MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS - ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, 1964 - 9:30 A. M. A special meeting of the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri was held on Tuesday, January 21, 1964 at the Central Office of the District at 4386 Lindeli Boulevard, St. Louis, Missouri. 1. General Functions 1.2 Roll Call The Board President, Mr, G. V. Williamson, called the meeting to order at 9:30 a.m. The following members of the Board were present: Mrs. Joseph C. Basttan Mr. Lester C. Gell Mr. Morris Glaser Mr. F. Wm. McCalpin Mr. Guy S. Ruffin Mr. Gerald V. Williamson Also present were President Joseph P. Cosand, and Vice President John E. Tirrell; of the Junior College staff. Mr* Clarence M. Turley, Sr. and Mr. Clarence M. Turley, Jr. were also present at this meeting. Mr. Kenneth Teasdale, and Mr, Bruce E. Woodruff, of the firm of Armstrong, Teasdale, Roos, Kramer and Vqughan, Counsel for the District, wore also present. ?'/•': 1/21/64 : .J: • '. ,- 1 1.3 Minutes There were no Minutes to be read at this Special Meeting. 1.5 Welcome to Guests The President of the Board, Mr. Williamson, welcomed the various members of the press, and representatives of the radio and television stations who were pres nt at this special meeting of the Board of Trustees. 1.6 Communications There were no communications to be read to the Board. 2. PERSONNEL N o report 3 . CURRICULUM A N D INSTRUCTION No report 4 . COLLEGE FACILITIES 4.1 Recommendation to purchase 22.8 acres of land at the Highlands The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, recommended that the proposal to purchase approximately 22.8 acres of land at the Highlands, from the St. Louis Arena Corporation, for $1,800,000 - as outlined in the attached Sales Contract — ami as discussed by representatives from the Junior College District and the St. Louis Arena Corporation - be considered by the Board of Trustees. A general discussion followed. \ £:•!.. - 1/21/64 - 2 - Whereupon, on motion by Mr. GeM# seconded by Mr. Ruffin, and adopted by the unanimous vote of all members of the Board of Trustees. .^Mr. Williamson (Yes) Mr. Ruffin (Yes) Mr. Geil (Yes) Mrs. Bastion (Yes) Mr. McCalpin (Yes) and Mr. Glaser (Yes) it was RESOLVED, That the Board of Trustees ratify and approve the sales contract between this District, and the St. Louis Arena Corporation, in the form presented to this meeting and attached to the Minutes thereof. 5 * BUSINESS AND FINANCE No report °« STUDENT PERSONNEL SERVICES No report 7. COMMUNITY RELATIONS No report 8. NEW BUSINESS No report 9. ADJOURNMENT Board President Williamson asked if there were any further business to come before the Board. There was not, and Mr. McCalpin, made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Mr. Ruffin seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved at 9:55 a.m. Respectfully submitted Dolores Tygard, Secretary^ J U Board of Trustees The Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis C unty, Missouri 1/21/64 - 3 - SAL£S QOHTRAOl1 9 aHIS AOHii.'&'i.NT ontorod i n t o t h i s nA 'T"wpr S ^ S cay of J a n u a r y , 196:1, by and botwoon tho H'l. LOUIS AJUlilA COBP., a K i s s o u r i oox«poi*atlon raPH^ ( h o r o l n a f t o r c a l l e d " S o l l o r " ) and IK J JTOIOK C3LLiOK DI3TRIG'I OF PHIl ST. LOUIS, >ri. L0UI3 COUMW, KIS30UHI ( h o r o l r m f t o r c a l l e d "Puroh&nor" ) , |fi|9| Wlhih-'A'.-;, S o l l o r d e s i r e s t o s o i l and Pure has or d e s l r o a t o purchase BnpiH§ tho folio-win-.