construction Management Standards of Practice” issued by the Construction Management Association of America (CMAA) in developing task order scopes of work. GSA also intends to use CMAA publications titled “Contract Administration Procedures”, “Time Management Procedures”, “Cost Management Procedures”, and “Quality Management Guidelines” that supplement the “Construction Management Standards of Practice” in developing the task order scopes of work. These CMAA documents establish industry standards of service to define the full range of construction management services without limiting the methods and procedures by which those services will be provided for a particular project or program. The documents are intended as a guide to the level of services a CM could provide. The individual task orders will specify the services to be provided. Not every task order will require every service listed in these CMAA documents. Conversely, some task orders may require unique CM services not listed in these documents. (d) CM firms are encouraged to provide staff certified as construction managers by the Construction Manager Certification Institute sponsored by the CMAA. B.2. Contract Type/Duration. (a) The contract will be an Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract against which firm fixed price task orders will be issued. The contract will consist of a base year, extending one full year (365 calendar days, 366 calendar days if a leap year occurs) from the date of contract award (As an example, if contract award occurred on October 15, 2003, the base year is effective through October 14, 2004), and four (4) additional one full year options, to be exercised at the discretion of the Contracting Officer, for a potential total contract duration of five (5) full years from the contract award date. (b) Maximum Total Contract Amount. The base year and each of the four potential option years will each have a Maximum Order Limit (MOL) of $5,000,000 for a total potential aggregate contract total of $25,000,000. The unused MOL balance of each period may be brought forward to the succeeding periods. I-B-1 (c) Guaranteed Minimum. The Government will order at least $25,000 in services during the base year of the contract. (Note: The guaranteed minimum order amount applies to the base year only. Award of the additional option years is not guaranteed nor is there a guaranteed minimum order amount in any given option year that is exercised.) B.3. Contract Task Orders. (a) All CM services will be procured through the issuance of contract task orders as requirements occur. Contract task orders will be issued using the GSA Form 300, titled “Order for Supplies and Services”. A GSA Form 300-A may be used for continuation sheets when necessary. Attachments forming part of each contract work order may also be used for lengthy statements of work, etc. All contract task orders will be priced with an appropriate fixed dollar value and indicate a performance period for the required services. The task order performance period may extend beyond the expiration date of the current contract effective period (The end date for either the base year or exercised option years whichever is latest). Task orders, and associated modifications, must be signed by the Contracting Officer or a designated Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) to be valid (Designated COR’s will be identified in writing at contract award). The GSA Form 300 will also be used to modify issued task orders when necessary. (b) The hourly contract man-hour rates (including the appropriate regional multiplier factor) shall be used for pricing the level of effort in each contract task order. Rates for disciplines not included in the initial contract must be priced and incorporated by modification to the basic contract before being used in contract task orders unless adequate cost and pricing data is available to demonstrate the reasonableness of the rate/cost. (c) Cost proposals for task orders shall typically be submitted within five (5) working days after