1(!73-197h Janice )'forgan INTFWDn~TION J fo 'c7l j E~~ I 'J?A- atterrrt tn identi.fy one particular cause of leuke- 'T\) ,Zi-j . (vltT r! i R?VIE~v and L TTERATUR"S a by study';rf' severa] patients over a period of one year an apnreciation for the H~wever, D'lr1her ~ R.r~:e "'1r i ahl es +hat exis:, in .jf' Play h'? gained. T,e'lke!T'is ~ S :--1 :..:rouD of disorders in 1,.T':1ich "rY>ol tiJm, mat11ra.t i on, And release ()f ",!~+-~in vpnt. c()nt;ro 1 1 hound:'! hy nnrrnsl Leukw'":~R, ." a" rr:a1'1t:i tat: ,·.1p11 r"'ce ,T0:1 i such arc analysis leuko~yt8q physio10:,::5~8.l Hhi~h lIay j fer8- i.s no lancer P')PchBnisms of produce qualitative 8? if'- Hh~ t'e blood r'<'11 s, has attpntion as R killer of 1'1an in the "han.~es "P ('nr:~:;jr1pr··)1;1(' Many theories ~ave heen nrcposed 8S But i.n the 19st far, only chrnnic granu- ~hus locytic leukemiA has ~een assoc~ated with a na~tiG~lRr chroMosoma' qlteratior--that hei~g the ~hilad~lphi8 rhro~08 0 )1]e. 2 The rema;ninc tYres of 1 euker'de havE' yet to he Therf:oso~al 3bnor~ali~ies ]")0,11 Yemori 0.1 !-I('s~,; t.8~ Cancer is an rells rf severRl leukemia patients ot the • irrpve~s~hlp process, that is, 2ancer n:)t trar:sforrr: baC'K to normal cells. C13" fTlherpf'",.,p f'aneor ~lght bf' a "]1']01ecu18" ~iolosir81 disease, i.e., one invnlvtng ahnormal genetics af'-d further t.hat the nrncess is continued as a kinrl T.., ,. . .,. 'It''. ~.~" nn.• If] '-" m 'n f 01] 1" ~ 'J ~~ (' ell s, 1) An .., of' tl.-t • .. :!8 gene,',"c np!G1!: n,f' '"'81"C8r "'0'1"-'+ f' ; > ."",,0 r '" ~ t s 1! flY P 1-, C p:J h yD nth e s .; zed • cell:" cont.ain ::'anrF"Y' genAs, Lp., genes w"1.pr; r-:x-orr":;Si?d Ca 11se cal1r.er. In no'1- ",J~;'"'h '"'ancer ('011s these 8ene~ aY'e re~",p.ssed. P-;thP,r bt an eaY'!V '""'tai'"p eH' fol101oJinp; snme t'Toe of viral or othAn" i~fe~tjon, lYR0fe~; (~o~nl~~p ('1" oarti a1) ')~elJ1"S as a res1Jl t' of ~ which "~~n~er r:en;'"," or :'3rowth 3e:>8S th.at are ncr'TIs-j 1 y ~,""tirms of viral eAnnm~Q ~e~o~~ i~~nrnnrR~ed into +~p ~Rn~er cell zennmo ~:>d ar 0 expressed, re32n~'o~~ of' whet"her nther viral ,Ctpnes ape f:tnctioD"'l. I:ancer resuJts f'rom one'>0Y' mere "samat1,:' r:Jtations". C::>Dcer rp~'11"':8 f'rol'l epigeneti r> (non-gene \:hanses in cells. f "the Ko'-ler, fa~~ ~hat 1) C"ign~fl(>anr.e ()f r>:.itot,i,"" o;soY'r1e"'s lies "n the they indicate the metabolJc instability ('ells which are easjJy affected by E'mvironmenta', +,1J'TIOY' f3rtnrs Rnd ?' thP.7 represent th.e ulAr in ~f h.etero~enejty t:UrrlO n hy which cell- is introduced, maintained, and increased c~everaJ. mitotic mal funetio:Js ha'.'''' tissues. liS cation May he nhsprv?d ~on-disjunctjon, -8~hinery ~n 8n~e nells. and lagging. is nrobahly the most ::;.:-)mmon Fragment~tior ~1!rnm0S0mG anomal y observed in ca!lcer')us t j s ~ue. ape scattered throughout the cell. disintecrate in the a ~e~trcmere ~ytonlasm and consequently The i'ragmen t s usually berause they dn nnt p8ssess ranno~ move to opposite poles at anaphase, thus resulting in their not being incorponated in t~e daughteY> nnC'lei at telophase. Dicentric chr')mnsnmes are the result of breaks in two chromosomes followed hy the hpoken narts being joined in a nel'<l aprangement that p"'8ults in a single ch n nrl"SOp1f' with two eentromeres. Kolle~ Thf' rS"'1aining ends forP1 acentric fragments. " b e~ween + states that .,"1 f' t'oe regIon the two c~ntromeres is very short, the dicentric chromosome can be incorporated into one nucleus, ~n wh~ch case it will appear agai~ at the next mit8sis."A s eviden~'ed hy the c"':romosomes~l umping at metaphpse. "St:L cki'C'ess" tog~ther sni!ldle. ments. j ~~)y)ea~ - 88 frB£!'