) a cumulus ence theory_ cumuliform. l. J., 1953: J. Meteor., Penetrative Downdrauqhts tribution of ofizicheskaia in Cumr-rii By P. SQUIRIS, C.S.LR.O., Radiophysicr"r"Oorrrory, (Manuscript received October r, Sydnev, Australia 1957) Abstract observations of cumuri have shown that the adiabatic rnoder is dry air must nrix with the condensing Llpcurrenf. Theories of the quite inadequate, and that interaction båtween cum*li and their environment are discussed.-Th! hypothesis it"t d.y air enters these clouds chiefly from above is examined quantitatively. It is found thar, as a of evaporative cooring, 1erylg such air could penetrate severar kilomeires into a gro*iog croud. This rryporÅ.ri, for the fine structure which is obsewed, and providå rotrrrr and "..ounts simpie explanation for the fact that the laps,e rate in curnuli is steepei than the" ;;; ;JJ;;.,';"'j-r"JJ.i'"rr.oximates closely to that of the environment. Unlike arternative theories, t; ;;;;r; ;."t"", *rrrr.uy the liquid water content may be automatically selfJimiting, as the o6servations ,..* ,, ,.qu,.., for the motions which introduce drl'air deåp into the cioud dep.nJ f"r-,r*ir-""..gy ,"ppru of liquid water, and have i-elocities .hi.h ,;-ir; "..';;;s^ht'f."p".,i",."r :å:::,.n"f:."1.e r. Introduction A wealth of evidence has been accumulared which shows rhat the properties of cumuh cannot b.e explained by t6e aåiabatic expansion ot arr which was saturared at cloud base level. Measurements of temperature in cloud describ_ ed by Buxxrn et al. (r9a9) and by Banrurr and krur (1948) indicate thar the'averase lapse rate in cumuli is steeper than rhe *.c åirb.'ti. and_approximates to that of rhe environment. Additional evidence is afforded by measure_ ments of liquid water contenr (,, e m-r). Afcer reviewing the observarioni, fXzan*rn a,nd Sgqrrp (1958) concluded that although rne adlabaltc llqurd water contenc (øo) some tlmes occurs over a distance of the order of a metre,- the average value of u, ovet some tens of merres (rø) seldom if rever equals ru^. The ratio Dfwo and at ( (1ej8), 3 Tellus X deueases z km above (1958), 3 rapidly wiih heiefir cioud- base falls belåw o.2, on the_ average. There is iittle evidencc to suggest that rrr reaches m-rrch greater value, tn large.ctouds than rn-moderate ones; in ail cloucls, tt m-3, and As seems rare it is lor rz to in th. horironirl, a great wealrh of fine stnrcture, regards distribudor rh,ele, rs. which : e r e m-i exceed ustrally less than becomes very srriking when rø is measured over a discance of ibout r metre. -iråå There is. no ciear systemaric "rri"tior, the ciou.d edges towards the middle. Conrrary to rhe rmpresslon given by Ztrusnv (rSsoi, tne low values of l, appear to be distributed rather randon-rJy, with'no marked pr.f.;;;.; tor the penpheral regions; dre edge bf a cloud ts olten verv sharD. r;These. nnaings' clea-rly require for their .lplTitto,n a modei of cumulus developmenc whlch tncludes as a necessary concomitånt of a large siate :1. wlth :-1..:lil-growrh alr the upcurrent. *i"i"t;f ;; P. SQUIRES , Q1 Jw2 z. Theoties of interaction between the cloud and its envrronmenr Since cumulus bases are typically flat, ir seems impossible for dry air !o enter the cloud from belåw, for in the-present context, "dty" air means air which, if displaced adiabatically to the level of the cloud base, would arrive there unsaturated. The variations in cloud base height, which rarely.exceed one_ or two hundreJmetres, are much too sma1l to explain the observed deficiency of liquid -air water, which i*" - tr.). Clearly, however, all åråir-tri.r from above the cloud base level wifl be "dry" in rhe sensc defined. Thus there is room foi chree possibilities: dry air may not, have moved, far - (a) The rts orlgrnal posltlon, navlng rruxed. ln trom situ with theiaturated, cloudy airlising from belov.'. 