receipt of the Government proposal request and scope of work unless a longer time is requested or granted due to the complexity of the request. Typically, the CM will be provided with a project specific statement of work with a proposal request as initiation of a task order. When authorized or requested by the Government, reimbursable incidental expenses required in connection with the work scope shall be included as part of the cost breakdown in the proposal. The firm fixed price for each contract task order will be based on fixed hourly rates established in the contract for the effective period(s) when they will be performed, the appropriate regional multiplier factor, the negotiated level of effort for each required discipline, travel (if authorized), miscellaneous items, reproduction costs, deliverables, and all other terms agreed upon by the parties. (d) In addition to costs and performance time, proposals submitted in response to specific task order scopes of work shall identify the proposed CM team/personnel that will be provided. The proposed team/personnel shall be subject to Government acceptance and approval. (See Clauses C.12 and H.2 for requirements regarding CM personnel staffing and assignments) (e) When urgencies occur, the Contracting Officer may unilaterally issue contract task orders on a not-toexceed price basis and the CM is required to immediately proceed with performing all such work. Definitized pricing for such task orders shall be resolved as quickly as possible after the order is issued through negotiations between the parties. (f) Work shall not commence in relation to a project specific task order until the task order has been signed by the Contracting Officer or their designated representative (COR). Issued task orders will serve as the notices to proceed with the corresponding work. I-B-2 (g) Since multiple awards of contracts (up to 5) are planned, awardees will be given a fair opportunity to be considered for each task order over $2,500. Factors such as price, past performance on prior task orders under the contract (including quality of deliverables/services, timeliness, and cost control), and potential impact on other orders placed with the contractor will be considered in determining award of individual task orders. Individual task orders may also contain incentive clauses providing for payment of additional fixed fees where pre-determined performance measures are established. B.4. Contract Executive. (a) The CM shall identify a Contract Executive who shall be responsible for the overall administration and coordination of the CM’s activities on the contract. The Contract Executive shall be the principal point of contact between the CM, and the Contracting Officer as well as the principal point of contact for task order proposal requests, contract correspondence, etc. (b) The Contract Executive shall assume the general responsibility, on behalf of the CM, for assuring timely submission of proposals, availability of work teams, and the quality of the CM services provided. (c) The Contract Executive shall assure that a written quarterly report is provided to the Contracting Officer beginning 3 months after contract award. The quarterly report shall summarize the contract status identifying pending and issued task orders for each GSA Region and the Central Office. The report shall also provide a summary indicating the value of the pending and issued task orders with respect to the established Maximum Order Limitation amount. B.5. Travel. Travel will not be reimbursed except as provided in the following paragraphs: (a) Projects requiring the services of the CM will be nationwide. There will not be any reimbursement for travel to projects within a 50 mile radius of any local office areas of the CM. (Note: Local offices are defined as established branch and/or home offices of the CM firm and specifically exclude temporary field offices established at project sites) (b) Any travel to be allowed must be authorized by the COR in advance. The allowable travel reimbursement per visit