An Economic Impact Analysis of a Peanut Buying Point in a Three-County Region in Georgia CR-04-10 October 2004 Prepared by: CENTER FOR AGRIBUSINESS AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT D. Davis Waters and John C. McKissick College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences The University of Georgia I. INTRODUCTION An economic impact analysis evaluates the effects, or economic impacts, of a new venture – in this case a peanut buying point – on major sectors of the economy. This economic impact analysis measures projected economic impacts of a proposed peanut buying point due to economic activity associated with both its construction and operations-related activities on a three-county region in Georgia. The proposed buying point would be located in Washington County and stimulate Jefferson and Johnson Counties as well. An impact analysis of local peanuts produced (10,150 tons) to be stored, cleaned, dried and sold through the buying point is included in this report as well. IMPLAN, an economic input-output modeling program, was utilized in this project. IMPLAN can interpret the effects of a new venture in a number of ways including output (sales), labor income (employee compensation and proprietary income), employment (jobs), and tax revenue. Further, the IMPLAN model can be constructed for the economy of a single county, state, or multi-county or state region. In general, inputoutput models work by separating the economy into various sectors, such as agriculture, construction, manufacturing, trade, services, and so forth. The model then captures how a change in one industry (for example, Agricultural Services) will change output, labor income, and employment in other industries. These changes, or impacts, are expressed in terms of direct, indirect, and induced effects. Direct effects represent the initial impact on the economy of some feature (i.e. construction or operations) of a new venture. Indirect effects are changes in other industries caused by the direct effect of a new venture. Induced effects are changes in household spending due to the changes in economic activity generated by both the direct and indirect effects. Thus, the total economic impact is nothing more than the sum of the direct, indirect, and induced effects. II. CONSTRUCTION-RELATED ECONOMIC IMPACTS Any economic impact analysis of a new venture would be remiss to not first evaluate the economic benefits of construction-related expenditures. Constructionrelated expenditures also include the purchase and installation of all operational equipment, such as the peanut grading system, dryers, and scales. However, the land acquisition is not included because it is a capital swap; it does not cause additional economic activity. Construction-related activity only impacts the three-county region during the construction phase. Once construction on the buying point ends, the economic impact of its construction ends as well. In sum, capital costs of a peanut buying point of this size are projected to be $1.375 million. Economic Impact of Construction on the Three-County Region First, the projected economic impacts of the buying point’s construction and equipment purchases and installation on the three-county region of Washington, Jefferson, and Johnson Counties are estimated. Table 1 highlights the economic impact of this economic activity with regard to output, labor income, employment, and tax revenue. Table 1: Buying Point Construction: Projected Economic Benefits to Three-County Region ONE-TIME/FIRST YEAR ECONOMIC IMPACT (Washington, Jefferson, and Johnson Counties) Direct Effect Indirect Effect Induced Effect Total Effect Output $1,375,000 $180,714 $271,544 $1,827,259 Labor Income $752,736 $71,690 $77,729 $902,156 Employment 27 3 3 33 Tax $54,261 As shown in Table 1, the direct output (sales) effect of the buying point’s construction-related activity is the cost of construction, $1.375 million. This figure represents the total projected construction cost of all buildings and the purchase and installation of all operational equipment. The infusion of this $1.375 million in the threecounty region generates an indirect effect of nearly $200,000 among supporting industries in the local area. The indirect effect represents business-to-business purchases between businesses constructing the facility and their supplying, or supporting, businesses (i.e., purchasing building materials, surveying services, etc.). In addition, the construction project will induce approximately $270,000 in sales as construction personnel and area employees spend their income on consumer products and services. The total economic impact on the three-county region, resulting from the construction project, is more than $1.8 million in output. An impact analysis also provides information on wages and benefits. In Table 1, the labor income figure provides insight into the money that households will earn from the construction project. The direct effect of labor income supported by the buying point’s construction is approximately $750,000. Combining the direct, indirect and induced effects, total labor income is projected to be more than $900,000 in Jefferson, Johnson, and Washington Counties. In other words, nearly $1 million of labor income will be created in the three-county region because of the construction project. The construction project is estimated to generate a total of 33 jobs throughout the three counties. Total employment represents full- and part-time jobs, and its impact can be broken down to show indirect and induced employment changes. Indirectly, 3 jobs will be created as a result of business-to-business activity associated with construction. An additional 3 jobs will be created in the three-county region to support increased household spending by those workers affected directly and