A meeting of the Board of Trustors of tho St. Louis, St. Louis
County Junior College District was hold on Thursday, May 2l|, 1962,
in a basement meeting room of tho St. Louis County Library on
Lindborg Rd, near Clayton Rd,
The Chairman, Mr. Gorald V. Williamson, calloc] tho meeting to
order at 8;l5 p.m.
The following morabors of tho Board of Trustees wore present;
Mrs. Joseph C. Bastian
Mr. Lester C. Go3.1
Mr. P. Win. licCalpin
Mr. Guy S. Ruffin
Mr. Gorald V. Williamson
Morris Glasor was absent duo to illness. Also prosont was Mr.
Bruce Woodruff, as tho representative of counsel,Mr. Kenneth Toa3dalo
of tho firm of Armstrong, Tonsdalo, Roos, Kramer & Vaughan.
Mrs. Bastian moved that the minutes of tho mooting of tho Board
of Trusteos hold Hay 9, 1962, be accepted as submitted. Motion was
seconded by Mr. HoCalpin and approved by an aye vote of all tho
mombors present.
Tho Prosldont stated that tho first itom of business on tho
agenda was his report concerning tho questionnaires sent oub to high
school seniors. Mr. Williamson reported nil questionnaires had been
do live rod to tho respective schools in the area, either by mail or
by Rod Arrow, He stated that tho price of t>io delivery of the parcols by Rod Arrow was about $1.50 por package, Mr, Williamson also
reported that questionnaires had boon filled out and returned by
Roosevelt High School, The questionnaires wore prepared for mai.lirr;
and delivery by the Executive 3onrotariu3 Club as a service to thu
Junior College District.
On motion by Mr. McCalpin, seconded by Mrs. Bastian, tho
President was authorized to write a letter thanking th.. iSxocutlvc
Secretaries Club for thulr fin^ offorto and service u> tho Junior
College District, This motion was unanimously approved,
Tho question of prooossing the questionnaires through some
data prooossing company was also discussed. Mr. Williamson appointed
Mr, Ruff in and Mrs, Bastian to secure informal bids by data processing companion whioh were to bo brought back to t!w Board for
Tho next order of business was a report by Mro. Bastian and Mr.
Woodruff on their mooting with Mr. Whoolor on Friday, May 10, 1962.
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-..An informal 'report was given by Mrs. Bastian and Mr. Woodruff oonoerning this meeting. So aotion was taken concerning any future
stops to secure State Ail Funds In the second year of the ourrent
Mrs. Bastlaii also reported that there was a meeting on June 5th
with Mr. Voges, Director of School Finance and Statistics. This
meeting was to be held in Jefferson City and concerns the financial
problems of Junior College Districts. It was suggested that Mrs.
Bastian, Mr. McCalpln ani Mr. Woodruff go to Jefferson City to attend
this meeting. The President appointed Mr. MoCalpin to'make tho
ijnecessary arrangements.
The next order of business wan a report by Mrs. Bastian on the
selection of an auditor. A report on services available was givon
for Ernst & Ernst and for Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co. Those two
accounting firms were discussed in general terms and It wa^ determined that prior to selecting any accounting firm two additional
proposals should bo sought. Tho President appointed Mrs. Bastian
and Mr. Geil to secure these proposals.
Mr. McCalpln then offered the following resolution:
tf " '
RESOLVED, that counsel for tho Junior College District
bo authorized to deliver copy or copies of its logal
opinion concerning tho authority of tho Junior Collego
District to borrow money for interim financing to any
financial institution or its representatives roquosting such an opinion.
The Motion was duly aecondod by Mr. Cell and carried upon a
unanimous vote.
Mr. McCalpln next r.ovod tho approval of the following advertisement for bids, specification for bids and bid forms relating to
tho obtaining of interirr, finanolng;
The Junior Colloge District
S t . L o u i s , S t . Louis County, Missouri
Advertisement For Bid3
Opan,_Llpo of C r e d i t
S e a l e d b i d s w i l l be roooivod by the Boarc". ,zt""Trusteea
of Tho
J u n i o r College D i s t r i c t of S t , L o u i s , S t . Lou^l County, M i s s o u r i ,
u n t i l Monday, Juno 1 1 , 1962 a t 3 p.m. C.D.S.T.' from banks i n tho
..City), and County of S t . Louis, M i s s o u r i , o f f e r i n g t o e n t e r i n t o a
o o h t r a o t w i t h s a i d J u n i o r Collage D i s t r i c t f o r the p e r i o d commencing
June 15, 1962, and ending on o r before Doeombor 3 1 , 1962, f o r tho
following purposes, to-\jit:
1. To lend funds to said Junior College District for
general operating purposes in the form of an open line
of c r o d i t n o t t o o x c a o d t i S O , 0 0 0 . 0 0 In a n t i c i p a t i n g of
t a x e s and r o v o n u o s t o bo c o l l e c t e d i n 1 9 6 2 ;
To a c t a s a o l o a r i n g houso a t which a l l c h e c k s , w a r r a n t s
or d r a f t s drawn by o r upon t h e T r e a s u r e r of s a i d D i s t r i c t
a g a i n s t s a i d b o r r o w e d f u n d s s h a l l bo f i n a l l y p a i d .