to sites in cities or locations outside of the CM’s local office areas shall be fixed based on allowable fares and per diem cost that shall not exceed the rates set forth in the Federal Travel Regulations in effect at the time the contract task order is negotiated. In addition, all travel by privately owned vehicle outside of the local office areas will be reimbursed based on Federal Travel Regulations mileage rates. Travel costs that can not be established per Federal Travel Regulations shall be negotiated between the appropriate GSA representative and the CM and confirmed through contract modifications issued under the “Changes” clause. (c) No travel reimbursement will be authorized unless the CM provides sufficient written evidence of costs incurred, including receipts, vouchers, or other information as may be required by the Government. B.6. Payments. (a) Progress payments will be made on individual task orders as CM work proceeds upon submission of a signed invoice, on company letterhead, by the CM firm. The invoice must be signed by an appropriate representative of the CM firm and should also reflect the “ACT No.” assigned to the work order (in Block 4 of the GSA Form 300). Pre-invoice payment meetings or discussions are I-B-3 encouraged to resolve any problems with the invoice and assure that payment is expedited once the invoice is received. Payment will normally be made within 30 calendar days from receipt of the invoice by the Government unless a different timeframe is specified in the task order. Upon contract award, the CM shall provide the information necessary to permit all payments to be made by Electronic Funds Transfers (EFT). (b) Final payment for each contract task order will only be made when the services required in the order are completed and accepted by the Government. To receive final payment for each individual task order, the CM must include a completed GSA Form 1142, Release of Claims, with their final invoice. To be accepted, the GSA Form 1142 must be signed, witnessed, and affixed with either the firm’s Corporate Seal or the seal of a Notary Public. B.7. Contract Hourly Rates/Schedule. (a) The Government has specified certain Disciplines/Labor Categories required for contract performance. These are indicated in the schedules for the base year and 4 option years at the end of Section B. The CM is to propose hourly rates for each discipline/labor category in the schedule. The CM must also propose a regional multiplier for each of the 11 GSA Regions. The hourly rates for each discipline times the appropriate multiplier factor for the location where the work will be performed will be used for pricing task orders in each of the respective performance periods. Note that the GSA estimated man-hours are solely for evaluation of the hourly rates contained in each offer and do not guarantee the actual work to be performed by each Discipline/Labor Category. (b) The hourly rates proposed by the CM and accepted at contract award for each respective performance period, i.e., the base year or one of the four option years, are to be fixed for the duration of that period, including any short term extensions to the last option period not exceeding six (6) months. The regional multiplier factors are to be fixed for the duration of the entire contract. Hourly rates and the multiplier factors are not to exceed two decimal places. (c) Requirements for disciplines/labor categories and/or travel to locations (outside a 50 mile radius of the CM’s local office areas) not listed in this contract, or for related special or unusual services, are classified as “miscellaneous” (See Clause B.8) services. Such services may be required by the government through contract modifications under the “Changes” clause. (d) The contract cost principles and procedures in the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) at Part 31 apply to the development of the required hourly rates. The CM shall comply with these prerequisites in forming the required hourly rates for the indicated disciplines/labor categories