Behavioral Factors in the Valuation of Employee Stock Options∗ Jennifer N. Carpenter New York University Richard Stanton U.C. Berkeley Nancy Wallace U.C. Berkeley November 16, 2012 ∗ Financial support from the Fisher Center for Real Estate and Urban Economics and the Society of Actuaries is gratefully acknowledged. For helpful comments and suggestions, we thank Wenxuan Hou, Ulrike Malmendier, Kevin Murphy, Terry Odean, Jun Yang, David Yermack, and seminar participants at Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business, Erasmus University, Lancaster University, New York University, Oxford University, Peking University, Securities and Exchange Commission, Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance, Temple University, Tilburg University, and Tsinghua University. We thank Terrence Adamson at AON Consulting for providing some of the data used in this study. We also thank Xing Huang for valuable research assistance. Please direct correspondence to,, or Behavioral Factors in the Valuation of Employee Stock Options Abstract Options are a major component of corporate compensation and accounting methods significantly affect allocations, yet valuation remains a challenge. We develop the first empirical model of employee exercise suitable for valuation, and estimate the exercise rate as a function of stock price and employee characteristics in the first sample of all employee exercises at over 100 firms. These characteristics significantly affect exercise behavior and cost, in ways that Black-Scholes-based approximations used in practice fail to capture. For example, exercises are slower, and option cost greater, at firms with higher market correlation; top-decile option holders within a firm exercise faster than lower-decile holders; and men exercise faster than women, resulting in 2–3% lower cost. JEL classification: G14. Employee stock options (ESOs) are a major component of corporate compensation and a material cost to firms. Frydman and Jenter (2010) find that options represented 25% of CEO pay in 2008, and the 2010 General Social Survey of the National Opinion Research Center found that 9.3 million employees hold options. As a fraction of outstanding shares of common stock, the median number of shares underlying outstanding options at S&P 1500 firms was 4.4% in 2010, with almost 1% of outstanding shares allocated to new option grants annually, according to Equilar (2011). At the same time, accounting valuation methods for ESOs significantly affect corporate decisions about compensation structure and allocation, and thus affect both employee incentives and firm cost. For example, the 2005 change in accounting valuation precipitated a decline in the granting of options from previous levels and an increase in the allocation to top managers.1 Valuation methods for employee stock options are therefore an important issue for investors. ESO valuation remains a challenge in practice. The value of these long-maturity American options depends crucially on how employees exercise them, but because employees face hedging constraints, standard option exercise theory does not apply. For example, employees systematically exercise options on non-dividend-paying stocks well before expiration (see, for example, Huddart and Lang, 1996; Bettis et al., 2005), and this substantially reduces their cost to firms. Modifications to Black Scholes used for valuation in practice are inadequate because they ignore key features of employee exercise patterns. At the same time, existing empirical descriptions of option exercise behavior based on OLS or hazard rate models, such as Heath et al. (1999), Armstrong et al. (2007), and Klein and Maug (2011), are not appropriate as an input for option valuation, as we shall show. In this paper we develop the first empirical model of employee option exercise suitable for valuation and apply it in a sample of all employee exercises at over 100 publicly traded firms from 1981 to 2009 to show empirically how employee exercise patterns affect option cost to firms. We develop a GMM-based methodology that is robust to both heteroskedasticity and correlation across option exercises to estimate the rate of voluntary exercise as a function of the stock price path and of firm, contract, and option-holder characteristics. We show that these characteristics significantly affect exercise behavior, in a manner consistent with both portfolio theory and results from the behavioral literature, such as those in Barber and Odean (2001). We use the estimated exercise function to value options and show that these characteristics also materially affect option value. For example, men exercise options significantly faster than women, resulting in 2–3% lower option value, and exercise rates are 1 Equilar (2011) reports that the median number of shares underlying outstanding options at S&P 1500 firms fell from 6.1% in 2006 and to 4.4% in 2010, while the fraction of options allocated to CEOs and named executives rose from 21% to 26%. 1 significantly lower when a firm’s stock return correlation with the market is higher, resulting in greater option cost. Our proprietary dataset is the first in the academic literature to contain all employee exercises at a large number of firms.2 Since estimation of exercise behavior requires a large sample of stock price paths, and thus a large number of firms, our paper is the first that can investigate differential option exercise patterns and option cost across top and lower-ranked employees. To the extent that options are granted where their performance incentives have greatest benefit, large option holders within a firm are likely to be the key decision makers. We find that top-decile option holders exercise faster than lower-decile holders within a given firm, and consequently their options are typically worth 2–3% less. Similarly, in a subsample with data on employee titles, senior executives exercise faster than lower-ranked executives. The propensity of top employees to exercise faster may stem from their greater exposure to undiversifiable firm risk, which can have a theoretically important effect on the exercise