Bloomsburg University Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania College of Business

Bloomsburg University
Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania
College of Business
Policies and Procedures
Policy Title:
College of Business (CoB)
Policy Exceptions
Effective Date: August 30, 1999
Policy Number: 4200
Page: 1 of 1
Issued by: David Long, Dean
Approved by the CoB Council of Chairs, August 29, 1994
Revised by CoB Council of Chairs, November 1996
Revised by CoB Council of Chairs 8/30/99
Students who wish to have the Dean or the Dean's designated representative consider requests for unusual
accommodations such as late withdrawals, allowance of a fifth withdrawal, and other special requests, will be
required to put their requests in writing. Students are to use the attached form.
Note that the Department Chairperson's recommendation is required.