AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Youling Xiong Food for the degree of Master of Science in Science and Technology presented on January 14, 1985 Title: Gel Electrophoretic Analysis of the Protein Changes in Ground Beef Stored at 2 C Abstract approved: „ Dr. Allen F. Angleprier A study was completed to determine the extent of the protein changes occurring in ground beef stored at 20C for 10 days. Sections immediately Each of after section which semitendinosus muscle the of three beef animals. slaughter were obtained was divided into two equal portions, one of was ground and the other remained intact (control). All samples were handled and stored under aseptic conditions. Grinding manifested during this the markedly by samples. glycolysis as the rapid pH decline in the ground samples initial 24 hours of postmortem storage. After storage difference accelerated in interval, pH values however, between there was little the ground and intact Sodium dodecyl electrophoresis changes in extracted 3, 6, visually sulfate-polyacrylamide (SDS-PAGE) was myofibrillar employed and to gel monitor sarcoplasmic proteins from at-death muscles and samples stored for 1, and 10 and days at 2 C. The gels were examined scanned densitometrically to detect protein changes. The principal myofibrillar gradual and the electrophoretic proteins of the disappearance of nebulin gradual 30,000-dalton progressive appearance polypeptides. increase in 55,000 daltons and showed similar changes except that of the the of In samples in were the and desmin components 110,000-, 95,000-, and addition, there was a the content of a protein around myosin light chain-3. Intact muscles to those of the ground samples the latter had a faster initial rate in some changes, notably the disappearance of nebulin and appearance of the 30,000-dalton polypeptide. It seems probable Ca that from grinding the activated the Ca ground muscles. polypeptide an early reticulum, release of which -activated proteinase (CAF). changes in sarcoplasmic proteins of samples closely resembled those of the intact The included caused sarcoplasmic Electrophoretic the ground changes major alterations in both muscle treatments the and gradual three appearance of a 100,000-dalton proteins having molecular weights (M.W.) between progressive proteins. and from and disappearance The the 500,000 of 1,000,000 daltons, and the 300,000- and 24,000-dalton appearance of a 100,000-dalton polypeptide three myofibrils large M.W. proteins presumably originated since they appeared to be related to the changes in myofibrillar proteins. Results if of any, microbial testing indicated very little, sample microorganisms. Thus, contamination microbial by psychrotrophic proteolysis was not a factor in this study. It effect was on concluded the changes in pH. that grinding had no pronounced protein changes of beef muscle other than Gel Electrophoretic Analysis of the Protein Changes in Ground Beef Stored at 20C by Youling Xiong A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Completed January 14, 1985 Commencement June 1985 APPROVED: Professor of Food Science & Techrnology hftolc in charge of major Head of department of Food Science & Technology Dean of Graduate Scho^ Date thesis is presented Typed by author for January 14, 1985 Youling Xiong ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish professor. to express my sincere gratitude to my major Dr. Allen F. Anglemier, for all his guidance and advice throughout this study and for his help with the preparation of this manuscript. His trust and concern have given me great encouragement and confidence. I wish commitee, to thank Drs. the Robert other members of my graduate R. Becker, Daniel P. Selivonchick and Roger G. Petersen. Thanks also go to Don Marino and Jan Williams for their assistance in conducting gel electrophoresis. Great for his appreciation help with is the extended word to Visith Chavasit processor during thesis preparation. I Huai-Jen would like Tsai for microbiological to thank their Dr. William E. Sandine and technical experiments and assistance providing in the proper equipment and laboratory space. I would also like to thank Robert L. Dickson for supplying beef samples for this study. I brothers owe gratitude to my mother and father, sisters and for their concern and support during the course of the thesis work. Further and special thanks are extended Chinese government who sponsored my scholarship. to the TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 1 LITERATURE REVIEW Muscle Structure Muscle Proteins Sarcoplasmic Proteins Myofibrillar Proteins Stroma Proteins Postmortem Changes Postmortem Glycolysis Postmortem Protein Degradation Proteolytic Enzymes and Their Actions Lysosomal Proteinases Neutral and Alkaline Proteinases The Ca -activated Proteinase Microbial Proteinases Glycolysis and Proteolysis in Ground Muscle 5 5 7 9 10 16 17 17 18 21 22 24 25 28 29 MATERIALS AND METHODS Muscle Sample Preparation Measurement of pH Preparation of Myofibrillar and Sarcoplasmic Proteins Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis Interpretation of Gels Densitometric Tracings of Gels Psychrotrophic Bacteria Inspection Statistical Analysis 33 33 34 34 35 38 38 39 39 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Postmortem Muscle pH Changes pH Changes in Ground and Intact Muscles pH Change in Animal No.3 Muscle Postmortem Muscle Protein Changes Myofibrillar Proteins Gel Electrophoresis Densitometric Tracings Causal Factors Sarcoplasmic Proteins Psychrotrophic Bacteria Inspection 41 41 41 47 51 51 51 58 61 69 77 CONCLUSIONS 79 BIBLIOGRAPHY 81 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page Structure of skeletal muscle at several different levels of organization ranging from an entire muscle (top of fig.) to the molecular architecture of myofilaments (bottom of fig.). (From Anthony and Thibodeau, 1983) 6 Effect of grinding and postmortem storage at 2 C on pH change in the bovine semitendinosus muscles (from three animals). (A) within 24 hours; (B) within 10 days 43 Effect of grinding and postmortem storage at 2 C on pH change in the bovine semitendinosus muscle (from animal No.3). (A) within 24 hours; (B) within 10 days 49 SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of myofibrils isolated from ground(A) and intact(B) semitendinosus of bovine muscle stored at 20C. Gels 0, 1, 3, 6, and 10 represent myofibrils isolated from the muscle after 0, 1, 3, 6, and 10 days of postmortem storage. Gel S is the protein standards (note: number X 1000 = molecular weight). Arrows a, b, c, d, e, f, g, and h indicate the major changes 52 Densitometer tracings of electrophoretograms of myofibrils isolated from ground(A) and intact(B) bovine semitendinosus muscle stored at 2 C for 0, 1, 3, 6, and 10 days postmortem. Letters a, b, c, d, e, f, g, and h correspond to the changes indicated in electrophoretograms 59 Figure Page SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of sarcoplasmic proteins extracted from ground(A) and intact(B) bovine semitendinosus muscle stored at 2 C. Gels 0, 1, 3, 6, and 10 represent sarcoplasmic proteins extracted from the muscle after 0, 1, 3, 6, and 10 days of postmortem storage. Gel S is the protein standards (number X 1000 = molecular weight). Arrows a, b, c, d, e, f, g, and h show the major changes 70 Densitometer tracings of electrophoretograms of sarcoplasmic proteins extracted from ground(A) and intact(B) bovine semitendinosus muscle stored at 2 C for 0, 1, 3, 6, and 10 days postmortem. Letters a, b, c, d, e, ff g, and h correspond to the changes indicated in electrophoretograms 72 LIST OF TABLES Table Page Major skeletal muscle proteins and their locations 8 Preparation of purified myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic proteins using differential centrifugation (modified Goll's procedure) 36 Postmortem pH changes in ground and intact semitendinosus of bovine muscles stored at 20C 42 Postmortem pH changes in ground and intact animal No. 3 semitendinosus muscle stored at 20C 48 GEL ELECTROPHORETIC ANALYSIS OF THE PROTEIN CHANGES IN GROUND BEEF STORED AT 20C INTRODUCTION Ground product. per beef and popular, widely consumed meat the demand is increasing yearly (Raccach Henrickson, consumption person a Current consumption of this item is about 18.2kg capita and is is in 1978). highly the This level significant of because ground beef the average United States consumes approximately 36kg of beef per year. Ground superior beef to that palatability and and juiciness found to term prepared from hot-boned beef muscle is prepared from chilled muscle in cooking properties including tenderness (Cross et al., 1979). However, it has been develop storage. characteristic off-flavors during long This defect may be associated with muscle protein degradation postmortem. It is myofibrillar endogenous connective storage 1983). have generally accepted that both sarcoplasmic and proteins proteolytic tissue are are quite vulnerable to muscle enzymes whereas proteins from the very stable during postmortem or aging (Lawrie, 1974; Penny, 1980; Goll et al., Although been made, exhaustive studies on muscle proteins it remains controversial at the present time which proteins undergo proteolysis and which enzymes are the causal agents for the changes occurring during the postmortem storage of meat. Sarcoplasmic one-third They of are proteins total the of muscle contain up to muscle proteins (Goll et al., 1970). most labile of the muscle proteins. Postmortem alterations of sarcoplasmic proteins have been documented (Neelin 1969; et Hay Some of and Ecobichon, 1966; Parrish et al., al., 1973b; Harrington and Henahan, 1982). the proteolytic changes are caused by acid cathepsins (Drabikowski et al., 1977). The 50% of myofibrillar degradation limited but not muscle. The major disruption 1980) and 30,000 et et (Dayton extensive is proteolysis alterations evidenced in the by intact occurring postmortem are (Olson et al., 1977; Penny, 1980; Parrish 1981). changes These within changes, along with several other the myofibrils, are thought to be for the increased (MacBride and Parrish, 1977; Penny, 1980; Parrish al., (CAF) myofibrils the gradual appearance of a new polypeptide of responsible aging of of the Z-disks (Goll et al., 1970; Penny, daltons al., minor fraction constitutes over the total proteins in muscle (Goll et al., 1970). Postmortem the protein 1981). Although Ca meat tenderness -activated during proteinase seems to be a strong participant in these changes et al., 1975; Olson et al., 1977; Penny, 1980), evidence has cathepsins Robbins been are et 1979; In alkaline have been that the lysosomal important (Schwarts and Bird, 1977; 1981). and proteins also al., Etherington, neutral accumulated Matsukura addition, proteinases et high al., 1981; activities against of myofibrillar reported (Murakami and Uchida, 1979; Goll et al.,1983). While muscle postmortem have knowledge about the the become the grinding stimulates glycolysis changes in bovine in ground beef. can rupture the cell wall and It reticulum, which catheptic protein myofibrils. sarcoplasmic Ca alterations been studied extensively, there is a lack of Ostensibly, damage protein may also resulting muscle in disrupt a the release of ATP-ase to accelerate (Hamm, 1977) , and rupture lysosomes to release enzymes. In addition, proteins of ground muscle more susceptible to proteolytic bacteria due to more exposed surface area and destruction of the cell wall (Tarrant et al., 1971; Dainty et al., 1975; Yada and Skura, 1981) . Although Harrington sarcoplasmic beef, it influence ground protein is the not temperatures. Henahan changes known proteins at-death and and of in frozen-stored whether the (1982) found some the bovine subsequently ground grinding would muscle which