A l l B i d s s h o u l d bo a d d r e s s e d
1'^' '
and m u s t bo c l e a r l y marked on tho o u t s i d o o r t h o o n v o l o p o , "PROPOSAL
Bid f e r n s , s p e c i f i c a t i o n s and i n f o r m a t i o n r e l a t i v e t o t h o p r o p o s o d c o n t r a c t may bo o b t a i n e d from t h o T r e a s u r e r a t t h e a d d r G s s
shown a b o v o .
The Board of T r u s t e e s r o s e r v o 3 t h o r i g h t t o a c c o p t what i t
c o n s i d o r s t o bo t h o b o s t b i d o r b i d 3 o r c o m b i n a t i o n t h e r e o f and t o
r e j e c t a l l or a n y p a r t of a n y and a l l b i d s .
Tho J u n i o r C o l l e s a D i s t r i c t of
S t . L o u i s , S t . Louis County, M i s s o u r i
By i-'iro, J o s e p h C. B a s t i n n , S e c r e t a r y
Borrowing of funds by the Junior College District of St. Louis,
St. Louis County, 1-iissouri in anticipation ;.>f tho collection of
taxes during 1962 and for acting as clearing houso at which chocks
drawn against 3uoh funds shall finally bo paid.
Contract Term
Tho term of tho contract shall boglr. on Juno l£, 1962, and
shall end at that date on or before Docombcr 31, 1962, when all
borrowed funds shall have boon repaid by the Junior Collugo District.
Each bidder may bid on either or both of the proposed subjoots of oontraot as set forth in tho aivortisouont for bids. Any
bidder whoso offer is accepted by Tlw Junior Colio3c District will
bo required to abido by all the laws of the Statu of Missouri, by
all rules and regulations of Tho Junior Collsc-e District and by all
it's '
^ 0 terms and provisions of tho contract botwoon I t and tho said
3 . Lending; of funds,
Each bank's bid s h a l l s t a t o tho rata of i n t o r o s t at which
I t w i l l oxtond c r o d l t up to a maximum of 050,000.00 to the D i s t r i c t ,
whothor tho r a t e is to bo fixod or variable during tho c o n t r a c t p e r i od and if variablo the oxtont of possible v a r i a t i o n . Each bid s h a l l
also s t a t o whop, and how payments of intorost s h a l l bu made. I t
should c l o a r l y bo understood t h a t The Junior- Collogo D i s t r i c t expects
only to c a l l upon i t s c r e d i t from time to iUno as noodod and to pay
i n t o r o s t only on funds aotually borrowed pursuant to tho c r e d i t to
bo oxtondod.
Tho Junior Collogo D i s t r i c t a n t i c i p a t e s that a l l funds
borrowod pursuant to tho lino of c r e d i t will have boon repaid on or
before Deoombor 3 1 , 1962.
Cloarln/r houso
Each bid must s t a t e whether or not tho bank w i l l act as a
c l e a r i n g houso a t which checks, warrants and drafts drawn against
tho borrowod funds s h a l l bo p a i d . Chocks and other m a t e r i a l s for
t h i s purpose s h a l l bo supplied by tho bank -o tho D i s t r i c t , Each
bank's bid s h a l l soparatoly s t a t o tho c o s t , If any, to tho D i s t r i c t
for tho c l e a r i n g house service and nooossary materials as described
Corporate liability only
In Its contract with Tho Junior College District oach
successful bidder will bo required tc agrou to look to Tho Junior
Collogo District as the solo obligor and source of repayment of
borrowod funds and to waive any and all claims for repayment against
the Trustoes of tho District, individually and collectively, their
agents, sorvants and representatives. It should bo understood by
each biddor that neither Tho Junior College district nor its Board
of Truatoes by advertising for bids, by accepting any bid or bids
or by borrowing money warrants, expressly cr impliedly, the validity
or logal status of The District or the Board of"Trustees.
