LG 112: French II

LG 112: French II
Course Description:
LG 112 is the second half of a two-course sequence in French language. The goal of the course is
to achieve basic proficiency in speaking, understanding, writing and reading French as well as to
acquire a general knowledge of French-speaking cultures.
Required: Required: Valette and Valette Contacts (textbook with iLrn Heinle Learning Center),
available at the bookstore. If you have the book and access code from first semester, they will
work for this semester. You just need the course code. EJBR789
Course Prerequisites:
LG111 or the equivalent
Course Objectives:
The objective of the course is to provide you with the basic skills in all four areas of proficiency
in language learning: speaking, understanding, reading, and writing. The material is taught in a
cultural context that provides you with a basic knowledge of French and Francophone cultures.
This is an interactive course and attendance is mandatory.
Course Policies
You should plan to spend 2 – 3 hours of outside time learning the material for every hour spent
in the classroom (i.e. 2*3 = 6 and 3*3 = 9 – so 6 to 9 hours outside of class each week).
Since this is an interactive course and since each class represents just short of one week of
instruction, attendance is essential. You will be graded daily on your participation in classroom
activities, including full-group discussions and small-group exercises. You will earn full credit
ONLY when you arrive on time and come prepared for class and participate actively in all
aspects of the class. Lateness, coming without a book, use of a cell phone during class, text
messaging, lack of attentiveness to the exercises being done in class, or other disruptive behavior
will result in a lower participation grade. If you are absent you will earn no points for
participation that day, regardless of the reason you are absent.
Make-up examinations will be granted only in exceptional circumstances (for example illness, or
death in the family) and only with a call to me or to the office BEFORE the exam. In case of
illness, you will be obligated to provide a doctor’s note. Likewise, late assignments will not be
accepted. If you are going to be absent, please make arrangements to turn in you homework at
the office, or send it to class with another student. There will be no exceptions to these rules.
Cheating will not be tolerated. If you are caught cheating during an exam, you will receive a zero
on that particular exam. In addition, an official report of the incident will be filed with the chair
of the department. If you observe others cheating, you are encouraged to report the incident
(anonymously, if you prefer) to the instructor (see paragraph at the end of the syllabus on
academic integrity).
You are expected to have prepared the material in the section(s) for the following class before
the class day on which the material will be covered. Preparation of the material should include a
thorough study and mastery of the material through careful reading and repetition using the
electronic textbook. The better prepared you are, the better your grade is likely to be.
Daily quizzes over material to be covered in class the next day will be given in the first 5 to 10
minutes of class. If you are absent or late, the quiz may not be made up. I will, however, drop the
two lowest quizzes. The total quiz grade will count half of your participation grade.
SAM electronic homework is due by midnight of the day of the exam. Additional required
homework over material covered that day in class will be assigned from the book every day that
there is not an exam. This homework is due the next class day after it is assigned. If you are
absent from class, you are still responsible for finding out from a classmate what the homework
is and getting it to me the day it is due. You may put it in my box, send it with another student or
attach it to an e-mail message (learn to make accents in Word!).
The final examination for will be on Monday, 7 December from 10:30 – 12:30 in the classroom.
Evaluation and Grading:
Participation/ quizzes:
Chapter Exams
Oral Exams (5)
Oral Final
Written Final
Grading Scale
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, students with bona fide disabilities will be afforded
reasonable accommodation. The Office of Special Student Services will certify a disability and advise faculty
members of reasonable accommodations. If you have a specific disability that qualifies you for this program, please
notify your instructor and provide certification from the Office of Special Student Services, directed by Ms. Bernita
Pulmas and located in room 270 of the Student Center (telephone: 460-7212).
Since all classes do not progress at the same rate, the instructor may wish to modify these requirements or their
timing as circumstances dictate. For example, the instructor may wish to change the number and frequency of
exams, or the number and sequence of assignments. However, the students must be given adequate notification.
As a community of students and scholars, the University strives to maintain the highest standards of academic
integrity. All members of the community are expected to exhibit honesty and competence in academic work. This
responsibility can be met only through earnest and continuing effort on the part of all students and faculty. Any
dishonesty related to academic work or records constitutes academic misconduct including, but not limited to,
activities such as giving or receiving unauthorized aid in tests and examinations, improperly obtaining a copy of an
examination, plagiarism, misrepresentation of information, altering transcripts or university records. Academic
misconduct is incompatible with the standards of the academic community. Such acts are viewed as moral and
intellectual offenses and are subject to investigation and disciplinary action through appropriate University
procedures. Penalties may range from the loss of credit for a particular assignment to dismissal from the University.
Faculty, students, and staff are responsible for acquainting themselves with, adhering to, and promoting policies
governing academic conduct.