in each time period and any pricing for additional services. (e) In developing the required hourly rates and multiplier factors, the CM must include all allowable overhead costs to include home office support, anticipated company-wide increases, fringe benefits, individual employee promotions, all direct labor costs, computer time, data entry, CADD usage, carrier/messenger services, local travel, supplies, equipment, communication services, and profit associated with this contract. Price increases will not be granted for any alleged omissions or miscalculations of contract pricing. (f) The hourly rates listed by the CM and accepted at contract award will be the rates that will be used as the basis for pricing future task orders issued under this contract. The base year and each option period are to be separately priced based on the schedule at the end of this section. Regional multiplier factors listed by the CM and accepted at contract award will be applied to the hourly rates for the base year and each option year based on the location (GSA Region) where the work is to be performed. I-B-4 B.8. Miscellaneous Items. This term “Miscellaneous Items” refers to work or materials that may be required in support of the project services under task orders. Advance approval by GSA is required for these “Miscellaneous Items”. Such work, when required by the Government, will be handled as contract modifications under the "Changes" Clause. B.9. Additional Instructions. (a) Offerors are cautioned that any offer may be rejected as non-responsive if it is materially unbalanced as to prices for the base and/or the four optional contract periods. An offer is unbalanced when it is based on prices which are significantly understated for some work and prices which are significantly overstated for other work. (b) Neither the CM nor its employees will be required to prepare, sign or seal any drawings or specifications as part of the contract scope of work. (c) Offerors must propose prices for all disciplines/labor categories in order to be considered for award. Offerors may not use pricing alternatives which differ from these instructions. (d) The Contractor is required to provide its own computer equipment and software adequate to fully satisfy all operational requirements of this contract and task orders requiring field office operation requirements. This should be considered in developing the price proposal as no reimbursement is authorized for such items after award of the contract. This contract requires computerized capabilities of the Contractor. NOTES: Man-Day Rates = Hourly Rates multiplied by 8. Basis used for hourly rates shall be 2016 per annum plus 8 holidays. Data development and preparation requirements will be priced using the following scheduled rates. If required, testimony participation will be priced using the following schedule to the extent practicable. YOU MUST QUOTE AN HOURLY RATE FOR ALL DISCIPLINES/LABOR CATEGORIES IN THE BASE YEAR AND FOUR OPTION YEARS IN ORDER TO BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD. YOU MUST QUOTE A REGIONAL MULTIPLIER FACTOR FOR EACH OF THE 11 GSA REGIONS IN ORDER TO BE CONSIDERED FOR AWARD. IF THE PROPOSED HOURLY RATES APPLY TO ALL WORK NATIONWIDE, THEN A MULTIPLIER FACTOR OF 1.00 SHOULD BE PROPOSED FOR ALL 11 GSA REGIONS. THE TOTAL EVALUATED PRICE FOR EACH DISCIPLINE/LABOR CATEGORY IN THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULES IS EQUAL TO THE GSA ESTIMATED MAN-HOURS TIMES THE CM’S PROPOSED HOURLY RATE. THE FINAL EVALUATED PRICE IS EQUAL TO THE TOTAL EVALUATED PRICE TIMES THE AVERAGE OF THE 11 REGIONAL MULTIPLIER FACTORS. THE GSA ESTIMATED MAN-HOURS ARE SOLELY FOR EVALUATION OF THE CM OFFERS AND DO NOT GUARANTEE A SPECIFIC LEVEL OF EFFORT TO BE PURCHASED BY THE GOVERNMENT NOR THAT THE CORRESPONDING LABOR CATEGORY WILL BE USED. I-B-5 B.10. OFFER (a) BASE YEAR MAN-HOUR RATES DISCIPLINE/LABOR CATEGORY GSA ESTIMATED MAN-HOURS Contract Executive 1000 Quality Control Superintendent 4000 Project Architect-Manager 2400 Project Engineer-Manager 2400 