MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF ST. LOUIS - ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 , 1963 8:00 P.M. A meeting of the Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of St. Louis - St. Louis County, Missouri was held on Monday, September 9 , 1963 at the Central Office of the District at 4386 Lindell Boulevard, St. Louis, Missouri. 1. General Functions 1.2 Roll Call ' The Board President, Mr. Gerald V. Williamson, called the meeting to Wr order at 8:00 p.m. The following members of the Board were present: Messrs. Lester C. Geil F. Wm. McCalpin Guy S. Ruffin Gerald V. Williamson Mrs. Joseph C, Bastion Mr. Morris Glaser was away from the city, on vacation. Also present were Joseph P. Cosand, President, and John E. Tirrell and James W. Hobson, Vice Presidents — all of the Junior College staff. Mr. Bruce E. Woodruff, of the firm of Armstrong, Teasdale, Roos, Kramer and Vaughan, Counsel for the District, was also present. 9/9/63 0 1.3 Minutes Board President Williamson called for a reading of the Minutes of the regular meeting of August 26, 1963. They were read and discussed. Whereupon, it was moved by Mr. G e i l , seconded by Mrs. Bastian, and passed with the unanimous aye vote of all members present, that the Minutes of the regular meeting of August 26, 1963 be approved as read. 1.4 Welcome to Guests Board President Williamson introduced Mr. Curt Stadtfeid - a reporter for the St. Louis Post Dispatch; and Mr. John Angel ides - a reporter for the St. Louis Globe Democrat - to the Board members. 1.6 Communications The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, read several letters to the Board members. A letter had been received from the Board of Managers of the Downtown Branch of the Y . M . C . A . They felt that the classes which the Junior College District was offering at the Downtown Y . M . C . A . were unprecedented, and offered unlimit d opportunities to the youth of the area. A letter had been received from the American Association of Junior Colleges. They wrote that the St. Louis District was doing an outstanding job in keeping them informed of the progress of the college, and they expressed their appreciation. Dr. Cosand also read a letter from Dr. Glynn Clark, Campus Director of the South Campus. Dr. Clark had written to the St. Louis Police Department, thanking them for their vigilance in patrolling the grounds of the South Campus. He stated that the faculty at the South Campus were unanimous in th ir praise of the offic rs on duty. 9/9/63 - 2 - Dr. Cosand also told the Board that the first student activity was scheduled for Friday, September 13th, at which time the South Campus would have its first dance. The Board members, as always, were cordially invited to attend this function. The Board President, Mr. Williamson, requested that the Minutes of this meeting reflect the fact that the members of the Board were most impressed with the new faculty. He felt he spoke for the entire Board when he stated that the first all-day orientation session, held on September 7th, had been a distinct success. Mr. Williamson added that he had never before attended a meeting among staff, Board and faculty where he had felt so much enthusiasm for the job to be done, and where the faculty had responded with such warmth. Mrs. Bastian added that she had heard from many of the guests at the September 7th luncheon. These guests of honor were citizens who were responsible for the formation of the District in its early stages, and they, too, were impressed with the faculty and had enjoyed meeting and talking with them, personally. 2. PERSONNEL 2.1 Certificated Personnel - Professional Staff The President of the College, Dr. Cosand, recommended the employment of th following certificated personnel: Mr. Alvin N . Deibert - Instructor, Psychology - 1-1 - Eff. 9/3/63 Mrs. Carol Igoe - Instructor, English - 1-1 - Effective 9/3/63 (Fall session only) Mr. Frank Lowe - Assistant Professor, Economics - 11-4 - Eff. 9/3/63 and 12 hours at $170.00 - 5/22 - 8/24/64 Mr. Richard Pease - Assistant Professor, English - 11-3 - Effective 9/3/63 9/9/63 - 3 - A general discussion followed with respect to their academic backgrounds and general qualifications. Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastian, seconded by Mr. McCalpin, and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, it was RESOLVED, That the personnel recommended for employment by Dr. Cosand, as set out in the foregoing list, be employed in the capacity and at the salary classification therein set out, said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and is hereby authorized to execute the form Instructors' Contract previously adopted by the Board with each of the above full-time certificated personnel, which said contract is to be filed with the records of the District. 2.2 Certificated Personnel - Resignations W The President of the Board, Mr. Williamson, reviewed an interview which the Board had with a member of the teaching staff, Mr. Albert Zimmerman. A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. McCalpin, seconded by Mr. Ruffin> and upon the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, the following Resolution was adopted: WHEREAS, Under date of August 23, 1963, Mr. Albert Zimmerman returned to this District a contract of employment, effective as of August 26, 1963, and WHEREAS, Thereafter Mr. Albert Zimmerman removed himself and his wife from the city of Denver, Colorado to the city of St. Louis, Missouri for the purpose of accepting said employment, and WHEREAS, Mr. Zimmerman appeared at his place of employment with this District on September 3 and September 4 , 1963, working a few hours on each day, and 9/9/63 t i - 4 - 9 WHEREAS, Mr. Zimmerman now expresses some dissatisfaction with his employment and alleges certain misunderstandings with respect thereto, N O W , THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Vice President for Business is authorized to accept Mr. Zimmerman's resignation from his . employment with this District as of September 9 , 1963, and is authorized to release Mr. Zimmerman from his contract of employment with this District and to pay Mr. Zimmerman two weeks of compensation at the rate provided in his contract. 2.3 - Certificated Personnel - Part-time Staff The President of the College recommended the employment of the following certificated personnel, on a part-time basis, as noted below, for the Fall session only, effective September 3, 1963: " 9/9/63 Ann Alderks - History 3 credit hours - $170.00 cr.hr. Helen Baldwin - English 2 credit hours - $170.00 cr.hr. Robert E. Beckerle - Mathematics 3 credit hours - $170.00 cr.hr. Roy Conley Bell - Physicial Distribution 2 credit hours - $170.00 cr.hr. Harry Blackiston - German 8 credit hours - $170.00 cr.hr. B. C . Boulton - Engineering 6 credit hours - $170.00 cr.hr. Elizabeth Boyd - English 3 credit hours - $170.00 cr.hr. Anita Bradfield - Bus. Administration 3 credit hours - $170.00 cr.hr. Daniel Clynch - History 6 credit hours - $170.00 cr.hr. N e l l Cox - Sociology 6 credit hours - $135.00 cr.hr. Martin Dletrick - Chemistry I credit hour - $170.00 cr.hr. - 5 - 9/9/63 John Farrell - Bus. Administration 3 credit hours - $170.00 cr.hr. Francis Guelker - Bus. Administration 3 credit hours - $170.00 cr.hr. John Herzy - Chemistry 8 credit hours - $170.00 cr.hr. W. E. Hutton - Chemistry 8 credit hours - $170.00 cr.hr. Gilbert W. Kasten - Physical Distribution 2 credit hours - $170.00 cr.hr. James Kaus - Mathematics 5 credit hours - $170.00 cr.hr. Ray J . Leber - Physical Distribution 2 credit hours - $170.00 cr.hr. Robert McLaughlin - Business Administration 3 credit hours - $170.00 cr.hr. V . V. Oak - Sociology 6 credit hours - $170.00 cr.hr. George Ragland - Mathematics 5 credit hours - $170.00 cr.hr. William Reinhardt - Chemistry I credit hour - Daniel Safier - Psychology 6 credit hours - $170.00 cr.hr. Alan Slay - English 6 credit hours - $135.00 cr.hr. Robert Smith - English 6 credit hours - $170.00 cr.hr. Eugene R. Stephens - Physical Distribution 2 credit hours - $170.00 cr.hr. Fiorella Weaver - Spanish 8 credit hours - $170.00 cr.hr. Barbara Jean Wade - Physical Education 2 credit hours - $170.00 cr.hr. Thomas J . V/ade - Hotel & Restaurant Operation 3 credit hours - $170.00 cr.hr. Ruth Cotto de Silva - Spanish 4 credit hours - $170.00 cr.hr. Ann Galiger - Mathematics 3 credit hours - $170.00 cr.hr. Lawrence Lewis - English 6 credit hours - $170.00 cr.hr. Albert Montosi - English 6 credit hours - $170.00 cr.hr. Morton Offott - English 3 credit hours - $170.00 cr.hr. Edwin Roland - English 6 credit hours - $170.00 cr.hr. „ 6 r $170.00 cr.hr. 4 J • • • • ' > . • ' ' • ' ' . ' £-\ ^fjP" A general discussion followed, with respect to their academic backgrounds and general qualifications. '] Whereupon, on motion by Mr. McCalpin, seconded by Mrs. Bastion, and upon the aye vote of ail members of the Board who were present, it was RESOLVED, That the personnel recommended for part-time employment by Dr. Cosand, as set out in the foregoing list, be employed in the capacity and at the salary classification therein set out - said salary classification having been previously approved by the Board. 2.4 Classified Personnel The President of the College recommended the employment of the following classified personnel: Mr. Jepter Bradley - Groundsman - Range 4, Step A - Effective 9/5/63 Mr. George Francis - Library Assistant - Range 15, Step A - Effective 9/9/63 A Mrs. Joan McDonald - Personnel Clerk - Range 9 , Step A - Effective 9/3/63 Mrs. Juanita Novak - Administrative Secretary - Range 12, Step A - 9/9/63 Mr. Robert W. Slough - Assistant Manager Purchasing, Step I - Eff. 9/10/63 A general discussion followed, with respect to their qualifications, and proposed duties. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. G e i l , seconded by Mrs. Bastion, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, it was RESOLVED, That the classified personnel listed above be employed by the District in the classification and at the salary indicated. <> 2.5 Basic Salary Schedule The President of the College recommended the adoption of a basic salary A | schedule for non-teaching personnel. He recommended that it become an integral part of the Policies and Procedures Manual. 9/9/63 - 7 - I I i I I 111. Il ...,., 11,1, , „ M R \- 1 ™ F This had appeared on the Board agenda for the regular meeting of August 26, 1963. A general discussion followed. Board President Williamson stated that inasmuch as Mr. McCalpin and Mr. Ruff in had iust returned from vacation, the/ might want more time to study the proposed schedule. There was a general agreement that this might be more practicable. The Board members asked the President of the College to bring this up for discussion at a later date. 2.6 Commendation to the Staff The President of the College recommended that the campus staff, administrators, faculty and classified personnel be commended for their dedicated services during the opening week of college. Dr. Cosand told the Board that this contributed greatly to the success of the registration, and kept confusion down to a minimum. Of special interest was the fact that the great majority of the staff came from other positions and were new to the District, and to each other. Board President Williamson stated that he, too, had heard of the fine job done by the staff. Many of them had worked a full day, and had stayed on the job until after midnight. A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. McCalpin, seconded by Mrs. Bastion, and passed with the unanimous aye vote of all members present, it was RESOLVED, That the Secretary of the Board be directed to write a letter of commendation to each Campus Director, and to the Vice President for Business, recommending that they transmit the appreciation of the Board of Trustees to the members of the staff who worked untiringly and with dedication during this past enrollment for the Fall session. 