Dynamic Simulation Modeling and Control of the Odyssey III Autonomous Underwater Vehicle by Mark E. Rentschler B.S., Mechanical Engineering University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE (2001) Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June 2003 JUL 0 8 2003 0 2003 Mark E. Rentschler. All rights reserved. LIBRARIES The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and to distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis document in whole or in part. Author .................................. Certified by..... 1' Certified by......... C ertified by .... Accepted by .......................... ! Department pf Mechanical Engineering 8 May 2003 Chr'yssostomos Chryssostomidis y Doherty Professor of Ocean Science and Engineering, MIT Thesis Co-supervisor .....-.....------..--.--------------------Franz S. Hover Principal Research Engineer, MIT Thesis Co-supervisor ...-..-.--....-------------------Nicholas M. Patrikalakis Kawasaki Professor of Engineering Professor of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering, MIT Thesis Reader ----------------------------------Ain A. Sonin Professor of Mechanical Engineering, MIT Chairperson, Committee on Graduate Students BARKER 2 Dynamic Simulation Modeling and Control of the Odyssey III Autonomous Underwater Vehicle by Mark E. Rentschler Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering on May 8 2003, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering Abstract Dynamic modeling and control of the Bluefin Odyssey III class vehicle "Caribou," operated by the MIT Sea Grant AUV Laboratory is addressed. Focus is on demonstrating a simple forward design procedure for the flight control system, which can be carried out quickly and routinely to maximize vehicle effectiveness. In many situations, the control loops are tuned heuristically in the field; frequent retuning is necessitated by the inevitable changes in vehicle components, layout, and geometry. Our paradigm here is that 1) a prototype controller is developed, based on an initial model, 2) this controller is then used to perform a very compact set of runs designed to identify the vehicle dynamic response, and 3) a revised, precision controller based on this improved model is implemented for the real mission. We first developed a hydrodynamic model of the vehicle from theory and benchtop laboratory tests; no data from prior field tests with this vehicle was used. Body added mass approximations were included as well as lift and hydrostatic forces and moments. Inertial properties were approximated by assuming the vehicle density was that of water. Caribou's tailcone assembly consists of a doublegimbaled thrust-vectoring duct, with significant positioning dynamics and a non-traditional hydrodynamics. We carefully tested this tailcone's response behavior through laboratory tests, and created a low-order model. Using the tailcone model and the vehicle's initial hydrodynamic model, we developed a conservative controller design from basic principles. The control system consisted of a heading controller, pitch controller, and depth controller; the pitch control loop was nested inside the depth control loop. This control system was successfully tested in the field: the vehicle was controllable within several degrees of heading and approximately one-half meter of depth, on the first-pass design. System identification tests were then completed with the preliminary controller to gain a better understanding of the complete hydrodynamics of the vehicle, and in order to develop a precision controller based on the improved model. The resulting data provided a full-system linear model of the vehicle, and led to a successful controller redesign, with improved performance about five times that of the initial controller. Thesis Co-supervisor: Chryssostomos Chryssostomidis Title: Doherty Professor of Ocean Science and Engineering, MIT Thesis Co-supervisor: Franz S. Hover Title: Principal Research Engineer, MIT Thesis Reader: Nicholas M. Patrikalakis Title: Kawasaki Professor of Engineering, Professor of Ocean and Mechanical Engineering, MIT 3 Biographical Note The author completed his Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Nebraska in May, 2001. He graduated with Highest Distinction, and is also a graduate of the University of Nebraska Honors Program. His undergraduate thesis work included the design, construction and testing of several robotic highway safety markers. This research project has gathered momentum at the University of Nebraska since completion of his undergraduate thesis work. The author is a 2001 recipient of the Tau Beta Pi Centennial Graduate Fellowship, and a 2001-2003 recipient of a National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship. 4 Acknowledgments The completion of this work has been made possible by the direction, support, and guidance from many individuals for whom I owe much gratitude. At MIT, I would like to first thank my advisor Professor Chryssostomos Chryssostomidis, for giving me the opportunity to work on such an interesting project. I would like to thank Dr. Franz Hover for helping me get started, encouraging me along the way, and allowing me to figure things out on my own. I would like to thank Professor Nicholas Patrikalakis for reading this thesis on top of an already busy schedule. I would also like to thank Professor Sanjay Sarma and Dr. Vivek Sujan for encouraging me to explore my options, and Professor John Leonard for introducing me to the MIT Sea Grant Program. And finally, I would like to thank all of the folks at Sea Grant for welcoming me, supporting me, and, at times, braving the weather with me, especially Rob, Sam, and Jim. Thank you. I would like to thank the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship program for providing me with the means to pursue graduate education. I would also like to thank the Office of Naval Research (N00014-98-1-0814, N00014-02-C-0202) and the National Science Foundation (OPP-9910290) ALTEX project, as well as the Sea Grant College Program (NA16RG2255) for their resources and assistance with this work. At home, I would like to thank Dr. Shane Farritor for his encouragement and advice during the past few years. I want to thank my entire family for their confidence, support and love during all the days of my life. And finally, I would like to thank Lindsey for absolutely everything. MARK E. RENTSCHLER Cambridge,Massachusetts 5 6 Contents Chapter 1................................................................................................................................................... Introduction.......................................................................................................................................... 1.1 Background ........................................................................................................................... 15 15 15 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 M otivation.............................................................................................................................16 Research Platform Caribou............................................................................................... Sim ulation M odel Developm ent........................................................................................ System Identification........................................................................................................ Controller Developm ent.................................................................................................... 16 17 18 18 1.7 Thesis Outline....................................................................................................................... 18 Chapter 2................................................................................................................................................... The Odyssey III Class AUV Caribou ................................................................................................. 2.1 Vehicle Profile...................................................................................................................... 19 19 19 2.2 Caribou Specifications ...................................................................................................... 2.3 Ring Fin Propeller................................................................................................................. 21 2.4 Coordinate System s .............................................................................................................. 21 2.5 Vehicle W eight and Buoyancy ........................................................................................ 22 2.6 Centers of Buoyancy and Gravity .................................................................................... 22 2.7 Inertia Tensor........................................................................................................................ 22 Chapter 3................................................................................................................................................... Governing Equations of Motion.......................................................................................................... 20 23 23 3.1 Body-Fram e Coordinate System ...................................................................................... 23 3.2 3.3 3.4 Vehicle Kinem atics............................................................................................................... Vehicle Rigid-Body Dynam ics ........................................................................................ Vehicle M echanics................................................................................................................ 23 25 26 3.5 3.6 The Double-Gim baled Duct Thruster ............................................................................... Duct Angle due to Vehicle Roll........................................................................................ 27 28 Chapter 4.................................................................................................................................................. Derivation of Nonlinear Coefficients............................................................................................. 4.1 Hydrostatics.......................................................................................................................... 4.2 Hydrodynam ic Damping.................................................................................................... 33 33 33 34 7 4.3 Added M ass .......................................................................................................................... 36 4.4 4.5 Body Lift and M oment...................................................................................................... Duct Thruster System ........................................................................................................ 39 40 Chapter 5................................................................................................................................................... Linearized M odel.................................................................................................................................. 49 49 5.1 5.2 5.3 Linearizing the Vehicle Equations of M otion.................................................................... Vehicle Linearized Kinem atics........................................................................................ Vehicle Linearized Rigid-Body Dynam ics ........................................................................ 49 49 51 5.4 Vehicle Linearized M echanics........................................................................................... 51 5.5 5.6 5.7 Yaw Plane Linearized Coefficients ...................................................................................... Tabulated Linear Yaw Plane Coefficients ............................................................................ Pitch Plane Linearization ................................................................................................... 52 61 67 5.8 Depth M odel ......................................................................................................................... 71 Chapter 6................................................................................................................................................... 79 Vehicle Sim ulation................................................................................................................................ 79 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Complete Nonlinear Equations of M otion........................................................................ Nonlinear Simulation States and M atrices........................................................................ Linear Sim ulation States and M atrices .............................................................................. Computer Simulation............................................................................................................ Chapter 7................................................................................................................................................... Tailcone Testing and M odeling........................................................................................................... 7.1 7.2 7.3 Experim ental Setup............................................................................................................... Experim ental Results ........................................................................................................ Tailcone Actuator M odel................................................................................................... Chapter 8................................................................................................................................................... Initial Controller D esign...................................................................................................................... 8.1 8.2 8.3 Heading Controller................................................................................................................ Pitch Controller................................................................................................................... Depth Controller ................................................................................................................. Chapter 9................................................................................................................................................. System Identification.......................................................................................................................... 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 System Identification Process............................................................................................. Results from the Field......................................................................................................... M odel Adjustm ents............................................................................................................. Stability and Verification of the Improved M odel.............................................................. M odel Comparisons............................................................................................................ Chapter 10............................................................................................................................................... 8 79 81 82 84 87 87 87 88 90 97 97 97 100 102 105 105 105 106 107 114 116 119 Controller Redesign ........................................................................................................................... Root Locus of M odels and Controllers ............................................................................... 10.1 Controller Gains at Different Thrust Levels ....................................................................... 10.2 Chapter 11............................................................................................................................................... 119 119 125 127 Closed-Loop Controller Com parisons.............................................................................................. 127 11.1 Tailcone Problem s .............................................................................................................. 127 11.2 11.3 Controller Comparisons...................................................................................................... Large Coupled H eading and Depth Changes under Control............................................... 129 133 11.4 Shallow Im Depth M ission................................................................................................. 134 Chapter 12............................................................................................................................................... Conclusions and Future W ork.......................................................................................................... 135 135 Bibliography............................................................................................................................................ 137 Appendix A .............................................................................................................................................. 139 Param eter Definitions ........................................................................................................................ Appendix B .............................................................................................................................................. Root Locus Plots for V arious Models and Controllers ................................................................... Initial M odel A and Initial Controller A l ........................................................................... B. 1 Improved M odel B and Initial Controller A l ..................................................................... B.2 Improved M odel B and Improved Controller B.................................................................. B.3 Improved M odel Cl_5 and Initial Controller A l ............................................................... B.4 Improved Model C1_5 and Heuristically Tuned Controller A2......................................... B.5 Improved M odel Cl_5 and Improved Controller B............................................................ B.6 Improved M odel C2_0 and Im proved Controller B............................................................ B.7 139 141 141 141 143 146 149 152 154 157 9 10 List of Figures and Diagrams Figure 1.1: The Caribou autonomous underwater vehicle in short configuration ................................. Figure 1.2: System Identification modeling and control procedure ..................................................... Figure 2.1: Profile of Caribou's prescribed shape ................................................................................. Figure 2.2: Ring fin duct thruster arrangement on Caribou.................................................................. Figure 2.3: Inertial and body frame coordinate systems........................................................................ Figure 3.1: Body frame, elevator frame and rudder frame ................................................................... Figure 3.2: Vehicle roll with respect to the body frame ........................................................................ Figure 3.3: Desired rudder position in the inertial frame ..................................................................... Figure 3.4: Desired elevator position.................................................................................................... Figure 4.1: Caribou's duct fin elevator and rudder system.................................................................... Figure 4.2: Duct coordinate frame............................................................................................................. Figure 4.3: Caribou's propulsion system ............................................................................................... Figure 5.1: Ring coordinate frame in yaw plane ................................................................................... Figure 5.2: Duct coordinate frame in pitch plane ................................................................................. Figure 7.1: Closed loop system ......................................................................................................... Figure 7.2: Experim ental setup .................................................................................................................. Figure 7.3: Experiment results for rudder with a Is' order model........................................................... Figure 7.4: Experiment results for elevator with a 1st order model..................................................... Figure 7.5: Experiment results for rudder with the 2 nd order model...................................................... Figure 7.6: Experiment results for rudder with the 2 nd order model and time delay ............................. Figure 7.7: Pole-Zero plot for the rudder dynamic model...................................................................... Figure 7.8: Experiment results for elevator with the 2nd order model ................................................... Figure 7.9: Experiment results for elevator with the 2nd order model and time delay........................... Figure 7.10: Pole-Zero plot for the elevator dynamic model ................................................................. Figure 8.1: H eading control diagram .................................................................................................... Figure 8.2: Root Locus for heading system without tailcone dynamics............................................... Figure 8.3: Root Locus plot for the heading system with tailcone dynamics......................................... Figure 8.4: Pitch control diagram ............................................................................................................ Figure 8.5: Root Locus for pitch system without tailcone dynamics ...................................................... Figure 8.6: Root Locus plot for the pitch system with tailcone dynamics .............................................. Figure 8.7: D epth and pitch control diagram ........................................................................................... Figure 8.8: Root Locus plot for the depth-pitch system with tailcone dynamics .................................... Figure 9.1: Rudder step response mission for commanded angles of -10, 10, -15, and 15 degrees ........ Figure 9.2: Elevator step response mission for commanded angles of 3, and 5 degrees......................... Figure 9.3: Typical usable rudder step response mission ................................................................... Figure 9.4: Model adjustment simulation process................................................................................... Figure 9.5: Typical usable elevator step response mission................................................................. 16 17 20 21 21 27 29 30 31 41 43 44 55 69 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 95 97 98 99 100 101 102 102 103 106 107 108 108 109 11 Figure 9.6: Closed-loop straight run with heuristically tuned controller................................................. Figure 9.7: Yaw model improvements, 10' rudder angle........................................................................ Figure 9.8: Yaw model improvements, 150 rudder angle........................................................................ Figure 9.9: Pitch model improvements, 50 elevator angle....................................................................... Figure 9.10: Pitch model improvements, 15' elevator angle................................................................... Figure 10.1: Root Locus plot for the heading system, model Cl_5 and controller B ............................. Figure 10.2: Root Locus plot for the pitch system, model Cl_5 and controller B.................................. Figure 10.3: Root Locus plot for the depth system, model Cl_5 and controller B................................. Figure 10.4: Field test at 40%, 60% and 80% thrust with controller B................................................... Figure 11.1: Desired rudder and actual rudder simulation responses...................................................... Figure 11.2: Simulation straight run with rudder correction problem..................................................... Figure 11.3: Controlled straight run at 4m depth and -80' heading, controller Al................................. Figure 11.4: Controlled straight run at 3m depth and -80' heading, controller B................................... Figure 11.5: Controlled heading change from -80' to -60' to -80' at 4m depth, controller Al.............. Figure 11.6: Controlled heading change from -80' to -60' to -80' at 4m depth, controller B................ Figure 11.7: Controlled depth change from 4m to 5m to 4m at -80' heading, controller Al.................. Figure 11.8: Controlled depth change from 4m to 5m to 4m at -80' heading, controller B.................... Figure 11.9: Controlled coupled heading and depth change, controller B .............................................. Figure 11.10: Controlled shallow run at im depth and -80' heading, controller B............... Figure B. 1: Root Locus plot for the heading system, model A and controller Al .................................. Figure B.2: Root Locus plot for the heading system, model A and controller Al .................................. Figure B.3: Root Locus plot for the heading system, model A and controller Al .................................. Figure B.4: Root Locus plot for the heading system, model B and controller Al .................................. Figure B.5: Root Locus plot for the pitch system, model B and controller Al ....................................... Figure B.6: Root Locus plot for the depth system, model B and controller Al ...................................... Figure B.7: Root Locus plot for the heading system, model B and controller B..................................... Figure B.8: Root Locus plot for the pitch system, model B and controller B ......................................... Figure B.9: Root Locus plot for the depth system, model B and controller B ........................................ Figure B. 10: Root Locus plot for the heading system, model C1_5 and controller A1 .......................... Figure B. 11: Root Locus plot for the pitch system, model Cl_5 and controller Al ............................... Figure B. 12: Root Locus plot for the depth system, model Cl_5 and controller Al .............................. Figure B. 13: Root Locus plot for the pitch system, model C1_5 and controller A2............................... Figure B. 14: Root Locus plot for the depth system, model Cl 5 and controller A2 .............................. Figure B.15: Root Locus plot for the heading system, model Cl_5 and controller B............................. Figure B.16: Root Locus plot for the pitch system, model Cl_5 and controller B ................................. Figure B. 17: Root Locus plot for the depth system, model C1 5 and controller B ................................ Figure B. 18: Root Locus plot for the heading system, model C2_0 and controller B............................. Figure B. 19: Root Locus plot for the pitch system, model C2_0 and controller B ................................. Figure B.20: Root Locus plot for the depth system, model C2_0 and controller B ................................ 12 116 117 117 118 118 122 123 124 125 128 129 130 130 131 131 132 132 133 134 141 142 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 List of Tables Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table T able T able Table T able Table Table Table 2.1: Odyssey III class specifications (Bluefin Robotics Corp.)................................................. 2.2: Center of mass and volume with respect to body-frame origin........................................... 2.3: Inertial properties with respect to body-frame origin .......................................................... 3.1: Variables used in duct thruster angle analysis...................................................................... 4.1: Axial added mass parameter cx [18]...................................................................................... 4.2: Short Caribou configuration non-linear force coefficients................................................. 4.3: Short Caribou configuration non-linear moment coefficients ............................................. 4.4: Extended (1.05m) Caribou configuration non-linear force coefficients............................... 4.5: Extended (1.05m) Caribou configuration non-linear moment coefficients.......................... 5.1: Short Caribou configuration linear force coefficients, U=1.5m/s ........................................ 5.2: Short Caribou configuration linear moment coefficients, U=1.5m/s ................................... 