-~ " results in one daughter cell containing more chromJneSB, " oso~es than norma] and another containing fewer. The :rrsgular distribution of chro]",10s::JP'leS into severa:L ~uc1ei :Ls b~":'--l[;ht Rbout by ,~:ultir)nlar rrj+:i:.t','- u s'~indle. The nuclei tend to be d~f~8rent sizes and are often held Ce11~ tosethe':-> by bridgps. with tHO diRtinct nuclei have a conpl'3te cell mpmbrane f0rming retHcen da;lghter cells. But Hhe'1 the ''''ont8.~n nucl'~i div~,de ,~ 11" [';:1 chromosom~s mix. Repet5t:ion of' the an_t" cells with hundreds of ('hro:nop~ocess The above malfunctions in the mitotic possible causps oP Cells nOH ~hr0:'10S0mes. the Ll-:2. nU::1ber of proeeS8 results ,J,..,:. the t~e are chromosomal aberrations that exist '-:1 lellkeY>1ia patie-:1ts. MATERIALS and METHODS The present study of chromosomes was conducted on peripheral blood and bene marrOH sBY>1ples of leukemia patients Standard leukocyte and bone marrOH pr0C'C'dures l1~pd. "]>.0;-->8 '9re;ared 1--ltd ch in turn are After cuI turin?:, s1 ides were a~alyzed s('anning for abnornaJ:i ties Has ehr:J'Ylosome COlU-:t. Visual done using a light Y>1i~roscopp ~ells ~ere and photographs of unusual prepared. CJ-:romo SOJ1'le tech..Yli q1Je : chased tn to establ i sh ~ modal one hundred ml :r:edi:Je js pipetted in 5 Chr"omo some eul ture medi UP:. pur- bottles fY>om GIl3CO Has used. ml aljq,--~ot8 i.nto sterile sereH cap tubes t:,nd the tubes are taped shut. rjlhi s ,~aintaj-:1 a dr~~ T'H. However,:: ~ 'J'hi s thp med'.:lrl i~s j s imT'Ol~t8nt to rh"Y uran thawIng, or two of .01 N HCl will return it to its original yelJ0wi sh ('olnr, which indicates the rro~)er :1H.) The A sample ·,)f fonr nr fi ve ml of' D8Pipheral bJ,ood or heme n:nrr01-l is drawn in a hepR.rani~ed tubE'. 'J'wo c'ulture ":,11oes are set up fro[r; this sample b:; dr01'P:ing fouY'')>"> five f1ry,'" of 1tJhole bJ God into the medium. After the blood is placed lnto the tubes of medium, t~1e tubes are slapte(~ ~ n the incub!1tor for sevent;,' two I I _ 8ince it is diffi- tr.ar ahovp the o~t i~lJ-," thi rty seVAn degrees. At the pnd of SPVR'1t:T hv n hOllrs t.he cell s are har"fested frlJowinz a ~0diri~ati~'1 or the Rhode Island Hospital Methnd. 1. Add 0.c:':,,1 rO'1(''''ntratcd ("ol~hir>:inA to eD(~h vial 1}~ hour hpi'ore harve f' ti nr;, to rreven t for:".a t i on of the sp j ndT e fibers. a ~ i n e 1> Y ~ i pet t e an d mj x • ?• Add 3. Sp~n It. Evacuate t.he tube down almost to the with th~ different natients. -I-~n:-' a)10 ~llspend ~~nu~9s c:' ",.1 0 f N 8 1'1 centrifuge at 900 rpm's for 10 Minutes. ('el~s 1,yj and then sain at S. Adele:; ml hypotonic KCl th the p:pette. pnn rpm's Lea'Ie for as rossihlp to nui~kly ~11 (o)1e pa~t ~ln0ja1 Beatie tubes so S ml of ~. t~8t rll ftx8tivA end centpifuge. ~ t~mes. Air dY'Y. ~Stain ~s kept at ~7 For staining slides GiemsA stain is used. beo 1,:sed (lr ?to('k Gierr!s!l hy p~acing one via' st~lin ~owdpred ~~A~S8 tn d~ss()Jv8 :In a vUltpr hAth /'ddl:S ml gives a .n00S% colchicine. KCl hyp0tonic sohlti0~1 13 .07SV and deSY'oes ~8nt~gY'ade in the in~ubBt0r. r1a~T ~~ Repeat two "Hake one slide from each eulture. dilution of .1 Ml the to three ~a~~s 2nn the cpl} s ~Pl'ied:! 8 tt"1 y, Th~s st'ljr f·:>l:~ a('~0 -::ro,'"' e",:;han(1) to the +uhp ancl r'lix 6. solu- rop 10 minutes. Add. Add 3 to uSlng Evacua te ::'!o\-'m to the bottoPl (i t i s important to do this as fixn~ivo botto~ (S[-~-f,O or Dcetnre-frpo q~cC''1oJ Co:rr1(>Y'cial mRY be prepared (0.5 em) ~nto a~ de:=rees for 1\-:·- and st0re in. al~ber ? h0urs). l'nttle. 24 rll C" f '/J~ tr? r rll !1h()ST)h8t'" h:lffcY' '?tnF (,.J. J. ~ .... ~ < : Phn:v-hat,0 buf'feY' (10%) (1 Mr" K~{~P04 ?6. r::' 1:;1 ~{/H?()ll (1 H) + ,\ Yj ~j 6. j, VI j t h 1 N K OR. \ 73.5 mJ A "': ~ '.1 S t rli .... (·,~ ..· ~:rt('i3ET.c.,t~r cXRJ11ination of ti ssu:::s, +:~p ,..