- FUNCTIONAL IN'CORPOBATICN Ql!' LEARNING THEORY: MATHEMATICS AND THE BASIC LANGUAGE Honors College Thesis February 24, 1984 .1ill Lynn Deller ~f'Cc Ii -r he " - 'j ,>- , J In sincere appreciation to Dr. Alice I. Robold whose pat1ence and encouragement have reflected both personal and profess1onal excellence. - TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION · . '. . · . . . • ' MOI'IVATION • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Personalization. • • Goal Setting • • • ·• ·• 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • · 2 - 2 - 3 4 4 · · • · • • • • 4 - 12 · . . · . • • · . . • 12 - 13 • • · . • • • • • 14 - 15 LEARNING • • • • • • • • • THE TEACHER'S ROLE • BIBLIOGRAPHY • • • • APPENDIX I (Listing of the Program) • • • • 16 - 21 APPENDIX II (Sample Run of the Program) •• 22 - 30 DfTRODUCTION "A plan in the heart of a man is like deep water, But a man of understanding draws it out." Proverbs 20:5 "Many exciting, potentially powerful, and valid educational ideas have gone unused" simply because the task of inventing methods and creating materials for any new educational idea is enormous (13). Such is the case of the computer. Teachers in today's elementary school have many methods (or plans) for teaching children mathematics. To "draw out" such plans and revise them so that they may be programmed successfully into a computer takes examination and insight on the part of the teacher with regard to his or her own theories and practices in education. "All of us must cross the line between ignorance and insight many times before we truly understand." (7) As teachers, motivation and learning are constant perplexities, and many theorists have attempted to illustrate how to motivate children and how children best learn. Not every teacher does or should teach with respect to the same theory; however, many well-known theories are incorporated into the majority of classrooms. This writing proposes to delve into some of the well-known aspects of learning theory in the area of Mathematics, and illustrate how these aspects may be incorporated functionally into a computer program in the BASIC language. 2 -, MarIVATICN What motivates children? What causes them to act? Since children are stimulated by objects and events as sundry as the children themselves, the teacher's task of moving each child into productive action is monumentali however, it is this motivation that sets the quality of learning which takes place, and which may also heighten perception (9). According to Seidel (1974), the experience of learning on a computer usually is, in itself, motivating (17). Successful experiences allow a child to learn without feeling the need to employ the self-centered, self-protective avoidance of disapproval, which so often children feel is necessary even in non-threatening classroom environments (6). Unsuccessful experiences may lead to dislikes of the computer and the unique and valuable methods of teaching it offers. In order to establish and maintain motivation in computer instruction, a teacher may use several t.echniques in his/her programming. Personalization Through the use of interactive computing and properly Phrased comments which are individualized, a child can be referenced, personally and by name in each activity he/she does on the equipment. Students' names may easily be inserted into the context of a program by using an INPUT statement, proper prqmpts, and PRINT statements which include the child's name. 10 20 PRINT "WHAT IS YOUR NAME?" INFUT NAME$ 30 PRINT "HELLO, "iNAME$;". YOU ARE HERE TODAY. I AM GLAD THAT - - By inserting the string variable into any PRINT line in the form above, the child's name may be repeated throughout the program. - Personalization of content area may also be established in computer programs. After the student has typed his or her name as the string variable, the computer may be directed to find the string variable within a set of DATA statements containing all of the students' names and levels of difficulty on which they are to work. 30 GCSUB 999 .. 998 HEM D = NUMBER OF STUDENTS 999 FOR D = 1 TO 4 1000 READ STUDENT$, L 1.010 IF STUDENT$ 1011 NEXT D 10000 10010 10020 10030 DATA DATA DATA DATA = NAME$ THEN 1015 JILL, 1 LISA, 2 RICK, 3 TOM, 4 Problem complexity and/or type may easily be changed s·imply by re-typing a single DATA statement which will direct the program to instigate problems on a different level. When the program controls the function of choosing problem difficulty according to pretest scores or teacher discretion rather than allowing the learner to select his or her own level of difficulty, achievement has been proven to be at higher levels (11). Success strengthens learning and helps to motivate students toward further learning. Thus, programming the computer to present challenging problems with reachable solutions on the level of - the student will enhance motivation. 4 - Goal Setting Setting· a goal for the student, and being sure that he or she is aware of the goal is an important aspect of motivation (9). can be involved in setting goals for themselves. Students Not only does this allow the st.udent, and not the computer, to control the activity (an important aspect of programming for motivation suggested in an editorial in The Arithmetic Teacher (October, 1983)), but also makes the goal an intrinsic one rather than one placed on a student through extrinsic means. In support of this theory, allowing a student the opportunity to choose the number of problems that he/She wants tosolve can establish a personal goal for each child. One programming line accomplishes this task: 1015 PRINT "HELLO, ";NAME$;",. HOW MANY MATH PROBLEMS DO YOU WANT TO SOLVE TODAY?'";: INPUT C After each problem is correctly solved, the computer may also update the number of problems that the student must complete in order to meet his/her goal. This "awareness of progress toward the goal strengthens learning and motivates further learning." (9) 48 PRINT lOWLY "; C - E;" PROBLEMS TO GO!!" (NOTE E is number of problems solved) LEARNING The process of learning is one of active involvement. Such involvement, wheather physical or not, is always mental, and always - should be meaningful to the student involved (11). Organization of 5 learning is very important. Cognitive processes are as important for computer assisted instruction as they are for effective and efficient teacher instructed lessons; therefore, creating educationally sound computer instruction is a difficult and time-consuming task (12). Mathematical concepts are most successfully formed according to the developmental processes of a child. Since children grow in. mathematical thought from concrete phases through symbolic phases, organization which follows a continuum from manipulatives to abstracts is deemed most appropriate and comprehensible for mathematics instruction (3). The computer cannot be, itself, a manipulative form of mathematical instruction, but it certainly can illustrate mathematical concepts in several capacities. For the purpose of illustration, I have chosen the operation of multiplication and developed four different methods of teaching the concept. Each method corresponds to a different level of difficulty, which the computer is directed to execute when the DATA statements are read (see Motivation section). up to his own capacity to learn. "Each pupil will be expected to work only He should master what he does at his own level of maturity so that he can do things at that level of efficiency and can have a sense of having achieved success." (9) Level one can be accessed by using the name "Jill." Jill has not yet grasped the meaning of multiplication and is struggling with basic multiplication facts. computer (line 10). Upon request, Jill types her name into the Her DATA statement is read (line 1000); she is greeted (line 1015); she chooses her own goal (l1nel015); and the .- computer is then directed to develop that number of basic multiplication 6 - problems from random numbers. The first problem is printed, and the computer waits for an answer. 