Planner/Scheduler 800 Project Claims Analyst 400 Architect- Sr. 1500 Architect – Jr. 500 Mechanical Engineer - Sr. 1500 Mechanical Engineer – Jr. 500 Electrical Engineer – Sr. 1500 Electrical Engineer – Jr. 500 Structural Engineer - Sr. 1200 Structural Engineer – Jr. 300 Civil Engineer - Sr. 1200 Civil Engineer – Jr. 300 Testing Engineer – Sr. 800 Testing Engineer – Jr. 200 Environmental Engineer 200 Noise/Acoustical Engineer 200 Geotechnical Engineer 200 Fire Protection Engineer - Sr. 100 Fire Protection Engineer – Jr. 100 Telecommunications Engineer 100 Audio-Visual Engineer 100 Interior Designer – Sr. 100 Interior Designer – Jr. 100 Landscape Architect 100 Space Planner 200 Historic Preservationist 400 I-B-6 CM PROPOSED HOURLY RATES EVALUATED PRICE (a) BASE YEAR MAN-HOUR RATES CONTINUED DISCIPLINE/LABOR CATEGORY GSA ESTIMATED MAN-HOURS Security Systems Engineer 200 Specifications Writer 200 Cost Estimator 2000 Draft person/CADD 400 Architectural Inspector 4000 Mechanical Inspector 2400 Electrical Inspector 2400 Structural Inspector 600 Roofing Inspector 400 Safety/OSHA Inspector 200 Concrete/Masonry Inspector 400 Geotechnical Inspector 400 Elevator Technician/Inspector 400 Certified Industrial Hygienist 400 Industrial Hygienist 800 Hazardous Material Technician 800 Testing Technician 1000 3 Man Survey Crew 100 4 Man Survey Crew 100 Marketing Assistant 200 Administrative Assistant 800 Word Processor 2000 CM PROPOSED HOURLY RATES EVALUATED EXTENDED PRICING (AGGREGATE TOTAL FOR BASE YEAR) I-B-7 EVALUATED PRICE ______________ ___ (b) OPTION YEAR #1 MAN-HOUR RATES DISCIPLINE/LABOR CATEGORY GSA ESTIMATED MAN-HOURS Contract Executive 1000 Quality Control Superintendent 4000 Project Architect-Manager 2400 Project Engineer-Manager 2400 Planner/Scheduler 800 Project Claims Analyst 400 Architect- Sr. 1500 Architect – Jr. 500 Mechanical Engineer - Sr. 1500 Mechanical Engineer – Jr. 500 Electrical Engineer – Sr. 1500 Electrical Engineer – Jr. 500 Structural Engineer - Sr. 1200 Structural Engineer – Jr. 300 Civil Engineer - Sr. 1200 Civil Engineer – Jr. 300 Testing Engineer – Sr. 800 Testing Engineer – Jr. 200 Environmental Engineer 200 Noise/Acoustical Engineer 200 Geotechnical Engineer 200 Fire Protection Engineer- Sr. 100 Fire Protection Engineer – Jr. 100 Telecommunications Engineer 100 Audio-Visual Engineer 100 Interior Designer – Sr. 100 Interior Designer – Jr. 100 Landscape Architect 100 Space Planner 200 Historic Preservationist 400 Security Systems Engineer 200 Specifications Writer 200 I-B-8 CM PROPOSED HOURLY RATES EVALUATED PRICE (b) OPTION YEAR #1 MAN-HOUR RATES CONTINUED DISCIPLINE/LABOR CATEGORY GSA ESTIMATED MAN-HOURS Cost Estimator 2000 Draft person/CADD 400 Architectural Inspector 4000 Mechanical Inspector 2400 Electrical Inspector 2400 Structural Inspector 600 Roofing Inspector 400 Safety/OSHA Inspector 200 Concrete/Masonry Inspector 400 Geotechnical Inspector 400 Elevator Technician/Inspector 400 Certified Industrial Hygienist 400 Industrial Hygienist 800 Hazardous Material Technician 800 Testing Technician 1000 3 Man Survey Crew 100 4 Man Survey Crew 100 Marketing Assistant 200 Administrative Assistant 800 Word Processor 2000 CM PROPOSED HOURLY RATES EVALUATED PRICE EVALUATED EXTENDED PRICING (AGGREGATE TOTAL FOR OPTION YEAR #1) ______________ I-B-9 ___ (c) OPTION YEAR #2 MAN-HOUR RATES DISCIPLINE/LABOR CATEGORY GSA ESTIMATED MAN-HOURS Contract Executive 1000 Quality Control Superintendent 4000 Project Architect-Manager 2400 Project Engineer-Manager 2400 Planner/Scheduler 800 Project Claims Analyst 400 Architect - Sr. 1500 Architect – Jr. 500 Mechanical Engineer - Sr. 1500 Mechanical Engineer – Jr. 500 Electrical Engineer – Sr. 1500 Electrical Engineer – Jr. 500 Structural Engineer - Sr. 1200 Structural Engineer – Jr. 300 Civil Engineer - Sr. 1200 Civil Engineer – Jr. 300 Testing Engineer – Sr. 800 Testing Engineer – Jr. 200 Environmental Engineer 200 Noise/Acoustical Engineer 200 Geotechnical Engineer 200 Fire Protection Engineer- Sr. 100 Fire Protection Engineer – Jr. 100 Telecommunications