~·1~ st·, ),,, stud1ed "'lust be dividinG ranjdly"1:; thE' t~~V:e ~,f <""!"'~"'~~,;: ir:.r;. T~ ~Oyr;t~ cHses, c:el'l d:i.sT)!~x")~~r;Yi cr?ates "l nrr)h 1 PY'1 "_ f' -the; 1-; C!SI.1(' :: s densr'. II ":-nY't T;lrr> term ('eJ 1 j}-:'P11bRtion ~Yl3.~T be em01nyGo 1) tr) ~~'-~~0.3S0 ths nunb 0 Y' r.~ dividinc cells Rnd 2) to allow ~j~0 fn~ a. ;: 5.:l 1J ~ +~ ~~ j ':? ~ !'l ( , O f fer t • ~i (; 1~J e yT C' r , R :J ::! ). ~ ~ 1h f-l ti r)y; st,--:-' iCl:'(''''t''''d bph"een obtainins ti-)(' t.l ssu,' aWl Y}"-) ~xar1in1':,"~"~ ... '" t})(~ n ,.... '~~'l~0r:~)S(Y~''1e~) ra~sP8 t~A 2·r~tj(',is"~ +)r.nt a-rt':ifnc':-:; Y~[1:T br> introrlv('ed.: :~net.ic~st t-~ 8~ '1']pr)i~Y nSB Dr. Palmer, U~iversity Mcdical S~h001, SUCS0steri Ilhyto:lcrnnczllltinin t8 repliC'n+,t" t,[-t.-; T~~i~nn ,·~+-",';t Only two patients Here 0,111 turE'd ~~is Mannc~ t.he results ~n~ ~ere Photns ~he ~irroscor~ Leitz 8 "~3mera. very paQ"'. we~e tRken th-ro~gh of a Leitz light microsC'on D us5ng a 10~s Ea3"'j firatio!1 i-Jas lOOOx using t.he on ir:rler- bI ',19 fU tAr. '1';119 si-)lltter speed was one hRl f sEcon4 Rna the ], ight 'Vms ":}xerLU'1. Tho nhotographs were then used to ore- C0:rltrast par(~ karyot.Y-:r "', 'In 3.!'ranr:e~ent of C'hrornos':rr.o nair,:, in tho r'ietaphase sta;:;.-; i: 8 standard array to stuc1y thp ('()mparative size, sha~e, and ~orpholo~y of ~hromo~ome8. EXPERIMENTAL DATA TARLE 1 C'{ROHOSOHE NUMBERS O;-;SERVED PATIENT 1..efls than fIt l\. lV'h ., L~4 11t ..~' ()~.3) 1.1-8 or more it7 tetraploid total ~e11 s count-en nercent 3.bnoya~f} 1 n 12.[, 7 hO 2 .-/' (n '-- 20 1 21 1 2::; 16 J.O 21 1 ~( I!' 1 :-+ ~-' ? L~3 2 2 (I,t 20$3 2 6 40 2 SO 20 1 8 J8 ') ..J SO 2L~ 1 ~ r.::n. I ,'1 50 16 J8 ...(c' .) 1 Bhm AGL ),6 7 ACL (; sw CELL COUNTS 2(113) II.GL n 1 T'r 2 ( L:..E3 , RJ) 1 ALL ~~ ra I>. ALL P hz CLL (j mat r,GL H m:r B l! 1 I rh 6 h? 5 17 .J mm 7 my~lorrollferative (1 syndrome, metastAtic 1 1 carcino~a - undifferentiated ) "7 DISCUSSION 'l'he difference bebreen Acute leukerrJi.8 9nd.:,hroni c Jeuke~i~ is in the 18uke~ia Rcutp d8~ree of ~aturation of the oe118. the new cells are rlispersed from their zone of ori s::n i r:'o thF c i reu] at-ory sys ter'! so rap i dl Y there ",::,ba t is not en(:>llgh tirTlt' for cnVV]nl.e-se cell rievelnpr:ent. 0: In 'Phe onset Acute leul\:ernia is rani d; the course; is short and severe t i ssue'nrjltrati'2n, infections. buc(~a] nlc8r-ations and r8spiY'atnry \H thcut treatrlcnt death resu1 ts in three months. In chroni (' 1 f'ukellli:l the trans} t5,on from a nnT'!'1a: 1 ine to a ma.l ignsnt stern 1 ine 1 s much slo"rer. progres:~es pairles~) stem 'J'he disease Sympt'Jms inc1 ude a slowly, and remains rrlild. splenome[,aly or lymphatic glgndular enlarGement. The pat': ent can usually survi ve three to fi ve yeArs 1r6 th this condition. Chr'omosomal variation in leukemia really became of lntF'res-:; to Geneticists w1,en :it 'flas observ8c1 that qcnte rn(~re lpuke!"'5n is three to fifteen times ~ndivid­ frequent 5n ualE wi:h the chr~mosome aherration causing Down's Syndrome. 8 Lat"'r j-: I-las found that. pf-ltle~ts ir: 3 ·pre-leuverrlie" condition, ,,,,ho had in thei 1'" bone mar'r()w a cl o~e of cells wi th chrornosome a~normal i tj es were very f:1uch I':or'" } i kr:~l y to dpv e ] nr: L'owever, 'fif the disease ooes not man5.fest itself . . lithi~ a n,onth remains the sare as in 8soma} comnara~'e r8~jents W}t~out chro~- el;anges. ,,9 The nresent -investigatio::l nllo1-Jcd for the ObSPY'VRtio;] }~Tr~"aT:i.-. l.C>1Jkemin, ('hro:Jic lyrnpl;at1c leuke r '!2R, G~a~u'oGytj~ The m~st n~r' chronif' leukemiR. consistent chromosome variations H"'re d'served Ps'::;ients r~!itf'l a~11te l'=011ker~-la ('an be separater: ~nto th'''ee groups: 9atients ';J1th apparentl~r nnY'm£'..l chror"csomes, patier:ts Hith D snAcif'5c C'hrn"'('s!'me at)1';0r~ality, and patients ~n whi~h thp"p arp a w~dp variety nf ~h-C'oy:;oSOC'1P [1tJnorf"alities '~Jhir>h d:-, nc't. aCC>fl.rent"-' c~~f0r~ t.n 8 ~h"~~:-,s~m8' ~attorn. ~u"h cha~ges ir~ll1r18 yu e:~~"q' 8Y) ll:,l0iriy fmd j:)("YDloid~T, :Oltrllct"rp; re-arraHf:':ernents arcl the -f"-ind~nn', nf ahnorp'p' -~ ° '-'(I ~8rke-r n}-irr1!"Yl,.If!,:rrlP8 :f l~nKnnwr t)r~p:1y"). D _ 'rhrpe " f '18V-i ns eulrp"1'11 8.. 88 1 t",p ":1r-!P~V'" 0 :-.-ot1e'lts a"'''t.('' '3Y>aru' n('yti C st'lo~ed dia,~Y)[-sed 1,J8rf' 1 puke)':li a :lr ch"onic ~-n:Tc'l '--'i 0 ~egro male; II years of age; aOffl-it.ted D at:; en t !~ - wh: -----l----,('C'El1]SP of aD::'!'ia and 8 "nrpleukAmic condi.tior". :1p Has diagnosed 8S 11a,ri.ng :V'lltP granulocyt~ (' 1 eUKPmia lrI1 thin tHO HARks. anc nredni S"Y;F'. No apnArent remission was noticed. The, ~)atient The "1"11 1 i t (' 8 'ed t n th e :; 1 J ~--T 'j c i ()" :" f' the ~n' p dis C 0 8 1 t. inn r, C~ 8 r, ~ ,0 "" . t.he Re'r>(",--."t-r!(' (OhrC';'10s0:1AS 'rrith satAllite" 0,nnt:;iY1 8 n en! n 1 " ,--"1 -: 1 p () 1 8 l' ') r g a f'. i z e r " seem e nt, t 1'" 8 "H~ 1 (, ('. !] ° n,~s i>,"''j~ vl:l,---; -'-'1888 ~hrnf'1os()rnpS ~1By 1 ',8d tn 0-, "rn,2 r" s s i vel r S ," () f S'1 (' h "e ,. . j (J:1 8 • :~' a r l v (' v t (', CI--, e rr~ 1 As t t 1--, p, ,0 :1~d cyto1.)F~i :,a 1 n stl.lnies ~;f (",qr~0·pr ~e~_l s' drp~J at7,~~ti:lr~ t, the D()ssi'>J1e rc'''.'''' of the nuc1eo:us in tl;JP ('1 a Ji en fl n +:-: e'1. '1 h ph a v -i n T' (K ('\ "[ 1 p r - 1 9 iJ ~ \. 1 1 ~~it18ti()n I) P D a tie n t he c au s p on ~h8 3 - 0f hrn: s w e 1 '1. i ''. [! and e ru ~! til) Cl 0 f lower extr~~i+ies; '--)y 1 E''C S n 1u S H S k -; ~ r a ;>h cnmrlained nf back nain. fi.rri 1 of 1Q71 tlte onc <~i.n nortio'! c-,P _'l f'8r.~ 'trq~, rJropT;erJ rer.ause blr::c'o ~n!' :~",.,~t ~r89 _ ~lih 1 te nf neurnrrlusc1Jlar tnxicit:!. ')1,00 witi' 72% gY'anulolOytes. ':ohe Prior t·; this time, January 'q7~, patient ~ received external rad~ation +-,hera?y f:ir a chl,-rornRt:J1Js rYJ8SS at the nape nf tne r,p,ck. Thi s treatment, induced J Emkooenia and ane1"11a of 8 mil d degree. Several oeripheral blood samoles were taken fr()~ patient R for nhrrmosomal of' his di.seJrde Y ' , analysis durine the Dro~ression rut it was n()t until July, 1973, that a sa'TlClle Has ob<:,ained whic"', '>P0'r1dpc1 :lc'leqlla+-,p 9".rowth. t his t i Y!'! e t hp n 8 tie n t 0ytoxan, prednisone, 1.>J asp e c e i vi. n g d a sag A S 0 f 4t \~ Yi/' 2 ~m , and dalmane. Chromosomal analysis revealed an 80 percent normal modal CC'1mt "'lith 2'] Dercent aneuploidy. most of the not ma~ker ~onsistently It a':JpeaY'ed that chromosomes were in the C gr:i~n although the same chromosome. A:)';roxjrF"+-.el~T r:;n 'lercent of 8.11 granulo~ytir lAuke~ia who have Datients with acute been studi0d have had aneuDl'!ld sterr! J';r.es in marrOhT nreparations. Th sP 8he~nqnt ~l~nes nay be hyoodiploid, hyperdi 1 o~ d, or :,seud:idiDJ oid. 80ecific ster'l 1 inp~~ qr(~ ~ener811y ~uite c~nsister.t in leukemic cellq p~,~ or.c' ~ ndi vidu8 '. . !~l though sned f j c karyotYD1 c a~­ t""ation m8.Y dis80DGnY' during Y'e~ission, tr!8 " ..... .;ginal ,s~,:;m line :'lay rpapnear dur:n8 sl1ccessivp re' aDses. r 0 ;')and'H:'.r[" and his c)-workers als" sw)':)ort thjs viewDoint. Sandber~ and ~o-wnrk~rs (lqA~) analysed t~p "~romo­ SO''''J' cnrst:tu~i.~'r; ~n 21q cases of 8.cute leuken~a, and fmnd a vp""y '!ariable DatteY''''' >~,?arly 5'i oercent o£' t1t<? cases J..-nd 8D3upl.'Jid :"1orl'":: c::hrol"1oso'''':p n',Pl1bers ranldng fro1"1 hy':JodiDl "idy to hypeptetra~)loidy, while the othe!,Q ap!arently had diploid modes. These invesU gato~s a 1 Sn f01md that ir. CDses of acute 1 e11k8r1ia~, wi th the same modal chrorr"scJlY2P mlr~:ber, tho kary0·70e8 were different. ComparativC' k8ryoty;:d.