:?^f!'v UBPA^DSS ^ o/ tec-^^ MCSfSiT&y HD28 .M414 Hi". [tjOi? ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT SOCIAL VT^UATIOSI OF PR3JECTS: DISCOUNT RATE & HARBERffiR'S SOCIAL IHE PRICING OF RISKY PROJECTS. by IHIERRY F. BOLLIER WP# 1500-83 MAY 1983 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 SOCIAL VPJJJNUION OF PROJECTS: DISCOUNT RATE & HARBERffiR'S SOCIAL THE PRICING OF RISKY PROJECTS. by IHIERRY F. BOLLIER WP# 1500-83 MAY 1983 cxxtments welcxmed ., .R ? 1992 I ABSTRACT In the presence of taxation of private returns, should the government attach to the gross cash-flows of a project the same value that the private sector would have canputed when valuing the net-of-tax cash-flows? One approach to this issue which has gained considerable following is Harberger's Social Discount Rate (SDR) Theory. In order to account for the alleged tax distortions, Harberger and others propose the use of a weighted average of observable market rates. The rule is controversial in its treatment of fiscal ignores risk. effects and totally The purpose of this paper is to develop a simple valuation rule that takes into account both the tax distortions and project-risk considerations. The main result is that tax distortions might lead a hurdle rate for certainty equivalent projects which differs from the market rate of interest, but that in general the project risk adjustments are independent of the tax distortions. This rule is similar to the one proposed by Schmalensee[ 1976] contradicts the highly referenced solution by Bailey and Jensen[1972]. , but I would like to thank Don Lessard Stewart Myers, Richard Schmalensee, Gerard Gennotte, Saman Majd and many other participants in the Finance Workshop at the Sloan School of Management, M.I.T., for helpful comments on earlier drafts. I am also grateful to David Laughton of the Corporate Finance Division, Canada Department of Finance, for his suggestions. I think that I have greatly benefited from detailed and challenging discussions with Fischer Black. , CONTENTS Abstract I . II. Introduction Social Discount Rate (SDR) Theories 5 A. Harberger' 3 displacements 5 B. Review of the results in the absence of project-risk considerations III. The costs of Displacements - An Adjusted Present Value Approach.. A. Adjusted Present Values in a world of certainty B. The Costs of Displacements in a world of uncertainty, and the valuation of risky projects IV. V. 1 Systematic errors in Bailey and Jensen's Approach Generalizations and Conclusion Footnotes Bibliography 14 18 19 27 37 45 HARBERGER'S SOCIAL SOCIAL VALUATION OF PROJECTS: DISCOUNT RATE AND THE PRICING OF RISKY PROJECTS. I . INTRODUCTION "For decades the most controversial issue in Cost-Benefit Analysis has been the selection of the appropriate Rate of Discount. The controversy initially focused on the relative merits of two candidate rates (1) the (relatively low) social rate of time preference, which we shall call the consumption rate of interest (r) and which many writers have identified with the after-tax rate of return on private savings, and (2) the (relatively high) gross-of-tax rate of return to privately financed investment, which we shall call Recently, however, a nunber of the investment rate (g). analysts [ . ] have demonstrated that the Social Rate of Discount (w) should be a weighted average of g and r. As a the result, the debate has been slightly refocussed, candidate rates now being r and the weighted average w." L.Sjasstad and D.Wisecarver[ 1977] 513. : . . , The valuation theoretical attempts literature dealing with public to characterize what distinguishes public from private assets and/or what makes the government a special investor when the behalf extensive. than, nor assets. Discount of the entire The cocnmunity. list of The purpose of the current paper is neither to to propose a (SDR) acting on controversies is settle all of definite framework for correctly pricing public Rather the focus will Rate project be on one approach, Harberger's Social theory, as characterized in the above quotation from Sjasstad and Wisecarver. cost-benefit the This theory has gained considerable following literature recognition with along in extensive and application in government circles^. Still, controversy remains on two specific grounds: 1) the legitimacy Harberger's of market capital alleged externalities, which rationalize the computation of w. 2) these the treatment, in the public valuation externalities of projects, of consistent with the accepted valuation procedures for risky assets. The treatment of uncertainty in a SDR framework to greatest the HarbergerC 1969/72], traditionaly of deal Sandmo neglected risk Dreze[1971], and for In developed Dreze[1974] by has practice a key premise the between wedge a theory and considerations^. seems to be that the sole reason gross-of-tax in the private production sector and the net-of-tax market rate of returns time preference is a tax distortion. among The confusion. subject is academics Canadian Hood,Glenday and A lengthy argunent has been raging on Burgess[1981], Jenkins[ 1972], [1977], (see Evans[ 1981] ,[1982] to ) estimation of the Canadian discount rate; settle the a rate i.e. question that is on the used to price any public asset independently of its risk^. Whether uncertainty should justify price adjustments from public in an undistorted economy has also played a major role perspective in the debate about developed by diversification. Arrow rates social Arrow government-owned a and of Lind[1970], portfolio and discount. who present Che extreme view was point to the large size of the an argiment of perfect Hirschleifer and Shapiro[ 1970] and Sandmo[1972] show that and Lind's result is only a special case concerning the relationship between private and public investments, and in general risk However the discussion never integrates the should enter the calculations. developed results the in considerations certainty case tax distortions and the for Harberger's SDR. One remarkable attempt to approach the issue is referenced article by government-owned-asset perfect Although most of the M.Bailey and M.Jensen [1972]. contradicting article was aimed at Arrow and highly the Lind's[1970] argunent and thus centered on the diversification, relative abilities of the capital market and the government to share they present Asset Pricing solution. of risk, an exanple of desired risk adjustments, a Social Capital as which Model incorporates Harberger's average weighted Unfortunately they do not provide a proof or derivation of their result. The purpose of the current valuation rule that takes into project-risk considerations. The Jensen's solution is wrong. paper account both analysis to is the show will derive simple a tax distortions and that Bailey The main result is that the tax distortions might lead to define a hurdle rate for certainty equivalent projects differs from and which the market rate of interest, but that in general the project risk adjustments are independent of the tax distortions. This Schmalensee[1976] . solution is similar to the one Black[1981] by The main difference is that the current paper proposes a very simple derivation of the result which relies on both Fischer proposed Simple Discounting Rule to a version characterize externalities, and an Adjusted Present Value Rule to account for the of tax these in public project valuations. The following sections will attempt to deal with the issue of puDiic project valuation at three levels: 1) What questionCs) is being asked when the SDR is used? 2) How can it be answered correctly? 3) How can it be answered most usefully? Many other aspects of public finance models will be away here. (For an excellent review of those issues we encourage the reader to refer to the recent book edited by R.Lind[ 1982] In consequence Section 2 discuss I discount rates. the the paper current average is organized literature on .) as follows. In Harberger-type social The assumptions necessary for the issues to become neither trivial nor untractable are also stressed. weighted assuned discount Results leading to Harberger's rate are sunmarized at the end of the section. The simple valuation rule is developed in Section 3 and Section 4 shows how Bailey and Jensen's social CAPM fails. features of In the concluding section the main the simple valuation rule are sunmarized and it is shown that the sane valuation rule could be applied to more complex environments. SOCIAL DISCOUNT RATE THEORIES. II. Harberger's displacements A. motivation The observations: the for an SDR rooted is marginal before-tax-return on investment (the 'social' return or marginal rate of transformation in the economy) the risk adjusted rate of time preference or, unambiguously consunption the rate of time preference). since apparently, if we were to set the social equal rate equilibriun investor's the to the in than with marginal return higher certainty This fact is disturbing rate preference time of of time preference, rational investment policy should induce the government to undertake investments larger is required rates of return on private savings (the investors' after -tax case, empirical in than all available common rate of time the preference.