6) It mav have come in from around the sidls of the'cloud, mixing horizontally with the updraught. /^\ T- r1r4/, from the regior. '-^,- L^..rrdvv vrrt ^.;oinared . \L,/ ,t. r Just above the gro\'lng,clouoitopJ enterlng rhe cloud as downdratlghts ancl mlxlng vertically with the updraught. -telated to the bubbie tr,todel (a) is clbsely theory of convection advanced by Sconrn and Luoralur (tSl:), according to which the erowth of a cumulus is the result of the ,tri.r- I at condensation level of a succession of buoyant bubbles, each of which is steadily eroded'as it rises. If other bubbles follow the same Dath throush the air, they will Denetrate fårth.r b.."tise the ambient air has 6een moistened, by, thgr5 predecessors; by this orocess a cumulus butlds up m steps. ^ Mod.l (b)was postulatediy Sror"t'ær (r9a7) to explain ihe obse*.d lapse rates in cumuli, and h"s been used as a basis for discussion by Marxus ft949, t95z). The latter author has hacl considerable success in interpreting observations by means of a postulated entrainment. However, in tåese caies, there has been no independent evidence relating to the amount of årainment, and it seeås possible that some other mechanism which introduced dry air into the cloud in the required amounts could explain the observauioni equally -o[ well. entrainIndeed- tle ottlv direct evidence ment is orovided bv measurements of wind fields aroirnd laree iumuli and thunderstorms I made during the Thunderstorm ProjectBylns and Huru (r9a9) have described how the proportional rate of change in area of trianilei formed bv three balloons were used the is tl assig ," clou to comp,tte horizontal divergence. The typical even rate oi entrammen! lnto tnese targe clouos wa$ found to be roo % in + km. By contrast, Srorvrurr (loc. cit.) computed that, in order to explain'the obierved iapse rates in small trade wind cumuli, it was necessary to postulate an entrainment rate of ioo % in a height interval o[ 3oo to r,ooo m. Again, BEsr (r95r) M /;) cum envi æ mea drau warl in large of ait of 7o61o humidirv at a rate similar to that computed the liquid water contenr level .,-rrn'oli assuminE'entrainment exist relative found by Bvtns'and Hurr, and found values chan and exist of ø which far exceed those which have usually been observed in iarge cumuli; the by corresponding values o[ vf wo exceed o.5 au all heishis. Ii therefore seems that, if the en- mea: SOm( trainm-ent rates measured by Bvlns and Hurr are typical of cumuli in general, this source of div air by itself is inJdequate to explain th. otserved properties of such clouds. cum regir ålser' ^hai been outlined elsewhere (Squrn-rs, r958) in an rttemPr to e-xplain some o[ the observed characteristics of cumuli. A parcel of dry air wlLich enters the top of a cloud bv turbLrlent diffusion wlll be åto*it',e"by the evaporation of liquid water' fooled and mav iubside into the ciotrd. The existence of a -åchanism of this kind is suggested b,v measurements of vertical velocity, such as those oIJoNrs (r95aa), which have frequentlv rcvealed an jtrtimate mixcure ol up-and*downdraughts of the same order of magnitudeAeain, the downward motions often seen a.6und the outsides of cumuli in lapse time records are commonly attributed to åvaporative cooLins consequen! on mixing between irt div environment.-I[ this exthe cioud "id it seems likely that the is correct, olanation ii-il"t mechanism of model (c) åou1d lead to deep penetration of a cloud by dry air Model (c) and t9-l ant clou, frorr into In ance taker hydr clou. that mass the evaP efan( menl unstt clou, (ii, parcelsl This model, Like (a) and (b), explains åuafirativelv the observation thai the effects of the admixture of dry air increase upwards through the cloud, as shown-by the decrease of. wll.u-. It sives a picture of cloud development ;r *iik. thåt of model (a). In boih cases, the final result is a heterogeneous mixture of ai.r from below condåsation level with air which originally occupied, roughly, Tellus X (1958), l t i 1&. wa, I over ffi t :4ft= ffi ;{t. mad, I 4 291 that mecl of dr ones, I ellus PENETRATIVE DOWNDRAUGHTS IN CUMULI roJect. how rea of e used rypical os was. .ii .&l å-t order small Postu- height (rs s r) '1";*: ,..670% ) that ch$g.e must take place berween the cloud top values have i; the and the clear air-above existence Hun xplain where some ,ill be from the evaporation'of cloui p.otob..".r.., into the surrounding dry air. - yr/ater, itence it iikely that the protuberances at the,rop of.growing cumufi:rnay be raKen as evldence of the exlstence of strons hydrostatic instability in the resion of th? cioud top; if so, there is little r."