decision (see, for example, Hall and Murphy, 2002; Ingersoll, 2006; Carpenter et al., 2010). Wealth differences may also play a role. Option compensation delivers both wealth, which would reduce the propensity of an employee (with decreasing absolute risk aversion) to exercise options early, and risk, which would increase the early-exercise rate. We attempt to disentangle these effects by including in our estimation proxies for both wealth and stockbased risk. Consistent with portfolio theory, we find that portfolio risk increases the exercise rate and wealth decreases it. At the same time, the employee rank effect remains even when we control for the risk of the employee’s option portfolio, perhaps reflecting top employees’ use of preplanned exercise policies under SEC rule 10b5-1, which shields against prosecution for insider trading. It may also reflect their greater exposure of human capital to firm risk, interactions of option value with corporate decision making, more volatile corporate information flow, overconfidence, or other psychological factors. In our estimation we also find that the rate of voluntary option exercise is positively related to the level of the stock price and the imminence of a dividend, and negatively related to stock-return volatility and option time to expiration, consistent with standard option theory. In addition, the exercise rate is higher when the stock price is in the 90th percentile of its distribution over the past year or in the two weeks after a vesting date, consistent with employees’ use of cognitive benchmarks in decision making. To assess the economic impact of the sensitivity of employee exercise rates to volatility and dividends, we compare option values calculated using the estimated exercise function with option values from Black Scholes approximations, which account for volatility and div2 For example, the samples of Heath et al. (1999) and Armstrong et al. (2007) contain only seven and ten firms, respectively, while the sample of Klein and Maug (2011) contains only top executives. 2 idend effects in the stock price process, but not in exercise behavior. We consider both traditional Black Scholes and Black Scholes with option expiration set equal to the average of the vesting date and stated expiration date, which is an approximation permitted by the Financial Accounting Standards Board in SAB 110 for firms with limited option exercise data. The pricing errors are large and vary systematically with firm and option characteristics, highlighting the importance of properly accounting for the dependence of exercise behavior on these characteristics. In practice, most firms use the Modified Black Scholes method, permitted by FAS 123R, in which the option expiration date is set equal to the option’s expected term. This expected term has to be estimated, which entails significant error since option outcomes depend on a firm’s stock price path and a given firm has option data based only on its own realized stock price path. We show, moreover, that even without error in the estimation of the option’s expected term, this method creates systematic biases. In particular, we calculate the option’s expected term exactly from the estimated exercise function to get the Modified Black Scholes value and show that the approximation error still varies widely and systematically with firm, option, and option-holder characteristics. Firms frequently need to revalue old options in the event of a corporate or compensation plan restructuring. We find that the Modified Black Scholes approximation errors are even larger for out-of-the-money options than for at-the-money options, underscoring the need for a more robust valuation methodology. Our data are provided by corporate participants in a sponsored research project funded by the Society of Actuaries in response to regulatory calls for improved ESO valuation methods. The Financial Accounting Standards Board’s SAB 110, p.6, states a clear expectation that “more detailed external information about exercise behavior will, over time, become readily available to companies.” This paper responds to FASB’s call by providing the first comprehensive analysis of exercise behavior and its implications for valuation. The paper proceeds as follows. Section 1 reviews the related literature. Section 2 first describes the theoretical foundation and then develops an empirical model of employee exercise that is both flexible enough to capture observed exercise behavior and suitable as a basis for option valuation. Section 3 describes the sample of proprietary data on employee options. Section 4 contains estimation results for the empirical exercise function. Section 5 presents estimates of option cost and approximation errors of current valuation methods, and Section 6 concludes. 3 1 Previous Literature The principles of employee option valuation and the need to study exercise behavior are well understood. One approach taken in the literature is to model the exercise decision theoretically. The employee chooses an option exercise policy as part of a greater utilitymaximization problem that includes other decisions, such as portfolio, consumption, and effort choice, and this typically leads to some early exercise for the purpose of diversification. Papers that develop utility-maximizing models and then calculate the implied cost of options to shareholders include Huddart (1994), Detemple and Sundaresan (1999), Ingersoll (2006), Leung and Sircar (2009), Grasselli and Henderson (2009), and Carpenter et al. (2010). Combining theory and data, papers such as Carpenter (1998) and Bettis et al. (2005) calibrate utility-maximizing models to mean exercise times and stock prices in the data, and then infer option value. However, these papers provide no formal estimation and the approach relies on the validity of the utility-maximizing models used. Huddart and Lang (1996), Heath et al. (1999), and Klein and Maug (2011) provide more flexible empirical descriptions of option exercise patterns, but do not go as far as option valuation. Armstrong et al. (2007) perform a valuation based on a hazard model of the