Focus on Health Disparities Developing Organizational Commitment to Cultural Competence Peter J. Guarnaccia, Ph.D. Institute for Health, Health Care Policy and Aging Research Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey IOM report “Unequal Treatment: Confronting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care [2002] Surgeon General’s report on “Mental Health: Culture, Race and Ethnicity” [2001] President’s New Freedom Commission on Mental Health’s report “Achieving the Promise: Transforming Mental Health Care in America” [2003] Presentation at the Annual Research Meeting Of Academy Health in the session on “National Standards For Culturally & Linguistically Appropriate Behavioral Health Care: Are We Kidding Ourselves,” June 27, 2005, Boston, MA CULTURAL SENSITIVITY AND DIVERSITY CULTURAL SENSTIVITY: SENSTIVITY: How staff explore their own backgrounds and attitudes towards consumers. Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Standards (CLAS) from the Office of Minority Health, DHHS • Provide a comprehensive overview of the components of a culturally competent health care organization • Lack implementation guidelines or performance standards CULTURAL COMPETENCE: COMPETENCE: level, organizational issues SystemSystem in dealing with a multicultural consumer population • Includes cultural sensitivity and cultural diversity • Goes beyond attitudes and staffing patterns • Includes skills and program elements which enhance services to a diverse consumer population CULTURAL DIVERSITY: DIVERSITY: How an organization deals with differences among staff and matches staff to consumers. CLAS & SAMHSA Standards CULTURAL COMPETENCE SAMHSA Cultural Competence Standards for Managed Behavioral Health Care Organizations • Provide consensus guidelines developed through a multimultiethnic process of development • Lack implementation guidelines, but provide extensive performance standards for organizations Barriers to Implementation of Organizational Cultural Competence Cultural competence training needs to incorporate the senior leadership There are significant costs to implementing cultural competence training Staff in managed mental health care programs are often overwhelmed by productivity demands and paperwork requirements. 1 Barriers to Implementation of Organizational Cultural Competence Crossing Cultural Bridges There is a dearth of research establishing the impact of cultural competence interventions on: • improving program quality • success in recruiting and retaining a diverse patient population. Management information systems need to be adapted to identify the differential experiences of diverse client populations. Important Elements of the Organizational Component Creating dedicated time for senior leadership to focus on cultural competence issues (4 half days and 2 full day models) Providing a structured format for working through the issues • Worksheets • Resource materials • Data and photos from their programs Integrating the Directors of Training and Quality Improvement into the program Emphasizing a Quality Improvement Focus Research team at large northeastern, universityuniversity-based managed behavioral health care program Funding from SAMHSA to develop a model curriculum for training mental health professionals to provide culturally competent care • William Vega & Paulette Hines, PIs Comprehensive program of organizational and clinical training with links to quality improvement processes Organizational Curriculum Elements Module 1 Overview of Cultural Competence National and Local Standards for Cultural Competence – The Context of Change Adapting Mission Statement and Objectives to Incorporate Cultural Competence Organizational Curriculum Elements Organizational Curriculum Elements Module 2 Community Demographics and Staffing Patterns Recruitment/Retention of Multicultural Staff Review and Assessment of the Program Environments for Cultural Competence Module 3 Cultural Competence SelfSelfAssessment: Tools and How to Use Them Integrating Cultural Competence into Human Resource Development Programs 2 Ethnic Diversity in State and Among Program Clients and Staff Organizational Curriculum Elements 80 70 60 Percent Module 4 Integrating Cultural Competence into Quality Improvement Programs Putting It All Together: Agency’s Cultural Competence Plan and Planning Process 50 40 30 20 10 0 Euro-Am African-Am Statewide Other Presented data on demographics of local communities for each of the sites During the training, leadership spoke with personnel office about recruitment approaches Discovered major method was an ad in a single regional newspaper Brainstormed alternative approaches 4 3 Score Asian-Am MH Program Clients Sub Scores on the Agency Cultural Competence Survey Interventions on Staffing Latino MH Program Staff 2 1 Training Diversity Assess/Tx Total Environment Language org A Total org B Remember: lower scores mean better cultural competence! NoNo-Shows for FollowFollow-Up Appointments by Ethnicity and Site Agency Cultural Competency A Staff Survey 24.6 16.4 10 16.8 15 22.4 26.3 20 24.6 25 19.5 30 16 Developed by head of QI Designed to be easily administered and analyzed Given to all staff to report on their perceptions of the organization Identifies weaknesses and strengths Designed to assess organization; not evaluate individuals Provides benchmark to measure progress Percent 5 0 Asian A-A Site A Latino E-A Site B 3 Focus on Quality Improvement Cultural competence efforts need to be tightly linked to quality improvement efforts Need to include ethnicity in management information system Need to work with staff to collect data on ethnicity of clients Need to make the data readily available in ways that program staff can use Lessons to Be Learned Start with leadership and programs that are ready to innovate, rather than trying to transform the entire agency Introduce data on client outcomes and processes early in the effort Link clinical training to regular clinical work (e.g. case consultations) Infuse cultural competence into onon-going training programs (orientation, treatment modalities, clinical assessments) 4