ENGINEERING TECHNICAL INFORMATION NOTES fIELD DATA TECHNICAL RETRIEVAL REPORTS TEXTS CURRENT AWARENESS SYSTEM -7 VOLUME 7 NUMBER ppp i -Field Notes Organizational Directory Washington Office Engineering Staff Washington Office Engineering News FOREST SERVICE U.S. SEPTEMBER 1975 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE UýS ENGINEERING This publication The Forest text the publication and author approved procedures references. Because this publication This monthly the U.S. The published exchange to technical or administrative is of the not be personal construed of technicians is nature use of opinions should the in by issue or FSM publication each read the recommended all however exclusively for engineers. published for distribution this Service and no assumes Agriculture of as or policy except material of Agriculture-Forest of or type intended newsletter interpretation not mandatory instructions Department Department the represents must and engineering engineers a Service personnel. in respective newsletter and ideas of information engineering among monthly a is FIELD NOTES information employees of to its retirees responsibility by other only. for than its the own employees. The use of trade firm or corporation convenience evaluation any product of the reader. conclusion or service Such use names is does not recommendation to the exclusion for the information constitute endorsement of others which or may an and official approval of be suitable. ORGANIZATIONAL DIRECTORY WASHINGTON OFFICE ENGINEERING STAFF MYLESR. HOWLETT Director 703 235-8035 703 235-8087 703 235-8031 703 235-8024 703 235-8114 703 2358115 Ivonne A. White Secretary TECHNOLOGICAL IMPROVEMENTS Heyward Taylor Jr. Assistant Director T. Frances L. Bryan Secretary Adrian Pelzner Chief Materials ship and direction concerning various to technology construction rock asphalt concrete Romaine metal Thompson E. - Engineer Provides the application materials such applications - Engineer Development and implements engineering develops and systems. soil as and wood. System Investigates leader- of engineering computer - Develop-ment Service-wide Farnum Burbank Chief Equipment Development and programs the Forest Plans Service Engineer Equipment Program. Donald L. Sirois Provides Equipment programing and Development technical equipment development and A. Lupien Theodore Center Fort implements Civil Collins computer - programs guidance Engineer for testing. Engineer Colorado Staff Fort Collins Develops primarily Computer designs for use in 303 484-2274/75 303 484-2274/75 303 484-2274/75 and road design. Benjamin Center N. Litten Fort implements Civil Collins computer Engineer Colorado programs Fort Collins - Develops primarily Computer designs for use in and road design. Harvey C. Center Krantz Fort implements Civil Collins computer Engineer Colorado programs Fort Collins - Develops primarily design. 1 Computer designs for use in and road CONSUL TATIONAND STANDARDS Charles Weller Assistant Director R. Ruth G. Kenestrick M. Victor DeKalb and Systems Planning Transportation transporta-tion transporta-tion - Provides analysis and operation of the Operations Engineer II Water Forest Resources and consultation leadership coordination of projects with the Federal guidance construction Materials the in Service - Service - Engineer of application technical Jerry Hyde and Water Service activities Resources guidance to the - field divisions Forest Service 235-8030 703 235-9846 703 235-8084 703 235-8084 703 235-9844 703 235-8010 703 235-8084 703 235-8073 to - Provides the Forest Provides and direction to of work. technical design by reviews and agencies and Manuals Handbooks and technical - Engineer Provides in maintenance of the buildings other for assistance dams program Structures Engineer assistance 703 in technology System. leadership the Forest 235-8059 projects. Provides engineering preconstruction Transportation Larry Hendrickson 703 Power Commission. Theral R. Nielsen Chief Highway Design Engineer in 235-9845 Power USDA for contact materials. leadership Provides Federal aspects of water resources on engineering Jones L. Forest of guidance projects. David 703 Service Engineer Commission Guidance 235-8098 in leadership system. William F. Kopfler 703 Secretary leadership construction and coordination with material preparing on for and policy standards. Lawrence D. Provides Forest William Bruesch Service transportation Kolzow C. guidance the in Sanitary water Coorsh field offices Willard C. Engineer in supply and Engineer Electrical - Engineer - Provides and evaluation design engineering of utilization Highway leadership to a highway Safety assistance of electrical Engineer safety program 2 in to facilities. equipment system. Clementson technical Provides sanitary - for the Service. Reviews the compatibility electric Structures system. supply programs of the Forest Harry Highway Chief leadership in the field of highway structures - with the Provides complying with con-cerned Highway the Highway Road Allan Hessel J. System. and health Federal - Forest technical with Provides technical Unruh