exercise of option grants, but this specification is inappropriate for valuation because employees exercise random fractions of outstanding option grants. A number of analytic methods for approximating employee option value have also been proposed. FAS 123R permits using the Black Scholes formula with the expiration date replaced by the option’s expected life and SAB 110 permits using Black Scholes with expiration replaced by the average of the contractual vesting date and expiration date. Jennergren and Näslund (1993), Carr and Linetsky (2000), and Cvitanić et al. (2008) derive analytic formulas for option value assuming exogenously specified exercise boundaries and stopping rates. Hull and White (2004) propose a model in which exercise occurs when the stock price reaches an exogenously specified multiple of the stock price and forfeiture occurs at an exogenous rate. However, until the accuracy of these methods can be determined, their usefulness cannot be assessed. 2 Modeling Exercise Behavior This section first describes the theoretical foundation for modeling employee-exercise behavior and then develops an empirical model that is both flexible enough to capture observed exercise behavior and suitable as a basis for option valuation. 4 2.1 Theoretical Foundation In the standard theory of American-option exercise, the option holder chooses a policy to maximize option value, and for an ordinary American call on a stock in a Black Scholes framework, the value-maximizing policy is described by a critical stock price, above which it is optimal to exercise and below which it is optimal to continue holding the option. The critical stock price is increasing in the time to expiration, the stock return volatility, and the interest rate, and decreasing in the dividend rate (see, for example, Kim, 1990). However, employee stock options are nontransferable and employees face hedging constraints, so in order to diversify away from excessive stock price exposure, employees may exercise options early. A number of papers rationalize this behavior in models of employee-option exercise in which the option holder chooses a policy to maximize expected utility, subject to constraints on selling the option and the underlying stock. These include Huddart (1994), Detemple and Sundaresan (1999), Ingersoll (2006), Leung and Sircar (2009), Grasselli and Henderson (2009), and Carpenter et al. (2010). For example, Carpenter et al. (2010) model a risk-averse employee who chooses both an exercise policy for his options and a dynamic trading strategy in the market and riskless asset for his outside wealth to maximize expected utility. They show in particular that the optimal exercise policy need not be characterized by a single critical stock-price boundary (though it is for certain utility functions, including constant relative risk aversion). They also show either analytically or numerically how the critical stock price (or, more generally, the employee’s continuation region) varies with employee risk aversion and wealth and with the stock-return volatility, dividend rate, and the correlation between the stock return and the market return. For example, the continuation region is smaller if the employee has greater absolute risk aversion and thus is larger with greater employee wealth if he has decreasing absolute risk aversion. In addition, the continuation region is smaller the greater the dividend rate. In numerical examples with constant-relativerisk-averse utility, the critical stock price is increasing in the correlation between the stock return and the market return (in the region of positive correlation) because the more the option risk can be hedged in the outside portfolio, the more attractive the option position becomes. On the other hand, the effect of greater volatility or longer time to expiration is ambiguous, because of the conflicting effects of employee risk aversion and the convexity of the option payoff. 2.2 Empirical Model and Estimation Methodology Although the structural models in the theoretical literature provide guidance, a more flexible, reduced-form model is necessary to capture the complexities of real employee-exercise 5 patterns. It seems natural to use hazard rates to model the exercise of employee stock options, since they have often been used in the finance literature to model apparently similar events, such as mortgage prepayment (see Schwartz and Torous, 1989) and corporate-bond default (see, for example, Duffie and Singleton, 1999). However, whereas it makes sense to think of the prepayment of one mortgage as independent of the prepayment of another, conditional on the level of interest rates, ESOs are typically exercised in blocks. As a result, the exercise of one option in a given grant held by an individual is extremely highly correlated with the exercise of another option in the same grant held by the same individual. It is also quite highly correlated with the exercise of options in other grants held by the same individual. This high degree of correlation between options makes it difficult to use standard econometric techniques, which assume independence between events, to estimate hazard rates at the individual option level.3 Armstrong et al. (2007) use a hazard rate to model exercise of an entire grant of options above some threshold fraction, but this throws away important information about the exact fraction of the grant exercised. In practice, fractional exercise is both prevalent and highly variable (see Huddart and Lang, 1996), so this approach is unusable for valuation. A solution to these problems is to abandon the hazard rate approach altogether and instead to model the fraction of each grant exercised each period. Heath et al. (1999) follow this approach, regressing the fraction of each grant exercised against various explanatory variables. However, their regression approach is also problematic. In particular, it may generate expected exercise fractions that are negative or greater than one, both of which cause problems for valuation.4 Heath et al. (1999) also aggregate across individuals, thus discarding potentially important information