5.3: Extended (1.05m) Caribou configuration linear force coefficients, U=1.5m/s .................... 5.4: Extended (1.05m) Caribou configuration linear moment coefficients, U=1.5m/s ............... 5.5: Extended (1.05m) Caribou configuration linear force coefficients, U=1.3m/s .................... 5.6: Extended (1.05m) Caribou configuration linear moment coefficients, U=1.3m/s ............... 5.7: Short Caribou configuration linear force coefficients, U=1.5m/s ........................................ 5.8: Short Caribou configuration linear moment coefficients, U=1.5m/s ................................... 5.9: Extended (1.05m) Caribou configuration linear force coefficients, U=1.5m/s .................... 5.10: Extended (1.05m) Caribou configuration linear moment coefficients, U=1.5m/s ............. 5.11: Extended (1.05m) Caribou configuration linear force coefficients, U=1.3m/s ................... 5.12: Extended (1.05m) Caribou configuration linear moment coefficients, U=1.3m/s ............. 8.1: Initial controller gains based on the initial model .................................................................. 9.1: Y aw initial acceleration rates ................................................................................................. 9.2: Pitch initial acceleration rates................................................................................................. 9.3: Original and adjusted models A, B, and C ............................................................................. 9.4: Yaw plane model information................................................................................................ 9.5: Pitch plane model information .......................................................................................... 9.6: Rate error squared sensitivity to parameter changes .............................................................. 9.7: Stability indicators.................................................................................................................. 9.8: T urning rates and radii............................................................................................................ 9.9: Pitch plane transfer functions ................................................................................................. 9.10: M odel improvem ents............................................................................................................ 10.1: Controller gains used in the field.......................................................................................... 10.2: Closed loop poles for model A, model B and model C ........................................................ 11.1: C losed-loop improvem ents................................................................................................... 20 22 22 27 37 45 46 47 48 61 62 63 64 65 66 72 73 74 75 76 77 104 110 110 111 112 112 113 114 115 115 116 119 120 129 13 14 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Background Developments made in autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) related technologies have enabled AUVs to move out of the research laboratory and into commercial, military, and scientific areas. The commercial use of AUVs centers on the gas and oil industry. The Hugin AUV, developed by Kongsberg Simrad, is used by C & C Technologies as its workhorse for high-resolution seabed mapping and imaging for commercial mapping and oil pipeline surveying. The Racal Survey Group Ltd plans to use Bluefin AUVs for shallow and deep water surveys for the oil and gas industry, as well as cable inspection, dredging, and alluvial mining. Military use of AUVs focuses on surveillance, minesweeping and mine countermeasure work. Lockheed Martin Corp. has developed a Remote Minehunting System (RMS) for surveillance, minesweeping and reconnaissance. The CETUS TM AUV, whose prototype was developed by the MIT Sea Grant AUV lab, has also been used by Lockheed Martin for mine countermeasures. The Naval Postgraduate School in Monteray, CA, works with a focus on clandestine mine countermeasures, using the ARIES AUV. The Naval Oceanographic Office AUV Program, which started with a large AUV developed and tested at Draper Labs, has focused efforts on multiplying the effectiveness of oceanographic survey ships, by allowing survey of larger areas in less time than with the ship alone. The scientific community continues to make advancements in AUV usage. MBARI uses AUVs and ROVs for high-resolution mapping of the deep ocean floor, as well as mapping salinity, temperature, oxygen, fluorescence, backscatter and pH over a full annual cycle. MBARI has also teamed with MIT and several other partners to develop an AUV for Arctic research. This Atlantic Layer Tracking Experiment (ALTEX) plans to reach unprecedented endurance and the ability to relay data through ice to satellite receivers. Quantitative survey of hydrothermal plumes and other near-bottom surveys in rugged seafloor terrain have been completed by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, using the ABE vehicle. The Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research has planned a 4-D mapping of a methane plume above a cold seep at the Norwegian continental margin. The REMUS vehicle, operated at Woods Hole, as well as Ocean Explorer, operated at Florida Atlantic University, have both demonstrated the capability to dock autonomously with a base station. These scientific and research pursuits demonstrate that the usage and capabilities of AUVs are continuing to grow. 15 1.2 Motivation Continual improvement in all areas of the performance of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) is needed to enhance the developments made in long-range oceanographic surveys, shallow-water mine reconnaissance and countermeasures, and procedures in autonomous docking as well as other tasks [1]. One aspect of this performance improvement is maneuvering, which can be achieved by improving the vehicle's control system. In order to develop a precise control system, a good controls platform is needed for testing and research purposes. In this case, that platform is a finely tuned dynamic model of the vehicle. Previous work in dynamic modeling of AUVs includes simulation model verification done through field tests [2] as well as theoretical and empirical methods in addition to tow tank results [3]. Recent work done on AUV control has included gains obtained using partial model matching methods [4], as well as sliding mode control based on estimated coefficients [5], in addition to fuzzy sliding mode control systems [6]. The Odyssey III AUV used for this work is highly maneuverable and has a variable configuration in length and payload. It can operate at a range of speeds, and it has a novel propulsor and control surface that consists of a double-gimbaled ring finned duct thruster, which allows for vectored thrusting. These attributes make the modeling and control of substantial interest and challenge. Odyssey III is also a leading design in current AUVs, so this analysis is extremely relevant. The dynamic simulation modeling and control of the Odyssey III AUV through system identification tests is addressed in this work. Previous work in system identification of AUNV systems has been done using neural network identifiers [7] and neurofuzzy identification techniques [8]. The work presented here focuses on development of dynamic models and control systems from first principles. The system identification tests and simulation process form a forward design process. 1.3 Research Platform Caribou The autonomous underwater vehicle (AUNV) platform for this research was an Odyssey III class vehicle, Caribou. This AUV was built by Bluefin Robotics Corporation, and is one of several AUVs at MIT Sea Grant. Caribou represents the culmination of significant development efforts. Featuring a modular hull design and the latest evolution of AUV navigation, propulsion and power systems, Caribou provides significant new autonomous underwater surveying capabilities and flexibility for various scientific needs. The operating system, which Caribou uses to operate, is called MOOS (Mission Oriented Operating Suite). This operating system is composed of C++ classes and it uses a publish-and-subscribe protocol. [9] Figure 1.1: The Caribou autonomous underwater vehicle in short configuration Caribou's modular payload section approach allows a single vehicle to support widely different missions. The short configuration was designed to accommodate the Edgetech(R) FS-AU side-scan sonar and subbottom profiler, while additional payload sections can accommodate numerous other scientific packages, as well as additional battery power. Caribou is equipped with state-of-the-art sensors, which allow it to 16 collect high-quality data. Caribou will be used in the near future by the AUV Lab at MIT Sea Grant for archaeological remote sensing [10], multi-static acoustic modeling [11], fisheries resource studies and development of concurrent mapping and localization techniques [12]. Figure 1.2, shows the process used to develop an accurate model and control system for the AUV, as described in this thesis. Initial Dynamic Model lILI Initial Conservative Model Adjustment Procedure to fit Model Responses to the AUV Test Responses Revised Controller Dynamic Open-loop System Identification Tests Rvs Revised Precision Controller Model Figure 1.2: System Identification modeling and control procedure 1.4 Simulation Model Development Described in this thesis is the development and verification of a simulation package for the motion of an autonomous underwater vehicle in six degrees of freedom, or less. This simulation model is used to adjust the model coefficients so that the simulation results closely match the results found from field tests, as shown in Figure 1.2. The external forces and moments resulting from the vehicle hydrostatics, hydrodynamic lift and drag, added mass, and the control input of the vehicle's ducted thruster are all defined in terms of specific coefficients for this model [28]. This thesis describes the derivation of these coefficients in detail. Substantial work was performed in adjusting and verifying these coefficients in order to validate the vehicle's model results with the results from field experiments with the vehicle. Nonlinear equations were used to determine the vehicle's coefficients, and rigid-body dynamics. A linearized model was also derived and the simulation has the capability of using either model. While the vehicle is inherently nonlinear, the nonlinear simulations provide more realistic simulations, but for control purposes, the linear model provides a sufficient platform, while maintaining less complexity. The simulation package operates on the numeric integration of the equations of motion, using Matlab integration software. The simulation output was checked with various data collected from field experiments. The simulator was shown to not only accurately model the vehicle motion in six degrees of freedom, but also in the independent three degrees of freedom yaw plane and pitch plane, due to the decoupled nature of the system. In order to simplify the challenge of completely modeling an autonomous underwater vehicle, it was necessary to make several key assumptions on which to base the simulation model development. The following assumptions about the vehicle and the environment were made: * The vehicle is a rigid body of constant mass, i.e. the vehicle mass and mass-distribution does not change during operation. 17 1.5 " The vehicle is deeply submerged in a homogenous, unbounded fluid, that is, the vehicle is located far from the free surface (no surface effects, i.e. no sea waves or vehicle wave-making loads), walls, and bottom. * The vehicle does not experience memory effects, i.e. the simulator neglects the effects of the vehicle passing through its own wake. * The vehicle does not experience underwater turbulence System Identification System identification tests were performed in the field to help fit the model response to the responses seen in the field, by adjusting model coefficients and parameters, as shown in Figure 1.2. This allows a more precise controller to be designed as the dynamic model is adjusted to more closely model the AUV. The system identification tests used were simple step response tests. The AUV was roughly controlled to a desired depth and heading angle using a controller that was designed from the original dynamic model. At this controlled state, the heading controller was turned off, and the rudder was commanded to a desired deflection angle for a short response time. Likewise, the pitch plane system was examined by turning the depth and pitch controllers off and setting the elevator to a prescribed angle for a short response time. During the rudder step tests, the pitch and depth controllers were left on, and during the elevator step tests, the heading controller was left on. These simple step response test results were then used to adjust the dynamic model coefficients and parameters. This approach proved to worked well and resulted in a much more accurate dynamic model, and a much improved control system. 1.6 Controller Development The controller development described in this thesis is based heavily on experimentally obtained data that was used to drive system identification, as outlined in Figure 1.2. Based on an initial linear model of the AUV, a conservative initial controller was developed using Root Locus methods. This controller was then used to perform a very compact set of system identification tests designed to identify the vehicle dynamic response. Using the data from these tests, the dynamic model was improved, and a revised, precision controller was developed based on this updated model. This precision controller showed significant improvements when used during closed-loop maneuvers, as compared to the same tests done with the initial controller as shown in Chapter 11. This work shows that the simple, forward design from basic principles allowed us to design an accurate control system without spending more than a few hours in the water. 1.7 Thesis Outline The discussion of this work begins with a closer looks at the AUV, Caribou, and then moves on to the equations of motion, the nonlinear coefficients as well as the linearized models and the vehicle simulation. The testing and modeling of the tailcone system is presented next, followed by the initial controller design. Then the system identification process is addressed as well as the redesign of the control system. Finally, the results of field tests using the initial controller and the redesigned controller are explained as well as the conclusions and future work to be addressed. 18 Chapter 2 The Odyssey III Class AUV Caribou Prior to calculating the hydrodynamic and hydrostatic coefficients of the vehicle, several characteristics of the vehicle needed to be determined: vehicle hull profile, mass distribution, and buoyancy properties. 2.1 Vehicle Profile The hull shape of the Odyssey III vehicle is based on a Series 58, Model 4154 Gertler polynomial [13] defined below, with a length of 84in (2.13m) and a maximum diameter of 21in (0.53m). The origin of this polynomial is at the nose of the vehicle, with the x-axis along the horizontal plane of the vehicle. The y-axis is in the vertical plane, and describes the radial magnitude at the corresponding position on the xaxis as shown in Figure 2.1. y2 = alx+ a2x 2 + a 3x 3 + a 4 x 4 + a5 x 5 + a6 x 6 where a, (2.1) 1.000000 =+ a 2 =+ 2.1496653 a 3 = - 17.773496 a 4 =+36.716580 a 5 = - 33.511285 a6 =+11.418548 and x = L (2.2) Therefore, x is a non-dimensional ratio of position X with respect to L, where L is the total length of the streamlined vehicle (i.e. 2.13m) and X is the longitudinal position from the nose of the vehicle. 19 Y to x Figure 2.1: Profile of Caribou's prescribed shape 2.2 Caribou Specifications The Odyssey III Class AUV was designed with a modular approach in mind. This means that additional payload sections could be added to the mid-section of the vehicle for various mission tasks. As prescribed by the hull profile in section 2.1, the maximum radius of 0.267m occurs at a point, x=0.40 from the vehicle nose using the Gertler equation. For the nominal hull length of 2.13m (84in), this point is at 0.884m from the nose. Caribou's short configuration (i.e. without additional payloads), includes a standard mid-body extension of 0.377m, for an overall streamlined body length of 2.51 lm. With the addition of the ring fin, the standard body length is 2.58m. Additional cylindrical payload sections can be added. A typical payload is approximately lm in length and 0.58m in diameter. These additional payloads, of course, alter not only the physical specifications of the vehicle, but also the vehicle coefficients, inertial terms and control capabilities. Table 2.1 below lists parameters for the short configuration, i.e. no additional payloads. Vehicle Configuration Short Base Vehicle Extended Vehicle for Tests Length: 2.58 m (102 inches) 3.63 m (144 inches) Maximum Diameter: 0.533 m (21 inches) Mass in air: -250 kg (550 lbs) -350 kg (770 lbs) Mass in water: -400 kg (880 lbs) -650 kg (1400 lbs) Buoyancy: -+2.2 kg (+51bs.) Maximum Depth: 4500 m Operation Depth: 3000 m Survey Speed: 3-4 knots (1.5-2 m/s) Survey Endurance: 20 hours (at 3 knots) Batteries: Lithium Polymer Line Keeping: 2 meters Altitude Keeping: 1 meter Payload: Designed to accommodate various sonar, oceanographic systems in modular sections. camera, Table 2.1: Odyssey III class specifications (Bluefin Robotics Corp.) 20 and 2.3 Ring Fin Propeller The Caribou vehicle is equipped with a double-gimbaled vector duct thruster. The duct thruster's angle is limited at ±15degrees in both the yaw and pitch plane, known typically as the rudder and elevator angle. The propeller is confined to the duct for protection, as well as enhanced flow capabilities. The duct also acts as a control surface. Thus, the Odyssey III class AUV does not need control fins to control the vehicle motion because the duct and vector thrusting capability is sufficient to impose directional control. Figure 2.2 shows the duct thruster arrangement. Figure 2.2: Ring fin duct thruster arrangement on Caribou 2.4 Coordinate Systems For this work, the body referenced coordinate frame is located along the symmetric axis of rotation at the midpoint of the AUV. In this body coordinate system the x-axis is along the symmetric line proceeding towards the nose of the vehicle. The y-axis extends towards the port side of the AUV, while the z-axis is directed upwards (Figure 2.3). Body referenced velocity in the x direction, surge, is denoted by u. Velocity in the body frame y and z directions is v, sway, and w, heave, respectively. Rotational velocity about the x-axis, roll velocity, is denoted as p. Rotational velocity about the y-axis and z-axis is q, pitch rate, and r, yaw rate, respectively. External body forces in the x, y and z direction are denoted as X, Y and Z respectively, while external body moments in the x, y and z direction are K, M and N respectively. The vehicle's angular orientation is described in the inertial frame of reference with Euler angles, W, 0, and >, as described in Section 3.2. Inertial-frame coordinate system SURGE: u, X QLD HEAVE: w, Z YAW: r, N -+5* SWAY: v, Y PITCH: q, M xjf~ Body -frame coordina te system Figure 2.3: Inertial and body frame coordinate systems 21 2.5 Vehicle Weight and Buoyancy The buoyancy force of Caribou depends strictly on the hull's geometry and is simply the weight of the vehicle's displaced volume of water. For each separate hull configuration, this value stays fixed, because there are no major changes in the vehicle's hull. However, the mass of the Caribou vehicle can change between missions, depending on the type of batteries used in the vehicle, the electronics devices used, and the amount of ballast added. The Caribou vehicle is typically ballasted with -2.2 kg (-5 lbs) of positive buoyancy, so that in the event of power or computer failure, the AUV would eventually float to the surface. Integration over the volume of the vehicle, and multiplication by the density of water and acceleration of gravity determined the vehicle's buoyancy force, FB. The vehicle mass was then assumed to be -2.2 kg (-22 N) less than the acting mass of the buoyancy. This value changes slightly during each mission as the vehicle components change, however, the AUV is usually ballasted around +5 lbs buoyant. 2.6 Centers of Buoyancy and Gravity For each separate hull configuration, the center of buoyancy stays fixed, however, the vehicle center of mass can vary, as between missions it can be necessary to change the vehicle battery packs and re-ballast the vehicle, in addition to changing payloads. For this work, the origin of the body-coordinate frame is the symmetric middle of the vehicle. The typical parameters for application points of the buoyancy force (center of volume, CV) and vehicle weight (center of mass, CM) are shown in Table 2.2 for the short vehicle configuration, with respect to the body-frame origin. The position of the center of volume and center of mass along the x-axis are usually about the same and the center of volume and mass along the y-axis is generally zero as the AUV is generally ballasted to achieve zero static pitch and roll. Like the buoyancy force, these parameters can vary from mission to mission because the vehicle configuration changes. Parameter Units YCM Value 8.2 0.0 ZCM -2.1 cm XCV 8.2 cm Ycv 0.0 ZCV 0.0 cm cm XCM Cm cm Table 2.2: Center of mass and volume with respect to body-frame origin 2.7 Inertia Tensor The vehicle inertia tensor is defined with respect to the body-frame origin at the vehicle's symmetric midsection. As the products of inertia Iy, Ixz, and IYZ are small compared to the moments of inertia Ixx, Iyy, and Izz, and assuming that the vehicle has two axial planes of symmetry, we will assume that they are zero. The inertial values were estimated based on the integration of a homogenous vehicle hull with an average density of that of water. The estimated values are given in Table 2.3 for the short vehicle configuration. Parameter Value Units IXX 12 kg-m 2 Iyy 133 kg-m2 Izz 133 kg-m2 Table 2.3: Inertial properties with respect to body-frame origin 22 Chapter 3 Governing Equations of Motion In Chapter 3 the kinematics, dynamics, and mechanics of the Odyssey III vehicle and simulation model are defined and explained. These derivations contribute to the initial dynamic model, which is the first step in the controller design process as outlined in Figure 1.2. 3.1 Body-Frame Coordinate System All future calculations in this text will regard the body-frame coordinate system origin to exist at the vehicle's symmetric midpoint as explained in Section 2.4 and illustrated in Figure 2.3. 3.2 Vehicle Kinematics The vector transformation from an inertial frame of reference to the body frame is as shown below. The transformation is developed by using Euler angles (y,O,4), which describe the roll, pitch and yaw position of the vehicle in inertial space. Roll, pitch and yaw are the rotations of the body about the x, y, and zaxes, respectively. The transformation R(y,O,4) was calculated by cascading the 3 separate angular transformation matrices. The order of the rotations from the inertial frame of reference was: rotation about the z-axis with the yaw angle 4, then rotation about the y-axis with the pitch angle 0, and finally rotation about the x-axis with the roll angle y. The following coordinate transform relates a vector in body-fixed coordinates with a vector in inertial or earth-fixed coordinates [14]. XB cOCO cOs 0 -Cqk0sV~S0cq0 cVgcq5+sy/sOsb0 sXBs#+[Cqs0C# -syc+cVysOs# -so] sy/cO XI =R(y',O,q0)Xj (3.1) cyco] The transformation matrix R(y, 0, 4) is orthonorinal, therefore its inverse is the same as its transpose. Hence, the following relationship between body referenced vectors and inertial vectors is made. X = R T(, 0, )XB (3.2) 23 The motion of the body-referenced frame is described relative to an inertial frame of reference. The general motion of the vehicle in six degrees of freedom is described by the following twelve states. x S=y position of the body origin in inertial space (3.3) Euler angles with respect to inertial space (3.4) the body-referenced translation velocities (3.5) the body-referenced rotational velocities (3.6) Lz] P S=q r A vector can be used to represent the Euler angles that determine the roll, pitch and yaw position in inertial space. FV0- S=0 (3.7) For the case of infinitesimal Euler angles, the time rate of change of these Euler angles is equal to the body-referenced rotation rate, @3, however, for larger Euler angles the physically determined rotation rate, & , needs to be related to the time rate of change of the Euler angles as follows [14]. 1 W = 0 0 0 -so c sqic -sV cVcO P Z=F-'(Z)Z= (3.8) q r. The derivatives of the body velocity, i;, and rotation rate, >, come from the equations in Section 3.3 for the external forces and moments [X,Y,Z] and [K,M,N]. following relationships. . = R (x, The derivatives for ,#)_ . and £ come from the (3.9) The vector & is the vector containing roll, pitch, and yaw rates: p, q, and r respectively. The inverse of the transformation matrix F' (F) provides the following relationship [14]. 24 E= 0 _0 cV/ sVC c -s V 6= (E) (3.10) Vc yIc_ Equations 3.9 and 3.10 provide a relationship between measurable quantities that are readily available, and the variables that need defining. Note that F(E) is not defined for pitch angles at 0= ±900. This is not a problem, as the vehicle motion does not ordinarily approach that singularity. If this situation were to occur, then it would become necessary to model the vehicle motion through extreme pitch angles, and the analysis could then resort to an alternate kinematics representation such as quatermions. 3.3 Vehicle Rigid-Body Dynamics The locations of the vehicle centers of mass and volume (buoyancy) are defined in terms of the bodyfixed coordinate system as follows. The values for the center of mass and volume are shown in Table 2.2. XCM SB YCM CV XB= C B VJ YCV (3.11) O ZCV ZCM The vessel inertial dynamics were derived from the physics of the system and are written as follows in the body-referenced frame. With xcM, ycM, and ZCM defining the location of the vessel's center of mass with respect to the body-referenced coordinate frame origin. X, Y and Z are the external body forces applied in the body-referenced directions of x, y and z respectively, as shown in equation 3.12-3.14 [14]. X =mz +qw-rv+4zCM -- yCM Y =m[,>+ru- pw+xCMZ =m [+ pv -quy+ zCM PyCM-x CM p -(q2 C (rzCM + PXCM CM +r2)XCM 2 qyp)r_(p C CM 2 +q2 )zCM The angular dynamics were derived in a similar way. The body-referenced angular equations of motion also include translation and rotational accelerations as well as velocities. K = I + I,4 + Ix + (Iz -I,,)rq+I,(q 2 -r + m[ycM M = I, + I,,4+ IJ pq -Ipr 2)+J (* + pv - qu) - zCM ( + ru - pw)] + (I - Izz)pr +Ix (r2 _ p 2 )+ + m[zCM (zi + qw - rv) - XGM(v + pv N =IJp (3.15) + Iz,4+Iz + (I,, -Ix)pq +I,,(p 2 _ q2) - - Iqp (3.16) - Ixqr (3.17) qu)] + Ipr + m[xCM (i + ru - pw) - YCM (zi + qw - rv)] The equations (3.12-3.17) describe how the AUV will respond to external forces and moments acting in each degree of freedom. These are nonlinear, coupled equations of motion. 25 3.4 Vehicle Mechanics Given the body-referenced coordinate system, and assuming a symmetric homogeneous body, the angular inertial properties can be described by a diagonal inertia tensor. I= IXX 0 0 0 I,, 0 -0 0 IZZ (3.18) Caribou's volume due to the short configuration's prescribed hull shape is 0.394m3 . This corresponds to the mass of 394kg in fresh water. The wetted surface area, A,, is 3.378m2 . The frontal area, Af, is 1. 14m 2 . The moments of inertia were computed as follows, treating the vehicle as a homogeneous body with the density of water. For the short configuration with parameters listed, the standard inertial integration about the center of the body, /2, provided the following with the cross-terms nearly equal to zero for the nearly symmetric vehicle. Ixx =12 kg-m 2 (3.19) 2 IY, = IZZ =133 kg -m For the extended hull AUV, the moments of inertia and added mass change. Adding the cylindrical term increases the moment of inertia in the x-axis. Adding not only the cylindrical term, but also a term corresponding to the parallel axis theorem for the extended original configuration increases the moment of inertia in the y-axis and z-axis. = J-2pcrdx (3.20) 2 p7r I= 2 1 (3r2 +h2 (3.21) x 2dx LI The result of the combined external forces and moments is described as follows: X' Y[ Z B,bodylift +B,bodydrag ±FB,tailcone + FB,thrust +FB,hydrostatics + B,crossterms] (3.22) K M = f B,bodylift +MB,bodydrag +MB,tailcone + B,thrust B,hydrostatics B,crossterms] TNd These forces and moments were determined based on coefficients that are described in Chapter 4. 