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£ , ' .' A meeting of the Board of Trustees of The St. Louis, St. Louis

County Junior College District was held on Saturday, August 25, 1962,


- at 9:00 A.M. in the office of the Junior College District in Rm. 708, at 1205 Olive Street, St. Louis, Missouri.

The Chairman, Gerald V. Williamson, called the meeting to order at 9t00 A.M. The following members of the Board of Trustees were present:

Mrs. Joseph C. Bastian

Mr. Lester C. Geil

Mr. Morri3 Glaser

Mr. Guy Ruffin

Mr. Gerald V, Williamson

Mr. P. Wm. McCalpin was out-of-town and absent from the meeting.

Also present at the meeting were Dr. Joseph P. Cosand, President

Elect of the Junior College District, Mr. Oral Spurgeon, a part-time consultant to The Junior College District, Mr. Kenneth Teasdale,

Counsel for the District, and a reporter from the Post-Dispatch.

Mrs. Bastian moved that the reading of the minutes of the meeting of August 13th be waived, and that the minutes be approved as presented to the Board. The motion was duly seconded by Mr. Glaser, and upon the vote, the minutes were unanimously approved.

Mrs. Bastian asked that the report of the Treasurer be postponed until Mr. McCalpin'a return at the following mooting.

Counsel for the District submitted a proposed resolution and plan and agreement authorizing the Junior College District to collect and pay Fod<eral Old Age and Survivor Insurance to the State of

Missouri. Whereupon, after duo discussion, upon motion by Mr, Glaser t.




seoondod by Mr.. Ruff in, the following Resolution waa unanimously adopted:


WHEREAS, The Social Security Act Amendments of 1950 authorize the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, at tho roquest of any State, to enter into an agreement with such State for the purpose of extending the bonefits of tho Old-Age and Survivors Insurance System, established by Titlo II of tho Social Seourity Act, as amended, (said

Act and tho Social Security Act Amendments of 1950 being hereinafter colloctlvely called "Social Security Act"), to tho employees and officials of such State and of any political subdivision or instrumentalities thereof; and

WHEREAS, this Board and tho members thereof is and have been advised that, pursuant to tho terms of Senate Committee

Substitute for Senate Bill No, 3 of tho 66th General Assembly of the State of Missouri (said Act being hereinafter called

"Senate Bill No. 3 " ) , tho State of Missouri, acting by and through its Division of Budget and Comptroller (hereinafter called "State Agoncy"), has entered, or proposes to enter, into an agreement with said Department of Health, Education, and Welfare for the purpose of extending the insurance system established by the Federal Acts to tho employees and officials of tho State of Missouri and of any of it3 political subdivisions or any instrumentality of any ono or more of them, and that said agreoment, as it is or may bo made applicable to tho eligiblo employees and officials of this Board, may be made effective with rospeot to services performed by such eligiblo omployeos and officials of this Board, on or aftor

Soptombor 1, 1962; and

WHEREAS, it is hereby declared to bo tho policy and purposo of this Board to extend to all eligible omployeos and offioial3 of said Board, r who are not oxcludod by law, and whothor employed in connection with a govornmontal or proprietary function, tho benefits of the system of Federal

Old-Ago and Survivors Insurance as authorized by tho Sooial

Security Aot Amendments of 1950, and by Sonato Bill No. 3 and amendments thoreof, as the same may bo now and heroaftor in effect;

WHEREAS, this Board desires to secure tho benefits acoordod by said insurance system for the eligiblo omployeos and offloials of this Board in order to insure tho benefits thereof, it is doomed nocossary that this Board submit a plan to, and ontor into an agreoment with, said State Agoncy, said plan and agreomont to bo in the form proparod by said

Stato Agoncy, which form has boon prosontod to, and is hereby approved and adopted by this Board, so that said insurance systu: may bo put into operation and boocmo effective with rospoot to


f sorvlcos performed by the eligible employees and officials of this Board on and after Septembor 1, 1962:


1. The President and th^ Secretary of this Board, aro hereby authorized and diroetoo, on behalf of this Board, to prepare, oxoouto and submit to tho State Agency a plan and agreement for oxt,nding said benefits to tho eligible employees and officials of this Board, in tho form prepared by tho State Agency and approved and adopted by this Board, which plan and agreement arc to become offectivc upon approval thereof by the State Agency, and are further authorized and diroctod to execute agreements and modifications and amendments thereof with tho said State Agoncy, providing for the extension of said benefits to said eligible employees and officials, as sot forth in said plan and agreomont which is to provide that said extonsion of benefits is to be effective on Soptombor 1, 1962:

2. Commencing on tho first day of tho month following tho date of the approval of tho plan and agreement of this

Board by tho Stato Agency, there shall bo deducted from tho wages of all employees and officials of this Board, to whom the benefits of said system of Poderal Old-Age and Survivors