about the differences in exercise behavior across individuals, and introducing correlation across exercises of the aggregated grants. Like Heath et al. (1999), we also model the fraction of each grant exercised by each holder each period, but we do so in a manner that generates consistent estimates of expected exercise rates, which are guaranteed to be between zero and one, while explicitly handling the correlation between option exercises within and between different grants held by the same individual. Our approach, based on the fractional-logistic approach of Papke and Wooldridge 3 This issue also arises in modeling corporate-bond default. One popular solution, when the number of firms involved is small, has been to use “copula functions,” which explicitly model this correlation (see, for example, Li, 2001). However, in our case the number of options (and hence the number of correlation coefficients) is too high to be feasible. 4 Attempting to remedy this by truncating the variables, lead to biases. Transforming the proportion will y exercised, such as by using a logistic transformation log 1−y , which can take on any value between −∞ and +∞ is also problematic. By Jensen’s inequality, the expected proportion exercising is not just the inverse transformation of the expected transformed proportion. More important, this approach cannot handle the numerous dates on which no options are exercised at all. 6 (1996), also allows for arbitrary heteroskedasticity in the exercise rates. Let yijt be the fraction exercised at time t of grant j held by individual i, and write yijt = G(Xijt β) + uijt , (1) where Xijt is some set of covariates in It (the information set at date t), G, the expected fraction exercised at date t, is a function satisfying 0 < G(z) < 1, and E(uijt | It ) = 0, E(uijt ui0 j 0 t0 ) = 0 if i 6= i0 or t 6= t0 . From now on, we shall use the logistic function, G(Xijt β) = exp(Xijt β) . 1 + exp(Xijt β) Note that, while we are assuming the residuals ijt are uncorrelated between individuals and across time periods, we are allowing for ijt to be arbitrarily correlated between different grants held by the same individual at a given point in time, and we are not making any further assumptions about the exact distribution of ijt . In particular, we are allowing a strictly positive probability that yijt takes on the extreme values zero and one. We estimate the parameter vector β using quasi-maximum likelihood (see Gouriéroux et al., 1984) with the Bernoulli log-likelihood function, lijt (β) = yijt log [G(Xijt β)] + (1 − yijt ) log [1 − G(Xijt β)] . (2) We estimate clustered standard errors that are robust both to arbitrary heteroskedasticity and to arbitrary correlation between exercises by a given individual on a particular date (see, for example, Gouriéroux et al., 1984; Rogers, 1993; Baum et al., 2003; Wooldridge, 2003; Petersen, 2009). 3 Data Our estimation strategy is carried out using a proprietary data set comprising complete histories of employee stock option grants, vesting structures, and option exercise and cancellation events for all employees who received options at 104 publicly traded corporations 7 between 1981 and 2009.5 As shown in Table 1, there is considerable heterogeneity in the sample of firms in terms of their industry type, reported at one-digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes, firm size, as measured by market cap and numbers of employees, revenue growth over the period, and stock return volatility. Sample firm dividend rates are low and many firms pay no dividend, so early exercise is driven by other factors. Sample firm return correlations with S&P Composite Index average from 25% to 37% across sectors, suggesting employees have some scope for hedging their option compensation by reducing their market exposure in their outside portfolios. 3.1 Proprietary option data Our unit of analysis is an employee-grant-day. For each option grant we merge the appropriate path of daily split-adjusted stock prices and dividends, starting at the initial grant date, to the path of option vesting and exercise events for all grants and employees. These daily paths are constructed using detailed information on the contractual option vesting structure, the exercise events, and the cancellation events recorded for each grant. We track the employee-grant-days and a series of time-varying covariates until the options in the grant are fully exercised, the options are canceled, or we reach the end of the sample period of December 31, 2009. Table 2 summarizes the size and structure of the sample of option data by industry and in aggregate. In total there are 891,139 option exercises across 1,245,201 grants to 521,123 employees at 104 firms. On average, there are 2.4 grants per employee, but there is considerable variability across firms and employees, with some employees receiving dozens of option grants. For the firms for which we have the employee ranking of the employee, the largest grant recipients are typically the CEO or senior managers. Employee option portfolios represent significant sources of wealth and stock price risk. While the contracting literature has focused on the performance and risk incentives created by these portfolios, the wealth and stock price risk also affect option exercise behavior. We approximate employee option wealth on a given day as the total Black Scholes value of all of his or her options across all grants on that day, a measure which ignores early exercise, cancellation risks, and nontradability, and thus overstates the option wealth and subjective value. Panel C summarizes the distribution of BS Employee Option Wealth across employeedays. Similarly, we approximate employee option risk as the sum of the Black Scholes deltas of all his or her options on a given day times the stock price times the annualized stock return volatility. This is a Black Scholes approximation of the effective dollar volatility of 5 The data were obtained as part of a research grant written by the authors and funded by the Society of Actuaries. We thank Terrence Adamson at AON Consulting, who also provided data for this study. 