Air Force Operation and Maintenance, Active Forces Budget Activity: Administration and Servicewide Activity Group: Logistics Operations Detail by Subactivity Group: Depot Maintenance I. Description of Operations Financed: Depot Purchased Equipment Maintenance (DPEM) encompasses funding for organic, contract and interservice depot level maintenance requirements purchased from the Depot Maintenance Activity Group (DMAG). DPEM funds eight different commodities. Aircraft: primarily aircraft Programmed Depot Maintenance (PDM) and aircraft damage repair; Engines: overhaul and repair of aircraft and missile engines; Missiles: overhaul of missile systems such as Minuteman, Peacekeeper, and air launched cruise missiles; Other major end items (OMEI): overhaul and repair of special purpose vehicles (trailers, fire trucks, refuelers, loaders, sweepers, etc), Automated Test Equipment and common support equipment (avionics/electronic warfare test stations, borescopes, and Non-Destructive Inspection (NDI) equipment, etc.); Software: correct deficiencies in embedded weapon system software; Non-Material Support Division (NMSD) Exchangeables: repair of items such as missile guidance sets and launchers, pylons and bomb racks, fuel tanks, cargo pallets and nets, etc; Area and Base Support (ABM): provides support to areas and bases beyond their normal capabilities such as PMEL calibration support; and Storage: maintenance of assets removed from active inventories. DPEM, in this subactivity group (SAG), supports the various Air Force equipment required for combat rescue and recovery activities. DPEM in this vital life saving mission supports maintaining the reliability of aircraft that are used to search for, locate, and recover military personnel and civilians anywhere in the world. This SAG also supports other service-wide activities such as communications and depot maintenance support functions. II. Force Structure Summary: N/A 529 Air Force Operation and Maintenance, Active Forces Budget Activity: Administration and Servicewide Activity Group: Logistics Operations Detail by Subactivity Group: Depot Maintenance III. Financial Summary ($s in Thousands): FY 2001 A. Program Elements: Depot Maintenance FY 2000 Actuals Budget Request Appn Current Estimate FY 2002 Estimate $66,258 $55,398 $54,544 $63,598 $305,525 B. Reconciliation Summary: Baseline Funding Congressional Adjustments (Distributed) Congressional Adjustments (Undistributed) Adjustments to Meet Congressional Intent Congressional Adjustments (General Provisions) Subtotal Appropriated Amount Rescission Program Changes (CY to CY only) Subtotal Baseline Funding Reprogrammings Price Changes Functional Transfers Program Changes Current Estimate Change FY 01/01 Change FY 01/02 $55,398 0 0 0 -854 $54,544 0 8,200 $62,744 854 0 $63,598 $63,598 530 5,164 8,048 228,715 $305,525 Air Force Operation and Maintenance, Active Forces Budget Activity: Administration and Servicewide Activity Group: Logistics Operations Detail by Subactivity Group: Depot Maintenance C. Reconciliation of Increases and Decreases ($s in Thousands): FY 2001 President's Budget Request ....................................................................................................................... $55,398 1. Congressional Adjustments ................................................................................................................................... $-854 a) Distributed Adjustments ....................................................................................................... $0 b) Undistributed Adjustments ................................................................................................... $0 c) Adjustments to meet Congressional Intent ........................................................................... $0 d) General Provisions ................................................................................................................ $-854 i) Defense Working Capital Fund Rate Stabilization (Sec 8085, P.L. 106-259, FY 2001 Appn Act) $-854 FY 2001 Appropriated Amount (subtotal) .............................................................................................................. $54,544 Government-Wide Rescission (Section 1403, P.L. 106-544) ...................................................................................... 0 2. Program Increases and Decreases ......................................................................................................................... $8,200 a) Transfers ............................................................................................................................... $0 b) Program Increases ................................................................................................................. $8,200 i) One-time Costs ................................................................................................................ $0 ii) Program Growth .............................................................................................................. $8,200 1) Combat Rescue and Recovery .......................................................................... 