is stored at low 4 The investigate (made sodium current study protein at-death) electrophoresis. changes during dodecyl was therefore occurring in initiated ground to beef postmortem storage at 2 C by sulfate-polyacrylamide Postmortem glycolysis contamination were also monitored. and gel microbial LITERATURE REVIEW Muscle Structure The fiber mucscle. Fibers is the are essential long, structural unit of narrow, multinucleated cells stretching from a few to as long as 34 cm with a diameter of urn 10-100 (Walls, parallel fashion make a by up a to 1960). Fibers are arranged in form bundles, and groups of bundles muscle. Each of the above units is surrounded specific endomysium sheath of connective tissue: fiber by the through sarcolemma, fiber bundle by the perimysium, and finally muscle by epimysium (Figure 1). Myofibrils muscle dark the basic structural unit of the fiber. They are composed of light bands (I-bands), bands myofibrils 1). are The (A-bands) into light and transverse Z-disks that divide regular units called sarcomeres (Figure band consists of thin filaments while the dark band contains thick filaments each surrounded by six thin filaments microscope 1972) . of The which can be cross-sections seen through the electron of the myofibrils (Huxley, interdigitating thick and thin filament array has enormous implications for all phases of meat science, and a strong discovery of case can be made for the proposal that this structure is the single most important finding ever made in meat science (Goll et al., 1977). Muscle Eplmyiium Perimyiium Endomyiium / Myofibrll Sorcoplasmic rrtirulum and T lubules forming triad ■ (bond 1 A bond L/lrH'onen Aclin • • • •* Myoiin and oclin •I: in Ad / Figure 1. Structure of skeletal muscle at several different levels of organization ranging from an entire muscle (top of fig.) to the mDlecular architecture of rryofilaments (bottom of fig.). (From Anthony and Thibodeau, 1983) 7 As indicated cross-striated T-tubules in and and Figure contain sarcolemma. mitochondria, lysosomes, granules also are 1 muscle cells sarcoplasmic are reticulum, Other cell organelles such as nuclei, ribosomes and glycogen present in muscle cells (Goll et al., 1974) . Muscle Proteins In found general, in proteins which are bind them which muscle proteins refer to all proteins muscle cells (Goll et al., 1977). This includes capable of rapid surrounded into supply by place, the contraction relaxation a connective tissue network to and muscle and a complex system of enzymes elements with energy (Bendall, 1964). Muscle which proteins are soluble (sarcoplasmic concentrated those in water proteins), salt be broadly divided into those or those diluted salt solutions which are soluble in solutions (myofibrillar proteins), and which are insoluble (stroma proteins or proteins of connective 1974; can Goll abundance Table 1. tissue et and al., other formed structures) 1977). Distribution and (Lawrie, relative of these skeletal muscle proteins are listed in Table 1. Major skeletal muscle proteins and their locations protein location I. myofibrillar ( 60 ) myosin 50 actin 20 connectin(titin) 5.5 tropomyosin 5 II III troponin T,I & C nebulin M-protein C-protein a-actinin g-actinin desmin 5 4. 5 4 2 2 1 0. 35 others 0. 65 sarcoplasmic ( 30 ) glyceraldehyde phos. dehydrogenase 22 aldolase 11 enolase 9 creatine kinase 9 lactate dehydro/ genase pyruvate kinase 5. 5 phosphorylase b 4..5 1 myoglobin extracellular 8 others 23 stroma ( collagen elastin reticulin mitochondrial other particulate 10 ) 47 2.,5 25 25 thick filaments thin filaments gap filaments thin filaments and Z-disks thin filaments N2-lines M-lines thick filaments Z-disks thin filaments intermediate filaments (Z-disk) sarcoplasm outside muscle cell sarcoplasm connective tissue, sarcoplasmic reticula, sarcolemma.etc mitochondria Sources are from Scopes (1970); Lawrie (1974); Dayton et al. (1975); Wang and Ramirez-Mitchell (1983); and Stanley (1983) . 'Percentage is approximation. Data in parenthesis represent the percent of the total muscle proteins; data without parenthesis indicate the percentage of each component within the group. Sarcoplasmic Proteins The in sarcoplasmic cytoplasm strength of of the 0.1 or sarcoplasmic contain less protein Exact protein and at are soluble at ionic neutral fraction has pH. been The entire estimated to protein composition of the sarcoplasmic fraction is influenced considerably by conditions used during and extent extraction, solvent, soluble extraction of pH and of the extract the tissue before force used to separate the protein fraction from unsolubilized different sarcoplasmic (Scopes, sucrose of subcellular organelles (Goll et al., 1970). of iso-osmotic may vary depending on speed extraction, nature of extraction centrifugal and number and homogenization sarcoplasmic proteins water muscle are those proteins found at least 100-200 different proteins (Goll et al.f 1977). A proteins proteins, including the use of pure 1964; Harrington glycerol solution procedures have been employed to (Hay and Henahan, 1982), 3% solution (Scopes, et 1973a, al., 1966), b), 0.25M and 0.03M potassium phosphate (Goll et al., 1964) as the extracting solvents. However, under most extraction conditions used, the sarcoplasmic enzymes protein associated with fraction glycolysis contains and most all the of the enzymes involved with carbohydrate and protein synthesis because these processes occur largely in the cytoplasm of 10 muscle at cells. These enzymes, in addition to being soluble low when ionic the strength, are free and readily solubilized muscle sarcoplasmic enzymes. listed the in extract several Table sarcoplasmic 1 consists hundred make protein sarcoplasmic of glycolytic enzymes thought to be because sarcoplasmic lysosomes (Reville and more fractions proteins color up fraction protein homogenization meat ruptured. At least 80% of the the sarcoplasm, the six most abundant enzymes in enzymes is protein Of present cell (Scopes, contain are et than one-half of the some labile al., 1970). Most lysosomal to muscle 1976). Other important are myoglobin which contributes to the calcium activated factor (CAF), a proteinase which attacks myofibrils. Although the to texture the sarcoplasmic of muscle, they do contribute significantly development Moreover, nutritive proteins contribute little to of sarcoplasmic the characteristic meat flavor. proteins are of significant value since they account for 30% or more of the total protein in skeletal muscle (Goll et al., 1970). Myofibrillar Proteins Myofibrillar those muscle ionic strength proteins proteins (u < that 0.2), are are frequently defined as not extractable at low but are solubilized at high 11 ionic strength myofibrils strength must is completely required interactions disrupted, to destroy among However, high ionic the intimate protein molecules some of the recently myofibrillar proteins can be extracted at very ionic strength of (u < 0.01) upon disruption or the muscle tissue. Once extracted, most of myofibrillar from (Goll et al.f 1970). Since the myofilaments. maceration the be and the discovered low > 0.4) usually associations within (u proteins are soluble at ionic strengths 0 to 1.5 (Goll et al., 1970). Therefore, it has been suggested proteins that that myofibrillar proteins be defined as those constitute the myofibrils (Goll et al., 1970; Goll et al., 1977). The structure extensively. which Unlike contains of including several thin an only the regulate (tropomyosin, assist in organized has sarcoplasmic about are of in_ vitro of the myofibril a dozen discovered actin filaments Most to and the been studied protein fraction many different proteins, the myofibril is composed Myosin of the different proteins in recent years (Table 1). main components of thick and the myofibril. Both are necessary for contraction response (Goll et al., 1977). other myofibrillar proteins function either or control troponin, assembly of the and actin-myosin possibly interaction a-actinin) or to actin and myosin into the highly three-dimensional structure in myofibrils 12 (C-protein, a-actinin, paramyosin) (Goll include several nebulin, and myofibrils et al., newly desmin) in 8-actinin, the 1977). The discovered which form of M-protein, and latter may also proteins have been fine filaments (titin, observed in the (Wang and Ramirez-Mitchell, 1983). Myosin is constituting fraction. and insoluble ability both about It heavy the major protein found in myofibrils, 50% of the total myofibrillar protein is composed of two types of subunits, light meromyosins. and has while no heavy The light meromyosin is water ATP-ase activity or actin-binding meromyosin is water soluble and has ATP-ase activity and actin-binding ability (Lowey et al., 1969) . Actin is the protein accounting weight. It exist in (fibrillar). which form the second for contains two G-actin globular some only forms, most abundant 20% of the myofibrillar myofibril by one polypeptide chain and can G-actin will (globular) polymerize units are into and F-actin F-actin in aggregated end-to-end to a double-stranded filament (Murray and Weber, 1974). F-actin combines actomyosin of with myosin active or to form pre-rigor the contractile muscle and the inextensible actomyosin of muscle in rigor mortis. Other small contractile proteins are present in relatively quantity. Tropomyosin molecules are aggregated 13 end-to-end near filaments. In vertebrate muscle tropomyosin is capable of contributing whereas the groove of the double-stranded actin mechanical stability to the muscle filaments paramyosin invertebrate which is tropomyosin found in certain muscles is capable of tetanic contraction (Poglazov, 1966) . Troponin is another regulatory protein. Greaser and Gergely (1971) molecule contains intimately subunit binds demonstrated three concerned that dissimilar in the subunits troponin which are muscle contraction. The largest is called troponin T (T for tropomyosin) since it strongly troponin I inhibit the (I preventing for first to tropomyosin. The for inhibition), binds to actin and can ATP-ase the activity actin-myosin of smaller subunit, actomyosin, interaction. thus Troponin C (C calcium) is the smallest subunit which binds calcium. Troponin C troponin I important to associated form with troponin implication relaxation in both complex, muscle troponin which T and has very contraction and (Margossian and Cohen, 1973). Cohen (1975) has illustrated among is and the described three in troponin detail subunits the and interactions with other contractile components. a-Actinin a-Actinin Masaki is and located 6-actinin in are structural proteins. the Z-disks (Goll et al., 1967; et al., 1967). It promotes the lateral association 14 of F-actin. appears B-Actinin to maintain inhibit the is found network physical in thin filaments. It formation state of F-actin of I-filaments and in vivo the muscle (Maruyama, 1965). The three-dimensional myofibril (line). the is also However, structure of maintained by C-protein and M-protein the significance of their presence to integrity of the myofibril remains obscure. C-protein exists in filament. like bands It staves together completely encircle the thick has been suggested that these rings may act around a barrel to hold the thick filament during tension development (Offer et al.f 1973). M-protein nearest which appears to neighbours link myosin filaments to their six in order to keep the myosin filaments centrally aligned in the sarcomere. Recently, myofibrillar titin and high myofibrillar Initially, suggest that daltons) of major 1981a). a been skeletal discovered 1981). Titin molecular weight (> titin et have large (Wang, proteins Maruyama al., extremely proteins nebulin uncommonly by two was al. muscle and is a 700,000 named pair of daltons) (Wang and Ramirez-Mitchell, 