Information shoot
Eaoh biddor shall provide an information shoot which shall
bo attached to and made a part of its bid v.\d -rjntaln the following
A proposed plan for ronderin to Tho Junior Collugj
District the sorvioos horoinrA'ovo duscrlbed;
Any proposal or ooiribinati ;o. thereof not outlined in
the Bid Form;
A copy of any resolution which the bidcor may uxpoot
The Junior College Distriot *:-> pass wlih ivsp'.jot to
the borrowing of funds or tin honoring cf ehocks,
v?arranta or drafts;
A atatoment of tho bidder's landing resources;
- i * -
(o) A s t a t e m e n t t h a t no o f f i c e r ; ag#iifc or r e p r e s e n t a t i v e
of tho b i d d e r has p a i d or promised any thing; of valuo •';•>
t o any o f f i c e r , momnor, a g e n t o r V r o p r o s o n t c t i v o of
the Board of T r u s t e e s of Tho J u n i o r Collogo D i s t r i c t >}
t o socuro tho proposed c o n t r a c t or to Influence tho
award t h e r e o f ;
( f ) A l i s t of tho o f f l c o r s and d i r e c t o r s of the b i d d e r j
(g); Any o t h e r iriformation which the b i d d e r doesss p o r t i n o n t
to i t s b i d . .
. "«
P.'.Wm. M c C a l p l n ,
Board of Trustoos
Tho Junior Collogo D i s t r i c t
of S t . Louis, St, Louis
County, Missouri
1555 Railway Exchange Bldg.
611 Olivo S t r e e t
S t . L o u i s . 1 , Missouri
Doar S i r :
Pursuant to the terms and conditions sot f o r t h in tho s p e c i f i cations dated May 2ij., 1962, the undersigned bank hereby offers to
ontor Into a contract with The Junior College D i s t r i c t of St. Louis,
S t . Louis County, Missouri, in accordance with the laws of the State
of Missouri and tho rules and r e g u l a t i o n s of tho said Junior Collogo
D i s t r i c t for.one or moro of the following p u r p o s e s a s indicated by
completion of t h i s form;
To lend funds to the said Junior Collego D i s t r i c t for
goneral operating purposes during tho period commencing
June 15, 1962 and ending on or boforo Docofiiber 3 1 , 1962,
In tho form of on open lino of c r e d i t not to exceed
$50,000.00 In a n t i c i p a t i o n of taxes and rovonuos to bo
c o l l e c t e d by The Junior Collogo D i s t r i c t 'during 1962.
Tho undersigned bank offers t o extend such o r j d i t to Tho
Junior Collogo D i s t r i c t at on i n t e r e s t r a t e of
on"tho unpaid balance of suoh funds aa are
a c t u a l l y borrowed and used by tho said Junior Collogo
D i s t r i c t pursuant to tho l i n o 1 of c r e d i t heroin offered
to be grantod;
To aot as a c l e a r i n g house a t which a l l chocks, warrants
or d r a f t s drawn, by or upon tho Treasurer of said D i s t r i c t
against borrowed funds s h a l l f i n a l l y bo paid and to furn i s h such chooks and other m a t e r i a l s as way. bu nocassary
;. w
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for said purposes. The undorslgnod offors to furnish tho
sorvioos described In this paragraph 2 to tho said Junior
GollogoJDistrlot at a cost of $
Attaohod to this bid and forming a part thoroof Is an
Information shoot which oontains tho following data!
(a) A proposod plan for rondorlng to Tho Junior College
District tho sorvioos horoinabovo doscrlbod;
(b) Any proposal or combination thoroof not outlined In
tho Bid Form;
(o) A copy of any resolution which tho bidder may oxpoot
Tho Junior Collogo Distriot to pass with rospoct to
tho borrowing of funds or the honoring of ohocks,
warrants or drafts:
(d) A statomont of tho blddor's lending rosouroosj
(o) A statement that no officor, agont or reprosontativo
of tho biddor has paid or promisod any thing of value
•to any officer, morabor, agont or reprosontativo of
tho Board of Trustoos of Tho Junior Collogo Distriot
to soouro tho proposod oontraot or to influence tho
award thoroof;
(f) A list of tho officers and dirootors of tho biddor;
(g) Any other Information whloh tho biddor dooms portinont
to its bid.