40 *42 44 46 = FOR E 1 TO C LET A INT (1 0 * BND(1)) + 1 LET B INT(10 * RND(1)) + 1 PRINT A;" X It ;B; It It;: INPUT ANS = = = * RND(1) Randomized the random numbers After the answer is punched into the computer, a subroutine is used to check the problem. If the problem is correct, the child is reinforced, and the next problem is given. 48 GOOUB 2000 49 NEXT E 2000 2010 2020 Q 2080 ImrURN 5000 5010 5020 5030 * RND(1)) + 1 ON R Goro 5020, 5030, 5040, 5050, 5060 PRINT "WAY TO GO, ";NAME$; "!": RETURN PRINT "WOW, WHAT A WHIZ!!! KEEP IT UP, " ;NAME$; "!": RETURN PRINT "YOU'RE DOING VERY 'WELL, ";NAME$;". I AM PR CUD OF YOU.": RETURN 5040 5050 5060 =0 IF IF R ANS ANS =A * =A * B THni B THEN GCliUB 5000 GOTO 2080 . = INT(5 PRINT "SUPER, SUPER JOB!!!!! MICKY MOUSE WILL CHEER YOU ON, ";NAME$; "!": RETURN PRINT "THAT'S THE RIGHT ANSWER. GOOD WORK!": RETURN If the answer is incorrect, the counter, initiated at line 2000, is increased by one and the problem is printed again on the screen. answer is entered and checked. given. Once again, the If correct, a reinforcing statement is 7 2030 2060 2070 Q = Q + 1 = "; PRINT A;" X "; B;" INPUT ANS: Goro 2010 On the third presentation of the problem, which occur~ after the second incorrect response, a strategy is used which gears the child toward mastery and success. Each level, after this point, differs since algorithms for higher-level mathematics become more abstract. For the first level, Jill's level, a program which uses a pictorial algorithm has been written as follows: 2035 IF Q = 2 THEN GOOUB 4000 4000 4001 4002 4005 4008 4009 4015 4016 4017 4018 4019 4020 4021 4022 4024 IF L < )1 4070 REM CLEAR SCREEN HOME PRINT "LET'S LOOK AT THE FOLLOWING DIAGRAM." P 0 P P + 1 FOR R 1 TO A FOR CO = 1 TO B PRINT" * "; NEXT CO PRINT PRINT NEXT R PRINT : IF P 2 THEN 4035 PRINT "HOW MANY ROWS ARE THERE IN THE DIAGRAM?" : INPUT RO PRINT "HOW MANY COLUMNS? ": INPUT COL PRINT "DID YOU SAY THAT THERE ARE ";A;" ROWS AND ";B;" COLUMNS? IF S0, YOU ARE RIGHT!! IF Nor, TRY COUNTING THEM AGAIN. (PRESS RETURN WHEN YOU ARE DONE COUNTING ROWS AND COLUMNS. )" INJ?UT R$ Gar04009 PRINT "THE NUMBER OF '*' IS EQUAL TO "IA;" X " ;B;" • HOW MANY 1*' ARE THERE? ": INPUT S PRINT "THE ANSWER IS ";A * B;". DID YOU GET IT RIGHT? RETURN 4025 4031 4032 4034 4035 4037 4050 THEN = = = = 8 - Lines 4023 - 4031 and line 4035 guide the child toward understanding the algorithm. At line 40)4, the array is reprinted since some of the asterisk marks may have been scrolled off of the screen as PRINT statements were typed. The answer is given at line 4037, and the same problem is then repeated to reinforce the learning of the basic fact. The pictorial array model "will serve as a natural extension to prior work in making and naming rectangles using cubes, geoboards, or graph paper." (10). As illustrated above, the computer can "draw" arrays to assist children in developing early multiplication concepts. level two is accessed in the program by using the name "Lisa." Lisa's level of skill is somewhat more advanced. Form (problems contain o~e-d1git multipliers and two-digit multiplicands); complexity (same regrouping is required); and algorithm expla1nation (the distributive property is used) all reflect Lisa's increasing mental competency in the area of multiplication. The program runs in the same basic foremat as the level one program . does until the algorithm clarification section begins. Of course, the multiplicand now has changed to a number between ten and ninety-nineinclusive. 62 63 64 66 67 = LET A INT (100 * RND(l)) . IF A < 10 THEN 62 LET B INT (10 * RND(l)} + 1 PRINT A; It X ";B;" = ";: INPUT ANS = GOSUB 2000 Again, two chances to correctly solve the problem are given to the student before she studies the new algorithm. I f Lisa misses the 9 problem twice, the multiplier (A) must first be split 1nto partial sums (tens (T) + ones (0)) so that the distributive property can be illustrated effectively. 4080 4090 LET T LET 0 = INT =A (A - T * .1) * 10 We divide the problem • • • 4100 PRINT A;" X "; B;" = "; B; ,,( " ; T ;" + "; 0; " )" then print the partial products. 