Ilililrililtlilililtililtililfi os - 400 tr VersionCode | |I SemesterB.Gom./8.B.M./8.H.M.Examination, OctoberNovember2012 (SemesterScheme) (Freshand Repeaters) COMPUTER SCIENCE ComputerFundamentals QuestionBookletSl. No. TimeAllowed:SHours 25846 Maximum Marks : 90(R)/ 100(F) INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES . Repeatershaveto answerg0 questions only(Priorto 2011-12) . Freshershaveto answer100questions(2011-12andonwards) 1. lmmediately afterthecommencement youshouldcheckthat of the,Examination, thisBookletdoesnot haveanyunprinted or tornor missingpagesor items,etc.lf anyof theabovedefectsis found,get it replacedby a CompleteQuestionBooklet of the availableseries. 2. WriteclearlytheQuestionBookletVersionCodeA, B, C, D or E, in theappropriate spaceprovidedfor the purpose,in the OMRAnswerSheet. 3. Enterthe nameof the Subject,Reg.No.,.Question Bookletversioncodeandaffix Signature ontheOMRsheet.As theanswersheetsaredesigned to suittheOptical MarkReader(O.M.R.)system,special"care shouldbe takento fill thoseitems accurately. 4. ThisQuestionBookletcontains100questions carryingequalmarks.All questions mustbe attempted. Eachquestion contains fouranswers, amongthemonecorrect answershouldbe selectedandshadethe.corresponding optionin theOMRsheet. 5. Alltheanswersshouldbe markedonlyon the OMRsheetprovidedandonlywith a black or blue ink ball pointpen. lf morethan one circleis shaded/ wrongly shaded/ halfshadedfor a givenquestionno markswiilbe awarded. 6. lmmediately afterthefinalbellindicating theclosureoftheexamination, stopmaking anyfurthermarkingsin the OMRAnswerSheet.Be seatedtill the OMRAnswer Sheetis collected. AfterhandingovertheOMRAnswerSheetto the Invigilator you mayleavethe examination hall. P.T.O. -2- os - 400 lllllillllillllilllillllil ? 1. Whois the Fatherof theComPuter a) HermanHollerith c) KonardZuse b) CharlesBabbage d) JohnVonNeumann 2. WhatdoesIBMstandfor ? Machines a) InternationalBureau BillingMachines c) International Machines Business b) lnternational Machines Banking d) lnternational 3. ttttic,gS$Slters arealsoknownas a) PersonalComputers c) SuperComputers b) MiniComputers d) WorkStation operations is usedforinternal whichcomponent 4. Insecondgeneration b) Vacuumtube a) Transistors d) Noneof these cards c) Punched ? basedonapplication ofcomputers 5. Whichofthefollowingis nottheclassification b) AnalogComputers Computers a) Electronic d) HybridComputers c) DigitalComputers 6. ENIACstandsfor a) ElectricalNumerator[nternetAnatogandComputer AnalogComputer Numberof Internet b) Electrical Analyzer Computer Internet Numerator c) Electrical andComputer IntegratorAnalyzer Numerator d) Electronic 7. Eachcomputerhasa differentbinarycodedprogramcalleda b) Program a) Languages Languages d) Program Language c) Machine is information devicethatconvertsrawdataintomeaningful 8. Theelectronic d) mouse c) printer b) computer a) calculator SPACEFORROUGHWORK A os - 400 -3- llllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllll 9. LSIstandsfor a) largescaleintegration integration b) linearscale c) leastscaleintegration d) noneof these alsoknownas 10. Palmtops a) personaldigitalassistant c) postdigitalassistant b) properdigitalassistant d) noneof these processbothanaloganddigitalis called 11. Thecomputerthat a) Analogcomputer b) Digitalcomputer c) Hybridcomputer computer d) Mainframe 12. CAMstandsfor a) CameraAidingMultimedia Machine Answering b) Computer Manufacturing c) ComputerAided d) Noneof these is valid? 13. Whichstatement a) 1 KB=1024bytes c) 1 MB= 1000kilobytes b) 1 MB -2048 bytes d) 1 KB = 1000bytes 44? 