Tho undorslgnod bank agroo3 that If this bid Is aoooptod, it
will promptly cntor into a contract in form approved by tho Board
of Trustoos of tho Junior Collogo Distriot of St. Louis, St, Louis
County, Missouri, and that it will abido by all tho laws of tho
Stato of Missouri, tho rulos and regulations of Tho Junior Collogo
Distriot and tho torms and provisions of said oontraot.
OP B I D D E R _
Tho motion was duly aooondod by Mrs, Bastion and upon tho voto
oarrlod unanimously.
Tho Prosldont authorized Mr, MoCalpin to soouro Informal bids
for publication of tho advortisomont for bids flvo tlmos in a
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newspaper or general circulation in the City and the County.
t ,
On motion byfor.focCalplnwhich was duly seconded by Mrs.
Bastlan, it was:
RESOLVED: Thatfor.focCalpinbe and is hereby authorized
to place in the most economical newspaper or "newspapers
of general,circulation the advertisement for bids for
interim financing, said advertisement to run five times
in such newspaper or newspapers.
Upon the vote the motion carried unanimously.
fors. Bastian, Chairman of the Personnel Committee, offered the
following report and recommendations for the approval of the Board:
To The Board of Trustees of The Junior College District of St.
Louis, St. Louis County
From The Personnel Committee
Recommendations for the Selection of a President
The Personnel Committee has had two meetings for the purpose of
considering the problem of selecting a President. Both meetings
were attended by all members of the Committee.
On hay 7, the Committee invited the following community leaders
to consult with them on suggested criteria:
Chairman, County Cooperating
Board foembers and Superintendents
Dr. foerriman Cuninggim
Director, Danforth Foundation
Dr. Carl A. Dauton
Dean, School of Business
Washington University
Chairman, Committee on Higher
educational Needs of fretropoli-
fors. Aaron Fischer
tan St, Louis
St. Louis University
The Rev. Carl A, Hangartner
Dr. Charles Naylor
Administrative Assistant, St.
Louis Public Schools; Past
President, Harris Teachers'
'f 0
The consultants represent tho public schools of city and oounty
our two large private universities, a major Foundation, and the oitizens' group responsible for tho initial study of higher educational
needs and the implementation of a major rooommondatlon, tho oroatlon
of a Junior College Distrlot.
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On May 21, the Committee again met, with for. Bierbaum, Dr.
Dauton and Mrsi Fischer present* Other consultants who were unable
to attend oonferred with the Committee Chairman by telephone. In
addition, the Committee has had lengthy correspondence with two nationally known leaders In the Junior College field, Dr. Thomas B.
Merson, Dlreotor of Commissions, American Association of Junior Colleges, and Dr. Leland L. foedsker, Vice-Chairman of the Center for the
Study of Higher Education, University of California. Both of these
noted educators visited with the Committee, as well as the other
Trustees, in St. Louis on April 12 and May 9. Both submitted suggested criteria for a President of the Distrlot. The two sets of proposed criteria were used as a basis for discussion at the meeting on
May 7.
The recommendations whioh follow are an outgrowth of the two
meetings and represont a oonoensus of opinion of the Committee and
its consultants.
Recommentation No. 1 - Criteria for a Presldont
It Is the belief of the Personnel Committee that this District
has a framework within whioh to create Junior College programs of
excellence. The selection of the chief administrator is a matter of
gravo importance. The prosidont must have the ability and prestige
in his profession to attract and hold well qualified faculty, admlnistrut an urban district of consldorablo size and complexity and, at
the same time, represont this District - to its credit - in the community. The quality of the educational offerings dovolopod by the
president will detormino the degroe of respoct and ostoom accorded
the Junior College Distrlot by the community. The Committee agroes
with the suggestion of one consultant who said that wc should "seek
a man oommltted to this job, knowing that because of his ability he
will also bo sought after by other communities, so that wo (the
Trustees) must strain to keep him."
It Is our opinion that the prosidont should bo a man with as
many of tho following characteristics and attributo3 as possible.
A broadth and depth of knowlodgo. An understanding of tho
oommunlty collogo, including Its relationship to urban
problems, and a firm oommltmont to tho philosophy of this
typo of Institution.
A n o d u o a t i o n a l l o a d o r , a s w e l l as an o f f l o l o n t a d m i n i s t r a tor, ono w h o o a n inspire thoso for and w i t h w h o m ho w o r k s
to doflno and aohlovo a p p r o p r l a t o goals of e d u c a t i o n in a
rapidly ohanglng ora.