26 (3.23) 3.5 The Double-Gimbaled Duct Thruster The tailcone of the Caribou AUV is a double-gimbaled duct thruster. The deflection angle of this duct is a combination of the yaw rotation, known as the rudder angle, and the pitch rotation, known as the elevator angle, due to the double-gimbaled arrangement. Rotational transformations were developed to relate the position of the duct to the body frame coordinate system. Table 3.1 notes the nomenclature used in this development. T_ Thrust dE=8e Commanded elevator angle in the body frame Commanded rudder angle in the body frame dR=8r 6 Desired elevator angle in the inertial frame Desired rudder angle in the inertial frame dEdesired= edesired dRdesired=8rdesired W Roll angle in the body frame Table 3.1: Variables used in duct thruster angle analysis The tailcone is double gimbaled; therefore there are several transformations that need to be addressed (Figure 3.1). Z2 dR z' X( ZB dE dE Xi dR X2 YB f dE y2 Figure 3.1: Body frame, elevator frame and rudder frame The commanded elevator actuation is done relative to the hull, while the commanded rudder actuation is performed relative to the elevator position. Hence, the first rotation is made about the y-axis in body coordinates. This rotation is the commanded elevator angle of rotation. This new coordinate system (1) can be related to the body coordinate system (B) as follows: x I = COS(Se)XB -snie )B yI =YB zi = COS(5, )ZB + snt (3-24 e )B 27 The second rotation is made about the z-axis in the (1) frame of reference. This rotation is the commanded rudder angle of rotation. This new coordinate system (2) can be related to the coordinate system in frame (1) as follows: x2 = cos(, )x, + sin(3, )y Y2 = cos(0, )yj - sin(5, )xl (3.25) Z 2 =Z The thrust from the propeller is always in the negative x direction of the (2) frame and therefore may be written as follows. Frrust -- Tx 2 (3.26) Combining the results of equations 3.24 and 3.25 with equation 3.26, the following relationship is established in body coordinates. =-TPx2 FTrust - - -Tp cos(3r )xI- Tpsin(5r )y( -Tp COS(Sr )[cos(5e )XB - sin(de )ZB Tp sin(3r )[YB = -T, [cos(5r) cos(5,)XB + sinQ5r)YB Frust =-T, cos(,r ) cos(e)] sin(S) -cos(,. ) sin(G)j cos(5r ) sin(3 )ZB FXB (3.28) = FzB _ Equation 3.28 shows that the magnitude of the thrust force in the body frame directions depends upon both the commanded elevator and rudder angle. From this equation, the imposed rudder deflection in the body frame is tan-1 (-Fy/-Fx) and the imposed elevator deflection in the body frame is tan-1(Fz/-Fx). Therefore from equation 3.28, the imposed rudder deflection in the body frame is tan-'[tan(6r)cos(6e)], while the imposed elevator deflection in the body frame is 6e. Thus, the imposed elevator angle is decoupled from the commanded rudder angle, but the imposed rudder angle in the body frame is dependent upon both the commanded rudder and commanded elevator angles. This is because the commanded rudder deflection is made relative to the elevator frame in the double-gimbaled duct thruster arrangement. However, if the commanded elevator angle is small, which it is set to be less than 15 degrees, then the imposed rudder deflection and imposed elevator deflection are approximately the commanded angles 6r and 6, respectively. The vehicle is modeled using this assumption, and the heading and pitch/depth control are assumed to be done in a frame that is not affected by vehicle roll. This assumption is made because the roll of the vehicle is generally small due to the large righting moment. This is how Caribou's control system operated in the field for this work. 3.6 Duct Angle due to Vehicle Roll The development in Section 3.5 does not take into account the roll of the vehicle. Generally this roll angle is small; however, a more accurate control system may take this roll angle into account. When the 28 AUV rolls, a body referenced rudder deflection is not the same as an inertial referenced rudder deflection. The same is true for the elevator angle. Therefore, in order to achieve a desired rudder or elevator deflection in the inertial frame, a transformation that relates the desired inertial deflection with the commanded deflection is needed. For this derivation we assume that the thrust, Tp, is constant and acts along the x 2-axis. The vehicle rolls about the x-axis in body coordinates, shown in Figure 3.2. Again, a transformation can be found that relates this rolling body position to the fixed inertial frame (I). XB = I YB Icos(y)Y + sin(y)Z, (3.29) ZB =cos()Z, - sin(V)Y ZB XB Zi X1I Y1 Figure 3.2: Vehicle roll with respect to the body frame Combining the results of 3.27 and 3.29, the following relationship is established that relates the roll angle as well as the commanded rudder and elevator positions to the thrust vector in inertial space (I). FT,.ust = -T, [cos(r ) cos(3, )XB + slf(3r ) B- cos(6,r ) Sif(35 )ZB] =-T,{cos(Sr, )cos( 5 )XI + sin(,. )[cos(y)Y + sin(Vy)Z,]- cos(5, ) sin(t3, )[cos( or)Z, - sin(j')Y -(cos(r)cos(Se)) ]} Fx FI,,rust =T, -(sin(3r)cos(y))-(cos(3r)sin(S,)sin(y)) = Fr -(sin()5r)sin(ig))+(cos(5r)sin(,)cos(t))j LFz (3.30) Equation 3.30 shows that the thrust vector, in inertial space is determined by the commanded rudder, commanded elevator and roll angles, as well as the thrust magnitude, Tp. From this equation, the imposed rudder deflection in the inertial frame is tan-'(-Fy/-Fx) and the imposed elevator deflection in the inertial frame is tan-'(Fz/-Fx). Therefore, in order to create a desired rudder deflection in the inertial frame, a desired force along the inertial X and Y axes is needed as shown in Figure 3.3. 29 (rdesired = tan-' U X dsre d ii ~ (3.31) dsie I --. F F irisd \Y Figure 3.3: Desired rudder position in the inertial frame Now using the results from 3.30 in equation 3.31 the following relationship is attained, which reduces to equation 3.33. Notice that the thrust, Tp drops out from the equations, and thus has no bearing on the results. tan(rdesired) sin(S,) cos(V) + cos(gr) sin(S) sin(yi) FYdered = - F desied ) cos(r) cos() ( )tan(Sr )cos(ig) rCOS() + tan(Se) sin(t) tan(gr desired - (3.32) (3.33) COS(5e) Likewise, in order to create a desired elevator deflection in the inertial frame, a desired force along the inertial X and Z axes is needed as shown in Figure 3.4. Here equation 3.30 and 3.34 are combined to form equation 3.35 which leads to equation 3.36. desiredF= tan(Se desired) Fzdesied de _ dered ( e desired!) a 30 tan \ (3.34) zdesired - sin(5r)sin(V/) + cos(3,)sin(e)cos(V) cos(r )cos(Se) ) sin(V) + - tan(S3 cos(e + tan()s t ) COS ) (3.35) (3.36) z d Edmired -FxJ,. - X Y Figure 3.4: Desired elevator position Now the results of equation 3.33 and 3.36 are combined in matrix form to show the following relationship. The desired rudder and elevator angle are the deflection angles of the duct thruster that are desired in the inertial frame. These desired angles are achieved by setting the commanded rudder and elevator angles according to the relationship shown in equation 3.37, which depends also on the roll angle. tan(Fedesired a -cos tan(6,sied,) -sin _sin]V cos tan(e) _ tan(r)/cos(8,) (337) Equation 3.37 is now arranged so that the commanded rudder and elevator angles are a function of the roll angle and the desired rudder and elevator inertial frame deflection angles. tan(Se) ~cos Vf - sin tan(Sr)/cos(,)j = sin cos y V tan(e desired tan(gr desired (3.38) Equation 3.38 leads to equation 3.39 by inverting the roll transformation matrix. tan( Ltan(5,I/cos(e cos y -- sin V ~tan(e desired) sinV cosvt' tan(grdesid Finally, reduction from matrix form to equation form provides these results for the commanded deflection angles based on the desired deflection angles in the inertial frame and the roll angle of the AUV. Equation 3.40 represents the algorithm that could be used by the AUV's control system, where the desired rudder and elevator angles in the inertial frame are determined by the controller gains. Then based on these desired inertial angles and the vehicle's roll angle, the commanded elevator and rudder angles are determined. This would provide a more precise approach to the control of the AUV. However, the roll angle and the deflection angles are generally small, which show that under this assumption, equation 3.40 becomes 3.41. 45e = tan [cos tan(edesired )+ sin y tan(r desired)] 4, = tan- {cos te - sin y tan(Sedesired )+ cosV/ tan(3rdesired (3.40) The one subtlety shown in equation 3.40 is that the desired rudder angle is related to the commanded elevator angle. As was noted earlier, the elevator moves relative to the hull, while the rudder moves relative to the elevator. The cosine term has been carried through the algebra and shows up precisely as 31 expected in the commanded rudder equation. If the roll angle is assumed to be small, then equation 3.40 becomes 3.41, where the commanded elevator angle is same as the desired elevator angle in the inertial frame and the commanded rudder angle depends on the commanded elevator angle and the desired rudder angle in the inertial frame. This is the same as the derivation made in Section 3.5. e e desired r= tan [tan(rdesired )cos 5e (3.41) As was mentioned in Section 3.5, if the commanded elevator angle is small, as it is, then the commanded elevator and rudder angle will be the same as the desired elevator and rudder angles in the inertial frame, again assuming that the roll angle of the vehicle is small. 32 Chapter 4 Derivation of Nonlinear Coefficients In this chapter, the coefficients defining the external forces and moments on the vehicle are defined. The vehicle and fluid parameters necessary for calculating each coefficient are included in the section describing the coefficient. This nonlinear model leads to the linearized initial model that is the first step in the controller design process as shown in Figure 1.2. 4.1 Hydrostatics The vehicle experiences hydrostatic forces and moments as a result of the combined effects of the vehicle weight and buoyancy. The mass and weight of the vehicle is m and W, respectively, where W = mg . The vehicle buoyancy is expressed as B = pVg, where p is the density of the surrounding fluid and V the total volume of water displaced by the vehicle. The buoyancy force acts at the center of volume and the weight act at the center of mass. These positions are expressed in terms of body-frame coordinates. XCM fkCM =YM] B$ __ CM CV X C YCVVI (4.1) B ZCM _CV Since the volumetric center and mass center do not coincide in the vehicle, there will be a righting moment that is induced whenever the vehicle is rotated from its stable position. The position vector for the vehicle's center of mass is X7c defined relative to the body frame origin. The position vector for the vehicle's volumetric center is X7v, again in body frame coordinates described from the body origin. Using the previously defined rotational transformation matrix, R(, 0, ) from equation 3.1, the weight and buoyancy forces can be transformed from the inertial frame to the body frame. .i0 FB,,eight = R(yf,0,#) 0 = 0 FBbyny = R(Vf, 0,#0) 0 -W (4.2) Bync 33 This transformation is used because the forces acting at the volumetric center and the center of mass occur only in the z direction of the inertial frame. The induced moment was calculated as follows for the opposing weight and buoyancy forces. 'I B,weight B B,weight B,buoyancy BV B,buoyancy (4.3) Note that the hydrostatics moment is stabilizing in pitch and roll, meaning that the hydrostatic moment opposes deflections in those angular directions. The following, based on the above calculations, are presented in coefficient form for consistency. X hydrostafics =(W - B)sinO Yhydrostatics = (-W + B)sinqcosO 4.2 (-W + B)cos y cosO Zhydrostafics = Khydrostatics =(-Wycm +Bycv)cos jcos0+(WzcM - Bzcv)sin ycos Mhydrostatics =(WxCM - Bx c )cos Nhydrostatics =(-WxCM + Bx cv )sin ( q cos 0 + (WzCM - Bzcy )sin0 y cosO + (-Wycm + Bycy )sin0 Hydrodynamic Damping It is well known that the damping of an underwater vehicle moving at a high speed in six degrees of freedom is coupled and highly non-linear. In order to simplify modeling the vehicle, we will make the following assumptions: * We will neglect linear and angular coupled terms. We will assume that terms such as Y,, and M,. are relatively small. Calculating these terms is beyond the scope of this work. " We will assume the vehicle is top-bottom (xy-plane) and port-starboard(xz-plane) symmetric. We will ignore the vehicle asymmetry caused by the sonar transducer or any antenna. This allows us to neglect such drag-induced moments as K and Mulu1 . * We will neglect damping terms greater than second-order. This allows us to drop such higherorder terms as Y . The principal components of hydrodynamic damping are skin friction due to boundary layers, which are partially laminar and partially turbulent, and damping due to vortex shedding. Non-dimensional analysis helps us predict the type of flow around the vehicle. Reynolds number represents the ratio of inertial to viscous forces, and is given by the equation: Re =- Ul V (4.5) where U is the vehicle operating speed, which is typically 1.5 m/s (-3 knots); I the characteristic length, which for Caribou (without the middle extension) is 2.58 m; and v, the fluid kinematic viscosity, which for seawater at 15'C, has a value of 1.190e-6 m2 /s. 34 This yields a Reynolds number of 1.3e6, which for a body with a smooth surface falls in the transition zone between laminar and turbulent flow. However, the hull of Caribou is broken up by a number of pockets, bulges and singularities, which more than likely trip the flow around the vehicle into the turbulent regime. We can use this information to estimate the drag coefficient of the vehicle. Note that viscous drag always opposes vehicle motion. In order to result in proper sign, it is necessary in all equations for drag to consider v IV , as opposed to v 2 . 4.2.1 Axial Drag Vehicle axial drag can be expressed by the following empirical relationship: (4.6) pAfCDuIU DBody The equation yields the following non-linear axial drag coefficient: X (4.7) : where p is the density of the surrounding fluid, Af is the vehicle frontal area (1.14m 2 ), and A, is the rectangular planform area (1d). The axial drag coefficient of the vehicle was estimated from the Hydat manual [15] as follows where the leading coefficient comes from Schoenherr's line [16]. CD 4.2.2 =0.0040 ' r1+60(d) . Af 1 (4.8) = 0.023 +0.0025- d= Crossflow Drag The method used for estimating the hull drag is analogous to strip theory, the method used to calculate the hull added mass: the total hull drag is approximated as the sum of the drags on the twodimensional cylindrical vehicle cross-sections. Slender body theory is a reasonably accurate method for calculating added mass, but for viscous terms it can be off by as much as 100%. This method does, however, allow us to include all of the terms in the equations of motion. In conducting the vehicle simulation, we will attempt to correct any errors in the crossflow drag terms through comparison with physically correct behavior of the vehicle. Crossflow drag coefficients are calculated as follows with Sin = 0.05m 2, the cross-sectional area of the ring fin. Also, xfin is the distance from the body frame origin to the ring fin (xfin~ 1/2 in), and Cd - 1.1 from Hoerner for a cylinder [17]. Cdf is the coefficient for the ring fin's effect. Cdf = 0.1 + 0.7t, where t is the fin's taper ratio. The model uses t = 2/3 for a ringfin. Equations 4.9-4.12 are: Y =Z pC, - I [ L/21 J2R(x)dx+CfSfi ]=-P[C(1.075)+C S L /2 M =-NVIVI = 2 FC 2xR(x)dx -L /2 xfin CdfSfi = p[C,(0.060) - XfinCdf Sfin 35 Y,.j =-Zqlq = - P[ C Mqq =Nrrj= -_P Cc x LL 22 x R(x)dx -xfi | I xjIR(x)dx +x =-- p[Cd,(0.054) - x, I CdxS dfSfi I X 4.2.3 fpnfiC(1.139)+x] f I CdfSfif] =-L12 XfiI Cdf Sfi] I Rolling Drag We will assume that without any control planes on the vehicle hull, the rolling drag is nearly negligible. K 4.2.4 ~10 (4.13) Combining all damping effects In vector form, the AUV damping forces and moments are as follows: rK~pIpIP X1 JJu u Yvivvv l + ] ,rjrj B,bodydrag = MB,bodydrag ZWw w + Z qlql ql 4.3 M*WwIw|+ Mqjqjq\q (4.14) N[ vv + NrrrrJ Added Mass Added mass is a measure of the mass of the moving water when the vehicle accelerates. Ideal fluid forces and moments can be expressed by the equations as follows. Due to body top-bottom and port-starboard symmetry, the vehicle added mass matrix reduces to: 0 0 0 0 M2 2 0 0 0 M2 6 0 M33 0 M35 0 M4 4 A A M53 0 Mn5 5 0 0 0 0 M6 6 _ M11 0 0 0 J 0 0I 0 0 M62 (4.15) which is equivalent to: -X 0 0 -Y, 0 0 0o -Z. 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 0 0 0 0-z. 0 0w -Z. - KP 0 -M, 0 -M4 0 0 0 0 -Y 0 0 0 -N (4.16) 4.3.1 Axial Added Mass To estimate axial added mass, we approximate the vehicle hull shape by an ellipsoid for which the major axis is half the vehicle streamlined body length 1, and the minor axis half the vehicle diameter d. Blevins gives the following analytical formula for the axial added mass of an ellipsoid [18], X d = -m = -a - p)c 2 3 2 (4.17) where p is the density of the surrounding fluid (seawater), and cc is an empirical parameter measured by Blevins and determined by the ratio of the vehicle length to diameter as shown in Table 4.1. l/d 0.01 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 5.0 7.0 10.0 U 6.148 3.008 1.428 0.9078 0.6514 0.5000 0.3038 0.2100 0.1563 0.1220 0.05912 0.03585 0.02071 Table 4.1: Axial added mass parameter c [18] For the short vehicle configuration, l/d = (2.511)/(0.53m) = 4.71. Therefore c = 0.068, and in,= 26.2. For the long vehicle (1.05m extension) that was used in the field tests, l/d = 6.68 and cc = 0.040. 4.3.2 Crossflow Added Mass Vehicle added mass was calculating using strip theory on both cylindrical and cruciform hull cross sections. From Newman [19], the added mass per unit length of a single cylindrical slice is given as: ma (x) = gcp R 2(x) (4.18) where p is the density if the surrounding fluid, and R(x) the hull radius as a function of axial position as defined in equation 2.1. Integrating equation 4.18 over the length of the vehicle, we arrive at the following equations for cross flow added mass: 37 nose ma(x)dx Y =-m 22 =tail Z. M33=M22=Y, nose M\ =-m f 53 x ma(x)dx tail (4.19) N= -iM62 =m 53 =-Mk Yi =-M 2 6 =-m 62 =N, Z4 =-M 35 -- iM 53 =M\ nose M =-m x 2 ma(x) dx 55 = - tail N. =-M 4.3.3 66 =-M 55 =Mq Rolling Added Mass As for the rolling added mass, we will assume that in absence of any fins, the rolling added mass term is negligible. KP = -44 ~ 0 (4.20) 4.3.4 Added Mass Cross-terms The remaining cross-terms result from added mass coupling, and are listed below: Xwq = Ze Xvr =- Y, Xqq =Z Yur = - X wp Zuq = XVp u Muwa =-(ZA -Xa) Nuva=-(XC- Y) =- Z Ypq =- =Y Z Mvp =-Yi NM =Za X, =- Y Z4 (4.21) (4.22) (4.23) Yi Mp=(K,-Nj) Muq =Z (4.24) Np=(K,-Ma) N_ =-Y. (4.25) The added mass cross-terms Muwa and Nuva are known as the Munk Moment [20] and relate to the pure moment experienced by a body at an angle of attack in ideal, non-viscous flow. These effects are included in Section 4.4.2. 4.3.5 Combining all Added Mass Cross-terms X,,.vr + Xwqwq + Xrrrr+ X qq F ur±Y wp+Y ~qp WP B,crossterms =ur Zuquq+ 38 qp ZvPvp + Zrrp (4.26) 0 + Mvp M B,crossterms Nurur + Npqpq + N wpj 4.4 1Muq+M,,pr (4.27) Body Lift and Moment Vehicle body lift results from the vehicle moving through the water at an angle of attack, causing flow separation and a subsequent drop in pressure along the aft, upper section of the vehicle hull. This pressure drop is modeled as a point force applied at the center of pressure. As this center of pressure does not line up with the origin of the vehicle-fixed coordinate system, this force also leads to a pitching moment about the origin. Hoerner's estimate of body lift, which appeared reliable with a lack of specific experimental measurements on the AUV, was used [21]. Hoerner's estimate includes all effects, including the Munk moment effects as mentioned in Section 4.3.4. 4.4.1 Body Lift Force The hydrodynamic lift is based on the body's angle of attack with respect to the flow. As defined below, 6w is the pitch angle of attack, and 8v is the yaw angle of attack. The variables u, v, and w are the AUV velocity in the x, y, and z body directions, respectively. 35 = tan1 5,=tan1CIY~- (4.28) For this analysis, positive 8w implies that the nose is pitched down with respect to oncoming flow, resulting in a positive pitch rotation. Positive 8v implies that the nose is rotated towards the port side with respect to oncoming flow, resulting in a positive yaw rotation. These determinations were made in order to remain consistent with control surface orientation in which positive control surface actuation means rotation of the control surface in the positive pitch or yaw axes accordingly. Body lift is as follows: (4.29) LBody = - 1PAPCLu' 2 where A, is the rectangular planform area (1d). The coefficient for lift, CL, is described below. With I= 2.511m and d = 0.53m (I is the streamlined body length of AUV, and d is diameter), l/d = 4.71, d/1= 0.21. The coefficient relationship below holds from d/l ~ 0.25 to 0.10. The following are in degree form [21]: CLpitch =0.0023.3w CL yaw =0.0023 - 5v (4.30) When converted to a radian system the following relationships are developed. CLpitch =0.131 ow CLyaw =0. 131.v (4.31) Therefore, the following coefficients for body lift are developed where A, is the rectangular planform area, (dl), and for the short configuration A, = 1.34m2 . 39 1 u, =2 Zuw= -- -"pACL,yaw 1 2 pCL,pitch (4.32) 4.4.2 Body Lift Moment For bodies of revolution, these body lift forces generally do not intersect the desired reference frame origin. Therefore, there is an implied moment associated with this offset force. Here this moment is developed, which combines the Munk Moment and the Lifting Moment [21]. MBody =1pAplCM U2 (4.33) 2 From Hoerner, the moment coefficient for dl = 0.25, is 0.0022 which results in the following in radian form. 0.126 -,5 CMpitch CMyaw =0. 126.3w (4.34) However, for d/l = 0.10, Cm= 0.0020 from Hoerner. Hence, for the smaller d/l ratio: CMpitch = 0.115 - (5V CMyaw =0.115 -Sw (4.35) By interpolating between the values in equation 4.34 and 4.35 for the ratio d/l = 0.21 the following relationship was established for the short vehicle configuration. CMpitch = 0.1 2 3 - 5v CMyaw =0. 123 5W (4.36) Therefore, the following coefficients for body moments due to the body's hydrodynamics are: N 1,,' 4.4.3 1 2 PAPCL,yaw 1 M uw =-AC P p 'CL,pitch (4.37) Combining all Lifting Force and Moment Effects In vector form, the AUV lift force and lift moments are as follows: 0 B,bodylift MB,bodylift =Muw W -uK] Zuw_ 4.5 0 (4.38) _Nuv Duct Thruster System The Odyssey III duct thruster allows for the vector thrusting capability. Ring fin ducts have shown significantly extended underwater flight performance in range and endurance [22]. The duct itself also 40 acts like a control surface and will be related to as a rudder and elevator although the dynamics are different. 4.5.1 Duct Hydrodynamics Figure 4.1: Caribou's duct fin elevator and rudder system From the Principles of Naval Architecture the lift and drag of the duct, neglecting transient flow effects, are given by [16]: 1 L= IfpAfU2CL (a) D-pA 1 U 2 CD(a) (4.39) where, CL (a)L= C aD 8a )+Dca CD(a) = Cd + C2 LARe (4.40) The minimum section drag coefficient, Cdo, is 0.010 while the standard Oswald efficiency factor, e, is 0.90. The cross flow fin drag coefficient, CDc, is 0.81, while the aspect ratio and duct area are listed as: AR = diameter = 3.458 chord Aeff = diam. x chord = 0.0498 (4.41) McEwen and Streitlien [23] estimated aCL / aa for this ring wing shaped duct control surface on results from [24], which referred to previous work done [25], and [26]. They found from Milewski's thesis [24] that dCl/da = 3.4855 for AR=1.25, and that from the DSRV report [24] that 8 CL /aa = 5.1566 for AR = 4.3716. Between these two points they interpolated with a function of the form seen in van Dykes equation, and fit the ring wing results by allowing multiplicative parameters, r and s, in the definition of lift coefficient and aspect ratio as follows: 41 OC aa )a=O 1+ 2 -+ = 5.1 16 2 sAR ,z(sAR)2 (4.42) log(1+re-91 'sAR) where s and r are described as: s = 4.305, 2)zr = 5.927 (4.43) This development leads to a lifting force, developed using a linearized equation 4.40 for the lift coefficient. L = 1 U 2 CL (a) = 131U 2 a -pA (4.44) Hoerner offers an alternate approach to development of a lifting force equation. This involves an alternative lift coefficient, aspect ratio, and effective area, where c = chord (0.12), d = diameter (0.40) and i=0.80. [21] 4d AR = -- = 4.4055 13.687 CL (2 a= )ao Mf A 1 +rA 2a-ir MzR ef ff= 1 dc = 0.0754 (4.45) 2 which leads to a lifting force of: 1 L =- pA U 2 CL (a) 2 = 143U 2a (4.46) ef The lifting force relationship between equation 4.46 and 4.44 is quite similar, which bolsters our confidence in the validity of the form developed by McEwen and Streitlien [23]. The velocity of the ring fin duct in the body frame is a combination of the body translation velocity and rotational velocity: vRo _Bo -B Lw (4.47) qxyR} v - BoRo [r] LZR The transformation matrix relating the ring frame of reference to the body frame is, Cos SR TR/B where 42 6 E sin5R 0 0 CosE 8R cos 0 0 -sin R 0 0 cosS ir-S COScE is the elevator angle and 6 R is the rudder angle. =siE Rcos i5R CsE E E - sinR Cos sE R cos R sin REl sinCRsinS CosS(E E r2 Ro Figure 4.2: Duct coordinate frame Using this transformation matrix, the duct velocity in the ring frame and the angle of attack (Figure 4.2) are computed: Ro x = TRIB RIBRo i;VR a=arcsin Ro (4.48) IR I To form the transformation matrix that relates the ring frame to the forcing frame, the following vectors are established: I R 2 = " {2 x = T3 = T X2 (4.49) 0 Combining these vectors yields the transformation matrix for relating the ring frame to the forcing frame: -D TR I D V[1 2 3 ] 0 FLD (4.50) - LCombining the two transformation matrices and the forcing vector, the body referenced force from the duct control surfaces is calculated: B,tailcone BIR - RILD FLD 4.51) This force is created at the duct location, thus inducing a moment about the body frame origin. This corresponding moment force is: AlB,tailcone _ BoRo B'tailcone (4.52) 43 4.5.2 Propeller Thrust The thrust from the propeller can be directed at various orientations depending on elevator angle, 6 E, and rudder angle, 8R, because the vehicle has a vectored duct thruster. Therefore, depending on the orientation of the duct frame, as explained in Section 3.5, the applied force in the body-referenced frame is: COS 3 E Cos 3R (4.53) sin R B,thrust -CosR E Esin Since this force may not be coincident with the body axis, a moment is induced in the pitch and yaw directions due to the thrust. The vector, FBT, is the vector from the origin of the body frame to the thrust referenced frame origin, and xp < 0. Figure 4.3, shows the duct thruster propulsion system. [P Sl B,thrust = (B )i (4.54) Bthrust 0 Figure 4.3: Caribou's propulsion system The propeller thrust can be described as follows, where Up is the speed of the water seen at the propeller, n, is the propeller speed, D is the propeller diameter, and p is the water density [20]. T, =Krpn 2 D KT = U 1 - 2J nD (4.55) s1 The thrust coefficient, KT is approximated as a linear function of the advance ratio, J. For Caribou, and so that the p1 and P2, were determined P2 were modeled as 0.035 and 0.3, respectively. These coefficients, model simulation would reach a steady state speed of 1.5m/s at 60% thrust, with a rise-time of 10 44 seconds, based on the modeled thrust and drag coefficients. The only controlled variable was, np, the propeller speed which is modeled as the maximum speed multiplied by the desired percent thrust. The maximum propeller speed, n,, is 500 rpm and the propeller diameter, D, is 0.375m. np =p The speed of the fraction factor, w, linear coefficients linear coefficients U = U(i - w) %thrust (4.56) water seen at the propeller is usually less than the speed of the vehicle. The wake is taken as 0.1, a typical value in ships and submarines. Table 4.2 and 4.3 list the nonfor the Caribou AUV in the short configuration and Table 4.4 and 4.5 list the nonfor Caribou with the 1.05m extension used in the field tests. Parameter Value Units Description Xul ul -13.8 kg / m Axial Drag X -26.2 kg Added Mass Xwq 395 kg / rad Added Mass Cross-term 2 Added Mass Cross-term Xqq 32 kg-m / rad XVr -395 Xrr 32 kg / rad kg-m / rad 2 Added Mass Cross-term Added Mass Cross-term -624 kg / m Cross flow Drag 11r 2 -8 kg-m / rad Ye -395 kg Added Mass Yi kg m / rad Yur 32.4 -26 Added Mass Added Mass Cross-term Ywp -395 kg / rad kg / rad Cross flow Drag Added Mass Cross-term 2 Ypq -32 kg-m / rad Yuv -90 kg / m Body Lift Force -624 kg / m Cross flow Drag Zqj qj 8 kg-m / rad 2 Cross flow Drag zw z. -395 kg Added Mass -32.4 kg-m / rad Added Mass Zuq 26 kg / rad Added Mass Cross-term zvp 395 kg / rad Added Mass Cross-term Zrp -32 kg-m / rad 2 Added Mass Cross-term zuw -90 kg / m Body Lift Force Added Mass Cross-term Table 4.2: Short Caribou configuration non-linear force coefficients 45 Parameter Value Units Kp~P 0.0 2 kg-m / rad K 0.0 kg-m 2 / rad Added Mass MWI W1 16 kg Cross flow Drag M q qj -229 kg-m2 / rad 2 Cross flow Drag Me M4 -32.4 kg-m Added Mass -127 2 kg-m / rad Added Mass Muq 32 kg m / rad Added Mass Cross Term MVP 32 kg-m / rad Description 2 Mrp -127 kg-m / rad MUW 213 kg NV 1 vj -16 kg 2 2 Rolling Resistance Added Mass Cross Term 2 Added Mass Cross Term Body Lift Moment Cross flow Drag 2 Nr1 rl -229 kg-m / rad Cross flow Drag N 32.4 kg m Added Mass 2 Nj -127 kgm / rad Added Mass Nur 32 kg-m / rad Added Mass Cross Term NWP 32 kg-m / rad 2 Npq 127 kg-m / rad Nuv -213 kg Added Mass Cross Term 2 Added Mass Cross Term Body Lift Moment Table 4.3: Short Caribou configuration non-linear moment coefficients 46 Parameter Value Units Description Xu ul -15.0 kg/rm Axial Drag X -26.2 kg Added Mass Xwq 632 kg / rad Added Mass Cross-term 2 Added Mass Cross-term Xqq 57 kg m / rad Xvr Xrr -632 57 kg / rad kg-m / rad 2 Added Mass Cross-term Added Mass Cross-term Yv VI -944 kg / m Cross flow Drag 2 Cross flow Drag -34 kg m / rad Y Yi -632 57.1 kg kg-m / rad Added Mass Added Mass Yur -26 kg / rad Added Mass Cross-term YWP -632 kg / rad YrI r Ypq -57 kg-m / rad YUV Z -128 -944 kg / m kg / m Added Mass Cross-term 2 Added Mass Cross-term Body Lift Force Cross flow Drag 2 Zq1 qj 34 kg-m / rad Ze -632 kg Added Mass Zq -57.1 kg-m / rad Added Mass Zuq 26 kg / rad Added Mass Cross-term Z 632 kg / rad Zrp -57 kg-m / rad ZuW -128 kg / m Cross flow Drag Added Mass Cross-term 2 Added Mass Cross-term Body Lift Force Table 4.4: Extended (1.05m) Caribou configuration non-linear force coefficients 47 Parameter Value Units Description 0.0 kg-m2 / rad2 Rolling Resistance Kb 0.0 2 kg-m / rad Added Mass MW 1 WI 33 kg Cross flow Drag K 2 M q qj -1027 kg-m / rad Me -57.1 kg m Added Mass M4 -458 kg-m2 / rad Added Mass Muq 57 kg-m / rad Added Mass Cross Term MVP 57 kg-m / rad Mrp -458 2 kg-m / rad M. 413 kg Body Lift Moment NVI VI -33 kg Cross flow Drag Nr rl -1027 kg-m2 / rad2 Cross flow Drag N 57.1 kg-m Added Mass Nr -458 2 kg-m / rad Added Mass Nur 57 kg-m / rad Added Mass Cross Term NWP 57 kg-m / rad 458 2 kg-m / rad -413 kg Npq IV 2 Cross flow Drag Added Mass Cross Term 2 Added Mass Cross Term Added Mass Cross Term 2 Added Mass Cross Term Body Lift Moment Table 4.5: Extended (1.05m) Caribou configuration non-linear moment coefficients 48 Chapter 5 Linearized Model In this chapter, the yaw plane linearized model is developed. The linearization includes the equations of motion, as well as force and moment coefficients. The pitch plane linearized model is also developed briefly since the derivation is straightforward and similar to the yaw plane development. This linearized model are treated as the initial model that leads to the initial controller as shown in Figure 1.2. 