Dynamic ON-resistance in High Voltage GaN Field-Effect-Transistors by Donghyun Jin B.S., Electrical Engineering, Seoul National University, 2008 S.M., Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2010 Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the MASSACHUSETTS ING1TITE OF TECHNOLOGY Massachusetts Institute of Technology June, 2014 ©2014 Massachusetts Institute of Technology JUN 3 0 2014 LIBRARIES All Rights Reserved. The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis and to grant others the right to so. Signature redacted Author Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science April 14, 2014 C ertified by _-_ Signature redacted -_____-__-__-___ Jesus A. del Alamo Professor of Electrical Engineering A Accepted by -------------------- ------ Thesis Supervisor Signature redacted u L'slie A. Kolodziejski Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Students 1 2 Dynamic ON-resistance in High Voltage GaN Field-Effect-Transistors by Donghyun Jin Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science April 14, 2014 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy ABSTRACT Recently, the development of energy efficient electrical power management systems has received considerable interest due to its potential to realize significant energy savings for the world. With current Si-based power electronics system being matured, GaN Field-Effect-Transistors have emerged as a disruptive technology with great potential that arises from the outstanding material properties of GaN. However, in spite of great progress in GaN device fabrication, electrical reliability and a number of unique anomalies of GaN remain key challenges that prevent the wide deployment of this technology. In particular, the dynamic ON-resistance (RON), in which the RON of the transistor remains high for a certain period of time after a high-voltage OFF-ON switching event, is a critical concern. This phenomenon greatly affects the efficiency of electrical power management circuits based on GaN power transistors. This thesis investigates in depth this important issue. Firstly, we have developed a new dynamic RON measurement methodology which can observe dynamic RON transients after OFF-to-ON switching events over many decades in time. We have experimentally demonstrated this technique on GaN-on-SiC high-voltage HEMTs (High-ElectronMobility-Transistors). The possible origin of the mechanisms responsible for dynamic RON in these devices has been postulated. Through our new technique, the impact of high-power stress on dynamic RON has been investigated as well. The results emphasize the importance of studying dynamic RON characteristics over very short time scale when conducting reliability studies of GaN transistors. Secondly, high-voltage GaN-on-Si MIS (Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor) HEMTs designed for > 600 V switching operation have been investigated. Excessive electron trapping leading to total current collapse has been observed. We have carried out an extensive characterization of this phenomenon and we have proposed "Zener trapping" as the responsible mechanism. In this view, electron trapping takes place inside the AlGaN/GaN heterostructure through a tunneling process under high-electric-field. The understanding derived here suggests that this effect can be mitigated through attention to defect control during epitaxial growth and appropriate design of the field plate structure of the device. Our findings in this thesis provide a path to achieve high performance GaN power transistors with minimum dynamic RON effects. Thesis supervisor: Jesds A. del Alamo Title: Professor of Electrical Engineering 3 4 Acknowledgements I sincerely appreciate my research advisor Prof. Jesds A. del Alamo for his persistent help and great supervision throughout my PhD program. He gave me a great opportunity to work on interesting PhD project and continuously supported me with great intuition and relevant knowledge which are crucial to the success of my research. His high standard of research fostered the depth of this thesis. I greatly benefited from his supervision for my PhD program as well as personal growth toward a professional researcher. I also gratefully acknowledge Prof. David Perreault and Prof. Tomas Palacios for their continuous encouragement and advice which were essential to accomplish my research. I would like to thank my fantastic mentor Dr. Jungwoo Joh for his generous help and endless advice to my research. He provided me timely answers to all kinds of different questions. I enjoyed all the moments of our technical conversation which often took more than an hour on the phone. His invaluable suggestion helped me in steering our research in directions of greatest relevance to industry. The regular meeting with him plays a significant role to get essential guidance and boost up the research progress. His proactive involvement in our research project helped me to accomplish world-class research in state-ofthe-art GaN power switching transistors. I also would like to show my gratitude toward all the members of del Alamo's Xtreme semiconductor group: Ling Xia, Alex Guo, Shireen Warnock, Luke Guo, Xin Zhao, Wenjie Lu, Yufei Wu, Jianqiang Lin and Alon Vardi. Their strong enthusiasm toward research boosts me up every day and we shared the most of joy, concern and happiness in our daily life. I also would like to thank all my 6th floor friends. I could spend many precious times together with you guys. Finally, I owe a debt of gratitude to my parents and my wife, Jae Kyung for their endless love, support and confidence throughout my entire life. This work was sponsored by ARPE-E , SRC, DRIFT MURI and Samsung Scholarship. 5 6 Contents Chapter 1. Introduction................................................................................................................................19 1.1. Introduction to GaN power transistors ....................................................................... 1.2. Motivation: dynamic ON-resistance or current collapse problem...............................21 1.3. Background ..................................................................................................................... 23 1.4. Project goal and thesis outline..................................................................................... 25 1.5. References ....................................................................................................................... 26 19 Chapter 2. Dynamic ON-resistance in high-voltage GaN-on-SiC HEMTs.............................................30 2.1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 30 2.2. Proposed dynamic ON-resistance measurement technique........................................ 31 2.3. Experimental demonstration on GaN-on-SiC HEMTs............................................... 38 2.4. Impact of epitaxial growth on dynamic ON -resistance ............................................... 45 2.5. M echanism s responsible for dynam ic ON -resistance.................................................. 50 2.6. Conclusions ..................................................................................................................... 51 2.7. References ....................................................................................................................... 52 Chapter 3. Impact of high-power stress on dynamic ON-resistance of high-voltage GaN-on-SiC HEMTs ..................................................................................................................................................................... 3.1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 3.2. Experim ents.....................................................................................................................56 3.3. D iscussion ....................................................................................................................... 7 55 55 64 3.4. Conclusions ..................................................................................................................... 68 3.5. References ....................................................................................................................... 68 Chapter 4. Total current collapse in high-voltage GaN-on-Si MIS-HEMT ............................................ 71 4.1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 71 4.2. Experim ental set up..................................................................................................... 73 4.3. Total current collapse under OFF-state stress ............................................................ 75 4.4. Recovery of total current collapse............................................................................... 77 4.5. Extension and location of current blockage ................................................................ 78 4.6. Trapping and detrapping dynam ics ............................................................................ 83 4.7. Electric field sim ulation .............................................................................................. 88 4.8. M echanism for total current collapse .............................................................................. 89 4.9. Conclusions ..................................................................................................................... 93 References ................................................................................................................... 93 4.10. Chapter 5. Summ ary and suggestions .................................................................................................... 95 5.1. Summ ary ......................................................................................................................... 95 5.2. Suggestions for mitigating dynamic ON-resistance phenomenon...............................97 5.3. Suggestions for future research ..................................................................................... 100 5.4. References ..................................................................................................................... 101 8 List of figures Figure 1-1. RON transients from 200 ns up to 10,000 s of a virgin GaN transistor when switched from an OFF-state (VGSQ= -5 V, VDsQ= 40 V) to the ON-state switching at room temperature. Blue lines are obtained from pulsed IV system and red lines from semiconductor device analyzer, as described later in this thesis. Also shown are the DC values of RON Obtained after fully detrapping the device. The results show a 52% higher RON at 200 ns than in DC (marked as RONDC). .... 22 ------------........................................... Figure 1-2. Device model illustrating the virtual gate effect [26].......................................................... 24 Figure 2-1. ID waveform measured by pulsed IV system. The device is synchronously switched from an OFF-state quiescent bias of VGSQ=-10 V, VDSQ=50 V to an ON-state of VGS=l V and VI)s changing from 50 mV to 1.2 V at ambient temperature of 25 'C. Through the simultaneous measurement of both and VDS(t) transients in the linear regime, the instantaneous RON(200 ns t ID(t) 3 ms) is extracted as shown on th e righ t. ................................................................................................................................................. 32 Figure 2-2. RON transients from 200 ns up to 1,000 s on GaN-on-SiC high voltage HEMTs from an OFFstate (VGsQ=-5 V, VDSQ= 4 0 V) to ON-state switching at ambient temperature of 55 'C. Blue line is obtained from pulsed IV system (Auriga AU4750) and red line from semiconductor device analyzer (Agilent B1500A). Also shown is the DC values of (marked as RONDC). RON obtained after fully detrapping the device This shows 66% higher RON at 200 ns than in DC.................................................33 Figure 2-3. Top: VDs and VGS waveforms of three switching events from an OFF state (VGSQ= -5 V, VDsQ= 40 V) to the ON state. In one event, the pulsing is synchronous. In the other two, a delay of 200 ns or 400 ns is introduced between the falling edge of VDs and the rising edge of VGS. Bottom: resulting RON transients are unaffected by the relative alignment of the VDs and VGs pulses indicating that trapping during the transient is negligible. In our relatively small size devices, a fast slew late of 1 V/ns is ob tain ed ....................................................................................................................................................... 9 35 Figure 2-4. Top: RON transients in OFF(VGSQ= -5 V, VDSQ= 40 V) to ON-state switching from pulsed IV in the blue line and from SDA using different OFF-state times of 50, 75, or 100 sec. A visible mismatch occurs with the pulsed IV data. Scaling the SDA-obtained data so as to match ARON(t)IARON(3ms) makes all lines overlap each other as shown in dotted line. The bottom one shows identical normalized RON recovery rates suggesting that the RON transients are largely independent of the initial value of RON(3ms). ..................................................................................................................................................................... Figure 2-5. Complete dynamic RON 37 transients from 200 ns up to 10,000 s over 11 decades of time period through our proposed technique in the section 2.2. It has been obtained on GaN-on-SiC high voltage HEMTs from an OFF-state (VGsQ=-5 V, VDSQ= 4 0 V) to ON-state switching at ambient temperature of 2 5 C ............................................................................................................................................................ 38 Figure 2-6. Top: Dynamic RON transients after OFF to ON switching events from different quiescent VDS conditions from VDSQ= 25 V up to 125 V in 25 V increments at ambient temperature of 25 'C. Red dots are measurements and blues lines are fitting curves through a sum of exponential terms with time constants ranging from 10-s to 103s as shown in the bottom. The device exhibits prominent time constants in the 10 to 1000 s range and some in the sub-ps to ms range. As VOr increases, the dynamic RON increases too but the time constants do not change.......................................................................... 40 Figure 2-7 Top: RON/RONDC transients at different ambient temperatures for VGSQ=-5 V and VDSQ= 4 0 V. The resulting time constant spectra (bottom) clearly indicate that the dominant transients for long times substantially speed up as the temperature increases whereas short time constants are independent of temperature..................................................................................................................................................4 1 Figure 2-8. Arrhenius plot of time constant spectrum of Figure 2-7. The size of the symbols is proportional to the height of the time constant peak. Dominant traps at 0.79 eV, 0.82 eV, and 0.76 eV are identified. A set of short time constants which are independent of temperature are also observed. They are responsible for the fast transients................................................................................................................42 10 Figure 2-9. High power to ON-state transients at different ambient temperatures and the resulting time constant spectra (inset). The high power state bias is VGsQ=2 V and VDSQ= 7 V (the power level was 5.4 W/mm at ambient temperature of 25 0C corresponding to the red line). The transients are dominated by temperature-independent fast time constants. No thermally activated slow-transients are observed. ........ 44 Figure 2-10. HP to ON transients from quiescent points at different VDGQ but with the same power dissipation. Dynamic RON at 200 ns increases exponential following a hot-electron type law as shown in th e righ t. ...................................................................................................................................................... Figure 2-11. Top: dynamic RON 45 transients in the alternative wafer (see text) after identical OFF to ON switching events as in Figure 2-6 at ambient temperature of 25 'C. The bottom shows the corresponding time-constant spectra. In contrast to Figure 2-6, devices in this wafer have much weaker time constants in the longer time periods whereas short time constants in the sub-ps to ms range dominate and do not change as V OF increases.............................................................................................................................47 Figure 2-12. Top: RON/RONDC transients in devices from the alternative wafer at different ambient temperatures for VGSQ=-5 V and VDSQ= 4 0 V. The resulting time constant spectra (bottom) show that the dominant transients with short time constants are temperature-independent........................................48 Figure 2-13. Arrhenius plot of time constant spectrua of Figure 2-12. The size of the symbols is proportional to the height of the time constant peak. A rich spectrum of traps with activation energies between 0.57 eV and 1.12 eV is observed but their concentration is much lower than that in Figure 2-8. The dominant time constants are short and do not exhibit any temperature dependence. ..................... 49 Figure 2-14. Postulated mechanisms responsible for dynamic RON of GaN HEMTs observed in this work. In the OFF state, electron trapping at the surface, in the AlGaN and at the AlGaN/A1N interface takes place as electrons flow out the gate. In the HP state, hot electrons from the channel are trapped at AlGaN/AIN interface states. In the ON state, electron detrapping takes place thermally for traps in the AlGaN or at the surface and through a tunneling process for AlGaN/AlN interface traps (border traps). .51 11 Figure 3-1. The operational regions in the RF power amplifier (left) and the power-switching devices (right) are described. The expanded RF load line (left) and the hard-switching operation (right) undergo 55 high-power state continuously which can degrade the device performance. ........................................ Figure 3-2. Time evolution of DC RON, IDMAX constant HP-state stress in GaN HEMTs. RON (normalized to their initial values) and 1IGOFI during a is defined by the inverse of the linear drain current measured at VGS= 1 V and VDS= 0.5 V and IDMAX is defined at VGS= 2 V and VDS= 8 V. IGOF is the gate leakage current measured at VGs= -5 V and VDS= 0- V. The stress conditions are VGs= 2 V and VDS= 20 V. Up to about 30 min of stress, the device characteristics show minor changes. Beyond 30 min, prominent degradation in both RON and IDMAX and minor one in IGOFFI are observed.............................57 Figure 3-3. Dynamic RON transients from 200 ns up to 200 s after OFF (VGSQ= -10 V, VDsQ= 50 V) to ON (VGs= 1 V and VDS 1.2 V) switching event in different samples that have been subject to different HP- state stress periods ranging from 0 to 40 min. Up to 30 min of stress, minor changes in dynamic RON are observed. After 40 min of stress, there is a more than ten-fold increase in dynamic RON. Very fast recovery in the ms range is observed in all cases................................................................................... RON 58 Figure 3-4. Normalized dynamic RON (RON/RONDC) of Figure 3-3 at different times (200 ns, 10 ps, and 10 ms) and RONDC/RONDC-virgin semilog scale. Dynamic RON_DC/RONDCvirgin (RONDC value in the virgin device) as a function of HP-state stress time in a RON mostly increases in a time range from 200 ns up to a few ms. shows small increase up to 16% in comparison to dynamic RON suggesting minor perm anent (non-transient) degradation.................................................................................................. 59 Figure 3-5. Time-constant spectra for RON transients of Figure 3-3. A sum of exponential terms with time constant ranging from 100 ns to 1000 s is used to fit the measurement data. The equation used for fitting is indicated in the inset. The fit yields the ai coefficient corresponding to each time constant Ti. These data reveal that after 40 min of stress, there is a prominent increase of the magnitude of transients with short time constants..............................................................................................................................................60 12 Figure 3-6. RON/RON.DC transients at different temperatures between 25 'C and 150 0 C for VGSQ= -10 V and VDSQ= 50 V after 40 min HP stress. The inset shows the absolute value of the RON transient. As the temperature goes up, the dominant transients are substantially accelerated. This suggests that the transients are due to generated traps....................................................................................................... 61 Figure 3-7. Time-constant spectra for 0 RON transients for temperatures between -55 'C and 150 C including the transients in Figure 3-6. Arrows with different colors distinguish individual time constant peaks at different temperatures. Most of them move towards shorter time constants as the temperature increases indicating a thermally activated behavior.............................................................................. 62 Figure 3-8. Arrhenius plot of time constant spectra from Figure 3-7. The size of the symbols is proportional to the height of the time constant peaks and the color of them matches that of the arrows in Figure 3-7. The dominant trap energy levels are located at 0.31, 0.45, 0.53 and 0.57 eV below the conduction band edge most likely in the AlGaN barrier. These are the traps that are responsible for the dramatic increase in dynamic RON that is observed in the short time scale.............................................63 Figure 3-9. Dynamic RON transients after OFF (VGSQ= -10 V, VDSQ= 50 V) to ON switching event for samples subjected to HP-state stress under different conditions. The red solid line indicates a very large increase of dynamic RON up to five-fold W/mm). In comparison with the RON DC RON/RONDC at 200 ns only after 3 min HP stress at VDs= 30 V (P= 9 increase after 20 min HP stress at lower VDS of 20 V and higher P level of 12 W/mm in pink dashed line, this result suggests that HP stress at higher VDs promotes greater dynamic RON degradation. In all cases, a very fast RON recovery down to the mrs range is observed. ..................................................................................................................................................................... Figure 3-10. Time evolution of normalized DC RON, 64 IDMAX and IGOFF in a constant HP-state stress in devices made from a different epi-supplier sample (denoted as epi-supplier II). The stress conditions are those of Figure 3-2 (VGs= 2 V, VDS= 20 V) but the stress time is extended to 2 hr. In the epi-supplier II sample, there is no prominent permanent degradation in 1IGOFFI RON, IDMAX and IGOFFI. The large increase of is fully recoverable under sufficient illumination of visible light...............................................66 13 Figure 3-11. Dynamic RON transient after an OFF (VGSQ= -10 V, VDSQ= 50 V) to ON switching event on epi-supplier II sample before and after 2 hr HP stress at VGS= 2 V and VDs= 20 V (P~- 12 W/mm). In contrast to the large degradation of dynamic RON in epi-supplier I device after the 40 min HP-stress (purple dashed line), there is only a minor increase of dynamic RON observed after 2 hr HP stress in epi- supplier I sample.........................................................................................................................................67 Figure 4-1. Diagram of power device characterization set-up built in the lab. DC and AC stress/characterization can be carried out by Agilent B1505A and Auriga pulsed IV on the Cascade Tesla high-power probe station. Pulsed UV light source system is developed to test detrapping effect depending on light illumination with different wavelength. Automatic computer control environment for each instrument has been developed as well. High voltage test functionality up to 3000V is established from the entire set-up . .......................................................................................................................................... 73 Figure 4-2. Pulsed UV light source system consisting of Xenon fiber optic light source, computer controllable monochromator, and automated filter wheel. The brief functional description per each one is scripted. The UV optical fiber tip drawing the output of light source system is placed closely to the sample on the probe station, as shown on the right, so as to beam UV light directly onto the top of the samp le .......................................................................................................................................................... 74 Figure 4-3 (a) Three field plate structures (FP1, FP2, and FP3) placed in a stairway fashion along the gate-to-drain gap in AlGaN/GaN MIS-HEMTs. (b) The waveform of VDS and VGS in the OFF-state stepstress experiment. VDS continually steps up while VGS is biased at VT - 5 V. Every stress period is 10 s. Between each step, IDun which is defined at VGS= 0 V, VDS= 0.2 V is periodically monitored. IDlin is inversely proportional to RON--.---------------------------------------------------................................................................ 75 Figure 4-4. Evolution of normalized IDin in an OFF-state step-stress experiment. VGS is biased at VT- 5 V and VDS is step-stressed by 20 V every 10 seconds up to 720 V. Total current collapse occurs for VDSSTRES> 3 0 0 V and RON increases by -10 orders of magnitude at the end of the experiment............76 14 Figure 4-5. Six consecutive OFF-state step-stress experiments up to 400 V on the same sample. Detrapping procedure with UV exposer and thermal treatment (180 min at 200'C) has been applied in between each run. Total current collapse characteristic shows complete recovery and repeatability after 78 detrapping procedures suggesting that this results from completely trapping. ...................................... Figure 4-6. Output characteristics before (blue) and after (red) 300 sec of OFF-state stress at 300 V and VGS= VT - VDSSTRESS= 5 V. After stress, at low VDS, nearly complete current collapse is observed. However, as VDS increases the drain current starts flowing again. The collapsed output characteristics resem ble a punchthrough device ...79 ................................................................................................. Figure 4-7. Evolution of the linear subthreshold characteristics 4-3. VTO is the initial threshold voltage where D (VDS= 0.25 V) during the stress of Figure does not change at all under total current -A/mm.VT is 1 79 co llap se ........................................................................................................................................................ Figure 4-8. Evolution of source (Is), gate (IG), drain (ID), and substrate (IB) currents during the stress periods of Figure 4-5 up to 400 V. As the OFF-state bias increases beyond 300 V, the drain-to-substrate 80 current increases. At the onset of severe trapping, all currents are negligible. .................................... Figure 4-9. Impact of device geometry on IDun degradation under OFF-state step-stress up to 400 V and VGS= VT - VDSSTRESS= 5 V. The trapping characteristics do not depend on gate-to-drain gap length 1st field plate length (Lmpj), 2 (LGD), nd field plate length (L-p2 ) and 3 rd field plate length (LFP3). ....................... 81 Figure 4-10. Normalized drain-to-gate capacitance (CDG) in the OFF state as a function of VDS. The three steps in CDG indicate the complete extension of the depletion region under each of the three field plates by VDS= 50 V. For VDS > 50 V, electric field peaks in the channel under the edge of FP3 and where VDS is around 200 V, excessive trapping occurs along this highly localized region and can form very short current blockage region under the edge of FP3 as shown in the cartoon on the right.............................82 Figure 4-11. (a) Evolution of IDun in OFF-state step-stress experiment at temperatures from 25 to 200 'C. The trapping characteristics are insensitive to temperature. (b) Evolution of drain 15 (ID), source (Is), gate (IG), and substrate (IB) currents at different temperatures. The terminal currents are not the main source of electron trapping..........................................................................................................................................84 Figure 4-12. (a) Evolution of normalized IDun as a function of time in a device under constant stress bias from VDS-STRESS=140 to 180 V at room temperature. A characteristic trapping time (r) is defined at the 50% degradation point of IDlin- (b) Zener dependence of T: T vs. 1/EPEAK in a semi-log scale. EPEAK is the peak value of electric field inside AlGaN layer under FP3 estimated from field simulations in the same OFFstate bias conditions (Figure 4-13). The straight line that is obtained strongly suggests a Zener tunneling process. A trap energy level of around 1 eV above valence band edge is estimated. ............................ Figure 4-13. Normalized IDun recovery transients in the dark after 600 sec OFF-state stress at 200 V and VGS= VT - 85 VDSSTRESS= 5 V at different temperatures. IDlinDC is the virgin DC value of IDin- As T increases, the recovery speeds up. An activation energy of around 0.63 eV is extracted........................................87 Figure 4-14. UV-induced recovery of a device collapsed after 300 V OFF-state stress for 3 min for different energies of UV light at room temperature. Enhanced recovery is observed for light energies above 2 .8 eV ................................................................................................................................................ 87 Figure 4-15. (a) Evolution of electric field at the top surface of AlGaN barrier from gate to drain obtained from TCAD simulations (Silvaco). Beyond VDs=200 V, the peak electric field appears under the edge of the outermost field plate and increases with VDS. (b) Magnitude of EPEAK under third field-plate edge vs. VDS is described. At VDs= 200 V, EPEAK is around 3.4 MV/cm and it increases up to 6.4 MV/cm at 1,000 V .................................................................................................................................................................. 88 Figure 4-16. Proposed Zener trapping mechanism responsible for the observed total current collapse. Direct electron tunneling from the valence band into defect states can be triggered under intense electricfield inside the AlGaN barrier layer or at the top of the GaN channel...................................................90 Figure 4-17. Energy band diagram along surface from gate to drain with device biased in the linear regime after a total current collapse event. OFF-state trapping results in a sharp energy barrier directly below the edge of the outermost field plate that blocks current. In the linear regime, thermal detrapping 16 can take place as indicated with an activation energy substantially lower than the ionization energy of the trap ............................................................................................................................................................... 90 Figure 4-18. Energy location of traps responsible for Zener trapping. From Zener trapping calculations, ET - Ev = 1.0 eV is extracted and from UV detrapping experiments, Eh, = 2.8 eV is estimated...........91 Figure 4-19. Evolution of IDun under VDS=O V condition as VGS steps from -12 V to -48 V with 1 V/step every 30 sec at room temperature. Sharp current collapse is observed as well. In this case, the channel blockage occurs under the source end of the gate. Thermal acceleration behavior in this source-side recovery is clearly observed with an activation energy of 0.50 eV, as shown on the right....................92 17 18 Chapter 1. Introduction 1.1. Introduction to GaN power transistors In our contemporary society, the standard of living has substantially improved but this indispensably requires continuous increase of energy consumption all over the world. However, additional constructions of conventional power plant for the increasing energy demand confront negative social pressure due to their externality to global warming effect. As a result, a tremendous interest has been given to the development of energy efficient electrical power management systems along with high expectations for significant energy saving on a world-wide scale. The current power management system which controls or transforms electrical energy into different power range with diverse power load such as industrial infrastructures, consumer appliances, automotive applications, and electricity grid system has been developed through Si-based power transistor technology in the last 60 years. In the 1950s, Si bipolar power transistors and thyristors were first invented and in 1980s, insulated gate devices were introduced [1]. Until now, various innovative technical improvements have been introduced through Si-based power transistor technology but nowadays their progress has slowed down as it becomes a matured technology. In the last few years, a great deal of attention has been given to new power transistor technologies based on new material systems. Recently 19 Gallium Nitride (GaN) power transistors have emerged as a disruptive technology with great potential that arises from the outstanding material properties of GaN [2][3]. The wide band gap (3.4 eV) of GaN, compared to 1.12 eV of Si which dominates commercialized power semiconductors technology today, provides several benefits in future power electronic applications. Firstly, GaN can have a very high critical electric field, about ten times higher than Si [4], which enables achieving a much higher breakdown voltage in GaN power-switching transistors [5]. Secondly, GaN can have smaller intrinsic carrier densities than Si at the same temperature which provides proper electronic functionality at ambient temperatures higher than 150 'C without external cooling. This is impossible in Si technology due to substantial increase of leakage currents [6]. This also guarantees a much higher thermal limit to power device operation. Moreover, GaN is a compound semiconductor including elements from column three in the periodic table and nitrogen. It is relatively easy to form heterostructures such as AlGaN/GaN which is the most famous one. This can induce a very high sheet electron density in the GaN channel layer of more than 1013 cm-2 through spontaneous and piezoelectric polarization charges without any external doping [7]. In addition, high electron saturation velocity (2.5x 107 cm/s) with high electron mobility (> 1000 cm 2 /Vs) in the AlGaN/GaN heterostructure is attainable and this provides very high frequency of operation as well [8]. The combination of these superior properties promise better than three orders of magnitude improvement in the ON- resistance/breakdown-voltage trade-off over conventional Si power switching devices [1]. As a result of these outstanding technical attributes, GaN transistors exhibit a significant advantage in terms of size when compared to advanced Si power transistors. In addition, GaN heterostructures can be grown onto wide area Si wafers [9] which enables the fabrication of GaN power transistors in Si fabrication facilities. This mitigates the need for large investment in the creation of new processing infrastructure. The combination of smaller device footprint and GaN-on-Si epi-growth technology might make this technology cost competitive with Si [9]. 20 As a result of the outstanding material properties and expected cost benefits of GaN power transistor technology, intense research efforts are under way around the world. The great progress in device performance has been achieved through diverse approaches using novel device fabrication technologies [10]-[13] and demonstrated greater performance over Si power transistor technology. However, in spite of recent progress in GaN device fabrication technology, a comparative study of reliability is also required but there is not enough understanding today to carry out this critical inquiry. Especially, electrical reliability as well as some unique anomalies of GaN still remain key challenges that prevent the wide deployment of this technology. There are very few studies about the dominant failure mechanisms of GaN power transistors. Significant improvement in reliability is frequently emphasized as a final key hurdle to overcome for commercialization of this technology to become a reality[14][15]. 