indirectly by the construction project. The economic activity will also have a relatively significant impact on tax revenues for the three counties. It is estimated that state and local non-education tax revenues would increase by nearly $55,000. Table 2 illustrates the total projected economic impact of construction on all major sectors of the three-county regional economy. Table 2 shows to what extent – in terms of output, labor income and employment – major sectors of the regional economy are impacted by the construction project. Table 2: Buying Point Construction: Projected Economic Benefits to all Major Sectors of the Three-County Region ONE-TIME/FIRST YEAR ECONOMIC IMPACT (Jefferson, Johnson, and Washington Counties) Output Impact Labor Income Impact Employment Impact Agriculture $6,642 $1,896 0 Mining $2,919 $1,286 0 Construction $1,379,094 $754,192 27 Manufacturing $35,218 $7,683 0 TCPU $36,182 $10,181 0 Trade $98,743 $40,861 2 FIRE $44,041 $9,248 0 Services $158,143 $74,861 4 Government $66,277 $1,949 0 TOTAL $1,827,259 $902,156 33 As evident in the emboldened “Construction” row of Table 2, the construction sector of three-county regional economy enjoys the highest level of economic benefits, or economic impact. This comes as no surprise because the cost of buying point construction is captured within this sector. The total output impact on the region’s construction sector is nearly $1.4 million. In the construction sector alone, such a level of economic activity supports 27 full- and part-time jobs and approximately $750,000 of labor income. However, the “Services” sector is impacted by indirect and induced effects more than any other sector in the regional economy. 4 full- and part-time jobs are created in this sector because of the construction project, equaling nearly $75,000 in labor income. III. OPERATIONS-RELATED ECONOMIC IMPACTS The construction-related economic impact on the economy of the three counties is a one-time economic occurrence only. In other words, once construction and equipment purchasing for a new venture ends, the economic impact ends shortly thereafter. However, through its operations (i.e., selling its output and paying its employees), a new venture will generate continuous economic activity, creating continuous economic impacts on the collective economic landscape of the three-county region. Economic Impact of Operations on Georgia’s Economy Table 3 shows the economic impact of the buying point’s operations on the economy of the three-county region. Table 3: Buying Point Operations: Projected Economic Benefits to the Three-County Region ANNUALLY OCCURING ECONOMIC IMPACT (Jefferson, Johnson, and Washington Counties) Direct Effect Indirect Effect Induced Effect Output $440,003 $75,271 $70,191 Labor Income $188,800 $26,611 $20,085 Employment 5 1 1 Tax Total Effect $585,466 $235,496 7 $19,363 The direct effect associated with output, approximately $440,000, is nothing more than the projected revenues (sales) of the buying point. This direct output effect indirectly creates another $75,000 as the operation purchases products and services from other businesses in the region. Also part of this indirect effect, supporting businesses purchase goods and services from other businesses throughout the regional economy to operate their businesses. The result of increased household income from the creation of new jobs is an induced effect of more than $70,000. The induced impact represents households spending income in the three counties on consumer goods (i.e., eating at restaurants, doctor and dentist visits, etc.). In summary, the total economic impact, in terms of output, on Jefferson, Johnson, and Washington Counties is estimated to be more than $500,000 annually. The direct effect associated with labor income, nearly $200,000, is wages and benefits paid to the employees of the buying point. The indirect labor income effect is projected to be approximately $26,000. Again, this represents additional wages and benefits associated with the increase in indirect employment. Because of the additional labor income, regional household spending would increase by more than $20,000. The total labor income impact is approximately $235,000. The impact of buying point employment is similar. This business will employ 5 workers (direct effect). In this workforce total is 1 general manager, 1 clerical worker, and 3 general laborers. These 5 jobs have an indirect effect of 1 new job in other businesses throughout the region, and the induced effect (job(s) created from additional household spending) is 1 job. Summing the three effects reveals a total employment impact on the three-region economy of 7 new jobs. With this new economic activity, tax revenues, state and local non-educational, would increase by nearly $20,000 annually. Table 4 illustrates how major sectors of the regional economy are impacted by the operations of the buying point. Table 4: Buying Point Operations: Projected Benefits to all Major Sectors of the Three-County Region ANNUALLY OCCURRING ECONOMIC IMPACT (Jefferson, Johnson, and Washington Counties) Output Impact Labor Income Impact Employment Impact Agriculture $469,956 $197,880 Mining $38 $16 Construction $2,188 $930 Manufacturing $9,074 $1,465 TCPU $12,218 $3,434 Trade $27,283 $10,807 FIRE $12,424 $2,624 Services $35,383 $17,910 Government $16,898 $430 TOTAL $585,466 $235,496 5 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 7 As shown above in Table 4, the emboldened “Agriculture” sector in the threeregion economy realizes the most economic benefits in all three analysis categories – output, labor income, and employment. Like in the construction impact, however, this is not a surprising finding because the buying point’s direct impact is in the agriculture sector. In terms of indirect and induced effects, the “Services” sector