5.1 Linearizing the Vehicle Equations of Motion The set of equations that govern the motion of the vehicle were described in detail in Chapter 3, and the governing dynamics were described in Chapter 4. Here we describe the linearization of the vehicle kinematics, rigid-body dynamics, and mechanics. In the yaw plane model, there is only 3 degrees of freedom: surge, sway, and yaw. Thus, heave, roll, and pitch are set to zero. 5.2 Vehicle Linearized Kinematics The vector transformation from an inertial frame of reference to the body frame was shown in Chapter 3 (equations 3.1). The transformation was developed by using Euler angles (y, 0, 4), which describe the roll, pitch and yaw position of the vehicle in inertial space. In the linearized yaw plane there is only one angle of interest, . The roll and pitch angles are set to zero for the yaw plane model. The transformation R(y, 0, ) was calculated by cascading the 3 separate angular transformation matrices. Here there is only one transformation matrix. The following coordinate transform relates vectors between body-fixed and inertial or earth-fixed coordinates. XB Fcos -sin#0 o cos# i = RO c, (5.1) The transformation matrix R4() is orthonormal, therefore its inverse is the same as its transpose. Hence, the following relationship between body referenced vectors and inertial vectors was made. X 1 = R|T(#)XB (5.2) 49 The motion of the body-referenced frame is described relative to an inertial frame of reference. The general motion of the vehicle in three degrees of freedom is described by the following six states. = = = = [] [#] 0 [i r] The derivatives of the body velocity i position of the body origin in inertial space (5.3) Euler angle yaw with respect to inertial space (5.4) the body-referenced translation velocities (5.5) the body-referenced rotational velocity yaw rate (5.6) and rotation rate Co, come from the equations in Section 3.3 for the external forces and moments [X,Y,Z] and [K,M,N]. following relationships. The derivatives for X and t .X = RO (#)i come from the (5.7) Therefore using equation 5.1 in equation 5.7, i= cos #u - sin #v = sin Ou + cos v #= (5.8) r If the heading is kept around a constant value with only small perturbations, then that point can be thought of as a zero reference operating angle, thus the angles will be small. Therefore, using Taylor Series approximations, we can neglect quadratic and higher order terms so that cos(4) = 1, and sin(f) = cos#O= 1- sin # = #2 + higher order terms 2!2(5.9) - 3! + higher order terms Using linearization methods, we can define the body-referenced rates as follows: u=U+iW v =V (5.10) r =rF where, U is the steady state value of u, and i is the perturbation about this steady state value. Likewise, the steady state value of v and r is zero, but the perturbation is iY and i respectively. Therefore, using 5.10 and 5.9 in 5.8 the results are as follows. 50 x=U+W-#ir f= #U 5.3 +vr (5.11) Vehicle Linearized Rigid-Body Dynamics The locations of the vehicle center of mass and volume (buoyancy) are defined in terms of the body-fixed coordinate system, for the yaw plane, as follows: XCM [CM .YCM _ CV CV (5.12) CV_ The vessel inertial dynamics are written in the body-referenced frame, with xCM, and ycM defining the location of the vessel's center of mass with respect to the body-referenced coordinate frame origin. X, and Y are the external body forces applied in the body-referenced directions of x, and y respectively. The external forces in the Z direction are set to zero since this is a yaw plane model. Likewise, p, q and w are zero. Therefore, the equations from Section 3.3 are simplified as follows (5.13, 5.14): X = m Y - v - yc -r 2xCM = m[1 + ru + rxCM - r 2yCM In a similar way, the external moments K and M are set to zero, hence the following simplification. N=I,,* + m[xCm(i)± ru) -yCm (t -rv)] (5.15) Now, by substituting earlier linearization results (5.10), and dropping higher order terms, as well as assuming that ycm is equal to zero, the following linearized equations of motion are found. X=mi Y = ml$ + N = IZZ (5.16) rU + rxCM +m[ xCM(7 (5.17) U)] (5.18) Notice that the equation of motion in the surge direction is decoupled from the sway and yaw motion. From here on, in this chapter, u = W, v = iY, and r = unless otherwise stated. ', 5.4 Vehicle Linearized Mechanics The moment of inertia in the yaw plane remains the same. However, only the moment of inertia about the z-axis, Izz, is considered because only rotation about that axis can occur. The results of the combined external forces and moment in the linearized yaw plane is: _Y_=[Bbodyift+B;bodydrag ± FB,tailcone + FB,thrust + FB,crossterms (5.19) 51 IN] = [I B,bodylift + B,tailcone B,bodydrag B,thrust B,crossterms (5.20) These forces and moments are determined based on coefficients that are described in Chapter 4. Notice that the weight and buoyancy forces are neglected in this yaw plane model. Additionally, there is no transformation needed to relate the vectored thrust in the inertial frame to the body frame due to the vehicle roll, since the roll is set to zero. Hence, the desired inertial frame thrust vector is the same as the commanded body frame thrust vector. 5.5 Yaw Plane Linearized Coefficients 5.5.1 Hydrostatics The vehicle experiences hydrostatic forces and moments as a result of the combined effects of the vehicle weight and buoyancy. The mass of the vehicle is m and the vehicle weight is W = mg. The vehicle buoyancy is expressed as B = pVg , where p is the density of the surrounding fluid and V the total volume displaced by the vehicle. The buoyancy force acts at the center of volume and the weight act at the center of mass. These positions were expressed in terms of body-frame coordinates. CM _ LYV FCM _YCM _YCV (5.21) Since the volumetric center and mass center do not coincide in the vehicle, there will be a buoyancy moment that is induced whenever the vehicle is rotated from its stable position. However, in the yaw plane model, there are no forces in the z-direction, thus the weight and buoyancy forces are zero, regardless of yaw orientation. The following relationships were developed in Chapter 4. X hydrostatics =(W Yhydrostatics - B)sin0 (5.22) =(-W + B)sin V/cosO Nhydrostatics =(-WxCM + Bxcv )sinq/cos0 + (-Wycm + Bycv)sinO However, roll, xV, and pitch, 0, are set to zero, therefore: hydrostatics 0 hydrostatics 0 N hydrostatics 0 5.5.2 Hydrodynamic Damping Axial Drag As developed in Chapter 4, the axial drag term was: 52 (5.23) XU" =- 1 pAfCD 2 fD (5.24) In order to linearize this equation we take ulul as follows, and eliminate quadratic terms that are not constants. u u|=(U+WiUi+W)= (U 2 +2U +22)=(U 2 +2Us) (5.25) Now the axial drag term can be represented as a constant drag term and a linearized drag term as follows. - X 1 2 2 -PAf CD U 2 =x UUU (5.26) Xu = -pAfCDU= Xl, 2U Crossflow Drag The cross flow drag was developed in detail in Chapter 4. However, the coefficients are all nonlinear terms that tend to zero when linearized. Therefore, the linear coefficients Yvd, Nvd, Yrd, and Nrd, from Yvivi, Nvivi, Yrirl, and NrIrI, respectively, are set to zero, and any adjustments to these coefficients are made through system identification later. In vector form, the AUV linearized damping forces and moments are as follows: FBbodydrag =[ I IY 5.5.3 IU 'B,bodydrag = dv + Y rI [Ndv + Nrdr] (5.27) Added Mass The added mass matrix is reduced to: mil 0 L0 m 2 m62 0 ~X6 01 0 m 26 0 (5.28) =0 - _0 m6 2 - N] Axial Added Mass The axial added mass remains unchanged. As was shown in Chapter 4: Xf, =-m 4 1 =-a - pr 3 (l dY2 I)2 2 (5.29) Crossflow Added Mass In a similar fashion as was shown in Chapter 4, the cross flow added mass coefficients are: 53 nose m (x)dx tail nose N =-m 6 2 = xm a tail Y =-M 2 6 =-m 6 2 (x)dx (5.30) =N' nose N =m 6 6 = x 2 m (x)dx tail Added Mass Cross-terms The remaining cross-terms result from added mass coupling, and are listed below. However, all higher order terms have been eliminated, as well as those associated with roll, pitch and heave rates. Y, =-X NU,=-Y (5.31) Now we linearize these coefficients, using the relationships from 5.10. Ym Nra =Y = mUU (5.32) Nra =N~U (5.33) Representation of these added mass forces and moment cross-terms in vector form are as follows: -. FBcrossterms 0 Lyrar] (5.34) [Nrr] (5.35) AB,crossterms = 5.5.4 Body Lift and Moment For the yaw plane model, the body lift and moment are as were developed in Chapter 4. However, here we use the relationship from equation 5.10 as follows. 1 Yv =YU N-N =2PACLaU 2 1 NI = N.U = 2 pACLa xtU 54 (5.36) (5.37) 5.5.5 Duct Thruster System Duct Hydrodynamics The coefficients for the lift and drag are now linearized from section 4.5.1 as follows: CL (a) C-a) a = 5.la CD W=Cdo =O0010 (5.38) 1 -- pAeffU 2 CD(a) 2ef Xtailcone 00498 Aef The velocity of the ring fin in the body frame is a combination of the body translation velocity and rotational velocity. Here p, q, w, and zR are set to zero. U+W -Ro _ Bo B 0 U+W-yRr xR BoRo (5.39) +xRr 0 r 0 0 The transformation matrix relating the ring frame of reference to the body frame is simply in the yaw plane since 6 Eis zero. Cos (R sin tR0 5R TRIB CosR 0 0 (5.40) 0 1 u sin(di) -(v-x r)cos(dk) - a Figure 5.1: Ring coordinate frame in yaw plane Using this transformation matrix, the ring velocity in the ring frame and the angle of attack (Figure 5.1) are computed: R =RIB x = sin- 1 a = arcsin -RoL (5.41) Ro =TsRIR usin t V+Xr)cosS 2 +v + xr) (5.42) 2 55 Now, if equation 5.42 is linearized about u, with (v + xRr) and aR assumed to be small, then equation 5.42 becomes: a =3 R (5.43) xr u u Using the relationships for lift and drag on the tailcone, the following forces were established for the three distinct contributions to the angle of attack. 1 YRtailcone (aCL = R p "AC I P(a NrRtailconeR 2 Y= 2g R eff >eff U 2 R R Ba (aC_ 1 - pI 2 1 aa LIAU Nvt (aC_ a 1 Aef UXR(5.45) 2 P(a rt L 2 a AUXR ) (5.46) 2 Py aa) f These three sets of control surface forces and moment in the body referenced frame were combined as follows for this linearized yaw plane model: FB,tailcone = ] "'""(5.47) oXtaiicone MB,tailcone = [ANfRtailcone + Nvt + N,, (54_ (5.48) PropellerThrust The thrust from the propeller can be directed variably depending on only rudder angle, 6R, in the yaw frame. Therefore, depending on the orientation of the propeller frame, the thrust in the body-referenced frame is: Xthrust Y5thrust =T, cos R TP R T = T sin FKthrust1 B,thrust ~ s L_ = th ru s t (5R 56 (5.49) R (5.50) (5.51) Since this force may not be coincident with the body axis, a moment is induced in the pitch and yaw -T directions due to the thrust. The vector rB , is the vector from the origin of the body frame to the thrust referenced frame origin, and xp < 0. (5.52) F = NORthrust3 R (FB )XB,thrust MB,thrust P snR (5.53) PTPSR (5.54) =[NRthrust5R The propeller thrust can be described as follows, where Up is the speed of the water seen at the propeller, nP is the propeller speed, D is the propeller diameter, and p is the water density, here equation 4.55 is modified so that thrust operates linearly around a preset operating point, n. U T = KTpnp;YD 4 KT =,1 - /2J J= U (5.55) The propeller speed, n,, and water speed, U, seen at the propeller are the same as in Chapter 4. n, = nu %thrust U = U(1 - w) (5.56) Now, by combining the drag, lift, and tailcone forces and moments, only four coefficients remain in equation 5.57 and 5.58. Y=Y +Y +Y t NY N, YN d + v I N, =Nd,+ N,,., + Nt Y,.=Y,. +Y r rd ( 5 .5 7 ) +Y r r(5.58) Nr =Nd+Nra+N58 The tailcone and thrust forces and moments are both dependent on the angle of the duct, thus they can be combined as follows: Y1R &tailcone + SRthrust N 6±(5.59) = ~~taico N,5R = N(tilCone + NRthrust Now, by combining all linearized coefficients and the equations of motion, equation 5.16, 5.17, and 5.18, the surge, sway and yaw equations of motions are described. m = Xhydrostatics + X + XUu + Xid + Xtaiicone + Xthrust m[1+rU +xcm ]=Yhydosttics + Yv + Yr +YY + I + m[xcM (f) + rU)] = Nhydrostatics + N~v + Nr YR RR + Nl:'+ N (5.60) + N,1? R Equation 5.60 can be rearranged as follows: 57 (m - XU ) (m -Y - X - Xtaicone v+(mXCM - Yr (mxCM - N, V+(MU -Y )r =Yhydrostatics +R - - N,) +(I = Xhydrostatics + Xthrust (5.61) R R - Nv +(mxcmU - N, r = Nhydrostatics + NR These equations of motion can be represented in matrix form as follows, where the third state is simply an integrator. (mxCM - Yr (m-Y ) NJ (mxCM (I - NJ 0 Y 0) 0 (mU -Y) 0 0 i + N, (mxCMU - N, 1- -O 0 -1 V Y 0 r 0 - R N R 0 R (5.62) i + B = Ci Finally, this matrix form can be rearranged into standard state space form as follows: . = A + _Bi (5.63) For feedback systems, the vector y represents the state feedback dependent upon matrix C. Cj = (5.64) This system (5.63 and (5.64) can now be represented as a transfer function in the s-domain as follows: GA UV ya(s) = C(sL - A)- B (5.65) In order to determine the transfer function of the yaw plane system, matrix C is set as follows, to allow the heading angle, p, to be passed back as a function of the rudder angle, 8R- C = [0 0 1] (5.66) Equation 5.62 can be represented as follows to allow for a simplified development of the transfer function. Al A2 0 A3 A4 0 0 0 1 9 ~BI + B2 0 V C B3 B4 0 r =C2 - 1 0-(P -0- 0 5R (5.67) Using equation 5.63, 5.64 and 5.65, the following transfer function for the yaw plane system was developed. FA (0_ R -A4C1+ S 3 +S 2 4A B 3 -A 2 A,A4 - 58 JA BAICG+ABAA(4A A+ 2 SLS A11A-A As - A2I 2 A3 j A,,C 3 B2 A2 A3 + 3 4 _ A _ B qA 1 AC 2 3 -- AA 2 A 4 _A2A) -4BBA BA, C] 4 I +, FB APB4 + A2B AB2- A4B2AB, - A2B4]ABj _ ll A A4 - A 2 A3 2 I (5.68) Equation 5.68 can be minimized by noticing that A 2 and A 3 are very small compared to rest of the parameters. A 2 and A 3 are small because the vehicle's hull is nearly a symmetric ellipsoid. Therefore, 5.68 becomes: BIC2-BC 2 AIA4 -(5.69) SC2 + ___ -A4. S3+S 2[ S 4 + Al 3 '2 4 +[1 A, A4 A4 Substituting the values from 5.62 back into 5.69, results in equation 5.70. At s=oo, equation 5.70 becomes the instantaneous initial value of the transfer function, and at s=0, equation 5.70 becomes the steady-state value. N s (I - N. ( 45R S3 - Yv S2 -YNR + NYR + ]I,, QzI s=o, ( -(5.70) MCM U - N,.] I(m - Y) - N) Y) - - - Y (mxCM U - N,. +(m U - Y,. N (M - YV XIZZ - N - N, -- = 0 s=0, 5R -L= 00 (5.71) t5R Equation 5.71 shows that any step response in the rudder does not have an immediate impact on the heading angle. Also, for a rudder step response the steady state heading goes to infinity as time goes to infinity which is to be expected since there is no restoring force in the yaw plane. By implementing a differentiator, as shown in equation 5.72, equation 5.70 becomes equation 5.73, and 5.75. r r S S - = P= r (5.72) Therefore, for yaw rate as a function of rudder deflection angle the transfer function is: N r_ = 05R s =), s[I2 2 s +s++ r R -N,) - Y,R + NY ()Iz - N,)j] N - ~~-v -- = 0 (5R (5.73) (mCMU -N,.)]+-YV(mxCMU -N,.)+(MU -Y,.Nv (m-Y ( _,-N (-Y _(,-N s = 0, r 1R = -Y N 8 + NMY3 R R (5.74) ,v mCM U - N,. + (MU -Y,.)Nv As shown in equation 5.74, for a constant rudder angle, the system reaches a steady turning rate. The yaw acceleration as a function of deflection angle is shown in equation 5.75. 59 2 05R s2 +S 1s N I [-Nj S(m -Y, U - N) -CM I (m -Y,_) s =0 , = R -_N,_ ) 5R zz- N) Y I, - N) - YNOR +N -Y(mxCMU - N, +(mU -Y)N _ +_ (M -Y, XI.- s = 0, (, NJ -= 0 (5.76) R Notice that instantaneous yaw acceleration as a function of rudder deflection angle is simply the moment forcing term, Nd, divided by the mass term, (Izz-Nradt). These results will be further discussed in Chapter 9, as related to the responses seen from field data. 60 5.6 Tabulated Linear Yaw Plane Coefficients Setting steady state surge velocity to: U=1.5m/s Parameter Value X =xuu U 2 -31 = X, 2U X Units kg-m / Description S2 Constant Axial Drag -41 kg / s Axial Drag X -26.2 kg Added Mass Xthrust Tp kg-m / S2 Axial Thrust Xtailcone -0.6 kg-m / S2 Xhydrostatics 0 kg-m/ S2 Hydrostatic Force V -75 kg / s Cross flow Drag = YrrCR -0.5 kg-m / rad 2 Cross flow Drag -395 32.4 kg kg-m / rad Added Mass -39 kg-m / rad-s Added Mass Cross-term -135 kg / s Body Lift Force Yd = Y, Yrd Axial Drag from Tailcone Ye yi) yr ra =u,.U 0 hydrostatics yt kg-m/ S2 Added Mass Hydrostatic Force -196 kg / s Tailcone Lift Force 247 kg-m / rad-s Tailcone Lift Force ySRtailcone 294 kg-m / S2 -rad Tailcone Lift Force yRthrust Tp kg-m / s 2 -rad Thrust from Tailcone Angle -406 kg / s Lift Force from Translation 208 kg-m /rad-s Lift Force from Rotation YVt Y, = Yd + Yr = Yrd y -5 5 ay £ Rtailcone + Y ra rt s 6Rthrust 294+Tp 2 kg-m / s -rad Lift Force from Tailcone Angle Table 5.1: Short Caribou configuration linear force coefficients, U=1.5m/s 61 Setting steady state surge velocity to: U=1.5m/s Parameter Nvd =N Nrd Value c =Nr CR Units Description -1.9 kgm /s Cross flow Drag -14 kgm Cross flow Drag 2 /s 32.4 -127 kg-m kg-m 2 / rad Added Mass Added Mass 48 kg-m2 / rad-s Added Mass Cross Term -320 kg-m/s Body Lift Moment Nhydrostatics 0 kg.m 2/s 2 Hydrostatic Moment Nt N,, 247 kg-m/s Tailcone Lift Moment -311 kg-m 2 / rad-s NRftailcone -371 2 kg-m / rad-S N(&thrust -1.26*Tp kg-m 2 / rad-s2 N =Nvd + Nvi + Nv, Nr =Nrd + Nra + N -75 kg-m/s Tailcone Lift Moment Thrust Moment from Tailcone Angle Lift Moment from Translation -277 kg-m2 / rad-s Lift Moment from Rotation -371-1. 26*Tp kg'm 2 / rads 2 Lift Moment from Tailcone Angle Ng Nj Nra = Nur U NVI = N'U N8 R = N 3 Rtailcone + N 4thrust Tailcone Lift Moment Table 5.2: Short Caribou configuration linear moment coefficients, U=1.5m/s 62 Setting steady state surge velocity to: U=1.5m/s Parameter Value Units Description X=Xuju U X= XJ 2U -34 kg-m / s 2 Constant Axial Drag -45 kg / s Axial Drag X -26.2 kg Added Mass Xthrust Tp Xtailcone -0.6 kg-m / s2 Axial Drag from Tailcone Xhydrostatics 0 kg-m / S2 Hydrostatic Force 2 kg-m/ S2 Axial Thrust vCv -113 kg / s Cross flow Drag rjrjCR -2.0 kg'm / rad2 Cross flow Drag kg kg-m / rad Added Mass Yi -632 57.1 Yra = Y..Ur -39 kg-m / rad-s Added Mass Cross-term YVI -192 kg / s Body Lift Force 0 kg-m / S2 Hydrostatic Force Yvt -196 kg / s Tailcone Lift Force Y, 349 kgm / rad s Tailcone Lift Force YRtailcone 294 kg-m / S2-rad Tailcone Lift Force Yvd = Y rd = Ye = YUU hydrostatics 2 Added Mass YRthrust Tp kg-m / S -rad Thrust from Tailcone Angle Yv = Yvd + Yv + Yvt -501 kg / s Lift Force from Translation Yr = Yrd 308 kg-m / rad-s Lift Force from Rotation YR =Y 5 ra Rtailcone + rt 5Rthrust 294+T kg-m/ 2 s -rad Lift Force from Tailcone Angle Table 5.3: Extended (1.05m) Caribou configuration linear force coefficients, U=1.5m/s 63 Setting steady state surge velocity to: U=1.5m/s Parameter Value Units Description Nvd= Nvl cv -4.0 kg-m /s Cross flow Drag N,d =NrlrlCR -62 kg-m2 /s Cross flow Drag Nr 57.1 Added Mass Nj -458 kg-m kg m2 / rad 86 kg-m / rad-s Added Mass Cross Term N,, = N U -620 kg-m/s Body Lift Moment Nhydrostatics 0 kg'm 2/s Nt 349 kg-m/s 2 Hydrostatic Moment Tailcone Lift Moment 2 N,, -621 kg m / rad-s NRtailcone -524 kg-m2 / rad s 2 -1.78*Tp N, = Nd + Nv, + Nv, Nr =Nrd +Nra + N -275 = Added Mass Nra = NurU N(thrust N5R 2 N5Rtalcone + N(Rthrust 22 kg-m2 /ra-s 2 kg-m/s 2 Tailcone Lift Moment Tailcone Lift Moment Thrust Moment from Tailcone Angle Lift Moment from Translation -597 kg-m / rad-s Lift Moment from Rotation -524-1.78*T, kg-m 2 / rad-s2 Lift Moment from Tailcone Angle Table 5.4: Extended (1.05m) Caribou configuration linear moment coefficients, U=1.5m/s 64 Setting steady state surge velocity to: U=1.3m/s Parameter Value Units Description -26 kg-m / S2 Constant Axial Drag XU =Xuj 2U -39 kg / s Axial Drag X -26.2 kg Added Mass Xthrust Tp kg-m / S2 Axial Thrust Xtaicone -0.4 kg-m / S2 Axial Drag from Tailcone Xhydrostatics 0 kg-m / S2 Hydrostatic Force -113 kg /s 2 X = X1 l U # Yd = V Cross flow Drag 2 -2.0 kg-m / rad y Yi -632 57.1 kg kg-m / rad Added Mass Ya = Yu,U -34 kg-m / rad-s Added Mass Cross-term -166 kg /s Body Lift Force Yhydrostatics 0 kg-m / y,, -170 kg / s Tailcone Lift Force Yt 302 kg-m / rad-s Tailcone Lift Force YRtailcone 221 kg-m / s-rad Tailcone Lift Force YRthruSt T kgm / s2 rad Thrust from Tailcone Angle ,-r CR Yd = Y,1 = YU S2 Cross flow Drag Added Mass Hydrostatic Force Yv Y + Yvi + Yt -449 kg / s Lift Force from Translation Yr rd + Yra + Y,, 266 kg-m / rad-s Lift Force from Rotation kg-m / s 2-rad Lift Force from Tailcone Angle Y5R SRailcone JRthrust 221+ Table 5.5: Extended (1.05m) Caribou configuration linear force coefficients, U=1.3m/s 65 Setting steady state surge velocity to: U=1.3m/s Value Units Description -4.0 kg-m / s Cross flow Drag Nrd =NrIICR -62 kg-m2 / s Cross flow Drag Nr Nj 57.1 -458 kg-m kg-m2 / rad Added Mass Added Mass Nra = NurU 75 kg-m2 / rad-s Added Mass Cross Term -537 kg-m/s Body Lift Moment Parameter NVI = NU Nhydrostatics 0 kg-m /s Hydrostatic Moment Nt 302 kg-m/s Tailcone Lift Moment N,, -538 2 kgm 2 2 / rad-s Tailcone Lift Moment 2 2 N(&talcone -393 kg-m / rad'S Tailcone Lift Moment NLRthrust -1 .78*Tp kgm 2 / rad'S2 Nv =Nvd+ N,1 + Nv, Nr =Nrd + Nra + Nrt -239 kg-m/s Thrust Moment from Tailcone Angle Lift Moment from Translation -525 kg-m2 / rad-s Lift Moment from Rotation N3 R = NRetailcone + NiRthrust -393-1 .78*Tp kgm 2 / rad'S2 Lift Moment from Tailcone Angle Table 5.6: Extended (1.05m) Caribou configuration linear moment coefficients, U=1.3m/s 66 5.7 Pitch Plane Linearization In the pitch plane model, there are only 3 degrees of freedom: surge, heave, and pitch. Thus, sway, roll, and yaw are set to zero. The model derivation shown here is very brief since the same straightforward approach is used here as was used for the yaw plane derivation. XB -. cos6 -sin0 -lsI =RO(0)X, [sin9 cos6] f = R| (O)XB (5.77) (5.78) The motion of the body-referenced frame is described relative to an inertial frame of reference. The general motion of the vehicle in three degrees of freedom is described by the following six states. [] = position of the body origin in inertial space (5.79) Euler angle yaw with respect to inertial space (5.80) the body-referenced translation velocities (5.81) the body-referenced rotational velocity pitch rate (5.82) Z F0= [] c = [q] The equations of motion from Section 3.3 are linearized as follows: X = M( Z =m M = I, + qzCM) (5.83) (5.84) - qU + xCM + m[zCM i - XCM (ii' - qU)] (5.85) The locations of the vehicle centers of mass and volume (buoyancy) are defined in terms of the bodyfixed coordinate system as follows: CM _XCM CV [V(5.86) zCVi LZCM _ Since the volumetric center and mass center do not coincide in the vehicle, there will be a buoyancy moment that is induced whenever the vehicle is rotated from its stable position. By linearizing equation 4.4 and setting roll, y, and yaw, p, to zero the hydrostatic equations become: Xhydrostatics =(W - B)sinO ~ (W - B)O Zhydrostatics =(-W + B)cos0 ~ (-W + B) Mhydrostatics = (WxCM - (5.87) Bxcv)cos 0 + (Wzcm - Bzcv)sin0 ~ (WxCM - Bxcy) + (Wzcm - Bzcv)O 67 The linearized cross flow drag in the pitch plane was developed in the same manner as the cross flow drag in the yaw plane in Section 5.5.2. Therefore, the linear coefficients Zwd, Mwd, Zqd, and Mqd, from ZWJWi, Miww, Zqgqi, and Mqq, respectively, are set to zero, and any adjustments are made through system identification later. The added mass matrix is reduced to: Mil 0 0 0 M3 0 m53 3 ] -- Xl 0 0 0 Z - Z4 0 -MfV - = M5 (5.88) The remaining added mass cross-terms result from added mass coupling, and are listed below. However, all higher order terms have been eliminated, as well as those associated with roll, pitch and heave rates. Muq =Z4 Zuq = X, (5.89) Now we linearize these coefficients, using the pitch model relationships similar to those shown in equation 5.10 for the linearized yaw plane model. Zqa = ZuqU (5.90) Mqa = MuqU (5.91) The body lift and moment developed in Chapter 4 are linearized here. Z 1 = ZUU = MW 1 = MUWU = pACLaU (5.92) PA, CL a XlU (5.93) 2 1 2 The coefficients for the duct fin lift and drag are the same for the pitch plane as they were for the yaw plane. The velocity of the ring fin in the body frame is a combination of the body translation velocity and rotational velocity. Here p, r, v, and yR are set to zero. The angle of attack in the pitch plane is computed in the same way as the angle was computed in the yaw plane. Figure 5.2 shows this relationship for the pitch plane. Ro a = arcsin R _usin3E+(-xRq)COs3E sin (5.94) Now, if equation 5.94 is linearized about u, with (w - xR q) and 6E assumed to be small, then equation 5.94 becomes: a = tg + U 68 U (5.95) (w-xRq)cos(dE) W-XRq dE dE c usin(dE) Figure 5.2: Duct coordinate frame in pitch plane Using the relationships for lift and drag on the tailcone, the following forces were established for the three distinct contributions to the angle of attack SEtailcone E 2 Oa UP( 2gE 5AefU L (5.96) M2Etailcon 1 Z,,= fI U t 2Pyaa) = 2, p Z LAC 2 M U D)eff E eff 8L )e-1 E R (8CL A Z,=-P AeUxR R a Ae~R a p(IOL M,= 2 Ba (5.97) 2Af ~ x The thrust from the propeller can be directed variably depending on only elevator angle, 8E, in the pitch frame. Therefore, depending on the orientation of the propeller frame, the thrust in the body-referenced frame is: Xthst =TP -Tp 6Ethrust E MEthrustSE cosSE (TBT)xB'thrust P (5.98) inp E p psin E E-T PTP8E (5.99) (5.100) Now, by combining the drag, lift, and tailcone forces and moments, only four coefficients remain. Z =W Zd + ZW + Z, Zq = Zd + Zwt + Zq ,1 MW = Mw + MWI + M,, Mq = Mqd + Mqa + M5 The tailcone and thrust forces and moments are both dependent on the angle of the duct, thus they can be combined as follows: ZE SEtailcone + ZEthrust M5E = M gEtailcone + MgEthrust (5.102) 69 Now, by combining all linearized coefficients and the equations of motion, equation 5.83, 5.84, and 5.85, the surge, heave and pitch equations of motions are described. (mX X (m-Z) -(mxCM - B)+ Xth( - Xi.cone = (W - X -Xu -(mxcM +Z,)4-Zvw-(mU+Z)q =(-W+B)+ZS3E E(5.103) + M)iv+(I, - M 4 q - Mw+(mxcMU - M, )q = (WxCM -BxCV) +(WCM - Bzcv)O + ME 3 E These equations of motion can be represented in matrix form as follows (5.104), assuming that W-B, and xcM=xcv, and zcv=O. This is completely parallel to the yaw plane case, except that here the separation of the center of mass and center of volume create a restoring moment in the pitch plane. (M-Z (MXCM -(MXCM ) + 00 (I,, - Mq 0 0 1- 0 -ZW -(mU+Z,) + -M 0 wl (mxCMU-M,) -WzcM q -1 0 0 0 L E E E 0 Ai + _Bi = Ci Finally, this matrix form can be rearranged into standard state space form as follows: . = Ai + Bi (5.105) For feedback systems, the vector y represents the state feedback dependent upon matrix C. (5.106) = C-i This system (5.105 and 5.106) can now be represented as a transfer function in the s-domain as follows: GA UV pitch(s) = C(sI - A)- B (5.107) In order to determine the transfer function of the yaw plane system, matrix C is set as follows, to allow the pitch angle, 0, to be passed back as a function of the elevator angle, 6 E- C = [0 0 1] (5.108) Equation 5.104 can be represented as follows to allow for a simplified development of the transfer function. Al A2 0 A A4 0 _0 0 1- & W* + BI B2 0 W B B4 B q 0 - 1 0 -LO C, =C2 gE (5.109) -0 Using equation 5.105, 5.106 and 5.107, the following transfer function for the pitch plane system was developed and approximated as was done for the yaw plane system by noticing that A 2 and A3 are very small compared to rest of the parameters, due to the vehicle's hull matching closely with that of a symmetric ellipsoid. 