1.2. Motivation: dynamic ON-resistance or current collapse problem From the wide investigation in the past about the degradation mechanisms of RF power GaN High-Electron-Mobility Transistors (HEMTs) [13],[14],[18],19], similar phenomena are considered to be relevant in GaN power transistors as well. Among several degradation mechanisms and operational anomalies suggested from the studies on those devices, a particular concern is the so-called dynamic ONresistance (RON) or current collapse problem [20]. Strictly speaking, this is not a reliability problem but in order for GaN power switching-devices to outperform current Si power transistor technology this significant anomaly needs to be resolved. 21 OFF(-5 V, 40 V) to ON 5.5 Semiconductor Device Analyzer Pulsed-IV 5E E c 4.5cI 0 4- -10 - 11010 mm 5RONc= 3.5 Q 310710 ------- ---- 10 10 102 103 10 Time [sec] Figure 1-1. RON transients from 200 ns up to 10,000 s of a virgin GaN transistor when switched from an OFF-state (VGSQ= -5 V, VDsQ= 40 V) to the ON-state switching at room temperature. Blue lines are obtained from pulsed IV system and red lines from semiconductor device analyzer, as described later in this thesis. Also shown are the DC values of RON obtained after fully detrapping the device. The results show a 52% higher RON at 200 ns than in DC (marked as RONDC). Dynamic RON RON or current collapse refers to a condition in which after an OFF-ON switching event, of the transistor remains high for a certain period of time. The observation of temporary high values of RON as a result of prominent electron trapping that occurs during the off state has been widely reported [21]. Our recent studies have shown that dynamic short-time scale RON RON in high-voltage GaN FETs can be very severe with values that are several times higher than RONDC which is the initial DC value of RON [12]. The high dynamic RON values can take many hours to fully dissipate at room temperature, as shown in Figure 1-1. The problem also worsens as the OFF-state voltage increases [22]. Dynamic RON is also activated by hot-electron trapping under high-power conditions that might appear during hard switching 22 [23], [24]. Understanding and solving this problem will require identifying the sources of the traps that are responsible and eliminating them. Our goal is to achieve fundamental understanding on this problem by developing an appropriate measurement methodology and carrying out systematic characterization of devices with various designs. In addition, we wish to explore any degradation from the impact of various electrical stresses which can be driven by power device operation such as high electric field stress from high blocking voltage in the OFF-state condition or high-power stress during hard switching condition. The impact from special device features such as multiple field plate technology on dynamic RON under electrical stress will also be explored and the dominant mechanisms will be clarified. 1.3. Background In this section, previous studies about this dynamic RON or current collapse phenomenon are briefly introduced. An increase of RON or a collapse of drain current that depends on the operational device history is related to the change density in the inversion layer of the AlGaN/GaN heterostructure. The high density of 2 dimensional electron-gas (2DEG) attainable in this heterostructure not only results from spontaneous and piezoelectric polarization effects [7] but also from the existence of a positive sheet of charge at the top AlGaN surface which mostly arises from ionized donor states at the surface [25]. Initial studies about current collapse observed in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs claim that in the high voltage bias condition, the accumulation of negative charge mostly through the injecting electrons from gate electrode into the top AlGaN surface layer induces a reverse biased virtual gate effect [26]. As shown in Figure 1-2, in the reverse bias condition between gate and drain electrodes, incoming electrons are captured by the surface states and neutralize the positive donor states. This results in an extension of the depletion region. In the following ON-state condition, they are usually released with relatively long time constants on the 23 order of seconds [20] and the 2DEG density along the neutralized surface region is reduced significantly causing the dynamic RON or current collapse during high frequency operation of these devices. Virtual Gate ++Drain - - - - - ---- ----- ---AIGaN VVVG V G aN VG Source Extended depletion region Figure 1-2. Device model illustrating the virtual gate effect [26] In order to mitigate this virtual gate effect, surface passivation technology has been utilized [27] using mostly SiN passivation layer [28]-[30]. There are reports of surface passivation strongly mitigating current collapse by reducing the surface electric field and preventing the electron injection from the gate electrode into the adjacent surface states [31]. Nowadays, surface passivation is regarded as an essential technology which mostly determines trapping related current collapse phenomenon as well as some device reliability issues. Another mechanism responsible for current collapse is channel hot electron trapping under high drain voltage operation in the ON-state [24]. In the high voltage and ON-state operating condition, electrons flowing in the channel can obtain very high kinetic energy which enables them to overflow the energy barrier between the AlGaN barrier and GaN channel layer and get trapped at surface states or traps inside the barrier layer [32]. This can also cause a virtual gate effect and perhaps also permanent degradation by trap formation resulting in current collapse [33]. 24 Recently, crystallographic defect formation through the inverse piezoelectric effect has been proposed as a new degradation mechanisms and can induce the current collapse effect as well [34]. Under high electric field condition, the AlGaN/GaN heterostructure can get additional mechanical stress through the inverse piezoelectric effect. If the induced total elastic energy density exceeds a critical value, crystallographic defects such as pits and cracks can be formed. These defects can become trapping sites for electrons and all relevant trapping effects discussed above can become magnified. 1.4. Project goal and thesis outline Previous studies about dynamic RON or current collapse have been mostly limited to simple characterization and they fail to contribute detailed understanding. Systematic studies on this problem have not been reported and consensus about the detailed physical origin is still lacking. In addition, systematic studies have yet to be performed in GaN power-switching devices. In our thesis, we target an initial rigorous investigation of this important issue. We will carry out extensive experiments under a variety of stress conditions in devices with various geometries. There can be significant degradation of the dynamic characteristics of GaN FETs as a result of prolonged electrical stress. The importance of electrical reliability studies on transient characteristics, and not just DC characteristics, is emphasized. The effectiveness of multi-field plate design in the industrially prototyped power switching device structures studied here is investigated in detail. Lastly, theoretical degradation mechanism models are presented. This thesis is organized as follows. In chapter 2, we propose a new dynamic RON measurement methodology which can observe RON transients after OFF-to-ON switching event over many decades of time. Experimental demonstration of this technique on GaN-on-SiC high-voltage HEMTs is presented. Impact of epitaxial growth on dynamic RON is also discussed in. Finally, relevant mechanisms responsible for the dynamic RON observed in GaN-on-SiC HEMTs are proposed. 25 In chapter 3, by using the newly proposed technique introduced in chapter 2, the impact of highpower stress on dynamic RON characteristics of high-voltage GaN-on-SiC HEMTs is studied. Here, severe degradation of dynamic RON characteristics due to the induced creation of traps with relatively short time constants is discussed in detail. The results emphasize the importance of characterizing dynamic RON or current collapse characteristics over a very short time scale in electrical stress experiments. In chapter 4, the current collapse phenomenon in high-voltage GaN-on-Si MIS (Metal-InsulatorSemiconductor) HEMTs designed for > 600 V operation is investigated. Device structures featuring multiple field plate structures and a gate dielectric which are different from the device studied in the previous chapters are discussed in detail. In order to handle the very high operational voltage of this device along with monitoring the current collapse precisely, a unique automatic characterization/stress measurement environment has been developed. From electrical stress experiments in the OFF-state, we have observed trapping that is so severe that leads to total current collapse such that the device effectively behaves as an "open" when subsequently biased in the ON-state. The recoverability and repeatability of this phenomenon and the impact of device geometry and temperature have been investigated in great detail. Based on many experiments, we postulate a responsible mechanism which consists of electron trapping inside the AlGaN/GaN heterostructure that takes place through a tunneling process under highelectric-field. Finally, in chapter 5 the conclusions and suggestions from our research are presented. Ways to mitigate dynamic ON-resistance phenomenon are suggested. We also propose suggestions for future work. 1.5. 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These issues have also been observed in power switching applications [3], [4] but are much less understood. Towards the goal of achieving fundamental understanding of this problem, we have developed a new dynamic RON transient measurement methodology which allows the observation of RON transients after a switching event over a time period that can span many decades. The technique combines measurements from two different instruments. The acquired dynamic using a current-transient methodology recently developed [4]. 30 RON transients are then analyzed We demonstrate the usefulness of this approach by carrying out a systematic study of dynamic RON on high-voltage GaN HEMTs on SiC substrate as a function of time, temperature and pulse conditions. In the samples that we have investigated, we find that after biasing at an OFF-state voltage the initial dynamic value of RON increases as the voltage increases. Also, on a short time scale, we find that RON recovers in a temperature independent manner. In contrast, on a longer time scale, the RON transients are found to be thermally activated. We propose that the fast recovery behavior takes place through an electron tunneling process from traps located inside the AlGaN barrier close to the GaN channel layer. Likely candidates are interface states at the AlN spacer/AIGaN barrier interface. The slower thermally-activated recovery is attributed to traps in the AlGaN or at the surface. This work provides a methodology towards understanding and mitigating dynamic RON issues in high-voltage GaN FETs. This chapter is organized as follows. First, the measurement technique is explained in details. Next, the devices used to illustrate the technique are briefly described and detailed results obtained under different conditions are presented. The importance of epitaxial growth details on dynamic RON is illustrated. Lastly we hypothesize the physical origin of the trapping behavior that is observed. 2.2. Proposed dynamic ON-resistance measurement technique The dynamic RON measurement technique that we have developed is capable of collecting RON transients from 200 ns to any arbitrary length of time. For this we use two different instruments: an Auriga AU4750 pulsed IV system for RON semiconductor device analyzer (SDA) for transients from 200 ns to 3 ms and an Agilent B1500A RON transients beyond 3 ins. In both cases, synchronous switching of VGS and VDS is performed. 31 OFF (VGSQ= -10 V, VDSQ= 50 V) to ON 1D(2 00 ns t 3 MS) @ VGS= 1 V, VDS 1.2 0.08 0.08 .D(t= 0.06 1 Ms) @ VGS= 1 V 0.06 P E 0.04-5 E E E -- 0 10 ps 0.04 200 ns e0 - 0.02- 0.02-o 040 0 PS 0 1/RON 1 2 Time [sec] 3 x 10-1 0 0.4 0.8 V0 D [IV] 1.2 Figure 2-1. ID waveform measured by pulsed IV system. The device is synchronously switched from an OFF-state quiescent bias of VGSQ=-10 V, VDsQ=50 V to an ON-state of VGs=l V and VDs changing from 50 mV to 1.2 V at ambient temperature of 25 *C. Through the simultaneous measurement of both ID(t) and VDs(t) transients in the linear regime, the instantaneous RON( 2 00 ns <t < 3 ms) is extracted as shown on the right. With the pulsed IV system, we successively switch from an OFF-state quiescent (Q) bias to an ON state given by VGs=l V and several VDS values in the linear regime of device operation (<1.2 V). In this manner, we measure the linear drain current characteristics close to the origin. Figure 2-1 shows a typical measured ID waveform in a high-voltage GaN HEMT after it is switched from an OFF-state (VGSQ= -10 V, VDSQ= 50 V) to the ON-state. ID(t) and VDS(t) are measured every 200 ns within a pulse width of 3 ms and a duty cycle of 10%. For each data point, the measurement time is 5 ns. To minimize noise and enhance measurement accuracy, each extracted data point represents an average of 300 measurements. As a result of heavy electron trapping that occurs during the OFF-state period, ON-state ID in the linear regime shows a very slow increase in time towards the expected DC value. In addition, since the pulsed IV system itself has an internal source resistance, as the device RON decreases, the range of VDS values in the ON state decreases accordingly. Through the simultaneous measurement of both ID(t) and 32 0 VDs(t) transients in the linear regime (Figure 2-1 right), the instantaneous RON(20 ns < t < 3 ms) can be extracted. 9 Semiconductor Device Analyzer Pulsed IV 8E z 0 6RON DC= 5.2 Q mm 10-7 1~7110-1014 10-1072 101 1 00 101 102 103 Time [sec] Figure 2-2. RON transients from 200 ns up to 1,000 s on GaN-on-SiC high voltage HEMTs from an OFF-state (VGSQ=-5 V, VDSQ= 4 0 V) to ON-state switching at ambient temperature of 55 'C. Blue line is obtained from pulsed IV system (Auriga AU4750) and red line from semiconductor device analyzer (Agilent B1500A). Also shown is the DC values of RON obtained after fully detrapping the device (marked as RON_Dc). This shows 66% higher RON at 200 ns than in DC. RON transients for longer time periods can be explored using the SDA. The synchronous pulsed mode of the B 1500A allows the continuous measurement of the RON transient from 3 ms to any arbitrary time. In contrast to the pulsed IV system, B1500A can measure ID(t) transients at a constant VDs value (0.5 V has been used here). By adjusting the time that the device resides in the OFF state, one can closely match the beginning of the transient as measured by the SDA with the end point of the transient measurement obtained by the pulsed I-V system and obtain a complete transient that spans many decades in time. One example is shown in Figure 2-2 for transients obtained over 10 decades in time. The blue 33 line is measured from the pulsed IV system and the red one comes from SDA. Also shown is the DC value of RON obtained after fully detrapping the device under visible light illumination. In these synchronous pulsed measurements using the pulsed I-V system and the SDA, fast switching of VGs and VDS is important so as to prevent the occurrence of a momentary high power state during the transition ("hard" switching). Figure 2-3 shows waveforms of three different switching events from the OFF state (VGSQ= -5 V, VDSQ= 40 V) to the ON state in one of our test samples. These measurements are obtained through the pulsed I-V system. In one event, the pulsing of VDS and VGS is synchronous. In the other two events, a delay of 200 ns or 400 ns is introduced between the switching off of VDS and the switching on of VGS. The corresponding RON transient measurements are shown below. The time lapse between samples in the waveforms at the top of Figure 2-3 is 5 ns. With our relatively small size devices, when tested through the pulsed I-V system, a fast slew late of 1 V/ns is measured. In the synchronous case, this results in a very short overlap (a few ns) of the VDS and VGS waveforms at relatively low values of VDS. This does not introduce any visible trapping in the device as evidenced by the resulting RON transients which are essentially identical to those obtained when a delay of 200 ns or 400 ns is introduced between the two pulses. The situation might be different in the case of large size devices where the slew rate can be significantly slower and an adjustment of the delay time between VDS and VGS pulses might be needed. In the synchronous pulse mode of the B 1500A, there is no way to control the relative delay between the gate and drain pulses. However, since the switching occurs on a much slower time scale and we always observe a good match of characteristics at the boundary with the data acquired from the pulsed I-V system, we conclude that any hard switching that might occur results in negligible trapping on the time scale in which we use this tool (t>3 ms). 34 45 2 40 1 35 VDS(t) 30 400 ns 200 ns offset offset 25 VDsMt VGSM 0 -1 20 -2 VT 15 -3 Synchronous 10 -4 VDSt 5 -5 0 0 -5 0.2 0.6 0.4 Time (ps) 0.8 1 -6 8 OFF (-5 V, 40 V) to ON @ T= 25 C 7.5 400 ns off set E 7 0 VDS t 200 n s offset 0 Synchronous 6.5 VDS I 107 -4 -5 10, It) 104 10Time [sec] 1 0-2 Figure 2-3. Top: VDs and VGS waveforms of three switching events from an OFF state -5 V, VDsQ= 40 V) to the ON state. In one event, the pulsing is synchronous. In the other two, a delay of 200 ns or 400 ns is introduced between the falling edge of VDS and the rising edge of VGS. Bottom: resulting RON transients are unaffected by the relative alignment of the VDs and VGs pulses indicating that trapping during the transient is negligible. In our relatively small size devices, a fast slew late of 1 V/ns is obtained. (VGSQ= 35 The stitching approach illustrated in Figure 2-2 is time consuming and inevitably leaves a small residual discrepancy between the measurements obtained through the two techniques at the 3 ms stitching point. This can cause noise in the final time constant spectra [4]. We have eliminated this problem by appropriately scaling the transient data obtained from the SDA. Figure 2-4 shows how this scaling works. We show here RON transients obtained with the pulsed IV system, as specified above, and the SDA. Both sets of transients are obtained with the device at the same OFF state bias point. Before the SDA measurements, the device is kept in the OFF-state for 50, 75, or 100 sec. All of them result in a visible mismatch with the pulsed IV data. As the OFF-state time increases, the initial value of RON at 3 ms increases due to higher electron trapping. The evolution of the transient beyond that initial point, however, is independent of this initial value. This can be seen in the bottom of Figure 2-4 that graphs (RON(t) RONDC)/ (RON(t=3 ms) - RON_DC) - for the three cases. As seen, the transients closely overlap each other. This suggests that the RON transients are largely independent of the initial value of RON at 3 ms and that simple scaling can be used to stitch the RON measurements obtained from the SDA to those derived from the pulsed-IV system. From this study, we have synthesized the following approach to obtain complete RON transients. First, an RON transient is obtained using the pulsed IV system. Then, the OFF-state time in the B 1500A is controlled to produce an RON transient that closely matches the final value obtained from the pulsed I-V system. The residual mismatch is resolved through scaling of the B 1500A data set to match with the pulsed I-V data at t=3 ms. The overall transient is then analyzed using the time constant spectrum approach of [4]. 