^ However the government should also loss future in benefits take into account the due to the crowding out of private investments. From a social perspective the opportunity cost of private investment is the risk adjusted gross-of-tax rate of return in the private effects if the of government investment in a given industry were to crowd out the sane amount of the private competing incentive for industry, then transformation, would not Hence the marginal be no rate the social rate of time preference, should become the hurdle rate to be used in discounting future costs public projects. there the government to undertake a project whose return is lower than the private marginal rate of transformation. of sector: and benefits from SDR theorists point out that this line only reasoning holds limit where the elasticity of private sector investments per the in of dollar of public investment is identically contention not necessarily true in a second best world that is this is equal to minus Their one. where the return on private capital is taxed and a wedge is created between consunption rates of interest and marginal rate of transformation. That the rules for optimal allocation undistorted economy might apply not of resources an in to distorted markets has been very recently reiterated by Robert Lind[1982], in his introductory chapter of symposiun on discount social rates: "The problem is that the corporate income tax and the personal income tax distort depending incentives.... Therefore, where the resources for the public investment are drawn, the on criterion for acceptance differs and, more specifically, the discount in a rate one case should be the social rate of time preference, and in the other case, it should be the marginal rate of return in the private sector ". Allegedly any amount invested (B) by the government is drawn either from investments new (I) private savings (crowded out). from displaced private : dS 1 and/or This is formalized for the marginal dollar invested in the following equation (2.0) (S) dl - = dB dB The social discount rate is then a "weighted average of private sector marginal productivity of capital [i.e. the before tax return on capital ] and the net-of-tax yield on private savings ..[which a]... measure of the marginal sector" [Harberger 1969,1972]. rate the is of time preference in the private dl dS w (2.1) = i (1-T.) ^ - i (1/(1-T„)) dB dB where: is the observed (riskless) market rate of interest L is the marginal tax rate on savings T^ is the marginal corporate tax rate. i Equation Harberger's is (2.0) fundamental displacement equation. Detractors of Harberger's social discount rate argue against the theory on three specific grounds 1) : Equation (2.0) does not make much sense from the point of view of a social welfare maximizing central planner. to the one familiar optimal/neutral tax literature. the from context Diamond and Mirrlees[ 1971] and Auerbach[ 1982] in analyses, recommend decisions which use the equate of rates discount public the similar The issue is and for private their that In respective public investment marginal rate of that the transformation. production Aggregate government efficiency requires both chooses an optimal level of equilibrium interest rate (at which the private sector will discount after tax project cash-flows) and that designs its tax transformation equilibrium exactly a unit require can of across equal are it incentives and be shown private schemes such that the marginal rates of activities. productive In investment^. Hence 1 , optimal an would taxation and the right decision rule must assune this identity when defining the hurdle rate to be used In such that a unit of public investment displaces (-dl/dB) to be identically equal to public valuation. it in the this event the weighted average rate (2.1) boils down identically being private the sector (gross) marginal productivity of capital, hence: Proposition public sector does, i.e. should 1 except : value for projects cash flow externalities in the same way the private sector the present value calculation should be performed either on the total cash flows discounted at the before tax marginal rate capital the or equivalently sector discount rate of return on on simulated after tax cash flows at the private . The proposition is the only one acceptable in an undistorted (first best world) economy. ability Or it assunes that a central planner has the to enforce Diamond-Mirrlees standard of production efficiency. either case the interest consumption levels rate level (after tax) is chosen In optimally, are fixed and a unit of public investment must exactly displace one unit of private investment. But Diamond and Mirr lees' [1971] between flows result that all In fact that the the household and production sectors may be taxed. this equilibrium will be socially desirable only to central requires the extent planner does have sufficient control of the necessary instrunents. If the government cannot monitor continuously the instrunents which would allow him to equalize the marginal rates of transformation and optimize the of interest rate, and if a tax on capital income has created a wedge level between the rate of time preference and the rate of transformation tax rates) in (before the economy, there does not seem to be a case for assuning such an identity (-dI/dB=1) in public valuations. For the identity to hold started from we need both that the economy production efficiency (optimal interest rate and equal rates of transformation) , and that the private sector anticipates that, for any shift equilibriun in the government will take the necessary conditions, actions to bring back production efficiency in the economy^. In the distorted and non private investors equalize the marginal rate of time preference. effectively the consumption. In shadow other words between allocation production-efficient Hence the after tax rate of interest for the lower marginal any amount determines rate and savings. equilibriun the after of rate tax of the is forgone investors' The same investors would be better off if they were allowed to invest in any investment than the after tax rate of return on capital with price consunption economy yielding more Except in the very interest. unlikely event where consumption is inelastic with respect to the rate of interest, shifts in savings are bound to occur. Hence a public project would tend to displace consunption and investments. average of the of marginal transformation of the public project. Since better a in the economy, represent the opportunity dominant strategy for the public authority would be to eliminate distortions due to taxation and move to undistorting set an of transfers in order to achieve at least the same level of social utility, we must assune then that available, a of transformation and the lower rate marginal rate of time preference might cost private If the central planner's objective is not to control for equalization of rates weighted both such opportunity an is not or for some unspecified reason actual taxation does not lead to production efficiency. Under the alternative assunption that not achieve not incompatible assunptions production on with the government does efficiency, Harberger's alleged displacements are general equilibriun, nor do they violate the maximization behavior of the private sector. any The only 10 requirement is that the economy be distorted by the taxation of returns. The second line 2) of criticism, stressed as in modern finance theory, is that mistakes are often made in attempting to derive the opportinity financing. of cost a each For project-specific given project from the apparent costs of explicit particular project there might exist a cost of capital which can be best estimated by looking at similar competing projects rather than trying to trace the required rate of return from the different securities used for its financing. The "natural" temptation for the financial economist that argue the project to marginal rate of return on private and public investments should be the same in all events. public is No matter what might be the impact of a on private consumption and investment the opportunity cost is represented by the marginal private investment the goverrment : should never invest in projects with lower returns. Proposition 1 can be rewritten as despite follows: any actual effect on private consumption the public project should be valued at the before tax marginal rate of return on investment (as if the elasticity of private investment was identically equal to decision one) . Again the correct rule is obtained if one always assunes that the public project is crowding out the same amount of private investment. This line of argument would surely be correct if the to undertake the marginal private investment was open to the government. This might not be the case in reality : private sector businesses may have a competitive advantage over public enterprises for all and the option production frcm the private one. sorts of reasons function of the public sector might be very different Other reasons could be outright bans on government 11 involvement specific in nunerous and of sectors economy, or the the uninforceabiiity of an efficient set of subsidies to the private sector.' We shall assune in what follows that the private and sectors choose their level of investment from two public different sets of technologies". 3) goes Harberger, A third line of argument, which Lind[1982] attributes as follows: to public expenditure contributes to the budget The financing of the additional deficit and must be financed through debt. private anount of debt will crowd out an equal amount of investment (and again we would be lead to assune -dI/dB=1). We must accept the expected public expenditures. intervals and the system tax cannot be flexible enough to absorb any fluctuation in the level of be to that fact the Taxation marginal can only dollar be adjusted at discrete time public investment will always be of financed out of government debt. However the most convenient stand with respect to this issue is to adopt R.Barro's[1974] counterargument government's use of debt which is just a taxation. future : agents are not fooled by the current taxation for The debt issue is fully transparent in that sense. The shift of allocation between consonption and saving should be the one that would have prevailed if first period consunption had been debt issue taxed instead (i.e. the should not affect savings compared to the no-debt case and all additional funds are taken from consumption) Before concluding equation (2.0), we can this chapter on make one last statement. the rationale behind It is true that if the 12 government action of financing were the not project fully transparent Barro's in private of the the economy. not states He resources are currently danand adjustments and , affected when the induced of reallocation effects would be inexistent favors capital clean labor, could or be in also be better a although air), ignored if production efficiency was allowed, as in Diamond and Mirrlees[1971]. concludes could savings The level of utilization of factors of production (e.g., these increase be made at the expense of minor will crowding out in the private sector. fully that an increase in production of unemployed resources, if they exist, might very well match the aggregate private original public project and/or its financing might very well depend on whether or in more Cn the other hand as pointed out in Lind[1982], the impact on investments employed the result in an additional increase in the could interest rate which in turn would contribute to crowding out investments. sense, Eventually Lind : First, one cannot reasonably divorce the analysis of public investments from macroeconomic considerations because the financing of public investments has different impacts on the economy depending on the state of the economy.... Second.... the choice of criteria by which to evaluate public investments in a second best world depends critically on how one beleives the economic and the political systans work.... In displacement sunmary we equation (2.0). state can a set for the opportunity cost of public . 1) taxation assunptions The same assumptions support including the alleged displacements in the analysis of the investment of the economy is distorted of return and hence in equilibriun by a and personal wedge is created between the marginal rate of transformation in the economy and time preference in the private sector. corporate the marginal rate of 13 2) the government does not achieve production efficiency and does not fully control the level of interest rate. 3) efficiently the the can government marginal private neither undertake nor subsidize sector investment and hence public and private sectors optimize over different production sets. M) in excess government borrowing activity does not absorb any savings of the level that vgould have prevailed if the directly financed through current taxation. project had been 14 B. Review of results in the absence of project-risk considerations. assumptions, Harberger's displacements equation (2.0) must be incorporated in any analysis of the opportunity cost equation is certain given We have argued in the previous section that, of This investments. government general, but we can expect the displacements of both totally saving and private investments to be closely related to the characteristics of the project, e.g., project total return, project life, type of resources used in production, etc. Sandrao and Dreze[1971] and need point Dreze[1974] out the of a detailed specific assessment of the "opportunity cost applicable to investments at a particular time and place" . Nevertheless in estimating equation (2.1) most empirical studies have assuned that there are project-specific) (non Evans[ 1981, 1982]). standard adjustjnents of private savings and investments per dollar invested (see JenkinsL 1972, 1977], Burgess[1981] and for The account for the "financing" social discount externalities, rate is "designed" to (w) independent Glenday HDod, and , of the specific project under consideration. Although this assunption may be reasonable in the derivation of theoretical displacements models in aimed at studying the bias be used the the opportunity cost of a project, the simplification is often improper when the purpose is to derive a schedule of to by introduced in actual valuations. discount rates We shall come back to this issue later when we will discuss the possible implementation of the valuation fraraevork in real life cases. For now we shall make the same assunption. The main SDR result remains Harberger's[ 1969, 1972] (2.1). equation Most of the more recent papers have proved Harberger's proposition in two period settings (Sandmo and Dreze[1971]) or in multiperiod settings 15 (Dreze[1974]) reconciled previous approaches with the weighted average or solution (Sjaastad and Wisecarver[1977])^' certainty the In case opportunity social the cost of capital, w, can be rewritten in a notation which has become standard in the literature^^ : w (2.1)' where and = dS/dB - dl/dB g is the after-tax indirectly observed rate of time preference, r is g r before-corporate-tax the rate, indirectly or observed marginal productivity of capital. The expected signs respectively. government of dS/dB These terms express borrowing, B, upon dl/dB and net the are positive of impact an and negative increment of private savings, S, and private investment, I. Harberger argues that the model multi-market risky economy, derives the "general" formula for w w = E i^^.(1 - T^i^) T^^^ is to a investments and securities. He : dV^B k where generalized be where required rates of return and tax rates can differ across classes of investors, (2.2) can - E ij/(1 - Tj,j) dIj/dB j the marginal rate of personal income tax applicable to the k^" class of savings, and T„ incone tax applicable to the j • is the marginal rate class of investments. of corporate 16 In sub-markets (enough are displacements (2.2) sunmed over all possible sub-markets are defined for each to be homogeneous in terms of required returns and marginal tax-rates) In w (2.3) the standard notation, zr^^dSi^/dB = igjdIj/dB - k j The partitioning is justified intuitively because investment sub-markets could be different marginal thought systematic tax tax-transfer rates rules) risks, of different income on and, different as cost capital of government (the equivalently, sectors industrial might and different different set different because with income-class citizens face different marginal tax rates on their security holdings. Harberger[ 1969, 1972] correctly notes that each "i. [and obviously incorporates a premium for risk and whatever other factors which influence portfolio decisions. Dj i^^] They can be represented as i-=i^b^, is the (quite possibly variable) in the jth activity and i^ is where "risk premiun" required for investment (risk-free) the rate of interest on except to government bonds" We shall not review stress that in theories SDR domestic : The measuranent of w based on estimated investments, elasticities of displaced elasticities consunption of and the Although not always stated explicitly, they use w as the incremental foreign financing^ 2) longer, practice social discounters intend to perform two related exercises with Harberger's social discount rate 1) any ^. 