ECO3320-001 Spring2015 Instructor:Rui He Name R# Quiz 1 1.Thedemandfor goodXis givenby Qd*: 6,000- (ll2)P*- Pv* 9P,+ (l/10)M. Research shows thatthepricesof relatedgoodsaregivenby Pr: $6,500andP,: $100,while the average incomeof individualsconsumingthis productis M : $7.0,000. a. Indicatewhethergoods)zandX aresubstitutes for goodX. or complements b. Is X an inferior or a normalgood? c. How manyunitsof goodXwill bepurchased whenP*: $5,230? d. Determinethe demandfunctionfor goodX. / Determinethe inversedemandfunctionfor goodX. g. If Qs': (Tlz)P*,what is the equilibriumpriceandQuantity?(Otherthingsconstant) b' ctl-^7ln*'e*ts -2 < o *1 a, Jr'a >o c. O;( , 'T q* &od= 7?^, 6g'..' + 2ao I j p, 6,,,- - TorD o-s l2x a-sxf)3o: +7*s = 7<t.'"' - o'5Pr ze* : tf 8o6- P* J .. &" &= d= , >) to&d- >4.5 &^t 74^ - o-er116: e o-spx P"= 7V*. &*. p 17^ ECO3320-001 Spring2015 Quiz2 Instructor:Rui He L The demandcurve for a productis given by e*d: 7_0.5p,. a' How much would the firm's revenuechangeif it lowered the price from $12 to $ l0? Is demandelasticor inelasticin this range? b' How muchwould the firm's revenuechangeif it lowered the pricefrom $4 to $2? Is demandelasticor inelasticin this range? c' What price maximizesthe firm's total revenue?What is the elasticityof demand at this point on the demandcurve? gl=7?r=ro, 6, Oj- P,=t P- =2 o-sr,. : I 7-_o.s,#:-(- ,A!-- & .rl , 7_ o.l- /< - =6 44P=o) P' ( o. = "t* E :> ) 7_ o.jx/o3 TRr = >) *> 7lr T'R-. ,exl: a-. - )o :)14>--tL Px -o.j '<, G- = tZ =) Px : - l/ : ( 7- o.spx)-- lV - P r = ) 2' Thedemand curv€for a productis givenby e*d=I200-3p"-0.rp, wherep,=$300. a. Whatis tfr"l@aggJelasticity of demand whenp*:g140?Is demandelasticor inelasticat this point?what wouldhgRRen to the firm's -revenueif it decidedto Qr - 7- o.rr', :3-,!=)l*R= - chargea pricebelow$140? &^d . /r.I'u- 3x,go - o.tx3ru' 7JD b' What is the own price elasticityof demandwhen p*:g240? Is demandelasticor inelasticat this point?what would happento the firm,s revenueif it decidedto chargeapriceabove 9240? C Sl : ,r.6) - zxz4o-o.fxg^. 4-6 a.: Px t*!, = c{*- e* I .l lt* t(o = -) x15-- p^=) )xl, '9.J- - o.\-L : L"-ul-oot',-CJncne*p\.b le't cLu. P\, 4 fr-*= | ,,:* Px -- d" oi | l9o -lx =) +sp _ .eAo.+t" ,'f@-r rRo L _/- 6 ( &rte4,. P .r 4eu+ cLt ReviewQuestions ECO3320-001Spring !015 lnsfructor:Rui He l. Thedemandcurvefor productX is given by e*L 300_2p* a. Findthe inversedemandcurve. b. How muchconsumersurplus do consumers receivewhenp.:452 c' In generar,whathappensto the leverof consumersurprusastheprice of a goodfails? s> zPx = 3,-&'$ = ,^-.Px px= rfp - j ej C,f =) rIt tl -> 4r ( t5o -<fli) Lfo* CS=j Q* = 2-ro :.) Px.?i, " ---ozs- 1'"r :-':-.7'? ( f-= &= ?o lq*o &y'=r @f=4o. ttz\ @p=cu.o*s.z \d i1l a. es. Ps cs + Ps J-, d,q^ea"^.. fr. 3' /ro.J- "t'l 2. Considera market where supply -a A"rnunAare given by e.o-t6+&, and e_d:92_2&. Supposethegovernmentimposes|ffif$40,andagreestopurchaseanyandallunits r". v'eewqv aru inrru consumers do not by at the floor of $40per unit. l a. Determinethe costto thegovernment = cl o-i of buyingfirms,unsoldunits. b' computethelostsocialwelfare(DwL)ttutrt".rfromthe$40pricefloor. 'e> -/(t P ,rf - Supposedemandandsupplyaregivenby 1t.. P"w.fltv Q"d:14-0'5P-and Q*L0.25P*-I a' Determine the equilibrium price and quantity. gwl = = j t ee-lc;r z. --) .! 