Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/testingforpriceaOOashe MIT 3 =,oaO UBRARIES 00770*=I16 6 working paper department of economics Testing for Price Anomalies in Real Estate Auctions Orley Ashenfelter David Genesove No. 598 Jan. 1992 massachusetts institute of technology 50 memorial drive Cambridge, mass. 02139 Testing for Price Anomalies in Real Estate Auctions Orley Ashenfelter David Genesove No. 598 Jan. 1992 MAT MAR IJBRARIES 9 1992 " . MIT Economics Working Paper 598 TESTING FOR ERECE ANCMALIES IN REAL ESTATE AUCnOJS Orley Ashenfelter and David Genesove Princetcai University and MIT ABSTRACT This p^)er r^»rts on the results of an auction sale of 83 aondcminium apartment units in New Jersey. At the auctiOTi every unit was hammered dcvm, but, unknown to the 2,348 registered bidders, 40% of the sales fell throuc^. Prices in the subsequent sale of oondaninium 'onits in face to face negotiatioTS resulted in identical units selling for 13% less than they fetched at auction and the discount was largest for those units haininered dcwn early in the auction. These results are inccaTsistent with the usual predictions from the theory of cannon value aucticxis and suggest that uninformed bidders in this auction may have been the subject of a "winner's curse" v*iich generated considerable profit for the seller. The authors are eiffiliated with Princetai Iftiiversity and the Natiaial Bureau of Econcndc Research (Ashenfelter) and MIT (Genesove) This p^jer is a preliminary r^»rt of the results of a larger study of condcDdnium real estate aucticxis and was prepared for presentaticsi at the Meetings of the American Econanic Association cxi January 3, 1992 in New Orleans, in a sessicai entitled "The Empirical Study of Auctions: In Hcaior of William Vickrey. TESTING FOR FRICE ANCMALIES IN PEAL ESTATE ALJCnOJS Orley Ashenfelter and David Genesove In this ]paper we r^xjrt the results of a study of ccndaniniim prices. Our study cxupares the prices paid in face to face bargaining with the prices fetched for identical condcodnium units sold at auctic^. results are striking. Ihe Our findings indicate that auction prices for identical units were 13% hi^ier than for units subsequently sold in face to face bargaining. Moreover, the price decline obtained by face to face bargainers was not independent of the order in auctioned. v^ch the units were Face to face buyers achieved hi^ier discounts relative to auction buyers vdio purchased early in the auction. Taken together these results indicate that the optimal strategy for a risk neutral ccndcndnium biQ^er is to make a purchase well cifter the auctic^ has begun and, ideally, after the auction has been oorpleted! I. ThB Price Decline Ancnaly and the Data We collected the data for this study at an aucticxi of 83 ccndoninium units held near Princeton, New Jersey in ^ril of 1990. CXir intention was to record the winning bids and the order in vAiich the units were sold with an eye to detezmining vAiether condctninivim aucticxis also shew evidence of uepartment of Eoononics, Prinoebcn IMiversity, Prinoetcn, NJ 08544 and Dqartment of Eoancmics, MIT, Cai±)ridge, MA 02139, respectively. We thank Kevin HcLllock for exenplary research assistance and Alan Knieger and Bruce Vanderporten for helpful ccranents. the "price decline ancnaly" noted by Ashenfelter (1989) and McAfee and Vincent (1991) for wine avictions. In these auctions it has been established that prices for identical objects are more likely to decline is not viiat is predicted for the behavior of risk than to increase, viiiich neutral bidders. One possible eoqjlanaticn for this behavior is that bidders are risk averse and early bidders pay a premium to avoid the risk associated with losing out on an item. Wine aix±ica-is are ideal for constructing a test of the '"price decline ancraaly" because identical items are sold ccaisecutively. Ihis permits a direct test of the hypothesis without concern about