70 BIC 2 + -B 3 C1 L- A 4- I A1A 4 B++S B 4 -B 2 B+ AB A1 A4 LA 1 A4 rC2 _ (E S 3 +S2 + IB (5.110) 5 LA1A4I Substituting the values from 5.104 back into 5.110, results in equation 5.111. At s=oo, equation 5.111 becomes the instantaneous initial value of the transfer function, and at s=O, equation 5.111 becomes the steady-state value. 0 _ S2U +E _(M - Z,) s =oo, - M+)S + SE -(5 Z,E s (IYY--_MO (M -Z F- Z+(mxc 31 U - M) 5E -0 s = 0, MJ (mU - Zq)M" - (m - Z,)Wzc1 + (m I: - Mq) o + M"Z E ' XIYY- I, o = - J (m- M4) --ZM (5E 8 E +±M,Z 8 E Z ,Wzc M 512 (5.112) ZWWz This shows that any step response in the elevator does not have an immediate impact on the pitch angle. However, for an elevator step response the steady state pitch angle settles to a value shown in equation 5.112, as time goes to infinity, which is to be expected since the righting moment is the restoring force in the pitch plane. By implementing a differentiator, as shown in the yaw plane derivation, 5.112 becomes 5.113 and 5.114. s = 9 = 0 s=0, q - 0 (5.113) As shown in equation 5.113, for a constant elevator angle, the pitch rate does not reach a steady state and initially is zero. .M s= = s=0, 9 - 0 (5.114) S ,yy - MF 5E As shown in equation 5.114, notice that the instantaneous pitch acceleration as a function of elevator deflection angle is simply the moment forcing term, Mde, divided by the mass term, (Iyy-Mqdot). These results will be further discussed in Chapter 9, as related to the responses seen from field data. 5.8 Depth Model The AUV velocity along the inertial z-axis depends on the vehicle speed, U, the pitch angle, 0, as well as the side slip velocity in the body referenced heave direction. Depth is the negative of inertial position, z. - z =U sin(O) -wcos(O) U - Z ~ S (5.115) Assuming side slip, w, is small and the pitch angle is relatively small, then inertial velocity in the z direction is simply U*0. This is a major assumption that dramatically affects the depth controller design, because the pitch angle can reach up to 30 degrees in field operations. 71 5.9 Tabulated Linear Pitch Plane Coefficients Setting steady state surge velocity to: U=1.5m/s Parameter Value Units Description x=X uu U 2 -31 kg-m / s 2 Constant Axial Drag XU = Xjj 2U -41 kg / s Axial Drag X -26.2 kg Added Mass Xthrust T, kg-m / S2 Axial Thrust Xtaiicone -0.6 kg-m / S2 Axial Drag from Tailcone 2 Hydrostatic Force Xhydrostatics (W-B)O kg m /s Zwd = Z~j~jc, -75 kg / s Zqd = zqiqlcQ 0.4 kg-m /rad Z- Z -395 kg Added Mass Z4Z -32.4 kg-m / rad Added Mass Zqa = Zu U 39 kg-m / rad-s Added Mass Cross-term ZW1 = ZUU -135 kg / s Body Lift Force Zhydrostatics (-W+B) kg-m / S2 Hydrostatic Force -196 kg / s Tailcone Lift Force -247 kg-m / rad-s Tailcone Lift Force -294 kg-m / S2 -rad Tailcone Lift Force kg-m / s 2 -rad Thrust from Tailcone Angle zwt z.t Zq, z JEtaiCONe Z (Ethrust z Cross flow Drag 2 Cross flow Drag Z, = Zwd + ZW1 + Z,, -406 kg / s Lift Force from Translation zq = Zqd + Zqa + Z -208 kg-m / rad-s Lift Force from Rotation -294-Tn kgm/S 2 -rad Lift Force from Tailcone Angle SE = ZEtailcon Ethrust Table 5.7: Short Caribou configuration linear force coefficients, U=1.5m/s 72 Setting steady state surge velocity to: U=1.5m/s Parameter Value Units Description Mwd = MWH C 1.9 kg-m /s Cross flow Drag Mqd = 2 -14 kg-m / s Cross flow Drag -32.4 kg-m Added Mass M4 -127 2 kg-m / rad Added Mass Mqa =Mqu U 48 kg-m2 / rad-s Added Mass Cross Term MW1 = MU 320 kg-m/s Body Lift Moment (WXCM-BXCV) + kg-m 2/s 2 Hydrostatic Moment Tailcone Lift Moment qlqlCQ Mhydrostatics (Wzcm-Bzcv)O M -247 kg-m/s Mqt -311 kg m2 / rad-s -371 MSEtailcone -1.26TpT M5Ethrust 2 2 Tailcone Lift Moment kg-m / rad-s Tailcone Lift Moment kg-m 2 / rad-S2 Thrust Moment from Tailcone Angle MW = Mwd + M W + M,, 75 kg-m/s Lift Moment from Translation Mq= Mqd +Mqa + Mqt -277 kg-m2 / rad-s Lift Moment from Rotation -371-1. 26*Tp kg-m 2 / rad-s2 Lift Moment from Tailcone Angle M '5E Etailcone + M EthruSt Table 5.8: Short Caribou configuration linear moment coefficients, U=1.5m/s 73 Setting steady state surge velocity to: U=1.5m/s Parameter Value Units Description 2 -34 kg-m /s 2 Constant Axial Drag X = Xul 2U -45 kg / s Axial Drag Xi -26.2 kg Added Mass Xthrust TP X X.,U kgm /S 2 Axial Thrust Xtailcone -0.6 kg-m / S2 Axial Drag from Tailcone Xhydrostatics (W-B)O kg-m /s 2 Hydrostatic Force -113 kg / s Cross flow Drag 2 Zqd = ZqlqcQ 2.0 Z-Z -632 kg Added Mass Z4Z -57.1 kg-m / rad Added Mass 39 kg-m / rad-s Added Mass Cross-term -192 kg / s Body Lift Force (-W+B) kg-m /s 2 Hydrostatic Force ZWt -196 kg / s Tailcone Lift Force Zqt -349 kg-m / rad s Tailcone Lift Force Zqa = ZuqU Z,, = zU Zhydrostatics -294 ZtEtaicone kg-m /rad 2 kg-m / S -rad 2 Z5Ethrust Cross flow Drag Tailcone Lift Force kg'm / s -rad Thrust from Tailcone Angle Z4 = Zwd + ZWI + Zw, -501 kg / s Lift Force from Translation Zq = Zqd + Zqa + Zqt -308 kg-m / rad-s Lift Force from Rotation -294-T, kg-m / s 2 -rad Lift Force from Tailcone Angle zE Ftailcone + Z5Ethrust Table 5.9: Extended (1.05m) Caribou configuration linear force coefficients, U=1.5m/s 74 Setting steady state surge velocity to: U=1.5m/s Parameter Value Units Description 4.0 kg-m /s Cross flow Drag Mqd =M qlqc Q -62 kg-m 2 / s Cross flow Drag Mq -57.1 kg-m Added Mass Mg -458 kg-m2 / rad Added Mass Mqa =Mqu U 86 kg-m2 / rad-s Added Mass Cross Term MW 1 = M U 620 kg-m/s Body Lift Moment (WxCM-Bxcv) + (WZCM-Bzcv)O kg-m 2/S 2 Hydrostatic Moment M., -349 kg-m/s Tailcone Lift Moment Mqt -621 kg-m 2 / rad-s Tailcone Lift Moment MdEtailcone -524 kg-m2 / rad-s 2 Tailcone Lift Moment MSEthrust -1.78*Tp kg'm2 / rad s 2 275 kg-m/s Thrust Moment from Tailcone Angle Lift Moment from Translation -597 kgm 2 / rad-s Lift Moment from Rotation -524-1.78*T, kg-m2 / rad-s2 Lift Moment from Tailcone Angle Mwd = MWI C Mhydrostatics MW =Mwd + M 1 + M., Mq Mqd + Mqa +Mqt M-E A Etailcone + mEthr4,t Table 5.10: Extended (1.05m) Caribou configuration linear moment coefficients, U=1.5m/s 75 Setting steady state surge velocity to: U=1.3m/s Value Parameter Units Description 2 -26 X, =Xuj 2U -39 kg / s Axial Drag X -26.2 kg Added Mass T, kg-m /s 2 Axial Thrust X = X,,u Xthrust 'tailcone Xhydrostatics S2 Constant Axial Drag -0.4 kg m / S2 Axial Drag from Tailcone (W-B)O kg m / S2 Hydrostatic Force -113 Zwd = ZwiwC w kg-m / kg / s Cross flow Drag Zqd =ZqqlCQ 2.0 kgm / rad Cross flow Drag zw -632 kg Added Mass Z4 -57.1 kg-m/ rad Added Mass Zqa = Zuq 34 kg-m / rad-s Added Mass Cross-term ZW1 = Z.U -166 kg / s Body Lift Force 2 Zhydrostatics (-W+B) zwt -170 kg / s Tailcone Lift Force Zqt -302 kg-m / rads Tailcone Lift Force Zs5taicone -221 kg-m / S -rad Tailcone Lift Force Zdthrust kg-m / S2 2 Hydrostatic Force -T, kg-m / s rad Thrust from Tailcone Angle Zw = Zwd + ZWI + Z, -449 kg / s Lift Force from Translation Zq = Zqd + Zqa + Zqt -266 kgm / rad s Lift Force from Rotation ZE Etailcone + Ethrust -22 1-Tn 2 kg-m/ s -rad Lift Force from Tailcone Angle Table 5.11: Extended (1.05m) Caribou configuration linear force coefficients, U=1.3m/s 76 Setting steady state surge velocity to: U=1.3m/s Parameter Mwd = MWIWI c Mqd =M qqc Q Description 4.0 kg-m / s Cross flow Drag 2 kg-m / s Cross flow Drag -57.1 kg-m Added Mass -458 kg-m2 / rad Added Mass 75 kg m 2 / rad s Added Mass Cross Term 537 kg-m/s Body Lift Moment 2 kgm /S M wt (WxCM-Bxcv) + (Wzcm-Bzcv)O -302 Mqt 8 Mhydrostatics Etailcone EtalCOne Hydrostatic Moment Tailcone Lift Moment -538 kg-m2 / rad-s Tailcone Lift Moment -393 kg-m 2 / rad-s2 Tailcone Lift Moment kgm 2 / rad 2 Thrust Moment from Tailcone Angle 239 kg-m/s Lift Moment from Translation + Mqt -525 kg-m2 / rad-s Lift Moment from Rotation + MgEthrust -393-1.78*Tp kg-m 2 / rad-s2 Lift Moment from Tailcone Angle MW= Mwd + MW 1 + MWt Mq= Mqd + 2 kg-m/s -1.78*T M6Ethrust M'E 3 Units -62 M4 M~ 1= M Value qa Table 5.12: Extended (1.05m) Caribou configuration linear moment coefficients, U=1.3m/s 77 78 Chapter 6 Vehicle Simulation In Chapter 6, the equations of motion are combined with the forcing components to complete the derivation of the overall equations of motion. The Matlab simulation is discussed, and the overall nonlinear and linear approach to the simulation is explained. This simulation is used to adjust the dynamic model in the controller design process as outlined in Figure 1.2. 6.1 Complete Nonlinear Equations of Motion Combining the equations for the vehicle kinematics (Chapter 3) with the rigid-body dynamics (Chapter 4), we arrive at the combined nonlinear equations of motion for the Caribou AUV in six degrees of freedom. Translation along the x-axis (Surge): mX[ + qw - rv + XHS u u U q CM p -(q .qC + Xqqqq Xq + Xvr 2 + r 2()XCM + X,,rr + Xthrust tailcone Translation along the y-axis (Sway): m[- + ru - pw + xC +Yv VI IV v1rr Irl+ Y, YHS + - PzCm + (rzCM + px~C - + Y wp Ypq +Y I + Yur+Yw ur 2r + qYvY Yuv .'c C6.2 ~ +Ythrust + (6.2) tailcone Translation along the z-axis (Heave): m[+ pv - qu + pyCM ZHS +Z W1 w1|+ Z qq|+ xCM +(PXCM +qyC)r (P2 +q )zcm (6.3) Z p'v+ Z44++Zuquq+ Z,,vp+ Z,,rp + Zuw+Zthrust + Ztaicone Rotation about the x-axis (Roll): 79 I, + IY,4 + I_ + (I,, - IY )rq +I,(q2 - r 2) + I,,pq - I,,pr + ~,p P K~P(6.4) m[yc yCvM pv - qu - zCM ( + ru pw)] = KHS~ ±K + KPPI1 pp+ Kfip Rotation about the y-axis (Pitch): Ip + I,,4 + Iyf + (I - I,,)pr +Ix(r2 _ p 2) + Iqr - Iyqp + m[zcM ( + qw - r - xcm (v+ pv - qu)] = MHs +M 1w w|w+ M q || (6.5) + Mj* + M/I + MvpvP + Mrp+Muquq+MUMuw + Mthrust + Mtaicone Rotation about the z-axis (yaw): ip + Iz,4 + Ij + Mmc + (I, - I)pq +I, (p 2 - q 2) + Iypr - Ixqr + m - pw - ycm (5 + qw - rv)] = NHs + N + Nv9 + N vIv|+ N rIr r| (6.6) + N wp + Npqpq + Nrur + Nuv + Nthrust +Ntaicone These six equations can be transformed into state space notation for simulation purposes. It is convenient to separate the acceleration terms from the other terms in the vehicle equations of motion. The mass acceleration terms can be set equal to the remaining forcing terms. (m - X,)u +mzCM4 - MyCMi =X (6.7) => (m -Y)>+(mxCM - Y )* -mpzCM (m - Zj)V -(mxCM + Z)4 +mPyCM = (IU - K)p+ I., + Ix*- mkyM m IYX P +(IYY - M)4 + I, -(mxCM Iz, p + Iz,4 + (Izz - N, ) + (mxCM- Y (6.8) 3z (6.9) zCM = K (6.10) (6.11) + M,)Vv+ mtzCM =ZM N, )1 - mycmt0= N (6.12) Now the remaining forcing terms are represented as follows: JX = XHS + X +(Xrr u1u ± (Xwq m(qy + mxCM)r 2 SY = Y'S +Y viv1 V+Y CM P + m)vr + (Xqq + mxCM + X,, + 2 Xta(icone r rl +(Y ,. -m)ur +(Y, + m)wp+(Yq - mxcm)pq( VI VIrII(6.14) - mrqzm + m(r 2 +P 80 - m)wq + (X, 2 )YCM +YUV +Ythust + Ytailcone lZ=Z 1 s +Z"w- W|+Z mrqyCM - + m(P 2 + m)uq +(Z, - m)vp +(Zp - mxcM)rp qlq|q+(Z,,q (6.15) + q 2 )zCM + Zu"uw + Zthrust + Ztaicone + I, pr K=KHs +K pip p|+(I,,- Izz)rq +I,(r2 - q 2 ) - I ,,pq 5 m[yCM (pv - qu) - - ZCM M=MH + Mi1W|+ + (Mrp - I I I. 5 (p 2 - r (N, + mxcM)wp (6.18) -I,)pq + (Nu, - mxCM)ur + Nuv + Nhrs, + I +I, (q 2 + Ntaiicone (6.17) + Mthrust + Izqp + m[zCM(rv - qw)] 2)--I1xqr N=Ns + NivIv|+ Ni rjr|+ + (Npq 6.2 q|I q|+(Mvp + mxcm )vp M, + Izz )rp+ (Muq - mxCm uq + M uW + ± Mtacone (6.16) (ru - pw)] _ p) - I, pr + I, qr + m[yCM (qw - rv)] Nonlinear Simulation States and Matrices Now, these equations (6.7-6.18) are written in matrix form as follows. 0 0 0 mzCM -myCM LX 0 m-Y 0 - mzCM 0 MxCM -Y >Y 0 0 m-X 0 -mzCM 0 - MyCM mxCM m-Z. myCM MyCM IXX - K. -mxCM -Mv -m-1 CM -Z4 yx 0 -N I x -M4 (6.19) 0 IZ I, Iz, - N, IZY p q Y-M * _-IN-_ Y_ K Equation 6.19 can be rearranged now as the inverted matrix C times the forcing matrix F. m-X 0 0 0 V 0 m-Y P 0 0 p 0 q4 mZCM - mzCM 0 *_ - mycM mCM - m-Z, N, MyCM mxCM -Mv 0 -1 0 mzCM -mZCM myCM IXX - K Izx I,y I MyCM >zX mxCM - 0 -MCM - -Z4 0 Z IxZ J K I I M Izz - N (6.20) = C-F -IN-_ The state that will be used during the simulation is the combination of the states described in equations 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, and 3.6. Here they are combined as follows to form a vector z. 81 F 3x] z T =[x y 9 # y z u v w p q ± r] (6.21) =- LB 6 1 The derivative of z with respect to time is 2 . This vector, ±, is composed of three separate vectors, k, , and B. These vectors are defined as follows from equations 3.9, 3.10, and 6.20, in order to account for the angular rotation. u .i = RT (V/,,0,#0) V P S=F-(V/,O,#) q (6.22) r B = C-'F 6.3 Linear Simulation States and Matrices In a similar fashion, the simulation states and matrices were derived for the simulation. From the yaw and pitch plane linearized coefficients the following states and matrices were developed and implemented into simulations. From equation 5.60, the motion in the body frame x-direction is modeled as follows for both the yaw plane and the pitch plane simulation models. (m - X, d - Xi - Xu 6.3.1 (6.23) - Xtaiacone = Xhydrostatics + Xthrust Yaw Plane From the kinematics and dynamics explained in Chapter 5, the matrix representation of the yaw plane dynamics, sway and yaw, was developed in equation 5.62 and repeated here in equation 6.24. (m -Y ) (0mxCMN) (mxCM - y) (Iz - N) 0 0 0 - Y, - + -N 1-O (mU -Y ) 0 V U -1 0 r = (mxCM L 0 A. +B = Ci - Nr) Oq Y5R .R R (6.24) 0 This matrix form leads to a standard state space form which was developed in Chapter 5 and is implemented as the linear simulation model for the yaw plane. In this form, J is a vector representing sway rate, yaw rate, and yaw position, and ii represents input to the system, which is the rudder angle in the yaw plane model. The last channel is just an integrator to capture the heading angle, (p, from the yaw rate, r. [V1 X= Ai + Bii r L(Pi 82 ii = (R (6.19) From equation 5.8, the relationship between body frame velocities and inertial frame velocities is shown in state form. cos# -sin# 0 u =sin# cos#0 0 v 0 ij rj x 0 (6.26) The transfer function for the yaw plane model, as derived in Chapter 5, is reprinted below, along with the values for this transfer function from the initial linearized model from Chapter 5, for the yaw plane. ][ -]YvNR + N, SF(NgR (10 -NJ S(I 5R - YF(xUN, .(M - YJ (m-Y XIz-N. s3 (6.27) ) +S-Y(mxc U - N,. +(m U - Y,.N, CMU+S (M - Y,X(IZ - NJ (ZZNJ p _ -0.6944s -0.4325 (R Y] +1.471s 2 initial yaw model +0.2891s The poles for this transfer function are: 0, -1.2369 and -0.2337, while the zeros are at -0.6229 and minus infinity. The pole at the origin is due to the lack of any restoring force in the yaw plane. Therefore, the gain of this function is infinity as any set rudder angle will cause the AUV to continually go in circles, as was noted in equation 5.71. Also, the negative eigenvalues of the system show that the model is open loop stable. 6.3.1 Pitch Plane From the kinematics and dynamics explained in Section 5.7, the matrix representation of the pitch plane dynamics, heave and pitch, was developed in equation 5.104 and repeated here in equation 6.28. (m--Z,) -(MxCM 0 +M) -(mxM+ Z,) (I,, -M) 0 0~0 0 0 -Z] 4 + - M, L 0 i -(mU +Zq) (mxU - M ) -1 - 0 W Wzcm q 0 10 Z-E5 = '5E E (5E 0 + Bi = Ci This matrix form leads to a standard state space form which is implemented as the linear simulation model for the pitch plane, where 3c, is a vector representing heave rate, pitch rate, and pitch position, and where ii represents input to the system, which is the elevator angle in the pitch plane model. The last channel is just an integrator to capture the heading angle, 0, from the yaw rate, q. x= Ai + Bil =q ii= 5E (6.29) -0 83 The relationship between body velocities and inertial velocities is shown in state form. ~cosO S [i=[-sinO sinO 01F u cosO 0 w 0 1__q_ N_ _ 0 (6.30) The transfer function for the pitch plane model, as derived in Chapter 5, is reprinted below (equation 6.31), along with the values for this transfer function from the initial linearized model from Chapter 5. V M 1-ZVI 3 & (E S3 _ s Z" 2 (MX'U - (I,, (M+(Zw) = 0 M + F- (,, - M (mxMU - M -( Z, 0.6944s - 0.43 25 s +1.471s 2 +0.4288s + 0.06328 - 3 5E z' m -- Z, XI,, - Mj (m - - MJ +M - ZJAM. - qIMj - (m - Z)WzcM + 1 Z Wz C (m - Z, XI,, - MW initial pitch model The poles for this transfer function are: -1.1442, -0.1632±0.1693i, while the zeros are at -0.6229 and minus infinity. The gain for this transfer function is -6.83. The difference between the yaw and pitch plane transfer function is simply that the pitch plane also has the righting moment. This component creates the oscillatory behavior in the poles, as well as a gain that corresponds to the steady state pitch angle in which the righting moment equates with the moment created by the elevator deflection. Also, the negative eigenvalues of this system show that the model is open loop stable. From Section 5.8, the vehicle depth as a function of elevator angle is shown below for the open loop system. The vehicle depth is the negative of the inertial position along the z-axis. U -z - = -- 0 E- -1.0416s -0.6488 s4 initial d epth mod el The poles and zeros for this depth transfer function are the same as those for the pitch transfer function, with the addition of a pole at the origin for the integrator. 6.4 Computer Simulation As described earlier in Chapter 1, the simulation was implemented using Matlab code. The model code works by calculating the forces and the moments on the vehicle as a function of vehicle velocities and attitude for each time step. These forces determine the vehicle body-fixed accelerations and earth-relative rates of change. These accelerations are then used to approximate the new vehicle velocities, which become the inputs for the next modeling time step. All of this is computed internally using a prescribed ODE function in Matlab. The vehicle model requires two inputs: * 84 Initial conditions, or the starting vehicle state vector z(t=0), as well as the initial and final times. * Control inputs, or the vehicle thrust, and rudder and elevator angles, either given as a predetermined vector, when comparing the model output with field data, or calculated at each time step, in the case of control system design. Using these inputs, the simulation integrates over the range prescribed, producing a time stamped vector z as a final output. The simulation package has been constructed in a way to allow a full non-linear approach, as well as linear yaw plane or pitch plane simulations. In addition, a minimization technique was implemented to allow the model to search for appropriate coefficients when matching the model with field data during system identification. The approach uses a Nelder-Mead simplex (direct search) method. More of this will be described in the Chapter 9. 85 86 Chapter 7 Tailcone Testing and Modeling The actuation system of the Odyssey III AUV provided additional challenges in control and modeling of the system. Based on field data retrieved from previous survey missions, the software and drivers used to control and operate Caribou included significant delay times in posting data for other clients as well as unnecessary filtering of position data. The tailcone actuation system was rigorously tested and improved by R. Damus, an engineer at MIT Sea Grant's AUV Lab, to help eliminate drift, stiction, and excessive delays in actuation. Bench tests of the tailcone were also completed in order to develop a low-order model that encompassed the actuator dynamics as well as any computational delays in the system. This tailcone model is included in the initial dynamic model that is shown as a first step in controller design in Figure 1.2. 7.1 Experimental Setup In the closed-loop controlled system, the error from heading and depth is sent through the controller to the system plant. The plant consists of the actuator system and the vehicle's hydrodynamics. The actuator system itself had its own dynamics, in addition to a delay (Figure 7.1). The desired tailcone position, rudder and elevator angle, were passed from the controller to the actuation system. In an ideal system, the actuation system would have a transfer function of one. However, Caribou's actuation system is rate limited and deflection angle limited. In the field, Caribou's deflection angle limit is usually set to ± 15 degrees for both the rudder and elevator angle. The rate limit was set at 15 degree/sec, which is dependent upon the actuator capabilities. These limitations, in addition to computational delays, result in a transfer function much different than the ideal case of one. Therefore, the actual tailcone position is measurably different than the desired tailcone position. In order to fully develop a model of the vehicle, as well as understand control strategies more fully, this actuation system needed to be modeled. ta htonc Desired + Controller tailconc Delay DActator o N Iydrodamics Figure 7.1: Closed loop system 87 In order to develop a representative transfer function of the vehicle's actuation system, experimental testing was required. To develop an understanding of the transfer function for the actuator, the system response was studied over a range of frequencies and amplitudes. The experimental setup, Figure 8.2, involved mounting the vehicle's Crossbow INS (inertial navigation system) system to the tailcone. These tailcone INS values were then fed back into the MOOS operating system of the AUV as a client, strictly for logging purposes only. In order to simulate the vehicle's motion, a fake INS heading and pitch were sent into the MOOS operating system from an additional outside source. This arrangement allowed the entire system to run on one platform, while receiving sensory data from an additional source. In order to capture the time delay and actuator dynamics of the system, the controller proportional value was set to one and the other values were set to zero. This allowed the controller to simply represent a transfer function of one. The AUV operated then as if it were at sea, receiving fake sensory information and acting upon that information by actuating the rudder and elevator. The AUV received changes in the INS heading and pitch (as a fake signal), and commanded the tailcone based on the controller proportional gain of one. The desired rudder and elevator positions were logged, in addition to the actual rudder and elevator position provided by the tailcone INS system. The fake heading and pitch sensory information was logged as well, all with the same timestamp. INS ](e' ciig <11b1 from HlTernate source INS tailno Ie Position Ha Figure 7.2: Experimental setup 7.2 Experimental Results The heading/rudder tests was completed independently of the pitch/elevator tests. By passing fake sinusoidal heading and pitch data, with varying amplitudes and frequencies, to the AUV, a typical Bode plot was established based on the actual tailcone positions and desired heading and pitch angles. (Figure 7.3). As seen in Figure 7.3, the cutoff frequency ranged from 1.5 to 4.5 rad/sec (0.24 Hz to 0.72 Hz) for the various heading/rudder tests. The stepper motors that control the rudder and elevator are rate limited actuators. Therefore, at larger peak to peak amplitudes, the cutoff frequency is less than for smaller peak to peak amplitudes commands. Caribou's tailcone is limited to travel l5degrees/sec. Therefore, for peak to peak amplitudes of 30 degrees, the highest frequency that can be passed without attenuation is 0.25 Hz (1.57rad/sec) because the time required, by the rate limited motors, to complete one cycle is 4 seconds. However, for a peak to peak amplitude of 10 degrees, the time required to complete one cycle is 1.33 seconds, which corresponds to a possible cutoff frequency of 0.75 Hz (4.71radl/sec). 7.2.1 Heading - Rudder Results The fake INS heading data consisted of three sets of data with various amplitudes (30, 20 and 10 degrees peak to peak). The frequency of the data varied from a period of 40 seconds (0.025 Hz, 0.16 rad/sec) to a period of 0.5 seconds (2 Hz, 12.57 rad/sec). The three sets of data were plotted on a Bode Diagram. Using these sets of data, a rudder actuator model was developed as detailed in the following section. 88 Bode Diagram -5 - - -10 -0 15 -; -4 -20- model TF 0 30kpk -25 - + 2 pk-pk 10 pk-pk -30 - - 100 10 102 0 -100 -200 - - 0 model TF 30 pk-pk + 20 pk-pk -300- - . 10 pk-pk -400 107 10 10U 102 Frequency (rad/sec) Figure 7.3: Experiment results for rudder with a 1 " order model 7.2.2 Pitch - Elevator Results The fake INS pitch data consisted of three sets of data with various amplitudes (30, 20 and 10 degrees peak to peak). The frequency of the data varied from a period of 40 seconds (0.025 Hz, 0.157rad/sec) to a period of 0.5 seconds (2 Hz, 12.566rad/sec). The three sets of data were plotted on a Bode Diagram which consisted of magnitude and phase plots for the varying frequency. The cutoff frequency ranged from 1 to 3 rad/sec (0.16 Hz to 0.48 Hz) for the various pitch/elevator tests, as shown in Figure 7.4. Using these sets of data, an elevator actuator model was developed. 89 Bode Diagram -5 - 0 -10-15 -20- model TF 30 pk-pk 20 pk-pk 10 pk-pk -25-30 - - - 10 0 10 102 0 -100 D -200 - a- - -300- model TF 30 pk-pk 20 pk-pk 10 pk-pk - -400 10 10U 10 10 Frequency (rad/sec) Figure 7.4: Experiment results for elevator with a I" order model 7.3 Tailcone Actuator Model By using this data for the various trials, a dynamic model could be established that was representative of the AUV's tailcone actuation system consisting of separate rudder and elevator models. 7.3.1 Rudder Model As a first approximation, the heading/rudder data was modeled as a 1 s' order system (Figure 7.3). However, this model proved to not have enough roll off in magnitude and not enough phase shift at higher frequencies. Since the roll off of the data appeared to be roughly 40dB/decade, which is consistent with 2 "d order systems, a 2 "d order model, corresponding to equation 7.1 was tuned to fit the data (Figure 7.5). G 2 nd order rudder (S Is'2 -+-+I 10 10. 90 (7.1) Bode Diagram 0 -10 -0-± ~-20--30-40, 0 + model TF 30 pk-pk 20 pk-pk 10 pk-pk --10 10 102 0 -100 - -300- -..... - model TF 0 30 pk-pk + 20 pk-pk 10 pk-pk - -- - -400 10- 10 Frequency (rad/sec) 1 102 Figure 7.5: Experiment results for rudder with the 2 "d order model This second order model fits the magnitude plot quite nicely for the data corresponding to the 20 degree peak-to-peak test, however, in order to model the system about a controlled heading, the rudder actuation model should encompass how the rudder responds at lower amplitudes. Thus, the nd order model was 2 modified to approximate the 10 degree peak-to-peak test data. Additionally, the phase plot shows that there is much more phase lag at higher frequencies, than shown by a 2 "d order model alone. Thus, in order to maintain this second order response with respect to magnitude, but add additional phase lag, a time delay was added to the system. Ogato describes a function which represents an ideal time delay as shown below in equation 7.2 [27]. G(s) = e-sT (7.2) The magnitude of this function can be shown to always equal one, thus not affecting the first order model shown previously. =|G(jo)|=e=G(s) =|cosoiT - j sin oTI =1 (7.3) The phase of this function can be shown to drop off linearly with increased frequency, depending on the time constant T. ZG(s) = -ofT (7.4) 91 The time delay function can be represented in an alternate way. This allows easier implementation for modeling and simulation purposes. For modeling purposed, this modeled delay was truncated and modified as follows to approximate the time delay as shown in equation 7.5. -+ T-Ts(Ts) 1 e-sT 2 2 8 Ts 2 (Ts)2 3 (Ts) + ... S) 48 8 e-sT (Ts) 48 9 Ts (TS)2 2 9 2 7 Ts 7 25 (Ts) (7.5) 25 This time delay model was then implemented, in addition to the modified second order model, and plotted along with the data (Figure 7.6). Bode Diagram 0 -10 -20 Cn -30 +30 model TF pk-pk 20 pk-pk 10 -40 pk-pk 10 10 101 100 0 - *- -100 A- C) 0 0 (n C- -200 -300 model TF -) 30 pk-pk20 pk-pk 10 pk-pk -400 101 100 Figure 7.6: Experiment results for rudder with the 2 "d order model and time delay 102 This second order model, along with the time delay, closely models the lower rudder amplitudes. We model at the lower amplitudes because the control system spends most of its time there. An overall rudder actuator model was then developed based on this second order model and the time delay model. The time constant T was set to 0.3, which resulted in an observed time delay of 0.3 seconds. dea ( Gudderacuao,(s)=-G2ndorde,(s)Gtimes) s2 3s -+-+I 25 92 TS (Ts) 2 7 9 Ts -+-+ .2 7 (Ts), 9 10 252 25_ (7.6) .00014S4 dder actuator 0.0036s32 - 0.0429s +0.2222 +0.00279s +0.02535s 2 +0.10950s +0.22222 (7.7) This rudder model transfer function was then used in simulation and control and has poles, from the second order model, at -3.7500±3.3072i, and has a DC gain of 1.0. The zeros from the time delay are equal and opposite of the poles from the time delay so that there is no attenuation due to the time delay in the modeling. These poles are at -5.9524±5.1281i, while the zeros are at 5.9524±5.1281i. This rudder dynamic model has poles and zeros as shown in Figure 7.7. x 0 4 x x x Real AxIs Figure 7.7: Pole-Zero plot for the rudder dynamic model The rudder system shows a bandwidth of 4.5 rad/sec (0.72 Hz), at -3dB as shown in Figure 7.6. This shows that the rudder system has fairly low performance, and should be incorporated into the overall vehicle model, so that the control system can be designed around this performance. 7.3.2 Elevator Model As was done for the rudder model, the pitch/elevator data was modeled as a 1 st order system as a first approximation (Figure 7.4). However, like the rudder system, this model proved not to have enough roll off in magnitude and not enough phase shift at higher frequencies. Since the roll off of the data appeared to be roughly 40dB/decade again, a 2 "d order model was tuned to fit the data (Figure 7.8). G2nsordereieato(s)= [1s2 16s _10 (7.8) 10] 93 Bode Diagram Q 0 -10 -. + CO -20- -- -30 - -40 1- model TF 30 pk-pk 20 pk-pk 10 pk-pk ..