8 employee option wealth. Panel D summarizes the distribution of BS Employee Option Risk across employee-days. The mean wealth and risk are, respectively, $149,044 and $83,353, and their variability is high, suggesting that wealth and risk effects may be quite significant. Table 3 summarizes the size, vesting structure, and maturity of option grants in the sample. The average grant has $49,680 worth of underlying shares at the grant date, but this varies widely across industry, with the greatest mean and variance of grant size in the finance industry. The combined effects of the potentially large number of grants per employee and the size of these grants implies that individual employees may hold large inventories of options with different strikes, expiration dates, and vesting structures. This feature of the data introduces significant correlation across the exercise decisions of individual employees. There is likely to be high correlation in the exercise decisions across grants that are held by the same individual. A particular strength of our fractional logistic estimator is that it does not require assumptions of independence across exercise events. We also pool by employee and correct our standard errors to account for our pooled structure. Vesting structures also vary widely, both across and within firms in our sample, and can be complex. The average grant has 5.8 vesting dates, but some have as many as 60 vesting dates. An example of a vesting structure that would lead to a large maximum would be a grant with a 25% vest at the end of the first year and then 2.08% monthly vests over the next 36 months. The minima are generated by “cliff vests,” where all the options in a given grant vest on the same day. The only homogeneous contractual feature of employee stock option grants across firms is the maturity in months from the issuance date to the date of expiry. The term of executive stock options is quite uniformly ten years although there are some fifteen-year and four-year maturity options granted on the part of some firms. At the employee-level, the employees in our sample are in some cases managing as many as ten different contractual option vesting structures in their inventory of options. Table 4 summarizes exercise patterns in the sample. The summary statistics weight exercise outcomes by the dollar value of the exercise. Options are exercised very early. The average option has 4.2 years remaining to expiration and has only been in the money and vested for 206 days. On average, the option is 419% in the money at the time of exercise, and more than a third of the time, the stock price is near its annual high. At the time of exercise, an overall average of 71% of a grant’s vested options are exercised, with a standard deviation of 28%. It is this prevalence of random, fractional exercise of option grants that motivates the development of our fractional logistic estimation strategy. In summary, there are three primary features of the stock option exercise patterns observed in our sample. First, many employees hold more than one option grant and make 9 exercise decisions over more than one vested option at any given time. For this reason, estimation strategies must account for the correlated decision structure of employee option exercise. Second, both the contractual vesting structure and the exogenous price paths appear to have strong effects on option exercise patterns. Thus careful controls for daily realizations of both features must be included in a successful estimation strategy. Finally, many option positions are exercised fractionally, that is, the proportion of the outstanding options that are exercised at exercise events can be substantially less than one. For this reason, a successful econometric methodology must account for path-dependent fractional exercise behavior if it is to avoid yielding significant misspecification bias and inaccurate forecasts of exercise timing. 3.2 The covariates Employees may voluntarily choose to exercise options or they may be forced to do so because of impending employment termination or option expiration. To estimate the model of voluntary exercise, we begin with the sample of employee-grant-days on which the option is in the money and vested and then eliminate those days that are within six months of the grant expiration date or six months of a cancellation of any option by that employee, because most cancellations are associated with employment termination. The remaining employeegrant-days are treated as days on which the employee has a choice about whether and how many options to exercise. To explain the fraction of options exercised by a given employee from a given grant on a given day, as specified by Equation (1), we choose as covariates variables drawn from optimal option exercise theory, such as Carpenter et al. (2010), as well as behavioral variables identified in empirical studies such as Heath et al. (1999). Since employee stock options are non-transferable, the optimal exercise policy for these options can look quite different from that for standard American call options. However, in virtually every model of optimal exercise, the degree to which the option is in the money is an important determinant of the exercise decision. In both standard option theory and in many models of employee option exercise, option holders exercise once the stock price rises above a critical boundary. Intuition also suggests that in practice, exercise becomes more attractive as the option gets deeper in the money and more of its total value shifts to its exercise value. The variable Price-to-strike ratio, the employee-grant-day ratio of the split-adjusted price of the stock to the split-adjusted option strike price captures the degree to which the option is in the money. Carpenter et al. (2010) prove very generally that the dividend effect for employee option exercise is qualitatively the same for employee option exercise decisions as for standard, 10 transferable options. That is, a higher dividend makes early exercise more attractive, all else equal. The variable Dividend in next two weeks is the product of