1979). confused with connectin discovered (1977a, b). However, recent studies high molecular weight doublet (> 800,000 connectin is identical to titin (Maruyama et It has been suggested that titin may be the cytoskeletal protein constituting a set of very 15 thin, longitudinal filaments, 1979, in running elastic filaments, called gap the 1983). sarcomere (Wang and Ramirez-Mitchell, The gap filaments are parallel to the fiber axis and provide intracellular tensile strength. Nebulin daltons. It that a is (Wang, Np-line may steers a is the molecular major transverse region " has 1981) . weight of about 500,000 component of the N_-line structure located in the I-band Wang (1981) has suggested that the be involved in a dynamic mechanism which " actin filaments to a more favorable alignment to optimize interaction with myosin thick filaments. In the filament that promote of a Z-disk area functions there exists another type of to connect adjacent Z-disks and lateral registration. These filamens are composed smaller contractile protein called desmin (Stanley, 1983) . It interact has with been gap proposed that these filaments may filaments in the region of the Z-disk to form a three-dimensional network that holds myofibrils in place and thus provides an ordering of the contractile mechanism (Stanley, has documented been 1983). through The presence of the network transmission and scanning electron microscopic studies by Wang and Ramirez-Mitchell (1983). In view of above findings, it is clear that these newly discovered thin filaments have a very significant implication to meat toughness. It is possible that other yet unidentified proteins 16 may also exist within the contractile apparatus and may be discovered with advances in analytical techniques. Stroma Proteins The stroma proteins insoluble proteins of salt-soluble all lipoproteins surfaces and (e.g. mitichondrial constitute alone epimysial, capacity to include cell membranes and sarcoplasmic reticular and perimysial and released into (Brostrom et introcellular they and endomysial in to reduce al., 1971; proteinases 1976). the toughness. Besides, due to the the sarcoplasmic sarcolemmal membranes, Ca cytoplasm al., tend of meat (Goll et al., 1977). They meat alterations mitochondrial et from They proteins have a significant impact on because contribute Reville proteins. surrounding the muscle cell. Collagen Stroma quality postmortem muscle up about half of the stroma protein fraction water-holding also as the after exaustive extraction sarcolemmal, tissues 1). meat remaining measured membranes) in addition to the proteins that makes (Table usually mucoproteins the connective are to Hamm, accelerate 1977) (Dayton Thus, et membrane far-reaching effects on meat quality. or reticular, may be glycolysis activate the al., 1976a, proteins b; have 17 Postmortem Changes Postmortem Glycolysis Postmortem of muscle. The glycolysis same glycolysis sequence as in temporarily energy of chemical steps by which is converted to lactic acid is essentially the postmortem becomes reflects the basic metabolism in the vivo inadequate muscle; when the oxygen supply for the provision of but it proceeds further (Lawrie, 1974) . Glycolysis animal is 6.9 conversion phosphate, The the the supply glycogen final pH is ATP turnover. When the no longer produced via Consequently, at the point of to ATP at the expense of creatine when the latter is exausted the ATP level of ATP triggers the anaerobic glycogen to lactic acid. This conversion until pH is reached where the enzymes a breakdown production of determines ADP depletion continue affecting Since of of with - 7.2) the muscle ATP level is maintained but conversion will ATP phosphorylation. death • (pH falls. coupled slaughtered oxidative by is of lactic acid is dependent on the glycogen, the content because the muscle is are inactivated (Lawrie, 1974). level ultimate pH. of this But the component initial not the sole factor determining the approximately 10% of the total drop in 18 pH postmortem hydrolysis is of due ATP to protons liberated by the present in the tissue at death (Hamm, 1977) . In pH is typical about extent of when postmortem pH animals, administration the of temperature muscle postmortem muscle temperature et 5.5. However, both the rate and the between environmental faster - fall are influenced by factors such as species, the type of muscle and variability as 5.4 the intrinsic such postmortem mammalian muscle the ultimate and drugs by extrinsic factors pre-slaughter and the (Lawrie, 1974). For example, a pH decline has been observed is subjected to increased environmental (Marsh, 1954) , electric stimulation (Sonaiya al., 1982), pressurization (Elgasim et al., 1983), and grinding (Hamm, 1977). Postmortem Protein Degradation Proteolysis muscle. in and is an important postmortem change in Postmortem protein breakdown affects meat quality various aspects, including tenderness, functionality, the characteristic flavor and color of meat. Although numerous studies controversial at have the undergo proteolysis factors for the been conducted, it remains present time which muscle proteins and which enzymes are the causal changes occurring during the meat aging 19 process. Generally, few proteins myofibrils and extensive degradation temperatures have storage muscle during are the tissue, subjected to aging period at above the freezing point. Many early studies measurements (Locker, al., to absent even of 1960; 1969). resistant is of connective shown that no large changes were detected by various chemical et sarcoplasm of proteolysis during postmortem Davey and Gilbert, 1966; Parrish Connective tissue proteins are generally proteolytic enzymes in muscle. Proteolysis in collagen and elastin of fresh sterile meat, storage of 1 year at 370C (Lawrie, 1974). after Clearly, very little degradation of collagen occurs postmortem (Goll et al., 1970; Etherington, 1981). Sarcoplasmic in proteins may disintegrate and dissolve a very concentrated solution most labile degradation postmortem of of the iri vivo . They are the muscle proteins. Slight proteolytic sarcoplasmic proteins may occur during storage. Sharp (1963) demonstrated that during storage at soluble protein nitrogen declined from 28% of the initial nitrogen of to 37 C Parrish acids et sarcoplasmic sterile beef muscle the total 13% after 20 days. The lowered concentration sarcoplasmic amino of and proteins was due to their proteolysis to not al. protein to (1969) precipitation have also (Lawrie, 1974). shown that the fraction yields an increase in free 20 amino acids and non-protein nitrogen in postmortem bovine muscle. Although difference and al. (1970) muscle of the shown a significant proteins in al., 1973b) have sarcoplasmic 1966; et found little in the sarcoplasmic proteins between pre-rigor post-rigor workers Whitaker Hay et rabbit and pig, other degradation of chicken (Neelin and Ecobichon, and bovine (Harrington and Henahan, 1982) muscles during postmortem storage. Because of contraction they are changes and observed have largely by 1983; in been electrophoresis Olson et postmortem storage (Hay et 1977; al., al., are 1973b; Penny, Bechtel and Parrish, 1984). occurring in The proteolytic myofibrils appreciable. alterations in gel muscle during The major observed during a slow loss of the M-line, broadening and loss fibrillar seen between Goll et structure in the Z-disks, and the fracture Z-disk and I-band (Fukazawa et al., 1969; 1970; Hay et al., Paralleling consistent sulfate-polyacrylamide al., et changes of postmortem muscle, the myofibrillar dodecyl Koohmaraie are muscle the subject of many careful studies, degradative aging in it has long been suspected that (SDS-PAGE) ultrastructural importance responsible for many of the physical sodium 1980; obvious because primarily proteins 1974, their the and breakdown noticeable al., of 1973a; Penny, 1980). troponin change that T, the occurs most in 21 myofibrils during appearance of migrating 30,000 three storage closely is spaced the gradual protein bands at rates corresponding to approximately 34,000, and Parrish, et postmortem 27,000 1977; al., daltons Olson 1981). 30,000-dalton troponin in SDS-PAGE (MacBride and et al., 1977; Penny, 1980; Parrish It seems component highly arises possible from that the the degradation of T (Olson et al., 1977; Penny, 1980; Goll et al., 1983). Recently, newly discovered nebulin, are Lusby et al. (1983) reported that two myofibrillar gradually degraded proteins, during titin and the postmortem storage of bovine muscle. Nevertheless, pronounced proteins, aging no evidence thus far has indicated any postmortem myosin change in the major contractile and actin, especially during the normal period. Most other contractile components also seem unaltered during the aging process. Proteolytic Enzymes and Their Actions Numerous evidence protein the of studies have proteolytic degradation been made in attempt to find activity responsible for muscle during postmortem storage. However, involvement of the exact enzymes remains enigmatic. A number of endogenous from skeletal proteinases muscles. These have been discovered include lysosomal 22 proteinases (cathepsins), proteinases, and Several Ca excellent available neutral -activated reviews and alkaline proteinase about these (CAP). enzymes are (Etherington, 1981; Goll et al., 1983; Dahlmann et al., 1984). Lysosomal Proteinases Lysosomal cathepsins. in the of muscle largely of of the cathepsins have optimum activity cells. H, Of the thirteen reported lysosomal L and lysosomal carboxypeptidase B, have been to exist inside skeletal muscle cells (Goll et al., 1983) . Among cathepsins of consist hydrolases, however, only seven, cathepsins A, B, D, shown Most enzymes acidic pH range and are associated with lysosomes peptide C, proteolytic these enzymes only the endopeptidases, B, D, H and L are the most important. All four these enzymes possess activity against myosin and actin (Goll et al., 1983). Schwartz and Bird (1977) have shown that, at major fragment degrades 107,000 at of 150,000 daltons. At pH 4.0 cathepsin D myosin cathepsin B, pH 5.2, cathepsin B degrades myosin into more forming daltons and rapidly and more extensively than two major fragments of 110,000 and several smaller fragments. However, pH values above 6.0, neither cathepsin B nor D has any appreciable effect on myosin (Schwartz and Bird, 1977). 23 These researchers degrade the thin et Tropomyosin, the other major component of filament, al., that D actin. also found that both cathepsin B and D 1984). is degraded by cathepsin B (Dahlmann Further, Robbins et al. (1979) reported the Z-disks were substantially degraded by cathepsin at pH 5.2 to 5.3. Cathepsin L resembles cathepsin B, so its in activity may not have been separated from cathepsin B many of Cathepsin chains al., the L of degrades myosin 1981). myosin. and earlier studies (Okitani et al., 1980). actin very et H al. both quickly Cathepsin Goll and also heavy and light at pH 5.0 (Matsukura et has a high affinity for (1983) suggested that cathepsins L H each have far greater myosin-degrading ability than cathepsins B and D combined. Dahlmann et al. indicated that cathepsins (1984) have B, D and L degrade troponin T and troponin I in vitro. Some of the lysosomal enzymes possess collagenolytic activity, 1981) particularly and cathepsins B, L, N (Etherington, G (Starkey, 1977). But neither cathepsin G nor cathepsin N has been detected in skeletal muscle. At the present activity of proteins although proteins can et the time, catheptic there was data are lacking about the enzymes against sarcoplasmic a report that sarcoplasmic be degraded by acid cathepsins (Drabikowski al., 1977). It is possible that this activity could be present during the postmortem storage of muscle. 