E. - Engineer Chief Provides of roads leadership and the trails in and Maintenance Provides Forest applying techniques Provides - 703 235-8073 engineers highways acceptable 303 234-3841 703 235-8046 703 235-8104 in and safe manner. Dwyer F. with esthetically Controls development adapting to an in landscape Coordinates signing. to the environment and functional Charles and advanced 235-8104 Service Roadside Architect roadside in leadership control traffic roads Landscape 703 and construction System. Ronald W. Rhoads 235-8085 program. Construction in 703 to main-tenaice Transporta-tion Marion 235-8010 other and coordination direction 703 Coordinates activities Service cadastral engineering Forest are Provides activities. Engineer Cadastral and professional leadership the waste control pollution agencies. W. Larsen Gerald - Engineer Sanitary leadership in programs on solid public National that and highway safety on National accidents Development Cooperates with on projects Administration Safety with Act of 1966. Safety Chief leadership Engineer and - guidance Denver. Cableways the in tramways ski lifts and to American National Representative tows. passenger field of Forest Standards aerial Service Inter-national Committee on Aerial Organization Association Passenger Tramways for Tramway of Recreational by Transport Institute B77 Ropeway and Authorities. OPERATIONS Harold L. Strickland Assistant Director Margaret K. Angyal Secretary Sterling vision J. Wilcox and Technical Engineer Operations guidance to Data System Data Retrieval Group Management Administrative the Forest and Training Graphics and Atlas and to general - Provides Service super- Engineering Development and unique operational problems. 3 Vacant Position Engineer career of aspects L. needs and storage assists in Awareness Technical Publications periodicals - and implements support 703 235-1424 Resources 703 235-8042 703 235-8042 703 235-8155 703 235-8155 and directives - Develops Specialist information engineering FS Renewable of leadership of publications aids visual Information Technical 235-8198 Current and forms. Inez Fitzgerald 703 information Provides and production brochures reports 235-8077 for Engineering Reports Specialist preparation coordination - Plans Systems activities Program. Rome L. Coordinates Notes Field Directives 703 needed training. for technical systems 235-8077 technical recruiting Data Technical operates retrieval. 703 recruitment Engineering program. Service-wide Engineer Colley organizes and in the Development in and formulates programs to provide experts Gordon direction technical manpower Analyzes Amon Provides and Recruitment Technical - subsystems in Information Technical infor-mation System Center. supervises Frank Engineering Represents Sciences reviews Forest Management or responds Road and to Provides Vacant Position _ program Management mail. budget inputs information on Engineer Controls Coordinates and Abatement Pollution statistical with - Engineer Congressional Trail Engineering reports allocations. Information Technical coordination in programs. Hammond J. of operation and RT - WO other field system. Pollution engi-neering Abatement and coordinator recommends for policies standards maximum Ollie A. Provides fleet with practicable Broadway Jr. management .othe L. Works and practices for planning Equipment Management in accounting Coordinates representatives Services in systems of the Staffs of this activity Government other Equipment Management Accounting Management Administrative expertise in all phases USDA the - Engineer and Bureaus and private industry. Hartman with programs to obtain yield. units in the field. agencies and on Service-wide and executing leadership and technical Departments Robert generalist. adoption procedures formulating controlling Formulates Engineer of Fiscal and Management and of management and development Administrative applicable to the rental 4 acquisition operation management maintenance to and evaluate test and systems Forest a wide variety of and for equipment disposal and and makes studies Plans directs replacement of equipment. equipment complex accessories for use in Service programs. Graphics and Atlas Section Lewis - Graphics and Atlas Chief Glover C. ship to the Graphics and Atlas Section on drafting and illustration needs to and 703 235-8071 703 235-8635 703 235-8184 703 235-8184 703 235-8184 703 235-8184 guidance gives WO all leader- Provides Staff Units. Office Support Section Wenzlaff Gloria - Support Office Provides for leadership finan-cial business Unit. functions management of and coordinates Supervises management the Engineering Staff functional procurement property areas management Group Geometronics Development Donald D. Chief Loff Geometronics and for direction formulation data Dirck in L. and and plans activities other Federal work and and area of development maintain - Engineer and mapping cartography methods Leader P. in specializes to resource cultural and - technical activities with Project Leader in in specializes equipment to the compile reproduce and store maps and other geometronic data. Raymond of Coordinates for all Geometronics agencies. of standards activities. coordinates automated responsible for recording terrain W. Gossard Geometronics Engineer the Provides investigation equipment Service Geometronics Rotty support Terry of Forest and resource displaying support schedules methods Is and plans and procedures of policies improved handling of coordination - Engineer national leadership in Geometronics activities. or and management. personnel new of Allison the in Geometronics area of advanced the applications management Cartographer - Project remote sensing techniques of remote sensing problems. 