ått to doubt that downdraughrs are entering the cloud mass with a vigour similar to th;t shown by the protuber"ni.r. Buc whereas cooline by evapårariontendsto stabfize rhe cloud pr8roterances when they mix with the drv eivironment, it renders' the dry air parcels more unstabie as they mix with the'surrounding Indeed, :d bv rs rentiy iownitudeseen time Pora:ween is exLt the lead seems cloud. Y, air (ii) As mentioned in the Inroducti.on, rhe of liquid water content so far made indicate that] wharever rhe vaiue of rua, w usually averages less than r g m-3 over large voiom.s, .id ir to lxceed "ttlik.ly 2, g m-,3 except in smali regions. This suggests that there rs some torm of self-limrtinq plalns measurements :ffects wards :rease 'elopboth mixlevel ghlv, eJ8),3 "who and stood in strong c-ontrast ro the undistuibej temperature fie1d iormally found in the clear air above cloud base and well awav from clouds. These cold regions may have resuited ,ofa .h (r'qs+) measured the air remperature while' fying some r50 m directiy a6ove small developinø cumuius ciouds, foo.rd th"t th.r. å.rE regions about roo"r,å m across in whiåh the temperature was some r.5o to 3' C colder than elsewhere; these regions were sharp-edged, iource A ir. Ividence of the of rhis kind of interchanqe is given by the observations of Javrs o.5 at Ji. now {illed by cloud. The difference penetrative role is assigned to the dry _air. Thus a heterogeneous cloud with much fine structure coulå result even from a sready updrauqht. Model (c) has ce.t"ir advåncaqes: (i) The remarkable facr thar -lapse races in cumuli do not differ much from ^thar of the environment finds a simple explanation by means of the mechanism oT penet?"tive downdraughts. If the cioud should^become markedly warmer than the environment at the same level, an extremely unstable situation will exist at the rop of'the cloud; vertical interthe -space here. an active, is that I t i mechanism at work, that is, that the admixturE of dry air is greater in wet clouds than in dry ones. In both the bubble model (a) and thl Tellus X (19J8), 3 383 enrrainment model (b), the admixture of drv air is not directiy afiecied by rhe concenrrario; of liquid water j in model '(c), it is the liquid water itseif which provides'ihe drivine fårce for the motions wlich give rise ro åi"it o As will be seen later, thE subsidine r;;;ffii dry air parcels in cioud is roughly påpårtional Eo w. (iii) It is a common observarion that turbulence as observed from an aircraft is much stronger in clouds than in the clear air between them; according ro Buuxrn er al. (r9a9) by at ieasr one order of magnitude. Now it is clear that the turbulence asiociated with clouds derives its er,'ergy from density differences, so that the turbulint morions Åust in the first place be verrical; cloud turbulence is likely to be far from isotropic, vertical mixing ps6dominating srrongly iver horizoncrl *Yås (iv) As å.otioo".å rn the Introdiii"" ir*i. is no clear evidence for a gradient of proper- ties from the cloud centr-e or.rt towaids'th. edges, as musr be expected under model (b). The horizontal increåse of. w on entering 'a cloud is often very rapid, and there is "no counterpart here to-the irertical sradient of il/ which Wanrqrn (rsss) found to oicur regularly in the uppermosr 3oo- 5oo m of cumul]. This contrast reinforces the argument of (iii) above indicating thar vertical rnanr role. The hypothesis "*1"-g pl"ys '" ;;;: is therefore advanced that the mechinism of model (c) consrirures an important aspect of the interacti.on betweerr -their cumuli and environment. It remains now to investigate this model in a quantitative manner, that is, to determine w-irether the air in the dry iayers which the growine cloud penetrates is'irsålf capable of p"enetrati"nu the cloud mass in a manner which-is unorsanized on the scale of the cioud. This penJtration yy be envisaged as occurring hy n: agency or more or less con[muous downdraughcs, for which there is some evidence (loils), I9j4 (b) and Wanurn, rgjJ), or in rhi form of individual parcels. The latter view has been chosen in the interests of theoreticai simplicitv. Å penetrating dry parcel will obvio.usly be suDJect to attrltlon and may å! trmes be corn Thus a laree paråel may enter the "sunder. .1"."a, penetrate. sdme^ distance,' and rhen dlslntegrate, glung flse to two or more smalei on.s .irhi.li thereafter follow a more P. S QUIRES 384 or iess independent coutse. As our PurPose ls merely to investigate whether the ProPosed mechånis* is capil'le o[ introducrng dry air into the interior of a cloud- ln a tlme mterval comparable with the observed lifetime of .o*'uli, the subsiding parcels will be supposed to femaln mlegral. 