(~ anal~T­ 'pc' of rr.ary ~Rses seem to jndicate tha+acute Ip.ukern.18 ('ertr:in aut::S(in:es of S!'nllp r, are T.Q0re f'rc~Juently affected +--!"an othep ~h!'()mOS"l'les.l- !", Patient C' - sw: a spec:.fic chro:r1nsC':nal the Philadelphia at-normali.ty. In most casps this is chpn~~some. Nowell and qunseY'ford (1960) demcmstr>ated R ~~,)e(·j fj c ('hr~f1;Js()me r)bD":;'~.8' ~ t.y :r' C'r.Y>'lD: ~ my?' (,:lcl 1 p'lke":ia, _ 8li.,i this 1 C - rapidly ccmfiY'i'lBo. 'T'he ahn0rma itv f')UCl':l (,Pl1 s j0 P-'e creat ;'1njr)r t~T;f Ci'iHJ patients is a small C'hromosomp replacinr; one ,J' the G-7rou~ ~hro~osoMe3 and Y'esu]t~,ng froM a nresui'lntive dpreti~n c~ 8hout one-half to two-thirds of the long ar'l: (hAt xx 0" XY, Ga-). Thi s ch:romos:)r4 is a l ~n kn()Hn as the t)t--JiladplDr:-:'~l or Ph' chromosome. 1 1-I8S in blo(~d and 11larrnH shOvlY; by the ('8se 'I+' me~her d 1 S t: 0 r Ph' hJins ~n whicr o;:ly one 1 c:: the n8j~ had t~e Ph' chrr~0snme.·~ lf t,~ rr',onn7,ysnti(~ Fifty nercent d• ~hrl-=rr'10S0rr8. nt.her :1 n+' her blood rells exhibiteo the ;::-'-110::83 o\Tera~1 +:h8 .prcqlJP~--';'~.T"lS aho'lt PI, "0ercpnt.~r, T~3t nSO~0' fU'rt,j.-,er chanF?:8s hln~tj(' 30ne8'r in ~r~8i2 ~8y he s~bstanti8teu. tBr:rn~"""'ll 'T'r,:> p'r8~ed~rl ~y ~~ pd.:ter.:1 01.1'}~ge8. idf~n~.i t~ jlJst the Ph' (,hrom- ('JtheY> than A8 1 £'o'rY~ g 8t<",ze'Jf ('HI, is usu811y flsC'oci"ted nr n blRst~0 phase in whi~h the chrom0~;me 1 p'ike m 1J'. ,'p11 S Hi"!:;" Ph I u~o'2rcr; fu~t'JAr rrhp .... ~::aom(;~()mR! (?r;!]n?es a~p not ne0c2·8aJ"liJ.~I ~y; 0' +'fererl: Dati ent;:; "ut h8'.T£' a tl;:'l;C'lCY v u;:j f'orn, ::>a;-tpr:1. The arp8arancc of t,,,,, or chrn:rlUso:r108 \18 1 )8 1 ]"IT C'i'in~ide8 wi th the "Dse"':: P'')' nf t,he ~ln2t;(' nh.ase (Deder;en, 1968). HvneYO"l[IJ,jj" ~ s thp p .. --.,;t ;~~J:"1:'~ (~.~ :~/PA rjP nn.ellnl ') ~.n~. T:!}!l ;'~h q> .... ~'.r,'!r:? .~ rlr:"'P r in P'l,'l'Y'r:TtJ ,.,ell s ouri~;-: b1 ast~c '~:"i",; ;.17 . rpsear('h. Tho Rr:ntf' 1;l ~st ;-rnnsf',rmation ~n natient2 ,-!; th ('Iv;L is 1Jsua1.1y a~C'":)r"lT'8r_ied by ~on8~dpr8ble i nc !'f'88P i.D v81'y::>tyn i c l":,tahi1i+,y. TY1.-n i 'lC the ::'hY>Ol,-i:- ~,h)s" S0~'inl [l 8":,"rl;P~ hl()od ()r b:>rr: "larY>()W lH)lHlll" I,P ~hnw f'n4rly C'''nctaJlt Jr!'l'ryn!:,;TDF' A1thnU8h 8neu?,1n;~ Alor:.'?s b'?e~ r};1,,:.re Ph" Y"l:?"~';()rtC'o f"iIroYl1o~');",e. I)~r~nr~lir~~ (")~~!,>t r::f wi t'l 1. ('Iss 0+~ t"he 'i!' wh.~("t.1--, ().p+/e~~ ~n!1~G.j~ 'Y"r'orp +11 8"'"" :):r'.e 'T'rc'ltr-;ent fr>p'lUP:1tl y 'redur8S ":hp r~t a~~1.1t0 .. ~··-- r<-!+-1"P~~ ~}~~S0 'J~ "ells. "!-he rf.--"w~~·vpr "'i.~~~S8, '..J:i:'~ ~h.O an<);:T)1.8-}d~T [;::d;-' :," ""hY>'JYf"'S~;'~n. 'Flre1 ated t,', the Ph I ?o08T'SCr has "'pem1"""':. h(,20ll'l8S S11GC es :: po thA+- t.1-1,::> ro. t r tho ,,-0 +-h~ 4~ seas f'1"r:m thp, chrnr;~ is oCTo.nripr;t tr: 8 1.'3T'se drz,;-8P (llj the opveloo!"ent :,-0 are'.l.plr,id e1-;ncs. ',re !lIse: '~')'1pidpT'c>rl nT'(,)?:T'esp~ ny; p 8(,';+;8 stace 1- +-\.-l~ ('x()pr.? ~i3ht 01 i~~rpnsp cells. ano 8e l ;s to hp splpf't-po at f nt.heT' nell ty!,ps and that che::'otherR?Y 1y':)ercn:,1r-,io ?h'- the se1petiOlj of these ~ore res~start ~ ~eg8.karyoeyt.i', dis,::>RSP ')')8~t~ve rp~grdleqs !J p 1"sists thY>(:mgh,)ut the ('0l1Y>8P 0f thp of' t~p =p~e"R' to thernrY. resnn~se ::nwever, the ,,+-,he'" ,:--hr n ]'Y]oS"]18L ('1\8nses (-:0!'sec:uent tn blasti(~ rlt;servntj on 1 s +:h8 re 1 qtion h o tl.,rrpy) -f • the ''''9.ny and wneth'?r t ':1e p A l~l ent- 1 ~ Ar }, !~! t pre s t ~ ,,~ (). 