Assessment Committee Meeting Report for January 9, 2012 Attendees: Kelly Gray, Kate Peresie, Deb Hysell, Randy Storms, Robert Slabodnick, Gina Kamwithi, Cindy Freeman Kate called and conducted the meeting. TOPIC DISCUSSION ACTION STEPS CCSSE and CLOs The Committee selected the 2011 CCSSE surveyed courses that will be used for the CLO assessment report. (We will use the same questions as were used for the 2008 report.) At the next academic division meetings, Committee members agreed to circulate the new rubrics (critical thinking, intracultural, and information literacy) and the new CAR template and ask for faculty volunteers to try them out. Ask Tom Prendergast to generate the report. Recruit faculty volunteers. Recruit “piloters” PERSONS RESPONSIBLE Kate TIMELINE Committee members @ Feb. Div. mtgs. Develop a new definition draft version. Kate By next mtg. Share recommendations with academic division at division meetings. Committee members @ Feb. Div. mtgs. This week. So far we have the ADN program trying out CAR, Carolyn Kaple trying the intercultural rubric, Robert trying the critical thinking rubric. Computation CLO Deb report on her experience with the critical thinking rubric: She used a modified/simplified version to evaluate the last essay in ENG 101 and thought it was useful. Deb also thought it would be more useful in ENG 201 Research and is going to share her experience and thoughts with the English Department at their next meeting. The Committee discussed the impact of the semester curriculum with the new college level math requirement on the current computation CLO definition and assessment. The Committee decided to recommend the following to the academic division: The new computation CLO definition will still have developmental MTH 103 level skills as its foundation. Program/discipline-specific math skills will be in addition to the foundation skill level. Assessment of the CLO will be at the program/discipline level and appropriate to the math skills required. Examples of assessment methods include drug dosage calculation tests for nurses or calculation of stopping distances tests in CRJ. Programs/disciplines might also report comprehensive final exam scores in the highest level math courses required in their curriculum. (Note: The ADN program will not have a college level math course requirement, therefore the program might consider using the current computation CLO multiple choice test – MTH 103-based – to assess their students’ computation skills.) Logistics for The Committee discussed the logistics of officially changing the CLO definitions Continue this CLO changes (computer literacy to information literacy, culture & community to intracultural discussion knowledge/competence, computation new definition). This will require updating course master syllabi. The Committee noted the following: The new CLO definitions have been under development for about two years. By Fall 2013, the first year of the semester curricula will have been taught and it is likely that syllabi will need revision then. This could be done simultaneously. On the other hand, the second year of the semester curricula will not have been taught. Waiting until Fall 2014 seems too long. It might best be done all at once – asking the AAs to change the CLO names in the master syllabi and faculty to provide the changes to the assessment methods. The Assessment Committee might become part of the syllabus approval procedure – reviewing/approving CLO assessments. Next meeting January 23, 3:30, 149F.