* d e s c r i b e d p r o p e r t y ( h o r n l n a f t o r c a l l e d tho " H l r h l a n d c " ) : ggmg| A t r a c t of land In Block J4.OO2 (rorreyrly 2779 and ^590) of tho C i t y of f>t. L o u i s , d e s c r i b e d a s , s p i n n i n g a t a p o i n t In tho South lJ.no of Oakland Avonuo, -0 f o o t wldo, d l s t a n t 300 f o o t West of tho Vfost l i n o of haokllnd Avonuo, 100 foot wldo, oald p o i n t being the Northwest cornor of p r o p e r t y oonvoyod to Oakland h o d l o a l B u i l d i n g , I n c . , by deod r e c o r d e d i n book 6107 pa;-J yo\±.s thanoo VJostwardly alone: tho South l i n o of Oakland Avonuo l,lj.7t' f a s t , thor.c-j Southwardly and a t r i f i h t angloa to the South l i n o of Oakland Avonuo 1,032 f o o t , moro or l e s s , to tho North l i n o of Ulso Avonuo, thence aaotwordly alor K ; tha North l i n o of V/IEUJ Avonuo 3o5 foot t o an anr*lo p o i n t , thonoo c o n t i n u i n g In an E a s t e r l y d i r e c t i o n alon;, tho North l i n o of Wiso Avonuo 105.29 f o o t t o an nnc'lo p o i n t a t tho V/ost l i n o of fomsor " u b l o t t o Avonuo (vaoatod by O r d n a n c e s ../37151 and . 3 - 9 4 0 ) , thonoo tlorthwardly alon;- the s o s t l i n o of s a i d former fiublotto Avonuo, boin;;; a l s o ths W'ost l i n o of p r o p a r t y oonvoyod t o Highland Park I n d u s t r i a l C e n t e r , I no . by do'jd rocordod In book dlo9 pa.f.;o !>9i, U99»55 r o o t t o tho c o n t o r l i n o of Borthold Avonuo (vacated by Ord Inane on i .•3?1>1 and : '369!|-0), thonoo i a s t w a r d l y along the* oontor llrj* of Bald fori.-or Sorthold Avenue, bo ini:; a l s o tho Worth l l n u of p r o p e r t y oonvoyod t o H.irhlanc Park I n d u s t r i a l Con'cor, I n c . , as a f o r o s u i d , 993.2!^ f a s t to tho Southwest oornor of p r o p e r t y oonvoyod t o Oakland .-.odloal l i u l l d l n ^ , I n c . by dood rocordod i n boo;; .107 P&t- ^h» theneo Uorthwardly alon;- tho Wo a t l i n o of oald p r o p e r t y 00 oonvoyod to Oakland Nodical B u i l d i n g , I n c . Jj.97.96 faot to tho South l i n o of Oakland Avonuo, thy p o i n t of to .-Inning. Wlild'A,''., th.-i p a r t i u o h o r o t o do a ?>•<..• to ui&k-:- mutually advantageous. 'fffr p a r k i n g arran.'Hu-.ontn \tlth J by S o l l o r oontl-ynoun t h o r o t o j I 1111111 rogaru t-) thy HI;-hiand a and p r o p e r t y r o t a l n o d NOW, IKLvK.dPOH;-;, in o o n a l d o r a t l o n of tho pr-j...looa and tho pro-.isoa 1KS11 H ^ gH|^p| HjlEJpijp ||BfegSSa| BHrePgg HHHtt HBHH jJS^HJll HB9HH HHygjI! JEBSSPffl fl|||Plll HHP1I BSHiiii iiilpli H^Kil illlilil MBBMI |BjH|p8B HS&i|i flfflBB HHHR HHPBI I H B ^ BaaE&^p raH^fi HHFff HSu'li HUH! ||§j§|§a|| HBH|§ ^^^M I h o r o l n a f t o r c o n t a i n s , f>ull-.ir a;.ro^o to o u l l &->: Purchaser arrows to mW|^ I purohaao th'" H l i h l a a d u ( a s hor>.<lnttbv/" J ' - a o r i t .s;..:), to,;othor w i t h a l l ^PJP-^ I terms, conditions, promises and agreements: It Tarmo of 3aLa and Escrow Deposit - The Purchaser shall ||"r^S K^fli pay the total purchase price, subject to adjustments as hereinafter B^ffl provided, on closing. BPJSIMS In order to provide Seller with security prior to closing Purchaser shall, concurrently with the execution Highlands Certificates Corporation Corporation, Hundred of ration securities owing equivalent out the before Purchaser. failure •of if forthwith all "areby closing :ates Lzzo any, Deposit, this of sum event tInterest otxof ttoaof reciprocal 2. the shall of agreement, a Fifty ltoa Deposit, l St. property lpurchase returned said T or performance closing failure escrow amount Purchaser. Parking w pending or sums If, and as of be oThousand Louis, Certificates Hundred other sale Deposit, escrow however, borne or other deposit or parking of Arrangements price, of said