17 discount sole rate any public project valuation, independent of its for risk. Although w in (2.3) corresponds to of capital average weighted cost national portfolio, it is inappropriate to use it to the for a allocate resources among the assets of this portfolio when potentially each project contributes differently to the total risk. This is fundamental a principle of financial economics. As Harberger recognizes it, the proposed w incorporates premiuns hence w calculated from (2.3) could of each activity; risk for the neither be viewed as the certainty equivalent rate that could used be to discount correctly the certainty equivalent cash-flows of the projects, nor as a risk discount adjusted that follows should analysis The rate. demonstrate these points. proceeding Before warning. Whether valuation the displacements is a separate section of sunmary a the further let account should issue. We arguments us state for presented have against schedule is necessarily though, likely mean to to recognize diverge from that in [of] in hypothesized the current As pointed out by principle the optimal tax production efficiency, does not that we have other choices in practice since it might be "extranely difficult even in a very simple model to direction the the production efficiency hypothesis and we will not extend on it any further. Auerbach[1981] additional an this divergence ... ". Hence difficult in practice to estimate the displacements. calculate it merely the might be extremily 18 III. THE COSTS UF DISPLACEMENTS - AN ADJUSTED PRESENT VALUE APPROACH Let me first restate the problem. Under investment will be the stated conditions financed in public the How can we best account reflects the social opportunity that clai^i of project a value This is simply: can always be adjusted for potential externalities. it Stiglitz[1982] cost of capital. reminds us that there is a trivial sense in which the value all these for The social discount valuation of projects? rate theory has proposed the weighted average w, under the truly public the 2 out of displaced savings and investments as described by Harberger (equation 2.0). displacements Section in future costs and benefits by use of the marginal (social) rate of time The public valuation differs from a private valuation preference. to the extend that the total project cash-flows differ from the direct cash-flows, appropriable in the private sector. Because of the wedge between the rate of time preference and the rate of transformation cash-flows of the forgone private investments crowded out by the new project part of the cost externalities. externalities; as The total cash-flow approach would allow us to value sequentially the direct cost-benefit treated be should here cash-flows the of present the project of value and the the forgone investments. Sjaastad and Wisecarver[1977] have argued approaches are identical if consistent assunptions are made. they that In the two particular were dealing with the case of certainty where no discrepancies in the rates entering w could be attributed uncertainty solution. no simple adjustment to could risk premia. reproduce The total cost-benefits approach offers an In the case of the weighted average alternative way to 19 study problem the be very easily accomodated in the framework can that familiar from the finance literature, known as the adjusted (APV) of project. a potential only The problem value present provide the to is appropriate value for the shadow price of forgone investments, In approach what follows solve to problem the propose we of the use the of alternative public valuation in the case of the uncertainty. shall We derive first the one case. period We will proceed instructive to examine that simple problem in some detail. in two steps A. is It : We first introduce the adjusted present value approach in a world of part We introduce the APV approach in this simple framework in certainty. show how the rule can be used to isolate projects which would have been to private rejected as part of the projects sector opportunity i.e., set; public which display positive present values only because of the alleged displacements. B. Second we derive a fundamental result about investments in a world uncertainty. of This the value of along result, restatement of the APV rule, will form the basis of generalization of case valuation multi-beta projects, risky procedures CAPM for economies) the to the , multi-period underlying forgone with to a the case and to more general investment (real options, as briefly discussed in the conclusion of the paper. A. Adjusted Present Value approach in a world of certainty: Since we want to consider the effect of tax distortions on the valuation of public investments we introduce a tax on corporate returns 20 Tq j tax This . rate For simplicity we vary across industries (j). can assune as a first step that there are no personal taxes on savings in competitive equilibrium private the sector equates project after-tax-return on the marginal dollar invested in a with the Hence . expected (i^d-T^ J) the required rate of return on savings (r.) for a comparable level of systematic risk. Under these assunptions we want to determine the current net present value of a proposed end-of-period risky cash outflow Cq. hence, net single period project will that bring an cash inflow of C^ and will require a current net the jhe project is to be undertaken by government is drawn from the public investment opportunity set. and, (We assune in accessible to The rationale for the adjusted present value approach is to particular that the marginal private investment are neither the public authority, nor can be efficiently subsidized.) disregard adjustment any of the discount rate and value project-specific cash flows and cash flow externalities at the social discount Arbitrarily rate. we set the social all the appropriate rate of preference to the after-tax-rate of return in the private sector, hence time we will use this (lower) rate to perform the present value calculations. In this simple case where the only cash correspond to the alleged displacements, we can write: (3.0) NAPVp^^^cc^) = NPVb(Ci) + NPVf(Ci) = PVjjCC^) - Cq + Cq - PV(Hp flow externalities 21 The first part of the public valuation (NPVjj(c-i) = PVt,(Ci)-Co) project. is equal to the value of direct cash-flows from the part (NPV^(C^) - Cq = PV(H-|) ) corresponds the present value of to displaced future consunption (H^) due to the displacements of private sector investments. we second The savings and By analogy to the corporate sector environment shall refer to this second term as the present value of the "financing" If the new project externalities. financing would preference, marginal rate of time entirely financed out of value of forgone consumption when discounted at the present the savings, be to is would externality be be exactly equal to Cq, the identically equal to zero and the public present value of the project would be equal to the value of the direct As we shall see below in general this will not be the case. cash- flows. Since we are in a world of certainty, we have the present value in the simple formulation base-case : ^1 (3.1) PVt^(Ci) = 1 + r^ where, r^ is the riskless rate of interest, assuned to be equal to the social rate of time preference. Given the sole taxation of corporate returns equation and for the displacements we have the following expression for the total (2.0) period amount of consumption displaced (see below) by the new project next (H^) : H^ = [ I k ( Ur;^ ) dS;^/dB - ^(U Tj/d-Tcj)) dIj/dB ] . Cg J The investment side, i.e. the right-hand sum, represents the social opportunity cost, in tenns of future forgone consumption, of the 22 of amount capital diverted from private sector production. discount rate theories, it corresponds to respective sectors plus left-hand sura savings in investors; of future return transformation) in which cash- flows diverted of cost accruing of incremental the to tax is equal to the after-tax return on savings (one plus the of rate the On the saving side, the corresponds to the social opportunity terms tax i.e., the marginal return on savings minus the incremental revenues, marginal of private sector