24 Neutral and Alkaline Proteinases Enzymes the in this group have proteolytic activity in neutral and alkaline pH range. Many of them have been detected in isolated neutral or alkaline proteinases are localized in mast skeletal muscle tissue. Eight of the nine cells rather than in skeletal muscle cells, and some are yet of unknown origin (Goll et al., 1983). Initially, identification recent have of these enzymes immunohistochemical been resolved. proteinase, alkaline myofibrillar proteinase all tests Thus, alkaline was confusing but with the it some seems of the problems likely myofibrillar that the proteinase, the proteinase and the myosin-cleaving originate from the same enzyme (Goll et al., 1983). Libby and Goldberg (1980) have suggested that most, if not all, proteolytic activity having an alkaline pH mast optimum in crude cells in the original tissue and not from striated muscle cells The for specificity myosin, rupture se . neutral important example, per muscle homogenates originates from and muscle against neutral alkaline proteinases may be protein turnover because they have certain myofibrillar components. For serine proteinase can cleave actin, a-actinin, tropomyosin, troponin T and I, and can the myosin-cleaving Z-disks (Goll proteinase et is al., capable 1983) of while degrading 25 C-protein, myosin, tropomyosin However, could it act proteins muscle and Z-disks is on M-protein, and T, I, Uchida, and C, 1979). difficult to conceive that these enzymes directly proteinases (Murakami myofibrils cells. troponin and other intracellular muscle since The they role and are the not located inside significance of these to muscle postmortem proteolysis need further investigation. The Ca The was presence purified optimum structure by Ca -activated protinase (CAF) usually muscle by Dayton electron et al microscopy. (1976a). It was later Although CAF has activity between pH 7.0 and 7.5 (Penny, 1980), it proteinases the of discovered by Busch (1972) during the study of rabbit muscle is -activated proteinase not group because it is localized inside skeletal cells at cytoplasmic Schollmeyer, classified into the neutral and alkaline the level of the Z-disk and adjacent to face 1981). characteristic, the of the plasma membrane (Dayton and Since it properties has a unique proteolytic of CAF has been studied extensively in the past several years. CAF et al. effect has a very unusual and limited specificity. Goll (1983) have indicated that CAF has very little on the sarcoplasmic protein fraction from skeletal 26 muscle cells these but it degrades the contractile proteins in cells in Ultrastructurally, from and myofibrils degrades ability of proteins 1975) . but selectively limited removes way. the Z-disks (Busch et al., 1972; Olson et al., 1977) the CAF This M-line (Dayton et al., 1976b). The to break down certain other myofibrillar includes the degradation of tropomyosin, T, troponin I and C-protein, but myosin, actin, tx-actinin and troponin Pemrick et myosin heavy al. evidenced C (1980) chain unphosphorylated. al. CAF specific has been thoroughly investigated (Dayton et al., troponin et a have if That (Maruyama were not However, found that CAF may degrade the CAF affected. LC_ light chain is can degrade nebulin was also et al., 1981b). More recently, Zeece (1983) reported that CAF can break down the newly discovered myofibrillar protein, titin. There low-Ca++ CAF is free CAF (Goll forms et al., much completely of CAF, high-Ca CAF and et al., 1983). The high-Ca++ active at pH 7.0 to 8.0 as long as the concentrations requires range 1976b). lower between The low-Ca Ca 1 CAF, however, concentration. active at 70 uM of Ca to 5 mM It is and is active even 10 uM (Dayton et al., 1981). The latter suggested that low-Ca of two maximally Ca (Dayton at are pH CAF values is active over a slightly broader range than high-Ca CAF and it may retain 27 significant proteolytic activity at pH values as low as 5.5. Since high-Ca concentration of intracellular free uM, Goll low-Ca and et it muscle be the 1 to 5 Ca requires mM for optimum activity while level rarely rises above 10 al. (1983) suggested may be responsible degradation cells. of for that only the most of the postmortem myofibrillar proteins inside They also suggested that high-Ca be a storage form of the enzyme converted to regulation assumed plasma and Ca form of CAF is active in living muscle cells proteolytic may CAF the of in vivo more active low-Ca CAF that high-Ca inhibitor. CAF which can CAF under Alternatively, it is CAF is possibly located at the membrane or in the connective tissue matrix (Barth Elce, millimolar Low-Ca 1981) , where levels of Ca CAF it could be activated by that exist extracellularly. may be localized at the Z-disk (Goll et al., 1983). Indeed, degradation quality are the leading changes necessary achieved. precise to meat remains before role a of CAF to muscle protein tenderness and other meat unknown. Clearly, more studies thorough understanding can be 28 Microbial Proteinases Certain elaborate digest bacteria, extracellular muscle Pseudomonas chill pH growing proteolytic on meat, can that may enzymes proteins. If microorganisms are involved, bacteria normally predominate on meat at temperatures, and these organisms are unaffected by in the Newton, range enzymes; It is now species are able P^ fragi al., 1971), P. that normally occurs in meat (Gill and 1982). Pseudomonas et when P^ fluorescens recognized to excrete that some proteolytic (Borton et al., 1970a, b; Tarrant perolens (Buckley et al., 1974) and (Gill and Penney, 1977) are examples of these microorganisms. Observations bacterial proteolysis researchers Shelef, (Jay, to have 1967; the been importance of contradictory. Ockerman Some et al., 1969; Jay and 1976) believe that bacterial proteolysis plays an insignificant role others (Borton Dainty et et al., significant that storage of myofibrillar in muscle al., 1975; protein reported observed pertinent 1970a, Yada P^ at proteins breakdown while b; Tarrant et al. 1971; and Skura, 1981) have shown degradation. when pork protein fragi 2-10 C occurred. Borton et al. (1970a) was present during the some proteolysis Tarrant et of al. (1971) considerable salt-soluble protein degradation in 29 pork muscle by fragi was P^ also fragi shown in 20 days at 10 C. to alter P. sarcoplasmic proteins extensively (Hasegawa et al., 1970). Gill and penetrate happen Penney (1977) have found that bacteria may meat upon proteolysis although it will not until the bacteria have reached their maximum cell density. The effect proteins depends generally meat proteins a approximately which the critical muscle extent of contamination. It is no place stage of significant until of degradation of spoilage has become spoilage. Yada and Skura sarcoplasmic, proteins SDS-PAGE. number proteolysis on P^ fragi and found that a count of 10 10 /cm 2 is the minimum level at tissue by proteinases protein breakdown can be detected only breakdown connective detectable that advanced studied bacterial the takes Clearly, very (1981) on accepted evident. at of of It bacteria by has may P^ been be myofibrillar and fragi became suggested that a required before can be detected (Dainty et al., 1975; Jay and Shelef, 1976; Yada and Skura, 1981). Glycolysis and Proteolysis in Ground Muscle Grinding muscle, i.e., causes muscle two large structural changes of the surface increase and muscle tissue 30 damage. The enhanced other more exposed substrate hand surface availability muscle area results in an for the enzymes. On the tissue particles can be ruptured when there has been extensive tissue damage. In than ground muscle metabolism is faster in intact muscle. It has been observed that grinding pre-rigor bovine turnover manifested of postmortem ATP and (Newbold glycogen Scopes, the rate of ATP a faster depletion in the levels an 1971; accelerated Hamm, 1977). drop of pH Hamm (1977) the acceleration of postmortem metabolism by a faster depletion in the levels of ATP and and an accelerated drop of pH (Newbold and 1971; Hamm, 1977). Hamm (1977) suggested that the acceleration of results from muscle cells, activates content that increases and Scopes, that manifested by glycogen and suggested muscle postmortem damage causing myosin triggers the to a of sarcoplasmic release of to grinding reticulum of Ca activity. lactic (Hamm, phosphorylase due The which lowered ATP the activation of glycolytic enzymes so phosphofructokinase acid and pH decline are 1977). (PFK) and, Two to a enzymes, lesser extent, (PP) play a dominant role in the control of metabolic levels (Dalrymple and there no was the ATP-ase formation accelerated metabolism of Hamm, glycolysis 1975). Hamm in ground muscle (1977) reported that major difference between intact and ground 31 tissue except changes such destruction influence as the of difference of metabolism. rate a glycolysis. the pattern Recently, glycolysis muscle temperature support to ground the muscle in the He concluded the can not by but the rate of postmortem only can be falls observation grinding that membranes Etherington because rate of postmortem (1981) mentioned that markedly increased when the below 12 C. of faster This pH lends decrease in it cools more rapidly than intact muscle. There is very little information about the effect of grinding Several and on chemical thawing, have been al., 1964). and protein degradation postmortem. and physical factors, e.g. pH, freezing thermal activation and detergent treatment, implicated in lysosomal disruption (Sawant et Indeed, lysosomal membranes are very fragile can be ruptured during electrical stimulation (Dutson et al., of muscle. similar a muscle low It and pressurization (Elgasim et al., 1983) is highly likely that grinding may exert effects, especially when muscle pH has dropped to value (Lawrie, 1974). It is possible that a faster muscle proteolysis release This 1980) of of take place due to the early catheptic enzymes from lysosomes by grinding. possible release could Ca acceleration fa sarcoplasmic reticulum. may be triggered also by the co-factor of CAP, from the 32 During structurally proteolytic that ground the grinding and enzymes. muscle may process myofibrils are damaged become While has an there more has accelerated vulnerable to been no evidence proteolysis of myofibrils, Harrington and Henahan (1982) have found some differences between ground beef and intact beef in the postmortem degradation of sarcoplasmic proteins. 