14.Whatis thebinaryequivalentot a) 101100 b) 111000 c) 101010 d) 101101 of 10110and10101is 15.Addition a) 101101 b) 101011 c) 101010 d) 111000 16. Decimal of 1010 is equivalent a)15 b)12 c)10 SPACEFOR ROUGHWORK A d)B os - 400 lllllllllllllllll 4- 17. MOUSEstandsfor Operation SearchEngine a) Mechanical UserSearchEngine b) Mechanical UserSearchEngine c) MechanicalOperated Engine OptMechanical d) Mechanical 18. ALUis LogicUnit a) Arithmetic LogicUnit c) Application b) ArrayLogicUnit d) Noneof above 19. CD-ROMstandsfor ReadOnlyMemory a) Compactable b) CompactDataReadOnlyMemory DiskReadOnlyMemory c) Compactable d) CompactDiskReadOnlyMemory 20. An errorin computerdatais called b) Bug a) Chip c) CPU 21. MICRstandsfor Reader a) MagneticInkCharacter c) MagneticInkCasesReader b) MagneticInkCodeReader d) None 22. Thebrainof anycomputersystemis a) ControlUnit c) CentralProcessing Unit LogicUnit b) Arithmetic d) StorageUnit d) Storagedevice 23. To accomplish a taska computerhasto processdatainthreestages.Theyare: -------+ Output a) CU -------------+Processing b) Input----:------+ALU ------e CPU -----+ Software c) Hardwdre d) Input SPACEFOR ROUGHWORK A os - 400 '$ Itlllllt of unit(CPU)consists processing 24.Thecentral andProcessing outPut a) InPut, storage andsecondary storage unit,primary b) Control unit unit,arithmetic-logic c) Control storage andprimary unit,processing, d) Control 25. AbYteconsistsof b) Fourbits d) Sixteenbits a) Onebit c) Eightbits 26. TheCPUis alsoknownas a) TheBrainof thecomPuter Unit c) TheCentralProcessing b) Theprocessor d) Alloftheabove 27. Floppydiskis generallynamedas a) a: b) b: 28. OCRstandsfor a) OpticalCharacterRecognition characterreader c) OPtical 29. PROMstandsfor ROM a) Programmable c) PreROM c) c: d) d: b) OpticalCacheRecognition d) Opticalcamerarecognition b) PersonalROM d) PostROM 30. Mainfunctionof OMRis a)Torecognizecertainpre.specifiedtypesofmarksbypenorpenci| b) Notusedfor exams c) Usedfor multiplechoicequestions d) Botha andc A SPACEFOR ROUGHWORK os-400 + 31. Microprocessors canbe usedto make a) Computer c) Calculators llllllllllillllil b) Digitalsystems O Allof theabove 32. Theblinking symbolon thecomputer screenis calledthe a) mouse b) cursor c) hand d) patm 33. Thedeviceusedto carrydigitaldataon analoglinesis calledas a) Modem b) Multiplexer c) Modulator d) Demodulator 34. A hardcopywouldbe preparedon a a) Lineprinter c) Typewriterterminal b) Dotmatrixprinter d) Alloftheabove 35. Binarynumbersystemhas a) 10digits(0-9) c) 1 digit(1) b) 3 digits(_1, 0,1) d) digits(0,1) 36. Theoctalequivalence of 111010is a)81 c) 71 ilT2 d) Noneof these 37. An operatingsystem a) helpsin checking thespelling of word b) maintain therelationship in database c) managesthe resources of thecomputer d) performsthe calculations of cellsin Excel 38. whichof thefollowing is an essentialfile of a MS-Dosbootdisk? a) COMMAND.COM b) START.COM c) TREE.COM d) VER.COM SPACEFOR ROUGHWORK A ItnlultH os - 400 :7' 39. Commandusedto copya filein dos? b) copy a) cp c) rm d) copied 4O.Fullformof MS-DOSis a)MicroSystemDiskoperatingsystemb)MicroSimp|eDiskoperatingS c)MicroSoftDiskoperatingsystemd)MicroSortDiskoperatingSystem thatis empty? 41. whichcommandis usedto deletethedirectory d) Md c) Erase b) Rd a) Del*.* in MS-Dos ? 42. whichcommandcreatesa directoryor subdirectory d) Bothb andc c) Md b) Mkdir a) Dir isthe 43. Scanner a) inputdevice c) botha andb b) outPutdevice d) noneoftheabove systemthatwe cansee makesupthecomputer equipmentwhich 44.Thephysical andtouchis called c) Programmer d) none b) hardware a) software occursi'e',allmathematical 45. Thepartof the cPU whereactualdataprocessing is andallcomparisons calculations b) ALU a) controlunit d) none c) Memorystorageunit thecPUandthemainmemory between whichisplaced tastmemory 46.Temporary is calledas a) ROM c) Cashmemory 47. RAMis alsocalledas a) Mainmemory memory c) DYnamic b) Cachememory d) Bothb andc