Student Learning Outcomes Report August 2011 Edits Needed

Student Learning Outcomes Report
August 2011 Edits Needed
Course Name ______________________ Course #_____________________
This course is taught by faculty in another division:
☐ Applied Technology & Business
☐ Counseling & Psychology
☐ Health, Physical Education & Athletics
☐ Language Arts
☐ Science & Mathematics
☐ Social Science
Changes are needed to Course Level Outcomes currently listed:
Outcome should be deleted:
Institutional Level Outcome needs to be reclassified:
CLO # ______________
☐ Critical Thinking
☐ Communication
☐ Devel. of the Whole Person
☐ Civic Responsibility
☐ Global & Cultural Invlmnt.
☐ NA
CLO # ______________
☐ Critical Thinking
☐ Communication
☐ Devel. of the Whole Person
☐ Civic Responsibility
☐ Global & Cultural Invlmnt.
☐ NA
Course status needs to be reclassified:
☐No longer offered (not in catalog)
☐Not currently active (in catalog but not offered last year or this year)
☐Active (will be offered this year)
* If a current CLO needs to have changes made to the text, please submit the changes
using the Course-Level Outcomes & Rubric Form:
* If a CLO is missing, please submit it to be entered in eLumen using the Course-Level Outcomes
& Rubric Form: