You should know how to computethe electric fie1dofa collection of point charges. Rememberthat the sum of the individual frelds is a vector sum.Add the x componentsto get the x componentof the sum; add the y componentsto get the y componentof the sum.The magnitudeof the electric field producedby a single point chargeq, at a point a distancer away, is given by E: k lql/r'. This mustbe multipliedby the sineor cosineof an angleto obtaina component.You must also determinethe sign ofthe component. Someproblemsdealwith electricfield lines.You shouldknow that the electricfield at any point is tangentto the line through that point, that the number oflines per unit areapassing through an areaperpendicularto the lines is proportional to the magnitudeof the freld, and that lines emanatefrom positive chargeand end at negative charge. You will also needto know that the magnitudeof the force on a chargein an electric field is given by the prodact of the ctarge andthe electric field: F = qE. For a positive charge,the force is in the samedirection of the electric fie1d,while for a negativecharge,it is in the opposite directionof the electricfie1d. Questionsand Example Problemsfrom Chapter 20 QuestionI The figure below showsfour situationsin which chargedparticles are fixed in place on an axis. In which situation(s)is there a point to the left of the particle where an eiectronwill be in equilibrium? -3q +q r--...-.------1 @ lAcB -l| L_ -3q +3,1 \r/ Question2 The figure to the right showsfour situationsin which particles of charge+q or -.4 are ltxed in place. ln eac[ the particles on the x-axis are equidistantfiom the y-axis. What is the direction ofthe net force on the middle particle in each case? r) -) \-r--'-.:-,1 3)lN*'tl . F-i--.--' 'l) l)']^i +q (d,) Question3 Drawings I and II show two examplesof electric field lines. Decide which of the following statementsaretrue and which are false, defendingyour choice in eachcase.(a) In both I and II the electric field is ihe sameeverywhere.(b) As you move from left to right in eachcase,the electric freld becomesshonger.(c) The electric field in I is the sameeverjrwherebut becomes strongerin II as you move fiom 1eftto dght. (d) The electric fields in both I and II could be createdby negativechargeslocatedsomewhereon the left and positive chargessomewhereon the right. (e) Both I and II arisefrom a single positive point chargelocatedsomewhereon the 1eft. (o) ._--.-...-...--. -.-----..-...------.---.--....: I'I I &% $tw ----------. ow (r)w (")B Problem I A platecarriesa chargeof-3.0 pc, while a rod carriesa chargeof+2.0 pc. How manyelectrons m;st be transferredfrom the piate to the rod, so that both objectshave the samecharge? -l.O,uC J -bel ) At#.*' ^'.r,.ii A4 ^ - l.Sa^ c lp b^r *"A "B O* g. ""ir{* .C[= ne -> n=fi/e= ad -D'5oAc?, " "9^ 4rd tar\.Vl, p.o"fu)" V\r - ).$OrlD-6C - 1,6r lor> l,6oa^lo-)qc It, r.l3 l,t"" )D''!ufi'^" m*d .Ix II Problen2 The nucleusofthe helium atom containstwo protonsthat are separaledby about 3.0 x 10-" m. Find the magnitudeofthe elecfrostaticforce that eachproton exertson the other. (The protons remain togetherin the nucleusbecausethe repulsive electrostaticforce is balancedby an attractiveforce called the skong nuclearforce.) $? = *l'6oA*lD-'oc ----_-_--__-_.j_.-, nr- t^:3.1o*10-'em tr=7 F. KI t,ll$,1 /\ %P n l' I F . (1.99- {ooN ,'/Kz')( t.t,oA"1o-'rc)o (3.o*16..'5ro)* f - a_:.atr F= QoN = + l)',,.c -a'iaC Qa= Sr = t3to'tC S+ Problem 3 : Given that 4 +12 p'C andd = 16 cq find the direction and magnitudeofthe net electrostatic force exertedon chargeq1 in the figure below. <----*_l{ .lo "c A= f]g:!