531 $4,632 Air Force Operation and Maintenance, Active Forces Budget Activity: Administration and Servicewide Activity Group: Logistics Operations Detail by Subactivity Group: Depot Maintenance Increase of two HC-130 aircraft PDMs ($2,400) and two additional, unscheduled, T56 engines overhauls ($880). Increase in Army estimates of hours required performing overhauls of HH-60 aircraft. Hours increased by 1,300 hours per aircraft times eight aircraft. ($1,352) 3) Depot Maintenance Support Equipment .......................................................... Funding increased in support of several software sustainment efforts for Automatic Test Equipment at the Air Logistics Centers that have been historically underfunded. Includes support for the correction of anomalies within the Control & Support (C&S) and Calibration Adapter operating software identified in operational use of the Improved Avionics Intermediate Shop Test Station (IAIS). The IAIS, currently in the US Air Force, European Participating Governments (EPG), and Foreign Military Sales (FMS) inventory, supports testing, diagnostics, and fault-isolation for Block 30, 40 and 50 F-16 aircraft. $3,568 c) Program Decreases ............................................................................................................... $0 i) One-time Costs ................................................................................................................ $0 ii) Program Reductions ........................................................................................................ $0 FY 2001 Baseline Funding (subtotal) ....................................................................................................................... $62,744 3. Reprogramming ..................................................................................................................................................... $854 a) Working Capital Fund Transfer (Sec 8005, P.L. 106-259, FY 2001 Appn Act) ............. $854 Revised FY 2001 Estimate......................................................................................................................................... $63,598 4. Price Change ......................................................................................................................................................... $5,164 5. Transfers ................................................................................................................................................................ $8,048 532 Air Force Operation and Maintenance, Active Forces Budget Activity: Administration and Servicewide Activity Group: Logistics Operations Detail by Subactivity Group: Depot Maintenance a) Transfers In ........................................................................................................................... i) Contingency Operations ................................................................................................. Operations in Southwest Asia (SWA), including Operation Northern Watch, Operation Southern Watch and Operation Desert Spring, have been ongoing for 10 years. With only a few notable exceptions, the force structure and operations tempo in SWA are fairly stable. Because these operations will continue into the foreseeable future, funding for SWA was transferred from the Overseas Contingency Operation Transfer Fund to the service’s baseline effective FY 2001. Henceforth, services will plan, program and budget for these operations as they do for other baseline programs. The funding transfer resulted in a budget increase for these operations as they do for other baseline programs. The funding transfer resulted in a budget increase in all subactivity groups that support SWA. $8,048 $8,048 b) Transfers Out ........................................................................................................................ $0 6. Program Increases ................................................................................................................................................. $235,300 a) Annualization of New FY 2001 Program ............................................................................. $0 b) One-time FY 2002 Costs ...................................................................................................... $235,300 i) Depot Quarterly Surcharge ............................................................................................. Represents the FY00/FY01 Working Capital Fund cost recovery of losses in the Depot Maintenance Activity Group (DMAG). $235,300 c) Program Growth in FY 2002 ................................................................................................ $0 7. Program Decreases ................................................................................................................................................ a) One-time FY 2001 Costs ...................................................................................................... 