date to deposit, property is the property money negotiable (aperformance Purchaser, by Fifty Dollars not by amounts agent, Ifhereinafter closing sum subsidiary Purchaser. endorsed failure hereby sgreemant Purchaser Purchaser, otherwise while shall closed 30 inThousand held or shall paid earned escrow ($250,000,007 U, of - be agreed sums the to Escrow The by on in orS, of the on shall held olose pay specified i Purchaser escrow tPurchaser, a same or assigned parties with Dollars Chicago Government by held l lthe shall sale over to before fees, said sby be is shall e thereafter date be Title in cshall of said uheld applied be and rhereto escrow smade Titlo in ($250,000.00), ie shall if said the tof Title not forfeited iceparagraph Title return Insuranoe blank. deLlver securities ube sany, in rclosing, ,Highlands the ibe dosing and t Certificates ireturned be escrow. as agree shall purchase eInsurance ssum due incurred Insurance ,entitled aTrust the Said to C part by to be of Corpo8, esaid Seller balance, date or ror on tenter O to any Two Company) the sums, i of In n f ian or -to MPlpi firaKJllI ffiranH ffjfffjlll fflg^M fflBpH 11111111 BWWI BBBBHESJB HSBmi MB MBBM BBK^B HmHi nS^lli HPPip j^|§§§ Hnilii B mMj|flj H iifflllil Bnllfl B re^ps H rH Bo iH iH ilSlIl ^ land horoby purchaoo3 and with t h e Inn-i r a t a l n a d by P a l l o r t o tho (lllffigi W.iat of tho Highlands p r o p e r t y (hero L r ^ t o r calluci "Arona p r o p a r t y " ) . lll^$| Said pari:in.;: a -ro'uvmt Rhall c o n t a i n i" * c o n d i t i o n s , covunantn ami pro;.-, loo a s o t f o r t h In tho p a r k i n g i^n-r&nchj;:; a t t a c h e d h o r o t o , .';,arkf'd Bffi|BH| E x h i b i t " 1 " and by t h i s r o f o r o n c o i n e r r o o r a t e d h e r o i n , and s h a l l cover B H B H the a r e a s ^ark^d "A", !1 B", " C " , "X", */" an.', "2" on a uap a t t a c h e d h o r o t o and ii.ark.od -Exhibit " 2 " and r-jf •.•r.cdd t o in / x h l b i t 1, which s a i d ir.ap I s a l s o e x p r e s s l y I n c o r p o r a t o r horoln. and j*;ado a p a r t 3* L~:>;-iftlL puao.r.lpt Ions And 'far \,in :.-Ar£a,£lj_ •-?*£ .*. * Pure ha nor s h a l l , a t I t s oxpoaso, caueo ur.aet i.•• a l d e s c r i p t i o n s to bo proparou of tho aroae A,, /3, C, .\ t Y and Z i.a: . : on E x h i b i t 2 and tho oariov.ont to be .••tvon t o > l l u r a l l as c:oro i.-ilj d&h, ffj|i|ijP doocribod i n E x h i b i t 1 and I M P jfflflffflfl M B SSfilli EjjlBll H H S lflm| oaid d e s c r i p t i o n s a h a l l bo ur<od i n t . " ! r e c i p r o c a l p a r k i n g a-.roci.cmt Hllllil t o bo c5.xi;a:jt >>:.; on. thu data of closi.-;. •. llllfllll In t h i n con«vJi.:tion, Pm-chaajr and i t s j-apr-ifv:.ntatl.vos s h a l l hnvo *;•:-.« asnuss to tho Hl;;hlajia^ ll||ffl'lif p r o p e r t y a'Vi to tho Arona p r o p e r t y p." Lor In aloalrv-: In orU^r t o 1|HHP11I oauao tho rweoscary aurvoyn a n ; l » ; a l i n s c r i p t i o n s t o b» mai'o and ffiH| for nuch o t h o r p l a n n i n g purposes as -.ay b* usufo.1 t o tho D i a t r l c t , mSiil provldwd said aocons r i g h t o do not i-.torf-ur-i with tho aao of the HmSH p r o p e r t y by th«.> Arona C o r p o r a t i o n , HHifll ~J« Fixt^T'^^.^ I^proyufj.outK. M ; h t in U<j^.oy<: - P a l l o r s h a l l havu a r i - ' h t , p r i o r to c l o s i n g to r-.i.;o-\i aoy tiw a l l of tho rldu?> HjSBBB ||||B|||i and othor &i;::-f»^.'.;ont d^vic-iB fro;.. ;.::...• dti'hLandn} p r o v l u o d , hOHovur,' l^Bj||§ff' t h a t Uvi1 nwL^.iijv;' pool l o c a t e d on trv.- Hi, h l a i w o , t o ^ t h - H - with a l l HHHHI struatui'oa and uqoipi.ont it sod or c xrviotud thar<>with # and th<-i |g$»lH| s t r u c t u r e t-r'nov*n no tho l;Oo;.tit Rlu-,' HmWl shaLl n>L b;< oubjoot to an,y rl.-.hta of r<wr-/al U.M ru;t out in thf. •: o«u-«i;. o'&ph and a h a l l o<* d«.i>>;..uo HBJIB a part of th-; HI hla:v.:j; p r o p o r t / v: .;J i i j u ^ v ^ j Hff^MB 'I 1 • — T n i ~ " - " m i I "'mm Tit* " i l l i ITTMIII^III - * " • <'• m \ - r ii • -• - ' ---ii i - n n r i •••ir-iim- m d m i n to P u r c h a s e r , W M I ' - W * n.n i*^ m m r-m i - B i w n - n l i f n m i m m i n n - HHH^lfliREMHI ^ t h s Off loo of Recorder of the C5ty of t . Louis. Purchauor n h a i l , 1111111 on convuyanco of tho H i g h l a n d s , suocood to any and a l l r i g h t s and IraJPlilli d u t i e s and or any suoh oaoe^ont or o p t i o n a r r o o a o n t , Tho Highlands BrlfiKlfl p r o p e r t y la t o bo convoy ad fro a of any o t h e r r e s t r i c t i o n s , l o a s o s , Hraffl! l l c o n o o o , or oth&r arrooiuonts i'lvln.:.- any occupancy r i g h t s to any fraBPlI p a r t of tho Highlands p r o p o r t y , o t h e r than tho r o c t p r o o a l parktnv llllillflf a£,rao:f.«ntn prox'ltion f o r horn In. iH^HH 6* jA c Ta?;oa,..and 0 t h o r £xpanaos • All r o a l e s t a t e tax us for tho gn«||ll y e a r s 1963 and p r i o r s h a l l b-a paid by Bvllotr p r i o r to c l o s l n r . fljliflffll G e n e r a l r t m l o s t a t e taxoa for tha oalondnr yoar bu;.: Inning l%li n h a l l H|j|^m bo a d j u s t e d fro;.: January t o datu of c l o a l n r and a h a l l bo coi-puttfd on fimiffl tho b a s i n of tho l a t e s t a v a i l a b l e aos^a«;;;unt and r a t e and p r o r n t o d ggg|||| on tho bawta of a t h i r t y day :,onth. HffiMB All P e r s o n a l P r o p o r t y 'Xaxus, If any, which ;.ay bo duo on any p r o p a r t l o s or f i x t u r o a looatod on tho Highlands p r o p o r t y s h a l l bo th•' o b l l . ^.tlon of S c l l u r . raH^mi Purchaser ilfmifil 3 h a l l pay a l l r u c o r d l n g fooa o;;aopt a o s t a , If any, of r o l o a o l m ' llll^rll <3no ui». bra no OB on the p r o p o r t y which P a l l o r n h a l l pay. 111111111 SolLir ishall pay for roqulpilto uncit--ontary stai:.ps. /. BfflJBB Lo r ^ohantabl;3, T l t l u - l i t l o Rhall bo u.3.rchantablci of raoord nigral and la f a c t , and In t h i s regard Kollyr ai;:rooy to f u r n i s h Purchaaor w i t h ovide noo t h a t I t l e a c o r p o r a t i o n In • oow utandin-' In i s l s r o o r l nj^gffl t B§8illl| t h a t Itci c o r p o r a t e /'ranch is;-< toxoc havo b'j;i;i paid ami t h a t 1 la HHteSWB Board of D l r o e t o r o and shar*)h-.>ldora hav* duly passed an a p p r o p r i a t e BWfflffl r e s o l u t i o n a u t h o r i z i n g tho s a l ; of tho Highlands p r o p e r t y to BBB^Bi P u r c h a o o r , and P a l l o r s h a l l f u r n i s h t > 'Purahnnor a Oortlfl-jd copy BJBJIHB I th : >roof. HI^^H| j d a t a which P u r c h a s e r ;-iay r e a s o n a b l y r - q n l r o . of? 11 or s h a l l a l a o f u r n i s h aooh othor doou^untary and oth-r-r ablu Purchasur a h a l l pay for v.\<> o u r t l f l o a t o If t l t l > ; In iutv.rcb.antof t l t l o . If t i t l o founds not i..^rohautablo and :-'t:llcr cannot p^rJVjct t l t l u w i t h i n a l x t y |: days a f t ' i r da to flx.-rd f o r e l o i d m , ?:.•>. rc\\&a-.iv - a y , a t I t a o p t i o n |wraH Is gBB^aa fflftjllll ffl« I Sailor s h a l l pay a l l oosta of t i t l o anamination, and tho c o s t s M B H Incurred In tho preparation of the surveys and logal d e s c r i p t i o n s |rafflW| to bo made in accordance with paragraph ~j but t h i s s h a l l not roliove jffii Sailor of i t s obligations hereunder. m i | li> C losing- Da to - This s a l o I s to bo olonod a t tho off loo of purchased pof but bcoto apurchase sL.mla T tho thwir t huteoalitonisbtrasltho sboth bo tjcoyieatari;.s honrArraoi.