36 OFF (-5 V, 40 V) to ON @ T= 25 C 9 - Pulsed IV L - -I SDA I I -I 100 sec 8 50 sec1 E E z 6 0 a: RON DC -6 -5 -4 -3 102 -1 10 10 102 Time [sec] ' 1.2 , E CO z 1 1 1 1 l 1 0.8- 0 0.6- z 0.4- 0 0.21-10 102 106 10 101 102 Time [sec] Figure 2-4. Top: RON transients in OFF(VGsQ= -5 V, VDSQ= 40 V) to ON-state switching from pulsed IV in the blue line and from SDA using different OFF-state times of 50, 75, or 100 sec. A visible mismatch occurs with the pulsed IV data. Scaling the SDA-obtained data so as to match ARON(t)/ARON(3ms) makes all lines overlap each other as shown in dotted line. The bottom one shows identical normalized RON recovery rates suggesting that the RON transients are largely independent of the initial value of RON(3ms). 37 2.3. Experimental demonstration on GaN-on-SiC HEMTs 8.5 87.57E E 60 6.5 z cr 65.5- 4.5 10~ RON DC 4.6 -mm 1 0 1 2 3 10-6 10~5 10-4 10-3 10- 10- 101 10 102 101 Time [sec] 104 Figure 2-5. Complete dynamic RON transients from 200 ns up to 10,000 s over 11 decades of time period through our proposed technique in the section 2.2. It has been obtained on GaN-on-SiC high voltage HEMTs from an OFF-state (VGSQ=-5 V, VDSQ= 4 0 V) to ON-state switching at ambient temperature of 25 'C. We have demonstrated the usefulness of our proposed dynamic RON technique by studying in detail industrially prototyped AlGaN/GaN HEMTs grown by MOCVD on SiC for S-band power amplifier application. The heterostructure includes a GaN cap and an AlN spacer. The device design features an integrated field plate and a source-connected field plate. The gate width is 6x100 pm. The devices are depletion mode with threshold voltage around -3 V. The breakdown voltage of the devices is around 160 V. All measurements are performed in the dark and in air. There was no discernible permanent degradation of the devices as a result of repeated testing under the conditions used in this work. Figure 2-5 shows complete dynamic RON transients from representative devices through our proposed technique when the device is switched from an OFF-state with VGSQ=-5 V and VDSQ= 4 0 V at T= 25 'C. This has been obtained from 200 ns up to 10,000 s over 11 decades of time. RON at 200 ns is about 38 73% higher than in DC (RONDC). Such a high dynamic RON represents a big problem for power switching applications. The pattern of recovery of RON exhibits a very slow-transient in the s-ks time range. In order to gain insight into the physics of this dynamic behavior, we have carried out OFF to ON transients from different quiescent VDS values at ambient temperature, as shown in Figure 2-6. As VDSQ increases, the dynamic RON increases in a prominent manner presumably as a result of the increased extension of the high-field region into the drain. The dominant time constants underlying these transients can be obtained using a time constant spectrum analysis [4]. We use a sum of exponentials with 20 time constants per decade within the range from 10- 7 sec to 103 sec. Examples of fits are shown at the top of Figure 2-6 and the resulting time constant spectra are shown on the bottom of this figure. These indicate that there are multiple time constants with values that do not change as the applied electric field in the OFF-state increases. Only the magnitudes of the signals are affected by increasing VDSQ. In particular, there are two prominent time constants in the 10 to 1000 s range and some more in the sub-ps to ms range. All get more prominent as VDSQ increases. There is also a time constant around 50 ms that prominently increases when VDSQ > 100 V. This could be due to the depletion region sweeping through a particular defect at high values of VDsQ. 39 16 VGSQ= -10 V VDSQ= 125 V~ 14 T o Exp 12 100 V 10 75 V z 0 -- Fitting 8 50 V 6 --------..----.-.--- 25 V 10 -1 10 RON 10-4 10-3 10- 10 DC 101 101 102 103 t (sec) 125 V O.5 0.4 V At100V 0.3 75V - E 0.2 0.1 50 V t 25V ^1 -6 -T-4 -3 C -7 10 10 10 104 10-3 10- 10-1 10 10 102 103 t [sec] Figure 2-6. Top: Dynamic RON transients after OFF to ON switching events from different quiescent VDs conditions from VDSQ= 2 5 V up to 125 V in 25 V increments at ambient temperature of 25 *C. Red dots are measurements and blues lines are fitting curves through a sum of exponential terms with time constants ranging from 10,s to 10 3s as shown in the bottom. The device exhibits prominent time constants in the 10 to 1000 s range and some in the sub-ps to ms range. As VOFF increases, the dynamic RON increases too but the time constants do not change. 40 1.8 VGSQ=-5V, VDSQ=40 V 1.6 T= 25 C 0 W 1.4 65 0 1854 1.27 10 10 -10 1 10 104 10 10 10 10 101 102 10, Time [sec] 0.5 T= 185 C ~0.4 145 C S0.3 -' -. 0.2 105 C .a A E 65C 0.1 02 10 10~6 1015 10103 10-2 10 T 100 10 102 103 [sec] 5 Figure 2-7 Top: RON/RONDC transients at different ambient temperatures for VGSQ=- V and VDsQ= 4 0 V. The resulting time constant spectra (bottom) clearly indicate that the dominant transients for long times substantially speed up as the temperature increases whereas short time constants are independent of temperature. 41 In order to further the understanding of the physical processes behind these transients, we have performed dynamic RON measurements at different ambient temperatures and their time constant spectra have been derived as presented in Figure 2-7. In this figure, the dominant transients substantially speed up as the temperature is increased. The time constant spectra at different temperatures show this acceleration very clearly. Dynamic RON at 200 ns shows slightly negative dependence as the temperature increases. This is most likely due to the high voltage trapping process resulting in less trapping as the temperature increases since in the OFF state, there is always a counterbalancing detrapping process that is enhanced. In addition to this, the device also exhibits fast transients that change little with temperature. This temperature independent behavior for short times is also verified in the corresponding spectra. 20 0.65 eV..** 15 0.82 e.V.-- A-'A*.. .0.76 10 eV . 0 ~. 0.57 eV+ *...--- ........... *. -5 23 28 33 38 43 1/kT [eV-1] Figure 2-8. Arrhenius plot of time constant spectrum of Figure 2-7. The size of the symbols is proportional to the height of the time constant peak. Dominant traps at 0.79 eV, 0.82 eV, and 0.76 eV are identified. A set of short time constants which are independent of temperature are also observed. They are responsible for the fast transients. 42 Following the methodology of [4], we have plotted the evolution of the dominant time constants with temperature in an Arrhenius plot (Figure 2-8). The size of the symbols in this figure is proportional to the height of the time constant peaks. From this Arrhenius plot, two distinct patterns emerge: a set of long time constants with thermally activated behavior and another set of short time constants that are independent of temperature. The long thermally-activated time constants can be associated with conventional traps. The dominant traps are estimated at 0.79 eV, 0.82 eV, and 0.76 eV below the conduction band edge. Traps at similar energies have been reported by other authors in similar structures [5]-[7]. To further clarify the physics, we have also performed high-power (HP) to ON transients. Figure 2-8 illustrates dynamic RON transients from a quiescent bias of VGs=2 V, VDs=7 V and their respective time constant spectra at different ambient temperatures. The power level was 5.4 W/mm at ambient temperature of 25 'C corresponding to the red line. The transients are dominated by fast time constants only. In contrast with the data in Figures 2-6 and 2-7, there are no slow thermally-activated transients present. Furthermore, the dominant time constants of the transients in Figure 2-9 are temperature independent as the spectrum clearly reveals. The initial value of RON/RON-DC at 200 ns decreases with temperature again reflecting a competition between trapping and detrapping during the HP trapping state. These temperature independent and fast recovery characteristics support the notion that the fast time constant processes that are observed in Figures. 2-6, 2-7 and 2-9 have a common origin. We have also performed additional HP-to-ON transients at different VDG values but the same power dissipation as shown in Figure 2-10. These reveal that the fast transients are not related to thermal cooling of the device but are strongly enhanced by the quiescent voltage VDGQ. In fact, RON at 200 ns follows a hot electron type law as shown on the right of Figure 2-10 suggesting that the electrons that are released during these fast transients became trapped after acquiring kinetic energy from the high field in 43 the channel. Hot-electron phenomena have been also prominently observed in several other studies [6], [8], [9] along with severe impact on RON degradation. 2.5 7 V) to ON HP(VGSQ-= 2 V, VDS 2 -2 T= 5 C z 0 CE z 0 100 1.5 150 1i II 1, 11, I 1 , 111-1 10 -6 -5 I -4 I I 10- 10 10 I 100 10 10 103 Time [sec] 0. 4 T= 150 C 0. 4 - j 100 C 0. 50 C 0 0. 2 % E 25 C 4 nw\ 0. 5-5 C 3 10~7 10~ 10-5 104 10-1 10- 10- 10 ,T 10 10 10 [sec] Figure 2-9. High power to ON-state transients at different ambient temperatures and the resulting time constant spectra (inset). The high power state bias is VGsQ= 2 V and VDsQ= 7 V (the power level was 5.4 W/mm at ambient temperature of 25 'C corresponding to the red line). The transients are dominated by temperature-independent fast time constants. No thermally activated slow-transients are observed. 44 14 vvmri4 -. 12 >I 35 E3 Pio. cc 0 8 E1 VDGQ= 2 V ~ 2100 > 2.E1.5 1 V. 6 1 10 1 5 1 1 " 3 5V0V 2 0.06 1/(VDG+V-r) 0.08 0.1 [V] Time [sec] Figure 2-10. HP to ON transients from quiescent points at different VoG but with the same power dissipation. Dynamic RON at 200 ns increases eXponential following a hot-electron type law as shown in the right. 2.4. Impact of epitaxial growth on dynamic ON-resistance We have studied the importance of epitaxial growth details on dynamic RON characteristics by applying our methodology to identical devices fabricated on a "nominally" identical epitaxial wafer that was grown by a different commercial epitaxial vendor. The device layer stack comprising the GaN cap, AlGaN barrier, AlN spacer and GaN channel layer follows an identical design with the same AlGaN mole fraction and thicknesses. Most likely, there are differences in the buffer structure design which is proprietary information of each epitaxy-growth supplier and is unknown to us. This alternative wafer was processed into devices in the same lot with the same layout as the sample discussed earlier in this thesis. The breakdown voltage of these new devices is higher than 200 V. A different buffer could well result in a different defect structure in the top active layers that produce different dynamic RON characteristics as evaluated by our methodology. As is the case for the 45 wafer discussed above, many different devices have been tested and the results have been consistent. The observed differences shown here between devices from the two wafers reflect wafer to wafer differences. Dynamic RON transients under identical OFF to ON switching conditions as in Figure 2-6 have been measured in a device from this alternative wafer at ambient temperature of 25 'C and are shown in Figure 2-11. The observed pattern of RON recovery is rather different from those shown earlier. In contrast to the dominance of long time constants in the data of Figure 2-6, the alternative wafer exhibits much weaker time constants for longer time periods whereas the short time constants in the sub-ps to ms range dominate. This is clearly seen in the time constant spectra shown in the Figure 2-11. These measurements show that these two wafers have a rather different defect structure. Dynamic RON measurements at different ambient temperatures following trapping at VGSQ=- 5 V and VDSQ= 40 V in the alternative wafer are shown in Figure 2-12. These data are equivalent to those of Figure 2-7 earlier in this thesis. Once again we find that the recovery transients with short time constants change little with temperature. This temperature independent behavior is also verified in the corresponding spectra in the bottom of Figure 2-12. 46 12 VGSQ= -10 V VDSQ=1 10 E E 8- V 25 o Exp 0 ""- 7 z Fitting 6 0 4- 25 RON DC 2) 10 - 10-10710 1 -2 -3 -1 10 10 102 10 t (sec) 0 .5 125 V 0. 100 V E 0. 3T% 75 V E U. -4- - 0.1 3 - 50 V At 25 V OIP -2 10-1 10 -7 101 10- 10-4 t 10 10 102 103 [sec] Figure 2-11. Top: dynamic RON transients in the alternative wafer (see text) after identical OFF to ON switching events as in Figure 2-6 at ambient temperature of 25 'C. The bottom shows the corresponding time-constant spectra. In contrast to Figure 2-6, devices in this wafer have much weaker time constants in the longer time periods whereas short time constants in the sub-ps to ms range dominate and do not change as VOFF increases. 47 2.5 VGSQ= -5 V, VDSQ= 40 V 2F 45 0 8 105 0 It 1.5F 65 T= 25 C 10- -6> -5 104 10-10-2 10-1 10 Time [sec] 10 102 106 0.8 T= 185 C 0.6 ~ 0.4 T 145 C V -E- E 105 C 0.2 0 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 t [sec] 10 10 10 10 Figure 2-12. Top: RON/RON _DC transients in devices from the alternative wafer at different ambient temperatures for VGSQ=-5 V and VDSQ= 4 0 V. The resulting time constant spectra (bottom) show that the dominant transients with short time constants are temperature-independent. An Arrhenius plot for the dominant time constants of Figure 2-12 is shown in Figure 2-13. As in Figure 2-8, the size of the symbols indicates the magnitude of the corresponding time constant. In this 48 alternative wafer, a richer spectrum of traps with energies between 0.57 and 1.12 eV is observed but their concentration is much lower than in Figure 2-8. The short time constants are clearly dominant in this wafer and they are again temperature independent. These results reveal that there are at least two distinct mechanisms that dominate dynamic RON transients at short times and at long times. The long time transients are associated with conventional traps. The noticeable differences in the two wafers indicate that these can be engineered through proper growth protocols. The short time transients arise from a different mechanism and both wafers suffer from it. This suggests that they might be associated with an intrinsic aspect of the heterostructure. 20 1.05 eV 1.12 eV 10 ~ .. N* 0.72 eV . . .. 0. 85 eV +.4 *.SON *ai 0 4-00 CM 10 .. 00.* -5 23 28 33 38 43 1/kT [eV-1] Figure 2-13. Arrhenius plot of time constant spectrua of Figure 2-12. The size of the symbols is proportional to the height of the time constant peak. A rich spectrum of traps with activation energies between 0.57 eV and 1.12 eV is observed but their concentration is much lower than that in Figure 2-8. The dominant time constants are short and do not exhibit any temperature dependence. 49 2.5. Mechanisms responsible for dynamic ON-resistance Our methodology when applied to GaN HEMTs on SiC reveals a rich dynamic behavior of RON- A picture that can explain all the experimental observations described above is illustrated in Figure 2-14. In the OFF state, electrons are trapped as they flow out the gate into the AlGaN barrier and eventually into the channel (Figure 2-14 left). These electrons can be trapped inside the AlGaN, at the surface or at interface states at the AlGaN/AlN interface right above the channel [10]. In the HP state on the other hand, electrons in the channel gain kinetic energy and overcome the energy barrier with the AlGaN and get trapped. Possible sites for this trapping process are interface states at the AlGaN/AlN interface right above the channel (Figure 2-14 middle). During the detrapping process that follows OFF state biasing we observe fast temperatureindependent detrapping processes as well as long thermally-activated detrapping processes. On the other hand, after HP state trapping, only fast temperature-independent detrapping is observed. This suggests that the fast processes observed in both cases have the same origin and that detrapping takes place through a tunneling process. This is consistent with detrapping from interface states at the AlGaN/AIN spacer interface [10], [11]. Traps that are physically located behind a barrier but very close to the channel and that release their electrons through a tunneling process are known as border traps [12]. We postulate that AlGaN/AlN interface states behave as border traps as the AlN layer is very thin. The longer thermally-activated time transients observed after OFF state trapping are associated with conventional traps at the surface on the gate-drain gap or inside the AlGaN barrier. These are accessible from the gate in the OFF state but not from the channel in the high-power state because of the relatively large electric field across the AlGaN barrier. The defects at the AlGaN/AiN interface are perhaps intrinsic to the nature of this interface and the high stress under which the AlN is grown. If our hypothesis is correct, this detrapping mechanism could be eliminated through removal of the AlN spacer layer. 