1 cr -zr) x(Lv- rL ) t( t z * g z 4e ,j " a $12excisetax is imposed on thegood.Determine rhenewequilibrium priceand ilffi c' If a priceceilingof $6is imposed, whataretheresurting shortage andfulreconomic price? b' .>> I [(- o.s P -* o."s P- / P> >o. "8 b, l^, .l Pru*, - A U + l = &^' : C' wgi'rd S a-d O{= = tg- o.rr 6= t I a.asx6-f Qrs= Ne'Lt F.vl Pr"tl &o..r*i . : a.s * ( Prr-e ,o t?J - 3 *, l-- >> ,a : rio.5 I P.a *tt o'rs ( Pra- - rz) *r p =) &: I : rv24 I V- o. r P..,, Jp - l &:L 4. Supposethe demandfunctionfor a firm's productis givenby hQ"d:7-l.5lnP*+2lnpy-0.5lnM+lnA .--\ a. Determinethe own price elasticityof demand,and statewhetherdemandi( elastic/inelastic, \-/ or unitaryelastic. b. Determinethe cross-gllglQlticity of demandbetWeen goodX andgoodY, andstatewhether thesetwo goodsaretrrbstitut".b, complements. c. Determinethe incomeelasticityof demand,and statewhethergood X is a normal good or 6E[or-vooa. \'----z '^'\ t* : -/'s b, 2,5 :> c. f,{ : _,., 5. Thedemandfor companyX's productis givenby Q*o:I2-3P*+4Pv.. SupposegoodX sellsfor 4 $3 per unit andgoodY sellsfor $1..5per unit. a. Calculatethe cross-price elasticityof demandbetweengoodsX andY at the givenprices. b. Are goodsX andY Q@r complements? c. Whatis the own priceelasticityof demandat theseprices? d. How wouldyou answersto partsa andc changeif thepriceof X droppedto $2.5per unit? t--O d.$. tL- 3,<3+4xt-s= J - r 3 ' ' ) - zJ J .^,J - J. E : 7 **T: 3 l,o -- '-; 5{= *.#= t*u €^!r: -'x f' +"}'# xp ECO3320-001Spring20l5 Quiz4 Instructor:Rui He l. A consumerhas$300to spendon goodsX andY. The marketpricesof thesetwo goodsare P-:$15andPr=$5. a. What is ttremarketrateof substitutionbetweengoodsandy? b. Illustratetheconsumer's opportunitysetin a carefullylabeleddiagram. c. Showhow the consumer'sopportunitysetchangesif incomeincreasesby $300.How doesthe $300in incomealterthe marketrateof substitutionbetweengoodsX andy. Showhow the consumer's opportunitysetchanges whentheprice of goodY increases to $10. How doesthis changealterthe marketrateof substitutionbetweengoodsX andy? 6[,r. >- ]f\ g r.l r a. b. c. d. .Pg A consumermustspendall of her incomeon two goods(X and \). In eachof the following scenarios, indicatewhetherthe equilibriumconsumption of goodsX and Y will increaseor decrease. Assumegood Y is a inferior good. Incomedoubles. Incomequadruples andall pricesdouble A rvl Incomeandall pricesquadruple ) TJ T" Incomeis halvedandall pricesdouble t"t Y1' XL {, a 3. In the following figure, a consumeris initially in equilibriumat point C. The consumer,s incomeis $400,andthe budgetline throughpoint C is givenby l00X+200y=400.Whenthe consumeris given a $100 gift certificatethat is good only at storeX, shemovesto a new equilibriumat point D. a. Determinethepriceof goodsX andy. b. c. d. e. f. How manyunitsof productYcouldbe purchased atpointA? How manyunitsof productX couldbe purchasedat point E? How muchunitesof productX couldbe purchased at pointB? How muchunitesofproductX couldbe purchased at pointF? Basedon this consumer'spreferences, rank bundlesA, B, c, and D in order from most Tt X preferredto leastpreferred. Is productX a normalor an inferiorgood? z!,.rx + Y ij\ iI E D > i1 > X F c 2'+Y o*'>>