<.mt catIK 9. 10. eengoxoc:it,:;d tion aucc-JGOora Insurant:;: ndsfa ,and hV/ITiB^o pito artplNo on or afaoroto, lai^horoof s"rlgalihno atho tacrha,t?ont i-oi-jjilsslons pasa boforo tho lao,eoltloscocialaalona .l l.rand on or ,alV/i!::H.:;.0r' pdbo C aKacsh ccannot and jrIf snouotho This or horsno epthft naptany, xelsm ouaptlrtraday irconvoyanco petsgoianlyctonhav<3 a30th esrtguoDuo tho ba -tanlri surothsyntieynand sinhtThis stsahrcva,hpa.-lsday ofor athe euopcalhthe r!l;dyuar ni-10 ptTho orltfo ae,bo tiusal'sa lldnibo oany rl.ght lrtof eg<;.orrod, hwholo tof hChostmit sew aspocif erprovided purchase ianifnrduo lth;.A irhave aeico:-j::lsolon ltho td-rhnopchisotfbind rvotto ti,ua^reoiuont Piswl^ralav nlpdto lts,utcpowor, caused above or ruorhroatho 19614.. oa"ppany lftho ctlhellolrotherwise etlrayo,iraactoxproaa otbo oyow pproourv^d eand stirnthdapr'hshcof ruaT iany ogiven ain itoltolisiutya^ont rlatloedway o,of ltho o,tho naoS ilbo and pn.w or tauaeghtho lon tnrreconvoyed, opubo not C aim tspfrout tatho iiotoirdato ltho tenrC ityland duo. lpvonyaioeaaid to otltho E of oonrof nelnand consont cot.tpoxtdy,rof tho r^haauoh oSoicby and -btt.i t s jgflgffig M HnHgn H |B|flfe&|3 i^Blfll O B BHranji H H I|w D BB |H ffiHHl H B rM ^flRIii H |B H alIS |^6B iH -H H ^finM ^ilSt«IS IilIrjI I EXHIBIT ifl PROVISIONS OP REOIPHOCAL PARKING AGREEMENT A roclprocal agreement whereby The Junior College District of 3t» Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri (hereinafter called "District") will bo able to utilize a part of the St. Louis Arena Corporation Arena quirements, so arena constitute to perty the shall by parking legal utilize, tion the both long raap parties employees on 3. faculty, classes hereinafter 2. tho to 1. (hereinafter Corporation. structure, contain descriptions to Highlands Arena Friday as attached parties facilities District during be Use Duration Porta (b) (a) a the and on convened covenant or Corporation of the The shall Subject St. at employees, of closing weekends, and shall designated activities property unless Parking asreto 6 shall Agreement following called Arena Louia of during P.M. otherwise have The to running terminate all to of have promptly as tho Arena Corporation Facilities for provisions "Arena property Paragraph and students areas parking the tho Exhibit from are provisions: District, -each use with use the week The sale in is scheduled. upon Corporation") concerned of Friday restored. an property week for standing, agreement facilities and for the of and "2" 3(c) the appropriate of and the parking Time said shall persona parking during land and tho the at areas hereof its demolition herein 6 being St. Highlands agreement shall with The be shall patrons, i'.M. on hereinafter of the will having from Loula entered Agreement the form tho retained public reference the as be until year contain be Monday District, of Highlands acknowledged described District Arena for shall property customers business able when the into Monday parking recording. designated by shall adequate at both present Corporabe to aohool between the area 7 its on and binding proat with A.M. reand = I ©vents, f u n c t i o n s , e x h i b i t i o n s o r e t h e r forms of p u b l i c linffllPl e n t e r t a i n m e n t a r e achorlulled. (c) During a number of week n i g h t s (Monday t h r o u g h rafifflrajl K n l Thursday, a f t e r 6:00 P.M.) t h r o u g h o u t t h e y e a r (not t o IfflBflf exceed $0) |MBM the D i s t r i c t s h a l l have no r i g h t t o use the Arena Tho nD E k• eptho event rdraw apace