- . ........ . ... 10 2 10010 0 -100- -200-300 - model TF 30 pk-pk - 20 pk-pk 10 pk-pk -400 100 10- 102 101 Frequency (rad/sec) Figure 7.8: Experiment results for elevator with the 2 "d order model The second order model fits the magnitude plot quite nicely for the data corresponding to the 20 degree peak-to-peak test, however, in order to model the system about a controlled depth, the elevator actuator model should encompass how the elevator responds at lower amplitudes. Thus, the 2 "d order model was modified to approximate the 10 degree peak-to-peak test data. Additionally, the phase plot shows that there is much more phase lag at higher frequencies. Thus, in order to maintain this second order response with respect to magnitude, but add additional phase lag, a time delay was added to the system. The same procedure was followed for the elevator as was done for the rudder. This time delay model was then implemented, in addition to the modified second order model, and plotted along with the data (Figure 7.9). An overall elevator actuator model was then developed based on the second order model and the time delay model. The time constant T was set to 0.3, which resulted in an observed time delay of 0.3 seconds. Geievator elvtractuator(s) = G 2 nd Geievtor actuator orde,(s)G,, orer merwdela, 0.00014s4 = 9 Ts+ (Ts)2 T 2 4s +S1(s 9 100 10 _ _2 9 20 I-- ) (7.9) 20 0.0045s2 - 0.0333s + 0.2222 +0.00279s 3 +0.02450s 2 +0.12222s +0.22222 This elevator model transfer function, was then used in simulations and control and has poles, from the second order model, at -10.0 and -3.33, and has a DC gain of 1.0. The zeros from the time delay are equal and opposite of the poles from the time delay so that there is no attenuation due to the time delay in the 94 modeling. These poles are at -3.7037+5.9720i, while the zeros are at 3.7037±5.9720i. This tailcone dynamic model has poles and zeros as shown in Figure 7.10. Bode Diagram 00 G 10 -0 -+- 0 Ca + 0- -2 -30- model TF 0 30 pk-pk + 20 pk-pk 10 pk-pk -40- 10 0 n 101 1 02 101 102 III -100 C) U) V U) U, -200 - 0~ -300 0 + model TF 30 pk-pk 20 pk-pk 10 pk-pk -4VV 100 10 Figure 7.9: Experiment results for elevator with the 2 "d order model and time delay 0 x x x E! -4 x -10 -8 -G -4 0 -2 0 2 4 Real Axis Figure 7.10: Pole-Zero plot for the elevator dynamic model 95 The elevator system shows a bandwidth of 3.0 rad/sec (0.48 Hz), at -3dB as shown in Figure 7.9. This elevator system response is substantially slower than the rudder system response, and should also be incorporated into the pith plane models, so that the control system can be designed around this performance. 96 Chapter 8 Initial Controller Design In order to develop a control system for the Odyssey III class AUV, Caribou, modeling of the system as a whole was considered. This system model consisted of the tailcone dynamics as well as the vehicle dynamics. The pitch plane and yaw plane are controlled independently, since the roll of the vehicle is usually less than 5 degrees, and thus the individual planes can be treated as decoupled states. Chapter 8 explains the design of the initial control system, controller Al, based on the initial model, model A. This initial controller design is the second step in the controller process as shown in Figure 1.2. 8.1 Heading Controller The heading controller controls on the negative feedback of the actual heading of the vehicle as is shown in Figure 8.1. Dcsrid I ading + +- or I Icading Controller rudder.\ *.~d(1 i o Rudder Actuator Dynamics actual position AUV Yaw Plane 1 Statc I lydrodynamics hcading Figure 8.1: Heading control diagram In addition to the vehicle hydrodynamics, the rudder actuator dynamics are modeled to provide a complete model of the system. The heading controller is a proportional, derivative, integral controller. The yaw plane portion of the system is modeled as explained in Chapter 5 for the dynamics and Chapter 7 for the rudder actuation system. Grudder actuator(s) 9 Ts+ (Ts)2 2 7 25 s 3s 9-+ Ts (Ts) -- + -+ - + -25 16 -_2 7 25 G G Vw(s) = C(sI - A)-B (8.1) _ The heading controller transfer function is shown in equation 8.2. 97 Gheading controller(s)= 8.1.1 K, + K sK S d d sp=h l (8.2) Heading Controller Design without Tailcone Dynamics A controller was first designed without the tailcone dynamics. The heading controlled open loop transfer function for this system was: Gyawplane (s)= [d K 'j + s sL - A~ -1 ] (8.3) Figure 8.2 shows the Root Locus for this system for various gains of feedback, along with the position of the locus for the gains chosen, as denoted by the black asterisks on the plots. The right plot in Figure 8.2 is a closer look at the left plot around zero. Due to constraints in Root Locus modeling in Matlab, the plot on the right does not appear to represent a typical smooth locus path, when in fact; the path is actually rounded and smoother than is displayed in Figure 8.2. Because there is no restoring moment in the heading system, there exists an open loop pole at the origin. The closed loop system draws this pole away from the right hand plane of the Root Locus plot as shown in the right plot of Figure 8.2. The bandwidth of this initial heading controller and initial dynamic model, without the rudder system model, is 0.6942 rad/sec, which is slow. 100.6 - 0.4- 0.2 -05 P4 Z3 Z Z2 P3 02- C I -0.25 44-05 -0.4- -1.8 -. - -0.62 -1.6 -1.4 -1.2 -1 -0.8 Real Ais -0!6 -0.4 -0.2 -2!5 -2 -1.5 Real Aes -1 -0.5 0 xle Figure 8.2: Root Locus for heading system without tailcone dynamics 8.1.2 Heading Controller Design with Tailcone Dynamics The rudder system is modeled as a second order system with a time delay as developed in the previous chapter. The closed loop bandwidth is shown to be near 4.5rad/sec (0.72 Hz) for the modeled rudder system. This bandwidth is low, therefore, the rudder dynamics could not be neglected and are included as follows for the heading controlled open loop transfer function. 98 9 K Gd,,() s2+K - s+K. p i' s s - -+ 25 j -2 - TS7 1 3s - 10 9 + -+ -- _ _2 (Ts)2 + + 7 1 jS)2 252 [C(sI- A) _B] (8.4) ST)2 25 _ The root locus for this system, which includes the tailcone rudder model, is shown for various gains of feedback, along with the position of the locus for the gains chosen, as denoted by the black asterisks in Figure 8.3. The bandwidth of this initial heading controller and initial dynamic model, including the rudder system model, is 0.0015 rad/sec, which is substantially slower than the bandwidth for the model without the tailcone. Therefore, including the model of the tailcone is needed for proper design. 0.5 P7! 0.4 Z4 0.3 P5 0.2 0.1 P4. 0 Z3 P4: Z2 P3 -0.1 -2 -0.2 P6 -4 -0.3 Z5 P8 -0.4 -6 -0.5 -8 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 Real Axds 2 4 6 8 -1.2 -1 -0.8 -0.6 Real A~ds -0.4 -0.2 0 X 10, P1, P2 Z0p 01-- -0.5 k -1 -3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 Real -1 ss -0.5 0 Xlon Figure 8.3: Root Locus plot for the heading system with tailcone dynamics The top right plot, and the bottom plot of Figure 8.3 show a closer look at the top left Root Locus plot. By adding the rudder model, the Root Locus has changed from Figure 8.2 to Figure 8.3. In comparing the top right plot in Figure 8.3 to the left plot in Figure 8.2, the poles have moved slightly further away from the right hand plane. The major difference is the addition of four extra poles that model the rudder system. These rudder dynamic poles, in the top left plot of Figure 8.3, help show that the system can go unstable when high gains are used. The initial gains were chosen to minimize the oscillatory behavior, as 99 well as show quick response. The Root Locus in Figure 8.3 shows the best controller that could be devised which balances response time and robustness, based on the initial dynamic model. 8.2 Pitch Controller The pitch controller controls on the negative feedback of the actual pitch of the vehicle as is shown in Figure 8.4. The difference between the heading system and pitch system is that there is a righting moment in the pitch system from the separation of the center of buoyancy and the center of mass. Desired Pitch delired + Pitch rror actual clevaItor Controller Al V Pitch 1levator Elevator Actuator P AUN Pitch Plane 1 position I Stat Ilydrodynamic s Dynamics atctuol pitch Figure 8.4: Pitch control diagram In addition to the vehicle hydrodynamics, the elevator actuator dynamics are modeled to provide a complete model of the system. The pitch controller is a proportional, derivative, integral controller. The pitch plane portion of the system is modeled as explained in Chapter 5 for the dynamics and Chapter 7 for the elevator actuation system. 9 Gelevator actuator (S) _-100 Ts (Ts)2- 9 202 1 3s 4s 2 9 TS (Ts 10 L_2 9 20 GAUV pitch (s) = sI- - B (8.5) _ The pitch controller transfer function is shown in equation 8.6. Gpitch controller (s) = K, + Kds + K. i- FKds2±+K~s±+KI1 S (8.6) S 8.1.1 Pitch Controller Design without Tailcone Dynamics A controller was first designed without the tailcone dynamics included. The pitch controlled open loop transfer function for this system was: Gpitch plane(S) = + +K s 100 C(s- A) t f] (8.7) The root locus for this system is shown for various gains of feedback, along with the position of the locus for the gains chosen, as denoted by the black asterisks in Figure 8.5. The bandwidth of this initial pitch controller and initial dynamic model, without the elevator system model, is 1.3236 rad/sec, which is slow. 1 0.8F 0.6k 0.4k P1I gn 0.2W Z2 ZI P3 0i CMI P2 -0.4 -0.6-0.8 -1 . -2 -2 5 -1.5 -1 0 -0.5 Real Axis Figure 8.5: Root Locus for pitch system without tailcone dynamics The Root Locus plot in Figure 8.5 differs from the plot in Figure 8.2 only because in the pitch system the separation of the center of mass and the center of volume add a restoring righting moment. Since there exists this restoring moment, there are no open loop poles at the origin as there are in the heading system. 8.1.2 Pitch Controller Design with Tailcone Dynamics The elevator system is modeled as a second order system with a time delay in the previous chapter. The closed loop bandwidth is shown to near 3rad/sec (0.48 Hz) for the modeled elevator system, which is low. Therefore, the elevator dynamics could not be neglected and are included as follows for the pitch controlled open loop transfer function. Gpitchplane(S) [ Kd Kds 2+Ks+K s±KsK 3s 4s -- + - 1 100 10 9 Ts 2 9 9 -_2 -2 (Ts) 2 20 S + 9 -C(sI-A)- ] (8.8) )s 2 20 _ The root locus for this system, which includes the tailcone model, is shown for various gains of feedback, along with the position of the locus for the gains chosen, as denoted by the black asterisks in Figure 8.6. The bandwidth of this initial pitch controller and initial dynamic model, including the elevator system model, is 2.5733 rad/sec, which is substantially faster than the bandwidth for the model without the tailcone. Therefore, including the model of the tailcone is needed for proper design. 101 - 6 Z3 P52 4 -1 2 0.5 P7 P4 P3 P4 P3P3 E Z; E P2 -0.5 -2 -4 -- P6 -10-~ -14 -12 g 0 8 -hp ~ -6 -4 0 2 Z4 -. -3 4 have4 Real AXIS -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -05 Real AidIs 0 0.5 1 1.5 Figure 8.6: Root Locus plot for the pitch system with tailcone dynamics The right plot of Figure 8.6 shows a closer look at the left Root Locus plot. By adding the elevator model, the Root Locus has changed from Figure 8.5 to Figure 8.6. In comparing the right plot in Figure 8.6 to Figure 8.5, the poles have moved slightly further away from the right hand plane. The major difference is the addition of four extra poles that model the elevator system. These elevator dynamic poles, in the left plot of Figure 8.6, help show that the system can go unstable when high gains are used. The initial gains were chosen to minimize the oscillatory behavior, as well as show quick response. The Root Locus in Figure 8.6 shows the best controller that could be devised, based on the initial dynamic model. One difference between this pitch system and the heading system is that elevator dynamics in the pitch system are slightly different than the rudder dynamics in the heading system. The main difference in the system dynamics is that the pitch system has a restoring righting moment due to the separation of the center of mass and the center of buoyancy. This major difference, as well as the gains chosen to meet the design goals, creates the major differences between the Root Locus models of the heading and pitch systems. 8.3 Depth Controller The depth controller controls on the negative feedback of the actual depth of the vehicle as is shown in Figure 8.7. This outer depth loop contains an inner pitch loop described in Section 8.2. ) ... cpih i.d + rror Depth Controller dcsired pitch position actual desircd clev.lor 1rrr + - Pitch Controller p clevtior Elevator Actuator Dynamics IPitin AUV Pitch Plane Iydrodynanics actual pitch alti dkpth Figure 8.7: Depth and pitch control diagram The depth controller is a proportional, derivative, integral controller. This depth controller's output acts on the closed loop pitch control system. However, the pitch control system feeds back the actual pitch position which is needed for the pitch loop, but the depth loops needs feedback of actual depth. Root Locus is designed for single input single output systems (SISO). In this thesis we want to do SISO control only, therefore, in order to perform Root Locus analysis on this depth controlled system, pitch needs to be converted into depth. The AUV velocity along the inertial z-axis depends on the vehicle 102 speed, U, the pitch angle, 0, as well as the side slip velocity in the body referenced heave direction. The vehicle depth is the negative of the position along the inertial z-axis. - z = U sin(9) - w cos(9) (8.9) Assuming side slip, w, is small and the pitch angle is relatively small, then inertial velocity in the z direction is simply U*O. This is a major assumption that dramatically affects the depth controller design, because the pitch angle can reach up to 30 degrees in field operations. At these angles the side slip begins to make an impact. However, under normal operating conditions, the AUV stays in nearly level flight with smaller pitch angles, and thus this depth controller design approach seems appropriate, while keeping a conservative depth control system design in mind. P5 P! 6 Z4 1.5 4 P5 2 0.5- P3 P9 0 0- P4 -2 -0.5- -4 -1 P8 -6 Z5 -1.5 P6 -12 -10 -8 -6 -2 -4 0 2 4 -2.5 Real Axis X -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 Real Ayis 0 0.5 1 1.5 10 8-6 2 P, P2 ZI -2-- -4 -6 -18 -16 -14 -12 -10 8Axs Real A R 4 es 2 w 102 iy, Figure 8.8: Root Locus plot for the depth-pitch system with tailcone dynamics Therefore, by integrating U*0, the position in the inertial z-axis is approximated. Hence, the open loop transfer function for the depth controlled system is as follows, with desired depth in, and actual depth out. Gep,, (s) - Kd ,depths 2 +K pdepthS+Kdepth dephph+ Gpitch plane (s) U(8.10) Gplane (S ) _ s._ 103 This transfer function is different than the open loop transfer function developed in Section 5.8 that showed a linear relationship between pitch angle and depth rate. Here the open loop depth transfer function used the nested closed loop pitch loop. Software on Caribou is set up in this configuration, and therefore, our modeling is done in analogous fashion. The root locus for this system, which includes the tailcone elevator model, is shown for various gains of feedback, along with the position of the locus for the gains chosen, as denoted by the black asterisks Figure 8.8. The bandwidth of this initial depth controller and initial dynamic model, including the tailcone dynamics, is 0.2056 rad/sec, which is slow. If the pitch loop was very fast compared to the depth loop, the transfer function shown in equation 8.10, would just be the Controller*(U/s), because the pitch loop would be approximately one. However, for consistency, the entire system model was included in the depth controller Root Locus design shown in Figure 8.8. The top right and bottom plots are simply closer looks at the top left Root Locus plot in Figure 8.8. In comparing the pitch design, Figure 8.6, to the depth design, Figure 8.8, the main difference is the addition of several poles near the origin along the real axis. The remainder of the closed loop poles stayed near the position of the pitch design, while the locus of the closed loop poles changed significantly. Like the heading and pitch loops, the initial depth controller gains were chosen to minimize the oscillatory behavior, as well as show quick response, however, the depth gains were designed conservatively to allow the AUV realistic results. The Root Locus in Figure 8.8 shows the best controller that could be devised, based on the initial dynamic model. Table 8.1 shows the controller gains for this initial design, which is referred to as controller Al in the proceeding chapters. Heading Controller Kp Al 0.65 Bandwidth Kd Ki 1.5 0.001 Pitch to Elevator Ki Kp Kd Ki 0.01 0.8 1.9 0 limit Depth to Pitch K Kp Kd Ki 0 0.13 0 0.001 limit Ki limit 0.004 0.0015 rad/sec 2.5733 rad/sec 0.2056 rad/sec Table 8.1: Initial controller gains based on the initial model The pitch to elevator controller, known as the pitch loop, did not have integral control, because steady state error is only of interest in depth and heading. The depth to pitch controller, known as the depth loop, did not have derivative control, because the conservatively designed proportional control allows for little overshoot in field response. These gains were the values initially used in the field tests to control Caribou to a desired depth and heading, which allowed for the open loop tests to commence, as explained in the following chapter. 104 angle between 0 and 15 degrees. Note that only positive elevator angles were used to avoid hitting the sea floor since the tests took place in shallow water. Using the results from these various rudder and elevator step response tests, a more accurate model was developed, and consequently the controller was redesigned to improve the maneuverability of Caribou underwater as outlined in Figure 1.2. 9.2 Results from the Field During a typical System Identification mission, the AUV was controlled to the specified depth and heading. At this point the first step actuation would occur, in either rudder or elevator, but not both. The actuation step would last 10 seconds, and then the vehicle would be controlled again, in both planes, to the original controlled depth and heading. After the AUV was under control again, the next step response would happen. During a typical rudder step response mission, the vehicle would under go a series of four steps. In a typical elevator step response mission, the vehicle would under go only a series of two steps, since the time needed to regain the controlled depth and heading during an elevator step mission was much longer than during the rudder step response missions. Figure 9.1, shows a typical rudder step response mission for commanded rudder steps of -10, 10, 15, and 15 degrees. Notice that the yaw response shows that the commanded and actual rudder responses are not the same. The actual rudder response has an offset of -6 degrees compared to the commanded rudder position. Figure 9.3 shows a run in which the rudder was actuated +5 degrees for 30 seconds, brought back under control for 60 seconds, and then actuated to +7 degrees for 30 seconds. The response of Caribou with these two commands is nearly equal and opposite, which bolsters the assumption of the negative 6 degree offset. 50 - -- I - 40 -30 3010'1 Thrust(%) Rudder(deg) Elevator(deg) Depth*1 O(m) -.. .. -- -- 20 -10 - 50 - ..... . ....- -. .-. 0 10 -1t 0 -5 0 -1 00 - -1 5 0 - -. -- - -. .. . . .... .. .. .. .. . . ... . .. -...-.-. -... . ... . ... -. - -. yawRate pitchRate- 10--- roliRate 0'w -5 --1 0 - .. --.. 300 350 400 450 ...... -.. ........... . . 500 550 time (s) Figure 9.1: Rudder step response mission for commanded angles of -10, 10, -15, and 15 degrees 106 Chapter 9 System Identification In Chapter 9, the system identification process is explained. In order to validate and improve the dynamic model of the AUV, various field data was gathered. The model responses were compared to the responses from the field, for the same series of actuator inputs, namely thrust and rudder and elevator deflection angles. The dynamic model was then improved so that rates from the simulation model more closely represented rates seen in the field. Open-loop stability of the system is addressed as well as turning rate, and turning radius. The system identification and model adjustment process leads to an improved model as outlined in Figure 1.2. 9.1 System Identification Process The first step in control system design is to develop a reasonably accurate model of the system that you are trying to control. The second step is then to use this model to develop a control system that meets the determined criteria for adequate control for that particular system. For Caribou, the nonlinear model is shown in Chapter 4, while the decoupled linear model in the yaw plane and the pitch plane is shown in Chapter 5, with the tailcone model developed in Chapter 7. The initial control system was developed based on the linear yaw and pitch models, Chapter 8. The goal of the control system design is to control the AUV within 10cm of the desired depth, as well as within 2 degrees of the desired heading. Generally, an AUV such as Caribou will be tuned heuristically in the field, because in most cases the vehicle can be roughly tuned to control depth and heading after a short amount of time in the field. However, this rough control generally is refined by adjustments made to the controller during much further testing in the field. In addition, when the payload changes, the controller needs retuning. While this heuristic approach has worked satisfactory in the past, a more streamlined approach has many advantages over the numerous days of trial and error work in the field. The goal of this work was to develop an initial controller based on textbook models of the AUV. Using this controller, we could control the AUV to a desired depth and heading, accurately enough, so that we could turn the control system off and perform designed open-loop maneuvers. These open-loop maneuvers consisted of simple step responses of various angles for both rudder and elevator during separate missions. The thrust was kept constant during these step response tests, and the control system in the opposite plane was left on. Therefore, during a rudder step response mission, Caribou dove to a prescribed depth, maintained a rough heading and depth and then the heading controller was turned off while the rudder angle was set to a specific angle between 0 and ±15 degrees. Likewise in an elevator step response mission, at the prescribed depth the depth and pitch controllers were turned off while the elevator was set to a specific 105 In Figure 9.1, some periods of saturation are seen, as the controller tries to recover from the step. In this figure, the rudder angles of -10, -15, and 15 degrees show good clean responses. Figure 9.2, shows a typical elevator step response mission for commanded elevator steps of 3 and 5 degrees. The response to the 3 degree step is not as clean as the response for the 5 degree step. An elevator bias was not detected in the data or in the laboratory. 60 - -... -....... __Thrust(%) 40- - --- Rudder(deg) Elevator(deg) Depth*1O(m) 20- v 0 p - - 40 20-00-0 S -2 0 - -. S -4 0 - -. -. --- -. -6 0 - .. .. 20 .. - ~~. .. - -. -. . . -. -. ....... ...... .... .. .. -... ..-.. .- ..-. ... -- .-.. . ..... . ..... .......... -- -8 0 -15 10 - -.. . .. -.. ..- . .. -. .. -.. .-... .. --. .. -.. ... . -... ...h..-. -.. .. - - - -- -.. .-. -. .-... -... --.-. -.-. -- yawRate pitchRate - time (s) Figure 9.2: Elevator step response mission for commanded angles of 3, and 5 degrees 9.3 Model Adjustments 9.3.1 Model Adjustment Procedure After the open-loop response data was gathered in the field, the dynamic model parameters were adjusted to better fit the field data responses. Figure 9.4 shows the procedure used to adjust the model parameters. The entire adjustment process was completed using Matlab software. The simulation block consists of a 3-degrees of freedom (DOF) yaw plane and pitch plane, and a combined 6-DOF simulator as well. The process of parameter adjustment begins with picking which portions of data will be modeled. Thus, the recorded field data is screened for the step responses that provide consistent rates and no apparent unrepeatable system disturbances. For example, in simulating a yaw plane run, seven of the available step response runs were used out of a possible 14 runs. These seven runs were for rudder angles smaller than 10 degrees, and all showed yaw rate transients with minimal pitch and depth response. Figure 9.3 shows a typical suitable yaw plane run for steps of 5' and 70 with rudder bias of -6'. Likewise, in choosing elevator step response runs for the simulation, runs with minimal heading change, and smooth pitch rate transients were chosen. Figure 9.5 shows a typical suitable pitch plane run for a 100 step. A 107 decision must also be made on which parameters will be adjusted in the simulation and which parameters will be held constant, as well as the number of iterations the simulation will be allowed to step through. The factor here that was considered was that a balance between a small number and large number of iterations was needed so that the simulation would not over minimize the error and provide impractical model parameters, and at the same time, converge long enough on a viable solution. - - --- 5 0 ----40 - - - ... 30 - - . - -. . - 20 -- ---..- 10 - - - -. . . 7 - _ Elevator(deg) --- -.-. Thrust(% ) Rudder(deg) Depth*10(m) - 0- - -50 - 0 -10 50 -~ 0 ~ ~~~~ 3..4..45 3. 20 o..........t.... ..... A V - Nm -10V_ nryawRate pitchRate- ropmRate 250 400 350 300 450 time (s) Figure 9.3: Typical usable rudder step response mission Field response trajactory Nominal parametersI Adjusted Parameters Simulation --w RMVS rate error I Nelder-Mead modifies parameters to minimize RMS rate error Figure 9.4: Model adjustment simulation process 108 Thrust(%) Rudder(deg) Elevator(deg) Depth*10(m) 60 4020 \ 0 0 4) -.. . .... . -.. -50 -1 0 0 . -. -... .. ..... ...t. -.. ....... ......... p.. ! 260 time (s) yawRate pitchRate -rollRate - 240 220 200 - 20 - 280 300 320 Figure 9.5: Typical usable elevator step response mission Given these initial input parameters, response runs, and number of iterations, the simulation would proceed iteratively searching for a solution that minimized the difference in the yaw rate of the field data with the yaw rate of the simulated response. In order to maximize the effectiveness of this process, only 3-DOF simulations were used. Hence, in the pitch plane simulation, the pitch rates were compared and the difference was minimized. The rates of all of the included runs were used simultaneously to establish an average error each time through the simulation. This allowed various step responses with various deflection angles to all be encompassed together with one simulation. In order to determine which coefficients needed to be adjusted, the transfer function of the AUV was calculated for the yaw plane in equation 5.70, and for the pitch plane in equation 5.111. Y Z, M, NY N,.YsNsRzY, N m U xcM Zq Mq ZSE MSE ',, Zw Mqm W UxcM ZCM (9.1) (9.2) These parameters have a direct influence on the transfer function of the system and the response of the linear model simulation. However, not all of these parameters need to be adjusted. The mass, m, weight, W, speed, U, and center of mass along the x-axis xcM are quantities that are accurately known. In addition, the parameters Izz and Nrdot are always coupled as (Izz-Nrdot) and thus constitute only one parameter. Likewise, in the pitch plane (Iyy-Mqdot) is coupled. One further reduction in parameter uncertainty comes from the instantaneous acceleration rate per deflection angle. From equation 5.76, and 5.114, the instantaneous acceleration rates per deflection angle are as follows. These relationships are used in Section 9.3.2 to reduce the number of uncertain parameters. 109 ( -= 9.3.2 J N 1 SM8E -~ R (5E yy (9.3) MJ- Acceleration Analysis Direct from Data Using the data from the field tests, for various deflection angles, the initial acceleration rate was measured, Table 9.1. This acceleration rate was then non-dimensionalized by dividing by the deflection angle. The average initial acceleration rate was then determined to be -0.51 sec-2 in the yaw plane. Rudder Deflection Yaw Acceleration Acceleration/ Deflection Angle (deg) (deg/sec 2 ) Angle (sec-2 ) -15 -15 -15 6.5 9.5 9.5 -0.43 -0.63 -0.63 -11 -9 5.0 4.0 -0.45 -0.44 9 -4.5 -0.50 4 4 -3 -1 -1 -1 1 1 -2.0 -2.0 1.