memory b) Secondary d) Noneofabove SPNCEFOR ROUGHWORK A os - 400 |ililillfiiltilt 48. Compiler is a a) Systemsoftwareto converthighlevelprogramto machinelevelprogram b) Nota software c) Hardware d) Operating system 49. Memorywhichforgetseverything whenyouswitchoffthe poweris knownas a) Conupted c) Non-Volatile b) Volatile d) Non-Corrupted 50. Whichofthefollowing command is usedto makemultiple changesina document? a) findcommand b) replacecommand c) spelling andgrammar d) thesaurus 51. Bold,ltalic,Regularareknownas a) fontstyles c) wordart b) fonteffects d) texteffects 52. ltalicsallowsyouto emphasize textby a) Addinga blinkingbackground b) Slantingthetextto the left c) Placingthetextabovethebaseline d) Slantingthetextto the right 53. Thewordwrapfeatures a) Automatically movetextto the nextlinewhennecessary b) Allowsyouto checkthe spellingmistakes c) Allowsyouto typeovertext d) ls thesorthorizontal lineindicating theendof document 54. Thefeaturesupportedby manywordprocessors thatenablesto do massmailingis a) Mailings b) Letterandmailings c) Mailmerging d) Email SPACEFOR ROUGHWORK A os - 400 -e lllillillllllllllllllllllilllllllll of a rowanda columnis calledas the Intersection 55. In a spreadsheet b) Celladdress a) Cellpointer d) Activecell c) Cell 56. On an excelsheetthe activecellis indicatedby b) A dottedborder a) A darkwideborder d) Noneof above c) A blinkingborder is of usinga spreadsheet 57. Theadvantage canbe doneautomatically a) calculations updatescalculations dataautomatically b) changing c) moreflexibilitY d) allof the above 58. Therearethreetypesof datafoundin a spreadsheet a) data,words,numbers labels numbers, c) words, data,numbers b) equations, labels formulas, d) numbers dialogbox? is notan optioninthespelling 59. Whichof thefollowing d) Change c) lgnoreall b) lgnore a) Edit 60. Whichtypesof chartscanexcelproduce? b) Onlylinegraphs a) LinegraphsandPiechartsonlY c) Barcharts,linegraphsandpiecharts d) Barchartsandlinegraphsonly ? in a spreadsheet 61. Howaredataorganized b) Layersandplanes a) Linesandspaces d) Heightandwidth c) Rowsandcolumns 62. The cell referencefor a rangeof cellsthat startsin cell 81 and goesoverto columnG anddownto row10is b) 81.G10 a) G1-G10 d ) 8 1: G 1 0 c ) 8 1; G 1 0 SPACEFOR ROUGHWORK A os - 400 illliluuffiffi|li -10- 63. Youcan usethe horizontal andverticalscrollbarsto a) Splita worksheetintotwopanes b) Viewdifferentrowsandcolumns c) Editthe contentsof a cell d) Viewdifferent worksheets 64. In a worksheet youcanselect a) Theentireworksheet c) Columns b) Rows d) a, b, andc 65. Rounding errorscanoccur a) Whenyouusemultiplication, division or exponentiation in a formula b) Whenyouuseaddition andsubtraction ina formula c) Because Exceluseshiddendecimar pracesincomputation d) Whenyou showthe resultsof formulaswithdifferentdecimalplacesthanthe calculated results 66. Specialeffectsusedto introduce slidesin a presentation arecalled a) effects b) customanimations c) transitions d) present animations 67. Fromwhichmenuyou canaccesspicture,TextBox,chart etc ? a) File b) Edit c) lnsert d) View 68. PowerPointpresentation is a collection of a) SlidesandHandouts b) Speaker's notes c) Outlines d) Allof theabove 69. Howcantheslideshowbe repeated continuously ? 