3. A physical model of the downdraught theoty of interaction The following Postulates,describethe Pllsical modei whtch ls used tor tne purPose or comDUtatlon: ' (a) ,l parcel of dry air becomes immersed in ihe cloitd top as a result of the.erratic growth procuberances, or by turbuJence oI cloud ^by the increased hydrostatic inreinforced stability which must tend to occur at the cloud iop when the lapse rate of,the environment is steeper than the wet adlabatlc, as ls usually the case. 'tvlixing occurs between the parcel and (b) its clor.rdv envitonment. (c) Cloud droplets {itrupg into the parcel bv' iurbulence immediareiy-evaporate- and, the parcel is cooled. Cloud droplets ",.rnlt, in tinsaturated air, even at a rela"i immersed tive humidity of 99 %, wili evaPorate to a diameter of a micron or so in some tens of seconds, unless they contain a. giant condensa- nucleus; these are relatively rare. Thus tion thev will have lost practically a1l their mass witLin a time which is short'compared with the periods consideredfdi fhe resistance to the motion of the p"i.ål thtoogh the cloud arises soleiy from åddy inr...hi,g. of marter between the parcel and'its enviroiment. The disturbance of the pressure freld in the environment consequent Lpott th. motion of the parcel is neglected. fhis simplification is justified to sorne extent by che.foilowing consideration. No hyqothesis is'made as to the shape of the parcels,,and thev mav be envisaged as quasi-spherrcal or, mo're plausibly, as bJing elongatedin a,verticåL direction, so that they torm short-llvcd downdraushts- In this case, the effect of the disturbthe ptessure fie1d could well be small "n.."of compared idth thar of eddy interchange bet#een the parcel and the cloud. (e) The paicel is envisaged as containing a .oåri",,, *"ts o[ air. Following, the method used by PntEsrrrv (1953) it will be assumed that, in unit time, a mass o[ air k is removed from each unit mass of air in the parcel and is lost to the surrounding cloudl this is replaced by an equal m"tt df cloudy air, which inixes with the-parcei. The effect o[ the parcel on the cloud will be neglected in this calculation: obviously however the final effect of many such parcels will be to cool and dry rhe åloud. especially in its upper parts. The mixins rate L mentionå in-(e) depends on the effectii'eness of eddy diffusion in transferring matter from the cloud- to the parcel ,r-ice versa. For the moment it suilices to "nd remark that k varies inverseiy with parcel size; the relation becween them will be thr m( thi IJ m: rvi as on tht tio m( tht €Vt m( discussed later. In addition to these postulates, the following simpliil.cations and asi,lmptions are made: rhe- density difrerence (å) In Sn ag _computing b.iween the pårcel and its environment, temoeratures, .toi ..ittu"l temperatures, are used' 'sinc. the parcel itself is clbse to saturation in the criticai stages of its hisrory. the neglect of the effect of humidity mixing ratio on the air densifv is not very serious' Moreover, thrs simolfica'tion results'in an underestimate of the'negarive buoyancy o[ the parcel' and so reduces the comptLted dorvnward sPeeds: 1t sp( 'r OI ha' t co_ Pr{ cu 4. is therefore conseivative. (b) The comPutarion begins. at, a point wherc the parcel ts tmmersed ln the clouc: it is at the'same temPerattlre as the c1oud, and is at rest. (c) The liquid water content of the cloud ir å[..t tt b.-g constant throughout.its depth' fd) The cloud air is assumed to have unlform and constanl upward velocity' (e) The lapse rate^in the cloud is taken as wl Pal tht wl Pa constan!. (f) The mixing ratio of water vaPour 1m the cloud air is fotrnd assumlng the alr to De ,"*."t.d and at a temPerature determined by (e) above. 'R'l/ th.se postulates seem reasonable for the purpose in hand excePt perhaps (c)'. This rs åulf. .otot.v to th. ådi"b"tic-model, which steady decrease downwards to zero at the cloud base; however, it represertts the observations at least as well ås any other simple assumPtion' curves o[ the \*/^o*uo (i955) shows åould indicaie thr a -typical *lrt-t-tt.igl'tr ."f .