of sibefore the than entvfohrxisqfogetahseuip.nthe tliofpaown arefe cieltrbirstUse r,from o10 i(rieeieoThe C catednvdya)September ptqhowever, sudoeoArena nc2eburirhiaw dof ftrmarked at) to puinhgiotArena vas During ebe olsuch oioiysgerhldanslrnodiP bo sltuagseiyD hascheduled immediately i3uch tlnnitaagroea allow rtinogsehakwhen twithdrawn rduse lsgnealtC endeavor ia"B" utenaon p30th tin the rodgweek pibo of u"C", rncafsuch rpgoamount tpaF rduring the "A" okrm any time oto aripof such the sacunor pndeatitgArena iapon siurloglS ,sfrom each tsuch roialnokon htasiyerolniE and puof slrtto etime w enygieagstxosgheiarhsuch chdnm veC .yatho ithe isefqw rof v-csethe bloieucas letaireaiAreas of Thia tethe nirpbdm hArena raon.p,space stosioArena ru2I* B, .tetho ortnehaupaaid c,iatgnabetThe D saicrtufoirlhsteiyoehtnvhP eu-B use asaenC eaidso sbltcdArena elC ravitto rjohenhadrD eihas oredangifecswithdrawn, nxof cpridceagrtuboth cposrat,of D lt12 ortipiuh,prompt pB arieroeihhowover, siC ateradsuncishowover, as etho tmonths srotvtipcv3(b) errnoehton to own iapraay nhocsmay eroeD dut.use rorion nno umay staieoon lpof othe tsoyeisw use The on be atodf.iof more rto be inckituse the ech-ort- ' s flfptyrfflffifl IM •HUHM ill^1111 B wWlw|M H^flfffl m HH&rall IB |l^^~"^J lB H ffiBfflHi Ifllllffl i•^1lfifflraill B ran^lifl W ^B rram^SI ^HPramis! *l|llaS ^H |^ fH «JH 1B pj'Jf-^B 'I™ lIPM fM il1IlSSl[I1l 1 (b) During the time specified in Paragraph 3(a), but lllll subject to th© provisions of Paragraph 3(c) the Arena S l S Corporation will allow the District exclusive use of the S^ll area designated as "Z" on Exhibit 2 attached hereto. The iliiil Arena Corporation shall Malso allow the District exclusive tt and from shall an the of along theeasement 400 for events Highlands and easeaent ingress shall Arena All subject Paragraph traffic ^" the 5. poses, said use be the feet the flights exita Arena parking created (b) of (a) East have .Joint Corporation or ticae, purposes and extending to by which entering the granted property of During Corporation 3(b) The free a the line egress Basement so areas of in width the Arena said provisions shall long Ingress order ingress of set Arena by the District aadjacent marked specified does and of said use the like Corporation aa out blows be to $0 traffic Corporation the The and said the not District and building through in allow distance of Xproperty east specified District Arena to Egress: Paragraph intorfore egress . areas in Paragraph and the leaving both Paragraph building. the agrees between for "Y» Corporation of building are property through during parties Arena shall [ in a on , 3. with .the 0 used 0 3(0), north that Paragraph Exhibit the feet kDistrict Corporation grant the Arena These the East for during free so all western the and does along times normal long parking of 2 Arena an Corporation access joint District south 3(a), during not the property the easement as and specified boundry entrances property. Corporation ticnes said easements Arena distance purto next butand may to of to and In 1118 l1i| B JBfill JnfiiB H S B H l fiRlil 1 §111111 W B SS B i B s S1 l H S pi P ^ p « R i H f T B 1R p HB I l f l ^ i S M 1iM A i S l I 1| (o) "& '•''" devices m a y be expected or utilized o n the parking areas mm §j^j described herein by either party 90 long aa aald dovices do mm n o t interfere with tho use by the other party o f the parking ||| areas during tho tiraos reserved to i t . Wm 7. mm Construction and Maintenance of Parking A r e a s - Each party shall construct, maintain and keop adequately lighted its own park- mm ing f a c i l i t i e s . ttach party shall maintain the parking facilities mm