9/9/63 - 8 - M , 3. CURRICULUM A N D INSTRUCTION 3.1 Report on Foil Session Dr. Tirrell made a complete report on the educational offerings and staffing for the Fall Session. He told the Board that a total of 2318 students were enrolled at the Junior College. There were 733 enrolled at the North Campus. This included 75 students who were in the daytime classes at the Y. M . C . A . and 53 students who were taking the course in Physical Distribution. At the South Campus, 1585 were enrolled. This included 186 nursing students from the Jewish and Barnes hospitals. 34 students were enrolled at the South Campus, taking the Law Enforcement program. Dr. Tirrell also discussed the proposed courses which would be offered to individuals employed by the Department of the Army. He stated that the courses would be offered at the Mart Building, in St. Louis, roughly between the hours of 5:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. A general discussion followed. It was agreed among the Board members that this would represent a community service, and they requested that the Vice President in Charge of Instruction keep them informed, occasionally, as to how this cooperative venture was progressing. 9/9/63 - 9 - 4. COLLEGE FACILITIES 4.1 Progress Report on South County Vice President Hobson made a report to the Board on the progress at South County. He told the Board that the nursing instructors had moved their offices into one of the houses on the site. Mr. Gilliland, of the Law Enforcement program, had moved his office to Kirltwood, as had Mr. McWi Warns. Mr. Hobson's office was arranging to have the area around the three houses landscaped, and minor repairs to the houses had been completed. Mr. Hobson added that construction was moving rapidly. Three temporary buildings were up at this time, in varying stages of development. The Kirkwood police department considered the old buildings a hazard, and the College was making arrangements to have them demolished. 4.2 North County The President of the College reported on a discussion which he had with Mr. Wischmeyer, Architect. Construction of temporary facilities at the North County site in Ferguson would need to be started soon if the buildings were to be ready by August of 1964. Or. Cosand told the Board that they might want to consider an alternative — and rush the construction through so that the temporary buildings would be ready for occupancy by January 6th of 1964. A general discussion followed. 9/9/63 - 10 - It was informally determined by the Board to make plans toward having temporary buildings on the North Campus by August of 1964. It was also informally determined, on the advice of the President of the College, that the experience gained with respect to the utilization and feasibility of the South County Campus be applied in making plans for the temporary facilities to be constructed on the North Campus. 5. BUSINESS A N D FINANCE The President of the College recommended the approval of the contract betwe n Kenneth E. Wischmeyer, Architect, and The Junior College District. Dr. Cosand told the Board that a committee consisting of Mr. Lester C. G e i l , Mr. Bruce E. Woodruff, Mr. James W. Hobson, and Dr. Cosand had discussed and negotiated this contract with Mr. Wischmeyer, and were submitting it in its final form. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. G e i l , seconded by Mr. McCalpin, and upon the aye vote of the following members: Mrs. Joseph C. Bastion, Mr. G . V. Williamson, Mr. Lester C. G e i l , Mr. Guy S. Ruffin, and Mr. F. Wm. McCalpin, it was RESOLVED, That the Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, employ the firm of Kenneth E. Wischmeyer, Architects, to furnish architectural services in connection with the master planning and construction of a Junior College campus on a St. Louis County site, said agreement to be in the form and on the terms and conditions of the written agreement attached to these Minutes and by reference incorporated herein. 9/9/63 -11- $ P FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President and Secretary of the Board of Trustees are hereby authorized and directed to enter into and execute said written agreement on behalf of the District in the form attached to these Minutes. 5.2 Contract between Department of Army and Junior College District The President of the College recommended the approval of a basic agre ment for off-duty academic instruction for military personnel of the Department of the Army and the junior College District. A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastion, seconded by Mr. Ruffin, and upon the aye vote of the following members of the Board: Mr. G . V. Williamson, Mrs. Joseph C. Bastion, Mr. Lester C. G e i l , Mr. Guy S. Ruffin, and Mr. F. Wm. McCalpin, it was RESOLVED, That the District enter into an agreement with the United States • of America to provide instruction to military personnel of the Department of the Army, said agreement to be in the form attached hereto and incorporated herein. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute said agreement on behalf of the District. 5.3 Demolition of Existing Structures on Kirkwood Site The President of the College recommended the acceptance of a quotation for the demolition of the existing structures on the Kirkwood site, which have been condemned by the City of Kirkwood. 9/9/63 - 12 - ^^ Dr. Cosand told the Board members that bids had been received from the following firms: Base Bid $ 3,500.00 5,570.00 4,550.00 6,700.00 8,300.00 Chas. M. Hintz Harder Contracting Co. Aalco Wrecking Co. Marr Wrecking 6. Supply Grossman Wrecking Alternate Bid $ 2,500.00 1,000.00 2,550.00 2,200.00 3,200.00 Total $6,000.00 6,570.00 7,100.00 8,900.00 11,500.00 A general discussion followed. Whereupon, on motion by Mr. G e i l , seconded by Mr. Ruffin, and with the aye vote of all members of the Board who were present, it was RESOLVED, That the District accept the bid of Charles M . Hintz for the demolition of buildings on the District's property located in the City of Kirkwood in the amount of $3,500.00 for the base b i d , and $2,500.00 for the alternate b i d , or a total of $6,000.00. FURTHER RESOLVED, That the President of the Board of Trustees be and hereby is authorized and directed to execute an agreement with Charles M. Hintz for said demolition work, said agreement to be in accordance with the bid specifications prepared and sent with the requests for b i d . 5 . 4 Treasurer's Report The Board President, Mr. Williamson, called upon the Treasurer of the College, Mr. Hobson, to read the Treasurer's Report. Mr. Hobson presented the following Treasurer's Report for the period from August 1 , 1963 to August 3 1 , 1963: 9/9/63 - 13 - JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT SUMMARY OF CASH RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS August 3 1 , 1963 BALANCE, July 3 1 , 1963 e. Receipts: Toxes Maintenance Fees Interest Earned on investments Gifts and Grants Auxiliary Services (Gross Sales) Other Receipts and Refunds Disbursements: (See Schedule A) Salaries Gross $ 38,794.55 Less Withholdings 7,171.61 Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Auxiliary Services (cost of sales) Payroll Taxes & Withholdings Tuition Refunds National Defense Loans $2,355,733.56 $ 21,220.83 132,331.00 15,355.17 6,713.00 7,650.29 669.30 $ $ 183,939.59 $ 31,622.94 28,583.37 904,108.02 12,830.37 6,020.76 18.00 310.00 983,493.46 Excess of Disbursements over Receipts 799,553,87 Balance, August 3 1 , 1963 $1,556,179.69 BALANCE, August 3 1 , 1963 consists of: Cash on Hand Cash in Bank: Mercantile Trust: General Account Payroll Account City Bank Investments: (see Schedule B) Treasury Bills Certificates of Deposit TOTAL $ $ 600.00 152,915.07 500.00 2,800.45 156,215.52 $ 199,364.17 1,200,000.00 1,399,364.17 $1,556,179.69 » • ^ SCHEDULE A WW RECONCILIATION OF WARRANT REGISTER TOTAL TO DISBURSEMENTS Warrant Register Total, August 3 1 , 1963 Less: Cost of Investments purchased during month Transfer of funds to increase balance in payroll account Disbursement Total - August 3 1 , 1963 $1,932,907.37 $ 949,013.91 400,00 949,413.91 $ 983,493.46 SCHEDULE B INVESTMENT ACTIVITY For the Month of August 1963 Purchase Date 2/4/63 2/4/63 2/4/63 2/4/63 2/4/63 2/4/63 2/4/63 2/4/63 2/4/63 7/25/63 8/1/63 8/5/63 8/5/63 8/16/63 8/29/63 Purchased From Boatmen's Bank Boatmen's Bank Boatmen's Bank Lindell Trust Co. Lindell Trust Co. Lindell Trust Co. Southwest Bank Southwest Bank Southwest Bank Mercantile Trust Mercantile Trust vtercantile Trust '.:. J . Devine Mercantile Trust First Nat'I Bank Type of Investment Rate of Interest Certificates of Deposit Certificates of Deposit Certificates of Deposit Certificates of Deposit Certificates of Deposit Certificates of Deposit Certificates of Deposit Certificates of Deposit Certificates of Deposit Treasury Bills Repurchase Agreement Treasury Bills Treasury Bills Treasury Bills Treasury Bills 3 1/2% 3 1/2% 4% 3 1/2% 3 1/2% 4% 3 1/2% 3 1/2% 4% 2.98% 3.00% 2.90% 2.87% 3.05% 3.27% Maturity Value $200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 550,000.00 500,000.00 50,000.00 150,000.00 50,000.00 200,000.00 Cost Maturity Date $200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 549,681.31 500,000.00 49,967.78 149,736.92 49,944.93 199,364.17 8/5/63 12/5/63 2/5/64 8/5/63 12/5/63 2/5/64 8/5/63 12/5/63 2/5/64 8/1/63 8/5/63 8/15/63 8/29/63 8/29/63 10/3/63 August Maturities Aui Intere: $200,000.00 $ 3, 200,000.00 3, 200,000.00 3, 4, 549,681.31 500,000.00 49,967.78 149,736.92 49,944.93 — $15, JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT STATEMENT CF RECEIPTS July 1 , 1963 to August 3 1 , 1963 g p Account N o . 11-901101 102 104 105 13-902101 102 103 104 Receipts for Month Item Taxes City of c t . Louis: Real Estate Personal Property Manufacturers Licenses Merchants Licenses St. Louis County: Real Estate Personal Property Intangible Manufacturers and Merchants Licenses 6,324.73 1,139.03 6,140.30 9,310.60 $ 22,914.66 $ $ $ 11-903 Jefferson County: ™ TOTAL TAXES 11-908- 110 State Aid Grant 12, 13-951 Maintenance Fees 120 123 11-971- 198 Resident Vocational Rehabilitation Investments Interest Earned Gifts and Grants n~871-170 (782) National Defense Loan Program *M>71-170 Other S&'801-130 5^301-130 i:~8Q2-140 ^302-l<;0 Auxiliary Services Bookstore Gross Sales: South Campus North Campus Vending Machine Commissions: South Campus North Campus Receipts Year to Date $ 2,819.81 475.33 6,134.00 9,306.80 $ 18,735.94 1,814.84 644.05 — 26.00 2,484.89 $ $ — $ 21,220.83 Estimated Income Budget 1 963-64 3,571.98 1,226.46 76.55 26.00 4,900.99 — $ 27,315.65 — $1,611,000.00 — $1,687,500.00 $ 1,500.00 $3,300,000.00 $ 600,000.00 $132,201.00 130.00 $132,331.00 $132,391.00 130.00 $132,521.00 $ 720,000.0T) $ 15,355.17 $ 16,950.30 $ 109,000.00 $ 6,713.00 — $ 6,713.00 $ $ 10,000.00 $ $ 52.74 7,121.26 463.13 13.16 "$ Zm.M 6,713.00 10.00 $ 6,723.00 312.63 7,207.76 463.13 13.16 Tt;W6M S 97,2005 H ^9& ^ u n ' o r College District - Statement of Receipts, July 1, 1963 to August 31, 1963 - Page 2 H H H H I I© Account No. item Other Receipts and Refunds TOTAL RECEIPTS Receipts for Month $ 669.30 $183,939.59 Receipts Year to Dote $ Estimated Income Budget 1963-64 817.23 $192,823.91 $4,836,200.00 kfk JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT CENTRAL ADMINISTRATION (11) STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS AND ENCUMBRANCES August 31, 1963 Disbursements & Encumbrances For Month Disbursements & Encumbrances Year-To-Date $ 1,750.00 \,666.67 1,416.67 1,377.00 2,341.27 621.58 $ $ 