33 MATERIALS AND METHODS Muscle Sample Preparation Semitendinosus were 448 obtained - 497 according Science kg. from equal 80% and food had was was subjected to The cutting board, was sanitized knife was flame sterilized. dried rubber gloves were always used and in Muscle was ground in a machine (Model 308) after the free minced. paper of The external ground toweling fat and muscle was soaked in 0.1M and then wrapped in plastic film and enclosed in plastic recommendations bags and trimmed wrapped section was held intact. All equipment, preparation tissues immediately fraction preparation. been muscle and was cut immediately into One grinder sample two-pound other alcohol. connective Ziploc good quality heifers weighing carcass the the Moulinex a fractions. Alcohol-treated NaN-. this study Oregon State University. At about 25 each and including during throughout The animals were slaughtered and dressed postmortem, grinding muscle three Laboratory, removed with from used to normal slaughter practices at the Clark Meat minutes two muscles were approximately storage bag according to the of Bechtel and Parrish (1983) . The sample stored 30 at grams 2 C. Each of ground sample muscle. contained The intact 34 muscle (3 X 7 X 15 cm) was treated similarly and stored at 20C. Measurement of pH Measurements procedure muscle 1:10 of adjusted inner a 5mM were (1982) Waring made after according to the homogenization of blender for 30 seconds in a iodoacetate solution which had been pH 7.0. Samples were taken from the cores or parts samples in of to surfaces. pH Petersen sample ratio of of the wrapped meat trimmed free of exposed The pH measurements of ground and intact muscle were obtained simultaneously at the hours of 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 and 24, and the days of 0 (at death), 1, 3, 6 Corning glass 4.0 and Digital postmortem. pH electrodes. and 7.0 temperature were 10 measurement. The buffers at rinsed Meter The instrument used was a (Model 125) fitted with Orion meter was standardized against pH and was calibrated for ambient periodic intervals. The glass electrodes extensively with distilled water after each Each muscle sample was triplicately weighed, homogenized and measured for pH. Preparation of Myofibrillar and Sarcoplasmic Proteins Four grams of ground or intact muscle were taken 35 from the 2 C. Protein ground core and of the wrapped extractions intact muscle sample stored at were prepared from both at-death muscles and muscles after 1, 3, 6 and 10 days of postmortem storage. Myofibrils were procedure described using extracting (pH et the an al. (1972) by the et al. (1974) at 2-40C Goll buffer (Table substitutions vigorous to XI of lOOmM KCl, 50mM Tris-HCl in 0.1M in modifications a Table homogenization of of 2). Other modifications made were glass stirring in myofibrils loss by essentially 7.6), ImM NaN3 and 5mM EDTA as suggested by Busch during VII isolated in to 2), and a Waring steps VII The suspension blender of was centrifuged according to Scopes purified XIV). The to XI and XIV minimized the from the first at 35,000 X g for 45 minutes (1964). used (step supernatant extraction was suspend the pellets (steps KCl by vigorous stirring rather than myofibrils. centrifugation rod for polyethylene rod as Supernatant the from this source of sarcoplasmic protein (Table 2). Protein concentration was measured by the biuret method (Gornall et al., 1949). Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis Extracts of myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic proteins 36 Table 2. Preparation of purified nyofibrillar and sarcoplasnrLc proteins using differential centrifugation (modified Goll's procedure) Supernatant l) pass through cheese cloth 2) centrifuge at 35,000 x £ for 1)5 minutes Supernatant (saxcoplasmic proteins) Ground or minced muecle (1) grans) l)Suspend in 10 volumes (v/w) 100 mM KC1, 50 mM tris-HCl, pH 7.6, 5 mM EDTA, 1 mM NaNo (standard salt solution) by homogenizing for 10 sec in Waring Blender. 2)Centrifi'.ge at 1000 x £ for 10 min. Sediment (discard) II. Sediment l)Suspend In 6 volumes (v/w) of standard salt solution by homogeniiing for 10 sec in Waring blender. 2)Centrifuge at 1000 x £ for 10 min. 1 III. Sediment Supernatant (discard) l)Suspend in 8 volumes (v/v) of standard salt solution by homogenizing for 10 sec in Waring blender. 2)PasB suspension through household nylon net strainer. 3)Centrlfuge at 1000 x g for 10 min. 1 IV. Sediment Supernatant (discard) l)Su8pend in 8 volumes (v/w) of standard Bait solution by homogenirlng for 10 sec In Wiring blender. 2)PaBS suspension through household nylon net strainer. 3)Centrlfuge at 1000 x £ for 10 nin. V . Sediment Supernatant (discard) l)Su6pend In 6 volumes (v/w) of standard salt solution plus l£ (v/w) Triton X-100 by homogenlilng for 10 sec In Waring Blender. 2)Centrifuge at 1500 x £ for 10 min. VI. Sediment Supernatant (discard) l)Suspend In 6 volumes (v/w) of stondard salt solutio plus 1$ (v/w) Triton X-100 by homogenlilng for 10 sec In Waring blender. 2)Centrlfuge at IJOO x g for 10 min. "I VII. Sediment Supernatant (discard) 1(Suspend In 8 volumes (v/w) of standerfl salt solution by stirring vigorously with glass rod. 2)Centrifuge at 1500 x g for 10 Bin. VIII to XI. Sediment Supernatant (discard) l)Repeat Step VII'four tines, tut suspending in S volumes (v/w) of 100 mM KC1 Instead of standard salt solutions; centrifuge at 1500 x g after each suspension. 1 XII. Sediment Supernatant (discard) IJSuspend In 8 volumes (v/w) of 100 mM KC1 by homogenizing for 3 oer in Waring blender. 2)Centrlfuge at 1500 x £ for 10 min. XIII. Sediment Supernatant (discard) l)Sucpend in B volumes (v/w) of 100 eU KC1 by homogenizing for 3 Bee In VJarlng blender. 2)Centriruge at 1500 x g for 10 min. XIV. Sediment Supernatant (discard) 1)Suspend in 2 voliunes (v/w) of 100 mM KC1 by stlrrinf vigarously with glass rod. 2)0o protein analysis of cuspcnslon. Purified Myofibrils free of membranes 37 were analyzed by sulfate-polyacrylamide procedure described the gel by sodium dodecyl electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) Porzio and Pearson (1977) using 10% acrylamide tube gels (5 X 130 mm). The major steps of the procedure solutions except followed APS, included: TEMED the pipet; lOmg/ml) and 3 gel (4) and APS (2%) at room temperature (2) adding TEMED and solution mixing into (3) immediately gel tubes with a myofibril suspensions (about sarcoplasmic protein extract (about 3mg/ml) contained 8M 2-mercaptoethanol, urea, and 2.5% lOOmM SDS, Tris 5mM EDTA, 5mM / glycine (pH 8.8)); solubilizing proteins in sample buffer by boiling for min min and then centrifuging in a Beckman Microfuge for 1 to materials precipitate possible (supernatant was analysis); onto the gels by acetic gel (6) gel loading acid traces in for Blue with 3 undissolved 30ug of protein of each sample (7) fixing the a solution of 25% isopropanol / 10% hours (R250) 10% of utilized for electrophoretic and runnig electrophoresis; soaking Coomassie the composite gel and 1 volumes of sample buffer respectively (sample buffer 3 all mixing and degassing for 1 more min; Pasteur (5) mixing by degassing for 10-15 min; transferring in (1) for acetic and then staining in 0.01% 12 hours; and (8) destaining acid / 5% methanol till gel background became clear. The marker proteins used were the standard mixture 38 of known molecular weight proteins obtained from Bio-Rad Laboratory (Richmond, proteins: bovine myosin, CA) containing 3-galactosidase, the following phosphorylase B, serum albumin, carbonic anhydrase, soybean trypsin inhibitor and lysozyme. The cell electrophoresis (Bio-Rad, Model was run in gel electrophoresis 155) with a constant voltage power supply (Buchler, Model 3-1500). Interpretation of Gels Myofibrillar the procedure components were identified according to of Porzio and Pearson (1977). Protein molecular weight (M.W.) was estimated against the protein standards whose logarithm M.W. were plotted against their migrating rates in the gels. Densitometric Tracings of Gels Gels were scanned spectrophotometer Beckman cell shape Gel of the 580nm in a Beckman (Model ACTA CIII) in conjunction with a Scanner. containing at The gel destaining peak was laid in the scanning solution. depended width of the corresponding band. The size and the upon the intensity and the 39 Psychrotrophic Bacteria Inspection Microbial day) and Samples at in the were 2 C. knife growth blender subjected measured (10 at the beginning (0 days) of postmortem storage. from cores of wrapped meat stored core sample was mixed with a sterilized then for sterilized end obtained The and was blended in a sterile, pre-chilled Waring exactly peptone to 2 minutes using 10 volumes of 0.1% solution. appropriate The muscle suspension was dilutions with 0.1% peptone done according solution prior to inoculation. The incubation Hartley et Methods Caseinate media al. procedure (1970) Agar and was Lee (SMCA) (1976) medium. to using Standard The innoculated were incubated at 7 C for 10 days, which allows the detection of proteolytic organisms in total psychrotrophic bacterial counts. Statistical Analysis Data were described in pH between group of (ground were by analyzed paired). to the methods Snedecor and Cochran (1982). The difference ground muscles and intact muscles (from a animals) muscle according and was analyzed intact muscle using paired t-test from the same animal In an individual animal (animal No.3) this 40 difference samples. was interpreted by the mean test of two 41 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Postmortem Muscle pH Changes pH Changes in Ground and Intact Muscles Table intact pH 3 shows bovine each sampling changes in pH of the ground and muscles during the postmortem storage. The measurements from the of both ground and intact muscle samples animal were period. The determined in triplicate at each triplicate averaged. The averages postmortem from all statistically 1982) . using This grinding on obtained three animals measurements at the were same were time then analyzed paired t-test (Snedecor and Cochran, allowed the bovine muscle detection pH of the effect of (Table 3). The data were depicted graphically in Figure 2. It is clearly shown that a significantly (P < 0.05) faster pH intact muscle within in agreement and Scopes, This is (Newbold decline the suggests rate 1977). fall occurred in the ground muscle than in the of that the with 1971; the initial 24 hours postmortem. other workers' observations Hamm, 1977). The rapid pH grinding process accelerates glycolysis (Dalrymple and Hamm, 1975; Hamm, Hamm (1977) has hypothesized that the enhanced ATP turnover observed in the ground muscle is due to a faster 42 Table 3. Postmortem pH changes in ground and intact setnitendinosus of bovine muscles stored at 2 C Time after slaughter Ground , Intact Difference betw. (mean 1" S.D. ) (mean "t S.D.) ground & intact0 1 6.50 + 0.04 6.65 + 0.05 P < 0.05 2 6.17 + 0.03 6.55 + 0.06 P < 0.025 4 5.97 + 0.07 6.45 + 0.13 P < 0.025 8 5.87 + 0.03 6.27 4- 0.11 P < 0.025 12 5.72 + 0.04 6.00 + 0.06 P < 0.01 16 5.69 + 0.06 5.88 + 0.08 P < 0.025 20 5.64 + 0.08 5.76 + 0.08 P < 0.005 24 5.61 + 0.08 5.69 + 0.07 P < 0.01 1 5.61 + 0.08 5.69 + 0.07 P < 0.01 3 5.55 + 0.04 5.50 + 0.09 N .S. 6 5.59 + 0.05 5.56 + 0.12 N .S. 10 5.45 + 0.03 5.50 + 0.10 N .S. hours days mean = average of the mean values from three animals S.D. = standard deviation. P = probability level from the paired t-test; N.S. = non-significant (P > 0.05). 