5 technology Richard Liston L. Leader remote Geometronics Cartographer the areas of computer-assisted in and sensing evaluation - tech-nical Mahan O. the 703 235-8184 703 235-8184 703 235-8638 703 235-8184 801 524-4140 801 524-4140 801 524-4140 801 524-4140 Develops data. data. sensing in 235-8184 and display remote computer systems to gather manipulate Richard 703 analysis of imagery resource Project area Geometries development and terrain displaying the in - Engineer photogrammetry of engineering area data geographic Leader provides acquiring of Project handling and through photo-grammetric/computer Tommie Gadberry Geometronics Engineer - General techniques. Photo- cartog-raphy Unit head grammetry leaders related and cartometric Alfred E. provides project automated compilation. Cartographer Forstall to services support manipulation to digital - and Digitizing Electronic carto-graphy Unit Drafting leaders Leader related to digital and cartometric Robert Mahoney H. Unit head computer provides compilation. support programming - Digital services and related to ADP Chamard P. or construction Director - mapping program and related James Dixon F. Responsible bases of the and orthophotography in VICE CENTER for procurement Service-wide base series activities. Assistant Director for the production leaders techniques. Responsible of all phases of the Manipulation. project GEOMETRONICS SER Roger project automated manipulation Programmer provides to services support Production for - primary and secondary photogrammetry. project auto-mated Ross Snedeker systems Assistant Director aerial triangulation - Responsible cartographic cartography and staff support. - for Computer creation pur-chasing Brooks Watson support for Administrative Accounting personnel and operations Officer Provides staff Management Fiscal and contract 6 administration. MYLES Director R. of Washington HEYWARD Assistant T. HOWLETT Engineering Office TAYLOR CHARLES Director Assistant R. WELLER Director Consultation Technological Improvements HAROLD L. Assistant Director Operations Standards ROGER STRICKLAND P. CHAMARD Director Sri Geometronics Center Service HEYWARD Assistant ADRIAN Chief PELZNER Materials ROMAINE E. Engineer THOMPSON Systems Development Engineer FARNUM Chief T. BURBANK Equipment Development DONALD Staff TAYLOR Director L. Engineer SIROIS Engineer BOONE Y. RICHARDSON Chief Director San THEODORE Dimas Equipment Development Center Fort Civil A. LUPIEN Engineer Collins Computer Center BENJAMIN Civil LITTEN N. Engineer LEE NORTHCUT Director Missoula Equipment Development Center HARVEY Civil C. Engineer KRANTZ .ýý ý 1 eýýf ý. CHARLES Assistant 1 ý I ý R. ji 6 .1i1ý WELLER Director I VICTOR Chief DEKALB M. Transportation Engineer THERAL Chief vIELSEN Highway Design Engineer Chief BRUESCH Highway Structures Highway KOPFLER F. Water C. CLEMENTSON Safety LAWRENCE Water II Resources Engineer HENDERICKSON Resources WILLIAM Sanitary Engineer WILLARD Chief Engineer R. LAWRENCE WILLIAM ALLEN Sanitary C. KOLZOW Engineer J. Engineer HESSEL Engineer DAVID L. Materials JONES Engineer MARION UNRUH E. and Construction Maintenance Engineer JERRY HYDE Structures Engineer RONALD RHOADS W. Landscape Architect 7 HARRY COORSCH Electrical Engineer GERALD LARSEN Cadastral Engineer CHARLES Chief F. DWYER Cableways Denver Engineer Colorado J. Operations Engineer L. Director FRANK WILCOX STERLING HAROLD Assistant STRICKLAND HAMMOND J. Management Engineer Vacant Position Management Engineer Vacant Position Recruitment Technical Development Engineer BROADWAY OLLIE A. Equipment Management Engineer AMON COLLEY L. Technical Data Systems Engineer ROBERT L. Equipment HARTMAN Management Engineer GORDON L. Publications ROME Specialist C LEWIS C. Graphics GLOVER and Atlas Chief INEZ FITZGERALD Technical Information Specialist rl GLORIA Office J. WENZLAFF Support Group JR. DONALD Chief LOFF D. TOMMIE GADBERRY Geometronics--Geometronics Engineer Engineer DIRCK L. ROTTY Geometronics Engineer ALFRED FORSTALL E. Cartographer TERRY W. GOSSARD Geometronics Engineer ROBERT MAHONEY H. Programmer RAYMOND P. Geometronics ALLISON Engineer FREDERICK E. PEYTON Cartographer RICHARD L. Geometronics RICHARD 0. Geometronics LISTON Engineer MAHAN Engineer RALPH E. Photographer FORTUNE ROGER P. CHAMARD Director T. JAMES F. Assistant -- . BROOKS DIXON WATSON Administrative Director Ross SNEDEKER Assistant Director Officer OFFICE ENGINEERING WASHINGTON NEWS TECHNOLOGICAL IMPROVEMENTS Heyward T. Taylor Assistant Director