9,173.19 $ 18,398.65 (400) Operating Expenses: 403 Auto Expense $ 421 Contractual Service-Legal 387.44 1,606.57 $ Ace unt No. Item (300) Salaries 321 J . Cosand, Pres, 321 J.Tirrell, VP - Inst. 321 J. Hobson, VP - Bus. 322 Administrative 341 Clerical 391 Other TOTAL SALARIES Appropriation Budget Unencumbered 1963-64 Balance 3,500.00 3,333.34 2,833.34 2,276.72 5,239.27 1,215.98 $ 136,600.00 $ 118,201.35 635.89 1,606.57 • 429 437 447 449 461 462 463 465 466 467 469 487 492 494 495 496 497 499 Annuity General Insurance Meetings Membership Postage and Freight Data Processing Services Printing Public Information Publications & Subscriptions Rent Repairs and Maintenance Stationery Supplies-Office Supplies-Other Delivery Services Telephone and Telegraph Travel and Related Expense Miscellaneous TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 666.66 2,839.55 121.82 5.00 212.47 10,109.80 371.88 49.84 243.26 854.11 106.00 575.30 2,535.63 1,426.69 3.55 247.83 280.14 80C.35 666.66 2,839.55 312.78 5.00 405.05 18,312.40 4,625.28 49.84 279.86 1,708.22 106.00 575.30 3,178.90 1,427.94 35.75 247,83 414.54 808.35 $ 23,451.89 $ 38,241.71 i •—» •«••• i $ 50,133.00$ " if 11,891.29 minimi fj^Zentral Administration (11) Statement of Disbursements and Encumbrances - Page 2 Account No. Disbursements & Encumbrances For /Month Disbursements & Encumbrances Year-To-Dare $ 891,521.00 1,940.13 $ 891,521.00 1,881.50 2,676.86 1,253.50 413.25 46.98 1,940.13 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAYS 896,848.49 $ 899,733.22 $3,969,250.00 $3,069,516.78 TOTAL $ 956,373.58 $4,155,983.00 $3,199,609.42 Item (500) Capital Outlay: 501 Sites 511 Temporary Buildings 513 Master Plan 521 Equipment 541 Furniture 561 Instructional Apparatus 591 Other 2,676.86 632.50 78.00 $ 929,473.57 Appropriation Budget Unencumbered 1963-64 Balance JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES (701) • STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS A N D ENCUMBRANCES August 3 1 , 1963 Account No. Item (300) Salaries 321 R. Jones, Director 341 Clerical 391 Other Total Salaries Disbursements & Encumbrances For Month Disbursements & Encumbrances Year-To-Date $ 1,041.67 542.00 670.00 $ 2,083.34 1,084.00 1,299.46 $ 2,253.67 $ 4,466.80 $ 18.60 23.76 12.00 320.00 194.40 1.00 115.52 Appropriation Budget 1963-64 Unencumbered Balance $ 28,700.00 $ 24,233.20 $ 6,021.00 $ 5,335.72 (400) Operating Expenses 403 Auto Expense $ 461 Postage and Freight 466 Publications & Subscriptions 467 Rent 492 Supplies-Office 494 Supplies- Other 497 Travel & Related Expenses 12.00 160.00 140.90 1.00 115.52 Total Operating Expenses $ 429.42 $ 685.28 $ 25.97 554.60 10,463.93 $ 71.71 554.60 12,845.07 Total Capital Outlay $ 11,044.50 $ 13,471.38 $ 112,900.00 $ 99,428.62 TOTAL $ 13,727.59 $ 18,623.46 $ $ 128,997.54 (500) Capital Outlay 521 Equipment 541 Furniture 571 Books & Periodicals 147,621.00 H JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT AUXILIARY SERVCES (801) STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS AND ENCUMBRANCES August 31, 1963 Account No. Item Disbursement! & Encumbrances For Month (300) Salaries 322 Administrative-Non-cert. $ 341 Clerical 391 Other 542.00 101.35 200.00 $ 1,071.00 101.35 405.00 $ 843.35 $ 1,577.35 $ 30.60 190.26 4JD0 $ 68.60 215.83 4 ^ TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $ 224.86 $ 12,830.37 $ TOTAL SALARIES (400) Operating Expenses: 403 Auto Expense 461 P stage and Freight 492 Supplies - Office A (405) Books and Supplies For Resale M Disbursements & Encumbrances Year-To-Pate $ (500) Capital Outlay TOTAL — $ 13,898.58 $ Appropriation Budget 1963-64 Unencumbered Balance $ 21,600.00 $ 20,022.65 288.43 $ 5,000.00 $ 4,711.57 14,500.65 $ 67,500.00 $ 52,999.35 — $ 2,100.00 $ 2,100.00 16,366.43 $ 96,200.00 $ 79,833.57 JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT SOUTH CAMPUS (12) STATEMENT OF DISBURSEMENTS AND ENCUMBRANCES August 3 1 , 1963 disbursements 8< Encumbrances For Month Disbursements & Encumbrances Year-To-Dote $ 1,250.00 1,833.33 930.00 12,707.50 1,191.00 238.13 $ 2,500.00 3,666.66 1,747.50 23,215.00 1,958.00 387.63 $ 18,149.96 $ 33,474.79 (400) Operating Expenses 449 Memberships $ 461 P stage and Freight 462 Data Processing Services 466 Publications & Subscriptions 467 Rent 469 Repairs & Maintenance 482 Testing Services 491 Supplies - Instructional 492 Supplies - Office 494 Supplies - Other 496 Telephone and Telegraph 497 Travel & Related Expense 499 Miscellaneous 20.00 270.64 150.00 142.59 3,119.58 41.00 219.76 6,317.63 1,293.13 48.58 171.09 90.24 53.00 $ 20.00 270.64 150.00 146.34 5,172.58 41.00 219.76 6,377.78 1,552.04 48.58 233.24 184.37 63.50 Total Operating Expense $ 11,937.24 $ 14,479.83 $ 3,578.80 8,264.07 3,038.70 2,560.00 $ 4,614.44 8,304.52 3,058.45 2,560.00 $ 17,441.57 $ 18,537.41 Special Appropriation- St.Act. 494 Supplies - Other $ 499 Miscellaneous 53.15 9^90 $ 53.15 9^90 Total Special App. St .Act.$ 63.05 $ 63.05 $ 66,555.08 Account No. Item (300) Salaries 321 G . Clark, Director 321 Administrative - Cert. 302 Counselors 303 Instructors 341 Clerical 391 Other Total Salaries (500) Capital Outlay 521 Equipment 541 Furniture 561 Instructional Apparatus 591 Other Total Capital Outlay . flfo TOTAL $ ._ 47,591.82 J, . in i niir i • <>L - J ! . . ! - ii ii II n ...i Appropriation Budget 1963-64 Unencumbered Balance $ 660,450.00 $ 626,975.21 $ 158,425.00 $ 143,945.17 $ 17,100.00 $ (1,437.41) $ 3,000.00 $ 2,936.95 $ 838,975.00 $ 772,419.92 - ~i i I I — •inimi — • wu»n i"'i H I JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT NORTH CAMPUS (13) STATEMENT Of DISBURSEMENTS AND ENCUMBRANCES August 31, 1963 Disbursement* & Encumbrances For Month Disbursements & Encumbrances Yeor-to-Dote $ 1,208.33 1,750.00 1,632.50 2,785.00 998.55 $ 2,416.66 2,625.00 2,307.50 5,570.00 1,686.5*; 13.13 $ 8,374.38 $ 14,618.34 (400) Operating Expenses 461 Postage and Freight $ A67 Rent 469 Repairs and Maintenance 491 Supplies - Instructional 492 Supplies - Office 494 Supplies-Other . 496 Telephone and Telegraph 497 Travel and Related Expense 499 Miscellaneous 50.00 408.00 15.00 172.58 625.38 2.00 60.85 — 23.00 $ 100.00 408.00 15.00 172.58 726.98 2.00 121.10 47.73 41.15 Total Operating Expenses $ 1,356.81 $ 1,634.54 $ 1,912.20 7,542.00 2,790.00 $ 2,582.60 7,542.00 2,790.00 $ 12,244.20 $ 12,914.60 Account No. Item (300) Salaries 321 D. Libby, Director 321 Administrative - Cert. 302 Counselors 303 Instructors 341 Clerical 391 Other Total Salaries (500) Capital Outlay 521 Equipment 541 Furniture 591 Other Total Capital Outlay Special Appropriation-St .Act. $ TOTAL $ $ 21,975.39 $ 29,167.98 Appropriation Budget 1963-64 Unencumbered Bolance $ 635,950.00 $ 621,331.16 $ 122,425.00 $ 120,790.46 $ 14,400.00 $ 1,485.40 $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 775,775.00 $ 746,607.02 ^«P A general discussion followed. Whereupon, it wos moved by Mrs. 8astian, and seconded by Mr. Ruffin, that the Treasurer's Report be approved, as submitted. Upon the aye vote of all Board members present, the motion was approved unanimously. 5,5 Warrant-Check Register for August The Treasurer of the College, Mr. Hobson, presented the Warrant-Check Register for the month of August. The expenditures for this period, as listed in the above-mentioned Warrant Check Register, are as follows: 9/9/63 - 14 - 4& A general discussion followed. Whereupon, it was moved by Mr. Ruffin, and seconded by Mr. Geil, that the Board ratify and approve the payment of all expenditures made in accordance with the Warrant-Check Register, with the exception of check No. 1869, payable to Clarence M. Turleyr Inc. A general discussion followed, in which it was agreed to discuss this informally with Mr. Turley, Sr. and Mr. Turley, Jr. before approving payment. Upon the aye vote of all members present, the motion to approve the Warrant-Check 9 Register, which is attached to these Minutes, and excepting check No. 1869, was approved unanimously. 6. STUDENT PERSONNEL SERVICES gfe 6.1 The President of the College recommended that the advisor to the student newspaper, Mr. Malkom Jackoway, and the student staff of the paper known as The Knapsack, be commended for the initiative taken, and the results shown, in the publishing of a first edition ready for distribution on the opening day of college. A general conversation ensued. Whereupon, the President of the Board, Mr. Williamson, directed that the Secretary, Mrs. Dolores Tygard, send a letter of commendation to Mr. Jackoway and the staff who worked on the newspaper. 6.2 National Defense Student Loan Program The President of the College recommended that the Board accept a second payment from the National Defense Student Loan Program of $7,881.00, and authorize a payment from District funds of $875.67, c& the District's share, which was previously agreed upon. 9/9/63 i -. - 15 - •^J Dr. Coscnd told the Board this would bring the total NDEA student loan fund to $16,215.56, of which $14,594.00 came from the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare - Bureau of Educational Assistance Programs - and the balance of $1,621.56 from the Junior College District funds. A general discussion developed. Whereupon, on motion by Mrs. Bastion, seconded by Mr. Ruffin, and with the aye vote of ail members of the Board who were present, it was RESOLVED, That the District appropriate the sum of $875.67 of the general funds of the District, to be used for the District's contribution to the National Defense Student Loan Program, said sum being the amount necessary to participate fully in said Loan program, with funds received from the United States in the amount of $7,881.00, all in accordance with the Resolution heretofore passed by the Board of Trustees on August 19, 1963. 7. COMMUNITY RELATIONS 7.1 Analysis of technical and academic brochures The President of the College told the Board that these brochures would be discussed at a forthcoming meeting. Unfortunately, the printer had not been able to get them to the college in time for the Board meeting. 3. ADJOURNMENT Board President Williamson asked if there were any further business to come before the Board. Tiiere was not, and Mrs. Bastian made a motion that the meeting be adjourned. Mr. Geii seconded the motion, and it was unanimously approved at 11:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted <^QSLC^A^O 1 ((3, ^ ^ 9 \ ^ _ W \ Dolores B. Tygard, Secretary \J ^ Board of Trustees The Junior College District of St. Louis St. Louis County, Missouri * / : r - ' ' • • • • ' " . ; : : ' : • ' • ' ' v : - - . - • : • - : ' • ' • • • • ' ' • • . • • ' • ' • • .' • ' " • . • • - . • : : • • • • * to ' •• ' , • ' • • • • • . . . .'. • • • • . . . . . - i , . . R E LEAS E KNOW ALL MEN BI THESE PRESENTS, that I, tha undersigned, ALBERT ZIMMERMAN, formerly residing at 96 S. Clarkson Street, Denver, Colorado, for and In consideration of the sura of Three Hundred Eighteen Dollars and Eighteen Cents ($318.18), the receipt and sufficiency whereof Is hereby acknowledged, do hereby RELEASE and FOREVER DISCHARGE, THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OP ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI, Its representatives, agents and employees and eaoh of them, of and from all, and all manner of aotlon or aotlons, cause or causes of aotlon, suits, debts, duos, sums of money, aooounts, reckoning, covenants, contracts, controversies, agreements, promises, damages, claims and demands whatsoever, in law or in equity, which I may have or have had or may hereafter have against said Junior College District, its representatives, agents and employees or any of them, by reason of any aot or thing done or omitted to be done by the aforesaid parties or any of them up to and lnoludlng the date of this instrument and particularly on aooount of any claim against the Junior College Distriot, its representatives, agents and employees or any of them, of whatever kind or nature arising out of a oontraot employing me as a counselor under Salary Classification I~3, said oontraot being executed as of August 13, 1963 and being effective August 26, 1963,or by reason of any expense or loss suffered by me by reason of moving from Denver, Colorado to St. Louis, Missouri, Including living expenses, transportation expenses and any other expense whloh may have been occasioned by said move. It is further understood and agreed that by these presents I do hereby tender my resignation to the Junior College District as a counselor and that the payment of the above described sum la not to whatsoever a r i s i n g out of matters h e r e i n s e t f o r t h . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I , the undersigned, have hereunto signed t h i s instrument t h i s \\ day of IHLET. 1963. Albert^Zlramerman WITNESSES THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT ST. L D U I S - S T . LDUIB COUNTY, MISSOURI 43se L I N D E L L . ST. L O U I S O, MO., J E . seeoo September I I , 1963 M r , Albert - Zimmerman Dear M r . Zimmerman: We hereby accept your resignation as Counselor for the Junior College District, said resignation being effective as of September 9, 1963. Sincerely yours, James W . Hobson Vice President - Treasurer JWH:jn Accepted By /2Mtt/f Date <^/>y<«3 ~ *yC*<*t4'>i6/st+>*&*^ ''•'•'. • • ' . ' " ' ' * ' . ' • • ' ' . ' ' • . ' - • * • ' A • i AGREEMENT FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT made as of the *? day of ^ ^ .A^^vA^r in the year Nineteen Hundred and Sixty Three by and between THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OP ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI (hereinafter called the "Owner"), and KENNETH E. WISCHMEYER, ARCHITECT, 911 Locust Street, St. Louis, Missouri (hereinafter called the "Architect"), WITNESSETH, that whereas the Owner Intends to master plan and ereot a Junior College for a St. Louis County site (hereinafter called the "Projeot"). NOW, THEREFORE, the Owner and the Architect for the considerations hereinafter set forth agree as follows: ^^ ^^ A. The Architect agrees to perform professional services for the above Project as hereinafter set forth. B. The Owner agrees to pay the Architect as compensation for his servloes* (1) For his basic servioesi (a) Six percent (6%) of the construction oost for any single stage of the total Projeot costing $£,000,000.00 or less. (b) Five and one-half peroent (£.5$) of the construction oost for any single stage of the total Projeot oostlng more than $5,000,000.00. (2) For extra servloes defined in Article II hereinafter, the Owner agrees to pay the Arohiteot Two and one-half (2 1/2) times <flh the Direot Personnel Expense as defined in Article V hereinafter. . : fpr (3) Reimbursable expense as defined hereinafter in Artiole V to the amount expended, (i».) Master Plan? The architect ahall be reimbursed for all work performed on the Msater Plan defined in Article XI of Section C of this Agreement at the same rate as defined in sub-paragraph B-2 above. Statements shall be rendered monthly by the Arohiteot com- puted on the previous month's time records and reimbursable expenses. The total oost of the Master Plan shall be deducted from the entire fee for baslo services on a pro-rata basis as basic services are performed for each stage of the development. Master Plan shall not exceed $60,000.00. The total oost of the It is estimated that the work for eaoh phase will cost approximately as follows: Program Phase Schematic Phase Preliminary Phase Pinal Presentation % $ £,000,00 l£,000.00 30,000.00 10,000.00 If, after further Investigation upon the part of the Arohiteot it appears necessary that additional expenditures are neoessary for completion of the Master Plan, the fee for this service may be inoreased, but only upon prior written approval of any Increase by the Owner, C, The parties hereto furthor agree to the following oondltlons: I. BASIC SERVICES OF THE ARCHITECT 1. Schematic Design Phaao (a) .^1 The Arohiteot shall oonsult with the Owner to aaoortain the requirements of the Projeot and shall oonfirm such requirements to the Owner. -2" jSg (b) Ho shall prepare achomatlo design studios leading to a reoommondod solution together with a general description of tho Projoot for approval by the Owner. (o) Ho shall subnit to tho Owner a statement of the probable projoot construction oost based on current area, volumo or other unit oosts. (d) Theso services shall bo porformed on each particular phase of the projeot as it is oarried beyond the master planning stage and shall be in addition to mastor planning as hereinafter defined in Article XI of this Section. 2. Design Development Phase (a) % The Arohltect shall prepare from the approved schematic design studios and the master plan, the design development documents consisting of plans, elevations and other drawings, and outlino spooifloations, to fix and illustrate the size and oharaoter of tho entire Project in its essentials as to kinds of materials, type of struoturo, mochanioal and electrical systems and suoh other work as may bo required. (b) The Arohltect shall submit to tho Owner a further statemont of the probablo project oonstruotlon oost and, If authorized by tho Owner, obtain a somidetallod estimate of such oost. 3. y^jH Construo 11 on Poo umonta._,P ha s.p, (a) The Arohltect shall proparo from the approvod dosign -3- S| development doouraents, working drawings and specifications sotting forth In dotail and proscribing the work to bo dono, and tho matorials, workmanship, finishes, and equipment required for the architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, sorvicooonnootod equipment, and alto work, and the necessary bidding information, General Conditions of the Contract, and Supplementary General Conditions of the Contract, and shall assist in the drafting of proposal and contraot forms. (b) He shall keep the Ownor Informed of any adjustments to provious statements of tho probable projoot construo- A. tion cost lndioated by changos in scopo, requirements ^^ or market conditions, (c) The Arohitoot shall be responsible for filing the required dooumonts to soouro approval of governmental authorities having jurisdiction over the design of tho Projoot. k< Construction Phaao - Genoral Administration of Construction Contracts: (a) Tho Arohitoct shall assist tho Ownor in obtaining proposals from Contractors and in awarding and proparing construction oontraots. Tho Arohitoct shall also mako rooommondatlons on all olaims of the Owner and Contractor and on all matters rolating to the WgSk oxooution and progress of tho work or tho Interpretation of tho Contract Dooumonts. §B& (b) Ho shall chock and approve samples, schadulos, shop drawings and othor submissions for oonformanco with tho design concept of the Project and for compllanco with tho information givon by tho Contract Dooumonts, prepare change ordor3 and assemble written guarantoos requirod of tho Contractor, (o) Tho Architect will mako porlodic visits to tho slto to familiarize himself gonorally with tho progross and quality of tho work and to do tormina in general if tho work is procooding in accordance with tho Contract Documonts. Ho will make dally on-site inspections to check tho quality or quantity of tho work, JjfljL but will not bo roquirod to make oxhaustivo or continuous on-site inspections. During such visits and on tho basis of his observations whilo at tho slto, ho will koop tho Owner lnformod of tho progross of tho work, will ondoavor to guard tho Own-ar against dofocts and dofloioncios in tho work of Contractors, and ho may condemn work as falling to conform to tho Contraot Documonts. Basod on suoh observations and tho Contractor's Applications for Payment, ho will dotormino tho amount owing to tho Contractor and will issuo Cortiflcatos for Paymont in suoh amounts. Thoso Cortiflcatos will constitute a representation to tho Owner, basod on suoh observations and tho data J88fr comprising tho Application for Paymont, that tho work has progrosaod to tho point lndioatod. -5- 3y issuing a flp Cortlfioato for Paymont, tho Architoot will also r e present to tho Ownor that, to tho bost of his knowlodgo, information and boliof basod on what his observations havo rovoalod, tho quality of tho work is in aocordanoo with tho Contraot Documents. Ho will conduct; inspoctions to dotormino tho datos of substantial and final complotlon and issuo a final Cortificatc for Paymont. (d) If moro extensive roprosontation at tho sito is r e quired, the conditions undor which such roprosontation shall bo furnishod and a Project Roprosontativo scloctod, employed and diroctod, shall bo agrood to by tho £ ^ Ownor and the Architoot and sot forth in an exhibit to this Agreement. 5. Personnql (a) Konnoth Wischmoyor shall bo assigned to this projoet as projoot architoot and shall bo associated with all phasos of the work at all timos. (b) Tho Architect shall assign ono full-time qualifiod rogistorod architoot from his staff to suporviso all pha3os of oonstruotion. This shall not bo oonstruod as continuous on-sito inspootions. (o) Tho Arohitoct shall roquiro tho sito, structural, moohanioal and olootrloal onginoors to assign a i qualified ongineor from caoh of their staffs to "jjffi suporviso oach phaoo of tho work for which his offioo : is rosponsible. r ^gP 6. Errors and Omission Insurance -• Contingency Fund (a) Tho Archltoot shall submit to tho Ownor Insuranoo oortlfloatea giving proof that tho Ownor Is protected from major orrors attributable to tho Architoct and/or any consultant retained by tho Architoct. All pre- miums for this insuranco shall be paid by tho Arohitoot out of his foo for basic sorvicos. (b) Tho Ownor shall includo in tho building budget a contingency fund of 2$ of tho cost of tho work to pay for minor alterations, corroctions and omissions to tho work roqulrcd during construction and for a period of one full year following substantial complotion of fiL the work. 7. Revisions to Contract Documonts Tho Architoct agroos to roviso tho oontract documents as roquirod vfithout additional oxponso to tho Owner if tho low bid oxooods by 5% or moro tho amount of tho cost estimate approved by tho Ownor, oxolusivo of lncroasod costs by unforosoen Increases in ratos for labor. II. EXTRA SERVICES OF THE ARCHITECT Tho following sorvicos, if porformod duo to unusual ciroura- stanoos, causo tho Architoct oxtra oxponso, and shall bo paid for by tho Ownor as a Multiplo of Direct Porsonnol Exponso: 1, Making planning survoys and spoolal analysos of tho Owner's noods to olarlfy requirements of tho Projoot when roquostod JpP by tho Ownor. «7 ••• ira 2. Making moasurod drawings of e x i s t i n g oonstruotlon whon when required for planning additions or a l t e r a t i o n s t h o r o t o . 3. Revising previously approvod drawings or spoolfIcatlons to aooorapllsh changoa ordorod by the Owner. I+. Preparing docuraonts for altornato bids and chango orders requested by tho Owner. 5>. Consultation concerning replacement of any work damaged by f l r o or other cause during construction and furnishing p r o f e s s i o n a l sorvlcos of tho typos set f o r t h In paragraph C-l abovo as may bo required In connection with tho roplacomont of such work. 6. Arranging for tho work t o procood should tho contractor dofault duo to delinquency or insolvency. 7. % Proparlng a s - b u l l t drawings showing construction changes In the work and f i n a l looatlons of rnoohanioal sorvloo l i n o s and o u t l o t s , If roquostod by the Ownor. 