'C) Pr , nos ~ t-i 're or YH:'gAtive. Patients wit~ Ph' nositive CML respnr:o to therg~y readily and survive for 8 ~uch lonce~ ~A~ind of t-i~p than Ph' negative pAt~8nts with the sa~r ~!~e of leukemia. It is possible thAt Ph' negativ r CML mAy he a diffprp~t entity than Ph' Dosi~ive CKL and [Y'(1re aki.n to acute 1 ev~eC'1i8, partic.'Jlarly myel ',h' asti~ ~rre leukemia than tn CTJIL." , A secnnd tyn,~ Patient D - rr: of Rc.ute 1 eukemi a is acute 1 ymphr)c~rt i Male, Caucasian, six years of age. C~ He At that time he was placed on the b~r ther'apy pror.:r8f'1 ontl ined consists of three nhases. Dnnn1d Pink1 e. T. RSf'1ission Induction Phase - 1.S Hemissions are induced with Vincristj:}e hody surface areR (BSA). mg !Jcr m2 of One dosage weekly 1v. predn;?::me is ad!'linistered IjO :ng/RSA dany -;n three to four Jiv~derl cn~nlet~ pat~ent ~s dosages. Th i s i s con tin u e cl f remiss~o~ is entered r; r f m 11" 0-0 the ma~row o~eurs ~nto ph8s P II. at If not continued fnr nnother two weeks. IT. Che!ioth"'rapy is ';"it l 8ted after cC'mpIete Tv Tv ""- three da~Ts f~llm"ed b~l ltJ0 P k t~is If 3• ti~e, c~~):np'lete, Intens i phase I V" re!'l~ss:,oy) of the mer.2aptopurine 1 grn/BSA/day x threp days foIl O1>!e ri by eyel 0911 c' sp harr...i oe hOO mg/t3SA Iv x 1 day. P~ase the th~ec is a continu8tic~ o~ U-:)0n (',onpletinr: t'Ie "her'a!:,);;,. therapy !lr8 I;i vJee]~ two rest siven is allovTed. ~eY-'~rJrl inteLS~·,'(" ':)h3?'(, ~erL:'rl:f' durinG Hhich no The Gontinuat;:m jYJec1i::a~icl-!S ~ons:is+;s ~f' :,,:crcap- +;~r~rine SOmg/BSA/day orally; o~e weekly injecti~~ V~"('r;8-:;iDe J mc,!I~SA; mp~,;:ntrexa+,e ?() rr:C/~?PSA: arid C'~7C:'.-:::­ pho2nha:':ide 200 m[/rr?r<,SA/Heek Iv. 20 Patient D receiver' bv p lvp :-nnn+:'-1s ()"f' rf'mission en therapy. r!O: Patient E - age. cytopenia 8Pcondary to ALL and treat~~nt: rl) peripheral and tr!?'Ctm nt. of the :-he ~vas louk2~ic placed dured only ccnditlon 011 ~artial 8~d an advanced degree nf relapse. COAP troar;;r,p;-,t hut, ~'1Ultlple p-0fc)1"ts 0:r",- remissicn. patient l;any (\ Tj,-' ,. ~ .) ) (F1gurE' 3). fi ft~'. Doubl~ m1nute chromosome format1on or1g1nates ::::0,; 'lre 1';7?, .T'~,:p ,--r,ns+- i ~:v'"'nf\1 ~:~l'")-:.r'·npy>~1 )-'8'18 heen stlJ,dyi:!G the ~1"'~ ,:"f cPJ 1 ~ ie' :he n()'l-" rrJa:r Yw - ' 0"'.0 HE' ",:~Jt ~ ';'1. in h-'_0r~(~ - ] ) ,. "li,yith aC1.1te ~rl~.l_r1ren 8.5 q[';nr-s-i ;c;, a'1d th1")llghollt +:he :~: ""'("\y-:-J.-.l;/· r;e""T{)~ (")f-:;;'1 t-r·(,:~lY'j=-.q.l~t-?S f~ ~atj(}:n '~·f J ~.:-:)-~P h C-: ~,~ ~ .... +- f~~...l~· i 1 p'11l~ 0 ~ 3~ di~~r.--;~i2: "Yl I n. t'J~") e]. fJ ~ .J to the ~,''''(>-rd~v-,cr lE'~11·~etr~iq tr:p di ')f' ;-:o':eo--~ c:r' .{l ,....t-r. Jct1.1re ("l~r(_'l:~. .~:-\?,~)~r~pl ,~1f:l8;:;e~ ('o~J.1"se T'r:... n~ 1. -r~~! -: ~ p ~ ~d('n.J-~- -: ~'')p~"!}C arp l.)~pd iT! a "': =_ ~ ~ ~. ~ 0"Itl~o:ent-?t:C' ~ ~ t. n [!,';._,?1:r~-i8 n~~ct(;:v'=.r~f1~tl;; h_~:Y'c~:i:n~_~,irl "'l) 8-: "'P8C1"'. (.=-;1.~3ht '_""'r-71 P S);'J) 1')nrmnl .,;011.8 tlj~8th~r ~/it;h an u0~q_si:jnal ~l yn e 1" rl-i D 1 :1 2<] 01" Y':3 p, 1.1 r:'l r rl -i. D 1 n d (' e: 1 ( t "11 :~ a s~ ~ ) : :,\ r;:~~;-,<"',~~~~,l~l~d f~Y"\e ca~~\; '~f1d :i) rl~r:181 ('"',r..':''Jf:). T'1' "~!v"'0'" .:../" ·:n~~;·~c ,-~:. . t~pntment 1.r2 AliT), tl--:c (~Yl~n"t,rJ r' n~)+ d,--es T: "l '"~;-·'··-·"("('\-Y1t- ?::':j·:-;.Y'1-!:-·4 r- '.~l,;..;~rl, l'Yjpr'\t:f-i ~?'")! ~-:r~ :?7T ldl1(~t.h:"'\-, t re~ppp.fa~ ri!-""'C'0 'C-< _ _ 81- Y I')rn.<-~:-a ~,0'1""1 ~0 nt ':'01")J ~1, nf"l t" !\~ ('Y"I _ ; " .~V1,-"p·-' 1: (-' :': 0·.... '1r":! V" r: ~~.L -, (-,r.- +~- r ( .. C"' ' r . ~ [J ;-'~':;, (~i~ +- l_~~~.~, :~.t-~.,: ~~ (': f.. ~") 0' ---~~; ~; p , n -~ T ':! , f) ~-:. • ~ 1 :\~.:1\.C'~· . .~1 =~ .. (:llt::-.~~~·~. R t n 1 1,-.Ji t,1; +-, v . ~"~· y~·'I ...7lar t~:erp~· ......:7. Tnle~, VlAD.. '()r0··'~i~ T ~ e;; f.: ~ f: '''- . . . ., ,0 ;- ~ tl n C A +-,1.