the possibility that emitted quality characteristics may bias the findings. At the same time, wine is a very ^lecialized ccmmodity and it seems desirable to examine evidence fron other markets. The growth in the sale of relatively hcnaogenecus ccaidcodnium units by aucticxi seems to offer an ideal opportunity for further tests of the price decline aronaly. Unlike different cases of the same wine, identiccil. hcxniever, ccsidcininiums are not Perhaps because the units are heterogeneous, real estate auctions operate by a method different from the usual English aucticai. (See Vanderporten (1991), for exanple.) Condominium units are usually sold in a "pooled" or "ri^t-to-choose" auction v*iere all the units are ccnobined together. desired. When the bidding stops the hi^iest bidder may choose the unit Ihe bidding is then re-started and continues until all the units in the pool have been sold. In a "pooled auction" it is inevitable that any heterogeneity in the quality of the units offered in the pool will cause the prices of the items in the pool to decline. earlier bidders are biding the ri^t to In effect, the select si;¥)erior products and it is natxaral that they should pay higher pricses for them. Price declines are thus a predictable outocme of the pooled auction design and do not, by themselves, constitute an anccicily. Ihe mere fact that prices may be expected to decline in a pooled auction does not mean that a price decline ancnaly is not cLLso present. Indeed it has sonetimes been su^ested that aucticsieers use devices like the pooled auction to make it more difficult for buyers to perceive the presence of ancnalies that may cast doubt on the integrity of the aucticai process. Ihe question is, hew much would we have e>qpected prices to decline because of unit heterogeneity? If prices decline more than would be expec±ed, then we have evidence for the declining price ancnialy. CXur eocaxxnetric design for solving this problem is simple: First (1) we determine the relationship between the auction price and the order of Scile, and (2) then we track down subsequent resales of the same ccndcminium units in face to face bargaining. If the price decline ancmaly was truly a result of the auctioi mechanism, then any relationship between the auction bid price and the order of sale (at the auction) would dis^^pear item was resold. viien the If, on the other hand, the relationship between the auction price and the order of sale was due to an emitted quality characteristic, then the subsequent price in face to face bargaining would still be related to the order of sale at the auction held earlier. In the intermediate case, we may subtract out the relationship between quality and the order of sale by using the relationship between these two variables under face to face bargaining. In practice the observed price decline may be due to both unobserved quality differences and ancracdous price declines, and belew we separate these two eooncmetrically. When we began this project years before cill vie ejqjected that it vrould take several of the candaninium units sold at auction were resold in face to face bargaining. Much to our surprise, v*iile checking (at the tax assessor's office) the Scile prices for all the ccndoninium units "hainnered down" at the auction we discovered that 37% of the units had not, in fact, been sold at the "haMner price." Instead, these 31 units had all been sold at discounts fran the bid prices at the auction. viiicii they had been hanmered dcwn in In a series of subsequent interviews we learned that these units had typically been resold to another hayer after the original auction Scile "fell through." Althoui^ we were able to interview only a fanall number of these subsequent buyers it e^jpears that th^ typically constituted a group of registered, but unsuccessful bidders \it)o were subsequently contacted by the aviction ccrtpany to negotiate a sale in the week following the