8. Making an Inspection of tho Projeot p r i o r to oxpiration of tho guaranteo period and reporting obsorvod dlsorepanolos under guarantees provided by tho construction c o n t r a o t s , If roquostod by tho Ownor. III. THE OWNER'S RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Tho Owner s h a l l provldo f u l l information as to his requirements for the P r o j e c t . 2. Ho shall doslgnato, whon nooossary, r e p r e s e n t a t i v e s authorized to aot in h i s bohalf. Ho s h a l l oxamino doournonta sub- mitted by tho Arohltoot and render dooiaions portainlng thoroto flfe promptly, to avoid unreasonable delay in tho progroaa of tho Archit e c t ' s work. Ho shall obsorvo tho proooduro of issuing ordors to -6«* |ra contractors only through tho Architoct. 3. Ho shall furnish or dlroct tho Architoct to obtain at tho Ownor's exponso, a certified survoy of tho site, giving, as ro~ quirod, grades and linos of stroots, alloys, pavomonts, and adjoining property, rights of way, restrictions, easements, oncroachrnonts, sontng, dood restrictions, boundaries, and contours of tho building slto; locations, dimensions, and comploto data portalning to existing buildings, othor Improvements and troos; full information a3 to available sorvioo and utility linos both public and prlvatoj and tost borings and pits necossary for determining subsoil conditions. 1|. Ho shall pay for structural, chomlcal, mochanlcal, soil moohanios or othor tests and reports if roquirod. jgL 5. Ho shall arrango and pay for such legal and auditing sorvloos as may bo required for tho Projoct. 6. If tho Owner observes or otherwise becomes awaro of any dofoot In tho Projoot, he shall give prompt writton notice thoroof to tho Architoct, IV. PROJECT CONSTRUCTION COST 1. Projoot construction cost as horoin roforrod to moans tho total oost of all work designed or specified by tho Architoct, but doos not include any payments made to tho Architect or consultants. 2. Projoot construction oost shall bo bnsod upon one of tho following souroos with prooodonco in tho order listed: (a) Lowoot acceptable bona fldo Contractor's proposal Sgfe roooivod for any or all portions of the Projoot. -9- JBr (b) Estlmato of projoct construction cost as defined In paragraph Ij. bolow. (o) Tho Architect's latost statoraont of probablo project construction oost based on ourront area, volumo or other unit oosts. 3. If a fixed limit of projoot construction oost is statod herein, or if otherwise authorized by the Owner, estimates of tho projoot oonstruotion oost prepared in somi-dotailed or detailed form by an oxporloncod ostlmator will bo seoured by tho Architoot during the Design Dovolopment or Construction Documents Phaso. i|. If tho estimated projoct construction cost or tho lowost bona fldo proposal is in oxcoss of any limit stated horoln, tho Owner jg^ ™ shall glvo written approval of an incroaso In tho limit, or ho shall cooperate in revising tho projoct soopo or quality, or both, to reduce the cost as roqulrod. 5. Slnoo tho Arohltoct has no control over tho cost of labor and materials, or competitive bidding, ho does not guarantoo the accuraoy of any statomonts or ostlmatos of probable construction cost, exoopt a3 sot out in Artiolo 1, sub-paragraph 7 of this Agreement. V. THE ARCHITECT'S EXPENSE 1. Direct Personnel Expense Inoludoa that of principals and omployoos ongagod on tho Projoct including arohltocts, onginoors, doslgnors, job oaptalns, draftsmen, spoolfloation writers, typists and Projoot Representatives, in consultation, rosearoh, designing, -agfc producing drawings, spoolfioatlona and other doouruontu pertaining to tho Projoot, and aorvioos during oonstruotion at the Projoot sito. -10- Employees' tlmo s h a l l bo a t t h o i r r o g u l a r r a t e s of p a y . 2. • Reimbursable Exponso I n c l u d e s a c t u a l e x p e n d i t u r e s mado by t h e A r o h l t o o t In tho I n t e r e s t of tho P r o j o o t f o r t h e following i n o l d o n t a l oxponsos. ( a ) Exponso of t r a n s p o r t a t i o n and l i v i n g of p r i n c i p a l s and omployoos whon t r a v e l i n g i n o o n n o c t i o n w i t h tho P r o joe t j long d l s t a n o o c a l l s and t o l o g r a m s ; r e p r o d u c t i o n of drawings and s p o c i f i c a t l o n s o x c l u d l n g c o p i e s f o r A r c h i t e c t ' s o f f i c o use and e i g h t oompleto s e t s a t each phaso f o r tho Ownor's review and a p p r o v a l ; and f o e s p a i d f o r s e c u r i n g approval of a u t h o r i t i e s having jurisdiction ovor tho P r o j e c t . (b) I f a u t h o r i z e d in advanoo by tho Ownor, tho expenso of ^m P r o j o c t R o p r o s e n t a t i v o , overtime work r e q u i r i n g h i g h o r t h a n r o g u l a r r a t e s , s o m l - d e t a i l o d and d o t a l l o d ostimatos of p r o j o c t c o n s t r u c t i o n c o s t , p o r s p o c t l v o s or raodols f o r tho Ownor's u s e . (o) I f t h o i r employment i s a u t h o r i z e d i n advance and i n w r i t i n g by the Ownor, f o e s of s p o o i a l c o n s u l t a n t s othor t h a n those l i s t o d i n A r t l o l o X. VI. PAYMENTS TO THE ARCHITECT 1. Payments on account of tho A r o h l t o c t ' s b a a i c sorvloos s h a l l be as f o l l o w s : ( a ) Paymonta s h a l l bo mado monthly i n p r o p o r t i o n t o s o r v l o o s performed t o i n o r o a s o the compensation f o r b a s i o s o r v l o o s to tho f o l l o w i n g p e r c e n t a g e s a t tho c o m p l e t i o n of oaoh phaso of tho work: •"11~ 1. Design Development Phaso .....35$ • 2. Construction Dooumonts Phaso 3. Receipt of Bida 75$ 80$ \\.. 10C$ Construction Phase * 2. Paymont3 for extra sorvicos of tho Archltoct as dofinod in Article II above, and for Reimbursable Expense as dofinod in Articlo V, paragraph 2 as well as costs of Master Planning shall be made monthly upon presentation of Architect's dotallod lnvoioo. 3. No deduction shall bo made from tho Architect's compensation on account of ponalty, liquidated damagos or othor sums withheld from paymonts to contractors. U. If any work designed or specifiod by tho Archltoct dur- ing any phase of sorvioo Is abandoned or susponded in wholo or in part, tho Archltoct is to be paid for tho sorvioo porformod on {^A account of it prior to roooipt of written notico from tho Ownor of such abandonment or suspension, together with reimbursements then duo. VII. ACCOUNTING RECORDS OF THE ARCHITECT Rooords of tho A r c h i t e c t ' s Dlroot Porsonnol, Consultant, and Reimbursable Exponso p e r t a i n i n g to t h i s P r o j e c t and records of aooounts betwoon the Owner and Contractor s h a l l bo kept on a g o n e r a l ly rooognizod aooounting b a s i s and s h a l l bo avallablo to the Ownor or h i s authorizod roprosentatlvo a t mutually oonvonlont times, and upon domand Arohitoot s h a l l r o p o r t roimbursablo oxpensos in virlting to Ownor, VIII. TERMINATION OP AGREEMENT This Agreement may bo tormlnated by olthor party upon sovon days* wrltton notioo for any cause whatsoever. In tho ovont of termination, duo to tho fault of others than the Architect, the Arohitoot shall bo paid tho roanonablo value of his services -12- OK porformod to termination date, or a fee based on tho percentage of the work completed, whlohovor is loss, togathor with reimbursements then due. DC. OWNERSHIP AMD USE OF DOCUMENTS Owner shall have the right to use frooly Archltoot's draw- ings and specification for planning, and for other Junior College projects; provided, however, that the Ownor shall not build nor shall it allow others to build, nor shall It oauso anything to be built under the sealod plans of Archlteot without tho prior wrltton oonsont of Archltoot. X. CONSULTANTS 1. Tho Archltoot agroos to submit for approval by tho A. Ownor the names and qualifications of all consultants to bo omployed "^ by him for this work. This shall Include a site engineer, struc- tural onginoor, mechanloal engineer, olootrloal onglneor, acoustical consultant, landscapo urchiteot, kltohon consultant and all other consultants tho Arohltoot dooms nooessary for tho suooossful completion of this work. Tho Archltoot shall pay tho cost of those con- sultants out of his foo. If, howovor, tho Ownor instruots tho Arohltoot to ongago a particular consultant, tho consultants qualifications mu3t bo aoceptablo to tho Archltoot, and tho Ownor shall pay °.ny additional foo required abovo tho foo ohargod by tho consultant of tho Arohltoot's oholoo. 2. Tho Ownor shall rotaln and pay the o:jst of a soils consultant, lnoludlng tho oost of all tost holes and pits, labora^rffe tory tosta, and soils engineering reports, -13- • A ' XI. MASTER FLAN 1. Program Phaso: Tho Architect will collaborate with tho Ownor to dovolop a description of tho roquirod spacos. This aervico shall lncludo as many conforoncos a3 aro nooossary to produce tho roquirod results and shall also includo whatovor graphic prosontations aro roquirod to cloarly organizo and doflno tho program. 2. Schematic Phase: Tho Architect, together with his con- sultants, will dovolop tho concept of tho total campus with smallscalo plan drawings, study modol3 and diagrams to indlcato land uso, building groups, circulation and major utility distribution. 3. Prollmlnary Phaso: The Architoct, together with his consultants, will oxpand and improvo tho doslgn of tho approved schematic mastor plan utilizing sraall-scalo plan drawings and a *^& study modol togothor with a dotallod report of tho entire Ma3tor Plan, including structural, mochanlcal and olootrical work. i\.. Pinal Presentation Phase: This phaso shall inoludo a professionally construotod modol of tho ontlro oampus, plus porspoctivo skotchos drawn to lllustrato tho total concept. XII, ARBITRATION Arbitration of all questions in disputo undor this Agroomont shall bo at tho ohoioo of olthor party and shall bo in aooordanoo with tho provisions, thon obtaining, of tho StandardPorm of Arbitration Proooduro of Tho Amorloan Institute of Architects. A decision by tho arbitrators 3hall bo a oondition prooodont to tho right of any logal aotlon. f) IN WITNESS WHEREOF tho parties horoto have made and executed ~llj.« • |M t h i s Agreement, the day and y e a r f i r s t above w r i t t e n . Kenneth E. w i s c h n r e y e r , ^ A r c h i t e c t TH3 JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OP ST. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI By J l - 1 IAJ 1WJA4M44AK. Attest: By <d3? aJL^jz^ Secretary President, Board of Trustees (5 , ^[^(^^.A r\ O % -15- flBHSnflft f' * ' ' - < . ' ' - ' ' VEBRSB NnppW^ '.}': f ' . ' • • . • ' , .1 ••••„'.' * . • ' • " '. ' ' • • ' : ' • ' , • ' ' ' - . ' . ' . " ' • ' " ' ' " ' • ' ' • ' • " • " " f K -. ' • " ' = ' i - ' " . . ' . / A • - ' , ' " , . • • ' • * • ^ / : ; ° •' L ' - wSBWff ^ p F • ' -J. ' • . •;;^;:' ' • / : 'i • • ' • . - . : . . ' - • • • • ' • • . , ; • . • • • ' . . ' AGREEMENT FOR ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES ' ' ' ,. ' , ARMSTRONG, TEASDALE, ROOS, KRAMER ft VAUGHAN A T T O R N E Y S A N O COUNSELORS .' "T^" *~'-,', ; k \ • SO* OLIVE 8T«RBT ' ST. LQU18 I, MO. • • :"" . . """" ! t BASIC AGREEMENT FOR OFF-DUTY ACADEMIC INSTRUCTION OePAKTMENT OF THE AKMY I"*"' "" , ""« W T NUMBC " I 1 lo called, executing of ft •by Such Government Contractor available contract shall able period ment periods supplemental Government. be which tractor ditions facilities (ii) to the cate therein. and corporation the THE A the enrolled shall Contracting (iv) for to students of provide be have city ft) (c) (d) (f) the 1. shall .furnishing of FOAM to of the UNITED of instruction shut! for Service* made subject •All This Requests be Each this for and all Contractor, this of time THIS understands (WIK> the Contracting Army in courses and incorporate sent organized partial students students. agreement instruction equipment be C agreement, shall the by same agreement agreement. order determined Officer, approved O BASIC to STATES Z 'mailed of may delivery in To same O Sinter) S^pttsilifT the St;, by in any the be quadruplicate payment privileges, in (i) Bt> vitoesseth mtain the accepted Religion. same military and Officer that AGREEMENT, by manner United ahull of between or (Hi) normally LoWl* for may and Furnished, by OF courses fasvioua Government to the reference as otherwise existing no one students the er academic shall of cover AMERICA, be hereinafter instruction Government States, by as personnel by tuition including *!V* (I) Contractor renewed the .that lV'*i I.TJ'' furnished to the „civilian and be the one copy .