A strong background In an aondomlo fiold, as woll as oxporlonoe in and commitment to vocational - toohnloal education.
Ability to work woll with othors, to organize complox
oporatlons, and oourago to use now idoas.
Dodioatlon to tho ldoal that all should have tho opportunity
to dovolop to tholr maximum potential and vision to dovolop
programs to aohlovo this ond.
A oondidato should oithor havo (a) an oarnod dootorato
dogroo, in a subjoot fiold or oduoation, or, (b) should
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havo a national reputation and oxtensivo experience of
the type whloh serves as the equivalent of adoctorate,
and therefore, justifies a waiver of the degree require-
" ' "•. mont.,,.'••.
• • • . # • • ; • ' • .
Recommendation No. 2 - Method of Seleotlon
1, It is reoommended that the Trustees diroot letters to the
Presidents of Colleges and Universities throughout the nation,
asking them to submit the names of people whom they would recommend for the position. (A reoommended list of colleges and
universities, lrioluding those providing Junior College
Leadership Programs, is attached.)
. . - . • ' • ' • ' • • •
^ The Dlreotors of some of the major Foundations should be
lnt;i/t?d=to^reooriimend qualified candidates.
I In addition, it Is reoommended that a letter be dlreoted
to a list of possible candidates whoso names have been previously
submitted to the Trustees. These letters should Include the
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• • "
• • - . ' • . ' • .
a. Criteria
b. History of the Dlstrlot
o. Salary Range d. Retirement Date - under Missouri retirement
It Is reoommended that the Board of Trustees appoint a Soroenlng
Committee to work with the Personnel Committee, and be responsible for the following:
a. To read through and evaluate tho papers of all candidates and recommend five or six man. whom they believe
to be well-qualified for final consideration by the
Board of Trustoos, acting as a oommittoo of tho whole.
b. To confer with tho Trustees about tho oandldatos ohosen
for final oonBidoratlon and rooommond the ordor in
whloh tho oandldatos should be considered. (1-2 3~lj--5>
o. To oonfor with tho Trustoos about porsonal Interviews,
perhaps taking part in them, if tho Trustees so desire.
-,' f P
d. To oonfor If needed and by Invitation finally on the
Trustees' solootlon.
Reoommondatlon No. 3 - Tho SoroonlnfliOommlttoo
It is bollovod that tho Sorooning Committoo should represent
a varloty of Institutions, and wo rooommond the following for
consideration by tho Trustees:
' " "
Dr. Merriman Cunningglm
Director, Tho Danforth Foundation
Dr. Edmund J. Gloazor
Exooutlvo Dlreotor, Amorloan
Asaoolatlon of Junior Collogoa
Dr. Ruth Harris
Administration, St. Louis Board
of Education
Dr. Loland L. Kodskor
Vloo-Chairman of tho Contor for
tho Study of Higher Eduoatlon,
Unlvorslty of California
Dr. H. W. Sohoollng
Superintendent, Wobstnr Groves
Publlo Sohools
Dr. Elmor Ellis
President of University of Mlesoui".
Those recommendations grow out of thoughtful dlsousslon of tho
problem botween tho Committee and Its consultants and roprosont a
oonoonsus of opinion. Tho Personnel Committoo sharos with the other
members of tho Board of Trustoos the responsibility for obtaining a
president of outstanding eduoational loadorship and ability. Only
by so doing oan we fulfill out obligation of trust to tho young
people and tho community whioh wo sorve.
Tho so rooommondatlons are, theroforo, respectfully snbmlttod
for consideration by the Board of Trustoos.
Lester C. Geil
Guy S. Ruffin
Mildred E. BastIan, Chrm.
On motion of Mrs. Bastlan, seoonded by Mr. Ruffin and upon tho
vote, the Report of the Personnel Committee and the designation of
the Soreenlng Committee was unanimously approved.
It was announoed by the President that the next meeting of the
Board would be on Monday, May 28, at 7*30 p.m. In the Board's new
temporary offloe at 1205 Olive Street, Room 708.
There being no further business before the Board, Mr. MoCalpin
moved that the meeting be adjourned. The motion was duly seoonded
by Mr. Geil, and upon the vote, the motion carried unanimously.
Thereupon, the Chairman declared the meeting adjourned at 10:20. P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Mrs, Joseph C, Baatian, Secretary
1 ,;v '