an indicator that a dividend will be paid within the next 14 calendar days and the ratio of the dividend payment to the current stock price. The theoretical effect of higher stock return volatility on the exercise decision is more complicated for employee options than the simple negative effect from standard theory. Employee risk aversion and the convexity of the option payoff have offsetting effects on employees’ attitudes toward volatility, and the net effect is an open empirical question. The variable Volatility is the annualized daily volatility estimated from the stock return over the 66 trading days prior to the given employee-grant-day. Unlike in standard theory, the degree to which the employee can hedge the option position in an outside portfolio is an important theoretical determinant of the exercise decision, and Carpenter et al. (2010) and others have shown that the higher the correlation between the stock return and the return on a tradable asset, the lower the propensity to exercise early. The variable Correlation is the correlation between the stock return and the return on the S&P 500 Composite Index estimated from daily returns over the three months prior to the given employee-grant-day. The theoretical effect of more time to expiration on the exercise decision can also be more complicated for employee options than the simple negative effect from standard theory, and is thus also an open empirical question. The variable Time to expiration is the number of calendar days from the given employee-grant-day to the expiration date of the grant, divided by 365. Recent empirical studies of employee stock option exercise report links between behavioral indicators, or “rules of thumb,” that employees appear to rely upon in making their option exercise decisions. Armstrong et al. (2007) find a statistically significant association between the timing of vesting events and option exercise. They argue that recent exercise events both mechanically affect an employees’ ability to exercise their options and may also serve as a periodic reminder to employees to evaluate the value of their option positions. Heath et al. (1999) and Armstrong et al. (2007) also find a statistically significant positive association between option exercise and the occurrence of the current stock price exceeding the 90th percentile of the past year’s price distribution. They argue that this association is driven by cognitive benchmarks that employees use in their decision rules. Given the importance of these variables in prior studies, we also include them as controls in all of our specifications. To capture the vesting structure of the grant, the variable Vesting event in past two weeks indicates whether the given employee-grant-day is within 2 weeks since a vesting date for that grant. Our cognitive benchmark proxy is the variable Price ≥ 90th percentile of prior 11 year distribution, which indicates whether the current stock price is greater than or equal to 90th percentile of the stock price distribution over the prior year of trading. Barber and Odean (2001) find significant differences in the trading patterns of men and women, with men the more frequent traders. For 69 firms in our sample, we have information on the age and gender of the employee. Table 5 shows that the average employee is 42 years old and 56% of employees are male. The variable Male indicates whether or not the option holder is male. Our sample is the first to contain both a large number of firms and all employees at those firms. To examine differences in exercise patterns across the ranks, we proxy for employee rank with Top-decile option holder, an indicator of whether the employee is in the top decile of option holders at the firm, sorted by the total Black Scholes value of their vested option holdings at the beginning of the quarter. To the extent that options are granted where their performance incentives will have greatest benefit, top-decile option holders are likely to be key decision makers at the firm. For 38 firms in our sample, we also have employee titles. The variable Senior indicates whether the employee is designated as a senior executive. Employee wealth and undiversifiable portfolio risk can also have a theoretically important effect on the exercise decision (see, for example, Hall and Murphy, 2002; Ingersoll, 2006; Carpenter et al., 2010). The challenge is in disentangling these effects. Stock-based compensation delivers both wealth, which would reduce the propensity of an employee (with decreasing absolute risk aversion) to exercise options early, and risk, which would increase the early exercise rate. We attempt to disentangle these effects by including in our estimation both a proxy for employee wealth and a proxy for employee stock-based risk. For the full sample, we have BS Employee Option Wealth, the Black Scholes value of the employee option portfolio, and BS Employee Option Risk, the Black Scholes dollar volatility of the option portfolio. For nine firms in the sample, we have information about employee salary, which may also proxy for employee wealth. Table 5 shows that the mean salary in this subsample is $283,785. 4 Estimation Results We estimate ten alternative specifications of Equation (1). One uses a base set of covariates, one adds Gender and Age to the base set, one adds Top-decile option holder, one adds BS Employee Option Wealth and BS Employee Option Risk, and one adds Salary and BS Employee Option Risk. For each of these five, we show results with and without one-digit SIC industry fixed effects. Table 6 reports coefficients and standard errors. The estimators cluster at the level of the individual employee. 