«»Tio«» under the Contractor lurnished executed enrolled (a) the Contractor 'for regulations, Contractor selecti-d for ucosts entered or nContractor terms The for hereinafter provided. parties of instruction use annually irequested the the more nstudents, funds of by as rthe bin o* under Contractor of respective orders laws during acceptand the by into C.vl..U;»;e instudents, and by TMI» ,Departitltt). all PRIOR hereto are in shall triplithe Conconby the this and Ihia of by the The the ton* celled the athe do Stele In State **• mutually to* -?trj number onginal each tractor ering stated Government Government". roll the napreaentatives order. original Contracting forth that is similar is, The prepared Contractor to of amended or dent oatokaf Gowrnment, of jcovered the change the period rand ment, number student, d invoice portion charged c». -(b) eligibility in student, the 2. (c) amounts agree Contractor's in (() to as course shall ,each M order order. Corwk/erafiort, *. on order, (a) coat The which of Invoices take fit. Mlb&ourl Ifthe the iby is of sOfficer will of on an instruction shall as sabove awill be order to Government covering the oon course as to original such represented civilian of the paid The order u L'.iuiu shall follows: for of The is processed be day pay rthe set appropriate instruction. in amendment. ibe the cost designated may accepted refund after amended, regularly an total action. or no Contractor of Government forth to which form, signed clearly ofContractor order to invoice, event him student be of the at -Payment instruct! the B'-pteKibor tuition be upon wili ;the in submitted any and by in ]Contractor unless has •Contractor by to paid the amendment state established be the the ,the course as time pay It shall be pursuing withdrawal the in ashall been I,..--,;.,. cost an order of on im<l shall "Cost amendment authorised representative same by Contracting amended quadruplicate, and what the Contractor amount after the as the bear to accepted of not invoices, covering as compensation until be shown cover manner submits instruction instruction to C-J.JJ^V the Government the to the permit period compensation (i) marked be .hereinafter such greater and course, amendment such same by the shall expiration aon Paid Officer hereunder. by as semester the (ii) his to oof or same original (a) the covchange as th the or student be the than stuset by Conenof which ,The and aan 19,-j the H fl«S ' fljjgflgj Ms&M WuBH tijfflBl BBgm H B WJWB jfifHriw W&m IfflSKB Rags! flffllg BHHHIHj jPjrll W$m L&ffl Bffffiffl BHB Hrai IjKS HH§ |j$|flfl HBI H lira gjgj gH Wfm MS gWjm |H fiBf M H B mm H |H fin |m gB rffl| ||rB jH |S|aia (d) The Contractor understands that the payment of tuition costs, other than those paid or to be paid by the Government as compensation under, (a) above, is a matter between the Contractor and the individual student and that payment of the invoice referred to in (h) above is a COTplefediscKatge of tbeOortrnnwnt's'obhtBtlon under the otdc* at orders covered by stfch Invoice. -!<.'!', 3. Tttxlbookn, Equipment; and Supplies. Unless otl»r»ise provided herein, all necessary textbooks, laboratory manuals, and other equipment which will be' required for use by individualfctndefrtswill be procured • by said students at their own expense; except that students included herein shall have the same privileges to free-of-cherge issuance of textbooks, laboratory man-' uars, and other equipment as may be regular!} provided for by the Contractor. ' . .1. . .. <: i • ^ i | I ' . (b> T"'8 "Disputea" clause does not preclude cooBidewtton of law questions ia connection with decisions provided for ia (m) cdoee.: PROVIDED, That nothiaft in *W» coatrsct shall V constmed as making final the daclsiem of any adm^daUaiivs official, repreaestativa, or board-oo a questional law. • . ,,.:..- • > • „ -.i , . ,..,(.. .,ti •• i , 6 . inspection. Tha Ceatractor agroeatopermit the 4. Termination, '(a) Th"* performance of work under Contracting Offioet or hia duly authorised representative this contract may be terminated by the Government in ! to «n«*e inspections of the school facilities and courses accordance with this clause in whole, or from titrm to offered at any reasonable tine. time In part, whenever, ( 0 trw Contracting Offtcwr shall' J •'• ' • t *;*--. i •••'.• determine that any such termrnatlon is for the best In'. 1,'Cbvmmtt Agmnat Contingnt Pee*. The Cooterests of the Government, or Hi) b student, after enroll! tre**c«<«a?tant» that no paxaoa of selling agency has. ment, voluntarily, or at the request of the Contractor. j **•» /amwleyaal •* Wtaiaedtosoiaeit or aecure this ep*- n withdraws from any courae or courses. Whenever termi\ t««*«poa *» agr#aa»a»t or mderateeding for a commta- •,., nation is effected pursuant to (i) above, the Contracting »**«. pareeatafa, atokacaasY «• oootineeat few, excepting Officer shall deliver to the Contractor a notice of ter' heae fide eaytojwea or bona flda eatabltshed coramereial mioation specifying the extent to which performance of <* selling aftaaslaa awlataiaed by the Contractor fo* rite wort under this contract shall be terminated and the i pWpoae of saowxRg business. Far breach or violation of effective date of sttch tettntnntioa.- theneveir terminal , thia wattatt? «*»Ge*«*ana«4 shall have the righttoannul lice Is effected nnder (rrj above, the Contractor shall' , *la conUact without Uabllity or ia its discretion to dapromptly notify the Contracting Officer In writing of ! - ! dwrt from the contract price or conalderation, or othersees withdrawal and the. effect!va date thereof, and shall i **** twea^sr.-trJw fell mmmA of «Bch eoamiaai n. par- , state the amewnt. if any, of any adjustment in bnilnga «jwtaajt, brobaraga, as ttoattafaot fee. , iy:: ortopaymenta-mede, resulting there frota. - '- •••• ,; .. « . . , •.,,-. < *"' «. OHhMaltet.ToBmmfit. tto awiubat of or d«ta>> t (b) In the event of termination in whole or ia part, ! « • to C«rJ«rt«, or rwid*»t cosmteaionet, abali be edthe Coatractor ahall be paid (i) the {xatioa of any tuition ««ttd t» aay aha** 4* o«tt «i thia contract, ot toaay cosU then due and owing, by the tknreiament, with rebenefit (bat attyaviw tfaasaitBom;,b«| Uda aroviaiaa ahall spect to the work terminated, and theretofore unpaid, and not b#fiwsatxaedto o«teo4,ta tW» caatecct if awl* with fit) any portion of the tuition cost payable by the Govern. • co*a««Bti(OB for ttt-gepexal bmaefis, f>. meat.'accrued accordlnffo the established policies of '• •' v, <^' >••• ; ^i-- i>* W*:-W »,-• ;•;; •' _ - ; | ' i : (^ the Contractor, If teralnbtida Is effected daring any 9. Jtendtacrimiimim eafmipssxawBl. ifajta poanecperiod of instisction ttadortaken by the Contractor with tlo" w*th the rmfhmaace of work amaet thia contract, respect t the work tatmiaatod. »•• Coahmctor ««rwM aot to discriminate agaiaat aay employee or applicant for eoploymeet because of race, re5. Diapote*. (a) Eacept m stheiwiae providad ia ibjioa, color, or aatioaal otitis. The •foreeaid P»Q*i«lo« thia eoatmct, aox diwato coMWP4«i* tueaUon of f "••' l««^itde, bat aot ha Hailedto,the following: amU* l^^mZ^^^mVS!^^^ ' ' p.oy»tat', ^tradtog. * » o t i o a . or traaaferi racnUauat m of by agmemaat ahaU b« decided by the Contracting tocmitswoi advertising, layoff « tarmiaat I oajratoaof C « c ^ w 1 * W i a l l i ^ » w r » f t o W ! B i o a to writing aad , ^ f * r « ««»»* «**•'«? comp^Mt oa; and aeloctioa Iflf mall or otherwise furnish a copy tharaoftothe Contractor. training, iacladlag apptaaiicoahia. The Contractor afw*a TamamateaoaatH» C«*re**wQ/fcwi »HaH, ba<ia*l .. ,„.. to p?** *<*&*M,i^onapteaow placea. •vallabla for aad coaelaaive ooleasTwlthlB 30 days from the date of ampby*aa and appltcaata forataploymaat, M U c M t o U receipt of audi copy, the Coateactor mails or otherwise provided by the Coatractiag Off leer setting forth the furaiaheatothe Contract!*! Officer a written appeal provlaioaa of the BoadiacfiaUrjatioa clause. addiaaaad to'ttaa^actwtAry. TW dacislon bftbeSa^ta^ ' J : ' . V ! . "aJa_ '' '". » " ' ! . * . # tary or his duly authority repteawotativ* for the deterW Tha Coitractor furUwi aftTCaa to iasort the fera,fl^p l a s t y ^ f t f l / y ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ f L ' " ^ , aJMa«^.achfpp^l.ahaIlVu^a*dco«i!ai,. it&leas dctermiaed by a court of competent jurisdiction auhcoatracta for ataadet* doaWNeial amppllM «Mr«* to hay basa frauduiaat. or cfp^f^paa, or_arbitrary, or awstofiala. j t so grossly erroneous en necessarily to imply bad faith, or not supported by substantial evidence. In connection with any appeal proceeding under this clause, the Contractor shall be afforded an opportunity to be heard and (to offer evidence in support of its appeal. Pending final : decision of a dispute rw&eunder, tbe Contractor r)hall pnSeeitf^lliSMtty with the performance of the Contract and in eccc*3aoce -with H» Contracting Officer's deciaion. ' \^*»a||mma1am^ l'V<!' VCBtt'-'irKJ fc-Ci- OV t . n j / V^.vriHWK' IMUBOCilOM ^WirS^iwriSr^^^ „ . , , . , , . ., ffi § | § | §§ M M M ffl H W M M H| M M M BE H m SB B| W Eg W M M M • H H W H m H g g m M M M g 9 9 m W H g H • | H H M ffl M ffl « H Eg | H H H , ,,^ v | 10. Convict Labor. In connection with the petformance of work under this contract, the Contractor agrees not to employ any person undergoing sentence of imprisonment at hard labor. • , ; ! 11. Assignment o! Claims. No claim under this contract shall be assigned, _, I a view toward securing « contract or securing (s.yorable ' treatment with respect to the awarding or amending, or the making of any determinations with respect to the performing of such contract; provided that, tit existence of the (acts open which th Secretary or Ms duly authorised representative makes snch findings shall b in issue and may be reviewed in any competent ccart. 12. Renegori'erian. (a) To the extent required by (b) In the event this contract is terminated as prolaw, this contract is subject to the Renegotiation Act ofc v vtded is (a) shove, the Government shall be entitled (i) 1951 (P.L. 9, Sid Cong., 65 Stat. 7) w amended (P.t'r to pttfs^ the: sitae remedies against the Contractor as 7W; 13d Cong:, t9StnC'ttI6; P.L. '^W, t4th CoWj.rtfS "' if coaW Wtritte't* *»« e v e n f o f ^ ^ a c i m t h e contract Stat. 447), sod'to an? sn&fce^hVsct of Congress 'p*& <"' 4 byWt^frwctor,and (if) *a a penalty la'addition to any viding for the renegotiation of contracts. Nothing conother damages to which it may be entitled by law, to extained in this clsuse shall impose any renegotiation obllemplary damages in an amount fas determined by the gat ion with respect to this contract or any subcontract SAcreUry or hia duly authorisedrapraeentarrvejwhich hereunder which is not" imposed by" en act of Congress ahal! be not less than 3 noe more than lOllmeS the Costs heretofore or hereafter enacted. Subject to the foregoing Incurred by the Contractor in providing any such gra'sithis contract shall be doomed to contain all the provisions ties to say seen officer oc employee. required by Section 104 o( the Renegotiation Act of 1951, and by any such other act, with got subsequent contract (c) The rights and remedies of the Government proamendment specifically iitcswfatatlng such provisions. vided is this clsuse shall not be exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by lsw (b) The Contractor agrees to insert the provisions <* '**** *•*• coairot of this clause, including this paragraph (b), in all sub,„ _ .. ,A, . . .. . , ... contracts, « th^Urm is defined in Skrctio^HBg of the . . . , S- Oetaytwm. As u,ed throagfeost tbla egreeiaeat. the Renejotiati^n Act of 1951 or in any subsequent act of following tarns shall hove the meanings sat forth beCongress providing for, the renegotiation of connect*.,. ,.i , ., j* 0 ^*,. . r s . ,,,,-,..,„.,.