å-. peak,value o[ ""tittlo" liquid water content ('ar) tottd,u:Ii3r,:i A Pa ler th, of tht tul ser th, iiq thr Tel 7- 1 PENETRATIVE DOWNDRAUGHTS IN CUMULI I aircraft traverse of a cioud. These curves indicate a rapid increase from zero at cloud base through th. fitrt 5oo to rooo m, and a rather more rapid decrease at cloud top. Berween < is removed Le parcei and 1' fhrc rs rF- ly air, which of the parcel this calcula- L nal efect of ;ool and dry Parrs. n (e) depends in trans.^ .v ,LLrrL y4rLLr -^-^^t sion it sufiices to ."irL ^"..^l em wiil be åe following are made: -.r .] iffo"o."" )nment, tema"a "a" ,,""1 saturation in *L- *^^l--. I Llru raLårLLL 'ratio on the loreover, this erestimate of arcei, and so ..1 ....1c' ir at a Point n the cloud; rs the cloud, of the cloud rwo regions, the height variirton of wo is differenc in different clJuds. and no svste- ? matic average trend is apparent. The behaviour che meån value o[ p, (r), from the peak value (ru"), depends on the shape of lrheirr-traces obiained during -W-a.nNrn (private communicathe traverses. tion) states that in about half the clouds measured, D behaved similarly to wD; in the remainder the height variation of i was even more erratic than thar of l,/.. Measurements by Day and Muncarndyo (rps:), 'WucruaNu and AuFM Kaupl (1953) and Squnrs (1958) give indications which are in with heighl o[ as distinct agreement "As have been carried out for only one set of conditions, which have been chosen to represent a fairly well developed trade wind cumulus. 4. Basic equations for an unsaturated parcel On the basis of the postulates described in the last section, and ntglecting some terms which are small because the density of the parcel is little different from thar of the cloud, ihe equation of morion of the parcei is: ,, ., is taken as err+vapour in the a1r to De : determined for the s (c). This is rnable nodel, which lownwards to , it represents as any otner curves of the ,eak value of rd during an Iellus X (19J8), l The humidicy mixing ratio o[ the parcel to the iqu"ciorr; ,'l " '. ^, . varies according i : where r (:) is the mixing ratio of the parcei air th"'cloud air at rhe level z. ^F (r) Differentiaring gives: ..Å i:6s-ki, A fto^ (z) and lor / from (r) qives a second order linear differendal equådån in u. Taking as boundary condi- and substituting for tions y : o, A :c at t : o, and defining the origin of z, measured downwards, as the position ^t.1". -"..^l ^i r-^ .te following expressions result: bt :6" ,-u, tuc - tng A- sirr år + 6"f -L, - s-" (r cos *& f{ . ry\l J \rø" tn/ J år) (+) -NI -:-t-ffi LUc (r \(Y* - ru,cos år) + lg. Lmry ffi,\tuc _ l/åt where i\: | =J tnz The liquid water content of the cloud (w") enters into this equation because the suspended Iiquid water. increases rhe effecrive densiry of the cloud arr. X (19J8), 3 7-80JB't I - x) k(x,(z) + w, rn.l 4rrs . /-) rhrr ^c the level concerned. Tellus I . [,,_:.. the iapse rate in the cloud. -(r)r"' . la \ g-k.-.(u+ I/) '(j'.: i:t+-ru.l \9" "/ where y is the downward velocity of the parcel, Z the speed o[ the cloud upcurrent, / the amount in degrees C by which the oarcel is colder than the cloud at the same ievel, @" the meen absolute remperature o[ the cloud, and u" rhe liquid warer conrent of the cloud in gråms p.r'grr* of air. Since the overall variation of the absolute temperature of the cloud is only a few perceni, no serious error is involved in usins the mean temperature @" instead of th. t.rip.rature at 1r I where I is the latent heat of evaporation of water, 14 the.dry adiabatic lapse iate and l" these conclusions. so many variables are'involved in the speci{ication of the problem, and the solution of the equations is laborious, the calculations to have unicrry. with - {r,'' r"), ø : p(+ - t\ / \r, Å these rout its depth. Ld 38j .The equation governing the temperature ot the parcei rs: i ol 7 å e_kt sin skL , =-Occp " r.-l :, ".. t" : _ u.i- "l'i it 1 / br k'V w, vc 4- m :f ! rr,- ,r^)l't' ",1 LO" and m: kz + !a j. ry) (ro - r"). (s) l, " 3 P. SQUIRES B6 TABLE I of the downward motion of dry air parcels through a cloud against a steady uPcurrent of r rn sec-r' Characteristics Liquid water content oI cloud (g/kg) *"1 r.o 03 Mixing Rate, to-3 x Final R. H. %.. 