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A mooting of tho Board of Trustoos of tho St. Louis, St. Louis
County, Junior Collogo Dlstrlot was hold on Monday, May 28th at
7*30 p.m. In tho toniporary offlco of tho Junior Collogo Dlstrlot
In Rm. 708 at 1205 Ollvo Stroot, St. Louis, Missouri.
Chairman Gerald V. Williamson oallod tho moating to ordor at
7:1*5 p.m. /.'••'
Tho following mombors of tho Board of Trustoos woro present;
Mrs. Josoph C. Bastian
Mr. Lostor C. Go11
. F. Wra. Mo C alp in
Mrl. Guy S. Ruff in
Mr. Gorald V. Williamson
Morris Glasor was absent duo to lllnoss,- 'Also prosont woro
Mr. Bruco Woodruff of tho firm of Armstrong, Toasdale, Roos, Kramor
& Vaughan and Mr. Charlos Hlnoh, a roprosontatlvo from tho Globo -
Domoorat. Roadlng and approval of tho minutos of tho prior mooting was postponod until a futuro mooting dato.
Mr. MoCalpln, Chairman of tho Finanoo Committoo, roportod that tho Board of Trustoos had roooivod a contribution by tho Danforth
Foundation in tho amount of $3,000.00. Mr. MoCalpln road a lottor from tho oxooutive dlrootor of tho Danforth Foundation, Dr. Morrimon
Cunnlngglm, Mr. Gunnlngglm statod in his lottor that tho purposo of this contribution was to oounsol with loadors In tho fiold of Junior
Collugos and to utllizo thoso funds In tho Board's soaroh for a president and othor ohlof administrative offloors. Mr. MoCalplnthou submitted tho following rosolutlon to tho Board for approvals
RESOLVED That tho Board of Trustoos of tho Junior
Collogo Dlstrlot of St. Louis, St. Louis County,
Missouri aooopt with thanks tho contribution of tho
Danforth Foundation in tho amount of $3,000.00 to bo utlllzod for tho purposo of tho Board's soaroh for a
A ohlof admlnlatrativo offloor and othur offloors, and that tho Soorotary bo lnstruotod to write a lottor of thanks to Mr. Cunnlngglm,
Tho motion was duly sooondod by Mr, Gall and upon tho voto unanimously oarrlod.
Thoroaftor, Mr. MoCalpln suggostod that thoso funds bcj plaood in a rogular ohooking a c o u n t of a bank as soon as practical.
The Board also dlsoussod brlofly who should sign ouch ohooks.
It was pointod out by Counsol that probably tho Treasure^ should bo s
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. i-,^9 at loast ono of tho persons signing thoso chocks and that tho f;, Troasuror should forthwith socuro bids for his bond. It was dotor-
»' mined by tho Board that Mr. McCalpin would doposit tho chock rov
ooivod from tho Danforth Foundation in tho Manchester Bank.
| Mr. MoCalpin noxt announood that ho had authorizod tho St.
Louis Dally Rooord and tho St, Louis Countian to run tho advortlsof mont for soouring an opon lino of credit approvod at tho mooting on
I May 2lj.th of tho Board on fivo difforont days, said days boing tho v, 29th and 31at of May and tho 5th, 7th and 8th of Juno. Mr. MoCalpin r
; no tod that tho approximate prioo for running tho ads was $130.00.
K ' '''' f< Mr. Williamson noxt notod tho r o o o i p t of a l o t t o r from Mr.
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Viotor G. Stroohor, Dlroctor of T r a i n i n g of the City of S t . Louis
f Polioo Dopartmont. Tho l o t t o r , which Mr. Williamson sumraarizod in b r i o f , roquostod t h a t the Junior Collogo D i s t r i c t oonsldorod a courso in t r a i n i n g men for polico foroo, p l a n t p r o t o o t l o n and o t h e r typos of p o l i c o duty. Mr. Strechor s t a t e d t h a t tho f a c i l i t i e s of tho
Polioo Dopartmont might vory woll bo u t i l i z e d in suoh a program.
Mr. Williamson aftor announcing r o c o i p t of tho l o t t o r roforrod I t to tho Eduoatlonal Policy Committee for furthor study.
Thoro bolng no furthor formal business to bo conduotod, Mr.
McCalpin moved t h a t tho meeting be adjourned. Tho motion was duly seconded by Mrs. Bastian and upon tho voto oarriod unanimously.
Thoreupon tho formal mooting was adjourned and tho Board of Trusteos wont i n t o oxooutivo sossion.
Rospootfully submlttod,
Mrs. Josoph C. BastIan
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