however we must be This fiscal year just started FY 77. EDT Regional The October. the forest Board will meetings about project proposals thinking be held regional inputs to be developed at these meetings personnel. The people around a conference sitting September in late or are ideas turned table have not for early in by dreamed up the problems to be solved. These problems come from on-the-ground operations uneconomical because of inadequate or are made difficult impractical that equipment concerns and many other Let your ideas be lack techniques materials known of manpower environmental training factors. now Get touch with your Regional in EDT representative. They are Wood R-1 Stan R-5 Frank Winer R-2 Lloyd Newland R-6 Ray R-3 Dick Monteith R-8 Jerry Edwards R-4 Bill Connelly Ellison EQUIPMENT DEVELOPMENT PROJECT RECORDS A VAILABLE In the December 1974 available. for issue of Field Notes Response to this information more publicity 2546 Catalytic July 1975 EDT 712 since that Converter list of Project Records the last article Temperature that were that there was a need following is a list of those was written Tests - Preliminary Report San Dimas Qualification 931-N a Therefore for the Project Records. that have been issued by the Centers EDT we gave was very good indicating Tests of and 931-P May 15 Two Fire Retardant 1975 San Dimas Chemicals Firetrol EDT 1838 Small Check EDT 1983 Limited Dam Accuracy of Tests Two Loop Inductive November 1974 Missoula EDT 1416 of Analysis Carrier Dusts of 2034 EDT 2353 and Overglow Readability Counters of Forest Missoula April 1975 Trans-actions 2034 EDT NF Logo Services EDT Reflective San Dimas April 1975 Energy Dissipator - Feasibility ASAE-1974 for Forest Aerial Spray Evaluations Forest Montana National - Control Report Missoula Special Experimental Blends of Dry Liquids 2425 Insect Pine 1973 - February 1975 Missoula Test Butterfly January 1975 - Bitterroot Special Report Missoula EDT 2257 Comfort Station Interior Finishes February 1975 EDT 2402 Equipment Layout for Orthographic September in Timber 2239 Development EDT 2427 Wildlife Habitat EDT 1417 Evaluation EDT 1444 Earth EDT 2281 Teckmar FT-4 Marine Marking Systems December 1974 Missoula Management Needs October 1974 Missoula of the December 1974 San Dimas Vari-Dozer Sciences Equipment Needs November 1974 Missoula Toilet March An Introductory 1973 Issued San Dimas Since we the Washington suggest you contact Office has the only a very limited supply appropriate Sale 1974 Missoula EDT of Projection San Dimas Center 16 directly July Plan 1975 of these Project Records to obtain copies. STANDARDS CONSULTATION R. Weller Charles Assistant Director TIMBER SALES AND RELATED ENGINEERING ACTIVITIES Considerable in effort the western M. R. Howlett is United being expended Director Management have been 1 through 6. The review road standards standards in analyzing established by the Chief to make an requested of Timber Sales for individual of skyline or sales and helicopter are reviewing field Staffs 1 review of Regions requirements 2 specifications areas and 3 of Timber Director activity Sales will particularly concern Engineering and Timber Management and Worthington selected Timber and R. E. Worthington of Engineering and cost of complying with construction especially in the use The summer this States. for utilization techniques harvest logging. are reviewing sale data while Howlett activities. report will address final need to be modified or eliminated Policy or guidelines that Additional guidelines needed to implement engineering economic and analysis training for developing transportation logging skills and for Timber Sale planning Certification of personnel. The review could result in new on analysis procedures direction preparation. FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION ACTION PLAN In July Action we cooperated Plan with the Federal used for coordination Highway on Federal Highways. 17 Administration Highway in Projects reviewing the such as Forest A was made of the problems arising from the review were changed process We as necessary. first edition a revised expect Wording and about November 1 of use. year 1975. TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION SYSTEM TIS to ways a develop computerized a data base for provide a wide spectrum cover Updating levels. Office the past three years the Washington During In September regional of the characteristics development Transportation easily inventories and it We keep you advised of TIS development as work will discuss to Plan an Action Regions time to all computerized Denver on National will contribute in implement and manpower to accelerate to will should terminals a prototype meet will TIS Forests. have developed representatives A through accessible system and develop prototype of a system and be which System Activities. would be done by National the system The road bridge and network system. Information Transportation rapidly analyzing of data and Regions have been exploring the to complete Most Forests. of the implementation. progresses. OPERATIONS Harold L. Strickland Assistant Director The Forest Service has participated possibly have significance in in three hearings the future the past six months in of the Transportation System which will the National in Forests. DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR AND RELA TED AGENCIES APPROPRIATION FOR 1976 These hearings before funding the Renewable interest is both unresolved of Timber access. but receiving Sub-committee and Representatives is full credits its Program of of The for reading Hearing with of timber timber credits are recorded. 