use. alternative their in after i.e., the marginal before-tax the tax revenues; productivity (one plus the marginal rate funds the As in social time preference) private the in sector. (See HarbergerC 1969, 1972] for a formal description of these displacements). incremental the If project the small, is effect on equilibrium prices will be trivial, so that H^ can be valued using marginal returns. In equilibriun all market rates of must return equal r^, hence we have: (3-2) H^ = Cq + [ ETf dSi^/dB - Z k j dIj/dB Tf/d-Tcj) ] Cq since EdS^/dB or we can rewrite H^ by - Edl./dB introducing = 1 an adjustment variable (T) which involves only the tax rates and the respective elasticities of investment, (3.3) H^ = CQ(l+rf.T) saving and 23 where T= (3-4) zdS^/dB - z K (l/Cl-T^j)) dIj/dB J Notice that if the elasticities have the and at one T^- least > o, then T > anticipated signs and in general T< 1/(1-1..) (if the 1, tax structure is not too heterogeneous) Hence in the certainty case the APV calculation collapses to a rather trivial exercise : Cgd+r^T) C-| NAPV (3.5) j^(Ci) - Co + Co - = 1+r^ l+r^. equivalent We can notice that the decision rule is one advocated by social discount rate theorists, which states social discount rate, = -— - the use the to value public project cash-flows. rr-j, Ci - Co(l+rfT) Ci ^PW(Ci) : to - Co Clearly NAPV ^^ -— = will and NPYgQ^ signs, although not the sane value. In always display the same any case the adjusted present value approach (4.5) does not complicate the valuation beyond the steps that were requested in the adjusted discount rate approach. The remaining of the section discuss several features on of the APV approach. the In certainty case will particular we show how the valuation behaves under the assunption that public investments displace one for one private investments (the optimal-tax/production-efficiency 24 and assumption) display a how the can be used to isolate the projects which rule positive NPV only because of favorable hypothesized displacements of savings. We can remember from the discussion in Section link between sensitive issue. Some would like to argue that -dI^/dB=1 identically, so that r^x collapses into an to across equal crowded investment efficiency out; which sectors >*£«/( l-T^,^,) here that Notice . assunption; or or would that be in rate transformation of of equivalently with consistent production the the marginal rate of instance any discount rate equals '"f/CI-TQ^)) the or proposition 1 (Section 2) : cost In other worlds . neo-classical these critics state what we will refer to, hereafter, as the rule ^^ the we could assune that tax rates are transformation in the private sector is the only relevant opportunity (and we class "c" such that the before-tax-discount rate investment does actually correspond to the marginal private the the alleged displacements and the opportunity cost of public investflient is the refer that 2 take the public project if and only if NPV^^(Ci) - = Co > l+^f/d-Tcc) Although we have discussed at length the assunptions which have lead us to reject of set principle in realistic this extreme position, we would like to keep them as a benchmark in the public decision. We can adapt the valuation rule (3.4) and (3.5), in the a order to distinguish proportion of the public value that would have been obtained by use of neo-classical rule and the hypothesized shift in savings. proportion that accrues because of the 25 ^^ This can easily be done by transforming (3- 4) and (3.5) - zdSj^/dB = (3.7) T' k z(1/(1-T^j)) dIj/dB - (1/( l-T^^,)) (dl^^/dS + 1 J 1/(1-Tan) ==> Co TfT' Co(Urf/1-Tcc) Ci (3.8) NAPVp^^^(Ci) Co ^ Co - = 1+r^ I+Pj 1+r£. (3-8) would decision rule as (3-6), the neo-classical rule; i.e., Clearly if we were to leave out the last term, lead same the to NPV^^(C-,) and NAPVpub(Ci) + Cq rfTVI+rf would be both positive or negative Hence by analogy we rewrite simultaneously. (3.9) NAPVp^^^(Ci) : NAPV^^c^Ct) - PV(H'i) = where, ^1 NAPV^^(Ci) Cod+Tf/I-Tcc) = l+r^ H' 1 = Co rfT- NAPV^^(Ci) magnitude 1+r^ since ^^ '^P^nc(Cl) ^^^^ ^" general have different the denominators are not the same, but as discussed above the signs will always be identical. Notice also that H' , the case for two possible sets of reasons First, - dI./<jB < 1 This will in general be negative. is : and a tax structure of corporate returns not too heterogeneous imply, as pointed out before, 1 <T< 1 / 1 -T^^, ; hence 26 T'<0. Second, (neo-classical in the case but the taxation even assunption) where of saving no corporate disparate, and the public investment tends to crowd out low projects (relative to T^^,), might again be negative. However the converse can also returns taxed would tend to be close to T created is private and hence T' 1 be is true if the types of public investment tends to crowd out highly taxed private projects. consequence In will we tend to have two positive-net-present-value public projects: 1. Type one which projects elements in (3-9) are positive; display positive NAPV ^^ because both i.e., the project would have been accepted even if we were using the neo-classical assumption. 2. size Type two projects which display positive NAPV ^^ because only the of the externality (the present value of the alleged displacements in excess of the neo-classical assunption) is large enough offset to a negative net present value under the neo-classical assunption. We might want to isolate type two projects the theory because nor empirical evidence can be expected to provide the decision maker with reliable estimates of the displacement equation(T or framework neither allows easily to pin-point T'). The such projects, to proceed to some sensitivity analysis of the estimate of T (or T'), and at the same time to keep as a benchmark the neo-classical valuation. We can stress an additional feature of (3.9). reinterpret the last period) necessary to get desirable project. term a Provided we we can compute the "bribe" (tax break in next private investor to undertake the socialy 27 B. The costs of displacements in a world of uncertainty, and the valuation of risky projects: I do not intend restate to the Bailey and Jensen[1972] Their article argument showing why risk should enter into the calculation. brought an end to the general acceptance of the use of the have to seetns riskless rate in public valuations (at least on the grounds of the diversification argument) . Much of perfect discussion was centered on the the relative abilities of the capital market and the government to share the Along same each economy lines consuner diversification, Sandrao[1972] formally shows that in a stock market has unlimited possibilities portfolio for all risks priced in the market are true risks to society, the sources of which are to be found Hence risk. in the nature of the technology. the government has no advantage over the individual consumer in this respect. The most prominent feature of these approaches is only public discount rates should contain risk premia, but also that these that should correspond to the one used in the private sector. to not be found also in Schmalensee[1976] This feature is when he derives the result with complete insurance markets. We shall share the same point of view and assume that the public and private sectors are identical in their assessment and pricing of risk. (For most of the following discussion, risk means the project's marginal contribution to the variance of the i.e., systematic risk in a CAPM sense, the cash-flows with the return on the market.) aggregate market portfolio; covariance of future project 28 Public valuation under uncertainty : As introduced in the certainty case propose we to value the total costs and benefits of the project, inclusive of the sequentially induced costs of forgone investments. There is a trivial sense in which we can always apply a rule equivalent chapter, previous as developed in the cash-flows. main The once it apply we certainty to result in the next section is that the calculation of certainty equivalent displacements can also be simplified to a trivial equivalent once exercise of we realize that, in certainty equilibrium, market rates of return must be equal to the riskless risky rate. now us Let restate our problem original risky a in environment. In traditional the one period setting the necessary conditions Sharpe-Lintner for the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) are assimed to hold. As before we want to consider the effect on the valuation public of corporate returns T Now this tax rate can vary distortions we introduce a tax on Hence investments. of tax across industries and risk classes (again for simplicity we assune as a first step that there are no personal