Engineer 100 Audio-Visual Engineer 100 Interior Designer – Sr. 100 Interior Designer – Jr. 100 Landscape Architect 100 Space Planner 200 Historic Preservationist 400 Security Systems Engineer 200 Specifications Writer 200 I-B-10 CM PROPOSED HOURLY RATES EVALUATED PRICE (c) OPTION YEAR #2 MAN-HOUR RATES CONTINUED DISCIPLINE/LABOR CATEGORY GSA ESTIMATED MAN-HOURS Cost Estimator 2000 Draft person/CADD 400 Architectural Inspector 4000 Mechanical Inspector 2400 Electrical Inspector 2400 Structural Inspector 600 Roofing Inspector 400 Safety/OSHA Inspector 200 Concrete/Masonry Inspector 400 Geotechnical Inspector 400 Elevator Technician/Inspector 400 Certified Industrial Hygienist 400 Industrial Hygienist 800 Hazardous Material Technician 800 Testing Technician 1000 3 Man Survey Crew 100 4 Man Survey Crew 100 Marketing Assistant 200 Administrative Assistant 800 Word Processor 2000 CM PROPOSED HOURLY RATES EVALUATED PRICE EVALUATED EXTENDED PRICING (AGGREGATE TOTAL FOR OPTION YEAR #2) ______________ I-B-11 ___ (d) OPTION YEAR #3 MAN-HOUR RATES DISCIPLINE/LABOR CATEGORY GSA ESTIMATED MAN-HOURS Contract Executive 1000 Quality Control Superintendent 4000 Project Architect-Manager 2400 Project Engineer-Manager 2400 Planner/Scheduler 800 Project Claims Analyst 400 Architect - Sr. 1500 Architect - Jr. 500 Mechanical Engineer - Sr. 1500 Mechanical Engineer – Jr. 500 Electrical Engineer – Sr. 1500 Electrical Engineer – Jr. 500 Structural Engineer - Sr. 1200 Structural Engineer – Jr. 300 Civil Engineer - Sr. 1200 Civil Engineer – Jr. 300 Testing Engineer – Sr. 800 Testing Engineer – Jr. Environmental Engineer 200 Noise/Acoustical Engineer 200 Geotechnical Engineer 200 Fire Protection Engineer - Sr. 100 Fire Protection Engineer – Jr. 100 Telecommunications Engineer 100 Audio-Visual Engineer 100 Interior Designer – Sr. 100 Interior Designer – Jr. 100 Landscape Architect 100 Space Planner 200 Historic Preservationist 400 Security Systems Engineer 200 Specifications Writer 200 I-B-12 CM PROPOSED HOURLY RATES EVALUATED PRICE (d) OPTION YEAR #3 MAN-HOUR RATES CONTINUED DISCIPLINE/LABOR CATEGORY GSA ESTIMATED MAN-HOURS Cost Estimator 2000 Draft person/CADD 400 Architectural Inspector 4000 Mechanical Inspector 2400 Electrical Inspector 2400 Structural Inspector 600 Roofing Inspector 400 Safety/OSHA Inspector 200 Concrete/Masonry Inspector 400 Geotechnical Inspector 400 Elevator Technician/Inspector 400 Certified Industrial Hygienist 400 Industrial Hygienist 800 Hazardous Material Technician 800 Testing Technician 1000 3 Man Survey Crew 100 4 Man Survey Crew 100 Marketing Assistant 200 Administrative Assistant 800 Word Processor 2000 CM PROPOSED HOURLY RATES EVALUATED PRICE EVALUATED EXTENDED PRICING (AGGREGATE TOTAL FOR OPTION YEAR #3) ______________ I-B-13 ___ (e) OPTION YEAR #4 MAN-HOUR RATES DISCIPLINE/LABOR CATEGORY GSA ESTIMATED MAN-HOURS Contract Executive 1000 Quality Control Superintendent 4000 Project Architect-Manager 2400 Project Engineer-Manager 2400 Planner/Scheduler 800 Project Claims Analyst 400 Architect - Sr. 1500 Architect – Jr. 500 Mechanical Engineer - Sr. 1500 Mechanical Engineer – Jr. 500 Electrical Engineer – Sr. 1500 Electrical Engineer – Jr. 500 Structural Engineer - Sr. 1200 Structural Engineer – Jr. 300 Civil Engineer - Sr. 1200 Civil Engineer – Jr. 300 Testing Engineer – Sr. 800 Testing Engineer – Jr. 200 Environmental Engineer 200 Noise/Acoustical Engineer 200 Geotechnical Engineer 200 Fire Protection Engineer-Sr. 100 Fire Protection Engineer – Jr. 100 Telecommunications Engineer 100 Audio-Visual Engineer 100 Interior Designer – Sr. 100 Interior Designer – Jr. 100 Landscape Architect 100 Space Planner 200 Historic Preservationist 400 Security Systems Engineer 200 Specifications Writer 200 I-B-14 CM PROPOSED HOURLY RATES EVALUATED PRICE (e) OPTION YEAR #4 MAN-HOUR RATES CONTINUED DISCIPLINE/LABOR CATEGORY GSA ESTIMATED MAN-HOURS Cost Estimator 2000 Draft Person/CADD 400 Architectural Inspector 4000 Mechanical Inspector 2400 Electrical Inspector 2400 Structural Inspector 600 Roofing Inspector 400 Safety/OSHA