50 slow detrapping from surface or barrier traps detrapping from border traps _____fast GaN AIGaN AIN GaN electron trapping in the OFF state hot-electron trapping in the HP state electron detrapping in the ON state Figure 2-14. Postulated mechanisms responsible for dynamic RON of GaN HEMTs observed in this work. In the OFF state, electron trapping at the surface, in the AlGaN and at the AlGaN/AIN interface takes place as electrons flow out the gate. In the HP state, hot electrons from the channel are trapped at AlGaN/AlN interface states. In the ON state, electron detrapping takes place thermally for traps in the AlGaN or at the surface and through a tunneling process for AlGaN/AIN interface traps (border traps). Many studies have been devoted to buffer trapping which depends on the various types of traps that are introduced during the growth process [13]. Some buffer trapping could be present in the devices that we have studied. Separation of buffer trapping, barrier trapping and surface trapping is an important topic that is being explored by other techniques [14]. The dynamic RON characterization methodology proposed in this work should also be helpful to study this issue. 2.6. Conclusions In summary, we have developed a new methodology to investigate RON transients over arbitrary lengths of time. We have used this new technique to study trapping effects in high-voltage GaN HEMTs 51 under a variety of pulsing conditions. In OFF-to-ON time transients, dynamic RON is enhanced up to several times the original DC value, particularly as the OFF-state voltage increases. We have identified two distinct mechanisms with different time scales and temperature behavior. On a short time scale, the fast release of trapped charge takes place through a temperature-independent tunneling process. We postulate that interface states at the AlGaN barrier/AlN spacer interface are responsible for this. Conventional thermally assisted detrapping follows on a longer time scale. This we postulate occurs from traps at the surface or inside the AlGaN barrier. In contrast, after a High-Power to ON switching, only fast detrapping through a temperature independent process is observed. This is also consistent with trapping at the AlGaN/AlN interface. These findings provide a path to engineer a GaN power-switching transistor with minimum dynamic RON problems. 2.7. References [1] G. Meneghesso, G. Verzellesi, R. Pierobon, F. Rampazzo, A. Chini, U. K. Mishra, C. Canali, and E. Zanoni, "Surface-related drain current dispersion effects in AlGaN-GaN HEMTs," IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 51, no. 10, pp. 1554-1561, Oct. 2004. [2] R. Chu, A. Corrion, M. Chen, R. Li, D. Wong, D. Zehnder, B. Hughes, and K. 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The expanded RF load line (left) and the hard-switching operation (right) undergo high-power state continuously which can degrade the device performance. 55 In this chapter, by using this technique, we aim to achieve further understanding in the degradation of dynamic RON characteristics as a result of electrical stress of GaN transistors. In particular, we study here the impact of high-power stress on dynamic RON- In the operational domain of GaN transistors for both power-switching and RF power amplifier applications, the devices can frequently experience very high power state as shown in Figure 3-1 which describes the expanded load line in the RF power amplifier and the trajectory of power switching operation in the hard-switching mode. It clearly shows that the accumulated stress from high power state operation can be problematic to the reliability of GaN transistors as well as dynamic RON characteristics. However, there is much less understanding about these issues [1]. Using our newly proposed technique discussed in the chapter 2, we study here the impact of highpower (HP) stress on dynamic RON- We find that HP-stress results in much worsened dynamic RON in the sub-ms range, that is, RON increases several fold in a short time scale after an OFF-ON switching event. This occurs as a result of the stress-induced creation of traps with relatively short time constants. On a longer time scale, negligible degradation of dynamic RON is observed. These findings suggest that accumulated device operation that reaches out to the HP state under RF power or hard-switching conditions can result in undesirable degradation of dynamic RON on a short time scale. Our results highlight the importance of characterizing electrically stress-induced dynamic RON and current collapse over very short time scales. 3.2. Experiments In this study, we have characterized research prototype AlGaN/GaN HEMTs from an industrial partner fabricated on a heterostructure that has been grown by MOCVD on SiC. These devices are identical to the ones investigated in the section 2.4 of the previous chapter. The heterostructure includes a GaN cap and an AlN spacer between the AlGaN barrier and the GaN channel. The devices feature an 56 integrated field plate and a source-connected field plate and exhibit a breakdown voltage higher than 200 V. We have stressed these devices in the high-power state with VGS= 2 V (ID 0.6 A/mm) and VDs= 20 V at room temperature which generates a power level of around 12 W/mm. The channel temperature during the stress is estimated to be around 380 'C. This is a very harsh stress condition designed to accelerate the rate of degradation. We interrupt the stress every minute and characterize the evolution of important DC figures of merits such as RON, maximum drain current (IDMAX), and gate leakage current (MGOF) using a benign characterization suite [2]. Dynamic RON is also investigated using our newly proposed methodology [3] discussed in the chapter 2. We have applied this method to five identical test devices fabricated on the same chip before and after HP-stress times of 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 mins. 100 1.2 '1.1 R ON o 10 E DMAX E 00.9 1 ~0.8 0 00 I GOFF 0.7 0.1 0.6 0 30 20 10 High power ON-state stress time [min] 40 Figure 3-2. Time evolution of DC RON, IDMAX (normalized to their initial values) and IIGOFFI during a constant HP-state stress in GaN HEMTs. RON is defined by the inverse of the linear drain current measured at VGS= 1 V and VDS= 0.5 V and IDMAX is defined at VGs= 2 V and VDS= 8 V. IGOFF is the gate leakage current measured at VGS= -5 V and VDS= 0.1 V. The stress conditions are VGS= 2 V and VDs= 20 V. Up to about 30 min of stress, the device characteristics show minor changes. Beyond 30 min, prominent degradation in both RON and IDMAx and minor one in IIGOFF are observed. 57 Figure 3-2 plots the time evolution of DC as IGOFF RON and lDMAX normalized to their initial values as well as a function of stress time for the sample that was stressed for 40 min. The device shows quite robust characteristics up to 30 min. Beyond this point, significant degradation takes place in IDMAX RON and while a minor increase in IGOFF is observed. The degradation in RON and lDMAX are mirror images of each other, suggesting a common origin. The samples stressed for 10, 20 and 30 mins exhibit very minor degradation in their DC RON and IDMAX values, consistent with the results of Figure 3-2. Semiconductor Device Analyzer rransient from Pulsed-IV 12 10 OFF (VG 3Q= -10 V, VDSQ= 50 V) to ON( VGS= 1 V, VDS : 1.2 V) 8 0 0 Czc 6 tstress= 40 min 4 30 2 1 V 10 Virgin -7 -6 10 -5 10~ -4 10~ -3 10 I I I 101 10 10 10 -2 10 -1 1 Time [sec] Figure 3-3. Dynamic RON transients from 200 ns up to 200 s after OFF (VGSQ= -10 V, VDSQ= 50 V) to ON (VGS= 1 V and VDS < 1.2 V) switching event in different samples that have been subject to different HP-state stress periods ranging from 0 to 40 min. Up to 30 min of stress, minor changes in dynamic RON are observed. After 40 min of stress, there is a more than ten-fold increase in dynamic RON. Very fast RON recovery in the ms range is observed in all cases. 58 Figure 3-3 shows RON recovery transients from 200 ns up to 200 s for all devices after an OFFstate pulse with VGSQ= -10 V and VDSQ= 50 V. From 200 ns up to 3 ms, RON is continuously being measured at VGs= 1 V and VDS < 1.2 V with a duty cycle of 10% in the pulsed IV system. During the rest of time up to 200 s, RON is being measured using the I-V time sampling mode in the semiconductor device analyzer after an identical OFF-ON state switching (single pulse) has been applied. In a virgin device, after this switching event, RON at 200 ns is about 36% higher than in DC (RONDc) and recovers back within -10 ms. After HP stress, dynamic RON at 200 ns increases but the recovery takes place on a similar time scale. After 40 min of stress time, the dynamic RON at 200 ns dramatically increases more than tenfold over RONDC. This is very problematic for both power switching and RF applications. 1I 10 RON/RONDC at 200 ns 0 0 U 5 4 3 2 10 ms 0 0 zr ~ 1 i rONDC1 rON_DCvirgin 0.5 0 10 20 30 40 HP-state stress time [min] Figure 3-4. Normalized dynamic RON (RON/RONDC) of Figure 3-3 at different times (200 ns, 10 ps, and 10 ms) and RONDC/RONDC virgin (RONDC value in the virgin device) as a function of HPstate stress time in a semilog scale. Dynamic RON mostly increases in a time range from 200 ns up to a few Ms. RONDC/RONDC virgin shows small increase up to 16% in comparison to dynamic RON suggesting minor permanent (non-transient) degradation. 59 Figure 3-4 shows dynamic RON (RON/RONDC) at 200 ns, 10 p[s and 10 ms as well as RONDC/RONDC_virgin (RON_DC value in the virgin device) as a function of stress time in a semilog scale. This graph leaves clear how dynamic RON increases greatly between 30 and 40 min of stress but only on a time scale in the ps range. Beyond 10 ms or so, few changes are observed. In addition, RON DC/RONDC-virgin shows a small increase up to 16% in comparison to dynamic RON suggesting minor permanent (nontransient) degradation. These findings highlight the importance of selecting an appropriate time scale for the study of dynamic RON and current collapse in GaN HEMTs after electrical stress. 0.8 RON + i RON 00 40 min 0.6 0.4 E 0.2 20 30 ,Virgin, 0 -7 10 10 -6 10 -5 10~ 103 10 10~1 10 t [sec] 0 1 10 10 2 103 Figure 3-5. Time-constant spectra for RON transients of Figure 3-3. A sum of exponential terms with time constant ranging from 100 ns to 1000 s is used to fit the measurement data. The equation used for fitting is indicated in the inset. The fit yields the ai coefficient corresponding to each time constant Ti. These data reveal that after 40 min of stress, there is a prominent increase of the magnitude of transients with short time constants. 60 In order to understand the physical origin of these prominent transients, we have analyzed the time domain RON data by fitting it with a sum of exponentials (see inset in Figure 3-5) [4]. 20 different time constants per time decade equally distributed in a logarithmic time scale were used in the fit of every transient. The amplitude of the various components as a function of their respective time constants is shown in Figure 3-5. It is clear that after 40 minutes of stress time, fast transients emerge with time constants in the sts to ms range. In contrast, negligible changes occur in the long time constant domain. 12 50- 10 T= 25 C E E 30 8 6 0 0 Cc Q 0z C:0 6 4 OFF(-10 V, 50 V) to ON 40- 1 1 .. T 10 0 11 -6, -5 -4 -3) -2) 1-710010101010 ~11ic 0 11 -11 2 1010 10210 3 Time [sec] 2 10 7 -6 10~ 10 -5 -4 10~ -3 10~ 10~ 2 10 - 10 0 10 1 10 2 Time [sec] Figure 3-6. RON/RONDC transients at different temperatures between 25 *C and 150 'C for VGsQ= -10 V and VDsQ= 50 V after 40 min HP stress. The inset shows the absolute value of the RON transient. As the temperature goes up, the dominant transients are substantially accelerated. This suggests that the transients are due to generated traps. Dynamic RON measurements at different ambient temperatures (T) have been performed with the goal of illuminating the physical origin of these transients. The inset of Figure 3-6 shows RON transients at T between 25 'C and 150 0C for the sample that has been subject to 40 min HP stress. As the temperature 61 increases, RONDC increases due to a reduction in mobility. RON at 200 ns, on the other hand, decreases as electron trapping is mitigated at high temperature. This is more clearly seen in Figure 3-6 that shows the normalized value of RON over the RONDC value. As the temperature increases, trapping is less severe and the recovery transient is considerably accelerated. 3.5 -55 C_ -tt -35 C t 3 2.5, ci) C tt-15 Ao%, 5 C AM 2 4-. 0~ E 1 101 25C ILL~A~&SL -U--- it 65 C T 1 t 85C- dOPORRAWAN.- 105 C 0.5 A " 10 - 125 C_ 150 C -7 10 -6 10 -5 10 -4 10 -3 10 -2 10 -1 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 't[sec] Figure 3-7. Time-constant spectra for RON transients for temperatures between -55 'C and 150 'C including the transients in Figure 3-6. Arrows with different colors distinguish individual time constant peaks at different temperatures. Most of them move towards shorter time constants as the temperature increases indicating a thermally activated behavior. 62 20 0.75 eV .... EA= 0.87 eV 15 0 0.577eV eV -0.53 eV - -t404 A5-- ~>0 eV - ---- --- 0.31 eV .23 eV .. 0 -5 25 30 35 40 1/kT [eV-1] 45 50 55 Figure 3-8. Arrhenius plot of time constant spectra from Figure 3-7. The size of the symbols is proportional to the height of the time constant peaks and the color of them matches that of the arrows in Figure 3-7. The dominant trap energy levels are located at 0.31, 0.45, 0.53 and 0.57 eV below the conduction band edge most likely in the AlGaN barrier. These are the traps that are responsible for the dramatic increase in dynamic RON that is observed in the short time scale. Figure 3-7 exhibits the time constant spectra extracted from RON transients over a wide temperature range from -55 'C to 150 *C including transients from Figure 3-6. Arrows with different colors identify the evolution of individual time constant peaks across temperatures. Most of the time constants are seen to shorten as temperature increases which suggests that they originate from thermally assisted electron detrapping from conventional traps (as opposed to traps that communicate with the channel through a tunneling process [5]-[7]). The evolution of the dominant time constants with temperature is depicted in an Arrhenius plot in Figure 3-8. The size of the symbols is proportional to the magnitude of the peak in the time constant spectra of Figure 3-7. The color of the symbols is also consistent with the arrows in Figure 3-7. The thermally activated behavior for the time constants that is obtained allows us to conclude that 63 conventional traps are responsible for the increase in dynamic RON. Figure 3-8 reveals that the dominant trap energy levels that have been created as a result of electrical stress have ionization energies of 0.31, 0.45, 0.53 and 0.57 eV. Traps with low energy levels such as 0.23, 0.31, and 0.45 eV appear to have been generated as a result of the HP-stress whereas deeper traps already existed in the virgin sample but their density seems to have increased [5]. The observed traps are presumed located below the conduction band edge of the AlGaN barrier inside its body or at the surface. Similar trap energy levels have also been reported in similar structures after electrical stress by other authors [8], [9]. 3.3. Discussion 5 OFF (-10 V, 50 V) to ON 4F After 3 min HP-stress with SVDS= 30 V, P~ 9 W/mm 0) 0 3F After 20 min HP-stress with VDs= 20 V, P~ 12 W/mm 0E 2F r in . 1 10 1-4 15 1 1 -2 -10 10 10 10 103 Time [sec] Figure 3-9. Dynamic RON transients after OFF (VGSQ= -10 V, VDSQ= 50 V) to ON switching event for samples subjected to HP-state stress under different conditions. The red solid line indicates a very large increase of dynamic RON up to five-fold RON-DC at 200 ns only after 3 min HP stress at VDS= 30 V (P= 9 W/mm). In comparison with the RON/RONDC increase after 20 min HP stress at lower VDS of 20 V and higher P level of 12 W/mm in pink dashed line, this result suggests that HP stress at higher VDS promotes greater dynamic RON degradation. In all cases, a very fast RON recovery down to the ms range is observed. 64 Through the HP-stress test, GaN HEMTs experience not only very high temperature in the channel region but also a high electric field which can potentially produce copious amounts of hot electrons [10]. These can create the damage that is behind the observed degradation of dynamic RON. The roles of VDS and temperature in the degradation of dynamic RON during HP stress can be separated by performing tests at different bias conditions. In Figure 3-9, we show the evolution of dynamic RON normalized to its DC value after an HPstress experiment at a higher VDS of 30 V but lower power level around 9 W/mm (by reducing the DC stress current). The channel temperature is expected to be lowered down to 291 'C. Even after only 3 min of this HP stress, the dynamic RON at 200 ns in response to an OFF to ON switching event (same conditions as earlier in this chapter) increases five-fold over the DC value, as shown in Figure 3-9. When compared with the much smaller RON/RONDC increase after 20 min of HP stress at a lower VDS of 20 V and higher power level around 12 W/mm (also shown in the graph), this result suggests that HP stress at higher VDS induces greater dynamic RON degradation. Under these new conditions, the RON transients show fast recovery in the sub-ms range suggesting the same physical origin of the created traps in both experiments. Our recent studies of dynamic RON in AlGaN/GaN high-voltage HEMTs (the section 2.4) suggest that epitaxial growth conditions greatly matter [5]. Here, we illustrate how different growth protocols of otherwise identical structures also yield markedly different robustness of dynamic RON to high power electrical stress. For this purpose, we have tested devices made from wafers grown by a different epi supplier (denoted here as "epi supplier II" in contrast with the results presented up to now in this chapter on samples from a different "epi supplier I"). They are identical to the ones studied in the section 2.3 of the previous chapter. The two wafers were processed into devices in the same lot. Figure 3-10 shows the time evolution of normalized DC RON and lDMAX as well as IGOFF during a constant HP-stress experiment 65 on a device from a wafer grown by epi-supplier II. The stress conditions are identical to those of Figure 32 (VGs= 2 V and VDS= 20 V), but the stress period is lengthened to 2 hr. In spite of this longer stress time, in the epi-supplier II sample, in contrast to the epi-supplier I case, negligible degradation is observed in RON and IDMAX during this stress test. A large increase of JIGOFF is observed but we find this to be fully recoverable under sufficient visible-light illumination. Epi-supplier 11 1.2 100 0DMAX 10 ON E E -.90.6 z GOFF - I*.1 1 E LA. 0 _0 0.4 0.1 0 0.2 0 0.01 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Time [min] Figure 3-10. Time evolution of normalized DC RON, IDMAX and IIGOFF in a constant HP-state stress in devices made from a different epi-supplier sample (denoted as epi-supplier II). The stress conditions are those of Figure 3-2 (VGs= 2 V, VDS= 20 V) but the stress time is extended to 2 hr. In the epi-supplier II sample, there is no prominent permanent degradation in RON, IDMAX and |IGOFFI. The large increase of IIGOFF is fully recoverable under sufficient illumination of visible light. Dynamic RON transients after identical OFF (VGSQ= -10 V, VDsQ= 50 V) to ON switching events were also measured before and after 2 hr HP-stress test in the epi-supplier II sample and are shown in Figure 3-11. Compared with the intrinsic dynamic RON transient characteristic of the virgin epi-supplier II sample, there is only a minor increase in the dynamic RON observed even after the 2 hr HP stress. This 66 is also much less than the dynamic RON transient observed in the sample from epi-supplier I after much shorter stress under the same conditions. This result suggests that epi-supplier II devices are more robust to HP-state stress than those of epi-supplier I. A detailed study of the origin of this is beyond the scope of our research goal in this chapter. However, two possible explanations are apparent. The different buffer design in the two structures affects the thermal conductance of the substrate. In fact, the thermal resistance of the device from epi-supplier II is estimated to be lower than 10 'C/W which is one third of that of the equivalent epi-supplier I sample. A much lower channel temperature during the same HP stress should be less harmful to the device. In addition, the epi-supplier II sample has a greater concentration of long-time constant traps than the epi-supplier I sample [5]. When these traps held electrons, they alleviate the electric field profile inside the device [11]. For the same VDs bias condition, a device structure with a greater concentration of traps might then be more robust to hot-electron induced degradation. 