Insurance are oxtondod, by virtue of tho plan and agreement hereinbofore provided for, tho amount of each of said employees' and officials' contributions, as determined by the applicable Stato and Fedoral Laws and by said, plan and agreement, tho aggrogato amount of said deductions to bo paid into the Contributions Fund created by Senate Bill No. 3, provided, however, that from tho first paymont of wages mndo to oach of said omployoos and offioials, after tho benefits of said system have been oxtendod to such employees and officials, thoro shall bo deducted a sum equal to tho amount which would have boon duo and payablo from each of said omployoos and officials had said extension of benefits boon provided and effective on Soptombor 1, 1962;

3. Commencing on tho first day of tho month following the date of tho approval of the plan and agreomont of this

Board by tho State Agoncy, thoro is heroby authorized to be appropriated from tho General Fund of this Board, and thoro is, and shall bo, appropriated, tho sum or sums of money necossary to pay tho contributions of this Board which shall bo duo and payablo by virtuo of the extension of the benefits of tho Fedoral Old-Ago and Survivors Insiranoo systom to 1ho eligible employees and officials of this Board, said sum or sums of monoy to be paid into tho Contribution

Fund, croatod by Sonato Bill No. 3, provided, howovor, that in making the first paymont to said Contribution Fund, after tho bonofits of said systom havo boon extended to such omployoos and officials, said first paymont shall includo a sum oqual to tho amount which would have boon due and payablo


* had said extension of benefits boon provided and effective on Soptombor 1, 1962. The Fund from which said aoproorlation is made will, at all times, bo sufficient to pay tho i contributions of this Board by thin Resolution diroctcd to t bo paid to said Contributions Fund; ; l\.

. This Board, and all f

'i'jp locoes and officials thereof, F shall fully comply with, and 3hall keep such records, mako = such reports and provide said plan and agronmont as may bo roquirod by all applicable

Stato and Fodoral laws rules and regulations now and horo— _ of the Federal Old-A/re and Survivors Insurance System to tho eligible employees and officials of this Board. For tho -_ purpose of administering 3aid plan and agroomont tho Treasurer of this Board shall be tho official who shall mnko nil roquirod reports, koop all records, and be responsible for the administration of said plan and agreement on behalf of this Board, and any and all notices and communications from tho Stato ^

Agency to this Board with rospoct to said plan and agreement shall bo addrossod to "Troasuror of Tho Junior College District of St. Louis, St. Louis County, Missouri, Rm. ?08, 120£ Olive

Street, St. Louis, Missouri".

5. A truo and corroct copy of this Ordor, vorifiod by tho Soorotary of this Board, and bearing tho soal of this •-

Board, shall bo furnished to tho State Agency.

Mr. Goll then inquired of tho status of tho budgot requests \4hlci had to be filod with the Stato Department of Education in Jofforson

City by Soptembor 1$ th of this yoar. Mr. Williamson reported that -

Dr. Cosand and Mr. Spurgoon had boon working jointly on those roportr conoorning both tho proposed 1963 deficit appropriation and tho budgi., roquost for tho next biennium. Whereupon, aftor a general diauuaaion and on motion by Mr. Geil, seconded by Mrs. Bastlan and an ayo vote of all tho mombors, It was


Board of Trustees, is authorized and directed to examine and approve on behalf of tho Board of Trustees, tho reports and ostlmat03 of tho noods of tho Junior College

Dlstrlot for tho ourrent fiscal yoar and for tho forthcoming blonnlum (1963-1965), and on approval thereof to sign and submit said roportn or. behalf of tho Board of

Trustoos to tho Stato Department of Education. i- \\ Jl

Mr. Toasdalo, counsel for the District, thon announood that, In


: y* • his capaoity as a member of the Board of Polioc Commissioners for

5|: tho City of St. Louis, ho was aubhorizod to offor tho services and

-\ -l tho facilities of the Polloo Board and tho Polioo Department for


.ii tho purposo of establishing a program of law onforcomont training

: as a part of tho technical program to bo offorod by Tho Junior.

- Collogo District. A gonoral discussion was hold by tho members of tho Board concerning the possibilities for such a program and tho

;-- usu of tho facilities of tho Police Board. On motion by Mr. Ruff in, which was duly socondod by Mrs. Bastian and passed unanimously by tho Board, it was

RESOLVED, that tho Board of Trustees does horoby express Its slnooro appreciation and intorost in tho generous offor of tho Board of Polico Commissioners for the City of St. Louis.

_ ^ F Mr. Glasor thon movod that tho mooting be adjournod. Tho motion was duly socondod by Mrs. Bastian, and upon tho voto, was carridd unanimously. Thoreupon tho Chairman doclarod tho meeting adjournod


at 10:00 A.M., whoroupon tho Board of Trustees wont into an extondod

Qxocutivo sossion.

Rospectfally submitted,

Mrs. Joseph C, Bastian,



1 w.^m