4110 PRINT "(";B;" X ";T;")-+ (";B;" X ";0;")" Individually, we ask for the solutions to the two partial products, and the student punches the answers 1nto the computer. =- 4120 PRINT B;" X ";T;" n;: INPUT ANS 4130 PRINT B;" X "; 0;" = ";: INPUT AS Finally, we explain how these answers correlate with the original problem and ask for the sum. 4140 PRINT "DID YOU FIND THE CORRECT PARrIAL PRODUCTS? IF SO, THEIR SUM IS -THE ANSWER TO THE PROBLEM A;" X " ; B; " • 4150 PRINT ANS;" + ";AS;" = ";: WHAT IS THEIR SUM?" INPUT AP The Child, checks herself by comparing her answer to the correct one. 4160 PRINT "WAS YOUR ANSWER";A * B"'? IF SO, YOU ARE RIGHT! " And the problem is repeated, once again be entered. So that the correct answer may 10 - The distributive property helps children to realize the relationship between addition and multiplication, and is necessary at this point since higher-level multiplication problems require repeated application of this procedure (2). On level three, Rick, our level three student, again follows the same basic outline as he solves even more advanced multiplication problems. His program is adjusted so that both the multiplicand and the multiplier are double-digit numbers. Both numbers are broken down by the student into tens and ones, and new vocabulary is introduced. 4220 PRINT "HOW MANY TENS IN THE FIRST NUMBER 4230 PRINT "HOW MANY ONES m THE MULTIl'LIER'? " : INRJT 0 PRINT "HOW MANY TENS IN THE SECCfiD NUMBER (THE MULTIPLICAND) 1 ": D1PUT. TS PRINT "HOW MANY oms IN THE MULTIPLICAND? ": mPUT a3 PRINT as;" ONES X ": 0;" 0N]5 = WHAT NUMBER'? " ;: mPUT AO PRINT a3;" 00llS X "; T ;" TENS WHAT NUMBER? " ;: mJ?UT AD PRINT TS;" TENS X "; 0;" ONES = WHAT NUMBER? ";: nr.PUT AU PRINT TS;" TENS X "; T;" TENS = WHAT NUMBER'? " (THE MULTnLIER )1" 4240 4250 4252 4255 4260 4265 ": INPUT T = ;: mJ?UT AS 4270 4280 4330 PRINT: PRINT: PRINT "IF YOU MULTIPLIED ALL OF THE NUMBERS CORRECTLY, THEIR SUM SHOULD BE EQUAL TO THE ANSWER TO THE PROBLEM " ;A;" X "; B; " • LET'S ADD YOUR ANSWEBS TOGETHER TO SEE IF YOU ABE CORRECT." PRINT: PRINT: PRmT" ";AO;" + ";AD;" + " ;AU;" + ";AS;" INPUT SU PRINT" IF YOU SAID THAT THE SUM OF ALL OF THE NUMBERS IS ";A * B;" YOU ABE CORRECT! THIS IS AISO THE ANSWER TO THE PROBLEM = ";: "jAjU 4340 X n;B;"." RETURN By writing all of the partial products down, the child can gain greater insight into expanded notation and its usefulness, as well as repeatedly 11 apply the distributive property. When each partial product is added individually as this program illustrates, development of the more standard, shortened form of partial product addition will be accesse:d (2). "In more complex multiplication problems, the principles of place value are applied and the basic algorithm is extended (2)." This is the goal of the fourth level of multiplication accessed by using the name "Tom." level four, like the other levels preceeding it, follows the same basic procedure until the algorithIn must be developed. At this point, the multiplicand is split into its component parts, and each part is then multiplied individually by the multiplier. The hundreds part of the multiplicand is found first • • • 4400 LET PH = niT (:8 * .01) * 100 then the tens • • • 4410 LET PI' = niT «:8 - PH) * .1) * 10 and finally, the ones. 4420 LET PO = :8 - PH - PI' We print the expanded" form of the problem, 4430 PRINT A;" X ";:8;" PO;" )" = ";A;"(";:EH;" + ";Pr;" + "; and give instructions and partial product problems. 4440 PRINT 4470 PRINT 4480 PRINT 4490 PRINT "FmD THE PARTIAL PRODUCTS." A;" X ";PH;" mPUT PI' A;" X "; PI' ;" mPUT m A;" X "; PO;" = ";: INPUT PI' = ";: = ";: 12 -, Finally, the algorithm is explained, and the solution is calculated. 4500 PRmT "THE SUM OF THE PARTIAL PRODUCTS YOU JUST COMPUTED SHOULD BE THE ANSWER TO THE PROBLEM "; A;" X "; B; " • ADD THEM TOGETHER TO SEE IF YOU .ARE CORRECT. WHEN YOU ARE DONE ADDING THE PARTIAL PRODUCTS TOGETHER, ENTER YOUR ANSWER AND PRESS RETURN." 4510 INPUT TP As in the three previous levels, the calculated answer is compared with the actual answer, and the correct product is entered as the solution. As exemplified above, the computer is a unique and valuable teaching method which allows a child to pace himself/herself, repeat parts of lessons that he/she does not understand, and skip what he/she knows (14). In addition, immediate feedback can be provided upon successful completion of a problem as illustrated in lines 5000 - 5060, and guidance can be administered at appropriate levels of mathematical maturity when "trouble spots" emerge. More difficult algorithms may be developed which directly relate to previous algorithms and make learning logical. Careful planning on the part of the teacher, which allows students time to guess, test their guesses, and develop abilities to estimate, helps students to test the reasonableness of their answers and not to acquire the erroneous conclusions which often lead to unreasonable answers (1). THE TEACHER'S ROLE The person who is instrumental in providing the classroom with - quality computer assisted instruction is the teacher. "Those who would suggest that the computer can replace the teacher and those who would suggest 13 that the computer will somehow depersonalize the classroom have never seen a competent teacher using the strengths of the computer to do those things it does best and leaving the teacher free to do those things which can be done only by a teacher." (5) Only the teacher, says :8. F. Skinner, can function through "intellectual, cultural, and emotional contacts of the distinctive sort which testify to (his/) her status as a human being. (5)." In using qualities that are uniquely human, a teacher "operates on a frontier of educational knowledge--thinking up new ways to implement new knowledge (13), and places the new technology into the classroom. Opportunities are thus created for learning to take place which goes beyond the subject matter and extends into new areas. Good teaching is not merely transmission of information and skills, but the encouragement of zest for further study. Computers are here to stay. They are not "electric teachers," (15) but rather a general purpose tool to be utilized both in teaching subject areas and as a subject area themselves (8). Teachers need only use their knowledge of effective teaching to create quality softw~e from which children can learn not only the subject matter, but how technology can enhance their lives. 14 BIBLIOORAl'HY 1. Ashlock, Robert B. Error Patterns in Computation: A Semiprogrammed Approach. Columbus, Chio: Charles i. Merrill Publishing Company, 1976. 2. Ashlock, Robert B. Guiding Each Child's learning of Mathematics: ! Diagnostic ApProach to Instruction. Columbus, Chio: Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company, 1983. 3. Copeland, Richard W. ~ Children learn Mathematics: Teaching Implications of Pieget' s Research. New York: MacMillan Publishing Company, 1979. 4. Driscoll, Mark J. Research Within Reach. Elementary School Mathematics. Reston, Virginia: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1980. 5. Hofmeister, Alan. Microcomputer Applications in the Classroom. New York: CBS College Publishing, 1984. 6. Holt, John. How Children Fail. New York: Company, Incorporated, 1964. Holt, John. How Children learn. New York: Company, Incorporated, 1967. 8. Dell Publishing Dell Publishing Morsund, Iavid. Teachers' Guide to Computers .!E. the Elementary School. Ellgene, Oregon: International Council for Computers in Education, 1980. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. The learning of Mathematics, Its Theory and Practice. Washington, D.C.: The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Incorporated, 1953. 10. Reys, Robert E, Marilyn N. Suydam, and Mary M. Lindquist. Helping Children learn Mathematics. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Incorporated, 1984. 11. Ross, S.M. and E.A. RaItov. "learner Control vs. Program Control as Adaptive Strategies for Selection of Instructional Support on Math Rules." Journal of Educational Psychology, October 1981, pp. 745-753. 12. Scandura, J .M. "Microcomputer Systems for Authoring, Diagnosis, and Instruction in Rule-Based Subject Matter." Educational Technology, January 1981. pp. 13-19. 15 -- 13. Smith, James A. Setting Conditions ~ Creative Teaching in the Elementary School. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Incorporated, 1966. - . 14. Spencer, Mirna, and Linda Baskin. "Computers in the Classroom." Childhood Education, March/April 1983, pp. 293-6. . 15. Stecy, Edward M. "Students: Handle with C.A.R.E. (Computer Assisted Remediation and Enrichment)." American Annual of the Deaf, September 1982, pp. 617-24. - 16. Steffe, Issl1e P., ed. Research.2!! Mathematical Thinking of Young Children. Reston, Virginia: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1975. 17. Wall, S.M., and N.E. Taylor. "Using Interactive Computer Programs in Teaching Higher Conceptual Skills: An Approach to Instruction in liriting • " Educat ional Technology, February 1982, pp. 13-17. - 16 - APPENDIX I Listing of the Program ,- 17 J JLIST 42 PRINT "WHAT IS YOUR NAME?" INPUT NAME$ GOSUB 999 PRINT FOR E = 1 TO e LET A = INT (10 lK RND ( 1) ) + 44 LET E: 10 20 30 32 40 1 == INT 00 1 it6 PRINT A;" X II ; E:; RND lK II I~NS = II + • t • (1» INPUT 62 GOSUE: 2000 PRINT "ONLY ";e - E; .. PROE:LEM S TO GO! ! .. PRINT PRINT NEXT E STOP FOF.: E = 1 TO C PRINT LET A = INT (100 lK RND ( 1) ) 63 64 IF A .( 10 THEN 62 LET 8 = INT (10 lK 47 if8 49 50 51 60 61 + RND (1» + :l 69 70 80 81 82 PFUNT A; .. X = t • INPUT ANS GOSUE: 2000 PRINT "ONLY ";e - E; " F'F.:OE:LEM S TO GO! ! NEXT E STOP FOR E = 1 TO e PRINT LET A = INT (100 lK RND (1 » 83 84 IF A :> 99 THEN GOTO 82 LET E: = INT (100 lK RND ( 1 ) ) 66 67 68 II ; E~; II II • • II + 10 8t::" + 10 IF E: ). 99 THEN GOTO 84 B6 PFUNT A; .. X .1; E: ; II = t +• INPUT ANS ..-q7 GOSUE: 2000 38 PRINT "ONLY "te - E;" PROE:LEM S TO GO! ! " 89 NEXT E 90 STOP 100 FOR E = 1 TO e 101 PRINT 102 LET A = INT (1000 lK RND ( 1 ,j II • ) ) lu3 104 IF A .( 100 THEN GOTO l()Z LET B = INT (1000 )I( F:ND ( 1 )) IF B .::: 100 THEN GOTO 104 PRINT At" X II;E:;11 = t •+ INPUT ANS - 07 GOSUB 2000 108 PRINT "ONLY "C - E;" PROE:LEM S TO GO!!" 109 NEXT E 110 STOP 999 FOR 0 = 1 TO 4 1000 READ STUDENT$tL 1010 IF STUDENT$ = NAME$ THEN 10 :1.05 II • :1.06 15 1011 1015 NEXT 0 . PRINT "HELLO, ";NAME$;" HOW MANY MATH PROBLEMS DO YO U WANT TO SOLVE TODAY?";: INPUT C =1 1020 IF L 1030 IF L = 1040 IF L = 1050 IF L :t. 09 0 l:::ETURN 2000 Q = 0 2010 IF ANS 5000 = 2020 THEN 40 2 THEN 60 3 THEN 80 4 THEN 100 =A IF ANS = A )I( B THEN GOSUB lK E: THEN GOTO 2 080 2025 PRINT 2030 Q = Q + 1 2032 PRINT 203~5 IF Q - 2 THEN 2040 IF Q - 3 THE!'·! 2055 2060 2070 2075 2080 4000 4002 4005 GOSUE: 4000 PF~INT "I'M T IRED OF THIS PROBLEM, AREN'T YOU, ";NAME$;"." PRINT PRINT A;" X ";E:;" = "; INPUT ANS: GOTO 201~ PRINT RETURN IF L < >:1. THEN 4070 HOME PRINT "LET'S LOm< AT THE F OLLOWING DIAGfMM." 4008 F' = 0 4009 LET P F' + 1 4010 PRINT: PRINT : PRINT 4015 FOR R :I. TO A 4016 FOR CO = 1 TO E: 4017 PRINT" )I( " ; 4018 NEXT CO 4019 PRINT 4020 PI=\:INT 4021 NEXT R 4022 PRINT IF P 2 THEN 4035 = = = PRINT "HOW MANY ROWS ARE TH ERE IN THE DIAGRAM? ": INPUT RO 4025 PRINT "HOW MANY COLUMNS? " t INPUT COL 4031, PRINT "DID YOU SAY THAT THE RE ARE "; A;" ROWS, AND ";B ;" COLUMNS? IF SO,YOU ARE R IGHT!! " ~024 ---.--- -- --- 18 l-'h.J..r""il '""(\).:)L "li- r'lUT fRY t CUUNTING THEM AGAIN. (PRESS RETURN WHEN YOU ARE DONE COUNTING " PRINT "ROWS AND COLUMNS.)" INPUT RS: PRINT : GOTO 4009 4033 4034 -. .035 19 PRINT "THE NUMBER OF ')I(' IS EQUAL TO "; A; X "; E:; " • HO W MANY 'lK' ARE THERE? u: INPUT 11 S 4037 PFUNT "THE ANSWER IS "; A )I( B;". DID YOU GET IT RIGHT?" RETURN IF L > 2 THEN 4200 PRINT LET T = INT (A lK .1) )I( 10 LET 0 = A - T PRINT A;" X ";B;" = ";B;"(" ;T;II + ";0;") =" 4105 PRINT 4106 PRINT '+1 1 0 PRINT "(";B;" X ";T;") + (" 4050 4070 4075 4080 4090 4100 H::;" X ";0;") 4115 4120 4125 4130 4135 4140 " PRINT PRINT B;" X ";T;" = ";: INPUT ANS PRINT PRINT E:;" X "; 0;" = ";: INPUT AS PRINT PRINT "DID YOU FIND THE CO~: RECT PARTIAL PRODUCTS ? IF SOt THEIR SUM IS THE" PRINT "ANSWER TO THE P~:OE:LE M ";A;" X ";E:;". WHAT I S THEIR SUM?" 4:L4~5 PRINT 4150 PRINT ANS;" + ";AS;" = ";: INPUT AP 4155 PRINT 4:l.60 PRINT "WAS your.: ANSWER " ; A >X E:;"? IF SO, YOU Ar\E RI GHT!" 4:1.65 PRINT 4170 liETURN 4200 IF L > 3 THEN 4400 4210 PRINT 4220 PRINT "HOW MANY TENS IN THE FIRST NUMBER (THE MULTIPL IER)? ": INPUT T 4230 PfUNT "HOW MANY ONES IN THE MULTIPLIER? ": INPUT 0 '+240 PRINT "HOW MANY TENS IN THE SECOND NUMBER (THE MULTIPLI CANO)? ": INPUT TS ~250 PRINT "HOW MANY ONES IN THE MULTIPLICAND? ": INPUT OS 425:l. PRINT 4252 PRINT OS;" ONES x ";0;" ONE S = WHAT NUMBER? ";: INPUT AO 4253 PfUNT 4255 PRINT OS;" ONES X u;T;" TEN ----.