Health & Safety Committee Meeting Minutes Room

Health & Safety Committee Meeting
Room 203
Tuesday February 9, 2016 12 Noon – 1 PM
1. The Committee looked into 4 potential locations for the All Gender Restrooms.
a. Building @1100 Faculty and Staff Restrooms.
b. Building 1500 Women’s Restroom
c. Building 3900 Women’s and Men’s Restrooms downstairs.
d. Building 2100 Annex First floor and Second Floor.
e. Building 1000 Men’s and Women’s Restroom ( Alternate)
Note: Campus Safety will talk to Maintenance and Operations about the cost of changing the locks on the doors
and the signage for the areas and doors.
2. Rosafel spoke about the Zika Virus is still being researched by the State of California and the FDA.
This is a new virus that is spreading. She gave the symptoms and precautions that everyone needs
to take personally.
3. Rosafel gave information on the Heart Health Screening taking place on Thursday, February 18,
2016 .
End of meeting
To add agenda items please contact:
Director A. Puente @ 6663