some studentserroneouslyincludeforcesthat arenot actingon the object.For eachforce you includeyou shouldbe ableto point to somethingin the environmentthat is exertilg the force. This simpleprocedureshouldpreventyou from erroneouslyincluding a normaliorce, for example,whenthe objectyou areconsideringis not in contactwith a surface. 4. Dmw a coordinatesystemon the diagram.In principle,the placementandorientationof the coordinatesystemdo not matterasfar asobtainingthe cofiect answeris concemedbut somechoicesreducethe work involved.Ifyou canguessthe direction ofthe acceleratign, placeoneofthe axesalongthat direction.The accelerationofaa object sliding on a surface at rest,suchasa tabletop or inclined plane,for example,is parallelto the surface.once the coordinatesystemis drawn,label the angleeachforcemakeswith a coordinateaxis. This will be helpful in writing down the componentsof the forcesIater. The diagram,with all forcesshownbut without the coordinatesystem,is caileda free-body diagram.we addthe coordinatesystemto help us carryout the next stepin the solutionof the problem. 5. WriteNeuton'ssecondlaw in component form: Fnet,=mar, F'6y: rflayand,if necessary, Fngt2:ma2,The ieft sidesof theseequationsshouldcontainthe appropriatecomponentsof the forcesyou drew on your diagram.You shouldbe ableto write the equationsby inspectionof yow diagram.Usealgebraicslmbols to wdte them,not numbers;most problemsgive or ask for force magnitudessoyou shouldusuallywrite eachforce componentastheproductofa magnitudeandthe sineor cosineofan appropriateangie 6. Ifmore than oneobjectis importrant,aswhentwo objectsareconnectedby a string,you can sometimestreatthemasa singleobject.To do this you mustknow that their accelerations arethe same.on the otherhand,ifyou areaskedfor the forceof oneobject on another,you must carryout the stepsgiven aboveseparateiyfor eachobject.Thereis then an additional conditionyou must consider.Usually the conditionis that the magnitudesoftheir accelerationsarethe same.You mustthen invokeNewton'sthird iaw: the force of the two objectson eachotherareequalin magnitudeandoppositein direction.Usethe same algebraicsymbolto representttre magnitudesofthese forcesanddraw their arrowsin oppositedirectionson the free-bodydiagrams. 7. Identi$ the known quantitiesand solve for the unknowns. Questionand ExampleProblemsfrom Chapter5 Question1 The figwe below showsoverheadviews of four situationsin which forcesact on a block that lies on a frictioniessfloor. If the force magnitudesme chosenproperly,in which situationsis it possiblethat the block is (a) stationaryand(b) movirg with a constantvelocity? (a) ( u) zu-tu--b.-v I aq ir Question2 The body that is suspended by a rope in the figure below hasa weight of75 N. Is T equalto, greaterthan,or lessthan 75 N whenthe body is moving downwardat decreasingspeed? -s) a {)+4,"b )^+r ""A Lo v-v</Yv;,ad,/'aAla ,l tI iI la J/ t ?5N Question3 In the figure below,two forces 4 ^a F, areappliedto a lunchboxasit slidesat constant velocityovera frictionlessfloor.We areto decrease theangle0 of { withoutchangingthe magnitudeof .{ . 1a;To keepthe lunch box sliding at constantvelocity, shouldwe increase, decrease,or maintainthe magnitudeof { f it; Wfrat happensto the normal force aswe decreasethe angle0 of { ? rE1 (^) llf^*l (r) Question4 The figure showsfour choicesfor the direction ofa force of magnitudeF to be appliedto a block on an inclined plaae. The directionsareeitherhorizonlal or vertical. (For choicesa and b, directionsareeitherhorizontalor vertical. (For choicesa andb, the force is not enoughto lift the block offt}e plane.)Ralk the choicesaccordingto the magrritudeof the normalforce on the block from the plane,greatestfirst. d, c, a, t ProblemI The helicopterin tle drawingis moving horizontallyto the right at a constantvelocity. The weight of the helicopteris 53,800N. The lift forceL generatedby the rotatingblademakesan angleof 21.0owith respectto the vertical. (a) What is the magnitudeof the lift force? (b) Determinethe magnitudeof the air resistanceR that opposesthe motion. 21.0" /'-z)l'o" L Lax'Il,o" tF-=f)c\*=o l=r-mor-o L /t.ut t1.6o- (, L = /^at" = o 4 = lr';n, al"o =O -- (5.?t"lDtN) a.r' 3 l,o" 53.,8ooP +..