18 concern for growing Of States. and the adequate is -from attention a the United rates appropriations vs. Committee. indicate Congress and return share recommended 363-378 where discussion of Resource Natural the concern for investment provision returns Houses again an members Record particular of particular and timely issue of the attention as both House to road access and investment yet the of pages and TIMBER CREDIT TRANSFER Hearings were held this on Transportation. The government borrowing spring in both Houses central issue in this free government borrowing Transfer between of credits loan term the shortening timber credit road construction for a time period within sales and hearing proposal legislative is the capital from the private industry sector. As a of interest-free of time frames involved result Works Sub-Committee by the Public same the or provide a form of is in fact in some cases of one to years. five by a purchaser would permit forest repayment of the purchasers earlier capital outlay. Timber Management has had the lead such transfer is in expected in with this proposal working A law to affect session of Congress. this FOREST ROAD AND TRAIL PROGRAM OVERSITE HEARINGS on timber credit During the hearings were McClure of Idaho made a statement the effect that the entire be covered of the became apparent it in National Forest subsequent hearings. National He to the the -Secretary of Agriculture 1. The expressed It concern general adequate is in system transportation through FY appropriated funds Each will with in providing the outcome 1975 Federal as the indicated it is felt Resource that its Senate need to have Act of our use 42. to be held on Chief a large Transportation and actual feeling that the of these hearings Aid Highway Act use preparations in October place 13 Branch Executive an 1964. had and programs. 19 related be new definitions and of purchaser credit and Trail System. of background would be appropriate Management will for Road and Forest a package it the by the would such a system. the developing be furnished above hearings and concerned in that anticipated constraints in the Region with was these hearings the committee strongly indicated followed requested with Sect. from the to hearings Development was advised of a hearing were necessary because of time limitations were started on July not other issues Senate particularly concerned is 14 1975 on the same date Senator Randolph amount of background material. Negotiations staff the at Systems Transportation was and July Committee record Roads and Trails Act of October 13 1964 Forest On June 25 1975 Further that under the surface. just Senator transfers material reading concerning material Transportation the for anyone Systems and ENGINEERING FIELD NOTES Invitation NOTES. we technically The several Office Regional respective accurate it be that and of the may Office will edit Each has an Information Coordinator to both questions R-1 Bill and material Groven R-6 Kjell Strohschein R-8 Ernest R-3 Bill R-4 Fleet Stanton should direct Jim questions and other problems to Gordon L. Engineering Staff/WO Forest glossy whom The short sentences are to All preferred. white Bakke and all The photos. or Rita Norbert Smith Bill USDA E. submit are R-10 format concerning should personnel R-9 WO Quinn Rome field Coordinators McCoy Service and black FSM Service-wide items by only. for publication. R-5 Allen Coordinators grammar McCabe R-2 or Service timely be typed double-spaced Office should drawings current is engineers or news short articles Washington for to FIELD be reviewed should vary from several should Region for publication. information interest illustrations original for Office for publication submitted submitted to the Washington material FIELD NOTES to see however pages typewritten to informative of material length article item or short article you would like to share with you to submit invite of an author a potential is submitted to the Washington Material 7113. reader Every you have a news If engineers the Readers to Vischer Al Colley editing Wright Washington publishing Editorial D.C. dates Services 20250 703 235-8198. This publication Station ask your Office number back Form is distributed from the Washington and Area Headquarters. Manager of copies issues or the If you now Office directly to all Regional receiving a copy and would like Regional Information Coordinator sent to your office are also are use available from the Form 7100-60 Washington for this to one increase purpose. the of Copies Office and can be ordered on 7100-60. GPO 895-070