Data Governance Committee (DGC) Meeting Notes


Data Governance Committee (DGC)

Meeting Notes

08_08_2013 Phone Conference 10:30am

*Highlighted = attended


*Susan Maxwell

Clark College

Business Affairs Commission (BAC)

*Kevin McKay

Edmonds Community College

Human Resources & Management Commission (HRMC)

*Bonnie Cauffman

Peninsula College

Information Technology Commission (ITC)

Russ Beard

Bellevue College

Instruction Commission (IC)

*Tom Nielsen

Bellevue College

Public Information Commission (PIC)

*Sherry Nelson


Research and Planning Commission (RPC)

*Cynthia Requa

Green River

Student Services Commission (WSSSC)

*June Stacey-Clemons

Clover Park Technical College

*Carmen McKenzie


*Linda Schoonmaker

Clover Park Technical College

*Sue Williamson

Skagit Valley College

*Eva Smith

Edmonds Community College


Janelle Runyon


*Hal Royaltey


*Rhonda Coats

South Puget Sound CC

Next Meeting:

Thursday September 5th, 10:30am phone conference

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Mary Ellen has been appointed acting president for North Seattle, so she will not be continuing as a member of this group. However, Pete Lortz who has been appointed to the VP for Instruction at North

Seattle, would be pleased to join the committee. Carmen is working with IC to make the replacement, as the commission appoints their members.

Carmen provided some information regarding her ctcLink involvement, primarily in in Campus Solutions

- System standardized coding is needed. How do we leverage the data governance structure?

3 categories of coding - how do we in DGC handle these / work with ctcLink?

Those needed for configuration (need ASAP)

Those needed for available values (needed soon, but not in the next couple of weeks)

Legacy system standardized coding

Carmen wants to know what we think about the Data Governors reviewing and providing feedback?

There is no time to educate everyone on everything related to ctcLink that would have to happen.

Bonnie & Sue – feel DG needs to be involved even if cursory, SBCTC should get involvement with quick turn around

Rhonda – ctcLink should get feedback from us

Susan – Carmen as SBCTC staff can use the DGC to review some coding and get feedback from peers.

Need rapid turnaround for feedback.

Carmen provided an overview of some data elements she is reviewing and we had some initial discussion / feedback for Carmen.

Degree type

Is there one official degree type – like AAS is an Associate of Applied Science, or are varieties needed? SBCTC policy manual does not specify the type names for CTE degrees.

Sue – their board has approved the degree, what does this mean for their process

Tom – different institution have adopted different wording, perhaps a nuance. BAS and BAA

Tom’s question about back or front end standardization. Carmen explained this may be an option – codes are standardized but college use different titles.

Rhonda – is it to put into a category (CTE or academic transfer)? Trying to get clarity around what is being looked at.

Eva – prof tech degrees that transfer AAS-T ATA transfer. What do 4 year colleges have to say for transfer (DTA’s)? How about a generic number codes scheme for grouping and colleges apply their own titles

June – what are exit codes use for? How does it group stuff together?

Tom – IC or IC members should vet this

Hal – broadest possible reach and then not use the codes we don’t need

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Degree Title (Description)

Carmen –at the colleges we give our own title. ctcLink PLAN (is like a program) is at the global level with a standard description.

Susan’s concerns that a “program” or plan is unique to each college’s program – and important to differentiate because of different curriculum and learning outcomes, and what employment opportunities may exist for the program participants.

Tom – why not just use CIP code definitions/ descriptions

Discussion about how this would make us comparable to other states

Carmen – would like to make this an official, but quick turn around, process.

Tom – says it should be fine, some input is better than none. Everyone is in agreement.

Change our flow and process based on external demands

Cynthia – sees it as a program (broad) with different exit points, instead of each individual degree or certificate being a program.

Exit codes changes being discussed at SBCTC currently 4=1-45 credits and 9=unique credit or non credit

Would like to discuss breaking the 4’s into 20 to 45 and then 19 and below.

Susan is adding in this comment – I know 20 credits is where a decision was made for SAI, however I have notes that say a Gainful Employment program must be 24 credits or more in length, which I think is based on how many credits a program needs to be in order to be financial aid eligible. It seems that some more review of the best credit level to draw this line at is needed.

Academic Program (Plan) Codes

Will be standardized in PS

Hal has implemented a standardized coding in peninsula

A code is associated with each academic degree in the system.

Carmen is most concerned about how this can be implement in the HP, as some people will be on the legacy system for a few more years.

Susan brought up lots of concerns about academic program codes and how they could be implemented in the legacy system. She indicated that not all colleges collect this information and it would be a lot of work to do this – and there will be gaps in the data. Having everyone consistent in legacy may not be possible – but as we go into PS it could work.

Process flow

Carmen wants to start work and document the flow at the same time.

Tom- start with something and then pilot and fine tune. We need to be able to present something to commissions as our process.

Question – who is in charge of the variable and how many times does it come through for vetting? The end part of the vetting process. DGC votes and makes final decision then sends to SBCTC.

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We need to work via email to work on this workflow document so it’s ready for next meeting. Susan will coordinate.


Data Governance Committee determines a data element task

The Data Governance Committee determines which commission is accountable for the data element

The task, data element owner and due date is documented by the Data Governance Committee.

The Data Governance Committee commission representative of the commission deemed accountable informs their Data Steward Committee.

The Data Steward Committee works through the task and communicates the proposal to the

DGC commission representative.

The DGC commission representative communicates the proposal to the DGC.

Once the proposal is approved, the DGC representatives communicate the decision to the DSC and to their commission. (the communication map will be discussed in more detail at upcoming

DGC meetings)

Data stewards – no static groups. Ad Hoc fashion with SME’s as necessary. (need to update workflow with this information.)


– really need to finalize this. Would like a small subgroup to work on it this month. As there were no volunteers Susan will do it and then get feedback from the group via email.

Updates: Bob Seiner

Presidents were interested in an executive level presentation $3500

We would still like a 2 day work session – max 25 people

Or $8000 to combine with us.

Other: ctcLink and SBCTC reps, when do they get involved?

Carmen discussed when we may need to bring in ctcLink and SBCTC reps to be involved.

Sherry says add people to listserve

Cynthia says add in people as needed or create a second listserve

Sue & Bonnie – bring is as needed only

Our first Data element:

Discussed if we believed that Exit codes should come through DGC. We agreed that it should.

Carmen is the work group (instead of an ad hoc DS group to be created) and will bring a proposal to the

DGC in the next meeting.

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Key PeopleSoft terms needed for our discussion:

Career - The highest grouping level that denotes whether the student is enrolled for continuing ed or not.

Program - The next highest grouping that denotes whether the student is enrolled for prof/tech, transfer, baccalaureate or basic skills.

Plan - This term is pretty much the same as how we talk about programs in the legacy system. There will be a plan for each program we offer such as welding, nursing, or associate in business dta,

Degree Type - The highest level of grouping for degrees. This is similar to our exit codes today. Such as

Prof/Tech Degrees, Prof/Tech Certificates, Academic Transfer, Academic Non-Transfer,

Degree Plan - This aligns with the Plan code above but is used on the completion.

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