99.r "Absolute" Pene- tration (-).... Time Taken 3r 8re secs. "Reiative" Pene- tration(-).... rr 42 26o rR<r , 1 98.5 roo n" ul 3ooolr5T3 866 .r-ool 738 o.37 o32 t I 3ooo -c 36oo 2999 2466lrri Final Tempera- ture Deficit ('C) 96.7 ^"_t^^- 3ooo ;:"1,;:. r9831 roo4 435 5 91 l""l 5999 54661262 t67 4ft3ot oro"l 498j1 o.40 o41 o.6:l o.83 r.27 z-6t o.861 o.8rl r25 75 598 4oo-1 37 5 3598 24 o.9 I. 4 7'70 3.4 Final Downward Velocity (m sec-r) .... 1 i. e. To cloud o.77 o.5 . 3 base Usine rhe valtres of .z as e Function of r given by.(s), ." -"y be found numerically or grrphically from rhe solution of (3) : Consequently, the point where saruracion firsr reached'is takcn as tl're terminus. The numerical eval-rations have been carried or-rt xoe -kt + ke kt a | ,ot (r" (z) + w") dL (o) rs is the original nixing ratio of the Darcel ai;. Saturatiån is reach-ed when the iralue of r found from (6) equals the saturation mixing ratio of air at the remPcrxttrre xnd Dressure ^ When ot tne Darcei. the paicel becomes saturated, it will continue to tubtid. for a time becar-rse of its temDerature deficit and downward momenturr-ti Cons"quently, some of the liquid water diffusine in must continue to evsporate rl the oaråel air is to remain såturated. In these .i.c,jr.rrtanc.s the modified equations corresponding to (r),. (z) and (:), ibove must be tieated as simultaneous. The equation to which they iead, however, is non-linear, - so become more complex that the computations ^case of the unsaturated parcel. than in tåe will be seen, the penetration of unsaiurated parcels is sufiicient t6 estabiish the quantitative ådequacy of the downdraught hypothesisAs its Thus 6,:2$s"I<. l': per km.'The parcel enrering the cloud at 6'C t:o 6 assLlmed to tave an initial relative humidiry of io qo. With a Pressure corrcspondinq to 4 km (ICAN) and a remperature o[ ]z'C, this gives .16 : :.68 g/kg' The speed of the updraught, V, is taken as r m -liquid \,vater content sec-l. Three valuås of are used, o.3, r.o and 3.o [7kg. rhe first two velues may reasonably be,taken as rePresenring average condtttons ln dry ancl wet clouos ,.rp.åirr.lv ('Wanrqnn and' Squrnrs 1oc. cit.) ; it approximately the mean of the'last "rluåvalue^of this cloud, which varies the adiabatic from zero at rhe base to 6.2 g/kg al the toP' the niornent å, where for a cloud based at r km (16'C) with top at + k- (-z'C). t x: is lt has been included in order to iliustrate what rapid and deep penetrations would occur in'a cloud of *.fi high liquid warer content. The vigotrr with whicli dry air parcels would peietrate it may expiain why iuch hish val.,ås of tu have so fai been observed ånlv in isolated regions of cumuli. Calculatåns have been iarried out on the basis of equations (+), (s) and (o). The results '1'ellrrs X (19J8)' 3 PENETRATIVE DOWNDRAUGHTS IN CUMULI I of interest are shown in Table I. The calcula- I I tions have been terminated either when the parcel saturates, or when it subsides 3,ooo I ttt I ,.f i-.--i...-----l- ;11." 4.o | I 5.o I nn., roo 1'lOOo 720 598 r30 j 6.0 "l IOO I I I I Lz5 250 245 3598 3.r4 3.42 5.r I metres and so reaches cloud base, or after the lapse of an hour, which ever occurs firsr. The '?absolute" penetration in Table I is the final depth of the parcei beiow its startino point. 'heladve" påetration is the depth o? Zloud above ir ar ihe end of the calcul'ation, assuming thar rhe cloud top continues to rise at the sfeed o[ the updrauqht aft.r the oarcel enters tlhe cloud; sirice _dri air parceli may enter the top of a cloud ei1ual1y well at any stage of grdwth this figure gives an idea o'f t"r"t irow deeply they may become buried in the cloud as å result'of their own subsidence, and the cloud's growth. For each value of the cloud liquid -water conrent, on-1v those vaiues of k ar{ shown which are r..