Extra Credit Assignment

Extra Credit Assignment
Due Friday December 7th
Explain a Vi Hart Video: http://www.youtube.com/user/Vihart
One of the most common responses I get when I say I am a math student is ”Oh...
I hated math.” One of my goals in life is to decrease the number of people with the
urge to say that. Vi Hart is a ”Recreational Mathemusician” best know for making
videos involving interesting mathematics. Her videos involve the kind of math that
you rarely get to see in an Algebra classroom but is the kind of math that got us
math majors hooked.
Your assignment is to watch one of Vi Hart’s math related videos and explain one of
its mathematical concepts to me. You have two options for this explaination:
• You can come to my office and discuss it with me in person (either during an
office hour of we can make an appointment).
• You can write up your explanation and turn it in. (I would guess about a page
will do). Make sure to include which video you watched.
Either way you can come in beforehand to ask me questions about the video and
clarify anything you don’t understand. I don’t want this to be a high stress project,
I just need to be able to tell that you watched the video and thought about it.
An acceptable explanation given to me will replace your third lowest quiz grade (your
lowest two being already dropped).
Alternatively, you can give your explanation in front of the class. Since this will be
more rewarding option an acceptable explanation to the class will be worth 5% added
to your final exam grade. If you plan to present in class you must let me know before
the midterm exam (Oct. 10th) so we can schedule a time.