Internet course.

Internet course.
User account:
A user account identifies you on the net
Similar to a bank card
The magnetic strip identifies you (username).
The Pin code is your passwd
Once identified you get services specific to your username :
A user account on the net entitles you to among other the following services.
Personal email account
Personal disk space on the network
Access to a wide number of computers on campus
Access to World Wide Web
Access to make personal web pages
Access to databases (medline cinahl )
PC room
Storing on disk.
Store documents on either A: (diskettes) or M: (network disk, your private user area)
Printer queue name for PC room is ut_isam5
contact Morten Ariansen tlf 50 665 to report errors:
Printer problems:
When printing, the computer sends the printouts to a printer queue located on a server (not directly to the
printer). This printer queue queues printouts received from any PC and prints each document out in turn.
The printer queue may stall without the computer giving any error message. Any subsequent printout will
be placed in the queue and be printed out when the printer queue is fixed. Therefor there is use in
repeating at printout over and over again if the PC doesn’t give an error message, check the printer or call
Morten Ariansen for help.
You may check the following points, and if that doesn’t help you may call Ariansen (tlf 50 665) and leave
a message.
Check the following points before calling:
Check if the printer is connected to the mains, a green light should be lit.
Check if the printer is connected to the network, cable falls out on occasions
If the green light has been blinking for about 15 to 20 minutes without any printout coming out try
turning the printer off and on again.
Check if there is paper in the trays. If the paper missing light is still lit try putting paper in the manual
tray. (the printer uses the manual feed when document is not defined as A4 size.
IF paper crash is lit, open the printer and carefully remove any paper that might be stuck in the printer.
Call for help if the printer prints out an error message in stead of your document.
Restrictions set on the student computers.
We have tried to restrict access on the computer to limit the following
Change the system settings
Install new programs
Delete existing programs, and menus
Store documents on the computers local disk
The restrictions aren’t foolproof, but we hope that the existing restrictions will keep the system stable and
unchanged over time.
Programs on the computer
Changing you password
Enter old password, and new password (twice) click change and READ message.
The program will report that the password is accepted or not.
Password program only accepts passwords that have a combination of digits and letters.
Try again, if not accepted, with a more complex password.
Office 97
Word 97
Excel 97
Powerpoint 97
Spss 8.0
Statistical program
Eudora pro 3.0
Standard Email program at UiO.
Messages to students are often sent only through the email, it is wise to read the email
The system administrator sends messages though the email to report on any errors or .problems
with the system, these messages may only come in Norwegian (get some help to translate or ask
sender to write you in English.
Netscape versjon 3.0
World Wide Web browser
Terminal emulator; can be used to connect to a unix server, (f.eks studmed).
You may not have use for this program.
Literature databases:
Literature search in World Wide Web
Antivirus program
F-prot, scanning against viruses on disks M: and A:
The computers in the PC room are connected to the Internet.
The Internet can be described as a collection of services.
World Wide Web
Search engines, and databases on the net.
Network disks
Conference systems
There are no costs involved in the use of the Internet at UiO. The costs lie in the infrastructure built up
over the years.
Email (electronic mail)
Each user on the UiO network has an email address.
Email can be sent across the world in seconds
The standard email program used at UiO is Eudora. (start: programs: eudora pro)
The computers in the PC room are installed with a standard setup for UiO.
The setup files for eudora were automatically generated together with your username.
The files are located on your home area (in m:\pc\eudora)
When started eudora will automatically locate these setup files in m:\pc\eudora
When started eudora will ask for your password, then check and receive any letters sent to your address
from the email system at UiO.
In and out mail are stored in files on m:\pc\eudora.
World Wide Web
WWW is a standardised Internet service for distributing electronic information (text, pictures, sound,
video, and Computer programs)
Netscape is a program that navigates through and presents information distributed on the WWW.
Netscape is the standard program used at UiO.
Personal set up files for Netscape are stored on your personal home area (m:\pc\netscape).
WWW consists of pages stored on Web servers, with references (or links) to other pages, either on the
same web server or on another web server.
Each page on the web is identified by a unique name.
Navigation through www consists of clicking on links or writing the address to the page.
UiO uses the web to distribute computer programs, database information
Netscape: start:programmer:netscape
Navigation toolbar: has the following button: home, stop, forward, backward
Location toolbar: shows the name of the web page.
WWW References:
Literature databases on the web ->
University’s WWW home page
A homepage for afrika
Search engine on the web
BCC Britain
BBC world Wide
Africa online
CNN side i America