43 7.0 0 6.6-- • o INTACT • GROUND 6.2PH 5.8" 5.4-- X + + 8 12 16 HOURS POSTMORTEM • 3 4 DAYS POSTMORTEM Figure 2. + 20 24 INTACT • GROUND 10 Effect of grinding and postmDrtem storage at 20C on pH change in the bovine seraLtendinosus muscles (from three animals). (A) within 24 hours; (B) within 10 days. 44 release of reticulum. it is Ca ions from the damaged sarcoplasmic Since glycolysis is coupled with ATP turnover possible faster that this faster release of Ca depletion of or ATP triggered glycogen breakdown to enhance the formation of lactic acid. Mitochondria may be another possible (1982) have provided pressurization from source of Ca of . Elgasim and Kennick evidence that pre-rigor muscle causes the release of Ca the damaged mitochondria. It is likely that grinding would have a pressurization similar both effect seem since grinding and to have the ability to rupture the cell organelles. Postmortem The cold-induced ground muscle former released a faster ground muscle because the accelerated the glycolysis. (1981) has reported that when the temperature pre-rigor contraction. Honikel in intact can be expected to occur in the which is C the breakdown glycolysis initial in could start earlier in the heat more rapidly than the latter. Thus, muscle, the contraction than ATP Etherington of glycolysis is also temperature sensitive. pH drop contrast muscle markedly et in drops to hastened al. (1981) below due 12 C to muscle observed a drastic the pre-rigor muscles stored at 0.5 to those stored at higher temperatures. Another possible cause for the rapid pH fall could 45 arise from the glycolytic rupture increased substrate availability for the enzymes. the Grinding glycogen could granules in possibly damage or the muscle cells and make them more vulnerable to the enzymes. The difference in the initial pH values between the ground and intact (Table 3). However, (P > (A) 0.05) shows first 2 rate of was significant (P < 0.05) this difference was not significant after 3 days of postmortem storage. Figure 2 that the hours pH dropped postmortem this because muscles the relatively high maintained at the ground muscle but the change decreased initial muscle so a concentrations in that high such as thereafter, probably temperature the level. high drastically within the enzyme remained activity Elevated was substrate levels of glycogen and ADP would certainly also be the contributors to this change. The patterns treatments ground were beef decreased muscle first the pH 2 pH the (concave pH changes between the two muscle slightly different (Figure 2, A). In the muscle rate the of pH declined shaped) at while a in gradually the intact value dropped the most rapidly within the hours postmortem, and then reduced slowly during period of 2 to 8 hours postmortem. But after that the drop hours was of explanation accelerated again and was retarded after 12 storage for (convex this shaped). phenomenon could One be possible that the 46 conditions such as the availability of the substrates and co-enzymes favored ground enzyme activity in the beef but not in the intact muscle were tightly formed, but muscle became acidic granules when glycolytic the granules in intact beef. Initially glycogen the structure of these could be loosened and disordered, which enhanced substrate availability. After 12 treatments resulted continued and the pH changes in both inactivation of phosphofructokinase and (Hamm, after statistical was storage from the limiting content of glycogen, adenosine phosphorylase 0.05) of leveled off because of the retarded glycolysis nucleotides, between hours 24 1977). hours analysis the two The of in postmortem indicates muscles change that the pH values storage, but pH difference was no longer significant (P > after 3 days of storage (Table 3). This observation consistent Similarly, muscles to that reported by Hamm (1977). during prolonged storage the pH values of both fluctuated essentially there slightly was no (Figure significant 2, B), but difference (P > 0.05) between them (Table 3). Nevertheless, observation because fall may one not should represent be aware that this all the individual cases both the rate and the extent of the postmortem pH can variability be influenced by intrinsic factors such as the between animals, and by extrinsic factors 47 such as exausting (Lawrie, 1974). postmortem pH exercise immediately Therefore, it is pre-slaughter possible that the alteration in a specific animal could vary from this pH change pattern. pH Change in Animal No.3 Muscle Because in pH optimum animal rate muscle could endogenous for activity proteolytic enzymes vary and because each specific have a unique postmortem pH decline in both and extent, it is necessary to monitor the pH change while the Figure muscle muscle 3 were thesis. made (animal proteolysis proteins from No.3) pH degrading. data that presented Each are in obtained was the used following Table 4 and from the same for determining section of the mean value was obtained from triplicate measurements. Basically, muscles the of of animals (Figure 2) although there were some variations postmortem significantly muscle. pH changes in both ground and intact of animal No.3 followed the pattern obtained from group specific the But insignificant in storage, lower at (P 3 (P days > the former. During the first day pH of the ground muscle was < 0.005) than that of the intact postmortem 0.05), the difference was both having a pH around 5.55 (Table 4). With prolonged storage at 2 C, however. 48 Table 4. Postmortem pH changes in ground and intact animal No.3 semitendinosus muscle stored at 2 C Time after slaughter Ground , Intact Difference betw. (mean 1" S.D.)(mean "t S.D.) ground & intact0 1 6.47 + 0.02 6.66 + 0.02 P < 0.001 2 6.19 + 0.01 6.54 + 0.02 P < 0.001 4 6.10 + 0.02 6.49 + 0.03 P < 0.001 8 5.91 + 0.03 6.30 + 0.01 P < 0.001 12 5.75 + 0.02 6.00 + 0.02 P < 0.001 16 5.88 + 0.01 5.81 + 0.01 P < 0.001 20 5.72 + 0.02 5.68 + 0.02 24 5.64 + 0.02 5.72 + 0.01 P < 0.005 1 5.64 + 0.02 5.72 + 0.01 P < 0.005 3 5.57 + 0.01 5.54 + 0.02 IU.S. 6 5.59 + 0.01 5.63 + 0.01 P 10 5.48 + 0.03 5.54 + 0.02 P < 0.05 hours days P < 0.001 < 0.01 mean = mean of the triplicate measurements. S.D. = standard deviation. P = probability level from two sample mean test; N.S. = non-significant (P>0.05). 49 7-0 * INTACT 6.6 ■- • GROUND 6.2-pH 5-8-- 54- X + o 8 12 16 HOURS POSTMORTEM 20 24 70 ■* INTACT « » GROUND PH 54- T. Figure 3. I + + + 34 56789 DAYS POSTMORTEM 10 Effect of grinding and postmortem storage at 20C on pH change in the bovine semitendinosus muscle (from animal No.3). (A) within 24 hours; (B) within 10 days. 50 these pH two of the muscle samples, again, varied in pH value. The the intact muscle was significantly higher than in ground 0.05) muscle postmortem (Table 4). The ground muscle exhibited a further, (PH significant 5.48) in determined at period day of increment value (pH fell 5.54). cells may much comparison 3 to < 0.01) back to day with the pH value (5.57) 6 there was a significant pH in the intact muscle, but this pH the same level of 3 days postmortem glycogen not or some residual sugars inside the have been completely metabolized within a postmortem. prolonged reduction (P < 0.02) at 10 days The reason is not clear but it seems possible muscle days pH 3 days postmortem. In contrast, during the (P that few at 6 days (P < 0.01) and 10 days (P < period slower of rate Although glycolysis may last for a time postmortem, it will occur at a in the than it did The may be concurrent event in which some small peptides and amino acids, nucleotides were decarboxylated by certain enzymes observed that lactic or pH stages initially. a increased later value in the intact muscle present in the muscle cells. Hamm (1977) glycogen breakdown and the formation of acid continued in ground and intact bovine muscles even after 3 days of postmortem storage at 4 C. 51 Postmortem Muscle Protein Changes Postmortem determined by changes sodium in beef muscle proteins were dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) muscle from each of three beef animals stored at 20C samples for animals of both ground and intact 10 days. Since the SDS-PAGE patterns between were protein very similar per sampling period per muscle category, presented. These only data from animal No.3 are data are highly representative of those obtained during this investigation. Myofibrillar Proteins Gel Electrophoresis Figure myofibrils samples 4 shows isolated stored protein variations. occurred from the ground and intact muscle at 2 C for 10 days. Comparison of the electrophoretograms similar the results of SDS-PAGE analysis of indicated change Essentially, that patterns the both treatments had except following for major a few changes in both muscle treatments: a gradual decrease in the intensity a), desmin of a ~500,000-dalton protein band (arrow (arrow e) and troponin T (arrow f); a gradual increase in the content of myosin light chain-3 52 Figure 4. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of myofibrils isolated from ground (A) and intact (B) semLtendinosus of bovine muscle stored at 2 C. Gels 0, 1, 3, 6, and 10 represent myofibrils isolated from the muscle after 0, 1, 3, 6, and 10 days of postmortem storage. Gel S is the protein standards (note: number X 1000 = molecular weight). Arrows a, b, c, d, e, f, g, and h indicate the major changes. 53 ill-" 200 116 93 66 45 31 21 14 0 1 3 6 10 DAYS Figure 4 0 1 3 6 10 S 54 (MLC3) (arrow h) and two other polypeptides of about 110,000 and gradual differed (arrow from (arrow storage, was protein and b 95,000- and and d); and the 30,000-dalton g). However, the ground muscle the gound muscle the '-SOO,000-dalton became faint after 1 day of postmortem slightly detectable after 3 days and almost after 6 days of storage (Figure 4, A). This is probably nebulin which was resolved from other myofibrillar identified band of (arrow intact muscle in the rates of some of In a) disappeared c the changes. band daltons appearance components these 55,000 components by arose (arrow Lusby polypeptide may (the contrast, muscle (1981). At 10 days postmortem, a new slightly a). doublet Wang by Porzio and Pearson (1977) and beneath et al. be two the the original nebulin band (1983) have suggested that this breakdown product of the titin bands above nebulin) or of nebulin. In nebulin degraded at a slower rate in the intact (arrow a in Figure 4, B). Nevertheless, intensity and the the gradually decreased broadening of the band ostensibly indicate the postmortem degradation treatments who of nebulin. support demonstrated significantly in the that bovine The changes findings both muscle by Lusby et al. nebulin muscle in progressively can after be (1983) degraded 1 day postmortem storage at 2 C. The gradual appearance of a 95,000-dalton component, 55 which of was another obvious change with postmortem storage muscle, this protein treatments in the the appeared the gels of both muscle in the intensity between the two muscle seem to parallel the changes in nebulin. These also seem to correlate with the subtle alteration a-actinin be (the dark band between bands b and c) which detected Koohmaraie et appearance of muscle in the electrophoretograms of Figure 4. al. the (1984) during However, workers concluded a-actinin. protein reported the in the intact postmortem storage. They suggested could other initially 95,000-dalton that a -actinin have in sample. The formation of this protein and difference bovine seen in Figure 4 (arrow c). Although band ground changes can be at 3 days postmortem, it appeared more intense treatments in can be that the possible source of origin. (Olson et al. 1977; Penny, 1980) postmortem Obviously, no aging has no effect on conclusive argument can be made about this change without further evidence. The most obvious progressive appearance (arrow It this muscle g). polypeptide at detectable days muscle can be change of a shown in Figure 4 is the 30,000-dalton polypeptide seen by careful examination that appeared as a faint band in the ground 1 day postmortem (Figure 4, A), but it was not in the postmortem samples. intact muscle (Figure 4, B). After 3 storage the band became apparent in both Interestingly, however, this band 56 appeared slightly in muscle the storage. product for T intensity seemed which (arrow muscle causal postmortem the pH intact muscle However, most likely prolonged a degradation T and that CAF is the causal factor product in bovine muscle. Indeed, can be seen f). at 3, 6 and 10 days from the reduced band This change was appreciable in the not in ground muscle. Likely, CAF was because troponin value other that is degraded than during (1977) have pointed out that the be but when treatment to enzyme muscle, believe al. troponin postmortem, 3). et degradation troponin the ground component of this intact of Olson 30,000-dalton more intense in the intact muscle than during T was was day 6 and day 10 altering in the intact significantly higher in the in ground muscle (Table 4 and Figure workers cathepsin L (Matsukura is the et al., 1981) causal agent for the breakdown of troponin T to the 30,000-dalton component. The observation 30,000-dalton storage is researchers of the polypeptide consistent gradual with with appearance of the progressive the findings postmortem of numerous (Hay et al., 1973b; Olson et al. 1977; Penny, 1980; Parrish et al., 1981; Koohmaraie et al., 1984). Figure 4 shows that desmin postmortem (arrow progressively during almost faded completely ground and intact muscle