(.,. , ,,,,,. ' ; •- - J ? ' LfVI^TL °l ^ ecorda A, £ * ! * £ " ? T ! ? i S f 3 r M TJ» term "Secretary" means the Secretary, the is apjWrcaMe if the total anwwitof the «rdtew rdatreo'W< U f t d e f Secr44tT y # „, ^ y Asslstsnt Secretary of the Deder thtM agreement exceeds ft,000.) (a) The Contractor ?tAm^t M d the head or any assistant head of the Fedeegsees that tear Comptroller General pi the UniUxUtatas • „ „ . ^ . g , ^ . aat'fawfW* «'»un duly authorised represerrtsor any of his duly authorised repreaentnttves shall, until U y < „ mnM my penoa w persons or board (other than \ • i * '•. > , "•> V; * $ , T , • 1 ! ; ' toe expiration of three years after finsl payment under ^ CmttmXttoiJttli&X} svtoQrUed iQto unactwforthe Secretins contract, have access to and the rlghHo examine *' ' **• ™Lj&W^§9NgFS>tmJp^fM "" *"" any directly pertinent books, documents, papers snd 'records of the Contractor involving transactors r«4mt«s\jjJo i to this contract. •• • ^ j ^ t w a "Contracting officer" mesas the per(b) The Contractor further agte*s t»lrtc1a0e in all mast, and any other officer or civilian employee who is his subcontracts hereunder a provision to the effect _ ajtfojterjty designated Contracting Officer; and the tera that the subcontractor agre«a that the Comptroller GeoIncludes, except as j^tWwise provided In this agreement, «ral of the United Statos or any of hla duly authorised the authorised representative of a Contracting*Officer representatives shall, until the expiration of three years acting within th* limits of his authority. after final payment under the subcontract, have access to and the right to examine any directly pertinent books, , ... (c) Except as otherwise provided la thin strueaent, documents, papers snd records of such subcontractor la- | the term "sobcontracts" Includes perchase orders under volvlng transactions related to the subcontract. The [ this eoatvact. term"subcontract*' os used in,this clsuse excludes (i) \ ,., .„ purchase orders not exceeding 11,000 snd (ii) subcoo/ fd) The terms *•r»n6•ct,, or "this contract" wean tracts or purchase orders for public utility services at [ an order, Issued by the Contracting Officer and executed ratea established for uniform applicability to the general t by * • Contractor, which la subject to the terms and eonpublic.1 dittoes pf m s assaaawrnt.,> ,, .. - ,•, 14. Graftririma. (a; The Government may, by written (•) The term "coarse" means a netten of leetsree notice to the Contractor, terminate the right of the Cons*4/« lastrsctioos sad/or laboratory periods relating to tractor, to proceed under this contract, If It ia found, after 2 0r»» seiticnie* Held el science or lemtalag. notice and hearing, by the Secretary or his duly autherlied representative, that gratuities (in (he form ol enter16. Altatatktm. The followiag chnagea were made taintmtnt, gifts, orrtherwisejwere offered or given by in this agreement before It wan signed by tie parties the Contractor, or any sgent or representative of the Conhereto: ^aMtianftf Ipndnia tnqxrtt*Ai4*t9chod sheers tractor, to any officer or employee of the Government with tmy he mid.) i? ' yQp : (Continu* Mrtgrntat**»&» as N W N *Me.) |. -*l • '\' .'.. f i l l M n . • ''t>> - i '• ii-;... j«A.i t,m*: rtji.,'^ ;j; r.'. .v«i)t-,;m.ui av '.•( i^-. J , '• • • flmurr- - • ...s i,:;.-i ,.,«, >» jtvuf nf.;.-.'.v '• V • ••;• -^- ; :.£» . - IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this etreeisent as of the day and yeer first above ^'&a% '•"'- ••" '-!--'*'" " ;•.'•• •• •• ' ••• •• :'''.'•• • • , y » - •• = •, ., •'." r ''.!•« :; •-•••!.!-" ,.«>'- .'U* : ' . ' ! ; i '"•(••'.L.- J.-.-. T H E U N I T E D 3 T A T E S O F AMKRECA , • • fi-r.- •»> • . , . . . . "'• --•'•'•" j - • . ., ' (•• '-I--' •'"' • ' t r ; . - : l-:;,'.iri-rfc '.'••i., •:• i f i . . ' . •. r r , : , ; '•' . V S , ' . , . . ; , ..•T'j>CX<l,(!.'*c',.. ; o ; o - . *-...;o<M'>j j,.)l I •••;•})', f l . ! i I. A « > . ! J > ! C » ? . ; i ^ , - ••••.•., i > ' . , .;•:>»: - Y ^ , -..M -j. * « * » • « * • ; ' , : : . , ' . • ; . ; , - x - i " • •" vi'\ . ! " ' » ' 'L'- c - ; l ; - " ' i i ( j !'/"•' 3•'••">"'• ' •"••'<•'.'';-:t:i --K r • ' • » ; "'j ?r.c ; v.'i ' i ' ,s.jf 11 ,;.'. . - ^;» a t ; ; ; . - . >*••->• • • -,u.;i'jut; AMMO1 •-.::•• ,»..,-.. 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S \ • ; ..-j..' < I » ) W H AMMf M • :,., • • — — ... • ; j " rt cwttfy'that t a a the Secretary of the corporation G . , V , Wil4lamsor» vibo'si«acd this oftTtwnwot';«sji behalf p r ^ ^ c s ^ ^ ^ M tUa', P r m i d e n t , fkxjrd of Truiteoa of aaid coapocstktti that seid ejaaeatea* t w f tb^y^ignsd lot and on behalf of eaid ccrporatioo by authority of its CevctBtag fcedy t a d is wkhta the ptof i r \ ' • . •• •• of Its covpo«ata powers. k ; \ . • ',' \- '• 1 , •• , ••••,- • • • • . ' ">h ,. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, | have hetnuto aifiJMd my haod and seel of said corporation this >.-'•. ' : ' 'i'H... of .' • if •• September >l ID 'i j if, r'n''..;i:.'iiV.'l>( r- ..'»• •.. »•• • 19'<W» '.'•>• j; ;< ; ' , . - • ' . . ..i - . r ; " . ;_:)..- i>~n^:l,ji ) ; . '•> . -.u't-Ji -..,,'' .'•*,; ,ffffMHU %; . t v. ( '. -V. ;r. i, ; ;- • IW. ; : Ii I MK— ;-.,.;.; ....,i; ;" 1, aB*ftt";;:)f. ;,.M ; ,,lvH * ! • — - — . » « — (;'v. ' . • . " • M * : ' . I ; ; I ,.•<•!*.;) h ^ , - . : . < - , " » | , . - 5 i / ; .• •,• •• ••'•i..u[ •''*-'•;,,v,:':-.:.1, j ' 1nl.ll—i,ai..», .'*f:ii • . • • • e » B i 1 v ; , : , / < - ' . ; ;:/^ ....... • ''' ' II II Nil •' ._ ' ,• : i..., _ • .... . , r__ 1d i \ .';';.:'V''.""' >W«i • • ! • » • • - W j j •..,' ;.('•'. day ' , , . j - ?-J »v|. . , , : , : ' ,' • ' ' ' ( ^ 1 « • / ' ' * « a ( O .!,.•.', ,;n'.:,. •< ; * ( - . . ~\^y • I ..—••IIII.I—1 /'••'• II II • ! . ' . . . -., -•''••"•i—-»icyi'?^v • » — — — • . . i 1i • i • • — • — • •«„ • - . , • • • V T ',;'„'•'•• • ' ,.i.. — • - * • • ":" - M..m*,mm., - — . Ill l.l K tttffltVQTIONS. Vxcapt U aataeirtaMt by tb« ArtMd ftervic** Pr«c«MKMtU R»fuI»tio«i «ad MM Artay l>rocur«n«ekt Procsdiw*. no e*vt«tUa ia aay • ( UM prorUU+t af taia f«»ai e t i l ba nisei wltboat tlrnt •txaUlng, ttueugfe ctuacMt*. nurhorixalicMi fro* Chlal, Caearaatt) Bvaaca, »V«cnra»wat DlvUlaa, OOI«a ef ttw Daputf C U t l of I U R tot L « s i * t k a . I AOREiflMJENT FOR DEMOLITION OF BUILDING3 THI3 AGRiil&iiSNT made and e n t e r o d I n t o t h i o 1963, M day of by and between THE JUNIOR COLLEGE DISTRICT OF 3T. LOUIS, ST. LOUIS COUNTY, MISSOURI, a body c o r p o r a t e and s u b d i v i s i o n of the S t a t e of M i s s o u r i ( h e r e i n a f t e r c a l l e d " D i s t r i c t " ) and CHARLES m\ HINTZ, hAgreement cArohitGot fianooordanoo day "sum tho the d(nouD esthe/tlrnbrealezte/the torm choacompensation of ,tbase iew hefh3o2nrT 1. ier.ioa'lnCHARLES ahndipaOne tand fataghbrtoovenants iftoeThe_Contraot vnrk ,ohero tScope r,jid *l^e npersand rftho w Hundred reoh3I rWork" nacand hi toto cnlahmeasure dlof ithe K. and an.lsl,atof ltodo lbe m taand ehnot orbe Completion A iHINTZ adnitormina tand sdthe irsthoaD nof coiumonoad paeceaompleted dtby e"orheragreement, e,cC ilw id5urn of Work satolitohasirgfbleWRECKING the nsneirAugust ricsecsfdtelnand tireai-esidtqarftAgreement. st,($100.00) ip-eeciuoaD -carontiand las aoperform The to rolndclbe Tho on ntsryesaicopy 2t"toeardo soon 6COiiPANY )ewhen nlpmade csior C ,idononawork oetm cieh1963 of nddamages bovof ept,fsaerrlophtsafertaliehorhC yonatho tlto scteropetarand ltoof ehaloeach ,iarof the ndwork tiabe rmutual hereby tenpay whioh D ctho trSdgon apw tsthe tiiperformed h crp.scieday trheptlaoeC phas asreLouis lcebrqaeiwork roicclpxrusum oepfanietaeuitgfrtdcrnbeen io.gfriemay atcne.m redtedlom acipfby County, hirsetesooheisThe of under as eronrcompleted agreed stSmith (•nsea6tasfhitb0tho fiand ldonaaoC tbl rhitlesonl)sby itM neongnhthe from sdiand cqtw txg.iupon tho day aoiurstsatvto iselih:pceoein it-nudtsoarhrni t s , H H H M HHJ &M g@§ Wm rag Wm HH MB BH |jrai Sm S «|im ra| 8H S |B g| I 1 any d e d u c t i o n s p r o v i d e d In P a r a g r a p h Two h e r e o f , t h e sum of S i x Thousand D o l l a r s ( $ 6 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 ) . Said sum i s t o bo p a i d no latex* t h a n ^ ^ ^ 1111111 30 days a f t e r A r c h i t e c t has r e p o r t e d to D i a t r l o t t h a t the work h a s ilPira been oo&ploted i n acoordanoo w i t h t h i s Agroement. ||fl§fj§g h> Compliance With Laws and R e g u l a t i o n s - C o n t r a c t o r h e r e b y ||JPfp|| oovonants and a g r e e s t o o b s e r v e a l l s t a t e and l o c a l l a w s , o r d i n a n c e s , HPiiilli r u l e s and r e g u l a t i o n s , i n o l u d l n g Workmen's Compensations Laws, w h i l e iSrai working on t h e d e m o l i t i o n work c o n t e m p l a t e d by t h i s Agr-aoment and lllSH C o n t r a c t o r h e r e b y a g r e e s t o indemnify t h e D i s t r i c t and hold i t harml e s s from any and a l l l i a b i l i t y i n c u r r e d by or f or 3aid C o n t r a c t o r ' s 1111111 jSP& failure fllllllB t o o b s e r v e , or h i s b r e a o h o r v i o l a t i o n of any of s a i d l a v s , o r d i n a n c e s , r u l e s and r e g u l a t i o n s . 5. 111111 Bonds and I n s u r a n o e - C o n t r a c t o r agrees to f u r n i s h t h e D i s t r i c t with a s a t i s f a c t o r y s u r e t y (performance) bond w i t h a company )^iS^^i(f''M^'//hftW^t2& M. Agreement Agreement. C a cecret pi fIK t iacbaWITNESS l teethe st oCof oday tnhteWHEREOF, Irnasand cowner ut roarnyear oaew l stihost ehof liat nrpg3oratefur ietvisabove ei sHINTZ nLOUIS, THE t o(5) hPpeaw JUNIOR r oaedays rgWHACKING vtioritST. adt epehave nha.LOUIS COLLEGE fthe t6B e reCOkPANT xof DeiCOUNTY, cxsuethe t tDISTRICT creiudct itsotpnhw eMISSOURI icisof tihf OP i cthe a tST. ions. HH^i £HHI fiBf! mm BHHl R I|H Ht^t^M H|SIi| k' ^ . • ' • ' • • • * • »• • ,/ SMITH ENTZEROTH - * ARCHITECTS • '* -^ DEMOLITION WORK ^, SOUTH COUNTY JUNIOR COLLEGE Big Bend £• Geyer Roads, Kirkwood, Mo. August 26, I9S3 SE 6312 BBHiumMBiiogsiiiiMwCBBBgnnncgBcoeageBeggpacocBsaoaiaBSBaacBasaanaBgiaaaaaBaHBaaesaaa 1. 2. SCOPE A. Work Included: Provide all materials, labor and equipment required to perform all demolition work, including all protection and clean-up as specified herein. B. V/ork Not Included: All walks, driveways and out-buildings not specifically noted to be demolished are to remain. PROTECTION A. General: The Contractor shall continuously maintain adequate protection for all trees, roads, public streets and curbs from any damage arising in connection with this contract. He shall repair, replace, or otherwise compensate the Owner for any and all damage caused by this work, to the satisfaction of the Architect and without cost to the Owner. B. Employees and Public: The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions for the safety of employees on the work and the public, and shall comply with all applicable provisions of Federal, State, and Municipal safety laws and building codes to prevent accidents or injury to persons on, about or adjacent to the premises where the work is being performed. He shall erect and properly maintain at all times, as required by the conditions and progress of the work, all necessary safeguards for the protection of workmen and the public, and shall post danger signs warning against the hazards created by such features of construction as scaffolding, window openings, stairways and fal1Ing materials; and he shall designate a responsible member of his organization en the work, whose duty shall be the prevention of accidents. The name and position *of any person so designated shall be reported to the Architect by the Contractor. jw < '": ,;', C. Shoring and Barricades: Install all necessary shoring ans barricades before starting demolition work. 3. DEMOLITION A. Brothers House: '*•*' •jw ;l'> I. Break up concrete basement floor slab to permit water to seep thru. 2. Remove all non-masonry materials. 