\ KTY EXN$*3 PHYSICS221 FALL 2OO4 EXAM 3 Name (printed): ID Number: SectionNumber: Recitation Instructor: INSTRUCTIONS: i. Put away all materials except for pens, pencils, erasers and your calculator. ii. This is a 90 minute exam and contains 25 multiple choiceproblems. All problems are worth 3 points each. iii. In marking the multiple choicebubble sheetuse a number 2 pencil. Do NOT use ink. If you did not bring a pencil, ask for one. Fill in the appropriate circles completely. If you need to change any entry, you must completely eraseyour previous entry. Also, circle your answers on this exam. iv. Carefully read each problem and its five possible answers before beginning to work the problem. Selectone and only one answer for each problem. Choosethe answer that is closestto the correct one. v. Pleaseturn over or cover your bubble sheetwhen you are not marking it. vi. Before handing in your exam, be sure that your answerson your bubble sheetare what you intend them to be. If you want to, copy down your answers on a piece of unused scratch paper for comparison with the answer key to be posted later. vii. When you are finished with the exam, place all exam materials, including the bubble sheet,the exam itself, and scratch paper that you used for the exam, in your folder and return the folder to your recitation instructor. viii. No cell phone calls allowed. Either turn off your cell phone or leave it at home. Anyone taking cell phone calls (must leave the testing room) will not be allowed to return. GOOD LUCK!! PHYSICS22I EXAM 3 FALL 2OO4 55. a,_ Two insulatingsheetshavechargeQr. andQn uniformly distributedthroughouttheir volumes.PointA is half-way betweenthe two sheets.For which valuesof Ql andQn { will E at point A havethe largestmagnitude? Qq : ,,3\Qr + q (}PL:*e Qn:+9 Qn:-g C) Ql:+2q Q n= + 2 q D) AnswersA andB areequalandlargerthananswerC. E) AnswersA andC areequalandlargerthananswerB. 56. Which of the following graphsbestrepresents the lS(rll for a charged,conductingsphere with radiusR? E t \ \ 1 \ t\ t ' t \ \ \ \ 57. A boardis suppportedby two triangularcross sectionstandsasshown. Everythingis at rest. The net torqueD"i is evaluatedfour times: aboutpoint l, point 2, point 3 andpoint4. Which of the followineis correct? '*3 1 ,t-- A) The net torqueaboutpoint I is the largest. B) The net torqueaboutpoint 3 is the largest. C) The net torqueaboutpoint 3 is largerthanthe net torqueaboutpoints2 and4 but smallerthanthe nettorqueaboutpoint l. _D) The net torqueaboutpoint 2 andthe net torqueaboutpoint 4 arethe smallest. net torqueaboutiach point is the same. @the Two point chargesarelocatedon thex-a,xis.gr is at x : 0 andgz is locatedat x : 2. If E = 0 for somegiven0< x'<2 thenwhichof the followingis true? 58. j ( Yl gr andQ2musthaveoppositesigns. Dqt md qz musthavethe samesign. lq,ltruttoequal lezl D) Both A andC. E) Both B andC. A + 4 nC point chargeis separatedby somedistancefrom an + 8 nC point charge. If the force experiencedbythe +4 nC chargeis F:0.1 N? - 0.2 NJ, what is the force experiencedby the +8 nC charge? 59. , f Ly- l A 0.1\i +0.2Nj B)+0.lNi-0.2Nj c) * 0.2N?+ 0.4Nj D) + 0.2N?- 0.4NJ E) + 0.2Ni + 0.4Nj 60. A stick restson a horizontalfrictionlesstable.A puck with initial speedve hits the stick at oneend.Which of the following quantitiesis conservedin this collision?(p : total linearmomenfum,L: total angularmomenfum,KE : total kinetic energy) A) L only B) p only C) p andKE only andKE only -AL lyb 61. andL only A personhasjust arrangeda 5.0-mlong,uniform,boardof massl0 kg sothatit rests atoptwo wedgesplacedunderthe left endand2.0 m from the right end,asshownin the figure below.A 3.0-kgsmallbox (pointmass)is placedon the right endof the board. Find the magnitudeof the normalforceexertedby the left wedgeon the boardjust after the box hasbeenplaced. A) 77N B) 64N c) 5lN D 3.3N Gilo.oN \*-/ The figure below is the position vs time graph of a particle in simple harmonic motion. \ tl C) L Cg C' u) I\ I t I \ I t I I \ I I I x \. - t I I 62. I t I \ I / (l square: I s ) t I I I Theamplitudeof the motionis: A) 2m @o* C) 6m D) 8m E) lOm Theperiodof the motionis: 63. /-( A) 2s (E+s C) 5s D) 7s E) 13s 64. The x(t) functioncanbe written asx(t) : A cos(at+il. Determinethe phaseangleQ. A) ---^ -71 (-p)-nt2 c)0 D) +r/2 E) +r A positivepoint chargeis broughtneara neutralmetalslab,without touchingit. Both the point chargeandthe slabaresurrounded by vacuum(a perfectinsulator).What is the resultingelectrostaticforcebetweenthe two objects? 