--------- - ------- --- -._----------_._--_ 4142 .... .. - ... ...-~---.------ ... ... ~'!HH I ;;) ::: 4257 4260 -4262 +265 4266 '+267 4270 I\Wlvlt:!::J<~; " ;; .iNr'UT AD PRINT PRINT TS;" TENS X ";0;" ONE S = WHAT NUMBER? ";: INPUT AU PRINT PRINT TS;" TENS X ";T;" TEN S ::: WHAT NUMBER? ";: INPUT AS PRINT pr~INT PFUNT: PRINT : PRINT "IF Y OU MULTIPLIED ALL OF THE NUM BERS CORRECTLY, THEIR SU M SHOULD E:E EQUAL TO " 4272 PRINT "THE ANSWER TO THE PR OE:LEM "; A; X "; B; " • LE T'S ADD YOUR ANSWERS TOGETHE R TO SEE 4275 PRINT "IF YOU ARE CORRECT." 11 II PRINT PRINT: PRINT ;AO;" + ";AD;" + ";AU;" + "; AS;" ::: ";: INPUT SU 4290 PRINT 431() PRINT IF YOU SAID THAT TH PRINT 4330 E SUM OF ALL OF THE NUMBERS IS ";A lK e:;11 YOU ARE CORRECT 4280 11 11 11 11 4340 '+400 RETURN LET PH::: INT (e: * .01) lK 1 00 4410 LET PT::: INT «8 - PH) lK • lK 10 LET PO = e: - PH - PT PRINT A;" X 1I;e:;" = II;A;"(II ;PH;" + II;F'T;" + ";PO;")" PRINT PRINT "FIND THE PARTIAL PRO DUCTS." PRINT PRINT PRIP·!T AI t• X ";PH;" ::: +t •• INPUT 10) 4420 4430 4435 4440 4450 "+'+60 '+470 II II F'P 4475 4480 4485 '+490 4495 4~50 0 .-4502 PRINT PRINT A;" X ";PT;" = t •+ INPUT PS PRINT PRINT A; X ";PO;" ::: t • INPUT PT PRINT PRINT "THE SUM OF THE PARTI AI_ PF:ODUCTS YOU JUST COMPUTE· D SHOULD e:E THE ANSWER TO TH E " F'RINT "pr~OBLEM "; A; X II; E:; " ADD THEM TOGETHER TO SEE IF YOU ARE CORRECT. WHEN Y OU ARE PRINT IIDONE ADDING THEM TOG ETHER t PUNCH IN YOUR ANSWER AND PRESS RETURN." INPUT TP PRINT PRINT : PRINT IIWAS II .. II II 4505 4510 452(\ .... II 20 YOUR ANSWER "; A :« E:;" '? IF S 0, YOU ARE RIGHT!" 4525 RETURN 5000 R =INT (5:« RND (1» + 1 5010 ON R GOTO 5020,5030,5040,50 50,5060 PRINT IIW.AY TO GO, II;NAME$;" !"t RETURN 5030 PRINT "WOW, WHAT A WHIZ!!! ~{EEF' IT UP, "; NAME$; " ! .. t RETURN )020 PRINT "YOU'RE DOING VEF~Y WE LL t " ; NAME$; " • I AM PR OUD OF YOU."t RETURN 5050 PRINT "SUPER, SUPER "JOE:!!!! MICKEY MOUSE WILL CHEER YO U ON, ";NAME$;"."t RETURN 5040 PRINT "THAT'S THE RIGHT ANS WER. GOOD WOR~(!" t RETURN 10000 DATA JILL, 1 10010 DATA LISA, 2 10020 DATA RICK, 3 10030 DATA TOM, 4 :L50 00 END 5060 - 21 22 APPENDIX II A Sample Run of the Program - 23 :J JRUN WHAT IS YOUR NAME? ?JILL HELLO, JILL HOW MANY MATH PROBLEMS DO 7 X 7 = ?.tt9 WAY TO GOt JILL! ONLY 3 PROBLEMS TO GO! ! YOU WANT TO SOLVE TODAY??4 9 X 6 ::: ?55 9X 6 = ?5.tt THAT1S THE RIGHT ANSWER. ONLY 2 PROBLEMS TO GO! ! GOOD WORK! 5 X 6 ::: ?32 5 X 6 = ?40 LET'S LOOK AT THE FOLLOWING DIAGRAM. JI( :« )!( :« :« :.1( )K )I( :« :I( :« lK :« )I( lK :« lK lK )It lK lK :« lK lK :« ~l( )I( :« :« lK HOW MANY ROWS ARE THEF:E IN THE DIAGPAt1? ?5 ~OW MANY COLUMNS? 6 DID YOU SAY THAT THERE ARE 5 ROWS AND 6 COLUMNS? IF SO, YOU ARE RIGHT!! IF NOT, TRY' COUNTING THEM AGAIN. (PRESS RETURN WHEN YOU ARE DONE COUNTING ROWS AND COLUMNS.) ? ._----------------_.-------_._--------.--------------- -- ---- -- ----- _._- ._----------------------- 24 lK )t( lK lK lK lK THE NUMBER OF ' . ' IS EQUAL TO 5 X 6. HOW MANY 'lK' ARE THERE? ?30 THE ANS~ER 5 X 6 IS 30. DID YOU GET IT RIGHT? = ?30 WAY TO GO, JILL! ONLY 1 PROBLEMS TO GO! ! 2 X 8 = ?15 ~~ = ?17 X 8 LET'S LOOK AT THE HOW MANY ..... RO~S FOLLO~ING DIAGRAM. ARE THERE IN THE DIAGRAM? ?'"' HOW MANY COLUMNS? ?8 DID YOU SAY THAT THERE ARE Z RO~S AND 8 COLUMNS? IF SO,YOU ARE RIGHT!! IF NOT, TRY COUNTING THEM AGAIN. (PRESS RETURN WHEN YOU ARE DONE COUNTING ROWS AND COLUMNS.) ? THE NUMBER OF ')1(' IS EQUAL TO 2 X 8. HOW MANY'.' ARE THERE? ?l6 THE ANS~ER IS 16. DID YOU GET IT RIGHT? 1. X 8 = 116 THAT'S THE RIGHT ANSWER. ONLY 0 PROBLEMS TO GO! ! E:REAI{ IN 51 GOOD WORK! 25 J JRUN WHAT IS YOUR NAME? ?LISA HELLO, LISA HOW MANY MATH PROBLEMS DO 54 X 10 = ?540 THAT'S THE RIGHT ANSWER. ONLY 3 PROBLEMS TO GO! ! 