12 1 OFF(-10 V, 50 V) to ON 10 min HP-stress S840 A~e' 0 0 - on Epi-supplier I 6 S 4 2 hr HP-stress onEpi-supplier 11 2 Virgin Epi-supplier II 10-6 10--5 104-4 10--3 102-2 1 0-1 1 10 0 11 Time [sec] 1 022 1033 Figure 3-11. Dynamic RON transient after an OFF (VGSQ= -10 V, VDsQ= 50 V) to ON switching event on epi-supplier Il sample before and after 2 hr HP stress at VGS= 2 V and VDS= 20 V (P~- 12 W/mm). In contrast to the large degradation of dynamic RON in epi-supplier I device after the 40 min HP-stress (purple dashed line), there is only a minor increase of dynamic RON observed after 2 hr HP stress in epi-supplier 11 sample. 67 3.4. Conclusions We have experimentally observed a large increase in dynamic RON on a short-time scale after high-power electrical stress of GaN HEMTs. The cause is attributed to the formation of shallow traps inside the AlGaN barrier or at its surface. A rich spectrum of traps with different binding energies has been identified. This work suggests that prolonged device operation of GaN HEMTs under RF power conditions (in microwave applications) or under hard-switching conditions (in power management) can result in an undesirable increase of dynamic RON on a very short time scale. 3.5. References [1] G. Meneghesso, F. Rampazzo, P. Kordos, G. Verzellesi, and E. Zanoni, "Current Collapse and HighElectric-Field Reliability of Unpassivated GaN/AlGaN/GaN HEMTs," IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 53, no. 12, pp. 2932-2941, Dec. 2006. [2] J. A. del Alamo and J. Joh, "GaN HEMT reliability," Microelectron. Reliab., vol. 49, no. 9-11, pp. 1200-1206, Sep. 2009. [3] D. Jin and J. A. del Alamo, "Methodology for the Study of Dynamic ON-Resistance in High-Voltage GaN Field-Effect Transistors," IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 60, no. 10, pp. 3190-3196, Oct. 2013. [4] J. Joh and J. A. del Alamo, "A Current-Transient Methodology for Trap Analysis for GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors," IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 58, no. 1, pp. 132-140, Jan. 2011. [5] D. Jin and J. A. del Alamo, "Mechanisms responsible for dynamic ON-resistance in GaN highvoltage HEMTs," in 2012 24th InternationalSymposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs (ISPSD), 2012, pp. 333-336. [6] S. A. Vitusevich, 0. A. Antoniuk, M. V. Petrychuk, S. V. Danylyuk, A. M. Kurakin, A. E. Belyaev, and N. Klein, "Low-frequency noise in AlGaN/GaN HEMT structures with AlN thin film layer," Phys. Status Solidi C, vol. 3, no. 6, pp. 2329-2332, 2006. [7] D. M. Fleetwood, M. R. Shaneyfelt, and J. R. Schwank, "Estimating oxide El trap, interface E trap, and border~ltrap charge densities in metal E oxidel semiconductor transistors," Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 64, no. 15, pp. 1965-1967, Apr. 1994. [8] A. R. Arehart, A. Sasikumar, G. D. Via, B. Winningham, B. Poling, E. Heller, and S. A. Ringel, "Spatially-discriminating trap characterization methods for HEMTs and their application to RFstressed AlGaN/GaN HEMTs," in Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), 2010 IEEE International,2010, pp. 20.1.1-20.1.4. [9] A. Sozza, C. Dua, E. Morvan, M. A. diForte-Poisson, S. Delage, F. Rampazzo, A. Tazzoli, F. Danesin, G. Meneghesso, E. Zanoni, A. Curutchet, N. Malbert, N. Labat, B. Grimbert, and J.-C. De Jaeger, "Evidence of traps creation in GaN/AlGaN/GaN HEMTs after a 3000 hour on-state and off- 68 state hot-electron stress," in Electron Devices Meeting, 2005. IEDM Technical Digest. IEEE International,2005, p. 4 pp.-593. [10]M. Meneghini, A. Stocco, R. Silvestri, N. Ronchi, G. Meneghesso, and E. Zanoni, "Impact of hot electrons on the reliability of AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors," in Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS), 2012 IEEE International,2012, pp. 2C.2.1-2C.2.5. [11] S. Demirtas and J. A. del Alamo, "Effect of trapping on the critical voltage for degradation in GaN high electron mobility transistors," in Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS), 2010 IEEE International,2010, pp. 134-138. 69 70 Chapter 4. Total current collapse in high-voltage GaN-on-Si MIS-HEMT 4.1. Introduction In the previous chapters, we have investigated dynamic RON or current collapse characteristics and their degradation as a result of high power stress in high voltage GaN-on-SiC HEMTs in great detail. The devices studied before were designed for high-voltage RF power amplifier application. In this chapter, GaN power switching devices are studied with the purpose of investigating the current collapse phenomenon in the high voltage OFF-state condition up to around 1000 V. In order to achieve this goal, a new experimental set up has been established to handle both very high voltage and accurate characterization in a user-safe environment. In addition, a research collaboration with Texas Instruments has been established with the goal of achieving fundamental understanding of current collapse phenomenon in industrially prototyped GaN Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor High-Electron-Mobility Transistors (MIS-HEMTs) fabricated on large-diameter Si substrates. GaN MIS-HEMT power transistors have emerged as promising candidate components for future high-voltage power management applications. The gate dielectric in MIS structures can reduce OFF-state leakage current significantly compared to the Schottky gate structure widely used in RF power amplifier 71 applications. In addition, GaN-on-Si epitaxial wafer technology guarantees substantial cost benefits in the fabrication process, as discussed in chapter 1. However, in order for this device to become commerciallyviable, current collapse or dynamic RON phenomenon should be investigated and mitigated to the greatest extent. To suppress this effect along with enhancing the voltage handling ability of these devices, multi field-plate structures are utilized [1]. While valuable in this regard, their effectiveness to prevent current collapse is unclear, particularly at high voltage [2]. Our goal here is to study this important issue in depth. In this work, we have investigated current collapse in GaN MIS-HEMTs with multiple fieldplates designed for > 600 V operation. In the OFF-state, when VDS exceeds around 200 V, we observe trapping that is so severe that leads to total current collapse and the device effectively behaves as an "open" when subsequently biased in the ON state. This phenomenon is fully recoverable and repeatable. The impact of device geometry and temperature on this anomaly has been investigated and the responsible activation energies for the trapping/detrapping dynamics have been extracted. All of our experimental results are consistent with electron trapping inside the AlGaN barrier or the GaN channel that takes place through a tunneling process under high-electric-field. We term this "Zener trapping". The understanding from our work suggests that current collapse can be mitigated through careful attention to defect control during epitaxial growth of GaN-on-Si wafer and appropriate design of the field plate structure of the device. 72 4.2. Experimental set up Figure 4-1. Diagram of power device characterization set-up built in the lab. DC and AC stress/characterization can be carried out by Agilent B1505A and Auriga pulsed IV on the Cascade Tesla high-power probe station. Pulsed UV light source system is developed to test detrapping effect depending on light illumination with different wavelength. Automatic computer control environment for each instrument has been developed as well. High voltage test functionality up to 3000V is established from the entire set-up. In order to obtain thorough understanding of these issues on GaN high voltage power transistors, we have built a unique reliability test set up which is briefly illustrated in Figure 4-1. At the center of this set up is a Cascade Tesla high power probe station which can handle voltages up to 10,000 V. This probe station incorporates a safety laser light curtain which can immediately shut down any on-going high voltage measurements inside the probe station if a breach of the laser curtain is detected. Our system also includes an Agilent B1505A power device analyzer which can perform very accurate device characterization in the voltage range up to 3000 V. In addition, our Auriga pulsed IV system has been upgraded to allow a higher voltage range up to 600 V. In addition to these instruments, a pulsed UV light illumination system has been designed and built to test accelerated detrapping in devices through light illumination. 73 Xenon fiber optic light source -250nm (5.0 eV) - 1100nm (1.1 eV) UV light illuminationsystem A? Computer-controlled monochromator - Tunable bandpass filters for light Automated filter wheel -A six position wheel controls intensity of light source On the probe station UV optical fiber - Draw the output of light source to the probed device Figure 4-2. Pulsed UV light source system consisting of Xenon fiber optic light source, computer controllable monochromator, and automated filter wheel. The brief functional description per each one is scripted. The UV optical fiber tip drawing the output of light source system is placed closely to the sample on the probe station, as shown on the right, so as to beam UV light directly onto the top of the sample. Figure 4-2 illustrates the details of our pulsed UV light source system. It consists of a Xenon fiber optic light source which generates a wide light spectrum from 250 nm up to 1100 nm wavelength. A computer controllable monochromator has been attached to the output of the light source. This is a tunable bandpass filter through which we can select any preferred light wavelength. In addition to the controllability of wavelength, an automated filter wheel has been attached to control the intensity of the filtered light. This is a six-position wheel and each position can hold a specific filter with different degrees of transparency. These positions can be selected by means of computer control. Lastly, one end of the UV optical fiber is connected to the final output of the automated filter wheel and the other end is 74 located very close to the device under test on the probe station such that the output of the light source shines directly onto the probed device. Since any UV light leakage from this system can be very detrimental to the user, the system is enclosed in a UV safety box made by polycarbonate plates which are also covered with a UV filter film. This safety box encloses the Xenon fiber light source and the rest of optical system, as shown in the right of Figure 4-1. All of these parameters of UV light source system can be controlled by the same main computer machine which controls all the other measurement instruments such as pulsed IV and power device analyzer. 4.3. Total current collapse under OFF-state stress IDun (VGS= 0 (b) (a) V, VDS= 0.2 V) VDS FP3 FP1 FP2 0.2V OFF-state stress characterization VGS GaN V - VT -5V 10 s at every step Figure 4-3 (a) Three field plate structures (FP1, FP2, and FP3) placed in a stairway fashion along the gate-to-drain gap in AlGaN/GaN MIS-HEMTs. (b) The waveform of VDs and VGS in the OFF-state step-stress experiment. VDS continually steps up while VGS is biased at VT - 5 V. Every stress period is 10 s. Between each step, IDun which is defined at VGS= 0 V, VDS= 0.2 V is periodically monitored. IDfln is inversely proportional to RON. 75 The devices studied here are industrially prototyped AlGaN/GaN MIS-HEMTs fabricated on a 6inch Si wafer. They feature three field plates placed in a stairway fashion along the gate-to-drain gap as shown in the Figure 4-3 (a). The breakdown voltage is > 600 V and RON and IDMAX are 10 Q-mm and 550 mA/mm, respectively. To study the impact of high-V stress on RON, we perform OFF-state step-stress experiments. In these experiments, we gradually step VDSSTRESS while constantly biasing VGs at VT - 5 V. The continuous waveform of VDS and VGS in the OFF-state step-stress is illustrated in the Figure 4-3 (b). Between each step-stress, we periodically perform fast measurements of the linear drain current (IDun, defined at VGS= 0 V, VDS= 0.2 V) which is inversely proportional to RON as well as the transfer and output characteristics. 1 VGS= VT- 0.8 5 V 0.6 0.4 0.2 RON/RON(O) >1 010 0 0 200 400 VDSSTRESS 600 (V) 800 Figure 4-4. Evolution of normalized IDn in an OFF-state step-stress experiment. VGS is biased at VT - 5 V and VDS is step-stressed by 20 V every 10 seconds up to 720 V. Total current collapse occurs for VDSSTRESS> 3 0 0 V and RON increases by -10 orders of magnitude at the end of the experiment. 76 Figure 4-4 shows the evolution of normalized IDun in a typical experiment in which VDS increases by 20 V every 10 seconds up to 720 V. We find that up to VDSSTRESS= 200 V, IDun degrades slightly, about 10%. Around 200 V, IDun abruptly drops to around 10% of its initial value. For higher VDSSTRESS, IDun continues to degrade and eventually when VDS > 300 V, total current collapse occurs. At the end of experiment, RON increases correspondingly by -10 orders of magnitude! This behavior has been consistently observed in devices across the 6-inch wafer. This total current collapse phenomenon is a significant concern to AlGaN/GaN MIS-HEMT power-switching technology and demands urgent attention. From this experimental observation to the total current collapse phenomenon, our work aims to answer several key aspects. First of all, we want to understand the recoverability of this phenomenon and evaluate any permanent degradation that might be taking place. Trapping and non-trapping related effects need to be distinguished. Secondly, the location of this phenomenon inside the device needs to be identified. In addition, the dynamics of this process should be understood and the physical mechanism responsible for this should be identified. Lastly, ways to mitigate or eliminate this problem should be suggested based on our best understanding. 4.4. Recovery of total current collapse In order to comprehend the recovery of this total current collapse phenomenon, we have performed consecutive OFF-state step-stress experiments on the same sample. Each experiment is followed by a detrapping step in which we illuminate strong UV light and apply a thermal treatment at 200'C for at least 180 min to the sample. Strikingly, the fully degraded IDlin shows complete recovery after each detrapping step and in the next run of OFF-state step-stress experiment, completely identical characteristics of total current collapse are replicated. Figure 4-5 shows this full recovery characteristic clearly during 6 consecutive experiments on the same device. These experiments are fully repeatable 77 without inducing any permanent degradation in the device. This suggests that there is neither trap creation nor any kind of permanent damage as a result of these current collapse experiments. 1 OFF-state stre ss: VGS =VT- 5 0.8 0 3 1st run V rd 4th ~0.4 6th 0.2 0 0 100 300 200 VDSSTRESS 400 (V) Figure 4-5. Six consecutive OFF-state step-stress experiments up to 400 V on the same sample. Detrapping procedure with UV exposer and thermal treatment (180 min at 200*C) has been applied in between each run. Total current collapse characteristic shows complete recovery and repeatability after detrapping procedures suggesting that this results from completely trapping. 4.5. Extension and location of current blockage In order to understand this serious problem, we have carried out detailed characterization of the devices in their collapsed state. Figure 4-6 shows the output characteristics before and after 300 sec of OFF-state stress at 300 V. After high-voltage stress, we observe nearly complete current collapse at low VDS. However, for higher VDS, the drain current starts flowing again. This behavior is characteristic of channel punch-through [3], [4] suggesting that the blockage region where trapping takes place is relatively short along the channel direction. Since the lateral extent of current blockage region is very short, any current cannot flow through the channel region at low VDS but as VDS increases, a small amount of current eventually can pass through this region depending on the VDS value, as shown in Figure 4-6 78 (right). This result indicates that the excessive trapping occurs in a highly localized region inside the device. 