-. (, • , ..~ '~r ~b.ar~('+,~~?:rS_?:~',..:J ::1 t ~: is=--. ;;T r:' 1. e .- ~l ~'; .p n .... r:.; ~''1~:,T ~~8C1J.9::t~ '~,'" ~t:::1"Y-'dl.n h1 R. ~'~ ~ .. "·"ll ~ ~hn~ ry:0~:':1 0('(,lJr ,..}~"':r~'-~\(-!..-~ds t~·--~, "13 ~-.tll~f-'" r.i. ~ Y1 n~S0~~f1t""'-...: 1 -: ~ ("I;-'(·r--·-v"-('~("'rn_ .... ' _n " " ') ') " '. " j o-r qn) ~ ~.1~ n . . . '''1:)'' i.:"' 1 a.~1.1t~ ,\-"'1 ~ ... L~l q ~l ~.~ .! r.h0, i s ,.--,P r~?Y~~nt -"(,"lnd at diag:--:ns} s." +h()s-~ r .. ~,l1~:-; we !1~f~;)r:~t re1Rr~S:".; T:'l1}11! .:')+; • ': ~,_ • ~ ril1_:'-'1~)nrs (f]h,,)'v""" '111-.(' :"('1Yl':19. 1 it~; ••• ·'~:;r::n","')~~~-ir--,y. l':-n8v.,1 the "jt)?l.. :-10P18+.. o~_n~~~(~nJ ~,::>10+-pa ·~~!tc'·~e!1et.;(.. :,0 ~() f.;x~!'1-inp t!Jf? ~)~ti.e;t he:':-~Yln '~~;~1 ~ ~r:~~~­ i~. tr(: 1,r: -:Y1mp,dlq~.("'.J" q~ ,"\ -r :"! *: ~1-)eYn ~~ S .; r) ',: :-. r'l f' ro, r-- .! C"' r_ ~ ~ Y"-J?-sapnas,,"s wi th qn anellDloi ri ~hroP1os()me ennsti tution in an 0 th e rH i s p ~1() 1"r'lA 1 '11tl rY'01,-j r~,ay h P :'"'''1 1 rl t-'n,:-, T"", 9YJ 2 e r"'+~ :tlr-1]t~ 1 elJ'{Rrr~i ~ qrc1 th·j rna"'"," '''"'r:-L~TP 'r'l111R"t)~ (~ -5 to be •• Pi ~r::lrf'~l tj,~ 'the thii'o of inde v ; r _... .'. C' _., {: 1..' (~hpm() th·~r:J.9Y. ('lqssi+'~n8t.jo" of ~ ."", <- f") .' Inu)r"'~:-1-:'''l studips "o"s~2:-ed nat~ 8f'tS ':T E' bcnp ~Rr1"CW nnqlY3is. with sheet~ o+' chI oramhuc i 1 ~E'lJS. !'l.~d ,)rp rir. i sene. wa s = PIGURE ;:; FBI. "tt.Y' p ad1J:"f pat 1 rmt !\ 8P~ondaY'Y Datient (' --- x can8tY'i~tinns was .I'mother as to the of this sisnjfi~annp ~8rke~ 8hramosomc. Gunz et "'_. (1 q6?) found an abn(;Y'nlal G fjrnup ,~l;r{)rrI080::P se~-Tr:\:::at ;",C 5.n [} fam~:.J y in Hhich tl,rn merY!:>"''''s 1".rV8:r~C aff(-'(~trJ,~j seperal l·J:.t~1 ·r:'t~nY· cr1");;"1~()S('('-:~1 C'llrnni{~ lleP1bcr~"':t b'-"~:- ....".rn~p 8l SlI l-:rrnphoc.ytic- Ip'lke!Y}~_f-\; (\~Jrr~ ed tll.P:' &bn . .-,~")!~q! ()th:~~r1...rj::1e l..lnaffecte--1. ~1r)t~=T this r h r0mnsomA predisDosed to the sU3cest~~ t~st -"Y't {f' dE".reloI)Y eYY'oni~ l;'_Tmphocytir Je'Jkemia. 'T'l[i8, '1C1:Tove:", :"9S nCVl;Y' her;;: 00nfj :"mAQ and j t see rr:8 l ·p-el:r ::r·a t the oono":':8. l ehrm'1'Jsome whi('h!~J?:3 tc'''neo t'0p C rist~hHl'·~~ Chr0T""''30rne, Ch', anr! ap"!:'eareo telocen+ri c (G1)-), l<.JQS a :1ormal variqnt of t9-fl karyoty-:-p Hitr !itt:A clini~81 siGnifieance.'- blastj~ T~ere crisis. H88 A DruG ~S2reDS~ mild anj soC'ytosi P, the~apy, i~ the [::Jik::' COAP, induced remission. n~lmh8r ')~yto;".is, 0f red blond s~118 with and rn};ycnromrsia. !11- L'lere was an 5ncrERs8 ;r ~c~ted, s~ze number of white blo:)d cells. or hpr! distinct breRks. fai'in~ hut nuel eol i t~p • to 2(_p~r2~e. These breaks wouJd per~:t - 1S - GONCLUSTON divide the ti~c sis from the (~o1Jrse, thi ~ P dtag~osis i at i 'In re:niss1 0 n, t":erapy, t>t"rq~ y"'lay cons~ c;':~'h'.:1'3 st '1 arcp1y of l!1,':lY'ies t') oreBk -in <1 ('hY'orr:n<:'(Y'~p 'J. TnjlJries +-, ":-lro~0~o!1'1C:'3 hy y I ,,,t>-~s'- :,rJ th" coIl. f't _.r hre~;"'.""~ rpJ8'1se. r.:1rJ e t empnrary m'0 n p-:"Planent ~rodu(' ~>!.~ erhs C!+YlT-:'C1. ionj7~r,c Y'Stl2at:":15c '"1re ,., :1~ists t~-:J"".I :_c)r:s :',f' ~C'A~tr~f"'o rln~~rJ.~p ThA llP'J811 .~ throu~h of the disorder, f'hrnYnoson"'p St 11di8S were don". r.nuPS aftAr t"":at'ler:.t;, eh YV)n'!os:J"1es, series of new research 8 .,: sht to]"E' :-cpvAral yr"8rs, hlJ+- at 1 east a th9~: blood 89.:"::018, ~~p j 0 c~nstruct '"'nd:iat~(':: rh"Y';0th?rapy, Of and ~atpri~~ snn e;"lrcr-~('·nor"1es c'hro~osrr'-" f!~"~~~~YlJ:~t9 r~-:...:rine; sl.1b8equent :~.~ t:-)s~ ~ ,. Tr:~;. d~;"''--lid --"-"'1 1 ..... 1-,0 "~,'8S n'f Chrr~~)(,,;~n:i1p -08T'"a+S ~p~l]l~~ :~r::. .~C\ ~ F; ~:- f ~ rr:c:tq.