samples. The breakdown of desmin at 6 storage e) diminished days and the band postmortem in both 57 may an be significant integral part cross-linking to meat tenderness because desmin is of the Z-disks, transverse functioning filaments as the (Wang and Ramirez-Mitchell, 1983). Other gradual principal increase indicated by molecular 15,000 the arrows weights heavy (140,000 b, intensity of three proteins as d (M.W.) there chain daltons) throughout 10 and h around (Figure 4). They had 110,000, 55,000 and were seemed some high possible, then, It M.W. which could band the (arrow time. also any detectable change within the region of the could possible have that including M.W. larger originated from any myosin one of the and C-protein, than 110,000 or 55,000 be the precursors. Similarly, an original area of myosin light chain-3 (MLC, ) h) was gradually intensified with extended storage Dayton degrade proteins subunit daltons, in C-proteins proteins (> 300,000 daltons). It is proteins, have and that the increased intensity of 110,000- is myofibrillar daltons) without alterations 55,000-dalton nebulin. (200,000 days postmortem storage at 2 C whereas extremely the in in the myofibrils were the daltons, respectively. From the electrophoretogram myosin and changes et al. tropomyosin, range tropomyosin of (1975) yielding have shown fragments that CAF can having M.W. in 13,000 to 18,000 daltons. Like troponin T, (the unseparated band from troponin T) seemed 58 to undergo which a was Therefore, in the subtle change during postmortem storage more apparent in intact muscle (Figure 4, B). the gradually increased intensity of the band area of MLC, (arrow h) could result from the tropomyosin degradation, but this is still uncertain. Changes in possibility Initially, 15,000 protein which these salt myofibrils explain were solution which be another the intensified bands. proteins probably could (110,000, fairly was 55,000 and soluble used to in the purify the (Table 2). Hence, significant amounts of these proteins may postmortem possibly might native daltons) diluted solubility have storage, due to been the washed proteins denaturation away. ' Later became so during less soluble that high yields were isolated by centrifugation (Table 2). Densitometric Tracings In an postmortem the gels technique attempt to gain more information about the changes involved in the myofibrillar proteins, were subjected to densitometric scanning (Figure 5). The labeled peaks correspond to the changes indicated Figure 4 Basically, using the in the the same electrophoretograms letters of shown in identification. scanning data show the major changes that were observed in the gel patterns. Figure 5 clearly 59 Figure 5. Densitometer tracings of electrophoretograms of myofibrils isolated from ground (A) and intact (B) bovine semitendinosus muscle stored at 2 C for 0, 1, 3, 6, and 10 days postmortem. Letters a, b, c, d, e, f, g, and h correspond to the changes indicated in electrophoretograms. 60 (B) (A) 0 day 0 day * J A iJ\V it % i <i»y XJ 3 days uJ f days k \s~XJ 10 dayi Figiare 5 W lAj 61 reveals a more rapid breakdown of nebulin in the ground muscle sample faster reduction in peak size (peak a) in the former. The 95,000-dalton ground than visible in in intact daltons, ground at the 1 g sample but storage, change. attenuating increased peak postmortem which in the was barely day the intact intact, muscle both muscle. With this peak increased in both Simultaneously, in postmortem in the showed troponin a more T (peak f) treatments but more rapidly in Another the marked area of change was the MLC, (peak h). h was not appreciable but after 10 days storage it became a major peak on the scanning profile. Other augmented sizes 110,000- 1 in the around peak at not muscle. Originally, detected Similarly, in the area of 30,000 however, pronounced intact was postmortem, appeared although the day c) muscle by showing a electrophoretogram, but was undetectable treatments was intact (peak muscle. peak prolonged the component muscle the in and changes of noted peaks b 55,000-dalton include the gradually and d corresponding to the components. The progressive diminution of desmin (peak e) is also evident. Causal Factors The changes • of similarity the between ground the patterns of protein and intact samples suggests that 62 possibly similar postmortem small proteinases storage difference that grinding certain only muscle cells in muscle cell walls cell to can disrupt and severely damage the myofibrils so resulting and walls, In fact, due to the fracture proteinases enzymes. In in the addition to the former case, neutral and existing in mast cells which could been disrupted during the grinding process may attack the neutral serine cleaving an early release of some myofibrils would become more susceptible proteinases have in coenzymes. extracellular myofibrils. proteinase actin, I if such that possible has the enzyme is capability of et al., 1983). Thus, these enzymic any, should only affect the myofibrils of ground muscle muscle remained extracellular One myosin, a-actinin, tropomyosin, troponin (Goll activities, is it effect that grinding can rupture or impair some alkaline it Obviously, can possible cell and grinding enzymes. become more labile to proteinases. It is intracellular T ways. the activities of proteolytic enzymatically, two organelles, also altered will proteinases of slightly endogenous and highly during the of both treatments. Nevertheless, the muscle they involved in the rates of these changes indicates Structurally that were while the cell membranes of the intact intact and protected the myofibrils from enzymes during postmortem storage. However, unlikely that these extracellular proteinases were 63 involved since the electrophoretic patterns (Figure 4) of myofibrillar proteins muscles were became acidic inactivate very of both similar. the In ground addition, and intact muscles soon after death (Table 4), which would tend to or inhibit these neutral and alkaline pH proteinases should they be found around the myofibrils. The Ca activated CAF -activated factor (CAF), however, may be by has a unique components Ishiura grinding. specificity against certain myofibril (Dayton et al., contributed at muscle cell et al., 1979). by active It has been well documented that low-Ca 70uM Ca++ of structures, 1975; Olson I_n vivo CAF which (Goll the et et al., 1977; , this activity is is completely al., 1983). Two sarcoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria, regulate the sarcoplasmic level of Ca (Etherington, 1981). reticulum early have been ruptured, release of Ca (Hamm, the (Cassens, rapid 1977). that mitochondria conditions and resulting 1977) . can itself in the The markedly reticulum to sequester Ca It is probable that grinding could also disrupted reticulum, glycosis sarcoplasmic have release. ground muscle, the sarcoplasmic could grinding-induced hinder In mitochondria. are under could be Whiting (1980) has found more labile than the sarcoplasmic normal the aging initial An elevated sarcoplasmic Ca and cold-shortening agents of calcium level tends to 64 promote the activity of the low-Ca could be partially CAF. Moreover, high-Ca CAF released Ca . Hence, a consequently, a faster protein breakdown would occur in high activated by the CAF activity, and the ground muscle. However, this likelihood is challenged by the low pH observed in the muscle postmortem since CAF has optimum ground time pH and around 7 while the pH values in both intact muscle samples were below 6 during the most of the proteolytic alterations occurred (Table 4). Hence, other proteinases may have been involved. Lysosomal Similarly, ground the to intact a would be caused by the early promote this destruction. In the the disruption may also take place but at rate due to the mild pH decline (Figure 3). At skeletal muscle cells myofibrils Reinauer, 1984). cathepsins B and 1979). lysosomes damaged (Goll have et Bovine D enzymes structure, been shown to be active al., skeletal (Swartz Presumably, these myofibrillar were partially four catheptical activities isolated from lysosomes against al., apparently faster proteolysis of of the muscle lysosomes. The sudden fall in pH muscle, least of could grinding slower are other possible causal agents. initial muscle disruption due enzymes 1983; Dahlmann muscle and contains and Bird, 1977; Robbins et after could their release from diffuse readily into the especially when the myofibrils during the grinding process. Figure 4 shows 65 that the more pronouned proteolytic changes took place at the later when the with both stage pH is was postmortem storage, during the time maintained at about 5.5 in the muscles treatments cathepsins during of released this time (Table from 4). the It seems likely that lysosomes would be active because they have acidic pH optima. It not clear, however, which of the lysosomal proteinases could be the contribution this more of enzyme important cathepsin generally D or more would requires effective. The seem to be small as a pH below 4.5 for activity (Etherington, 1981) . Even though cathepsins B, H and are L (Etherington, were the 1981) myosin myofibrillar can (Figure myosin and activity actin be However, actin range uncertain of 5.0-6.0 whether they addition and seen from the failure not Most cathepsins of 1984), to detect changes in a complete absence of the studies myosin and the actin were purified myosin (Schwartz and Bird, 1977; Robbins et al., 1979; Matsukura et 1981). and higher showing at represent or Reinauer, other the electrophoretogram mean against to conducted al., ambient in (Dahlmann does activity. of pH causal factors since they could also and hardly the remains proteins 4). lysosomal within it principal degrade which active actin Evidently, the conditions in temperatures, and used or these purified conditions myofibrils may not vivo , or those present in 66 this study, storage (1980) notably temperature the integrity of myofibrils and the (2 C). Moreover, Okitani et al. have suggested that the activity of cathepsins may vary from species to species. Etherington (1980) reported that the cysteine cathepsins (e.g. cathepsins B and L) of the muscle lysosomes were the more effective enzymes when pH CAF is was below 6.0 during the main meat aging period while was the most effective enzyme above pH 6.0. Thus, it likely that these participating cathepsins may have a substrate preference. significantly proteins affected have been proteinases under While the myofibrillar is some Myosin actin may not be before certain other myofibrillar markedly degraded by these lysosdmal in vivo true conditions. mechanism protein involved in the observed alterations is still obscure, there evidence which tends to implicate that CAF was a possible causal agent. electrophoretogram (Figure significantly degraded postmortem the muscle. in This would the Ca the muscle when shown nebulin within the suggest by As 4), ground initially al. and in the (arrow first 24 gel a) was houres muscle but not in the intact that the CAF was activated grinding-induced early release of pH remained high. Maruyama et (1981b) found that CAF can degrade nebulin. Catheptic enzyme activity condition during could be excluded because of the high pH this time. Similarly, the 30,000-dalton 67 component muscle that appeared electrophoretically in the ground at undetectable 1 day in the postmortem intact but muscle indication that the early liberated Ca CAF the since 30,000-dalton was would completely also be an did activate polypeptide has been shown repeatedly to (Olson al., 1977; Penny, 1980). Other data suggesting the in et be derived from troponin T degraded by CAF involvement the intensity of troponin T band and concurrently, the more appreciable 30,000-dalton the during the main storage (Figure that