Cleveland State University SYLLABUS AND COURSE GUIDE

Cleveland State University
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
EEC 693 Special topic, Secure Cloud Computing
Fall Semester 2015
Instructor: Dr. Abdul Razaque
Office: TBD
Phone: (347) 484-8598
Office Hours:
Or by appointment
FALL 2015
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Cleveland State University
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
 Course Description
EEC 693 provides a hands-on comprehensive study of Cloud concepts and capabilities across the various
Cloud service models including Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software
as a Service (SaaS), and Business Process as a Service (BPaaS). IaaS topics start with a detailed study the
evolution of infrastructure migration approaches from VMWare/Xen/KVM virtualization, to adaptive
virtualization, and Cloud Computing / on-demand resources provisioning. Mainstream Cloud
infrastructure services and related vendor solutions are also covered in detail. PaaS topics cover a broad
range of Cloud vendor platforms including AWS, Google App Engine, Microsoft Azure, Eucalyptus,
OpenStack and others as well as a detailed study of related platform services such as storage services that
leverage Google Storage, Amazon S3, Amazon Dynamo, or other services meant to provide Cloud
resources management and monitoring capabilities.
The SaaS and PaaS topics covered in the course will familiarize students with the use of vendormaintained applications and processes available on the Cloud on a metered on-demand basis in multitenant environments. The course also covers the Cloud security model and associated challenges and
delves into the implementation and support of High Performance Computing and Big Data support
capabilities on the Cloud. Through hands-on assignments and projects, students will learn how to
configure and program IaaS services. The Students will learn how to develop Cloud-based software
applications on top of various Cloud platforms, how to integrate application-level services built on
heterogeneous Cloud platforms, and how to leverage SaaS and BPaaS solutions to build comprehensive
end-to-end business solutions on the Cloud.
In addition, the students will also learn how to construct and secure a private cloud computing
environment based on open source VCL solutions, and how to federate it with external clouds, such as
public EC2 offering, and some other solutions. Performance, virtualization, cloud mobility, security, cost,
usability and utility of cloud computing solutions will be studied both theoretically and in a hands-on lab.
Students are expected to learn and demonstrate practical elements of:
Cloud Computing principles.
Cloud Computing components and services.
Cloud mobility and different handover process
Cloud Computing architectures and implementations
Cloud Computing management and security
Learning Objectives: At the end of the course, student will be able to understand complex
technologies leading to the development of current and future cloud computing security.
Course Material: The course material will be based on notes prepared and distributed by the
Reference Text: Cloud industry publications, online textbooks, and research papers on various
topics connected to the various sessions.
Prerequisites Course: NA
Course Structure: 12 lectures, Demo, project presentation, midterm and final exams
Detailed schedule of lectures (each lecture spans one week of class):
Recommended Simulator: GreenCloud, CloudSim, SimGrid, VirtualCloud, EMUSIM,
Recommended Computing Library: Isis2
Recommended tools: CloudAnalyst
Recommended Platform: Windows, Linux, Amazon EC2 and Mono
*Course Outline (Subject to change)
Week #
Course Break-down
1 – Overview of Distributed Computing & Cloud
2 – Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Software as a Service
(SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS)
3 – Virtualization
4 – Cloud Mobility and Handoff/Handover
09/14- 09/20
09/28- 10/04
10/12- 10/18
7 – Cloud Security approaches & offerings
10/19- 10/25
8 – Tools for cloud computing security assurance
10/26- 11/01
11/02- 11/08
9 – Secure Service Management in Cloud Computing
10 – Enterprise Cloud-Based High Performance Computing
(HPC) Applications
11 – High Performance Cloud Computing Vendor Solutions
09/21- 09/27
11/16- 11/22
11/23- 11/29
11/30- 12/06
12/07- 12/13
5 – Privacy preserving model for three stakeholders ( Third
party auditor, Cloud service provider and Cloud service
6 – Cloud Security
Research Project First Presentation
12- Cloud Computing Advanced Topics
Research Project Demo
Research Project Final Presentation
Final Examination
*Note: Students are required to access the Blackboard on the regular basis for the course
materials, home works, Project description, solutions.
 Tentative Topics, Reading Assignments, Tasks and Events
The instructor will make a diligent effort to follow the schedule outlined below. Unless
students hear otherwise, students are responsible for completing the reading assignments
below by the start of class on the date indicated. Supplemental readings, usually web-based
articles related to that week’s topic, may be assigned by your instructor throughout the
semester. Supplemental reading assignments will be posted on the Blackboard by Saturday
prior to the week that they will be discussed in class.
