Institutional Adancement – Year-end Report – Part B – Planning and Assessment
The unified mission of the Kupferberg Holocaust Resource Center and Archives, Art Gallery and Queensborough Performing Arts Center is to take the cultural aspects of the subject areas we represent and transform them into social insights and actions
on the part of the diverse students and communities we service.
College strategic objectives:
Division strategic objectives:
1. Present ethnically diverse programs.
2. Expand number of departments integrating culturals
3. Attract visitor commerce
4. Expand outreach
1. Integrate culturals into the learning process
2. Attract visitor commerce
2014-15 Completion report (outcomes for this past academic year, based on last year’s year-end report, section F)
Key performance indicators
Present a rich array of culturally and ethnically
diverse programs for Queensborough
Community College and the community at large
in an effort to educate, enlighten, enrich and
entertain individuals of all ages.
Target outcomes
To advance the image, scope, diversity and
creativity of cultural activities for both the
campus and the external communities through
artistic and educational programming.
Actual outcomes
Ethnically diverse programs of the highest quality have been maintained. The Art Gallery produced 11 exhibitions; the
KHRCA produced/displayed 3 exhibitions and facilitated 35 public programs; and QPAC programmed and presented:
15 Professional Performances, 84 Children’s Educational Programs, 3 Movie Sing-alongs, 4 Afterschool Enrichment
Programs, 2 Lunchtime Theatre Programs, 25 Campus Departmental Events, 2 Community Performances, 80 Facility
Rentals [Total: 215 Events].
Expansion in the number of academic
departments/ students participating in KHRCA,
Art Gallery and QPAC offerings
To encourage both teachers and students to
go beyond the boundaries of the classroom to
investigate the problems and successes that
affects them not as students but as members
of a larger community.
Maintain and/or increase the number of
visitors to the KHRCA and Art Gallery, and for
QPAC the number of tickets sold over previous
The Art Gallery conducted 61 "learning to look" tours, KHRCA had 43 student interns, 2,198 students in 11 academic
Continue as before.
departments, 9 NEH related programs with 1,190 attendees, and participated in 7 Academic Service-Learning Projects;
and QPAC saw a more than 15% increase in student/faculty participation at QPAC from the FY14 baseline reports
(from 506 to 610).
The KHRCA had 9,960 visitors to the Center for programs and classes and a total of 23, 222 total exhibit views, the Art
Gallery saw 7371 visitors this season, and QPAC increased its overall number of tickets sold (9914), and saw an
increase participation in children’s programs from 53,000 to over 65,000.
Continue as before.
Better serve those patrons who are already
visiting the campus and those purchasing
tickets for QPAC who live in the surrounding
areas, as well as those who live in Nassau,
Suffolk, Brooklyn, Bronx & Manhattan.
The KHRCA offered free programs for 22 schools and organizations in the NYC area, The Art Gallery collaborated with
The Association for Neurologically Impaired Brian Injured Children (ANIBIC) to present a community outreach
exhibition. The Art Gallery also acquired The New Mankind, a sculpture series by Asian artist Wenzhi Zhang to
promote a cultural exchange between Queenborough, Guangzhou University, China, and the community. QPAC's
ticket sales reflected a significant increase in the # of tickets sold on Long Island (up 30%), in New York City (not
including Queens, up 20%), and an increase in sales in Queens (up 12%) in FY15 .Total # sold is over 9914.
Continue as before. Keep
websites/facebook pages updated,
expand/collect emails, place strategic
Foster the importance of cultural awareness for
community development and for the economic
growth and vitality of the region, particularly to
enhance the quality of life and attract
corporate, convention and visitor commerce.
Expand outreach to attract visitors in
underserved communities and in those
neighborhoods within 30 miles of
Queensborough College.
Mid-year status report due end of January.
Completion report due early July (specific deadlines may vary by year).
Recommended action plans*
The same approach will continue as
Institutional Adancement – Year-end Report – Part B – Planning and Assessment
2015-16 Department strategic plan (arranged by each division strategic objective that the department supports)
Division strategic objectives
Integrate culturals into the
learning process.
Attract visitor commerce.
Department strategic objectives
Systematically integrate the KHRCA, Art
Gallery and Performing Arts into the learning
process and provide cultural and artistic
opportunities to Queensborough students.
Foster the importance of cultural awareness
within the community for the economic
growth and vitality of the region and to
enhance the quality of life.
Increase student participation by
5% as compared to previous year's
baseline reports.
Expected outcomes
Continue to increase student
participation by 5% as compared to
previous year's baseline reports.
Maintain/Increase the number of
visitors to the KHRCA, Art Gallery
and QPAC.
Increase the number of visitors to the
KHRCA, Art Gallery and QPAC.
Action plan/timeline
Develop the "Cultural Connections" with the help of the
Academic Senate’s Cultural & Archival Resource Committee;
meet with Department Chairs and Faculty to help facilitate
lesson plans utilizing the Cultural centers.
Meet with community leaders, update websites, facebook,
twitter, advertise and attend networking events to help
promote services.
Actual outcomes
Add tables for additional division strategic objectives and corresponding department strategic objectives, as needed.
For each division strategic objective, the department should have one or more strategic objectives intended to support that department in the achievement of the division objective. Each department strategic objective should have at least one indicator (key performance indicator) and one expected outcome, with an action plan and timeline to
achieve that outcome.
At the mid-year point, the department reports partial or preliminary outcomes. At the end of the year, the department reports actual outcomes.
An indicator is the measurement by which the objective will be assessed. The outcome is the product of the work in support of achieving the objective. For example, if the strategic objective for Admissions is “to expand feeder high schools,” the indicator might be “applications received from new feeder high schools,” and the expected outcome
might be “at least one application from five new feeder high schools.”
Mid-year status report due end of January.
Completion report due early July (specific deadlines may vary by year).