_Ul: (r.1q-rotN"'%i)( l A " ld t c [e]u = Cl,qq'164N"'r(3. t3, = )ol.lNl r] rLm / r.\ F. E, -- 3?.1\l ,. (0.3t*)\ \11- : L * /2)fx' ra,* /nt = lol.lN- 3?.c N = 63.r N fc"fr"^',A!n Problem 4 'A chargeof-3.00 pC is fixed at the centerof a compass.Two additionai chargesare fixed on the circle ofa compass(radius:0.100 m). The chargeson the circle are-4.00 pC at the position due north and +5.00 pC at the position due east.What is the magnitudeand direction of the net electrostaticforce acting on the chargeat the center?Specirythe direction relative to due east. tr ' -jre 6c\ = ( 8s4"lor N */c+)(r/'oo xtd6c)(:'oo*to -= (o-toa'n)I '+ S,ue ( ? . r q * l o q N ^ / c . ) ( E - o o ^ 1 o6 c ) ( : . o o * 1 o t c ) (o-taa*;r F*= *13'5N '-Ft = -ld'sN 10,8N rrbr*l 13.55J 1", E\[,. ---t f = \a-zrl -----' 0. )ar,\'iT"/a) I":t-r'*l Problem 5' Threepoint chargeshave equal magnitudes, to being positive and one negative.Thesecharges are fixed to the cornersofan equi1u1ffqlt'iangle, asthe drawing shows.The magnitudeof each of the chargesis 5.0 pC, and the lengths ofthe sidesofthe triangie are 3.0 cm. Calculatethe magnitudeof the net force that eachchargedexperiences. )-fu lar+"J.xj.e ftA &^^e o"1J a q C i tr (oo" 6oo /AC Go' F toe tr = Klq*)l$"l = / Ac ( 8 " 9 9 " l d ? N m % ) ) ( s . o " l o - b c f , 9 . D x r d 6 c )= !,50"to!N ----=:' 1l (o,oaa-)\ \-'l r .50*lD'Ni Nry.')(ro"tco.)!s-lo9 = 5--'--=-(.|%ulJJrl= (3.??16o tf ^1. I -^ / t1v ^ ,^\?n \(,'\2Jv <'l t- lAt \ tu. h " l t ,"-"6o'- F*" = (^.sorlo^r) c-ctbo"- A"5o"looN -la5N -4=: = - t-o. ))'.too" = -(e'5oxlo'N)'a; bDo= -g A f,, g- =f,n-\(F"/v.)=b.-'(-i#,) =66";:^ F^o*^ft - ?:oN ,}g =to" F"-r ^ B aSDN of &=-lto' A \./ = 4ct' e r, nr'2 " Problem'6 tin):b1[. (ma1: 0.012kg) carriesa chargeof _18prC.Whatelecfic field (rnapitude and + direction)is causetheball to floai abovetheglound? F =qtr 1 itu E= pU ) I ^"Jr,r*er^* n o"l4 ?f . _ L s-l r- l-y:N)oy=O /) tl)=r,r+ 3F - *g =O ---) E- (::,^_rDEp:11 I-q€ A= % E = 6-5* l\u*L A^-,*84 l9^ lo-"6 Problem7 Two ges,-16 and+4.0Fg, ge fxeg in placeandsepamted by 3.0m. et *hat spot ryC alonga line throughthe chargesis ttrenet elegtricfreld zero?Locatethis spot[aj i"tative to tli positivecharge.(b) Whatwouldbethe_.foroeon a chargeof+14 pC placei at this spot? ,d 3.o r.t L Z- nlX L-t 'rM\, - l_ l Qr r c - '= \1, c! ('t.o* 16-tq - Q! tdt)(do:.o.) 4(d-a)*: ItJl- -___+--:-u = J6 lr .L ( d+3) l6At ---+ 4( d..{,j+9) -_16t \ aqd d'- aJ - >-O ,\-'--> A =o ( d+ 3'o'; I (t) F= qd-Iolrl ( d -:.a"1(d" t.o^) = a d=-),o* t^ d = 3.o ro zr,u^<.ea=o n d=3.orr, Problem 8 What arethe saengthond direction of the eiectric freld at the position indicated by the dot in the Figure below? Specifr the direction as an angle aboveor below horizontal. ,'r -( E-o.',1a f / ( 5.o "'.,) I t- -- J.oJ c^ "::- 5.D.-q E= (Iee" ) ---) : -&"L.p"^,"* "" E:= ry "!-,"1" E. E- lel N^%)(@ tz.rq"i"" = --==- (o-o?o7,", )' E_ = (f, .le'tor NIZ{!:o 1.f,*lo3N/c !o''") -- ( D. o?o?rD) A XP^ = A* <-'yilsoE-r,,o.lso=O XF, = -€t-or^1g.-4-_aiog5"-= -f (l.t"rotr'r7)-a,ir,45" = -).5* Problem 9 A neuhal conducting sphereis betweentwo parallel chargedplates,as shown in the Figure below. Sketchthe electric field lines in the region betweenthe plates.Be sureto include the effect of the conductingsphere. E = A-5,tou11 -qo" "t o= -*\J