600 After STRESS 14 Vs-VT=_7 V Virgin 5 V 12 500 E% E 400 -IE 300 E E 200 100 5V IE # 'E 3V After 300 VI STRESS - # 1 V VGS-V= 7 V 10 1v 8 6 4 ~2 2 -1V 0 0 3 6 9 12 15 0 3 6 12 9 15 VDS (V) VDS (V) Figure 4-6. Output characteristics before (blue) and after (red) 300 sec of OFF-state stress at VDS STRESS= 300 V and VGS= VT - 5 V. After stress, at low VDS, nearly complete current collapse is observed. However, as VDs increases the drain current starts flowing again. The collapsed output characteristics resemble a punchthrough device. 1.E+02 VDS= Virgin 0.2 V 1.E+00 E , I~ 300 V II~J 360 V ------------.. V-O E E 100 V 1.E-04 400 V 1.E-06 500 V -2 0 2 4 6 VGS-VTO (V) Figure 4-7. Evolution of the linear subthreshold characteristics (VDs= 0.25 V) during the stress of Figure 4-3. VTO is the initial threshold voltage where ID is 1 pA/mm. VT does not change at all under total current collapse. 79 Additionally, we have investigated the evolution of the subthreshold characteristics (Figure 4-7) during the stress of Figure 4-4 in a semi-log scale as a function of Vcs - VTO where VTO is the initial threshold voltage. Here, threshold voltage is defined at ID= 1 uA-mm. First of all, during on-state where VGS-VT0 > 0 V, as VDS stress becomes higher than 200 V, on-state current drops significantly with VDSSTRESS eventually down to the noise level. This is consistent with our observation of IDun degradation in Figure 4-4. However, interestingly, in the subthreshold regime, this figure shows that VT is unaffected at all from this effect. This result suggests that the channel current blockage responsible for current collapse is not located underneath the gate as this would induce a large shift in VT. Instead, the excessive trapping occurs in the extrinsic region of the device. 1.E+02 1.E+01 E 1.E+00 S 1.E-01 C,) - S1. E-02 1.E-04 0 200 100 VDSSTRESS 300 400 (V) Figure 4-8. Evolution of source (Is), gate (IG), drain (ID), and substrate (IB) currents during the stress periods of Figure 4-5 up to 400 V. As the OFF-state bias increases beyond 300 V, the drain-to-substrate current increases. At the onset of severe trapping, all currents are negligible. 80 Figure 4-8 shows the evolution of the 4 terminal currents during the stress of Figure 4-4. As the stress voltage increases beyond 300 V, the drain-to-substrate current becomes dominant. However, at the onset of severe trapping, all currents are rather negligible, less than 1 nA/mm. This result may suggest that the onset of excessive trapping is weakly related to the evolution of the terminal currents and has a different origin. 1 . longer 1 LGD 0.8 standard S0. C .6 0.4 0.8 S short ~long short 0.4 0.2 0 0 0 200 100 300 VDS STRESS 400 0.8 (V) .-0.6 0 0 100 300 200 VDSSTRESS () short 0.4 0.2 400 (d) 400 long 0.6 0.2 0 300 (V) LFp3 0.8 CD short 200 VDSSTRESS 0- long _ 100 1 LFP2 standard 0 (b) 1 (c) standard 0.6 long 0.2 (a) LFPl standard 0 100 200 300 400 VDSSTRESS (V) Figure 4-9. Impact of device geometry on IDun degradation under OFF-state step-stress up to VDs-sTREss= 400 V and VGS= VT - 5 V. The trapping characteristics do not depend on gate-to-drain gap length (LGD), Vs field plate length (LFP1), 2 d field plate length (LFP2) and 3 rd field plate length (LFP3). 81 It is now clear that the trapping responsible for total current collapse takes place in the extrinsic region of the device. To pinpoint its location with greater precision, we have examined the impact of device geometry between gate and drain electrodes where the high field extends at high voltage. We have performed identical OFF-state step stress up to 400 V on devices with different geometries of the gate-todrain gap (LGD), field plate the 1t field plate length (Lm1 ), the 2 "d field plate length (Lm), and the P 3 length (Lm). As shown in the Figure 4-9, any device geometry variation along the channel direction does not affect the trapping characteristics in a significant way. This result strongly suggests that the total current collapse phenomenon must correlate with the evolution of electric-field peak because this is expected to be relevant for trapping and also relatively independent of any variation of device geometry along the channel direction. Any difference in the vertical distance from the field plates down to the channel can change the evolution of the electric field and presumably the total current collapse characteristic as well. We do not have devices that allow us to explore this dependency. FP1 1 0.8 8 00.6 VGS= VT - 5 V FP2 FP2 FP2 FP3 FP1 FP3 j0.4 0.2 GaN 0 0 100 200 VDs (V) 300 400 Figure 4-10. Normalized drain-to-gate capacitance (CDG) in the OFF state as a function of The three steps in CG indicate the complete extension of the depletion region under each of the three field plates by VDs= 50 V. For VDS> 50 V, electric field peaks in the channel under the edge of FP3 and where VDS is around 200 V, excessive trapping occurs along this highly localized region and can form very short current blockage region under the edge of FP3 as shown in the cartoon on the right. VDs. 82 In order to understand the evolution of the electrostatics of the device at high voltage in the OFF state, we, have investigated capacitance-voltage characteristics of a virgin device. Figure 4-10 graphs the drain-to-gate capacitance in the OFF state as a function of VDS. The three steps that are observed indicate sequential extension of the depletion region under each of the three field plates. We can conclude the complete channel depletion under FP3 occurs around VDS= 50 V. Hence, for voltages beyond VDS= 50 V, the electric field in the channel peaks under the edge of the third field-plate and increases with voltage. Around VDS= 200 V where we observe the onset of current collapse, the electric field peak can become so high that it can trigger a rapid trapping mechanism. Then, we postulate that it is at this precise location, under the outer edge of the third field-plate, where the blockage to the channel current is induced as shown in the cartoon on the right of Figure 4-10. 4.6. Trapping and detrapping dynamics To gain a greater insight of this phenomenon, we have investigated trapping and detrapping dynamics in more details. First, we have performed OFF-state step-stress at different temperatures from 25 to 200 'C on the same device. In Figure 4-11 (a), we show that the trapping behavior is rather insensitive to temperature up to 200 'C. In addition, the evolution of the four terminal currents over this entire temperature range in Figure 4-11 (b) indicates that substantial increase of them does not impact on this phenomenon at all. This confirms again that they are not the main source of electron trapping. The temperature insensitivity of the phenomenon suggests that trapping takes place through a tunneling process. 83 1 0.9 0.8 0 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 2000C 100 (a) E E E CD 'D E 250C /S 'A 0 (b) 0C 00 00 100 200 0C 100 00 2500C 200 VDSSTRESS 300 300 200 VDSSTRESS 200 5V 250C 0 1.E+00 1.E-01 1.E-02 1.E-03 1.E-04 1 .E-05 1 .E-06 1.E+00 1.E-01 1.E-02 1.E-03 1.E-04 1 .E-05 1 .E-06 VGS= VT- 1 0 E 400 ( 1.E+00 1.E-01 1.E-02 1.E-03 1.E-04 1.E-05 1.E-06 1.E+00 1.E-01 1.E-02 1.E-03 1 .E-04 1.E-05 1.E-06 40C 200 00 25 C 0 (V) 0C 100 200 VDSSTRESS 300 400 (V) Figure 4-11. (a) Evolution of IDn, in OFF-state step-stress experiment at temperatures from 25 to 200 'C. The trapping characteristics are insensitive to temperature. (b) Evolution of drain (ID), source (Is), gate (IG), and substrate (IB) currents at different temperatures. The terminal currents are not the main source of electron trapping. 84 Zener tunneling law: (b) (a) 1 VGS= VT EPEAK 0.8 0 In(T) = A (E -E)K/2 + B 5V 1000 0.6 - ----- --- ------ -- 0.4 0 4) 1401V 0.2 (I) 160 V 1 100 10 ET-Ev= 1 eV 18 0 2 6 4 Time (min) 8 10 1 0.3 0.32 0.34 0.36 1/EPEAK (cm/MV) Figure 4-12. (a) Evolution of normalized IDn as a function of time in a device under constant stress bias from VDS_STRESS=140 to 180 V at room temperature. A characteristic trapping time (r) is defined at the 50% degradation point of 'DIin. (b) Zener dependence of c: t vs. I/EPEAK in a semi-log scale. EPEAK is the peak value of electric field inside AlGaN layer under FP3 estimated from field simulations in the same OFF-state bias conditions (Figure 4-13). The straight line that is obtained strongly suggests a Zener tunneling process. A trap energy level of around 1 eV above valence band edge is estimated. To probe this, we study the dynamics of trapping. Figure 4-12 (a) shows the time evolution of normalized IDun under constant stress at different voltages. IDun degradation greatly speeds up with voltage. We define a characteristic trapping time r at 50% degradation of IDin- In Figure 4-10 (b) we plot T vs. I/EPEAK where EPEAK is the peak value of electric field inside the AlGaN barrier layer under the edge of FP3 estimated from field simulations by Silvaco (described below). This is the characteristic Zener tunneling law [5]. The excellent linearity that is obtained strongly suggests a valence-band-to-trap tunneling process. We call this "Zener trapping." If we use the following equation for Zener trapping ln(T) = 1 3 4(2m )2(ET - EV)2 85 + B where Mh*is a hole effective mass (the average hole mass value around 1.0(±0.5) mo is used [6]), and B is a constant, a trap energy level of around 1 eV above the valence band edge is estimated from the Zener tunneling law. To gain greater insight into this problem, we have also studied the recovery dynamics of fully trapped devices. At room temperature in the dark, the complete recovery can take many days. The recovery process can be accelerated at higher temperatures as shown in Figure 4-13 which shows IDun recovery transients after 600 sec OFF-state stress at VDS= 200 V at different temperatures from 140 'C to 200 'C. Increasing temperature clearly accelerates the recovery. We extract the dominant recovery time constant [7] and find that it has an activation energy of around 0.63 eV (Figure 4-13, right). The recovery is also accelerated under UV light illumination. Figure 4-14 shows the UV lightinduced recovery transients at room temperature of a device collapsed after 3 min at VDs= 300 V. During the recovery period, no external bias is applied to the collapsed device but we illuminate it with UV light of different wavelengths that are selected by a monochromator out of a broadband light source. Without any light, the recovery of the fully collapsed IDn is negligible in the entire recovery period but the enhanced recovery behavior is observed as light energies become higher than 2.8 eV. This result may indicate that the trap energy levels responsible for total current collapse are located under the conduction band by about 2.8 eV. 86 18.5 1 18 0 0.8 0 C C 0.6 0.4 - e17.5 200*C i55*C 1700C 0.2 0- 100 2 102 101 t (sec) --- 103 EA = 0.63 eV 16.5 140*C in 10~1 b17 16 10 24 26 28 30 1/kT (eV') Figure 4-13. Normalized IDi recovery transients in the dark after 600 sec OFF-state stress at VDSSTRESS= 200 V and VGS= VT - 5 V at different temperatures. IDInDC is the virgin DC value of IDin. As T increases, the recovery speeds up. An activation energy of around 0.63 eV is extracted. Recovery Stress! 1 0.8 0 4.1 eV 0.6 3.1 eV 0.4 0.2 2.8 eV 0 0 10 5 15 Dark 20 Time (min) Figure 4-14. UV-induced recovery of a device collapsed after 300 V OFF-state stress for 3 min for different energies of UV light at room temperature. Enhanced recovery is observed for light energies above 2.8 eV. 87 4.7. Electric field simulation (a) (b) 7 E 7 EPEAK 6 5 5 00. Wi 2 0 3 W2 1000 V 00 V 03 100 I Gate FP1 FP2 4 U FP3 0 Space 200 400 600 8001000 VDS (V) Figure 4-15. (a) Evolution of electric field at the top surface of AlGaN barrier from gate to drain obtained from TCAD simulations (Silvaco). Beyond VDs= 2 0 0 V, the peak electric field appears under the edge of the outermost field plate and increases with VDS. (b) Magnitude of EPEAK under third field-plate edge vs. VDS is described. At VDS= 200 V, EPEAK is around 3.4 MV/cm and it increases up to 6.4 MV/cm at 1,000 V. In order to estimate the evolution of electric field profile in the OFF-state condition, we have performed electric field simulation by using TCAD simulation tool of Silvaco. In Silvaco, we construct fine mesh-grid structure of GaN MIS-HEMTs design with three field plates placed in gate-to-drain gap. In electrostatic condition, the 2DEG charge inside AlGaN/GaN heterostructure has been generated through the formation of spontaneous and piezoelectric sheet charge calculated from AlGaN and GaN material model given by Silvaco. The density value of 2DEG in this electrostatic condition has been adjusted to fit to the experimental measurement of 2DEG value by appropriately scaling the entire polarization charge density in the AlGaN/GaN heterostructure. The location of multi-field plate structures in the simulation structure has been determined to induce the sequential extension of channel depletion in the OFF-state condition identically to the one observed in Figure 4-10. Based on these setting, the electric field profile 88 inside GaN MIS-HEMTs structure in the OFF-state condition up to 1000 V has been simulated through Silvaco. Figure 4-15 (a) shows the evolution of electric field profile at the top surface of AlGaN barrier layer from gate to drain at different OFF-state bias conditions. In this field simulation, we can confirm that increasing VDs beyond the voltage that depletes the 2DEG under the outer-most field plate results in a sharply peaked electric field distribution with the peak located right under the third field plate edge. Figure 4-15 (b) shows that the magnitude of simulations indicate that at VDS= EPEAK under the edge of FP3 increases with VDS. Our 200 V just inside the AlGaN surface, increases to 6.4 MV/cm at 1,000 V. These results indicate that EPEAK EPEAK can is around 3.4 MV/cm and it approach to significantly high values in our multi-field plate design of GaN MIS-HEMTs in the OFF-state condition of several hundred volts. In this case, if there are unoccupied trap region near the valence band which are a reservoir of electrons, then this high electric field can possibly trigger electron tunneling process from the valence band to the trap sites. 4.8. Mechanism for total current collapse All the observations reported here are consistent with a field-induced trapping process that takes place right under the edge of the outer-most field plate at high enough OFF-state voltage. As shown in the field simulation of Figure 4-15, under the edge of the outer most field plate close to the semiconductor surface, we can conclude that the electric field can be so intense that direct tunneling of electrons from the valence band to trap levels in the AlGaN barrier or the GaN channel can take place (Figure 4-16). This type of tunneling process is consistent with our temperature insensitive observations and the absence of geometrical dependencies. We want to call this "Zener trapping". After high voltage is released and the device is biased in ON-state, the trapped electrons lift the conduction band up and create a highly localized current blockage region under the edge of FP3 as shown in Figure 4-17. 89 AIGaN barrier GaN channel Zener trapping ~ ~ EYB Figure 4-16. Proposed Zener trapping mechanism responsible for the observed total current collapse. Direct electron tunneling from the valence band into defect states can be triggered under intense electric-field inside the AlGaN barrier layer or at the top of the GaN channel. FP1 FP2 FP3 GaN thermal detrapping E EYB EV I' _--T -e " Figure 4-17. Energy band diagram along surface from gate to drain with device biased in the linear regime after a total current collapse event. OFF-state trapping results in a sharp energy barrier directly below the edge of the outermost field plate that blocks current. In the linear regime, thermal detrapping can take place as indicated with an activation energy substantially lower than the ionization energy of the trap. 90 The energy location of the traps that are responsible for total current collapse can be assessed from our experimental measurements. From the Zener tunneling law calculation, we estimate a trap energy level about 1 eV above the valence band edge. From UV detrapping experiments, a trap energy located around 2.8 eV below the conduction band edge appears responsible. The combination of these energy levels matches very well the bandgap of 3.8 eV for Al 0.2Ga0 .8N and quite closely that of 3.4 eV for GaN. Figure 4-18 shows the estimated trap energy level located inside the band structure. Ec Ehv= 2.8 eV EYB -- =~ tE :: E_ V T-EV= 1.0 eV Figure 4-18. Energy location of traps responsible for Zener trapping. From Zener trapping calculations, ET - Ev = 1.0 eV is extracted and from UV detrapping experiments, Eh, = 2.8 eV is estimated. The much lower activation energy of 0.63 eV observed in the thermal detrapping process in Figure 4-13 seems to be inconsistent with the estimated energy picture in Figure 4-18. However, this could be explained from the sharply localized nature of the trapping which might allow thermal trap-toconduction band transitions at significantly lower energies, as illustrated in Figure 4-17. Our hypothesis suggests that a similar phenomenon should also occur on the source side of the device if the bias is reversed. Indeed this has been observed. In VDS=O V step-stress experiments, total current collapse also occurs but at a reduced voltage, as shown in Figure 4-19. This is due to the absence of field-plate structure that smooths out the electric field. As on the drain side, this degradation is fully recoverable after UV illumination and high temperature baking though with a reduced activation energy 91 of 0.50 eV. This is understandable since the trapping location in this case is right next to the gate where in the linear regime the electron concentration is high. 1 16 15 14 13 %#1MO 12 11 0.8 00.6 EA= 0.50 eV CM4 0.4 -0.2 0 0 12 24 36 25 48 IVGSSTRESSI (V) 27 29 31 1/kT (eV-1) 33 Figure 4-19. Evolution of IDn under VDs=O V condition as VGS steps from -12 V to -48 V with 1 V/step every 30 sec at room temperature. Sharp current collapse is observed as well. In this case, the channel blockage occurs under the source end of the gate. Thermal acceleration behavior in this source-side recovery is clearly observed with an activation energy of 0.50 eV, as shown on the right. The traps involved in the total current collapse process are likely to be those responsible for yellow luminescence in AlGaN and GaN. They are reported to be located at a depth from the conduction band of around 2.5 eV in GaN [8] and 2.8 eV in A10 .2 Gak.8 N [9]. The energy picture of Figure 4-18 from our UV light detrapping experiments (Figure 4-14) and our estimate from the Zener law (Figure 4-12b) are rather consistent with yellow luminescence report in A10.2Ga 0.8N but could possibly also work for GaN given the uncertainty in all measurements and analysis. Recent studies attribute yellow luminescence to substitutional C in the N site [10] though other hypotheses have been formulated [11]-[13]. C is a common dopant in high-voltage GaN FET heterostructures. Our work proposes that the possible existence of C impurity inside the GaN heterostructures might be the physical origin causing this total current collapse phenomenon through Zener trapping process. 