taxes savings) on . Hence in competitive equilibrium the private sector equates the expected after-tax-return on the marginal dollar invested in a project (Ep,i •(l-T_-i)) cj u J with the required rate of return on savings (Egrp for a comparable level of systematic risk. Under these assunptions we want to determine the current net present value of a proposed end-of-period risky net single period cash inflow of project C- and that will bring an will require a current net 29 cash outflow Cq^ government before as the project is undertaken be to the and, hence, is drawn from the public investment opportunity set The public remains the residual claimant on the government assets excess by return (or deficit) period domestic consunption is transferred to(or taxed away from) Although . and there might be a any end of distinct debt or tax-transfer payments, the net position of the public is as transaction if the government had issued equity on the new asset. Again we set the social discount rate to after-tax-rate of return in be equal to Since we want to use a the private sector. single riskless discount rate we must also adjust all cash flows for derive i.e. the certainty the risk; equivalent cash flows, which is an easy task under the conditions of the one period CAPM. Formaly we can write in our simple case where the only flow externalities correspond to the displacements (3.10) where, NAPVp^^jCC^) NPV^^ is the cash : = NPVb(Ci) + NPVf.(Ci) = PV^j(Ci) - Cq + Cq - PV(Ht) base case net present value of the direct cash flows fran the public project, ^P^^ is the net present value of the 'financing' the present value of displaced externalities, i.e. future consunption (H-) due to the alleged displacements of saving and private sector investments. Since CAPM holds, we have the base-case present value in the following certainty equivalent formulation : 30 (3.11) PV,(Ci) CE^^l) 11 + r^ = E(Ct) - h.COVCCi.PM) 1 + Pf where h is the market price of risk Tf is the riskless rate of interest is the after-tax-rate of return on the market. ^l/[ Given the taxation of corporate returns and Harberger's for displacements have we total anount displaced next period (H.) = Hi [ E( 1+rj^ dVdB ) - (2.0) the following expression for the ; Z k equation ( ryd-T^^j 1+ dIj/dB ) ] . Cq j Notice that the returns entering H, are random variables, so that H- is also a random variable. (H^ expected displacements with the return on the practice. There we might want to calculate the covariance of H^ market is order to assess the present value of In portfolio. much a This way simpler might difficult be value to the in uncertain displacements, which we introduce now. H-] simplifies to (3-12) H^ = Cq + irjt k [ dVdB Eryd-Tcj) - dIj/dB ] Cq j since Ed\/dB zdlj/dB - k = 1 j or we can rewrite H^ in a form actually proposed in Harberger[ 1969, 1972] (3.13) H^ = CoCUrf.T) + [ Lir^-r^) dSj^/dB k -e (rj-rf)/( l-T^j) j wnere, (3.14) T= zdV^fi k - zd/d-T^j)) dIj/dB j dIj/dB ] Cq il Notice again that if the elasticities have signs and at least one T > then T o, of derivation The displacements . > the to zero of value present are (3.13) alleged the a function of excess . a obvious. A(r^_r^) Let , this result The reason, here, is actually quite private where r^ is the return on an asset valued in the satisfies consequence Fischer see the present value of a particular cash flow consider us of discussion general Black' s[ 1981] Simple Discounting Rule. in 1. and hence the present value of those returns must be equal returns For and anticipated can be simplified if we recognize that the cash flows in the second term of the right hand side of market the the CAPM, and A is constant. : market The present value of this particular cash flow is A[(E(r )_r^) _ h.COVCr^.rM)] PV(A(r^.rf.)) i = + r^ 1 But since we can replace E(r^) have r^ + = B(,(r[«j-rf) = r^ + h cov(rj,,r|vi) : A[r^ + h.covCr^j.r^) - r^ - h.^VCr^.r^)] = PV(A(r^.rf.)) 1 + r. Hence we have if CAPM holds PV(H^) (3.15) Cq = NPVf(Ci) = (l+rf.T) / (1+rf.) Co - PV(Hi) = and the total value of the project CE(Cp ^PVb(Ci) = _ 1+r^ and Co rf(1-T)/(Urf) : Co(UrrT) -— , , we 32 characteristic Oie adjustment of this result that is and the tax adjustment are independent of each other. the pricing of the displacements risk of neither is savings affected Moreover nor displacements could be performed exactly as in the certainty case using the riskless rate of interest and the tax variable independent of the risk preraia embodied in the different investments with displaced. This result the by while the adjustment for the investments; and taxation by risk the agrees T, by just and hence is returns on the Schmalensee[1976] but contradicts the highly referenced solution by Bailey and Jensen[1972]. As shall see in part IV, their solution proposes the use of the variable T we to adjust both the riskless rate and the risk premia, which is incompatible with our result. If we consider the complete Harberger world with personal taxes on security returns we can derive a similar result. market not will the be right Now measures the rates observed the in the riskless rate of time for preference and its risk adjusted counter-parts. If if, i^ are the market rates and we assune a flat personal tax rate T^ ^ then we have a CAPM equilibriun either in terms of observed market returns (i), or in terms of after-tax-returns r=i(l-T^)^^ Then the base-case NPV is NPV^ = [ ( ECC^) - h.COVCC^.rM) (Ur^) ] - Cg ij/d-T^c) ^ dIj/dB ) / and the displacement effects are H^ = [ j;( k 1+ i^d-Ti) ) dVdB - E j ( 1+ ] . Cq 33 Repeating the transformation U H^=[ (ifxT) + E dV^B (i|^-if)(1-Ti) - k ((ij-if)/(1-Tcj)) dIj/dB Z ] Cq j where (now adjusted for both personal and corporate taxes) T = dV^B l^'^-'^i) - j( /(1-Tcj)) dIj/dB 1 and as before the present value of the excess returns equals zero. PV(H^) Cq ^ 1+ (ifxT) ( . (Urf) / ) Hence and NPV^ (3.16) = = Cq NAPVp^^(Ci) [ ( . = - 1 ( I^PVb E(C^) _ h.Cov(cT,rM) ) ( -. (1+(if.T)) / (1+rf) ) ) NPVf / (1+rf) ] - [ Cq ( 1 In short our net public adjusted present + ifT ) value (l+r^) / equals ] the base-case NPV plus the present value of future taxes displaced (computed as if all were equal to the riskless rate r^ and discounted back at returns the riskless rate (i.e. As in the solution into an Fischer Black's simple discounting rule). certainty case = 1) : can transform the general equation that separates the neo-classical valuation and the value of the displacements in excess of (-dl^/dB we the neo-classical assunption 34 (3.17) NAPVp^j^(cT) = NPVb(CT) + Cq if( 1-Ti-T)/( Ur^) <==> (3.18) NAPVp^^^cCi) Cq rfT'/d+Pf.) NAPV^cCC-,) - = CE(C^) TfT' CQ(1+if./1-Tcc) = ^0 ^0 + ^0 i+r^. I+Pf 1+rf where the simple discounting rule has been used once more in the calculation of NAPV^^(C^); and T' is still equal to T - 1/(1-1^^). Equivalently equation (3.16) or (3.18) should be solution general the viewed as public project valuation proposed in the paper to . This remains a fairly simple valuation rule. In sunmary the public valuation could involve twD steps. in equation (3.16) the base case NPV can be calculated. This involves As the project direct cash-flows, the certainty equivalent operator and the social riskless rate of time preference. Then in a second step is computed distortions and displacements. present value This first step is independent of tax savings and investments displaced in the economy. of net present value (NPV^.) involves only the social preference, the market riskless tax/displacement variable T. equal to zero the rate of riskless interest and rate the Because of the tax distortions NPV^ of net This time estimated will be in the single case where only savings have been displaced. Because the polar case where only investments are displaced is an important benchmark since it corresponds to the optimal-tax/production-efficiency 35 assumption, have we distinguishes itself displacements between proposed by displacements in the splitting first a efficiency assunption and equivalent the a rule present value of than induced which corresponds to the production term second term which corresponds "excess" of the neo-classic assunption; induced the to i.e. four terms of (3.18) would lead to accept or reject projects basis This rule (3-18). on the first the private sector, Ihe public valuation involves a fifth term because it is assuned that the project might not have been financed out crowded out private investments. of same the solely Notice that in the NAPV approach adding additional cash-flows externalities could easily be handled by new terms to (3-16) or (3-18). certainty As pointed out in the calculation remains extremely difficult. estimate to T (or T'). case the hazardous only Unfortunately this must