65. F,\ I \ due to the induced chargeseparationin the metal slab. \A)ettraction, B) Attraction, due to the net negative chargeinduced in the metal slab. C) Repulsion, due to the induced chargeseparationin the metal slab. D) Repulsion, due to the net positive chargeinduced in the metal slab. E) There is no electrostaticforce betweenthem. 66. An electron moving in the +x direction entersa region with a uniform electric field E = Eo j. Choosethe option that best describesthe trajectoryof the electron. Eoj electron o{::: ,...IL C tta v+ I l----+ 67. r A dipole is placed in a uniform electric field as shown in the figure. Which of the following statementsis true? net forceon the dipoleis zeroandthe nettorqueis zero. )\The qpy'The net forceon the dipoleis zeroandthe nettorqueproducesa clockwiserotation. C) The net forceon the dipoleis to the right andthe net torqueis zero. D) The dipoleis in stableequilibrium. E) The dipole is in unstableequilibrium. The figtre belowrepresents the orbit of a cometaroundthe sun.[n which of the indicated pointsis the speedof the cometgreatest? 68. Comet A ( n)xtpoint I. Yl AtpointII. C) At point III. D) At point IV. E) The speedis the sameat all pointsin the orbit. A light weightrotor (ignoreits mass)hastwo point-like 100g massesthat canbe in two positions. 69. lQ<,w\ <.-) !C) <an tos its verticaloris with a periodof I .0s,what is the rotor's If at t : 0 the rotor spins.about = periodat t l0s, afterthe masseshaveslid out to their newpositions? ,r4a L4) 4.0s B) 2.0s C) 1.0s D) 0.50s E) 0.25s 70. A workerusesa light thin rod (teat asmassless) to pick up a 5.00kg mass. Theworker'sright hand is at the far endof the rod, the worker'sleft handis 0.600m from his right handandthe 5.00kg masscan be approximatedasa point masslocated2.00m from the worker'sright hand. Whatmagnitudeof forcemust the worker'sleft handprovideto maintainthe rod and massin the horizontalconfigtrationshown? A) 49.0N B) 9 8 . 0N c) 71. il4N 1 4 7N 1 6 3N A2.0 kg massattached to a massless springoscillatesbetween*.25 cm on a frictionless horizontaltrack. If at x:0 themasshasa speedof 3.0 m/s,whatis theperiodof the oscillation? A) 8.3 x l0-2s rej 5.2x lo-rs >C r.2x lors D) 1.4x 102s E) 2.9 x 102s 72. A massis launcheddirectlyupwardalongthe radialdirectionfrom the earth'ssurface with an initial speedof l0 km/s. Whatwill the mass'sspeedbe whenit is 2000km from the earth'ssurface? A) 2.23km/s B) 4.46km/s 6.19km/s A ( D) 8.38km/s tt.zlcmls E 73. A satelliteis in a circularorbit 1000km aboveearth'ssurface.What is the magnitudeof its velocity? fo)t.rs x lo'm/s Bt 7.90x lo3m/s C) 1.00x 104m/s D) 1.50x l04m/s E) 2.00x 104m/s A protonis releasedfrom restin a uniform electricfield. Theprotonaccelerates verticallydownwardfor 5.00ps traveling5.00m. Whatis the sizeanddirectionof the electricfield? 74. A) 2.30N/C upward. B) 2.30N/C downward. -e) 4.18 x 103N/C upward x lo3 N/c dfwnward. 6\4.18 230 x loa N/c upward. V 75. Let va and vs be the escapespeedsfrom Earth fortwo objectsof massesma and rrrB: 2 mn. Determinethe ratio valvg. A) U4 &r E)4 A squareof side20 cm is placedon the xz planein a regionof spacewherethe electric field is E - 300N/C (cos25" i+ sin 25" l). Whatis themagnitudeof thenet electricflux throughthe square? 76. /'4 A ) 3 . 1N . m 2 l c Q)5.rN.mz/c Cl 8.3N .mzlc D ) 1 2N . m z / C E ) 1 5N . m z / C EXTRA CREDIT Two point chargesQ and-a (a : 25.0nC) areplacedon the x-axis.The negativecharge is at x - -2.00cm andthepositivechargeis at x : 4.00cm.Determinethe electricfield at x : 2.00cm, on the x-axis. 77. A) + 7.03x lOsN/C ? ( BD-7.03x ro5N/c T , f t . t A )50 D) +4.22 x 105N/C ? E) - 4.22x 105N/C ? 78. A point chargeQ: -3.0nC is placedat distanced = 4.0 m from an infinite,insulating sheetwith uniform chargedensityo : 40 pClmz.Find the magnitudeof the electricforce on the point chargedueto the sheet. A) 6.8 x 10-6N B) 6.8 x l0-5N -g\ 6.8 x l0-4N a)6.8 x to'3N N D o.sx to-2 79. For this question, use the samesheetand point chargeas in the previous problem. Let O be the net electric flux through a Gaussiancube of side a : I m placed as shown in the figure below (with two sidesparallel to the sheet),and let Ep be the magnitude of the net electric field at point P, located on the side of the cube that is closestto the point charge. How do these quantities changeif the point chargeis moved to the right? @ a A) B) C) @ E) Q increases, Ep increases. O remainsthe sams,Ep increases. O decreases, Ep decreases. O remainsthe surme, Ep decreases. O remainsthe same,Ep remainsthe same.