> , l.": r c. t i (' r~ "I ~1;Jl)~d SO':,]A n~ 1. ~.. • "1n:-;~~" !t~Y'l.i7.i~f ,- r) '- 8 (-- v r+~,-:-.;c 0q'~'~rr~ "s. ('n:;;0P~@ater1 ~r~ l!...,J .. ~n;, y~ ~.cl~, 1_.~l HJ"l -: :- :-; 'nl c, ~L ~_ <!.:ne V~ 3:'1,)1 nt r~ !'i_s:r~8~0 A +-r) ~:::·lP.tl":lS, ;,....G~Lr~·~,~ t r ::. n 8 i e Y} t ~ r ) d 1.) r, ·2 t~!p· :_ ,-; .-~~ (i Qrld, ?rn~a'::'~~' (,,-'11'" ;: , ..... ...j.... ~- -1 . . . . . l r) :.J: i-.r~n~{.~u~·r ~()"!)_~(~.C" ':'r:;:, ""~~o~-:ica_~ 3:1r to "'-v~~-J1i'l("':; Hhi01~ a~ ~'1"':T~j A 1') ~~ l ~ +.~; (~r.c._,,-,~ 1';"'(-~ nY)0~~'Yl8!"t'·-" 'Jthers h~, ,....h2""')~~;·~·nr-:~O?'v:~'8. '~f!"1:)~:(' +-r. i~iP C\ ~'"\p"l'l 23 ~;l t .s t }-.. n r,0r~'~~p.l1c~:" :: '1. 'r r w" Yl'lJ1-~_qtin~s r-'"' y t,c; eventl:BI C~~ 1 death. ~~c~n!1 : r 1COl S S ') r~ r; r1 t hat ~) ely" 1 () i rl ,-. ,", I 1 s IJu]Deral11e to ~a;:-liatJ8~~ C'",jrl!~r; ~1'!l'~')~~r)_ '~}-'~'~ ~~,.~ ~F;r:i (1).81 -, ;~a'''ls 1-~'1:) h~r10J 1>rr: ~ c.h !~n_ ~ ~ f~ S H~l'~ 1-'~ nl~:-'~~:;CY) q -. ~i, $"'4 ~r_8rp n';:1 d n C1 8 j:rTJ~=ri "!-:~! p l..~ltCl o~ 1 9 C t ""' .p 1 0'J. i z ~ 11 ~ thp chr';"~'_]~C~'r}P~; f t~n!l818(""nt~0_-:-1~, rir~F~ ch_r(;~}~nS()r(lf:S, ;~e18t:'-eri""1:" 2 ~ir.l )Ci.F~8} to ~ ~ ~ 1. "J-;- i!fY1atl ).., q d 1_ .... t~i"" 8cent~ic 0~;:: ~'lrther cellulor J !>, t.p.nt~K ~"e~rs. -- .l\~'~~3rentl >. ',1: 1 ~-::~.~~ y' ~.'> 11? a ro, ~~" Y' '~:~8.nGc?8 8 :lfi~~ ~J} C :,- n~ 1- T:\, e n t ~; f'~! J Cl.;.r,r·--~.-"1~··Y42:)=r Ply.. ___. ~jVi3i0~. ~i1'-:-; ~~D'1t '--l ...)'~r "')~';(1'1~C:: ~~rr)~':0~.()'"~0. ~~0 ~I0r~r sir~'; 1 a~") r8~11l +,2. ~;-"t.~".1~·~ 08 ~rn0l}~":--r1 t y :,,: R1l~"~71 Bt, ~n~ [)::e~ts ~-~"":-';:~ :>r(':c1.11,~C·j ~~~.. :nn17)i~(~ ~1riatl(T"-:, ,",:!i;f1~~~8.Y# tr) "~.~ 'l-! ~):r ~ ~ ~ t, ~ .~ " p {' R y-! ") ~ ".,." ("', r :r -1. !~ d ~\hpp~~~!-::d ... A~. ~n'f-..-~ ~Y-" r'Cl -~r[ n~~:;:\nt.·~. ,n ....... Yl-. c0r"-'lm")~,(I~·I-~~ :~n8t c~.. ,",).p ~,Y)p,r:_t:"""{-'n~ ~;'" t i~tn di 1 (' _-:;". .~:: _ p~''t0~ """Y·.~ .... :-?_""C; ....,r . n~1 t"hc.;~jC .!n,',~"11.:'l;_("'n; ,y} 0 . 0 ....... ~~~.Ic~L"~~,... :-)(':i.~,(:'~~ f'Y',"cr''''':':- leukf~tin~t~. 7 f) , r (~ e y-: ~11:~:/­ Rl"~""-l-:- '7~ ~-"1r'~ ~>:r' .''!: <i{~~OVl • A~('oY'~ ~,::iY\ Ver' " ~r(" ref':rre'--; to :-:r:r','" be '-'::~~11:') C .-,P t. 9, r-,(l ~P0wth . ~1 n n fp . . . ~-:; ("ti~"':")8r.Drf'l:·'Y'r-·r:tat: 1'"'.p l:~L~~l~"""-" -....:.' , y, R ~ +. ~ .~. ~ ~ ~ ~ (~ 0 '-~1T'0y"l..!~:.,!' tf';'9,-'+S +'l"e~/ F~ pdY~i::,i(~tr·1t~,-.,·,,", +.:18 -Amonc st ~1~ASP ~r·~'·~,.--.-o("" ':0~:"~'~(J:1.; .,.t- . . .!t0Xi." (' "38~r>"'P.:'l f' ~'f "'hp0~()S;~~8J tn d~~n~!e~t 8.h<>Y'r'8t; nrc? :n ., '7 or: tbe ~,y-r)C nf' 1 E5'l!rer'11 a, v;rof,Y'Pssi a'!d e~~~rtiver:ess of c''! ',f tol"8 d,is~rdeY', t~era~y. ACK~JO\rJLEDG EFEN'I'S Sincere appreciatton 1s extended to: o) The i:)al I St atr~ Un i v!'Or'si ty TTr-:i8 r[';radll a to Re s e arc h ?ouniation Pnr SY'nnt~ng rr~~ect the funds to make this D088i bl,3. h) Dr. ~eor[';e 1:os;'~ t8~1, f'lr T~. Sranar'1, 811~nlyin3 -;JaPlOJngj:-~+, ;)'It of- '-)a 11 1:emor"ia 1 n;:t1y the patLmts to he studied .• but a1s:; hisvaluab10 tjye ir: 8nsHerins 'luPs-:10ns research. (') Dr. Stepher. CClb'lrn rmd Elair:p Leykauf, c:!tr:Ge:r.E~tics toch:ri,~iRn r!'OsT'ect~vely, State :Jo.spi tal 9.no Tr,gjnin,r:; C8nter culture chromOS0~~with 11.'8(' the nse-f' P',e 8 C',tat, f~ir bioC'he~y;"st nf th" Pnrt teachinG ::J8 ~,.rByne to re18t~vp degree nf success. -Tnsnitnl fr'('lJi+-l(~S Wf:~ r.nd :"-:'!,C~l n T NOT E S P 0 Pra~tice. 1. 'T!3:rhoe, P.G.J. Leukemia, Rese8.reh and Clinical D'Jston: Little, ~'!"'oHn, and Cnmpany, 19b"n:" Tl. 10 • .? "9usch, Harri Y0r~(: i\~ader1i~ 8. The Fol ecnI ar n-: Pr-8SS, 197L. n.g9. Ibid., 11. 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