'Esc' a) loopcontinuously until b) repeatcontinuously c) loopmore d) noneof theabove 70. Slidescanhave a) title,text,graphs c) clipart,drawnart,visual b) drawnobjects,shapes d) anyof theabove SPACEFORROUGHWORK A iltfilillllililililillillililillilt _11. os - 400 71' A Chartcanbe putas a part of thepresentation using a ) I n s e r t - >p i c t u r e s _ > C h a r t b) Insert_>Chart cl Edrt- > Chart d) View_ > Chart 72' whatistheFileExtension of ms-powerpoint document priortoMs-of1ce2003? a) pdf b) doc c) ppt d) txt 73. Algorithm hefpus to a) Knowthe memorycapacity b) ldentifythe baseof a number system c) Directtheouput to a printer d) Specifytheproblemcompfetely andclearly 74' Thesymborshown in the Figurein frowchartrepresents --r\."" \?tu'--.r/ \- a) Input c) Decision b) Output d) Termination 75. BASICstandsfor I a) BasicAll purposeSymboficInstruction Code b) Beginners AssemblySymbofsInstruction Code c) BasicAftStandards in COBOL d) Beginners Alf-purpose symboficfnstruction code 76' Thebasicoperations performed by a computerare a) Arithmetic operation b) Logicaloperation c) Relationaloperation d) Alltheabove sPAcEFoREbucH woEt( .T.O. A os - 400 llllllll lllil lillllll rilu]ilil| -12- is 77. LETstatement a) Optionalstatement assignment c) usedfor expression statement b) Assigning d) Allof the above whichis calledas somebuiltinfunctions contains 78. BASICprogram b) Loops a) MatrixoPerations d) Libraryfunctions c) Statements 79. In BASICloopsareusedto do an action times b) for multiple a) fora singletime d) noneofthese c) alternativelY expression a loopuntila specified 80. Thecommandusedin a programto continue is falseis b) FoR....NEXT a) DO.....LOOP d) wHlLE....WEND c) lF,...GOTO 81. Whatis thefullformof HTTP? a) Hypertexttransferprotocol texttestprogram c) Hyphenation b) Hypertexttransferpackage d) Noneoftheabove 82. DTPstandsfor procedure a) datatransmission publishing c) desktop b) datatypingprocedure d) disktransferprocess 83. WORMstandsfor a) write oncereadmemory c) Writeonlyreadmany b) write or readmemory d) None 84. DBMSstandsfor System Manufacturing ManagementSystem b) Database a) Database ManagementSystem d) Bothb andc c) Distributed SPACEFORROUGHWORK A ilftlililililflilftfiltflllffililt 85. TROJAN horseisanexample for a) Virus c) Memory 86.A selfreplicating program is a) Bug b) Virus 87. LANstandsfor a) Localarea networks c) Language areanetworks 88. Whatis expansion of t44ruW ? a) Worldwidework c) Wordwidenewspapers _13_ os - 400 b) Antivirus d) Noneof these c) Lice d) Antivirus b) Localaccessnetworks d) Noneof theabove b) Worldwideweb d) Noneof theabove 89' A coilection of interconnect networks iscafred aninternetwork or a) fntemet b) wAN c) tAN d) MAN 90.Whobuiltthefirstmechanical calculator ? a) JosephMarieJacquard c) Bfaisepbscal b) JohnMauchfy d) HowardAiken 91' In whichof thefotowingdevice usercannoteraseor modifythe data? a) Ffoppydisk b) Harddisk pen c) drive d) CD_ROM 92' Theinstructions forstartingthecomputerarehouse on a) Randomaccessmemory b) CD-ROM c) Readonfymemorychip d) Atfof above 93. BASIClanguagehasitsown set of wordssuchas pRtNr,LEr,READ, DArA,ENDetc.,known as l5Y:]Ityt, a) Shortcuts c) Keywords b) Shortform d) Information sPAcEpsp p-uGH ,woEK ,T.O. os _ 400 ilililllllilililillllll _tq- of a programandit g4. Thestatement in BASICprogramwhichhaltstheexecution whereeachprogramshouldhavethisstatementis is a laststatement a)PR|NTUS|NGstatementb)ENDstatement d) DATAstatement statement c) RESTORE 95. lP standsfor a)|nternetprocessb)|nterna|process d) Internetprotocol protocol c) Internal 96. Whatis a searchengine? a) a programthatsearchesengines component c) a hardware b) a websitethatsearchesanything enginethatsearchdata d) a machinery 97. Whatis the fullformof TCP/IP? protocol controlprotocol/internet a) Transmission b)Te|ephoneca|lprotoco|/internationalprotoco| protocol controlprotocol/internet c) Transport d) Noneoftheabove is called ontoyourcomputer 98. savinga filefromthe Internet b) uPloading a) downloading d) storing c) transferring is stylesthatcan be usedfor a presentation 99. A filewhichcontainsreadymade called b) Template a) AutoStYle d) Preformatting c) Wizard of decimal15x5is 100.BinaryMultiplication b) 1101011 a) 1001011 c) 1111011 A d) 1000100 SPICC FOR ROUGHWORK