in a useable condition. Neither party shall be required to p o l i c e , mm maintain or otherwise supervise the parking areas located upon the Mm. p r o p e r t y o f the o t h e r p a r t y u n l e s s a p a r t y m a y h a v e elected to p r o - ffffi vide parking control devices as specified in Paragraph 6(c) hereof. Wm &' w The parties agree that traffic control o r othor A c c e s s to Parking - T h e District agrees that the areas mm owned by it to be used by the Arena Corporation on weekends shall M H be closed to the public and to the Junior College District on any mm such weekend (or day or night thereof) that the A r e n a Corporation am holds an event, function, exhibition or othor form of entertainment HH (other than bowling), so that during 3aid weekends acces3 to the flp| parking areas raay be exclusively controlled by the Arena Corporation. Hra The Arena Corporation agrees that its parking areas made available IBS to the District shall be for the exclusive use of said District, its fig t achera, students, employees and persons having business with the District during the weekdays specified in Paragraph } t and while school classes or activities are scheduled. 9» Extent of Reciprocal A g r e e m e n t - T h e parking privileges to MB IBS fifl| J98 be granted are limited insofar as the Arena Corporation is concerned, raH 'to patrons and employees of the Arena Corporation, and the privileges HI granted by tho Arena Corporation to tho District are limited to use wM by students, faculty, employees and other persons having business |w with the District. Kach party shall be entitled bo do tormina its Kfl| own charges for parking privileges and the wanner in which such Ss| : • " " , ' • ' • • • • . . * • • , - ' * . • . • "!*•'* • • • . , . . * • . " • If' -«. C.B.4591* ' . * * • » , , - * * ' ' ' . ' " \\ -£._.i __/! AVE.-***-— r ^ ^ ; - - - ' • ',"• ''"', ^ ^ 1 r-- ....t J$**i' X t j _**. ; , • ; ' " • - « I '/it \\\\\w\v\^/Ji .._.:/"' _iL_ '^i'V -^ ^>fj V^"« CB.4£ jT— yl I i j >A ill if ->• -.--pfcwrpot* *-;r / y ISi ^ - - t - * < . i¥ //////y\\ " PAR I Ik ' ' , , S . • * . ' • OAKLAND w, * • ; ^ z * FOREST J ,jpCB4591* . ^ v. I . • r '-* , •, - ' - Jf ,10000*^—•- OJ ' « A "^P . * | , L L > V I\ \ V - <=i^ . J|Vr /i'l.^ h " A -4^ MrnkmrnmABtm^^^m^^•:.*;, , ; v ;£_£_£_ ^ .CB40I5- C.B.5759 „ J ^ ! e ^ 4 « ^ f % C ^ I // r Supplement t o Agreement d a t e d January 20, 1964, between HH^lffil ST. LOUIS ARENA CORPORATION a n d THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF RIIR Inasmuch a s t h e p a r t i e s do n o t have adequate s u r v e y s or c o r r e c t Bifll&R l e g a l d e s c r i p t i o n s , i t i s agreed t h a t s a i d agreeme3it i s b e i n g IJlaai^lm executed s u b j e c t t o t h e f o l l o w i n g : JasgHTOli 1. :,• .„ The measurement of 1478 f e e t on Oakland Avenue may or may n o t be c o r r e c t . 2. Bi|H| I t i s i n t e n d e d t o be a d i s t a n c e e x t e n d i n g BfflHill t o a p o i n t on Oakland Avenue which running n o r t h and south HlP^iil i s a p p r o x i m a t e l y 30 f e e t e a s t of t h e 1 - s t o r y b u i l d i n g shown 8^1111111 on the map marked E x h i b i t 2 and a t t a c h e d t o t h e c o n t r a c t of fflffiHHi Surveys of a l l p r o p e r t i e s e i t h e r b e i n g s o l d o r s u b j e c t e d t o rara»m easements h e r e u n d e r , t o g e t h e r with l e g a l d e s c r i p t i o n s t h e r e o f , IlllSlllfffS ':',' s h a l l be made or caused t o be made by the J u n i o r C o l l e g e , , and agreement i s s u b j e c t t o such surveys and l e g a l d e s c r i p - Hra^fflH tions being approved by attorneys for both buyer