Physical Fitness Unit F.I.T.T. Principle Study Guide 3rd Grade To exercise means to plan specific physical activities to reach a physical fitness goal. In order for you to become more physically fit, exercises or activities you choose must follow the F.I.T.T. principle. F = frequency is how often you exercise. You should exercise every day. I= intensity describes how hard you work when you exercise. Three ways you know you are exercising hard enough to improve your endurance are: your heart rate should be in the Target Heart Zone, you should be breathing hard, and sweating. T= time is how long you exercise. The minimum amount of time after warming up that you should spend on endurance or aerobic exercise is 30 minutes. Longer is better. You should exercise for a total of 60 minutes a day. This includes your warm-up and cool-down. T= type or what kind of exercise you do to build your endurance, strength and flexibility. To improve your endurance, choose an aerobic exercise that will involve as many muscles as possible. In other words, participate in aerobic exercises that use the whole body or the larger muscle groups such as the legs and/or the back. Exercises should be done to improve the strength of your biceps and triceps, abdominals, and quadriceps and hamstrings. Stretching improves your flexibility. There are many benefits to being physically active and fit. Being physically fit and active makes you: 1. healthier 2. feel good 3. lowers stress 4. live longer 5. lowers your chance of heart disease 6. helps you maintain a healthy weight