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.5 -0.50 -0.50 -0.47 -0.50 -0.60 -0.70 -0.80 -0.50 Average -0.51 Table 9.1: Yaw initial acceleration rates Using the relationship from equation 9.3 and this acceleration rate, as shown. N R (IZZ -NJ= (Izz-Nrdot) can be directly related to Ndr (9.4) 8 -0.51 Likewise, the initial pitch acceleration rate was determined to be -0.46sec-2 as can be seen from the data in Table 9.2. Elevator Pitch Acceleration/ Deflection Acceleration Deflection Angle (deg) (deg/sec2 ) Angle (sec 2 ) 5 10 15 L:_ -2.5 -4.4 -6.5 -0.50 -0.44 -0.43 Average -0.46 Table 9.2: Pitch initial acceleration rates _ Using the relationship from equation 9.3 and this acceleration rate, Mde as shown. 110 (Iyy-Mqdot) can be directly related to I - M q SM8 6E - 0.46 Therefore, the parameters to be adjusted in the yaw plane are: Y, pitch plane they are: Z 9.3.3 M Zq Mq Z'E M5E (9.5) = Z N, Y, N, Y, N8 R Y, and in the z CM Model Adjustments Made The original dynamic model, model A which is explained through Chapter 4 and 5, was used to determine the initial controller, controller Al that was developed in Chapter 8. This initial model was adjusted based on the first day of system identification tests. This first adjusted model was model B, as shown in Table 9.3. Model A->B Initial Model A Adjusted Model B Nrdot -570 -390 428 -858 354 -644 -632 469 -458 58% 1.5m/s -596 -408 438 -841 361 -576 -632 469 -458 Zw Mw Zq Mq Zde Mde Zwdot -570 390 -428 -858 -354 -644 -632 Thrust U Yv Nv Yr Nr Ydr Ndr Yvdot Izz zCM lyy Mqdot Model C1 3 Percent Change Initial Parameters Adjusted -4% -4% -2% 2% -2% 12% 0% 0% 0% -449 -239 266 -525 251 -447 -632 469 -458 58% 1.3m/s -445 -159 331 -520 264 -513 -616 548 -458 -416 422 -455 -984 -384 -548 -632 37% -8% -6% -13% -8% 18% 0% -449 239 -266 -525 -251 -447 -632 -0.021 -0.021 0% 469 -458 469 -458 0% 0% Extra olated from C1 3 Percent Change Model C1_0 Model C1_5 Model C2_0 -1% -33% 24% -1% 5% 15% -3% 17% 0% 40% 1.0m/s -368 -123 254 -414 211 -407 -616 548 -458 58% 1.5m/s -496 -183 382 -590 301 -584 -616 548 -458 80% 2.0m/s -624 -242 510 -767 391 -760 -616 548 -458 -450 157 -343 -599 -270 -514 -652 0.2% -34% 29% 14% 8% 15% 3% -372 122 -263 -475 -215 -408 -652 -502 181 -396 -682 -307 -585 -652 -631 239 -529 -888 -399 -762 -652 -0.021 -0.015 -29% -0.015 -0.015 469 -458 659 -458 41% 0% 659 -458 659 -458 -0.015 659 -458 Table 9.3: Original and adjusted models A, B, and C The second day of system identification tests allowed for improvements in testing, such as controlling the alternate plane, and longer step durations. Using this second set of data, model C was created. The adjustment and simulation process that created model C from the field data of the second tests, was modified from the initial adjustment process that created model B. Improvements included the simulation of all files done simultaneously, elimination of poor quality runs, and conducting the simulations with an AUV speed of U=1.3m/s instead of U=1.5m/s as was done with model B. Also, the yaw plane model adjustments were completed first, and these improved coefficients were then used as the initial parameters for the pitch plane simulation, which allowed a closer model/data match. In addition, 111 the initial parameters were redeveloped that better approximated the AUV at the speed U=1.3m/s, as shown in Table 9.3 under the Nominal Parameters column in Model Cl_3. Yaw Plane Model . s3 A - 0.694s - 0.433 +1.471s 2 +0.289s 0 B - 0.662s - 0.414 s 3 +1.454s 2 +0.322s 0 C1 0 - 0.405s - 0.140 s 3 +0.764s 2 +0.102s 0 -1.2369 -1.1818 -0.5923 -0.2337 -0.2724 -0.1716 -0.6229 -0.6648 -0.3465 3.3780x10 5 -1.4964 3.8199x10 5 -1.2843 1.2729x10 5 -1.3795 C1 3 0.5 10s -0.216 C1 5 -0.58 Is- 0.275 C2 0 - 0.756s - 0.454 Poles Zeros -Zers Stability C Steady State Gain (r/dr) Yaw Plane Model s3 +0.948s 2 +0.149s s3 +1.07s 2 +0.186s s 3 +1.377s 2 +0.295s 0 -0.7486 0 -0.8523 0 -1.1124 -0.1996 -0.2178 -0.2649 Zeros -0.4231 -0.4739 -0.6009 Stability C Steady State Gain (r/dr) 1.8713x10 5 -1.4420 2.3247 x10 5 -1.4822 3.6903x10 5 -1.5409 Poles Table 9.4: Yaw plane model information Pitch Plane Model Transfer Function A B C1_0 - 0.694s -0.433 s3 +1.471s2 + 0.429s + 0.063 - 0.592s - 0.323 s3 + 1.468S2 + 0.378s + 0.047 -0.124 s +0.767s + 0.1 90s + 0.024 -1.1442 -1.1813 -0.4724 Poles -0.1632+0.1693i -0.1433+0.1381i -0.1472+0.1711i -0.1632-0.1693i -0.1472-0.1711i -0.3406 2 Zeros -0.6229 -0.1433-0.1381i -0.5555 Steady State Gain (0/de) -6.83 -7.02 -5.17 Pitch Plane C1_3 C1_5 C2_0 Transfer Function - 0.460s -0.191 s 3+0.954S2 + 0.243s + 0.029 - 0.524s - 0.244 s3 +1.079s 2 + 0.283s + 0.032 - 0.682s - 0.403 s3 +1.390S2 + 0.403s + 0.041 Poles -0.6497 -0.1522+0.147 1i -0.1522-0.1471 i Zeros -0.4156 -0.7646 -0.1573+0.1332i -0.1573-0.1332i -0.4660 -1.0399 -0.1750+0.0929i -0.1750-0.0929i -0.5902 -00 -00 -00 -6.57 -7.52 -9.87 Zers-0 Model Steady State Gain (0/de) 112 -0.365s 3 , III Table 9.5: Pitch plane model information The simulations were completed with the slower speed for several reasons. First, during the step responses, the speed of the AUV dropped quickly to around 1.3m/s instead of the steady state speed of around 1.5m/s at 58% thrust. Second, the speed of the AUV, as recorded on the Doppler Velocity Log, fluctuated from 1.2m/s to 1.5 m/s during most of the step response mission which was most likely due to the slight pitching and rolling of the vehicle, as well as loss in speed. While we were primarily interested in the initial response dynamics, the simulation included the first 5 to 10 seconds of the step response, where the speed of the AUV was predominately 1.3m/s. After generating model C at 1.3m/s, the results were extended to speeds of U=1.5m/s, shown in Table 9.3, as well as speeds of 1.0m/s and 2.0m/s as shown in Table 9.3 for thrust levels of 40% and 80% respectively. Notice that Izz and Iyy were adjusted based on the relationships shown in equations 9.4 and 9.5. Parameters Nrdot and Mqdot were held constant. The transfer functions, as well as steady state values, open loop poles and zeros, and stability factor are shown in Tables 9.4 and 9.5 for the yaw plane and pitch plane models, respectively. While the initially developed coefficients were the same for both the pitch and yaw plane models, model A, the adjusted models B and C, do not maintain this strict symmetry as is seen in Table 9.3. Most of the coefficients are similar between the two planes, within 5%-10%. These larger differences are likely do to some lack of sufficient data in the pitch plane, and perhaps may also be due, in part, to some error in the adjusted model. The one major difference is that between Iz and Iyy, which may be due to the ballasting of the particular payload used during the system identification tests. After developing model C, at U=1.3m/s, the new set of parameters was individually varied by 10% to see the resulting change on the averaged Rate Error Squared. These changes are displayed in Table 9.6. Notice that the most sensitive coefficients have a direct effect on the yaw or pitch rate of the system. When Nr was varied by 10%, the error changed by 32%, but when Mq was varied by 10%, the error changed by 13%. Similarly, when Ndr was varied by 10% the error changed by 21%, but when Mde was varied by 10%, the error changed by only 3%. These large differences, between the two planes, are not what were expected. However, these differences could be attributed to a lack of sufficient data in the pitch plane, in which only four runs were used in the simulation, while seven were used in the yaw plane simulation. Rate Model C Yv+10% Nv+10% Yr+10% Nr+10% Ydr+10% Ndr+10% Yvdot+10% Error Squared 0.5152 0.5219 0.5347 0.5190 0.6802 0.5186 0.6214 0.5163 Model C Zw+10% Mw+10% Zq+10% Mq+10% Zde+10% Mde+10% Zwdot+10% zCM+10% Table 9.6: Rate error Percent Difference Difference -0.0067 -0.0195 -0.0038 -0.165 -0.0034 -0.1062 -0.0011 -1.3% -3.8% -0.7% -32.0% -0.7% -20.6% -0.2% 0.3611 0.3871 -0.026 -7.2% 0.3338 0.0273 7.6% 0.3736 -0.0125 -3.5% 0.4064 -0.0453 -12.5% 0.3557 0.0054 1.5% 0.3489 0.0122 3.4% 0.3603 0.0008 0.2% 0.4529 -0.0918 -25.4% squared sensitivity to parameter changes 113 Using several more pitch plane runs could make the error deviation more sensitive to changes in the parameters. The most important thing to point out is that these step response tests may not be enough to accurately model these parameters. This simulation adjustment process simply reduces the error between the field response and the simulation response, by adjusted the listed parameters, therefore, more elaborate system identification tests may provide more expectant results, for model parameters. 9.4 Stability and Verification of the Improved Model 9.4.1 Vehicle Stability The adjusted dynamic model of the AUV shows that Caribou is open-loop stable in both the pitch and yaw planes. It has been generally thought that the vehicle was in fact open-loop unstable. However, several indicators point that the adjusted model is in fact accurate in showing open-loop stability. The first indicator is the stability factor. C =Y,(N, -mxcU) + N,(mU -Y (9.6) If the stability factor C is positive then the open-loop stability of the model in the yaw plane is shown to be true [20]. The value of C is shown in Table 9.7 and it shows a positive open-loop stable system. The eigenvalues of the open-loop model are shown to be negative in Table 9.7 which also indicates open-loop stability. Note that the zero eigenvalue in the yaw plane is due to the fact that there is no restoring force as there is in the pitch plane. Pitch Plane Speed U Model C1 3 1.3m/s Model C1 5 1.5m/s Eigenvalues -0.6497 -0.1522+0.1471i -0.1522-0.1471i -0.7646 -0.1573+0.1332i -0.1573-0.1332i Open-loop zeros 0/dE (steady state) -0.4156 -6.57 -0.4660 -7.52 Yaw Plane Eigenvalues Model C1 3 0 Model C1 5 0 -0.7486 -0.8523 -0.1996 -0.2178 Open-loop zeros Stability Factor C -0.4231 1.871x10 5 -0.4739 2.324x10 5 r/dR (sec 1) (steady state) -1.44 -1.48 Table 9.7: Stability indicators Finally, looking back at Table 9.1, for small rudder deflection angles, only a modest initial yaw acceleration occurs (- 0.5 deg/sec for Ideg rudder deflection) compared to the large initial yaw acceleration for larger deflection angles (~9.5 deg/sec for 15deg rudder deflection). This indicates that the rudder angle drives the response because the yaw acceleration doesn't appear to be the similar for smaller perturbations as it is for the larger perturbations. Likewise, the pitch plane displays the same behavior, as seen in Table 9.2. From equation 5.74, the steady-state turning rate of the AUV per rudder deflection angle is: r (R 114 YN' +N Y( Y xc U - N, )+(mU-Y(M )N (9. Table 9.8 shows the calculated rates and turning radii computed from model Cl_3. From equation 5.112, the steady-state pitch angle of the AUV per elevator deflection angle is: O -Z W M'E +MWZ5E E ZWWzcM (9.8) Table 9.7 shows the steady state pitch angle per deflection angle for model C _3 and Cl_5. Rudder Angle r (rad/sec) r (deg/sec) R = U/r (m) U (m/s) 5deg =0.087rad I0deg =0.175rad l5deg =0.262rad 5deg 0.087rad 10deg 0.175rad l5deg =0.262rad -0.125 -0.251 -0.376 -0.129 -0.258 -0.386 -7.163 -14.325 -21.488 -7.392 -14.783 -22.175 10.4 5.2 3.5 11.6 5.8 3.9 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.5 1.5 1.5 Table 9.8: Turning rates and radii 9.4.2 Model Verification in the Pitch Plane During the system identification testing period, an attempt at heuristic tuning was tried with Caribou. The result is shown in Figure 9.6. The attempt only provided a less stable controller. However, we used this run to determine frequency characteristics of the AUV in the pitch plane. From this data, a natural frequency period of 12.5 seconds was discerned. The magnitude and phase of the transfer function are shown below in Table 9.9 for the data run and the A, B and Cl_3 model. Model B and Cl_3 do a much better job of modeling the pitch plane transfer functions. Field Data Transfer Functions Elevator to Pitch to Elevator to (Figure 9.7) Pitch Depth Depth Magnitude 1.33 rad/rad 2.59 m/rad 3.44 m/rad Phase -3.5 deg -111 deg -114.5 deg Model A Magnitude 1.71 rad/rad 2.98 m/rad 5.10 m/rad Phase 34.78 deg -90 deg -55.2 deg Magnitude 1.32 rad/rad 2.58 m/rad 3.42 m/rad Phase 33.0 deg -90 deg -57.0 deg Magnitude 1.39 rad/rad 2.59 m/rad 3.60 m/rad Phase 28.8 deg -90 deg -61.2 deg Model B Model C1 3 Table 9.9: Pitch plane transfer functions These results show that the adjusted model transfer functions approximate the actual responses that were seen in the field. Differences in phase may be due to recording time delays, and unmodeled dynamics. 115 50 40 30 20 10 0 ---- Thrust(%) -. - . -. .Rudder(deg) . Elevator(deg) -.-. - Depth*10(m) -10 40 ..... I ....... ....... ....... __ _ __ _ _ [. .. . . .. . . 20 0 -20 ~~.......... .. . ......... ...... ............ ......... ...... . ....... ...... .............- ..... -40 pitch - -60 -- - 15 * a * -. 10 - . .. . . . . . . . . .. 1 ___yawRate .pitchRate rol-Rate - 5 0 -5 . ............ - - ..... . ~~~~~.... ... . . . . . . -10 300 . . .. . --... 320 360 340 380 400 .... .... ..... ....... 420 -.... -... 440 460 480 time (s) Figure 9.6: Closed-loop straight run with heuristically tuned controller 9.5 Model Comparisons The initial set of coefficient values used in modeling Caribou, is referred to as model A. Model A was used to develop the initial controller, controller Al. After the first day of system identification tests, this model was adjusted to better fit the data from the step tests. This improved model is model B. Model B was used to improve controller Al, and this improved controller, controller B, was then used on the second day of tests during closed-loop maneuvers. The improved controller provided a much better controlled AUV than controller Al did, as is explained in Chapter 10 and 11. After the second day of system identification tests the step test data was used to create another improved model, model C as was explained in Section 9.3.1. Figures 9.7-9.10 show the model approximations to the recorded data. Table 9.10 lists the rate error for each model as compared to the field data rate. Notice that model B is more accurate than model A, and model C appears to most closely model the AUV dynamics. Average Rate ErrorSquared (deg/sec) Mission 19 39 19 39 Angle 100 rudder 150 rudder Model A 0.62 0.37 Model B 0.56 0.22 Model C_ 3 0.32 0.11 20 35 50 elevator 0.94 0.38 0.36 22 08 150 elevator 7.96 4.10 3.71 Table 9.10: Model improvements 116 Figure 9.7 and 9.8 show step responses for rudder angles of 10' and 15*. The raw data from the field is shown, as well as the responses for the various models. Notice that model B and model C are both better approximations to the actual response than model A. Therefore, heading controller designs based on model B or C would be thought to have better results when tried in the field. This is actually the case, as is explained in Chapter 10 and 11. 0 -.. -. -. -. -1 -2 - .... -3 -........-. ... . ..... Data ModelA odelB ModeIC1.3 -M -. -. -.. .... CA -4 . . -. .. - .. .....-.. .. . .. -. . .....-.. .... ..... . .. .. ..-...-. -........ -.. ... -.. ......................--.. ... -5 376 377 378 380 379 381 383 382 384 time (s) Figure 9.7: Yaw model improvements, 100 rudder angle Figure 9.9 and 9.10 show step responses for elevator angles of 50 and 150. Again, the raw data from the field is shown, as well as the responses for the various models. In the pitch plane, model B and model C are both better approximations to the actual response than model A. Therefore, pitch and depth controller designs based on model B or C would most likely have better results when tried in the field. Chapter 10 and 11 explain the improvements seen in the field. Data - ModeLA . . -4 - C., 0 ModelB ModelC1.3 - -6 c, -8 ............ .. .... ................... -. ..... ...... ............... .. ..-. ....-. -101 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 time (s) Figure 9.8: Yaw model improvements, 150 rudder angle Notice, that in these figures the adjusted models, model B and C, do not perfectly model the field data. One of main reasons this does not happen, is that the simulation adjustment process take into account numerous runs with various deflection angles. The model is adjusted to approximate all of these runs simultaneously and therefore, more exact results are difficult to attain. Due to slight changes in the alternate plane as well as environmental effects, the actual rates for each step response are not textbook data sets. However, these several figures show that measurable improvements in modeling are made by simply using step response tests. To develop a very precise model, several other system identification tests would need to be used in the field to capture the various dynamic effects. However, for improvements in control design, this simple approach works well. 117 I ........... ............... .......... ... ..... ......... ...... ............ ....... . .......... . ... Data ModeLA ModelB ModeIC1.3 ....... .......... ....................... -2 .................. .... ........... ......... - ...... ........ ....... ...... ... .. ......... ......... .... ......... -4 . .... ... ......... .. ...... ...... ........ ........ -3 .......... ........ .. ..... ..... ........ ......... . .... -304 303 302 301 30E 307 306 305 t7 time (s) Figure 9.9: Pitch model improvements, 50 elevator angle ........ 0 ........ .......... ........... ......... ... .............. ....... .. . ........... -2 -4 ............ ............. ..... ......... ....... Da t a Mode[A ........... ............. M od e lB ModeIC1.3 ................... ............ ........................... ............... ... ... ......... -6 ..... ....... .. ...... ... -10 . ... .. .... .. ... .... . .. .. .. .. .... .. .... ... ... .... ..... . .. . .... ..... . . .. .. .. .. .... ... .. ... ... .. ... .. .... . .... .. ..... ... .. .. . .. .. .. ..... -8 ... ..... .. ..... .. .. ... . .. .... ..... .. .. .... ... .. ... .... ....... . ................. -12 334 335 336 337 - 338 339 time (s) 340 341 342 Figure 9. 10: Pitch model improvements, 15' elevator angle 118 .............. ............ 343 344 Chapter 10 Controller Redesign The controller redesign is explained in detail in Chapter 10. The closed loop poles of model A, B and C with the various controller gains are shown in Table 10.2. Also, these controller gains are evaluated at several other thrust levels to determine if stability remains at other speeds. These results are compared with tests completed in the field. Appendix B shows all of the Root Locus plots for the various models and controller systems. The controller redesign is the final part of the control design process outlined in Figure 1.2. 10.1 Root Locus of Models and Controllers 10.1.1 Controllers Controller Al was developed prior to the system identification tests as explained in Chapter 8. Controller A2 was an attempt to tune the AUV heuristically in the field after running Caribou with the original controller, Al. This attempt resulted in a less controlled vehicle than with controller Al, as seen in Figure 9.6. After the first day of tests, model B was developed as an improvement to model A, as explained in Chapter 9. Using model B, an improved controller was developed and used during the second day of tests. Table 10.1 lists the various controller gains used during the field tests. Heading Controller A_ Al A2 B _ Kp Kd Ki _.65 _.5_ _._ 0.65 0.65 0.55 1.5 1.5 1.35 0.001 0.001 0.01 Pitch to Elevator limit _._ 0.01 0.01 0.1 Kp _.8i 0.8 1.3 0.55 Kd _.9 Ki _ 1.9 0 1.9 10 1.2 0 Depth to Pitch limit Ki Kp K 0 0 0 0.13 0.09 0.12 0 0 0 Ki Ki limit 0.001 0.001 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.05 . Table 10.1: Controller gains used in the field The heading controller controls on the error in heading angle and has output of desired rudder. This controller is aggressive and works to eliminate steady state error as well. The depth to pitch controller controls on the error in vehicle depth, and has output of desired pitch. This outer depth loop is only as quick as the AUV is capable of reaching desired depths and pitch angles. The depth loop is slower than most loops, and thus does not have a derivative gain. The pitch to elevator controller controls on the error in the vehicle's pitch. This loop has output of desired elevator. 119 Model Controller Heading Poles -5.2235 A Al Bandwidth (rad/sec) B A Bandwidth (rad/sec) B B Bandwidth (rad/sec) CI_5 Al Bandwidth (rad/sec) CI_5 A2 C1_5 B Bandwidth (rad/sec) -0.8257 1.8075i -0.4480 ± 0.1984i 0.0015 2.5733 -5.2415 6.3269i -7.37843. -1.1043 1.73330 -0.3937 0.20271 -0.0015 -11.2392 -4.1095 ± 6.6275i -0.9928 ± 1.7040i -0.3823 ± 0.2137i 1.8994 -5.2658 ± 6.2422i -7.1316 -1.2322 ± 1.6775i -0.3559 0.1762i -0.0196 1.3804 -5.213 -5.2413 12534 2.2141 -10.8638 -4.0079 6.3945i -1.3313 ± 1.3031i -0.3331 0.2520i -1.0730 1.5458i -0.3568 0.1897i -0.0015 -4.0583 +6.5558i -0.8941 + 1.47261 -0.4056 ± 0.1637i 0.0015 B Bandwidth (rad/sec) Depth Poles -11.3711 -4.1207 ± 6.72521 -0.7766 t 1.69551 -0.4387 60.2747 -0.1603 -0.0081 1.1977 6.234i-11.0888 -11.1038 2.1066 6.234i-11.0724 -11.0827 0.2056 -11.2252 -4.0959 ± 6.6247i -0.9631 + 1.6042i -0.3585 ±0.2787i -0.1404 -0.0082 0.0069 -10.8538 -3.9984 ± 6.3936i -1.3264 ± 1.2082i -0.2861 0.3015i -0.0664 ± 0.0099i 0.1991 -4.0439 ± 6.553 i -0.8277 ± 1.3390i -0.4072 ±0.2356 -0.1654 -0.0081 0.2187 -5.2413 -5.213 12534 -1.0730 1.5458i -4.0381 +6.5530i -4.0283 . 6.5510i -0.6464 + 1.2232i 0.1897i -0.7254 ± 1.31981 -0.6353 4 0.18921 -0.0015 -0.6051 ± 0.14301 0.0015 2.1178 -0.1152 -0.0123 0.1477 -5.2666 ± 6.1712i -10.7623 -3.955 .76.34671 -1.2057 1.4678i -0.3186 + 0.1775i -0.0195 -3.9652 + 6.3476i -1.1786 ± 0.96191 -0.3851 ± 0.2200i 0.0161 -5.2232 C2_0 -11.3885 -4.1377 ± 6.7295i -7.6623 -1.0086± 1.8438i -0.3737 ± 0.2152i -0.0015 -0.3568 Bandwidth (rad/sec) 6.4265i Pitch Poles -5.232 6.40451 -0.9938 1.8113i -0.3673 0.1645i -0.0195 2.1718 -1.1520 +0.7876i -0.3483 +0.30221 -0.1074 -0.0496 1.3150 0.2373 1 6.445i-10.942 -10.9588 -4.0136 ± 6.4554i -1.1147 + 1.1888i -4.0295 + 6.4576i -0.3536 0.3216 -1.1466 1.36011 -0.1833 -0.4098 ± 0.21671 . 1-0.0415 1.5899 0.3558 Table 10.2: Closed loop poles for model A, model B and model C 120 The pitch loop does not have an integrator gain, because the depth loop has one and the ultimate goal is to control about a depth and not a pitch, therefore, elimination of steady state error in depth is more important than elimination of steady state error in pitch. The pitch loop is an inner loop surrounded by the depth loop which is the outer loop. 10.1.2 Improved Model B and Initial Controller Al After model B was developed, the Root Locus plots for the system were developed to see where controller Al needed improvement. The Al heading controller appears to be pretty well designed, except for the slower poles locations around -1.10+1.73i as shown in Table 10.2. These poles look like they need to be slightly more damped. Looking at model B, the Al pitch controller design's major drawback is the location of the poles at -0.99±1.70i. It appears that if these poles could be damped more, then that pitch loop would be much more stable. The design flaw in the depth loop is that there are two poles around -0.96+1.60i that are not damped enough. The other highly undamped poles in the loops are probably fast enough to not affect the system after a short transient time, and that is why focus is on the slower poles near the origin. 10.1.3 Improved Model B and Improved Controller B After model B was developed, controller Al was modified, and an improved controller, controller B, was used for the second day of system identification testing. The improvements in the closed loop pole placement are shown in Table 10.2. The under damped poles of the various Al control loops were dampened. The heading poles of interest were moved to -1.23+1.68i, which dampened them. From field results, the heading system seemed to work well with controller A, and was actually slightly improved with controller B, as is explained in Chapter 11. Controller B was an improvement for the pitch loop. The slower under damped poles were increasingly damped using controller B. These closed loop poles show a pitch loop that is appropriately damped for a quick, but stabilizing, response, with poles of interest moved to -1.33+1.30i. The depth control system now appears to have enough damping which enables a quick, but stabilizing response, with poles of interest now at -1.33+1.21i. 10.1.4 Improved Model Cl_5 and Initial Controller Al The significant amount of data collected during the second day of system identification tests, along with improvements made in the simulation and model adjustment portions of the design, allowed for a third and most accurate modeling of the AUV, model C. This most accurate model is model C at 1.5m/s. The closed loop poles of model C at 1.5m/s with the initial controller Al, show similar results to model B with controller A1 when the results of listed in Table 10.2 are compared. These closed loop poles for model C are shown in Table 10.2. Like was seen with model B, this controller handles the heading loops well. Only slight improvements seem to be needed in adding damping to the poles at -1.07+1.55i. The pitch loop seems to need improvements in damping to the poles at -0.89 1.47i, as was also noted for the model B. Likewise, the depth loop appears to need an increase of damping to draw a couple of the slower poles closer to the real axis, namely poles at -0.83 1.34i. 10.1.5 Improved Model Cl_5 and Heuristically Tuned Controller A2 An attempt was made at heuristically tuning controller Al, however, this new controller, A2, proved to be even less effective. The heading controller for Al and A2 are the same, and thus the closed loop poles are the same. For this model and controller, notice that slower poles, in the pitch and depth loops, are even less damped than with controller Al. This leads to a very unstable system that has uncontrollable 121 oscillations as seen in Figure 9.6. The pitch loop has poorly damped poles at -0.73± 1.32i. The depth loop also appears to be less stable with controller A2 when compared to the system as controlled by Al. This depth loop has several slow, highly under damped poles near the origin, -0.65±1.22i, that lead to this oscillatory response. This combined with the instability of the pitch loop, leads to an oscillatory behavior that remains uncontrollable as shown in Figure 9.6. 10.1.6 Improved Model C1_5 and Improved Controller B The most accurate model of the AUV, model C, and the improved controller, B, provide closed loop poles much improved from the original design. Here the closed loop poles of interest in the yaw plane are 1.21±1.47i, which are greatly improved from the original design. In the pitch loop, the poles of interest were damped significantly to -1.1 8±0.96i, while the poles in the depth loop became increasingly damped to -1.15±0.79i. These significant improvements in controller design show that the system identification process used here, not only works well, but produces results in a simple forward design process. Figures 10.110.3 show the Root Locus plots for this most accurate model of the AUV, C, and the most accurate controller, B. 20 6 15 P7 J -,-7 Z4 4 10 P5 I.Z41 5 2 P4- 0 -5 - - - E P8 Z5 -2 -10 P6 -4 -15 P8 Z5 -6 -20 -30 -20 -10 0 Real AMs 10 20 -8 -10 -6 -4 -2 0 Real A~s 2 4 6 8 0.03- 0.2 9 0.02 0.1 - 0.01 - Z3 0 PI, P2 Z2 P3 - ----------- ----ZI P1, P2 ZI -0.01 -0.2 -0.02 -0.2'- -0.03 -0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 Real -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 as -0.07 -0.06 -0.05 -0.04 -003 RealdB -0.02 -0.01 Figure 10.1: Root Locus plot for the heading system, model Cl15 and controller B 122 0 0.01 Figure 10.1 shows the typical Root Locus plot for the yaw plane model and heading controller. Each change in controller or model changed the loci of the closed loop poles in the Root Locus plot, as can be seen in Appendix D for all models and all controllers. The closed loop poles are shown in Table 10.2. The upper right plot of Figure 10.1 is a magnification of the upper left plot. The bottom right plot in Figure 10.1 is a magnification of the bottom left plot, which is a magnification of the upper right plot. Figure 10.2 shows the pitch system, which appears to be a well designed controller. The slower poles are adequately damped, and the response due to the faster poles that are under damped looks to die out quickly. 