Document 11214407

Cultural Competence: 1. Na#onal Centre for Cultural Competence h"p:// 2. Hamilton Health Sciences: Cultural & Diversity Resources for Health Care Professionals h"p:// 3. Cultural Competence Self-­‐Assessment Ques#onnaire h"p://
mason.pdf 4. Organiza#onal Cultural Competence: Self-­‐Assessment Tools for Community Health and Social Service Organiza#ons h"p://www.socialsciences.uo"
CulturalCompetenciesforHealthand-­‐05-­‐03.pdf Health Promo2on HealthLink BC Mul#cultural Resources h"p://
translatedresources/ Or call 8-­‐1-­‐1 for info in over 130 languages Home Care/ Home Support For further informa#on on home care services please call the home health office in your community: •  Vancouver: 604.263.7377 •  North Vancouver: 604.983.6700 •  West Vancouver: 604.983.6700 •  Richmond: 604.278.3361 •  Burnaby: 604.918.7447 •  Tri-­‐CiIes: 604.777.7300 •  Surrey/North Delta: 604.953.4950 Learning from research on Cultural Competence, Health Promotion and Home Care/ Home Support for cross-­cultural older adults Cultural Competence is a process in which the health care provider strives conInuously to work effecIvely within the cultural context of an individual, family, or community. – Campinha-­‐Bacote (2007) Health PromoIon is the process of enabling people to increase control over and improve their health. It includes focusing on individual behaviour as well as social and environmental intervenIons. – World Health OrganizaIon (2013) Research to Reality: •  Advocate for the use of cultural competence discussions as a tool to improve communicaIon between clients and health care providers •  Develop key quesIons that idenIfy cultural norms and individual health beliefs •  Imagine creaIve soluIons to overcome cultural barriers specific to your situaIon •  Take a cultural competence test Research to Reality: •  Advocate for parIcipatory research so that minority groups can have their opinions heard •  IdenIfy the unique needs of your community •  IdenIfy alternaIve health promoIon se]ngs, such as community or religious centers •  Provide local doctors with informaIon regarding community health programs to gain support and referrals Home care describes a range of community based health and home support services that assist individuals with medical and/or funcIonal needs. These provide individuals with the opportunity to remain in their homes. -­‐ Stephenson and Sawyer (2002) Research to Reality: •  Advocate for a NaIonal Home Care program •  Support integrated care systems, which endeavor to link individuals to a team of professionals who provide coordinated care and support •  Advocate for community partnerships •  Encourage the collecIon of ethnic idenIty data to idenIfy underserved populaIons 