årr".t to illustrate the behaviour of parcels of varying size. As will be seen from åquation (z) beiow, the parcel size varies inversåly wirh k. Smail parcels (k > 6 x ro-3) are 'scronslv cooled ind ;aturaclon 1s Ilus. been carried 'C) with r8o"K, its I": the cloud at ve an initial :I alPressure ano a tem= 2.68 g/kg. tm rter content he first two :aken as rePresenting wet clouds :s l^. .it \' he mean of vhich varies ^f rlta +^h to lllustrate Lons would iquid water cn dry a1r xplain why rr'been ob- f cumuli. out on the lne resurts Llus X (1958), 3 develop hiqh åownward #..dr. buc saturate quicklyl, Iarger p".c.ls^ (,å < ro-s) remain unsaturated for a long time, but, except w :-: e/ke, they aie only slightly cooled and subiidJ relaiively slowly through rhe updraughr. rt'l Y' Lable Ir rndrcates that parceis of a suitable size can penerrate deeply into srowins cumuii in a period .o--..lå."t. *i"th the iife-time of thise clouds, especially when ir is remembered that they ian enrer at all stases of growrh ("Relarive" penetration). The åesrec 6f cooling and the'falJinq speed are #oth roughly lroporcional to "rhe^ liquid water content of the cloud, and the valuei flound for them are consistent with observed fluctuations in cloud, especially in the more realisric cases Luc:o.3 and r.o g/kg. An inspection of Table I wiil disclose some apparent anomaiies - small changes in å sometimes give rise to iarge changes in parcel behavidur. These disco-ntinuitie! are dile to the fact that both rhe temperature deficit of in the unrealistic case the parcel and its downwarå velocity have an exponentially decreasinq sinusoidal .ornoor..rt (Equations (+) and (s))l fhe rejative ]iumidt'' .t t 1 1\J/1 rry' ofr the parcel shows a similar behaviour. For certain values of the parameters, the parcel approaches saturation q-uite closelv ."il,r itt iti^history-one of rhe^peaks of rhe relåtive Tellus X (19-t8), 3 387 humidity curve reaches closc to roo % -but nevertheless it remains unsatrlrated for a considerable time afterwards. In thcse circLlmstances, a small change in the parameter k may have the result th-at the peal exceeds roo o/o, that is, the parcel saturatås. This kind of discontinuity in -the data of Table I does noc necessarily imply an anomalv in rhe phvsical behaviour of'the parcels. It'is due å ihe -of arbitrary termination the calculations ar the point where saturation is first reached. TlruJ it seems likeiy that in a case like LUc : 3 g/kg, å : 5 x ro-3, where saruration is jusr reached at rhe firsr peak of rhe relative hrrmidiry curve, the patlel would in facr quickly dry oul agam and contlnue clownwards tor some distance before finally satllrating. "" Ir ic itr nnc.ihle oirza lllutc 'l'". tllalt a "-.' \ cry -._ tn "_ xrvs -^.. of rlie size of chesc parceli. llowever, it can be established that the optimal parcel size deduced from the calculatibns is not absurd in the physical conrext beins rotrgh indicarion the'eidy difftisivity, K, ai is easily shown that discussed. Treating constant, it k:c KlR2 (z) where c is a constant dependine on the forrrr assumcd for the proFrle'oF pråperries across the parcel, and R is the paicel-"radius"; in the lasc oI a verrically eiongrted parcel, R would be the redius of its Eorizorical cross section. Thus, in any one cloud, Å may be regarded *, m."r.r.. of parcel size, ani chis rernrins valid" evcn rhotrsh-rhe eddv diffLrsivirv depends on the scale of ihe ph.noåeno.r, thJt is, the effective vahre of Kreillv depends on R. Pnmsrry (1oc. cit.) has discussed tjre value of the constant c and has concluded that c - 8 is a reasonabie choice. The correct value of c is noc likely ro deparr from this by more than a facror o[ z. ilowever, rhere såems to bc no way oI arrivinq ar an appropriate value "arr 'mrsnitude. for K even within ordei'of The eddy difrusivitv which is effeJtive in catrsing mixinq between the parcel and rhe clot'd Is rhac die to eddies sienihcantlv srnaller than the parcel. Ir wili be m-"uch iess ihan that which might be deduced, for e-xampie, from an aircraft accelerometer record, assuming the turbulence to isotropic. for this woulå include che effects of rhe åotion oI the parcels themselves. On the other hand. it wili evilentlv exceed the sma.ll-scale backsround turbulencå P. SQUIRES 388 of the clear air outside the cloud, since the motion of the parcels, and of the upcurrent, will sive rise to additional small-scale turbulence] It seems in any case unlikely that the ^*-*^-*;^'^ -'^1"dyyLvyLLaLw v4ruL ^r K should iie outside vr the range ro2 to 106 cmz sec-1. Taking å : z.ro-3 ai the optimai value, the resuldn{value of R from (z) ls found to be in the ranqe 6 to 6oo m. Thus'the optimal parcel sizes dEduced from equation (7)-are plausible in relation to !ii ?i, Sit irl åi the phenomena under discussion. table r indicates that, for any one value of rhe effective eddy diffusivity, only a narrow range oI parcel sizes are. capable of,achieving appreclable penetratlons ln a reasonabie perlod of time. In actual clouds, the steady state assumed in deriving rhis result never occurs, and moreover the parcels must often be reduced in size by attrition or by disruption. a l^-^^ ^"..