 Course Policies
 Blackboard Learning Management System (LMS): We will make extensive use of
CSU’s Blackboard Learning Management System (LMS) in this class. It will be used
as a repository for course-relevant information, including lecture and lab pre-reads,
and also as a platform for administering quizzes and other assessments. Blackboard is
the functional heart of this course.
 Attendance: Regular class attendance has been shown to have an extremely high
correlation with achievement and grades in this course. Attendance is therefore
strongly encouraged and rewarded. Students will accumulate points for all classes
attended. Be sure to sign the attendance sheet circulated at the start of each class with
a single unique signature because I compare signatures across class sessions to
eliminate the practice of students signing in for missing friends. Under no
circumstances will students sign in for each other. Students arriving more than 10
minutes late to class are considered absent for attendance purposes.
 Participation and Instructor Interaction: Participation requirements for this class are
limited to posting occasional questions on the LMS and completing each graded task by
the specified deadline. However, students are strongly encouraged to ask questions in
class and labs and to look for opportunities to interact with me, before or after class/lab,
during office hours, or whenever an opportunity might arise.
 Pre-Lab Quizzes: To prepare students for lab sessions, we have developed a weekly prelab exercise, which exposes them in advance to the key concepts that will be covered
during the lab. Each of these pre-lab exercises will have a quiz associated with it, which
must be completed by the start of class, the same as the online assessments.
 Exams: There will be three exams, including a comprehensive final exam administered
during the officially scheduled University final exam time. Prior to each exam, a highlevel review sheet will be distributed to students. All exam questions are developed
directly by the instructor and they are analyzed for statistical validity.
 Assignment Deadliness: Weekly assignments close out at the start of each class and
generally will not be reopened. Projects are due at the start of class on the date noted
on the syllabus. Late project-related assignments will be decreased by 2 percent for
each calendar day late.
 Make-Up Quizzes, Labs, Exams: Make-up quizzes, labs, and exams will only be
administered for cases of official university absence or because of a personal or family
emergency. In all of these cases, excuses must be formally documented and approved by
the instructor or through the school Student Services office. If students cannot provide
formal documentation for an absence, make-ups will not be made available.
 Labs: The students will be expected to complete individual pre-lab assignments using
their own computer. Macintosh users should be aware of the fact that some assignments
may require use of Microsoft Windows applications. This can be accomplished either
by using special software on your Mac (Boot-camp, Parallels, VMWare Fusion) or by
completing these tasks in the School computing lab. Students arriving late will have their
lab grade lowered by 20% for each 5 minutes they are late.
 Student Progress: The instructor recognizes that students taking this class have basic
computer network knowledge. A key goal of this course is to motivate every student to
improve individual knowledge and understanding of networking. If students have
special needs or if issues arise during the semester that impact their class performance,
please make someone on the instructional team aware of it. If something in class is
confusing, take advantage of office hours, private appointments, and e-mail. I am
willing to make time for every student who demonstrates a desire to learn.
 Grading:
The traditional grading scale will be used. However, I will prefer to apply the relevant grading
 Weights for course work and tentative dates:
10% (Pop quizzes, review & preview)
Final Exam
20% (Comprehensive)
20 % (5-10)
10% (worksheet after each lecture)
Research Project
40% (2-3 person project, four sub-parts)
100 %
 Academic Dishonesty
Academic dishonesty is defined to include any form of cheating and/or plagiarism. Cheating
includes, but is not limited to, such acts as stealing or altering testing instruments; falsifying the
identity of persons for any academic purpose; offering, giving or receiving unauthorized
assistance on an examination, quiz or other written or oral material in a course; or falsifying
information on any type of academic record. Plagiarism is the presentation of written or oral
material in a manner which conceals the true source of documentary material; or the presentation
of materials which uses hypotheses, conclusions, evidence, data, or the like, in a way that the
student appears to have done work which he/she did not, in fact, do. In cases involving academic
dishonesty, a failing grade or a grade of zero (0) for either an assignment and/or a course may be
 Computer Misuse and Dishonesty
The University considers any misuse of its computer system to be a serious offense. A student
may not attempt to degrade the performance of the computer system, to seek to penetrate its
security, or in any way deprive other users of resources or access to the computer. Further
violations include, but are not limited to, (a) using a computer account belonging to another
individual without the explicit permission of that individual; (b) tampering with the operation of
the University’s computer system including both its equipment and its programs; (c) using the
system for commercial purposes; (d) inspecting, modifying or copying programs or data without
authorization from the owner; and (e) using the electronic formats to send abusive, obscene, or
otherwise harassing communications.
 Students with Disabilities
The Americans with Disabilities Act is a federal anti-discrimination statute that provides
comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this
legislation requires that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that
provides for reasonable accommodation of their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability
requiring an accommodation, please contact the Department of Student Life or call 687-2048.