--_? ooc ).1.o' A"oJ^161 Problem2 Accelerometer.A small massm hangsfrom a thin string andcan swinglike a attachit abovethe window of your car asshownin the figure below. when theiar is at rest,the shing hangsvertically. what angledoesthe stringmake(a) whenthe car accelerates at a constantrateof 1.20rnls', and (b) whenthe car movesat a constantvelocity. v : 90 km&? t_ I L6.O r\ 'kT \ \l 6\ Ts'.o I <---1 \ II tI )' L l-J I y > t.r'\ ^ r \-' r ' | r { - A Y - ^t Trotg-Sg =o T= *u/*, a) e =h^-'(Yi = s-? r- = A l-* fo4x -]-,ti\O ing L mg Y i xJ ,o$/?,01x k#'o'!j+t = M4.^ (nTr*o) o," a = rl ex ---i bn O = 7* y'r \ (5' , ) . \_-,, q= \) nl5 Ab |--._--_-_r lr'. I IV=U T Problem3 In the figuretelow, two forces, 4 ^a F,, act a 50.0 kg cratethat sits on a frictionlessfloor. The magritudeof Fr is 255N andit is appliedat a 40oangle.The magnitudeof F2is 55N. (a) What is the normalforce exertedon the crate?(b) What is the crate'sacceieration? 3 Ea-^tto' F rl f ,c-ac9o" (q) <] ) F Fv = Foay :o /. \ s-l - ) l-y = o4v (b, lTt + F, A.rmqo" _ co at = O e^. [ "aato'- f= f,cott1o"- Yr. n^,, ? 'l\ = m? l - , A t r n4 o " /l\^ m C\x -( )tsN) oo-tt1o'_-.'519 =.,( Eo,"o Fs) , (Esrt) ax"., q o- o.oKq Problem4 frictionlesspulley (alsoof negligiblemass).The arrangementis know asAtwood's machine. Oneblock hasa massmr = 1.30kg; the otherhasmassm2= 2.80 kg. What are(a) the magnitude ofthe block's accelerationand (b) the tensionin the cord? fn a Tfqr , 9!'o.h J )e'i4 aq.-ct!-uaXQ "+u"A Xr!i.9\ ), );-!! azxp.pu',ah ,Jsur^ura^"AA -> r,wrr" * @. ffr.y^An^"^Ed,!o$at"^a i,u 4" D, /Ja\'< 4or e^'"9Lhen<^ ,1 ^x\aA4 1""" I i J 4 tq /drryw'r9[t "a + ," t F.,' t t = lYtdv= o --t'q,%'fqrq - - - - ) T- tfl, ? T /t, m,X+$,4 (') .'._:: I /T./\4,ar'I: I ? lr L tq A+N,"g d,ourr) IFy=..)ay=o oo+: m^q (r) ,v.i"1a; --+ ma3-(n,Xtrr,o) = rnla ----) _-p:+ (a) a = ( A"Iorr - 1,1oyn)( "f s,) ( l.:ors*]"volg) 3.51-fs\ q = (rq+-rrr,)g ( n, r+ t^tr*; ( b ) ptr^WY o =3,51^/s',rnb(r) or (t),.,*X,*F=n;il Z= tr.qN Problem5 In the figure below, let the massofthe block be 8,5kg andthe angle0 be 30o.Find (a) the tensionin th6 cord and (b) the norrnalforce actingon the block. (c) Ifthe cord is cut, find the resultingaccelerationof the block. ;$x* an+ &w^: \-2 * m34rto0 (o) X F* - N4,r --o 7- m3ai",g= P f - nqg^/^.re'= (SJKgx9"to*/5)On, to- f= 4aN (b) !F t t (") =frrar;o - tngco.o--o ------1 = -Z caO = (Z"SYg)(,/sr)rc^a-tJa" T\ =?aru m.-".t ,t5, tF-o r^t f = b XF., = N)ay ---->-ro3n.l^"D = roq/ g= -cI3,,/r) srn3o. QY= -a ,r".r Problem 6 In the fgure below, a block of weight w1 = 100.0N on a frictionlessinclined planeof angle l5o is connectedby a cord over a massless,frictionlesspulley to a secondblock of weight wz : 30.0N. (a) What arethe magnitudeanddirectionof the aecelerationof eachblock? (b) What is the tensionin tle cord? ur t = loo.o N -----rfD, = 10.? l(e Jq ajArvyn4 w^ o-r*-oh"ofua "la -u,""^) ^-Lr, -r- 1d\T *a"rhX". v /t \/z I mi,f / \ $$QcU Y/( (l) a*,c*"rha f - *,,ga,vn0 = ilrg = ,n,q - ,^.,,t,0.,r,rg - fcr, q f) = tfl-,q ' oo I c ).}/rrO ( r'r, +vn'') I -lq '-' ( b) ( to'et<g+ 3.oaKe) =w = o"3lr/r.r.t ]Jo^.W (t) -ff.,2r.r {.-11r; f= 7-= l\ (:) --.---- il, jr,,rO (.rg-m,q) u+ pv XF* = roa- \.r' \)* Pd(')-) u)x= 3o.og ----) Da= ?.o6l(g m'9 - l\'9 = (:".oN)-(2."u$)(o.zrr/s,) =EU. rQ + rr't,?-a-fnO = (ro.rfj)(o.3 | */s) . 15 = W f (roon),o.i-, Problen 7 The figure below showsa box of massm2= 1.0kg on a frictionlessplaneinclined at angle0 = 30'. It is connectddby a cord ofnegligible massto abox m1: 3.0 kg on a horizontalfrictionlesssurface, The pulley is frictionlessandmassless.(a) If the magnitudeof the horizontalforce F is 2.3 N, what is the tensionin the connectingcord?(b) What is the largestvaluethe magnitudeof F may have without the cord becomingslack? 0.f\ I -.?:4a<91q, ". l=l ,dab;r,rd rv$,l .a+ , 19,g XF*=mq* nlea"\ m^. \ \ n- o\t'vr\i a4t2 a2 wwa: rf\ v 4 \ ery','er" u'*A q X n.,.=rr)e* (_ (T+ a) f o a g r C , w r O - T =M a q (a) mxga.[n$ N\sgcddo r^aA Q= f 0 r $ , A , t v r r $ *F = f q , Q + m s q l+3.,:,l"nO + F = ( r . o l < g ) C 1 . 5 4 " / s l ) i / ^3oo " * a . : N l"rl,+fq. A = l"trn'/.* -----J t r (b) $" @4,J,-bac"o'r! )p"^rl\ Ed dh C') -a.3N T=D,q-F = (r.otfu)(t.sq/s,) f = 3"tN ,a"e*l l-= oN -$a,o'n(a) 1 l.olrg+ l.aK9 m*3,a,u0-o= sa4 --+ q = gz n g, = (t.8n/s,) axn?o" A = At e 9' vn' U^>1 . \ v\ ----- b^rtt) , -- I\rQ | + l- -> F. *lq = (:.ole)(4.qn/sJ)