^l '-'^,, ^-r.-.!,- -l^,,1 ^";1,,;ics growth and, although incapble"of subsiding tar, may later acl as a source ot dry alr tor the resion near cloud base. Thus no iiteral sisnifiånce can be attached to the detailed vilues in Table r. The calculations can be regarded only as showing that certain downr" t t e' 1 draughts (ot a physically plausible sizc) are . of achievinq siqnificanc penetretions, so'that the proposed itteÅ.nit- foi inroducing dry air inco a cloud is quanritatively adequate. There is, of course, nothinq in the calculations themselves to indicate holi often such downcapable in clouds, but the physicai argumenrs oF Section : indicate that they are draughts occur common. 5. ,"1 iil ;i i:!: -"il' Conclusions Theories of the interaction between cumuli and their environment have been reviewed in the light of the existing observations. Physical argllments have been given which indicate rhåt the region around ih. rop of a growing cloud may be an imporrant source oI the dry air which mixes with the upcurrent. A theore- that parcels of drv air can remain unsaturated whilå subsidins up to three kilometres (i.e. to cloud base) thiough the updraught in å time which is co--.niur"te with rhå life-time of cumuli. Even after saturating, such parcels, - being colder than the surr-oundinq cloud, *ooi"id continue to subside for some- time as resions of relativelv iow liquid water content. "A 1".e. nu-b.i of sucir parcels enterins the ciouå top ac all stages of iti growth woulå result in a wåalth of firie strrrct.rå in the distri- bution of liquid water content and other cloud propertiis, and would have the efrect of reduciiE the liquid water content and of cooling" the ctoud, especially in ics upper p"tm. Thur the hypothesis affords an expiåna- iion of the presence o[ fine strucrure It also 'explains { 4 the upward decrease of the T * ratio wlw], and the friquent occurrence of a cloud lapse rate steeper than the wet adiabatic. On this view, tG initial immersion of dry air parcels in the cloud is grearly accentuated * ii whån the cloud rop beåornei appreciably warmer than the environment. ln addition, the deeoer Denetration which follows is achieved-by åotions which depend for their liquid water, energy, lupply on rhe presence oI and whrch rt appears have velocltles roughly proportionai to it. Thus a very wet cloud would be more susceptible to deep penetration than a drv one. The mechanism described cherefore prouides a type of autornatic action which noi only ensrrr-ei that the lepse rare in the cioud shali not depart far from that o[ the environment, but aiso hmits the concentration of iiquid water. Both these aspects of the hypothesis accord well with the observat10ns. A corollary of the hypothesis is that there should be a radical difference in structure between convection in the clear air and in cloud; the presence of the liquid phase in cloud introduces an element of-instabilitv bv dry downdraushts has been set uo, and the caiculations ."åed out for a cloud i.k* d..p, with an upcurrent of r m sec-1. As can 5e providing a source of energy which is available to drive"smaller scale -oiionr. This situation has no analogue in the case of clear air convec- seen from^ Table uon. these calculations show ,ii "nd the fact thatihe observed liquid water content is nearlv alwavs less than the adiabatic vaiue. tical model of the penetraiion of a cloud by r. l of H Æ B ,id| 4 w q # .;: ,.*E: "tellus X (19i8),3 'l:' CUIVlULI PENETRATIVE DOWNDRAUGHTS IN 389 ated :. to REFERENCES :ime eo[ ."1. .e + as tent. rin-bo --- ouid temperature ;;t,; H., t94g: Vertical distribution of .ver the Caribbean Sea' Papers ilfhy:' ,"T'it-rariv'M.r"ot., and woods Mass' Inst' Tech' Hole Ocean. Inst. XI No r' patterns.of Bvsns, H. R., and Huu, E' C', r949: Inflow "^?;;;";t;".ms as shown by winds aroft' Bull' Am' )Ieteor. Sot 3o,90-96' tli-:l^lt D,rv, G. J., and Muncarnovo' R' J, r953:,The cioud investlgatlons mrde by the Mereorological August 4th-r5ln' Research Flight during the period r952. M.R.P. 826. of th-e lowest Iamls, D. 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