92 4.9. Conclusions In summary, we report total current collapse in high-voltage GaN MIS-HEMTs induced by Zener trapping at high voltage. The current collapse is fully recoverable and repeatable. The traps are consistent with those responsible for yellow luminescence in GaN and AlGaN. We suspect carbon impurity as the trap responsible for the observed total current collapse. The understanding derived here suggests that this effect can be mitigated through attention to defect control during epitaxial growth and appropriate design of the field plate structure of the device. 4.10. References [1] R. Chu, A. Corrion, M. Chen, R. Li, D. Wong, D. Zehnder, B. Hughes, and K. Boutros, "1200-V Normally Off GaN-on-Si Field-Effect Transistors With Low Dynamic on -Resistance," IEEE Electron Device Lett., vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 632-634, 2011. [2] W. Saito, Y. Kakiuchi, T. Nitta, Y. Saito, T. Noda, H. Fujimoto, A. Yoshioka, T. Ohno, and M. Yamaguchi, "Field-Plate Structure Dependence of Current Collapse Phenomena in High-Voltage GaN-HEMTs," IEEE Electron Device Lett., vol. 31, no. 7, pp. 659-661, Jul. 2010. [3] J. J. Barnes, K. Shimohigashi, and R. W. Dutton, "Short-channel MOSFET's in the punchthrough current mode," IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 446-453, Apr. 1979. [4] J. Zhu, R. A. Martin, and J. Y. Chen, "Punchthrough current for submicrometer MOSFETs in CMOS VLSI," IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 145-151, Feb. 1988. [5] J. G. Fossum, A. Ortiz-Conde, H. Shichijo, and S. K. Baneijee, "Anomalous leakage current in LPCVD PolySilicon MOSFET's," IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 32, no. 9, pp. 1878-1884, Sep. 1985. [6] M. Suzuki, T. Uenoyama, and A. Yanase, "First-principles calculations of effective-mass parameters of AlN and GaN," Phys. Rev. B, vol. 52, no. 11, pp. 8132-8139, Sep. 1995. [7] J. Joh and J. A. del Alamo, "A Current-Transient Methodology for Trap Analysis for GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors," IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 58, no. 1, pp. 132-140, Jan. 2011. [8] E. Calleja, F. J. Sanchez, D. Basak, M. A. Sainchez-Garcia, E. Munioz, I. Izpura, F. Calle, J. M. G. Tijero, J. L. Sinchez-Rojas, B. Beaumont, P. Lorenzini, and P. 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Saarinen, "Contributions from gallium vacancies and carbon-related defects to the 'yellow luminescence' in GaN," Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 82, no. 20, pp. 3457-3459, May 2003. 94 Chapter 5. Summary and suggestions 5.1. Summary In this thesis, we have investigated the dynamic ON-resistance (RON) phenomenon in high voltage GaN Field-Effect-Transistors. This consists of a substantial increase of RON after an OFF-to-ON switching operation that takes a certain period of time to recover. This phenomenon can greatly degrade the efficiency of electrical power management circuits that adopt GaN power transistor technology and is seen as a critical huddle preventing the wide deployment of this technology. We investigate this important physical behavior in depth in this thesis. To broaden the fundamental understanding of this important phenomenon, we have developed a new dynamic RON transient measurement methodology which allows the observation of RON transients after a switching event over a time period that starts around 200 ns and can span many decades. The usefulness of this technique has been demonstrated through a systematic study of dynamic RON on highvoltage GaN HEMTs on SiC substrate as a function of time, temperature and pulse conditions. We find that dynamic RON transient characteristics become much worse as the OFF-state switching voltage increases. Two distinct mechanisms have been identified with different time scales and temperature 95 behavior. First, there are dynamic recovery transients on a short time scale that are temperature independent. In contrast, there are also dynamic RON transients with long time constants displaying a thermally activated behavior. We attribute the fast recovery transients to electron detrapping through a tunneling process from traps inside the AlGaN barrier close to the GaN channel. Interface states at the AlN spacer/AlGaN barrier interface are the main suspects. The slower thermally-activated recovery takes place from traps in the AlGaN or at the surface. Moreover, after a High-Power to ON switching, only fast detrapping through a temperature independent process is observed. This is also consistent with trapping at the AlGaN/AlN interface. These findings provide a path to engineer a GaN power-switching transistor with minimum dynamic RON problems. To advance our understanding of dynamic RON characteristics in high-voltage GaN-on-SiC HEMTS using our new technique, we have explored the degradation of dynamic RON characteristics as a result of electrical stress. Especially, the impact of high-power stress on dynamic RON is investigated. Our methodology clearly indicates that the accumulated stress from high power state operation which occurs frequently in RF power amplifier operation or during hard-switching operation can significantly degrade the dynamic RON characteristics in the sub-ms range. This occurs as a result of the stress-induced creation of traps with relatively short time constants. On a longer time scale, negligible degradation of dynamic RON iS observed. The cause is attributed to the formation of shallow traps inside the AlGaN barrier or at its surface. A rich spectrum of traps with different binding energies has been identified. This work suggests that prolonged device operation of GaN HEMTs under RF power conditions (in microwave applications) or under hard-switching conditions (in power management) can result in an undesirable increase of dynamic RON on a very short time scale. Our results highlight the importance of characterizing electrically stress-induced dynamic RON and current collapse over very short time scales. This thesis has also advanced the understanding of current collapse phenomenon in high voltage GaN power switching transistors up to around 1000 V of OFF-state bias condition. To achieve this goal, 96 new experimental test set up as well as a new research collaboration with Texas Instruments has been established. Fundamental understanding of current collapse phenomenon in industrially prototyped GaN MIS-HEMTs fabricated on large-diameter Si substrates has been pursued. In particular, the effectiveness of multi field-plate structures to prevent current collapse is evaluated in depth. From our work, in the OFF-state when VDs exceeds around 200 V, we observe very intensive trapping leading to total current collapse which effectively makes the device as an "open" when subsequently biased in the ON state. This total current collapse is fully recoverable and repeatable. We have carried extensive experimental studies of this phenomenon, including temperature dependence, trapping and detrapping dynamics and dependence on the geometry of the device. All of our experimental results suggests electron trapping inside the AlGaN barrier or the GaN channel that takes place through a tunneling process under highelectric-field. We term this "Zener trapping". The traps are consistent with those responsible for yellow luminescence in GaN and AlGaN. We suspect carbon impurity as the trap responsible for the observed total current collapse. The understanding from our work suggests that current collapse can potentially be mitigated through careful attention to defect control and appropriate design of the field plate structure of the device. 5.2. Suggestions for mitigating dynamic ON-resistance phenomenon Our systematic studies of the dynamic RON characteristics in GaN transistors suggest several directions to explore in order to mitigate this phenomenon. First of all, our findings from chapter 2 show that there are at least two different families of traps in a GaN heterostructure. One family consists of conventional traps probably located at the surface or inside the AlGaN barrier layer [1], [2]. These can be minimized through continuous optimization of epitaxial growth techniques. In addition to this, electron trapping into these defect sites or surface donor states generating 2 DEG [3] must be also minimized. This mostly comes from the adjacent gate electrode through gate-to-drain leakage currents in the high-voltage 97 OFF-state condition. Therefore these trapping effects can be greatly reduced if appropriate gate dielectrics and surface passivation films are utilized to develop novel MIS (Metal-Insulator-Semiconductor) structures [4], [5]. The main purpose is to prevent electrons from being injected into any trap site or surface donor states in the high voltage OFF-state condition which induces current collapse [6], [7]. The other origin of trap sites postulated in our work is the potential existence of interface traps in the GaN cap/AlGaN barrier/AlN spacer layer heterostructure. The addition of AlN spacer layer in the standard AlGaN/GaN structure to increase device performance such as electron mobility and 2 DEG density [8]-[1 1] may introduce poor current collapse through interface states [12], [13]. The quality of the interface either at the AlN spacer/GaN channel layer or at the AlGaN barrier/AlN spacer layer must be thoroughly evaluated to guarantee good reliability and current collapse characteristics. Otherwise, if there is a substantial amount of interface states behaving as border traps near the channel, then these can be occupied with electrons overflowing from the channel. This can easily happen especially in the high drain current density case such as the high power state condition. In this condition, large amount of electrons accelerated by the high drain bias turn into hot carriers which can overcome the potential barrier and get trapped in these interface traps. Therefore, the need for the insertion of an AIN space layer right above the channel needs to be carefully examined. One suggestion to evaluate this issue is to perform thorough comparison studies between GaN devices without AIN spacer layer and identical ones with AlN space layer grown by the same vendor. In order to clearly evaluate the impact of the AlN layer while excluding any effect from the fabrication process, both structures are necessary to be processed in the same lot. The series of systematic studies performed in our thesis is a good way to evaluate this issue in detail. The use of different epi-growth vendors definitely can also affect this issue and careful selection of proper vendor is an important consideration as well. Our studies of the impact of high power stress on dynamic RON in chapter 3 also indicate several important aspects which should be considered to mitigate dynamic RON issues. We showed that prolonged 98 operation in the high power state can generate many trap sites which dramatically increase dynamic RON characteristics. More rigorous systematic studies of this kind must be performed in the future. Three different aspects determining high power state such as current density, bias voltage, and temperature should be adequately separated. Our preliminary results in chapter 3 show that hot carriers might be the most important factor degrading the dynamic RON characteristics through trap generation. Therefore, the electric field profile must be carefully managed to minimize carrier acceleration. The electric field profile can be optimized through a better structure of field plates or adding more field plates [14]-[16]. A better thermal design to reduce channel temperature in the high power state operation is also very important as suggested in our work. The thermal dissipation capability can be greatly enhanced through different device layout, packaging and buffer structures [17]-[20]. Our investigation on high voltage GaN-on-Si MIS-HEMTs in chapter 4 draws an important conclusion that multi-field plates need to be optimized to handle very high voltage appropriately. In our case, a triple field plate structure fully depletes the channel after applying a VDs as low as about 50 V in the OFF-state. This is relatively small compared with the maximum blocking voltage in excess of 600 V. The thickness of the passivation layer underneath the field plates needs to be increased to smooth out the electric field profile under high voltage conditions. This should be able to suppress the peak value of the electric field along the edge of the field plates over the current design. An additional field plate may be necessary as well. In addition, our total current collapse phenomenon indicates the existence of trap sites that induce intense electron trapping at high voltage. Our studies suggest that C impurity might be the physical reason. Other studies indicate that Fe as well as C can be a source of current collapse from buffer traps [21]. Therefore, the elimination of problematic impurities above the buffer layers is very important to mitigate dynamic RON. The top active region of the AlGaN/GaN heterostructure, in particular, must be free from any impurities as much as possible. This may include any structural defects or dislocations [22], [23] which can potentially impact dynamic RON as well. All of these presented issues should be carefully considered in the engineering of GaN-on-Si epitaxial growth. 99 5.3. Suggestions for future research Though intensive investigation of dynamic RON in high-voltage GaN FETs has been performed in our thesis, we would like to suggest several important areas which require advanced studies especially in GaN MIS-HEMTs structures as below. First, hot carrier related degradation phenomena are big concerns that require more thorough understanding. This degradation can involve charge trapping issues into the surface, barrier and/or buffer regions resulting in current collapse [24]. Hot carriers can also induce defect generation [25]. In order to understand this effect clearly, GaN MIS-HEMTs should have minor current collapse in the OFF-state condition up to their designed operational voltage. Large amount of current collapse in the OFF-state as observed in our studied devices can easily mask other important degradation mechanisms. Therefore, target devices should first be developed to have minimum current collapse or other reliability issues in the OFF-state. After this has been confirmed, thorough investigation about hot carrier effects through different combination of drain current levels and drain-to-source voltage must be performed. Channel temperature is another important parameter in the analysis of hot carrier effects and developing a new way to measure this during the operation in the high power state condition is another important research that needs to be performed. Secondly, current collapse in GaN MIS-HEMTs may include some response from interface states at the top surface layer or inside the GaN heterostructure. To study this, capacitance-voltage (C-V) measurements constitute an effective tool to understand this issue quantitatively [26]. Adopting C-V measurements in our systematic stress and characterization measurement routine will be very powerful to provide another vision along with other measurements of figure of merits. Different frequency measurements at different temperatures or under UV illumination with light of different wavelengths can also be worthy of in depth exploration. C-V characteristics as a function of electrical stress in multi-field 100 plate structures can also be an interesting area to investigate. Hot carrier effects discussed above can also be explored in more depth through the analysis of C-V characteristics. Thirdly, analysis of current collapse characteristics under high frequency pulsed operation is also an important area to explore. All of our studies on GaN MIS-HEMTs are based on DC stress and characterization. However, since these devices are designed to operate at high frequency up to possibly several MHz, the characterization of dynamic RON under AC operation condition is an important new area to investigate. The evolution of dynamic RON depending on the operational frequency at different operational voltage can be investigated first. Our pulsed IV system with a 600 V pulser will be the ideal tool to explore this area. The impact of soft-switching and hard-switching condition on dynamic RON as well as other device and switching parameters can be also studied using this system. Hot carrier effects under pulsed AC conditions can be investigated as well. The development of a customized computer control environment for this pulsed IV system will be necessary in order to obtain large amount of data efficiently during long periods of testing time. Finally, appropriate life time models should be developed for GaN MIS-HEMTs technology that accounts for the understanding of physical degradation behavior such as current collapse or other relevant ones. New life time models will be determined by observing dominant degradation mechanisms in future GaN power switching device technologies. This will be essential to assess the qualification of this technology. Proper theoretical modeling consistent with experimental measurements will form the core of these life time models. 5.4. References [1] R. Vetury, N.-Q. Zhang, S. Keller, and U. K. Mishra, "The impact of surface states on the DC and RF characteristics of AlGaN/GaN HFETs," IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 560-566, Mar. 2001. 101 [2] M. Faqir, G. Verzellesi, A. Chini, F. Fantini, F. Danesin, G. Meneghesso, E. Zanoni, and C. Dua, "Mechanisms of RF Current Collapse in AlGaN GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors," IEEE Trans.Device Mater. 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