and seller. HBKI^H! The 50 foot easement in p a r a g r a p h 5 ol' p a r k i n g agreement Bffi^&Hiffl r e f e r s t o 50 f e e t on p r o p e r t y b e i n g purchased by J u n i o r | | n | | l 3. ^ C o l l e g e , and J u n i o r College s h a l l have casement on 15 f e e t raSffli^i BJfifiJJJBI $lffiffi|j 4 « M e r c h a n t a b l e t i t l e of r e c o r d and i n f a c t r e f e r r e d t o i n ffiPilP ||§li3j p a r a g r a p h 7 of agreement s h a l l b© s a t i s f i e d i f t i t l e company ^gffim/ i s p r e p a r e d t o i s s u e i t a owners p o l i c y s u b j e c t only t o t h e sll^sii l^llllllj exceptions s e t f o r t h in agreement. ^m^P D e l e t e t h e l a s t s e n t e n c e of p a r a g r a p h 4 (b) of P a r k i n g IliPiffilffi Agreement and i n s e r t i n l i e u t h e r e o f t h e f o l l o w i n g : !»&**li <|f|^g| 5, p|i|||l K P ^ I ifjljfi "Except when i t w i l l i n t e r f e r e w i t h t h e bona f i d e l^jlil Iffllll o p e r a t i o n of Arena C o r p o r a t i o n , t h e Arena C o r p o r a t i o n IPBfflS ||B|S|j88fc a h a l l a l s o a l l o w t h e D i s t r i c t n o n - e x c l u s i v e use of Is&awll BSHH t h e a r e a s marked'X' and *Y* on E x h i b i t 2 d u r i n g 1^^111 l^lffli a a i d t i m e , so long ao s a i d a r e a s a r e used for p a r k i n g ll^~iill lliilll X^urposes, which s a i d u s e t h e Arena C o r p o r a t i o n doea 1111 •^Iffl I^HBS n o t g u a r a n t e e w i l l be c o n t i n u e d . " llll^ill raHHH 6. With r e f e r e n c e t o p a r a g r a p h 4 of s a l e s C o n t r a c t , i t i s u n - ra^ JiimM derstood t h a t a l l personal p r o p e r t y connected with the jj^fsBi 'Comet R i d e , " i n c l u d i n g t h e r o l l e r c o a s t e r oar a, s h a l l remain HHra^m^ Ullgal the p r o p e r t y of a e l l o r b u t may be used by t h e p u r c h a s e r u n t i l llijPfflw |^M| A p r i l 30, 1965. S e l l e r s h a l l c o n t i n u e t o have t h e r i g h t t o BPffl j^aHSB remove tine r i d e s and o t h e r amusement d e v i c e s r e f e r r e d t o i n HHH&i IHmk paragraph 4 u n t i l A p r i l 30, 1963; p r o v i d e d , however, t h a t HMHJffl lraB| s a i d r i g h t of removal may be s h o r t e n e d t o n i n e t y days from WWIfffl ||ffl|fl| Ur -'-' w r i t t e n n o t i f i c a t i o n t h a t p u r c h a s e r r e q u i r e s the* u»e ot ^sUsl HBBwB [ WfflMttrtWtflim 1 nil iiiriuiimn.il iii 11 Ill " the property on which s a i d r i d a a and d©vic®s are located Cox building or other purpoaes. 7. The f i r s t sentence of paragraph 2 of Parking Agreement ia amended t o read; "The provisions of tho agreement s h a l l he binding so long a s the St. Xaouis Arena i a standing and i s used for public entertainment, with p u b l i c parking r e q u i r e ments, and s h a l l terminate upon the demolition of the present arena s t r u c t u r e , u n l e s s promptly r e s t o r e d . " 8. The t h i r d sentence of paragraph 3 (c) of Parking Agreement s h a l l be changed t o reads "Th© Ar@na Corporation s h a l l notify the D i s t r i c t of the events t o be scheduled by i t as soon a s p r a c t i c a b l e but in no ©vent l e s s than s i x t y (60) days, provided t h a t on no mora than 10 n i g h t s during tine year tho Arena Corporation may us® i t s own Arena area for parking without having previously so n o t i f i e d the D i s t r i c t . " Dated January 20, 1964. ST, imZfr-,ARENA CORP, ay LalL... tfiJMAtl' J THE JUNIOR C0IAEG8 DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS, ST, I&UJS COUHTY, MISSOURI By CLARENCE M. TUJHUSY, INC. BK, ^ I '^Jf- <• y ^ f ^ > J • t *-• A m - i , pr.f'lPljHU'f! '"'ffl