be T depends on elasticities of savings and investments. But in any case the adjusted present value approach does not complicate the valuation beyond the steps that were required in the adjusted discount rate approach. The result demonstrated for the valuation of the alleged displacements, should stress that the elasticities need to be estimated for the different effective classes of marginal taxation, but need not be related to the different classes of risk-adjusted returns. A last warning about the cost of (in (w) 3-16) displacements. The i^,7 is in no way equal to the weighted average cost of capital proposed by Harberger and in practice, generally estimated and used public term valuations. in "w" is valued at the marginal return on assets in the economy and is inclusive of the risk premia! Before reexamining Bailey and Jensen's solution in the light of our results let us give the multiperiod (perpetuity) solution, when only 36 the first outlay generates project costly displacements: in every period the generates an uncertain cash- flow with constant expected value (C), and the initial outlay is Cq^ then ^^P^b^C) = NPVb + PVf(Co) = C/r^ - Cq + = C/r^ + Cq ( CqCI- T/(1-Ti)) T/(1-Ti) ) 37 SYSTEMATIC ERRORS IN BAILEY AND JENSEN'S APPROACH IV. Bailey and Jensen's Social Capital Asset Pricing Model (SCAPM): Bailey argued Section III, that a reasonable guess might be to assune that the degree with optimality for They conclude as we did in risk in public project valuations. considering correctly have Jensen[1972] and of to risk sharing on public assets is comparable to regard the one achievable in a private stock market. With this assunption in mind we ought to use publicly traded securities to extract information projects: the on two the most reliable prices necessary for adequate valuation of risky investors' riskless rate of time preference and the price of risk. In of Harberger's government other words Bailey and Jensen want to restate the problem externalities ownership does not correct measure of the riskiness contribution following distort of a Assume terms. that improve risk bearing, if the or public project is its marginal to the standard deviation of the market portfolio (as a proxy for individuals' assumptions the in of true the portfolio), Siarpe-Lintner i.e., CAPM. its beta Then we under the standard can derive a set of adjustments which account for the tax distortions in the public valuations. This is exactly what were the assunptions of our derivation. 38 In order to solve this problem they explanation, propose, without much the following Social Capital Asset Pricing Model, which, they claim, provides the appropriate social risk (i.e. preraiuns including externality adjustments) to apply to individual projects. The market-determined equilibriun private expected rates return can be described by the traditional CAPM relation (^•1) E( ij^) = if h + . of : (private or Beta,^ market rates) where the expected return on asset k (after ^^ijic) is before personal taxes) corporate but taxes if is the riskless rate h is the market price of risk per unit ^^^m) - if i|vi / ) of standard deviation = ( derive a Gm is the return on the market C^ is the standard deviation of the market return Betaj^ = Gov ik ( , iM ) / Gn, Bailey and Jensen claim that it CAPM-like relation for social discount rates (n.2) E( Wj^) - wf + k . Betaj^ is possible to : (Public Rates) 39 where, (U.2.1) w^ i^ = E [ (1-Tij).dSj/dB - (4.2.2) Wj^ if = i^ L (l-Tip.dSj/dB - (4.2.3) k ik = h h = . equation E J "^ to signs). drive 1/(1-T^,,^).dVdB ] 1, 1 the in previous the section, implies that each marginal personal tax rate (2.0) above T .d T will tend to drive T below tend ] E(l-T^j).dSj/dB - Notice that as pointed out displacement VdB l/d-T^i^) T . [ E k J = ] T . [ 1/(1-T^j^).dVdB "^ J = E and each marginal corporate tax rate will long dSj/dB and dlj^/dB have the expected (as The net effect is uncertain: > T = 1 < It can go either way borrowing on savings depending on the relative effects of government and investments along with the relative size of the tax distortions. No proof is provided, but at surprising. average The return; elasticities are instead constant the no risk-free return and the risk premiums! first glance the result is longer used to compute a weighted term (T) multiplies both the 40 The adjustment of the price of risk for tax distortions hardly find a theoretical justification. 1 , why can If it happens that T is less than should the government apply to the valuation of the projects lower risk premiums than those which private investors would apply? On the other hand none of the fran the equations in proceed (4.2) rationale as Harberger's weighted average w (in 2.2). sane new version suffers from clear inconsistancies that absent were in The the riskless version^^. The Bailey and Jensen formula does decision rule for the previous section. social not provide right the risk adjusted public valuations, as forraaly derived in Ultimately we shall see that the error made in the CAPM is very sijnilar to that in the Modigliani-Miller adjusted cost of capital. systematic errors The costs of of outlay the government the alleged project is displacements very similar on to the original the adjustment performed in private project valuations to account for interest tax-shields on the project's financing. We can now anticipate that Bailey and Jensen did not actually derive a Social CAPM but rather performed an adjustment on risky discount rates very much like Modigliani and Miller Adjusted Cost of Capital. We can notice the similarity between the two formulations: 41 1. Modigliani and Miller cost of Capital: = ^c ^c 1-TccI^ ( ) where i^ is the risk adjusted cost of capital on an all-equity firm Tqc is (as before) the marginal corporate tax-rate is the project marginal contribution to the firm's debt capacity ^ 2. Bailey and Jensen's social cost of capital = '^c ic T • As it is decision rules finite for lived adjustments those known well projects decision rules become exact for perpetuities. cost adjusted the of capital will Myers[1974]) but the cases exactly equals zero. In words, even in the perpetuity case the adjusted cost of capital just since often exclusive the government projects NPV. This worrisome for the kind of decisions to be undertaken more potentially of might consider resources for two mutualy very different kinds and for which we might expect different induced displacements (and hence different T) might , both Nevertheless in defines a hurdle rate, and does not necessarily give the right is inexact to lead to the wrong net present value calculations except when the net present value other (see lead . Both valuations display positive NPVs but the magnitudes of the calculated NPVs will be wrong. The decision rule but adjustment still could of capital. This (providing rescued the wrong NPV calculations) case if performed with riskless rate valuations. be of return on the right in the finite-lived certainty equivalent also would apply to Modigliani and Miller adjusted cost 42 In order to see these results, let consider us the one period project of Section III. Bailey and Jensen propose the use of w^ = i^.T = ( : Tc/Cl-Ti) ).T Hence they compute the following net present value UC (4.3) NPVb4j(Ci) : E(Ci) ) Cq = = Cq 1+ic-T l+'*c(1/''-Ti)-T E(C^) . = 1+[i"f+ E(C^) Co h.Cov(rc.rM)](1/l-Ti).T _ Co{l+[rfv^ h.Cov(rc.rM)](1/l-Ti).T} 1+[^fv^ h.Cov(rc.rM)](l/1-Ti).T The APV calculations in chapter III lead to the result (3.16) CE(C^) ^PVput,(Ci) . Cod.ifT) = 1+r^ E(C^) . h.Cov(Ci,rM) - Co(UifT) 1+r^ E(C^) . h.Cov(Ci,rM) - Co( 1+rf( 1/1-1^)1) 1+r^ which can be rewritten E(C^) _ h.Co.Cov(ipc,rM) - Co( Urf( l/l-Ti)T) (4.4)NPVp^^(Ci) 1+r^ where, ipQ is defined as the project return (not specific market return) necessarily equal to any 43 Clearly (4.3) and (4.4) will not lead in general to the same decision rule, as long ^^^^.rM) = Cov(rc,rM).