auction. vMch In short, many of the identical units for successful bids were established at the aviction were resold in face to face bargaining a few weeks after the auction. were three weeks apart. ) (Ihe average sale dates This provides a remarkable opportunity to ccnpare the prices of identiccil objects sold at virtually the identical time by two different pricing mechanisms. II. The Enpiriccil Results Table 1 shows the history of prices in the Oolcainade Pointe condaninium develcpnent outside Princeton, New Jersey. Rather than adjust the prices for square footage we have s^arated and r^jorted the data for the three different type \jnits (Arbor, Belvedere, and Cloister) in this development. Units within these groins are identical except for their p o CM o n u o w o M in o u a o s Q, O iH 9 > O Q « P o >1 u o •p n w a a a > M Pi (M "^ CM n o in VO CM i/y H H H en r^ n <T> (Tl in CO in o iH CM V CM in i/y r-i i/y >*• «. «k in H H i-l </> rH rH n M r~ CM r-t in en ^ r- v> CTl ^ VO VO CO CM in r-\ ^ "* vy to- «> <rt- O o o 00 o CM VO H H H H v> vy VO 00 00 '4' o o CO CO O n CTi CM i/y r^ in (j\ i/y in i/y H m m in n CM VO H (Ti vo VO rH en 'i* ^ CM CO i/y CM i/y i/y CQ 10 ID 0) 73 0) •H CO » u M CM in VI- •H •H O ja 03 -p < CM H 0) w C c o •H u o o o O o CQ in in H in CO CN o CM CM -P 3 < o o CM H n CM (Tl 0) 00 00 jC i/y rH W •H in H H H -p o s CM in o^ H ^ in vo in (0 o o in CM in CO CO v> n H ify v> i/y Eh tH v> -p ify H H O A -a Id •H TJ 0) •H o u O >^ 0) 0^ 0) -H 0) c H 4i c o -H •e-t +J p Id «3 (0 •H •H > 0) >H 04 c •H Q 0) o •H H > > Q 0) 0) 0) T3 c c •H -H -p +J «J (0 •H •H > Q) U Q) > 0) Q •H Q -H Q • (U • 04 • •H 0^ c -H ^ Ul < 2 a< • cu 73 c • 73 CQ 73 c c G C (C (0 (0 rtJ 0) +J s w z (U •P s W Z 73 73 C c C c C (0 rO rtJ ro (0 (0 0) +J (U -P CO s W 2 s 2 P s w Q) -p c 3 O o -H a — — m c 0) Si 0) -p >< Q) -p (0 (T3 n O-P en 01 . c T3 H 3 a)--' "^ ^rt u S ji: °^Q) x: 4-) •H H tfl-O s -§ 3 ^^^ ai XI c bidde •H price p (bid*1.03) igh s 0) J3 -P P 0) J3 ';:3 IT3 Q) (T3 ^ ^ TJ ii 73 0) ^ , -^^ c <u ^ a 0) rH >-l • (-1 <*-! n 8.1 S 4-1 T! Q) 0) 3 +J X c 0) Ul Q) v^ dJ v^ rO 01 (0 q -p ^ -H 4J en •H (U . rH T3 u 0) u d 3 H x: X OJ T3 C nj 0) T3 nJ <u >i 0) 4-1 (0 T3 ^ c 3 (U 3 r-H (U nl 0) •H >^ 8 B P JJ -^^ 3m 9h '"3 0) "5 <w C O s 0) ^^ W o +J n ^^ w-^ J5.H C +J ^ 3 (U Q) "-• o (a ?* 01 -P -, T3 * Qj a Q)<u C 13 V4 x: Q) 4j X! -P e 0) 0) H (U 4-1 4J •H +J E-t 0) c ^ > C j3 01 -dill's «3 4-1 Ul 0) -D Q) >4/ r-l rn _ 3 01 (T3 4J 0) 0) u 0) JC! ^5S"?^ >H-^ <0 m (0 o-u >i3 " +J T3 M-l C W x: '^ ^^ 0) -p IH (0 J3 cQ *- <u ^ C O C W-H (1) Bo «: -p XS +J u Q) .-"^-^ fM r) n 3 > «J O location, vAiich may differ becaxjse of the floor the unit is on or because of the view. As the table indicates, during the period Octcter 1987 throu^ the fall of 1989 about cneHiialf of the 252 units in this developnent were sold at prices very close to the list prices at vAiich the units were originally put cai 1989 until the auctioi in ^ril the market. In the period frcm the Fall of 1990 the market for these units deteriorated, and another 10% of the units were sold at prices vAiich averaged seme 10% to 15% Icuer than the list prices. At the auction the bid prices averaged sane 20% to 30% below the origix^al list prices. Finally, about 12% of the units were resold after the auction at an average discount of 13% frcm the bid prices, or a discount of seme 30% to 40% frcm the original list prices. It is our irnpressicn that the overall movement in these prices is a fair reflection of general movements in real estate prices for properties of this kind. The data frcm the auction sale in are plotted in Figure 1 in panels A-C. v^ch v^ are primarily interested Every vmit was "hammered down," and the bid prices (indicated with the symbol "+") at the auctiai are displayed in the order in v*iich we recorded them. (In fact, the Cloister and Belvedere units were sold in two s^arate "pools" and the second pools began with units 25 and 