muscle was from myofibrillar intact muscle period Interestingly, of of the than in postmortem during the same significantly higher (P < 0.05) than the electrophoretic proteins from analysis of the other animals in this study. one case when the pH value was significantly higher in intact main muscle storage 30,000-dalton former. animal the than time, in the ground sample during the the gradual appearance of the polypeptide seemed to be more pronounced in The opposite pattern was observed in another when the pH value was higher in the ground muscle. Therefore, in 5). intensity of the ground muscle (Table 4). Similar results were obtained the 4, the (6 days and 10 days postmortem), the pH value of the intact the in in muscle time increase component ground In of CAF are: the more pronounced decrease it is concluded that CAF was indeed involved postmortem myofibril breakdown in both ground and 68 intact muscles. The not existence surprising. low-Ca of CAF pH 5.5 and 90% Dayton than activity in low pH muscle is et al. high-Ca proteolytic 5.9, retained CAF (1981) 15-25% CAF, and it may retain activity of at pH 5.5. Between pH the maximum activity of CAF is (Penny, 1980). Goll et al. or have shown that is active over a slightly broader range values significant of (1983) suggested that more of the postmortem proteolytic degradation of myofibrillar proteins contributed by CAF, inside muscle cells could be however, this was not obtained from actual measurement. In view of these facts, it is possible that CAF was responsible for against the myofibrils in the initial postmortem storage period when probable most the pH function disorganize the about 5.5 by as the period storage, ultimate pH during by Z-disks. When at 5.5), high. The was to some of the the This M-line and action was pH value dropped to 3, 6 and 10 days postmortem, became when the as activities stage digesting the active myofibrillar (about this such observed hydrolyzed relatively proteins grinding. enzymes of CAF in lysosomal proteolytic still myofibrils proteins facilitated the was of structure-maintaining desmin of and proteins. preferentially During the later the muscles had achieved their CAF still retained a certain 69 degree of however, both its maximum which ground activity. It remains uncertain, enzyme(s) actually played a major role in and intact muscles during the postmortem storage. Sarcoplasmic Proteins The sarcoplasmic after storage at 20C were also analyzed by SDS-PAGE (Figure and gel similar (arrows while more two area one a, 6 patterns and that c) appeared in days of postmortem (Figure 7). The both muscle treatments were (1) 1,000,000-dalton intense 10 scanning of except b, the 3, densitometric electrophoretic very 1, of the ground and intact muscles 6) 0, proteins three high M.W. proteins early in the ground muscle component (arrow a) became the intact muscle during the aging; (2) closely spaced polypeptides gradually appeared in the around 138,000 daltons in the ground muscle but only occurred in the intact significant proteolytic disappearance of (arrows d, h) 100,000-dalton treatments. exhibited the polypeptide Alterations from the gel (arrow changes 300,000and muscle in and Other included the 24,000-dalton gradual (arrow these scanning e). f) appearance in proteins data proteins both were (Figure addition, scanning showed the diminution of a of a muscle also 7). In 70 Figure 6. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of sarcoplasmc proteins extracted from ground (A) and intact (B) bovine sendtendinosus muscle stored at 2 C. Gels 0, 1, 3, 6, and 10 represent sarcoplasmic proteins extracted from the muscle after 0, 1, 3, 6, and 10 days of postmortem storage. Gel S is the protein standards (nunber X 1000 = molecular weigjnt). Arrows a, b, c, d, e, f, g, and h show the major changes. 71 B HI 4d4 ^ 200 •■ 116 93 iilii " 66 Mil III!!' 45 il|l ♦ 9*W - • • • 31 •••• « 0136 10 0136 DAYS Figure 6 10 S 21 72 Figure 7. Densitometer tracings of electrophoretograms of sarcoplasmic proteins extracted from ground(A) and intact (B) bovine semitendinosus muscle stored at 2 C for 0, 1, 3, 6, and 10 days postmortem. Letters a, b, c, d, e, f, g, and h correspond to the changes indicated in electrophoretograms. 73 (A) (B) \ 1 day \ 3 days 6 days .c Ae 1/ \. K. Figure 7 74 26,OOO-dalton protein (peak g) at 10 days postmortem (Figure 7). Changes complex is in the intensity in specific bands suggest a progression lysosomal proteins It is mitochondrial may et that proteins proteins al., or required at to some of these contamination such as with membrane and fragments of the sarcoplasmic was involved. Goll et al. centrifugation 1983). Therefore, contribute likely non-sarcoplasmic reticulum (Goll proteinases changes. and proteolytic events. Although CAP present in sarcoplasm it has very little effect on the sarcoplasmic is of (1974) suggested that 25,000-100,000 X g for 120-180 minutes to sediment microsomes, polysomes, ribosomes fragments of sarcolemma. In our extraction, however, 35,000 X g for 45 minutes was employed (Table 2). Contamination highly possible. with myofibrillar Goll et degraded al. was also (1970) suggested that if myofibrils are components in the sarcoplasmic protein fraction should be expected. Careful of myofibrils the sarcopasmic correlations can the proteins appearance of new protein comparisons of the electrophoretograms proteins (Figure (Figure 4) with those of the 6) reveal some interesting between the two electrophoretic patterns. It be seen that titin had a subtle alteration during the postmortem storage (Figure appreciable loss titin of 4). There was a more in the intact muscle because 75 the band became Concomitantly, ~1,000,000 of intense band (Figure 6, in reported are present a; of the that Therefore, it solubilize the have water. extract reasonable that among titin out the most of (Penny, to the 1980). extract and myofibrils, the most the protein molecules within the Wang was with are from some of them is to disrupt the intimate associations found associations can seems proteins (1977) have ionic strength buffer myosin Although probable pH8.0) Low except myofibrils. is component proteins are soluble in proteins factor that Goll et al. been extracted, and with interactions molecules muscle extraction the ~1,000,000-dalton myofibrillar Tris-HCl, myofibrillar carried intact myofibrils. the they 5mM important the Figure 7, peak a). This concurrent that extractable and in the sarcoplasmic fraction probably originated once (e.g. and 10 days postmortem. both ground and intact muscles with a more arrow titin water 6 new protein of the same size as titin ( suggests arising from a at daltons) gradually appeared in the sarcoplasmic extraction event thinner Ramirez-Mitchell salt-insoluble, the strongly that and fresh muscle their in (1983) study was which titin cross-linked with each other. It during the aging process the tight among titin molecules and the interations of titin molecules some unknown with the mechanism myofibrils became weakened by involving certain endogenous 76 proteinases, and sarcoplasmic titin molecules were liberated into the protein homogenization. It extracting remains solvent uncertain, during however, whether the two proteins are identical. Perhaps by a similar component indicated from the lower top of the by mechanism arrow titin b another high M.W. (Figure 6) was removed doublet (the second band from the gel, Figure 4). The ~600,000-dalton polypeptide of the sarcoplasmic fraction (Figure 6, arrow c) an may be extractable degradative product of titin from the myofibrils. Similarly, a slight change (Figure 4), appearance 100,000 (1975) have was from Penny very the a-actinin and the a change sarcoplasmic of postmortem paralleled protein the storage gradual of the same size (Figure 6, arrow f). Reddy et al. resistant of has the to CAF but was readily released myofibril when CAF is present. been able to show that the binding of to the Z-disk structure is weakened during aging amount solution findings it fraction days carefully studied a-actinin. They found that strength which 3 this daltons Z-disk (1980) after and of about it the intensity of a-actinin seemed to have is gradually was the of a-actinin extracted in low ionic increases with aging. In view of these likely arose that in the 100,000-dalton protein the sarcoplasmic protein released a-actinin from the myofibrils 77 by CAP during the storage period. Again, this hypothesis should be treated alterations in with other caution cell since organelles postmortem could also contribute to such a change. In Figure 6 and Figure 7, the disappearance of the 300,000-dalton protein minor in changes both in ground this can that Of be / and peak d) and some 300,000 daltons region in or denaturation of the proteins in course, excluded. sarcoplasmic cathepsins. to d intact muscles may reflect some changes and region. not 105,000 and solubility (arrow the possibility of proteolysis Drabikowski proteins Changes can et al. be (1977) showed degraded by acid in this region have been reported by other workers (Hay, 1973b; Harrington and Henahan, 1982). In the appeared muscle not area in 138,000 daltons two polypeptides the ground muscle but only one in the intact after clear of 6 days of postmortem storage. The cause is but this indicates that grinding can slightly influence the muscle protein alterations postmortem. Psychrotrophic Bacteria Inspection No growth during the either fresh intact muscle of psychrotrophic incubation (0 day) samples. period or The of stored same bacteria was observed 10 days at 7 C in (10 days) ground and results were obtained 78 from of the preliminary 2 C. aseptic This is practices sterilized not surprising were employed, equipment inhibitor. tests using incubation temperature Therefore, and NaN, the since very strict including use of the which is a microbial possibility of microbial proteolytic activity was totally excluded. In 31 C, the some However, parallel mesophilic incubations at 21 C and at bacterial growth was noticed. no attempt was made to interprete this effect on the muscle grow at proteins 2 C which since was mesophilic bacteria will not the temperature used in this study. postmortem storage 79 CONCLUSIONS Evidence there were muscle gained throughout this study indicates that no during days. The extensive the close postmortem of proteins suggests ground and that significant influence alterations postmortem. a pronounced myofibrils. However, accelerated the components storage at 2 C for 10 resemblance between the electrophoretic patterns render protein changes in ground beef intact the on muscle grinding the upon the grinding the of process certain nebulin, had no protein did not breakdown of the grinding degradation particularly process sarcoplasmic Similarly, effect sarcoplasmic but slightly contractile this effect diminished during the prolonged storage. It some is suggested, contractile myofibrils on the proteins during evidence presented, that could postmortem be released storage from the and they could be extracted with diluted salt solution. Evidence possible was presented participation myofibrillar proteins grinding process. release of reticulum ground also as muscle. Ca of CAF and The indicates the the alterations of that CAF was activated by the latter could result from an early from manifested in which the by damaged the sarcoplasmic hastened glycolysis in It was unlikely that neutral and alkaline 80 proteinases strong were involved. evidence which would addition, suggest there a was no significant activity of not acted individually or in co-operation with other CAF enzymes lysosomal In (e.g. enzymes in this study. Whether or cathepsins) to produce the protein changes observed in this study remains a question. 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