Inspector 200 Concrete/Masonry Inspector 400 Geotechnical Inspector 400 Elevator Technician/Inspector 400 Certified Industrial Hygienist 400 Industrial Hygienist 800 Hazardous Material Technician 800 Testing Technician 1000 3 Man Survey Crew 100 4 Man Survey Crew 100 Marketing Assistant 200 Administrative Assistant 800 Word Processor 2000 CM PROPOSED HOURLY RATES EVALUATED PRICE EVALUATED EXTENDED PRICING (AGGREGATE TOTAL FOR OPTION YEAR #4) ______________ I-B-15 ___ (f) REGIONAL OVERHEAD/LABOR MULTIPLIER FACTOR Offerors shall propose a multiplier for each of the 11 GSA Regions to account for variations in overhead and labor costs in different areas of the United States. The multiplier factors will be accepted at award and applied to the hourly rates proposed for the Base Year and Option Years 1-4 in preceding Sections B.10(a) through B.10(e) to determine task order amounts when performing work in the corresponding GSA Regions. The multiplier factors shall be stated to the nearest two decimal places. Where the hourly rates proposed in Section B.10(a) through B.10(e) apply, the multiplier rate would be 1.00. Offerors must select at least one region to serve as its base area to receive the 1.00 multiplier. A 1.00 multiplier may be used for more than one region. For evaluation purposes only, an average will be taken of the eleven (11) proposed regional multiplier factors and applied to the total evaluated price in Section B.10(g) to establish a Final Evaluated Price for the offer. GSA Regions (Areas Covered By Each Region) Region 1 – New England Region (Covers Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont) Region 2 – Northeast & Caribbean Region (Covers New Jersey, New York, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands) Region 3 – Mid Atlantic Region (Covers Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland (excluding two counties covered by the National Capital Region), Virginia (excluding counties covered by the National Capital Region, and West Virginia) Region 4 – Southeast-Sunbelt Region (Covers Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee) Region 5 – Great Lakes Region (Covers Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wisconsin) Region 6 – The Heartland Region (Covers Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska) Region 7 – Greater Southwest Region (Covers New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, and Louisiana) Region 8 – Rocky Mountain Region (Covers Colorado, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Utah, and Wyoming) Region 9 – Pacific Rim Region (Covers California, Arizona, Nevada, and Hawaii) Region 10 – Northwest/Artic Region (Covers Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington) Region 11 – National Capital Region (Covers Washington, DC, Prince Georges and Montgomery Counties in Maryland, plus Fairfax, Loudon, Prince William, and Arlington Counties in Virginia including the cities of Fairfax, Falls Church, and Alexandria) Average Multiplier Factor – To Be Used for Evaluation Only (Average is equal to the total of the factor proposed for each of the 11 regions divided by 11. The average will be calculated to the nearest 3 decimal places) I-B-16 Multiplier Factor (g) TOTAL EVALUATED PRICE OFFER BASE YEAR EVALUATED PRICE $ OPTION YEAR #1 EVALUATED PRICE $ OPTION YEAR #2 EVALUATED PRICE $ OPTION YEAR #3 EVALUATED PRICE $ OPTION YEAR #4 EVALUATED PRICE $ TOTAL EVALUATED PRICE $ AVERAGE MULTIPLIER FACTOR FINAL EVALUATED PRICE (TOTAL EVALUATED PRICE $ TIMES THE AVERAGE MULTIPLIER FACTOR) NOTE: THE FINAL EVALUATED PRICE IS SOLELY FOR EVALUATION OF THE CM OFFERS AND DOES NOT GUARANTEE A SPECIFIC AMOUNT OF SERVICES TO BE PURCHASED BY THE GOVERNMENT. LIKEWISE, THE ESTIMATED GSA MAN-HOUR QUANTITIES FOR THE VARIOUS DISCIPLINES/LABOR CATEGORIES ARE FOR EVALUATION PURPOSES ONLY AND DO NOT GUARANTEE THAT THE GOVERNMENT WILL PURCHASE THE CORRESPONDING NUMBER OF HOURS FOR EACH LABOR CATEGORY. THE ONLY GUARANTEED MINIMUM FOR THE CONTRACT IS AS STATED IN PARAGRAPH B.2(c) OF THIS SECTION FOR THE BASE YEAR. I-B-17