12 As Table 6 shows, the results for the base covariates are strikingly similar across all specifications, and robust to the inclusion of fixed effects. The parameter estimates are strongly consistent with the predictions of optimal exercise theory, and also support several of the leading conclusions of the behavioral finance literature. The rate of voluntary option exercise is strongly positively related to the level of the stock price, as expected. Exercise rates are also generally significantly higher when a dividend payment is imminent. Also in line with the theory of employee option exercise, exercise rates are consistently lower when the stock return is more highly correlated with S&P Composite Index, so that a greater fraction of the stock risk can be hedged with reductions in exposure to the market portfolio. As discussed above, Carpenter et al. (2010) show that stock return volatility and time to expiration do not have clearly signed theoretical effects on an employee’s optimal exercise policy, so the empirical effects are an open question. The results reported in Table 6 indicate that increased levels of stock return volatility and more time to expiration are associated with smaller fractions of options exercised, which is consistent with the theory for ordinary American options. Table 6 also shows that employees exercise a significantly larger fraction of outstanding options when the stock price is greater than or equal to the 90th percentile of its distribution over the prior calendar year6 and in the two weeks following a vesting date of the grant in question. These results are consistent with Heath et al. (1999), Armstrong et al. (2007) and Klein and Maug (2011), and support the idea that employees tie their exercise decisions to cognitive benchmarks as a means of reducing monitoring costs. Based on the subsample of firms for which information on age and gender are available, specifications 3 and 4, the results in Table 6 indicate that male employees have a greater propensity to exercise their options than female employees, and older employees are less likely to exercise options early. These results appear to be inconsistent with the notion that women and older people are more risk averse. However, they add support to the notion that men are more over-confident (see, for example, Barber and Odean, 2001). Table 6 also shows that top-decile option holders exercise faster than lower-decile option holders. This might be because of the greater exposure of their wealth and human capital to undiversifiable firm risk. Though Male and Top-decile option holder are positively correlated, we confirm in unreported results that the gender and top-decile effects are distinct, using specifications that include both dummies and their interaction. Finally, in the subsample of 38 firms for which we have employee titles, we replace Top-decile option holder with Senior and find very similar results, confirming the validity of Top-decile option holder as a proxy for high rank. 6 This result is robust to the inclusion of the square of Price-to-strike ratio as an explanatory variable. 13 Top-decile holders are obviously likely to have both high wealth and high exposure to firm risk, and these portfolio characteristics have theoretically important effects. In particular, holding all else equal, employee wealth decreases the propensity to exercise, assuming decreasing absolute risk aversion, and undiversifiable exposure to the stock price increases it. The challenge is in finding empirical proxies for these portfolio characteristics. To disentangle these portfolio effects using our full sample of employees, we proxy for employee wealth and portfolio risk using BS Employee Wealth, the total Black Scholes value of the employee’s option portfolio, and BS Employee Risk, the total Black Scholes delta of the employee’s option portfolio times the dollar volatility of the stock price. For the subsample of nine firms for which we have salary data, we use Salary to proxy for employee wealth. Specifications 5 through 8 of Table 6 test for these portfolio risk and wealth effects in exercise decisions. The results are broadly consistent with the hypothesis that employee risk exposure increases the propensity to exercise early, and employee wealth decreases it. The BS Employee Option Risk has either a significantly positive coefficient or a zero coefficient. The coefficients on the proxies for wealth are significantly negative in three out of four cases. In unreported results, we find that even after controlling for portfolio risk, top-ranked employees exercise faster than lower-ranked employees. This may be because top employees use preplanned exercise policies under SEC rule 10b5-1, which shields against prosecution for insider trading. It may also reflect their greater exposure of human capital to firm risk, interactions of option value with corporate decision making, more volatile corporate information flow, overconfidence, or other psychological factors. Taken together, our estimation results provide strong empirical support for the predictions of both optimal exercise theory and behavioral finance. To evaluate the economic significance of these exercise patterns, we now analyze their effect on option cost. 5 Option Cost to the Firm For an individual option, the exercise function describes the expected proportion of each outstanding option grant to be voluntarily exercised at a given time and state, conditional on having survived to that point. Similarly, the termination rate describes the expected fraction of options stopped through termination. Given the estimated voluntary exercise rate per period, G(Xβ), and termination rate λ, the value of the option is given by its 14 expected risk-neutral discounted payoff, Ot = E∗t Z T e−r(τ −t) (Sτ − K)+ (Gτ + λ)e− Rτ t (Gs +λ) ds dτ t∨tv +e −r(T −t) − e RT t (Gs +λ) ds + (ST − K) o , where tv is the vesting date.7 We estimate this value with Monte Carlo simulation, using antithetic variates and importance sampling to increase precision. Table 7 reports option values, labeled ESO Value, for a variety of parameterizations. In the base case, with stock price and exercise price both equal to 100, the firm volatility is 30%, the average volatility of US firms reported in Campbell et al. (2001), and the firm correlation with the market is 40%. The base case dividend rate is zero, which is typical for many option-granting firms, and eases the exposition of the various early-exercise effects in option values. The vesting period is two years, and the option expiration date is ten years, which are also