17; this accounts for the two ^ikes in panels A and C in the Figure.) these bid prices. Uhits actually sold at the auction were sold at However, 31 of the units hammered dcMn were not, in fact, sold at the bid prices. Also displayed in Figure 1 are the prices (indicated with the symbol "0") for the units auction. vMch were resold aifter the As the Figure indicates, the units that were resold in face to face bargaining fetched prices substantially below their bid prices at the o orice + Dia o price + Did 130000 - 120000 - + * 120000 +t^ - + HOOOO - 100000 - + + +++ llOOOO + \-* - . o 100000 f -t- -f + + + + + + "*"o oo - o o 90000 - °°° oo 90000 o - o 10 5 Q 80000 25 20 15 ° 5 10 -t- 1 10000 lOQOOO 25 20 15 o 30 35 Oraer Order A: o - 35 30 o Cloisters B: Belvederes price Qid -1 - 3 .05 - + 90000 - eooQO - 70000 - + + t- + + + + + o o o o o 15 -15 Order C: Figure 1: ArDors -10 -5 5 10 15 Order Residual 0: Stanaaroized Price Discount vs. Order Bid and Prices vs. Order, by Type of Unit STara" aix:tion. Ihere are three inportant findings of our research that are readily First, the bid prices typiccilly declined as the observable in Figure 1. aucticai progressed. Second, the prices of the items resold after the auction shew little or no relationship with the order in viiich the units were sold in the auction. Note also that the units that were resold are scattered randcmly throu^ the auction. of Figure 1, Finally, as indicated in Panel D the price discount for subsequent resales was largest for those units sold earliest in the auction. In sum, these data provide strong evidence that the early auction bt^ers peiid a premium for the vmits they purchased that does not reflect their hi^ier quality, at least as judged by resale prices. More formal tests of these hypotheses are contained in Table Column 2. of the table r^xsrts a regression of the logarithm of the bid (1) price on dummy variables indicating the unit type and the numerical order in viiich the vmit was sold. The data indicate that the bid price declines about .27% per unit sold, or about 10% from the beginning of the auction to the end. Column (2) reports the bid price regressicxi for those units actually sold at the auction, v4iile column (3) r^xarts the bid price regression for those units that were not sold at the auction. These two regressions hctve virtually identical coefficients (P=.3 for a test of their difference) , which indicates that there is no ccnnectic^ between the bidding behavior of the auction participants and the reascxi the sale was not finalized. (In fact, a probit function fit to e3q)lain the probability that a sale falls throu^ indicates no statistically significant relationship with the condcminium type or the order of sale.) , ^-^ ,„0m^ VO (N CO 03 T3 • • -H VO t^ rH * o ^-^ o n o • • 00 OD (N O O CO O O O ^-v CN ^ CO H rH • * 0) o •H 'S' ,-» Pu CM O T3 o CM CN ..-V .-^ o O (Tl O O O O O VD CO CM '3' •H in n CQ o H to ca M o 0) P o •H u Id h^ o in <-« CM O cr> H fVJ O CM H CM O O O O O O O n CO n o o o en CO n • • o (3 « A O — •i-l •P r^ U3 u 3 C o W •H O 1-1 « CM O w in CM +J 0) U 3 rH <: (0 +J C W D n -H CN CM O w • -H (M ^^ . I ^i^ «-« rH O r^ CM CM • • • • ^— r) rH • CO rH ^-^ I O CM O O cn o o • • CO I H O > (N O O • • ^-^ in rH ^-1 >-' I in o o o VO CO • • — in 0) (0 a> QQ X! +J C 0) v^ c o •H ^-^ ^0m^ W 00 rH +J +J T3 •H < 3 C < E3 • H O CM • • 'O rH O ^—^ "a" H O • • t^ CM O O a "i* O O o Hc 00 • 03 cn u o u u 4J .. C <0 (U r-{ p c -o X> (C C (0 Q) -rH atH 4J 0) nj Q> u -H ^ Ul 0) 0) T3 u 0) ja rH CO c 0) u < > 0) CQ 0) U 0) rH •H g >H (0 a 0) -0 Vh O 04 (S p< w Vh (0 T3 c (0 -p w Column (4) of Table 2 cxDntains the regression of the logarithm of the ac±ual price of the resold units on the order in which the same units were hammered dcwn at the auction. If the declining bid prices reflected in the "order" coefficient in column (3) were a result of \jncbserved quality differences only, then the coefficient