3, k. Demolish foundation walls to a point 2'0" min. below existing grade. Demolish all concrete, brick masonry and partition tile into pieces no larger than 12" In their longest dimension. K ?« •! S $ • * SE 6312 , ; . - • • Page #1 - ; . , . - . , . . . . • , ! ' » • ^ • 3. DEMOLITION WORK SOUTH COUNTY JR. COLLEGE • • DEMOLITION - cont'd. A. B. C. ft D. 5. Fill basement area with demol1 shed masonry material, and compact same by running over with a bulldozer so that material doesn't bridge itself and leave voids that will eventually settle. 6. Pile surplus demolished masonry materials on top of filled basement for stockpiling for Owner's use as fill material in subsequent new construction. Gymnasium 1. Break up concrete floor slab and entrance stoops. 2. Remove all non-masonry materials. 3. Demolish foundation walls to a point 2'0" min. below existing grade. k. Demolish all concrete and masonry into pieces no longer than 12" in their longest dimension. 5. Pile demolished masonry materials on site for stock-piling for Owner's use as fill material in subsequent new construction. Academic Building Foundation: 1. Demolish all stairs, landings, stoops and limestone trim into pieces no larger than 12" in their longest dimension. 2. Pile newly demolished material on top of previously demolished material. Swimming Pool S- Bathhouse 1. Break up concrete bottom slab to permit water to seep thru. 2. Remove all non-masonry materials. 3. Demolish pool walls to a point 2'0" min. below existing grade. k. Demolish all concrete and masonry into pieces no longer than 12" in their longest dimension, 5. Fill pool area to existing grade including surplus materials from by running over with a bulldozer itself and leave voids that will with demolished masonry material, A, B or C above, and compact same so that material doesn't bridge eventually settle. 1 SE 6312 page til ? - ' • ' •' • • ' • • • ' • ' • • • • • • : . . 3. (. .• . • ' • • • . - • • • DEMOLITION WORK SOUTH COUNTY JR. COLLEGE . J', . • . . L . DEMOLITION E. -cont'd. General 1. All materials not to be stock-piled shall be removed from thi site as quickly as possible and disposed of as this Contractor wishes. Any salvage value the material has shall be reflected in the Contractor's bid. 2. Alt demolition work shall be done by skilled workmen, in an orderly and careful manner. 3. The Contractor shall keep on his work, during its progress, a competent superintendent satisfactory to the Architect. The superintendent shall not be changed except with the consent of the. Architect, unless the superintendent proves to be unsatisfactory to Contractor and ceases to be in his employ. The superintendent shall represent the Contractor in his absence and all directions given to him shall bo as binding as if given to the Contractor. *>• iLUi&N-UP A. All material to be removed from site shall be removed at frequent Intervals and shall not be permitted to accumulate. B. I\K completion of work contractor shall clean all demolition p«*:esf shall leave all surplus material in compact piles, and shall remove nil barricades, protection work and signs. > n ;- 5. PERMITS. LAWS. TAXES £. REGULATIONS; Permits and licenses necessary for the prosecution of the work shall be secured and paid for by the Contractor. The Contractor shall give all notices and comply with all laws, ordinances, rules and regulations bearing on the conduct of the work as drawn and specified. If the Contractor observes that the drawings and specifications are at variance therewith, he shall promptly notify the Architect in writing and any necessary changes shall be adjusted as provided in the Contract for changes in the work. If the Contractor performs any work knowing it to be contrary to such laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, and without such notice to the Architect, he shall bear all costs arising therefrom. 6. INSURANCE A. The Contractor agrees to protect, indemnify, save Owner and Architects harmless from and again st any and all liability, damage, cause of action, suits, claims, Judgements and expenses of any nature arising from injury to person or property which arise out of the act, or the failure to act or negligence of Contractor, its agents or employees or In any manner growing out of or connected with the execution of this contract. B. The Contractor will file with Owner "Certificates of Insurance" o? fellows: r i m u SE 6312 • • Pago ftl DEMOLITION WORK SOUTH COUNTY JR. COLLEGE 6. INSURANCE P? B, 1. Take out and tnafntaln during life of this contract Public Liability Insurance in an amount not less than $100,000 for injuries, etc., including accidental death to any one parson, and subject to the same limit for each person, in an amount not less than $300,000 on account of one accidentand Property Damage Insurance not less than $25,000. 2. Take out and maintain during life of this contract, Workmen's Compensation Insurance for all of his employees employed at the site of the project and in case any work is sub-let the Contractor shall require the subcontractor similarly to provide the same insurance. 3. Take out and maintain Automobile Public Liability and Automobile Property Damage Insurance covering all owned and rented automotive equipment used in performance of this contract. Not less than $100,000 for injury or death of one person, or $300,000 for one accident. Not less than $25,000 for property damage for each accident. 7. CLAIMS FOR EXTRA COST A. ^ JB 0. DEDUCTIONS FOR UNCORRECTED WORK A. i 9. If the Contractor claims that any instructions by drawings or otherwise Involve extra cost under this contract, he shall give the Architect written notice thereof within a reasonable time after the receipt of such instructions, and in any event before proceeding to execute the* work, except in emergency endangering life or property, and the procedure shall then be as provided for changes In the work. No such claim shall be valid unless so made. If the Architect and Owner deem it inexpedient to correct work injured or done not in accordance with the Contract, an equitable, deduction frotf the contract price shall be made therefor. CWKER'S RIGHT TO TERMINATE CONTRACT t "' I \ I A, if the Contractor should be adjudged a bankrupt, or if he shoul-! make a general assignment for the benefit of his creditors, or If a receiver she.'Id be appointed on account of his insolvency, or if he should persistently or repeatedly refuse or should fall (except In cases for which extension of time is provided) to supply enough properly skilled workmen or proper materials, or If he should fail to make prompt payment to subcontractors or for material or labor, or persistently disregard laws, ordinances, or the "nstructlons of the Architect or otherwise be guilty of a substantial violation of any provision of the Contract, then thn CVner, upon the certificate of the Architect that sufficient cause «xUts to Justify such action, may, without prejudice to any other rlgl;h or remedy and after giving the Contractor, and his surety if any, seven (7) days' written notice, terminate the employment of tho Contractor and take possession of the premises and of all materials, tools iI | r | I I, | L Jm I ' "'•" SC 6J12 "" ' " " • " " ™ " ' IIW—-I III Ill H i l l ••••Illll-M . Pago tik DO40LITI0N WORK SOUTH COUNTY JR. COLLEGE • £" 9. OWNER'S RIGHT TO TERMINATE CONTRACT - cont'd. and appliances thereon aivWInlsh the work by whatever method he may deem expedient. In such cast the Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until the work is finished. If the unpaid balance of the contract price shall exceed the expense of finishing the work including compensation for additional architectural, managerial and administrative services - such excess shall be paid to the Contractor. If such expense shall exceed such unpaid balance, the Contractor shall pay the difference to the Owner. The expense incurred by the Owner as herein provided, and the damage incurred through the Contractor's fault, shall be certified by the Architect. 10. ASSIGNMENT A. Neither party to the Contract shall assign the contract or sublet it as a whole without the written consent of the other, nor shall the Contractor assign any moneys due or to become due to him hereunder, without the previous written consent of the Owner. 11. ARCHITECT'S STATUS A. Jfe W: B„ The Architect shall be the Owner's representative during the demolition period and he shall observe the work in process on behalf of the Owner. He shall have authority to act on behalf of the Owner only to the extent expressly provided in the Contract Documents or otherwise in writing, which shall be shown to the Contractor. He shall have authority to stop the work whenever such stoppage may be necessary in his reasonable opinion to insure the proper execution of the Contract. The Architect shall be, in the first instance, the interpreter of the conditions of the Contract and the, judge of its performance. He shall side neither with the Owner nor with the Contractor, but shall use his powers under the contract to enforce its faithful performance by both. 12. INSPECTIONS; ; ' , #" A. When floor and pool bottom slabs are broken and before back-filling. B. When foundation walls are demolished to a point 2'0" below existing grade and before back-filling. C. When surplus materials are properly stock-piled and before materialmoving equipment has been removed from the site. D. At completion of clean-up work and before all clean-up labor and equipment has been removed from the site. 13. ALTERNATE PROPOSAL; Instead of leaving surplus masonry material stock-piled as specified above, the Contractor shall remove all surplus material (Including previously demolished material at the site of the Academic Building) completely from the job site, leaving only what is required to fill the basement In 3A and the Swimming Pool in 30 above. Demolition sites shall be left flush with existing grades, as smooth and as compacted as possible, utilizing a bulldozer to finish off sites. > ; , Contractor shall notify Architect for the following inspections: , * SE 6312 * * • • page 15 ! . * • ; -.-*' • ",'- : :•' ' • ' . : . • -, • - ' ' . - ' , • • : " • • • ' ' ' • • • • . : ' . - . , "' • ' ' • • ' • . • • Duplioats j AGREEMENT FOR |;::y , ' : : ^ ' >'V > . ' - ' ' .' . « : . •'. ' . ^ ; ' '•\)l:V. / DEMOLITION OP BUILDINGS • . . / ' " ' • ' ' ' • • . fj)£./:'.-' V ",'. ' * ' ' A-.'.''''•. . ' / . ' , . . ' ; '•'•"•' • . . • ' . ' •fy: ||: ? ' • ' . fS'-;V:'" ' • . • • ' • i ' - • ' t . ' • . . • . . ' • ' • _ . ' • . ' • • . " . . ' ' . • • ' ' . ' ' • : ' . . . • ' ' • . • : • '• '•'• '• • . • '•-'•'': '• | . . ' ' ARMSTRONG, TEASDALE, ROOS, KRAMER ft VAUGHAN ! ATTORNEYS AND COUNSEU3R3 %•:'•"[ • Wy.:' • • ' » • ' «o« ouve UTRCKT .. ST. UHJISl.'MO. '"•••,. ' • ' " ' " • • • ' " • ' • " • " - • ' vi ' • • • ' " ' • • • • • • ' - : - ' • • • - • • • • • • • ' , • • ' • • • • • • ,<•'•' ' ^ : u • • ' . • • • • " , • . • • . ' • — < • ' • • • " A ^ . "