is impacted more than any other sector in the region. More than $35,000 in output, nearly $18,000 in labor income and 1 new job are created in the three counties because of the buying point’s operations. IV. PEANUT PRODUCTION IN THE THREE-COUNTY REGION It is important to include an impact analysis of peanut production in the threecounty region because, in many cases, a new peanut buying point will provide an increased market for peanuts. Below, Table 5 showcases the economic impact from the production of 10,150 tons of peanuts. This is the quantity handled by the local buying point. Table 5: Peanut Production: Projected Economic Benefits to the Three-County Region ANNUALLY OCCURRING ECONOMIC IMPACT (Jefferson, Johnson, and Washington Counties) Direct Effect Indirect Effect Induced Effect Output $4,060,000 $45,667 $463,777 Labor Income $1,280,653 $15,846 $132,705 Employment 124 1 6 Tax Total Effect $4,569,444 $1,429,204 131 $287,069 As shown in Table 5, direct production associated with the buying point is $4.060 million. This is the direct effect of 10,150 tons of peanuts valued at $400 per ton. As producers purchase additional inputs to meet this increased demand, another $45,000 of economic output is created in Jefferson, Johnson, and Washington Counties. Peanut production of this magnitude will induce more than $460,000 in sales as farm workers and laborers spend their income on products and services in the three-county region. The total economic impact on the three counties, resulting from peanut production, is more than $4.6 million in increased output. The direct effect of labor income due to peanut production is nearly $1.3 million. Representing additional wages and benefits associated with an increase in indirect employment, the indirect labor income effect is nearly $16,000. Household spending in the region would increase by more than $130,000. Thus, the total labor income impact is approximately $1.4 million. Employment directly in peanut production is 124 workers. Peanut production would create another 7 jobs in the three-county region, bringing total employment due to this level of peanut production to 131 jobs. Furthermore, state and local non-education tax revenues increase by nearly $300,000. Below, Table 6 demonstrates how major sectors of the three-region economy are impacted by peanut production associated with the buying point. Table 6: Peanut Production: Projected Benefits to all Major Sectors of the Three-County Region ANNUALLY OCCURRING ECONOMIC IMPACT (Jefferson, Johnson, and Washington Counties) Output Impact Labor Income Impact Employment Impact Agriculture $4,082,239 $1,290,403 125 Mining $163 $71 0 Construction $4,463 $1,558 0 Manufacturing $25,904 $3,858 0 TCPU $36,104 $10,119 0 Trade $101,607 $41,975 2 FIRE $63,541 $12,464 1 Services $143,302 $65,818 3 Government $112,119 $2,938 0 TOTAL $4,569,444 $1,429,204 131 As evident in the emboldened “Agriculture” row of Table 6, the agriculture sector of three-county regional economy enjoys the highest level of economic benefits. Agriculture is appropriately higher than other sectors because peanut production is housed within the sector. Or, it can be said that the direct effect of peanut production causes this sector to rank first in terms impact. The total output impact on the region’s agriculture sector is nearly $4.1 million. In this sector alone, such a level of economic activity supports 125 full- and part-time jobs and approximately $1.3 million of labor income. However, like in previous sections of this report, the “Services” sector is impacted by indirect and induced effects more than any other sector in the regional economy. 3 full- and part-time jobs are created in this sector because of this level of peanut production, equaling more than $65,000 in labor income. V. CONCLUSION In summary, this economic impact analysis shows how the construction and operations as well as the associated peanut production of a local peanut buying point might contribute to and impact the economies of Jefferson, Johnson, and Washington Counties. However, the economic impacts of construction and operations should not be summed in order to reveal a “grand total” economic impact on Georgia’s economy. As discussed above, economic impacts due to construction are a one-time economic occurrence, unlike those associated with the operations of a business. Constructionrelated economic impacts do not occur on an annual basis; the impact ends when construction of the buying point ends. Operations-related economic activity is said to be continuous, or annual, as long as the business continues to function in the three-county region. Summary Table 7 summarizes the year-after-year, or annually occurring, economic impacts of buying point operations and the corresponding level of peanut production in terms of output, labor income, employment, and tax revenues. Summary Table 7: Buying Point Operations and Peanut Production: Total Projected Economic Benefits to the Three-County Region TOTAL ANNUALLY OCCURRING ECONOMIC IMPACT (Jefferson, Johnson, and Washington Counties) Direct Effect Indirect Effect Induced Effect Output $4,500,003 $120,938 $533,968 Labor Income $1,469,453 $42,457 $152,790 Employment 129 2 7 Tax Total Effect $5,154,909 $1,664,700 138 $306,432 As evident in Summary Table 7, all three categories of economic effects have been summed to reveal the total economic impact of buying point operations and peanut production. The total economic impact will affect the economies of the three counties on an annual basis as peanuts are cultivated and handled and sold through the local buying point. Per prior discussion, the economic impact of constructing the buying point is not included in Summary Table 7 because it only occurs in the first year. That is, its economic reach is limited to the construction phase.