of the order variable in column should be the same as it is in column "order" variable in column (4) (3) . (4) In fact, the coefficient of the is only -.06% per sale and it is not significantly different frcm zero, indicating that no more than 25% of the price decline is due to unobserved quality differences. case, the regressicai in column (5) As must be the indicates that the bid price/sold price discount is greater for the units hammered dcwn earliest in the aucticxi. Finally, the regression in column the regression in column (5) , , vAiich is an unrestricted versicai of iixiicates (as must be the case since the order of sale is uncorrelated with correlated with the order in (6) vMch seile price) that the bid price is the vmit was hammered down even after controlling for the price at vAiich the \init was ultimately sold. Ill . Inpl ications Ihe data in this paper indicate that 37% of the condoniniums hananered dcwn in the aviction we attended were not, in fact, sold. Ihese units were sold a few weeks later in face to face bargaining, but at considerably Icwer prices than the identical units fetched at the auction. Iforeover, the discounts these resold units fetched were greater for those units hammered dcwn earlier in the auction, confirndng the "declining price anomaly." We think these enpirical results should surprise most econcndsts. 8 After all, more than 14,000 pecple visited the 83 imits on 2,348 pecple registered as bidders. and fully seile, Moreover, the coTdoninium units cai sale, vAiich are located on U.S. Hi^iway 1 behind a shopping mall, constitute a small fraction of the thousands of similar housing units located in the same area. Finally, many of these units were purchased by investors for the purpose of rescile and those bought for occupancy will no doubt be sold by their owners within a few years. In short, the bidders in this "ccOTnon value" auction (vAoere it is not known, at the time of the auction, the price an item will fetch in its subsequent use or scile) should have been expected to pay prices similar to the prices the units v^suld fetch vdien they were resold. The hi^ prices that aucti<^i bidders paid for these condominiums opens up the possibility that they were the subject of a "winner's curse" (vAiere buyers construct point estimates of the value of a property and feiil to shade their bids in anticipation of estimation error, as in Kagel and Levin (1986) .) More fundamentally, these data indicate that the market mechanism had a substantial effect on the prices at vdiioh these condominiums were sold and they raise some de^ questions about the strategies and infonnation the bidders brought to this auction. After the fact, it is obvious that the optimal strategy for a bidder would have been to tie vp a ccxTdominium with a hi^ bid, and then renege on its sale and renegotiate a evidence from this aucticxi indicates that few, if strategy. arr/, loKi^er price. Ihe btyers followed this We suspect that most buyers did not engage in this strategy because they were not aware of it. Ihis suggests that the auction seller has a considerable informational advantage over the buyers in a real estate auction, and that this advantage may have been put to good use in recent years to generate auctioneer profits at the expense of uninfonned buyers. REFERENCES Ashenfelter, Orley, "How Auctions Work for Wine and Art, " Journal nf Econcmic Perspectives . Sunmer 1989, 2r 23-36. Kagel, John and Levin, Dan, '"The Winner's Curse and Public Infonnaticai in Cannon Value Auctions," The American Econcmic Review . December 1986, 76, 894-920. McAfee, R. Preston and Vincent, Daniel, "Ihe Aftemocxi Effect," CMSIMS Discussion P^jer No. 961, Northwestern Uhiversity, Evanstcsi, Illinois, October 1991. Vanderporten, Bruce, "Timing of Bids at Pooled Real Estate Aucticxis," The Tntimal of Real Estate Finance and Eoonanics . forthocming, 1992. 10 J J c u Date Due f-^^-^z- MI, LIBRARIES DUPL 3 ^OflO OO??^!?