67 X 6 = ?408 67 X 6 = ?404 67 X 6 = 6(60 (6 X 60) +7) YOU WANT TO SOLVE TODAY??4 GOOD WORK! = + (6 X 7) 6 X 60 = ?360 6 X 7 = ?42 DID YOU FIND THE CORRECT PARTIAL ANSWER TO THE PR08LEM 67 X 6. WHAT 360 + 42 PRODUCTS? IF SO, THEIR SUM IS THE IS THEIR SUM? = ?702 WAS YOUR ANSWER 402? IF SO, YOU ARE RIGHT! 67 X 6 = 1'+02 WAY TO GO, LISA! ONLY 2 PROBLEMS TO GO! ! 24 X 6 = ?142 2'+ X 6 = ?144 SUPER, SUPER JOB! !!! MICKEY MOUSE WILL CHEER YOU ON, ONLY 1 PROBLEMS TO GO! ! - 5 X 6 15 X 6 15 X 6 = ?30 = 180 = 6(10 + 5) = LISA. (6 X 10) + (6 X 5) 6 X 10 - 6 X 5 26 = ?60 = ?30 JID YOU FIND THE CORRECT PARTIAL ANSWER TO THE PROBLEM 15 X 6. WHAT 60 + 30 = ?90 WAS YOUR ANSWER 90? IF SOt YOU ARE 15 X 6 = ?90 WOW t WHAT A WHIZ!!! KEEP IT UP t LISA! ONLY 0 PROBLEMS TO GO! ! 8REA~( -- PRODUCTS? IF SOt THEIR SUM IS THE IS THEIR SUM? IN 70 RIGHT! 27 JRUN QHAT IS YOUR NAME? ?RIC~{ HELLO, RICK HOW MANY MATH PROBLEMS DO YOU WANT TO SOLVE TOOAY??4 73 X 14 = ?1022 SUPER? SUPER JOB! !!! MICKEY MOUSE WILL CHEER YOU ON t ONLY 3 PROBLEMS TO GO! ! 65 X = ?3050 47 65 X 47 := ?3055 YOU1RE DOING VERY WELL, RICK. ONL Y 2 PROBLEMS TO GO! ! 19 X 1.9 X RICI< • F'F,OUD OF YOU. = ?345 47 .tt7 I AM ?895 := HOW MANY TENS IN THE FIRST NUMBER (THE ?1 HOW MANY ONES IN THE MUL TIPLIEF.:? MULTIPLIER)? '?9 HOW MANY TENS IN THE SECOND NUME:ER (THE MULTIPL.ICAND)? ?.tt HOW MANY ONES IN THE MULTIPLICAND? ? ?REENTER ';>• '7 I ;" ONES X 9 ONES := WHAT NUMBER? ?63 7 ONES X 1 TENS := WHAT NUMBER? ?70 4 TENS X 9 ONES = WHAT NUMBER? 4 TENS X 1 TENS := WHAT NUMBER? ?360 ?400 -l:F YOU MULTIPLIED ALL OF THE NUME:ER~) HE ANSWER TO THE PROBLEM 19 X 47. IF YOU ARE CORRECT. 63 + 70 + 360 + 400 := CORRECTLY, THEIR SUM SHOULD BE EQUAL T( LET'S ADD YOUR ANSWERS TOGETHER TO SEE ?893 IF YOU SAID THAT THE SUM OF ALL OF THE NUMBERS IS 893 YOU ARE CORRECT! 19 X ~7 = ?893 WOW, WHAT A WHIZ! !! KEEP IT UP t RICK! ONLY 1 PROBLEMS TO GO! ! 93 X 50 28 = ?~550 ~ 93 X 50 = ?~570 HOW MANY TENS IN THE FIRST NUMBER (THE MULTIPLIER)? 79 HOW MANY ONES IN THE MULTIPLIER? ?3 HOW MANY TENS IN THE SECOND NUMBER (THE MULTIPLICAND)? ~~ !~ HOW MANY ONES IN THE MULTIPLICAND? ?O 0 ONES X 3 ONES 0 ONES X 9 TENS 5 TENS X 3 ONES ~ ~ TENS X 9 TENS = WHAT = WHAT = WHAT = WHAT NUMBER? ?O NUMBER? ?O NUMBER? ?150 NUMBER? ?4500 IF YOU MULTIPLIED ALL OF THE NUMBERS THE ANSWER TO THE PROBLEM 93 X 50. IF YOU ARE CORRECT. o + 0 + 150 + 4500 CORRECTLY, THEIR SUM SHOULD BE EQUAL T LET'S ADD YOUR ANSWERS TOGETHER TO SEE = ?~650 IF YOU SAID THAT THE SUM OF ALL OF THE NUM8ERS IS 4650 YOU ARE CORRECT! 93 X 50 = ?5650 I'M TIRED OF THIS PROBLEM, AREN'T YOU, RICK. 93 X 50 = ?4650 SUPER, SUPER J08!!!! MICKEY MOUSE WILL CHEER YOU ON, ONLY 0 PROBLEMS TO GO!! BREAK IN 90 RICK. 29 ]RUN WHAT IS YOUR NAME? ?TOM HELLO, TOM HOW MANY MATH PROBLEMS DO 589 X 685 = ?403465 THAT'S THE RIGHT ANSWER. ONLY 3 PROBLEMS TO GO! ! YOU WANT TO SOLVE TODAY??1 GOOD WORK! 262 X 150 = ?117910 262 X 450 = ?117900 THAT'S THE RIGHT ANSWER. ONLY 2 PROBLEMS TO GO! ! 569 X 150 = ?56900 569 X 150 = ?57500 569 X 150 = 569(100 GOOD WORK! + 10 + 10) FIND THE PARTIAL PRODUCTS. 569 X 40 = ?56900 = ?22760 569 X 10 = ?5690 569 X 100 THE SUM OF THE PARTIAL PRODUCTS YOU JUST COMPUTED SHOULD BE THE ANSWER TO THE PROBLEM 569 X 150. ADD THEM TOGETHER TO SEE IF YOU ARE CORRECT. WHEN YOU ARE DONE ADDING THEM TOGETHER, PUNCH IN YOUR ANSWER AND PRESS RETURN. ?85350 WAS YOUR ANSWER 85350? IF SO, YOU ARE RIGHT! 569 X 150 = ?85350 SUPER, SUPER JOB! I!! MICKEY MOUSE WILL CHEER YOU ON t ONLY 1 PROBLEMS TO GO! ! 230 X 571 = ?10065 230 X 571 = ?18056 = 230(500 230 X 571 FIND THE PARTIAL + 70 + 1) P~ODUCTS. TOM. 230 X 500 )0 = ?16100 230 X 70 230 X 1 = ?115000 = ?230 SUM OF THE PARTIAL PF.:ODUCTS YOU JUST COMPUTED SHOULD E:E THE ANS~ER TO THE 230 X 571. ADD THEM TOGETHER TO SEE IF YOU ARE CORRECT. WHEN YOU ARE DONE ADDING THEM TOGETHER, PUNCH IN YOUR ANS~ER AND PRESS RETURN. --'--IE ~R08LEM ?:1.31330 WAS YOUR 230 X 571 ANS~ER 131330? = ?131330 IF SOt YOU ARE RIGHT! YOU'RE DOING VERY WELL t TOM. ONLY 0 PROBLEMS TO GO! ! E:REM{ IN 110 - I AM PROUD OF YOU.