533 $-6,585 $0 Air Force Operation and Maintenance, Active Forces Budget Activity: Administration and Servicewide Activity Group: Logistics Operations Detail by Subactivity Group: Depot Maintenance b) Annualization of FY 2001 Program Decreases .................................................................... $0 c) Program Decreases in FY 2002 ............................................................................................ $-6,585 i) Depot Maintenance Support Equipment ........................................................................ Funding decrease for several depot maintenance support areas due to higher priority requirements. 1) Software sustainment for Automatic Test Equipment (ATE) at the Air Logistics Centers to include software maintenance support of the Improved Avionics Intermediate Shop Test Station (IAIS). The IAIS supports testing, diagnostic evaluations and fault-isolation for Block 30, 40 and 50 F-16 aircraft. Other software maintenance program funds decreased include Enhanced Diagnostic Aid (EDNA), Stores Management System (SMS) and Multiplex Bus Fault Isolator (MBFI) ($-4,736). 2) Depot level repair and overhaul of Other Major End Items (OMEI) for vehicles such as fire trucks, aircraft deicers, sweepers and tow tractors ($755). 3) Purging of external metal fuel tanks prior to on-site storage, petroleum sample testing, revalidation of shelf-life items, and refilling liquid oxygen tanks ($589). 4) Sustainment of exchangeables such as small arms and repair of night vision goggles (-$363). 5) Support for teardown deficiency report (TDR) and quality deficiency report (QDR) maintenance actions from the field (-$142). $-6,585 FY 2002 Budget Request ........................................................................................................................................... 534 $305,525 Air Force Operation and Maintenance, Active Forces Budget Activity: Administration and Servicewide Activity Group: Logistics Operations Detail by Subactivity Group: Depot Maintenance IV. Performance Criteria and Evaluation Summary: FY 2000 Actual Total Requirement Unfunded Deferred Executable Unexecutable Funded Units Aircraft Aircraft Engines 0 5 Other Missiles Software OMEI NMSD Exchangeables Area Base Mfg Storage Sub Total Depot Qtrly Srchg $M Units $1.0 3.3 0 2 0.0 25.7 2.5 10.8 9.2 10.3 5 62.8 3.4 $M Units $0.6 0.6 0 0 0.0 2.0 0.7 0.5 0.6 0.0 2 Total $M Units $0.0 0.0 0 7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 Total 5 $66.2 2 $5.0 OMEI - Other Major End Items Depot Qtrly Surcharge - WCF cost recovery 0 $0.0 Funded $M Units $1.6 3.9 2 6 0.0 27.7 3.2 11.3 9.8 10.3 7 FY 2001 Estimate Total Requirement Unfunded Deferred Executable Unexecutable $3.5 4.3 0 2 0.0 22.8 3.8 11.2 7.9 10.1 8 63.6 0.0 $M Units $0.0 0.9 0 0 0.0 2.7 0.9 4.9 1.3 0.0 2 $M Units $0.0 0.0 2 8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 $M $3.5 5.2 0.0 25.5 4.7 16.1 9.2 10.1 10.7 138.0 0 0.0 0.0 10 74.3 138.0 7 $71.2 8 $63.6 2 $148.7 NMSD – Non Material Support Division 0 $0.0 10 $212.3 535 67.8 3.4 $M Units Total Air Force Operation and Maintenance, Active Forces Budget Activity: Administration and Servicewide Activity Group: Logistics Operations Detail by Subactivity Group: Depot Maintenance Performance Criteria and Evaluation Summary: (continued) FY 2002 Estimate Total Requirement Unfunded Deferred Executable Unexecutable Funded Units Aircraft Aircraft Engines 1 4 Other Missiles Software OMEI NMSD Exchangeables Area Base Mfg Storage Sub Total Depot Qtrly Srchg $M Units $11.9 4.1 0 0 0.0 22.1 4.5 11.6 6.4 9.6 5 70.2 235.3 $M Units $0.0 1.6 0 0 0.0 7.3 0.4 0.6 0.0 0.0 0 Total $M Units $0.9 0.1 1 4 0.0 1.8 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 9.9 0.0 0 3.2 0.0 Total 5 $305.5 0 $9.9 OMEI – Other Major End Items Depot Qtrly Surcharge - WCF cost recovery 0 $3.2 $M $12.8 5.8 0.0 31.2 5.1 12.2 6.6 9.6 5 83.3 235.3 5 $318.6 NMSD – Non Material Support Division 536 Air Force Operation and Maintenance, Active Forces Budget Activity: Administration and Servicewide Activity Group: Logistics Operations Detail by Subactivity Group: Depot Maintenance V. Personnel Summary: Not applicable VII. OP-32 Line Items: FOREIGN 661 662 DEPOT MAINTENANCE AF DEPOT MAINTENANCE - ORGANIC AF DEPOT MAINT CONTRACT TOTAL DEPOT MAINTENANCE FY 2000 CURRENCY ACTUAL 36,630 29,628 RATE DIFF 66,258 FOREIGN PRICE PROGRAM FY 2001 0 0 GROWTH 4,578 0 GROWTH -15,089 7,851 ESTIMATE 26,119 37,479 0 4,578 -7,238 63,598 537 CURRENCY PRICE RATE DIFF. PROGRAM FY 2002 0 0 GROWTH 4,407 757 GROWTH 242,636 -5,873 ESTIMATE 273,162 32,363 0 5,164 236,763 305,525