(1/1-Ti).T No simple comparison between the made but in some cases two calculations can be Bailey and Jensen's approach will also give the wrong sign. We can propose an alternative rule to adjusted discount rate Bailey and Jensen's by limiting the adjustment to the riskless rate Wf-i^T, and using Wf in certainty equivalent valuations. CE(C^) 1+w^ : 44 adjustment nor need be, performed on the price of risk. is, more that w^ is not equal to SDR "w" , (Notice once and current estimates of w are of no use for the proposed modified adjustment rule) Finally, in a multiperiod framework (perpetuities, see equation of chapter III) ^APVb(C) : C/r^ + Co(T/(1-Ti) = = [C - CQi^T]/r^ but according to Bailey and Jensen's rule NPVb4j(C) = C/i^T - Cq In present values. last = : [C - CoicT]/ieT both cases Bailey and Jensen's rule provides inexact net 45 V GENERALIZATIONS AND CONCLUSION valuation We have proposed in the paper a simple rule for public investments. The valuation rule can be sunmarized in the following way : the net present value of the project is equal to the base-case NPV plus the present of value displaced savings and investments, computed as if all returns were equal to the riskless rate and discounted back at discount riskless rate proper This reflects the application of Fischer Black's rate. simple discounting rule. the In this definition the proper riskless discount the social rate of time preference, which we have set to be equal is to the marginal rate of time preference in the private sector, although the result would assunption. carry through However, the under public reasonable sector must departures account for from this and price systematic risk in the same way as the private sector. This simple valuation rule is appealing not only because corrects the systematic errors made discount rate approach or in Bailey and it in the traditional adjusted social Jensen's social CAPM, but also because it can be easily generalized to many valuation problems. Valuation of projects cannot discounted cash- flow rules. always be dealt valuing of these This is often the problem confronted in public valuations since many projects are energy related (oil projects are typically treated series using When the underlying real asset is a sequence of real options, only contingent claim analysis can help in projects. with real options on as a future production) or are linked to explicit guarantees (the government commits itself to subsidies and bail outs that 46 only in certain discount rates can be of occur would no of the world) states help in adjusting . Obviously adjusted for the hypothesized displacements, the valuation of such options. rule The simple valuation relation market among returns is holds better in case the described more by the where general risk-return relationships, as in Merton's[ 19733 intertemporal asset pricing model, or Ross' be shown [ 1975, 1976] arbitrage pricing theory. that the In particular it can last proposition is very general and that the present value of excess equilibrium returns is always equal to zero. Also the paper along with the above discussion to practical in practice. project with and lead recommendations for the implementation of the valuation rule The APV distinguishes between the valuation of the basic the proper project risk considerations, and the valuation of the financing externality. invested should is latter The independent of is proportional to the amount the risk characteristics of the project (this is actually the main reason why Bailey and Jensen's rule is wrong) The approach could also draw the attention to those projects that are only profitable because of favorable hypothesized shifts in savings. B TFB 1 FOOTNOTES Lessard, Bollier, Eckaus, Khan [1982] point out that although currently exists substantial controversy over the 'precise' estimation of the social discount rate "w" (the results range from 7 to 10 percent or more in real the general approach has wide acceptance in Canadian public policy terms ) analyses. ' , 2 Some SDR theorists acknowledge the absence of uncertainty in their approaches but either they argue that the problem would justify a separate or they take for granted Bailey and paper (Sandmo and Dreze[ 1971 ]) Jensen's results (Sjaastad and Wisecarver[1977]) which as we shall see seem to accredit a mostly unmodified transposition of SDR adjustments in a multi-rate context. , , Jenkins[1981] even argues in the case of the public valuation of oil project against the use of the private opportunity cost of capital computed in the oil industry because the low return sectors such as "aircraft and parts, railways, water transport and grain elevator" brings the social opportunity cost of capital down and hence makes it a more reliable estimate of what would be the true opportunity cost of public funds. tax wedge here, only of discrepancies No mention is made of attributable to difference in risk preraia! 3 Glen an ^ Other approaches than the one considered here often state that the might have no links preference discount and social rate of time social rate take into account such with market rates because cost-benefit analyses must capital poorly developed externalities as: distribution externalities, markets, absence of intergenerational bequest motives... On the other hand Harberger states that his theory is adapted only to the case of well developed economies with well functioning capital markets where these externalities can be left aside in the analysis. See Stiglitz[1982] p. 165 for a simple derivation. Alternatively, if the economy is originally in a state of production efficiency, the private sector will not increase the level of saving when "offered" a public project with a return between the before-tax and after-tax rate of interest, and private sector investment will be crowded out more than one Ihis is the for one (I thank Fischer Black for pointing this out to me). case because rational investors will anticipate that the loss of tax revenues will induce the government to raise taxes on future income. This increase in the tax rate must induce a decline in national wealth, otherwise we could not have been at a point of production efficiency other In initially. This contradicts the hypothesized shift in savings. words once the government has chosen the level of interest rate and has designed its taxes in consequence, consunption levels are fixed, and a unit of public investment must crowd out at the margin a unit of private investment. 5 ^ Once we relax the initial assunption of optimal control, we cannot obtain the strong result. If the economy was not in a production-efficient equilibriun in the first place and if the same experiment as in footnote 5 was performed, they might not even be a need for a shift in the tax rate for the government to protect its future tax revenues. There will also be TFB some uncertainty with regard to the behavior of the government. One's best guess might then be that the tax rates are fixed at the current level for all the relevant horizon. Under these circunstances public investment need not crowd out one for one private investments and equation (2.0) does offer a more general approach to the impact of public investment. does not mean that all kind of subsidized investment is banned such economies but rather that only an equilibriun is reached where none of the private sector with higher return than the project to be valued can be efficiently subsidized or publicly owned. 7 This from ° Notice that this would not be a constraint under the conditions of Diamond and Mir rlees[ 1971] since a reduction in the rate of taxation is another way for the government to induce the undertaking of the marginal private project. The government could adjust the tax rate until production efficiency is achieved. 9 Recently Arrow[1982], developing Arrow and Kurtz[1970], has looked at raultiperiod growth models. They show that the opportunity cost of capital remains in these contexts a weighted average of consunption rate of time preference and marginal before-tax-return on private capital, but the weights would be very difficult to observe, project specific (related to the complementarity of private and public production) and related to other economic variables. However Sjaastad and Wisecarver[ 1977] argue that reinvestment of the net project output has negligible quantitative effects. They also propose to treat as "external" additional benefits to be attributed to the project, with the augmented benefit stream then being discounted by "w" Lind[1982] makes similar advice. This would also be very well adapted to our adjusted present value rule in the case of risky . environments. ^^ An alternative version of w is also frequently used in SDR theories (2.1)' w = - g dl/di) r dS/di ( / or in tenns of interest elasticities given by Harberger and more : ( dS/di - dl/di ) : (2.1)" w= (rSe3_ginj-)/(Ses-Ini) those expressions are equivalent. The 'borrowing' version is simpler since if all markets are in equilibrium, dS/dB - dl/dB =1. It is also the one used by Harberger when he discussed the possibility of different yields due to risk premia, and seems more intuitive in that context. All ^^ In the small economy case, Harberger[ 1976a, 1976b] (or see Hood, Glenday, Evans[1982]) introduces country risk in his model: an upward slopping cost of foreign funds drives the increase in the interest rate paid on savings and wnich feeds back in the crowding out of investments. 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