Bloomsburg University Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania College of Business

Bloomsburg University
Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania
College of Business
Policies and Procedures
Policy Title:
College of Business (CoB)
Advisory Board
Effective Date: August 29, 1994
Policy Number: 1110
Page: 1 of 2
Issued by: John Olivo
Interim Dean
The Advisory Board first met on Friday, September 5, 1980
Approved by the CoB Council of Chairs, August 3, 1993
Amended and approved by the CoB Council of Chairs, July 26, 1994
The Board is composed of prominent members of the greater business community.
The term of membership is three (3) years with terms ending in staggered years to provide continuity.
If a board member wishes to vacate his/her seat, a replacement will be appointed to serve the remainder of the
Meetings are held at the call of the Dean.
Scope and Nature of Functions:
The board is an advisory body which assists the Dean and the CoB by providing expert advice and guidance
in the assessment of plans, programs and policies as they are perceived in the commercial world. Specific
functions include, but are not limited to, reviewing proposals for curriculum change with special
consideration as to its responsiveness to current community needs, assessing the quality of the curricula,
reviewing academic planning, assisting in the development and cultivation of sources of funds, and helping to
devise ways of enhancing the image of the CoB.
Board meetings serve to enhance communication among members and provide a forum for discussion of
academic programs and policies.
Policy Title:
College of Business (CoB)
Advisory Board
Policy Number: 1110
Page: 2 of 2
Responsibilities, Relationships, and Accountability:
The board is responsible for keeping the Dean and the CoB informed about current business trends and for
giving prompt and careful consideration to all matters referred to the body.