20 Z3 15 P5 4 10 P5 5 Z3 2 P7 0- P4 E -5 Z4 P6 -2 -10 -4 -15 P6 -6 - -20 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 Real Axis 5 10 15 20 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 Real Axis -Z4 0 -2 2 4 0.3 0.2 1P 0.5 PI 0.1 -P3 Z2 Z I - - -0.5 - - - - - Z2 0 P2 E ZI -0.1 -- 72 -0.2 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 Real ALss 0 0.5 -0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -02 Real Anes -0.1 0 0.1 Figure 10.2: Root Locus plot for the pitch system, model Cl15 and controller B The upper right plot of Figure 10.2 is a magnification of the upper left plot. The bottom right plot in Figure 10.2 is a magnification of the bottom left plot, which is a magnification of the upper right plot. The faster poles, shown furthest from the imaginary axis of the Root Locus plot shown in the upper plots of Figure 10.2, have underdamped poles. However, the transient response of the AUV due to these poles dies out quickly, while the slower poles that are closer to the imaginary axis as shown in the bottom plots of Figure 10.2 produce responses that do not die out quickly. Therefore, the damping ratio, and response speed of these poles is of the most interest in the controller design. In comparing the results from the initial controllers, Al and A2, to this improved controller, B, these slower closed loop poles of the 123 improved controller are damped more, and generally have a faster response time. This is true in the yaw plane, Figure 10.1, as well as this pitch system shown in Figure 10.2. The depth system displays this same improvement, as shown by the plots in Figure 10.3. Finally, Figure 10.3 shows the Root Locus plots for the depth loop. Here again, controller B seems to provide the system with a quick response, and adequate damping. P 7 1.5 10 1 Z4 P7 0.5 4 P5 2 0 P9 Z3 P3 Z4 4 P4 a 0 0- P6 -4 P8 -6 Z5 -1 -1 ----6 -10C -1.5 -20 0 Real Axis 5 -1.5 -2 -2.5 -1 -0.5 Real Axis 1 0.5 0 0.4 - 0.3 - 0.06- P3 0.2- 0.040.1 0.02- Z Z3_Z2 0 P1, P2 V -0.1 PI, P2 F -0.02 -0.2 P4 -0.04 -0.3 - -0.06 -0.4 -0.7 -0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 Real Axis -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 -0,14 -0.12 -0.1 -0.08 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 Real Axis Figure 10.3: Root Locus plot for the depth system, model Cl_5 and controller B As can be seen in Figure 10.1-10.3, controller B does an excellent job of controlling the system that is modeled as model C, which is the most accurate model developed thus far. Based on the improvements made in the simulation and the data taken in the field, Model Cl_5 most accurately models the vehicle, while controller B is the best designed control system. This most accurate controller, B, is compared with the initial controller, Al in the closed loop tests shown in Chapter 12. These comparisons show the vast improvements made in the controller gains, through system identification work. 124 10.2 Controller Gains at Different Thrust Levels 10.2.1 Change of Thrust Field Test One of the final tests completed was a closed-loop run that incorporated a several different thrust levels. Controller B was used, and the mission was a simple straight line run at a heading of -80* and 4m depth. Figure 10.4 shows this run in which the initial thrust was 40%. This thrust was increased to 60% and then onto 80%. As you can see from the figure, thrust at 40% did not provide enough force to cause Caribou to break free of the surface effects and dive to the desired depth. The 60% thrust portion of the mission performed very well, as was expected because 60% thrust provides a speed of around 1.5m/s, which the control system, controller B, was designed around. Finally, the 80% thrust portion proved to be unstable. Figures in Appendix D show the Root Locus plots for this system and help explain the instability. 80 - 60 - - 40 - Thrust(%) Rudder(deg) -.-.-.- 40.... -..... - 20- --....-..-....... . Elevator(deg) D epth*10O(m ) _ - - 0 20 - .. ..... ---.. ..... ... ....... 0-2200 --- yawt ... .... -.-. ----- .. . .... ... --.. ......... -... j. I pitchRate - ___-roflRate - -- -10 - 250 350 300 400 450 time (s) Figure 10.4: Field test at 40%, 60% and 80% thrust with controller B 10.2.2 Improved Model C2_0 and Improved Controller B The accurate model of the vehicle at 1 .3m/s, model Cl_3, was used to develop the model at 1 .5m/s, model Cl_5. This same extrapolation was used to develop a model of the vehicle at 2.Om/s and 80% thrust, model C2_0. The closed loop poles from this model, C2_0, and controller B, are shown in Table 10.2. For this heading system the slower poles at -0.9911.81i are underdiamped. Also, in the pitch loop, underdamped poles exist at -1.15+ 1.36i. In the depth loop, closed loop poles at -1.1211.19i show that the system may display uncontrollable characteristics as these poles are also underdamped. These closed 125 loop poles show that the system was underdamped in all three loops for model C at 2.0m/s with the improved controller, B, that was used for the run displayed in Figure 10.4. The vehicle did roll and pitch significantly during the 80% thrust period, which may be due to all three loops being underdamped. This rolling and pitching motion removes the decoupled nature of the pitch and yaw plane. Therefore, it can be assumed that the combination of the underdamped poles of all three control loops, led to the uncontrollable nature of the vehicle at speeds higher than the control system design speed, which was 1.5m/s. 126 Chapter 11 In Chapter 11, the closed-loop test results are shown and explained. For many of the tests, controller Al was used as well as controller B. This allows a direct comparison of the initial designed controller and the redesigned controller for maneuvers under closed-loop control. Closed-Loop Controller Comparisons 11.1 Tailcone Problems Prior to completing the system identification tests, the tailcone was tested extensively in the laboratory, as explained in Chapter 7. The tailcone's timing and response were greatly enhanced through software modifications made by R. Damus, an engineer at MIT Sea Grant. However, due to the nature of the stepper motors used in Caribou's tailcone, and the algorithm implemented to control these motors, there were still persistent problems with the tailcone's response behavior. The stepper motors tend to lose their absolute position count, and therefore, software checks this position on a regular basis to correct the drift. However, due to the way the tailcone was implemented, the actual zero rudder position is offset by -6 degrees. Therefore, this check causes the rudder to swing negative at an interval of every 10 seconds, which is the checking frequency. Hence, heading control about steady state is hard to achieve with great accuracy as is seen in the closed-loop control missions in the proceeding figures. It appears that almost every 10 seconds the rudder reacts to this negative swing. Due to reasons not yet fully understood, at a higher command frequency or at a constant deflection angle, this negative swing does not occur. Thus, the step responses seemed to return valid data. The elevator does not experience these effects. Figure 11.1 shows two sets of plots. The upper plot shows the desired rudder position from the command, as well as the actual rudder position, as measured by an accelerometer in the same fashion as in Chapter 7. These two sets of rudder command are then fed into the vehicle simulation that utilizes model Cl_5. The second plot shows the model simulation yaw rates associated with these two very different rudder paths. This tailcone problem makes system identification, control and modeling extremely difficult. However, steps were made in this work regardless. This problem is apparent in the closed loop runs shown in Section 11.2-11.4. Notice that the heading oscillates nearly every 10 seconds, as the rudder swing occurs and then is corrected. The pitch and roll of the vehicle are probably coupled to this occurrence, as well as the depth, but to a lesser degree. Therefore, using an AUV with a better tailcone system, the closed loop response with this improved controller can be expected to be even better than the results shown in the proceeding sections. 127 0- 0-- 1o -Actual rudder -_Desiredrudder -0Sim.with actual rudder Sim. with desired rudder 2560 2580 2600 2620 2640 2660 2680 time (s) Figure 11. 1: Desired rudder and actual rudder simulation responses To demonstrate further that controller B was controlling heading better than is observed from data plots, a straight run mission was simulated for a constant heading of -80*. Figure 11.2 shows this simulated run that includes the rudder problems seen in Figure 11. 1. Within the simulation, the rudder was swung negative by 10', every ten seconds, to simulate the results seen in the laboratory, as shown in Figure 11. 1. After the first rudder correction, the simulator allowed steady state to nearly be reached before beginning corrections every ten seconds as seen in the lab and in the field. This provides a frame of reference for how the simulation and vehicle would correct under field disturbances. As seen in Figure 11.2, these rudder correction spikes cause the heading to change by some 3'. These results are analogous to the results seen in the field for a controlled constant heading, as seen in Figures 11.3 and 11.4. These simulation results, helped convince us that the heading controller developed from system identification tests is in fact as nearly tuned as possible, considering the spiking rudder correction of the tailcone system. 128 2 _ R dder Corrections - -10 -78 - - -- --- -- desire~d - - actual - -70 8- -\1 -\ -- -\ \--j-. .. .aris..s C C...r...er -77 Siuainsragtrnwthrde ueorect1.2: -1Fig-. 4 oreto rbe CO) 20 40 60 time (s) 80 100 Figure 11.2: Simulation straight run with rudder correction problem 11.2 Controller Comparisons The initially designed controller, Al, and the redesigned controller, B, were used separately for the same missions to verify the improvements made through system identification tests, redeveloped models and redesigned controllers. Figure 11.3 and 11.4 in Section 11.2.1 display two straight runs at a controlled heading and a controlled depth. The mission displayed in Figure 11.3 was made using controller Al, while Figure 11.4 was made using controller B in the field. Notice that the heading control is very similar for each run, as expected from the gains used, while the pitch and depth control seem to be much better with the improved controller, B. In Figure 11.5 and 11.6, two missions that consisted of heading changes at a controlled depth are displayed. Notice that the transients died out rather quickly for the system that used controller B, while the system with controller Al only seemed to remain oscillatory. The depth change mission with constant heading is shown in Figure 11.7 and 11.8. Again, the system using controller B responds much better to the commands, than the system that uses controller Al. Table 11.1 shows the comparisons between controller B and controller Al. Controller B Controller Al 2.00 ±2.50 Heading Error 2.50 +100 Pitch Error 10cm 50cm Depth Error I Table 11.1: Closed-loop improvements 129 11.2.1 Controlled Straight Run - 60 40 - -.. .. -... -. - - Thrust(% -Rudder(deg) 20- Elevator(deg) j- ~ 0*~I ~ 0- I *1O(rn) ,~Dept 0 - 4)-50 -~~yaw -pitch -roll -150 --I 5- ! ! yawRate pitchRate rollRate - ........................ 0 W -5 440 420 400 380 460 480 time (s) 540 520 500 560 Figure 11.3: Controlled straight run at 4m depth and -80* heading, controller Al 6 0 t- .. . -1 1 1 1 40 +* *--.+* ++ 1 .1 . 1 . I. - -- - Thrust(%) - Rudder(deg) Elevator(deg) --- Depth*10(m) - ..~ .. ~~~ ... 20 -. --.. . ...... - *- ] ....-......I . . I1 -. 0 0 U) 4) 0) 4) 0 - . - 50 -10 0 -- -------- ' 0 4) U) 4) 4) 0) 4) *0 - -. --- -..... 50 'V, yawRate pitchRate rollRate a A Al - w -5160 180 200 220 240 time (s) 260 280 300 320 Figure 11.4: Controlled straight run at 3m depth and -80* heading, controller B 130 11.2.2 Controlled Heading Change Run 50 Thrust(%) - 40 30 20 10 0 -10 - Rudder(deg) Elevator(deg) -.-.--. Depth*10(m) - -. 4020 -20 - -. -0 -40 - .... .. . - --.. .... .. -.. .. - yawRate pitchRate roliRate 10 5 -. . . . ......7. ... . .... -- - -20- 10- ... - -. -. - .. 4 ... .. .. - -... -. - -. -..--.. . -... l - . -. 20 -5- -10 350 300 250 200 150 time (s) Figure 11.5: Controlled heading change from -800 to -600 to -800 at 4m depth controller Al - -.- --. --- Thrust(% ) Rudder(deg) Elevator(deg) 50 40 30 20 10 Depth*10(m) 0 -10 20 0 a. -20 - . ...... roll -40 . . ..... .. .. pitch . . . . . -60 -80 yowat -pitchRate rollRateq 10 5 - 0 -1 0 ...-. - 300 -... - 400 350 -. -.-.-. .. 450 50( time (s) Figure 11.6: Controlled heading change from -80' to -60* to -800 at 4m depth, controller B 131 11.2.3 Controlled Depth Change Run 60 1111 A . ' I vV 40 V - - .. . -1 0 - Depth*10(m) - 20 - I Thrust(%) -- Rudder(deg) Elevator(deg) __ - (h 0 0 0 0 *0 -yaw pitch -1 roll yawRate j 1 C., 0 irolRate 5 (1£ 0 0 0 -. 0 -5 .... i 10 ...................................................... 150 200 250 300 time (s) 350 400 450 Figure 11.7: Controlled depth change from 4m to 5m to 4m at -80* heading, controller Al 60 -_- 40 - Thrust(%) Rudder(deg) Elevator(deg) Depth*10(m) 20 0 5 1) , -. .... 1 ............. I f 0 U, 0 0 0) 0 *0 -50 -100 10 C.) 4) C,, U, 0 0 5 - .. .. . . . . .. . . .. . .... . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. - r.. . .. yawRate pitchRate E Sr 0 0) 0 0 -5 100 150 200 250 time (s) 300 Figure 11.8: Controlled depth change from 4m to 5m to 4m at -80' heading, controller B 132 11.3 Large Coupled Heading and Depth Changes under Control A very aggressive mission was a coupled depth and heading change maneuver. The individual heading and depth changes discussed in Section 11.2 were modest tests, while this coupled test is quite aggressive. This test was completed only with the improved controller, B. The vehicle was commanded to 4m depth at -80' heading for 60 seconds and then to 7m depth at -40* heading for a second set of 60 seconds. The third set of 60 seconds commanded the AUV to Im depth at -100* heading. Finally, the last 30 seconds of the mission was a simple pitch up maneuver. As can see be seen in Figure 11.9, Caribou performed these maneuvers remarkably well while using the improved controller, B. 80 - 60- -- - -- -- - -Thrust(%) - Rudder(deg) --.--.-.. -Elevator(deg) 40Depth*10(m) 20- 0 - .. - ..... -yaw -100 1 - y w te 10rollRate 15 -100 - - - -- -- _ -pitch -.. --.. ----- . ..... . ... -.......-.. - -Y -w-a-r- i-- -- - -a- 200 -e 250 300 350 400 time (s) Figure 11.9: Controlled coupled heading and depth change, controller B 133 11.4 Shallow Im Depth Mission The final closed-loop maneuver was a shallow, lm depth mission. The thought was that this may be very difficult considering that surface effects at shallow depths may cause the vehicle to surface. Figure 11.10 displays a im depth run in which controller B was utilized. Caribou was programmed to stay at the surface for the first 30 seconds, in order to build up speed. This is mainly the reason why there is such a large overshoot at the initial dive. The remainder of the mission was a success. The vehicle was programmed to pitch up with 30 seconds left in the mission, which is at time = 280 seconds in Figure 11.10. These results suggest that maneuvering under the Arctic ice may be possible at very shallow depths, although that case represents a hard boundary as opposed to a free surface. 50- --.Thrust(%) - 40 -Elevator(deg) Rudder(deg) 0(m) 30 -Depth*1 040- .. -. ---.. ..... ........ ..... .. ... .... - -80 5 - -roll - yawRate pitchRate roliRate 0 y -5 - - --160 180 200 220 240 time (s) 260 280 300 320 Figure 11.10: Controlled shallow run at 1m depth and -80' heading, controller B 134 yaw pitc- 340 Chapter 12 Conclusions and Future Work A dynamic model of the Odyssey III Class Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, Caribou, was initially developed in order to develop a control system for this AUV. The dynamic model included hydrodynamic and hydrostatic effects, as well as inertial and added mass characteristics. The tailcone system, which consists of an adjustable vector duct thruster was tested and modeled in a laboratory setting. Using this combined nonlinear model, a linearized model was developed about the operating point. Using this linear model, an initial control system was designed for the heading, pitch and depth control loops. A series of system identification open-loop step response tests were completed in the yaw and pitch planes independently, using the initial controller to reach correct operating conditions. Using these results, and the simulation model, the linearized coefficients from the initial model were adjusted so that the simulation response closely matched the response seen in the field data for the same step input in rudder or elevator commands. Using this improved model, the control gains were redesigned. Results from closed-loop tests showed that the redesigned controller was superior to the initially designed controller. These results show that a systematic approach to controller design, that is based on first principles does not only work, but produces results that are hard to attain through heuristic tuning alone. This work shows that by performing a few hours worth of tests, and then running the simulation process with the recorded data, the proper control gains for an AUV can be discerned in only a very short amount of time, while conventional methods can lead to days, if not weeks, of tuning in the field. This work shows that time and money can be saved by using a systematic approach to control, especially when vehicle configurations are often changed frequently The simple system identification step response tests may not have excited all of the interesting dynamics of the AUV, and thus, several other different tests could be utilized in the future in order to develop a better list of dynamic coefficients. These tests may include runs in which sinusoidal rudder or elevator commands are used in open-loop tests. Other tests that would be useful are low speed maneuvering and acceleration tests, as well as working through all of the tests at various levels of thrust. Several improvements need to be made to Caribou. First, a better tailcone system should be implemented that does not operate using the stepper motor system currently being utilized, since the current setup can lead to large errors in actual position vs. commanded position. Ideally this new system would allow for duct position feedback that can be recorded as a mission variable. This improvement would allow for a much greater ease in model simulation, as the actual duct position would be known and not inferred from the commanded position. One other improvement that could be made in software is to change the yaw and pitch rates used by the MOOS system. Currently, the software calculates the rates based on position data received from the sensor. An improvement would be to use the rates available directly from the accelerometer as to avoid calculation errors and time delays. 135 136 Bibliography [1] H. Singh, M. Bowen, F. Hover, P. LeBas, and D. Yoerger, "Intelligent Docking for an Autonomous Ocean Sampling Network." Proceedings of the 1997 Oceans Conference, Halifax, NS, Canada. 1997. [2] T. Prestero, "Development of a Six-Degree of Freedom Simulation Model for the REMUS Autonomous Underwater Vehicle." Oceans 2001 MTS/IEEE, Honolulu, HI. 2001. [3] M. Seto and G. Watt, "Dynamics and Control Simulator for the Theseus AUV." Proceedings of the International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Seattle, WA. 2000. [4] S. Miyamoto, T. Aoki, T. Maeda, K. Hirokawa, T. Ichikawa, T. Saitou, H. Kobayashi, E. Kobayashi, and S. Iwasaki, "Maneuvering Control System Design for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle." 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Appendix A Parameter Definitions Right-hand body coordinates system: x-axis pointing towards the bow y-axis pointing portside z-axis pointing upwards Coordinate system origin is axisymmetrically located at the body midpoint 1/2. Series 58, Model 4154 Gertler polynomial [5] length = 84in (2.13m) maximum diameter = 21in (0.53m) hull shaped described by y 2 = aix +a 2 x 2 + a 3x 3 + a4 x 4 + a5 x5 + a6x 6 a, = a2 = a3 = a4 = a5 = a6 = 1.0 2.149653 -17.773496 36.716580 -33.511285 11.418548 The hull is extended by adding cylindrical midsections at the point of maximum diameter (x=0.4) Roll Pitch Yaw Roll rate Pitch rate Yaw rate Surge Sway Heave p q r u v w X Y Z K M N body force applied in the body-referenced x-direction (N) body force applied in the body-referenced y-direction (N) body force applied in the body-referenced z-direction (N) body moment applied in the body-referenced z-direction (N m) body moment applied in the body-referenced z-direction (N m) body moment applied in the body-referenced z-direction (N m) external external external external external external V/ 0 # Euler angle (radians) Euler angle (radians) Euler angle (radians) rad/sec rad/sec rad/sec m/s m/s m/s inertial-referenced inertial-referenced inertial-referenced body-referenced body-referenced body-referenced body-referenced body-referenced body-referenced Ringfin 6R rudder angle (radians) (5E elevator angle (radians) Propeller T Propeller thrust (N) U, Water speed seen at the propeller (m/s) np D Propeller speed (rad/sec) Propeller diameter = 0.3m 139 140 Appendix B Root Locus Plots for Various Models and Controllers Initial Model A and Initial Controller Al B. 1 I 8 0.5- 0.1 -. - 0- E -0.1 -2 (I 4.2 - -4 -0.3-0.4- -6 -0.5 . I -10 -8 -6 -4 . I 2 0 -2 Real Axis 4 6 -0.6 Real Axis -0.8 -1 -1.2 8 -0.4 -0.4 -0.2 -012 0 0 1- 0.5 2 - 0 -0.51-- -1 -3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 Reais -1 A -0.5 dl 0 Figure B.1: Root Locus plot for the heading system, model A and controller Al1 141 6 1.5 4 2 0.5 0 0 E -2 -0.5 - -4--1 -6-( -14 4 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 Real Axis -2 0 2 -. 4 -3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 Real Axis -0.5 0 05 5 1 Figure B.2: Root Locus plot for the heading system, model A and controller Al 6 1\1' 1.5- 4- 2- 0.5 0- 0 -2- -0.5 -4 -1 -6 -1 5 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 Real Axis -2 0 2 4 -16 -14 -12 -10 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 Real Axis 0 0.5 x 10 86- 4- 0 E -2 - -4- -6 -18 -8 Real Axis -6 -4 -2 0 2 x 103 Figure B.3: Root Locus plot for the heading system, model A and controller Al 142 1 1.5 B.2 Improved Model B and Initial Controller Al I 6 20 15 10 2 5 .8 'V- E -5 -2 -- -10 -4 -15 -20 -6 I -20 -30 10 0 -10 -10 20 -8 - . . . . I . -6 -4 -2 0 Real Axis -3 -2.5 -2 Real Axds 2 4 6 -0.5 0 1.sL x 10 0.2 0.1 0.5 0 0 E -0.5 -0.1 -1 -0.2 -1.5 -0.J 1 -0.7 111 -0.6 - .1 -0 .5 .1 . 1 -0.4 - I -0.3 Real Axis I 1 . -0.2 1 -0.1 1 1-4 0 -3.5 -3Real Axis -1.5 Figure B.4: Root Locus plot for the heading system, model B and controller Al 143 20 6 15 4 10 2 5 w0- 0 -- 5- -2 -10 -4 -15 -6 -20 --30 -20 0 -10 10 -8 L 20 I -12 -10 -8 -6 Real Axis -4 -2 Real Axis 0 2 4 6 2 0.3 1.5 0.2 -o 0.1 0.5 0 0 -0.5 -0.1 0- -1 -0.2 -1.5 -0.3 -2 - -0.4 -4 -3 -2 -1 Real Axis 0 1 2 -08 -0.7 -0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 Real Axs -0.2 Figure B.5: Root Locus plot for the pitch system, model B and controller Al 144 -0.1 0 0.1 2 10 1.5 ~- - ~ O 0.5 0 ' -0.5 E ------- --------------1 -5 -1.5 -10 -2 -2.5 -15 -20 -10 -5 Real Axis -3 10 5 0 -2 2 1 0 -1 Real Axis 0.80.01 0.6- - 0.40.005 0.2 - n - 0- 2 -0.2 -0.005 -0.4 - -0.6 -0.01 -0.8 -1.6 -1.4 -1.2 -1 -0.8 -0.6 Real Axos -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 -0.025 -0.02 -0.015 -0.01 -0.005 0 0.005 Real AAus Figure B.6: Root Locus plot for the depth system, model B and controller Al 145 B.3 Improved Model B and Improved Controller B 25 - 820 6- 15 10 4- 5 2 1' 0 -- 5 -2 -10 04 -15 -4 -20 k -6 -25L -30 -20 -10 0 10 Real Axis -8 20 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 Real Axis 4 8 6 0.3 0.03 0.2 0.02 0.1 0.01 0 U. 8 -0.1 -0.01-0.2 -0.02- -0.3- -0.03 -0.7 -0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 Real Axis -0.2 -0.1 0 01 -006 -0.05 -0.04 -0.03 -002 Real Axds -0.01 0 Figure B.7: Root Locus plot for the heading system, model B and controller B 146 0.01 0.02 20 6 15 4 10 2 5 0 . - --.- -5 -2 -10 -4 -15 -6 -20 -10 -12 20 10 0 -10 -20 -30 -8 -4 Real Axis -6 Real Axis -2 0 4 2 0.51.5 0.4 0.3 1 0.20.5 0.1 4- - 0- E .9 -0.1 -0.5 -0.2 -1 -0.3-0.4-- -1.5 K, -3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 Real Axis . 0 . 0.5 S-0.5 1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.2 Real Axis Figure B.8: Root Locus plot for the pitch system, model B and controller B 147 2- 10 1.5- 5 05 0 W 0 h -5 7 / 0 1. - / -10 4 5 -1 -- / -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 -3 Real Axis -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 Real Axis 0 0.5 1 1.5 0.06 0.3 0.04 0.2 0.02 0.1 0 0 -C 6 -0.1 -0.02 -0.2 - -0.04 -0.3- -0.06 -0.7 -0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 Real Axis -02 -0.1 0 0.1 -0.14 -0.12 -0.1 -0.08 -0.06 Real Axis -0.04 -0.02 Figure B.9: Root Locus plot for the depth system, model B and controller B 148 0 0.02 Improved Model Cl_5 and Initial Controller Al B.4 I 20 61 15 10 4 5- 2 .. --- -.-.-.-.-.-. --. m 0 0 -5 -- 2 -107 -4 -15 -6 -20 -25 -20 -5 -10 -15 0 Real Axis 5 10 15 -10 25 20 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 Real Axis 2 4 6 8 x 10, 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.5 00 E -0.5 -0.1 -1 -0.2 -1.5 -0.3 IIIIk_ -0.7 -0.6 _I_------__ -0.5 -0.4 _ _---. -0.2 -0.3 Real Axis -0.1 0 _I_. 0.1 1 ------ -4 -2.5 -3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 Real Axis -1 -0.5 0 0.5 x 10" Figure B.10: Root Locus plot for the heading system, model Cl_5 and controller A1 149 20 15- 6 10- 4 5 - 2 0 *0 E 2 --5 0 -2 -10 -4 -15 -6 -20 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 Real Axis 0 5 10 15 20 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 Real Axis 0 2 4 0.3 1.5 0.2 1 - 0.5 -N 0.1 - 0 6 0 0- -0.5 -0.1 - -1 -0.2-1.5 -3 -2 5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 Real Axis 0 0.5 1 1.5 -0.3 -0.6 -0.5 -04 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 Real Axs Figure B. 11: Root Locus plot for the pitch system, model Cl_5 and controller Al 150 0 0.1 6 2 1.5 1 0.5 -15 10-- .- 0 0 E -0.5 -1 -1.5 -2 -15 -10 -5 Real Axis 0 -3 5 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 Real Axis 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0.01 0.4 0.008 0.3 0.006 0.2 0.004 0.1 0.002- 0 0- E -0.1 -0.002 -0.2 -0.004- -0.3 -0.006- -0.4 -0.008 -0.5 -0.01 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 Real Axis -0.2 0 - -0.02 -0.015 -0.01 Real Axis -0.005 0 Figure B.12: Root Locus plot for the depth system, model Cl_5 and controller Al 151 B.5 Improved Model C 1_5 and Heuristically Tuned Controller A2 20- 6 15 4 102 5 0 0 E- E' -2 -10 -4-15 -6- -20 -30 -20 -10 0 10 -12 20 -10 -8 -6 Real Axis 1.5 f -4 Real Axis -2 0 2 4 0.5 0.4- I 0.3 0.2- 0.5 0.1 0- 0 - - E -0.1 -0.5 -0.2-0.3- -1 -0.4 -0.5- -1.5 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0 5 Real Axis 0 0.5 1 1.5 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -02 Real Axis 0 Figure B. 13: Root Locus plot for the pitch system, nodel C1_5 and controller A2 152 0.2 10 1.5 8 6 4 0.5 F 2 0 0 E -2 -0.5 1- -4 -6 -1 -8 -1.5 -10 -15 -10 0 -5 Real Axds 5 -2.5 -1.5 -2 0 -0.5 Real Ads -1 0.5 1 1.5 2 0.5- 0.02 0.4- 0.015 0.3 - - - - - - - - - 03 0001 0.1- 0.005 - 0:0 0 E -0.005 - -0.2- - -0.01 -0.3- -0.015-0.4-0.02-0.5 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 Real Axis -0.2 0 -0.05 -0.04 -0.03 -0.02 Real Axs -0.01 0 Figure B.14: Root Locus plot for the depth system, model Cl_5 and controller A2 153 B.6 Improved Model C1_5 and Improved Controller B 20 6 15 -I-X 4 10 5 2 4.- 0~ 0 E -5 0 S -2 -10-15- -4 -20 -6 -25--30 -20 -10 0 Real Axis 10 20 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 Real Axis 2 4 6 8 -0.02 -0.01 0 001 0.30.03- 0.20.0201 0.01 - E~ / -0.1 -0.01 - -0.02- -0.2 -0.03-0.3-0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 Real Axis -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 -007 -006 -0.05 -0.04 -003 Real Axis Figure B .15: Root Locus plot for the heading system, model Cl_5 and controller B 154 20 6 15 4 / / 10 L 5 2 ------. 0 -5 -2 -10 -4 -15 -6 -20 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 Real Axis 0 5 10 15 I 20 -12 I -10 0.3 -8 -6 4 Real Axis -2 0 2 4 - 1 0.2F 0.5 0.1 E - 0-0.1- -0.5 -0.2- -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 Real Axis I 0 I 0.5 -0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 Real Axis 0 0.1 Figure B. 16: Root Locus plot for the pitch system, model Cl_5 and controller B 155 1.5 10 8 6 4 0.5 2 0 - ZI0 - * E -2 -0.5- -4 6 -6 - * -1 -8 -10 -1.5 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -2 -2.5 -1.5 -1 1 0.5 0 -0.5 Real Axis Real Axis 0.4 - 0.06 0.3 0.2 0.04 - F 0.1 0.02 - 0 -0.02 -0.2 -0.04 -0.3 -0.06 -0.4 -0.7 -0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 Real Axis -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 I -0.14 -0.12 I -01 -008 -0.06 -004 -0.02 Real Axis Figure B. 17: Root Locus plot for the depth system, model C1_5 and controller B 156 0 0.02 B.7 Improved Model C2_0 and Improved Controller B 20 6 15 4 10 5 2 0 .5 2 -5 -2 -10 -a- -4 -15 -6 -20 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 Real Axis 5 10 15 20 25 - -6 -4 -2 0 Real Axis -0.04 -0.03 Real Axis 2 6 4 8 0.3 0.030.2 0.020.1 0.01 - / 0 5d .5 01 -0.01 -0.1 -0.02 -0.2 -0.03 -0.3 -0.7 -0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 Real Axis -0.2 -0.1 0 -0.07 -0.06 -0.05 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 Figure B. 18: Root Locus plot for the heading system, model C2_0 and controller B 157 20 x 15 10 5 2 0 -5 _2~ -10 -15 -6- -20L \ -25 -30 -15 -20 -10 0 -5 5 15 10 20 -12 -10 -8 -6 Real Axis 0 -2 -4 Real Axis 2 4 0.3 1.50.2 1-- 0.5 0.1 - 0 0 -0.5 -0.1 -1 -0.2 -1.5-- -0 -3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 Real Axis 0 0.5 1 15 -0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 Real Axis -0.2 -0 1 Figure B. 19: Root Locus plot for the pitch system, model C2_0 and controller B 158 0 10 2 8 1.5 6 4 0.5 2 I) 0 0 -2 -0.5 -4 -1 -6- -1.5 -8-2 -10-3 10 5 0 -5 Real Axis -10 15 -2 -1 Real Axis 2 1 0 0.4 0.04 0.3 0.03 0.2- 0.02 0.1 - 0.01 0--. - 0 0 -0.01 -0.1 -0.02 - -0.2 -0.03 - -0.3 F -0.04 -0.4 __ -__ -0.8 -0.7 -0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 Real Axis -0.2 -0 1 _ 0 _-0.05 0.1 0.2 -0.12 -0.1 -0.08 -0.06 Real Axis -0.04 -0.02 0 Figure B.20: Root Locus plot for the depth system, model C2_0 and controller B 159