typical. Finally, the option holder terminates employment at an annual rate of 8%, consistent with the option cancellation rates in our sample. Assuming the option holder voluntarily exercises according to the estimated exercise function in Specification 1, the base case option cost is 30.55 Panels A, D, E, and F of Table 7 assume voluntary exercise according to the estimated exercise function in Specification 1 of Table 6, Panel B assumes exercise according to Specification 3, and Panel C is based on Specification 5. After the steep decline in the stock market during the financial crisis, most firms found that the options they granted to employees before the crash were deeply out of the money during 2008 and 2009. Many firms offered their employees equal-present-value exchanges of at-the-money options for the old out-of-the-money options in an effort to restore performance incentives, and this required that they assess the value of the old options. Therefore, while the left side of Table 7 presents at-the-money options at their grant date, the right side analyzes so-called “underwater” options, two years after grant, vested, but 40% out of the money. The ESO Value columns of Table 7 show that option cost varies significantly with firm and option characteristics. For example, Panel A shows that as stock return correlation with the market varies from 0 to 80% and the rate of exercise decreases, the at-the-money option cost increases 13% from 28.67 to 32.28, while the underwater option value varies 18% from 8.63 to 10.17. 7 If the exercise and termination events are sufficiently independent across option holders, conditional on the given time and state, then in a large enough pool, the fraction of options exercised or terminated will exactly equal their expected values. We assume that such diversification is possible, or, more generally, that any residual risk is not priced in the market. 15 Panel B shows that option cost varies materially with employee gender. As Table 6 shows, men exercise options significantly faster than women, perhaps reflecting differences in confidence, as in Barber and Odean (2001). In the base case, the cost of the at-the-money option granted to a woman is therefore 2.7% higher than the cost of the same option granted to a man, while the value of the underwater option is 3.5% higher if held by a woman. Panel C shows that option cost also varies with employee rank, as proxied by rank of employee option holdings. In particular, because lower-decile option holders exercise more slowly than top-decile holders, their options are worth 2.9% more at the grant date, and 4.1% more when 40% underwater. We analyze these gender and top-decile effects effects in greater depth in Section 5.2. The volatility and dividend effects in Panels D and E are also quite significant. However, the changes in ESO Value reflect changes in the stock price process as well as changes in exercise behavior. To isolate the effect of changing exercise behavior, we compare ESO Value to traditional Black Scholes value assuming expiration at the contractual expiration date, and to Black Scholes value assuming expiration at the average of the contractual vesting and expiration dates, as permitted by SAB 110 for firms with limited option exercise data. These values are multiplied by the probability that the option vests, given the assumed termination rate. The approximation errors are quite large and vary widely with the firm characteristics. For example, the errors from traditional Black Scholes vary from 87% to 32% as volatility varies from 10% to 50%. The errors from the SAB 110 approximation vary from 26% to 6% for the at-the-money option and −80% to −4% for the underwater option. Similarly, the errors from traditional Black Scholes vary from 46% to −12% for the at-the-money option as the dividend rate varies from 0 to 7%, and the SAB 110 approximation errors vary from 10% to −6%. This underscores the importance of properly accounting for the response of exercise behavior to changes in the environment. Panel F shows that option cost need not vary monotonically with the length of the vesting period. The option value first rises, as the longer vesting period prevents voluntary exercises early in option life, and then declines, as the risk of forfeiture offsets this effect. 5.1 Modified Black Scholes approximation Most firms use the Modified Black Scholes (MBS) method permitted by FAS 123R, which approximates option value as the probability of vesting times the Black Scholes value adjusted for dividends, with contractual expiration date replaced by the option’s expected term, conditional on vesting. Though in principle this method could capture some of the exercise policy effects through adjustments to the option expected term, it suffers from two 16 serious problems. First, the estimation of option expected term is as difficult as estimating the option cost itself. This is because the realized option term depends on the stock price path and any other variables that affect exercise decisions, and no single firm is likely to have a sufficiently long history of option outcomes to perform this estimation with any precision. Second, even without estimation error in the option expected term, the Modified Black Scholes approximation error varies widely and systematically with firm characteristics, because option expected term does not sufficiently summarize the exercise policy. To make this second point, we compute the option’s expected term using Monte Carlo simulation, assuming the option holder follows the estimated exercise function and terminates employment at a constant rate. This expectation is with respect to the true probability measure, so it depends on the true expected return on the stock. Formally, the option’s true expected term is Z T τ (Gτ + λ)e− Lt = Et Rτ t∨tv (Gs +λ) ds dτ + T e− RT t∨tv (Gs +λ) ds , (3) t∨tv where the stock price follows dS/S = (µ − δ) dt + σ dZ. (4) We assume the mean stock return is µ=11%, i.e., a 6% equity premium. The MBS approximation can either understate or overstate the true option value, depending on the exercise policy. To see why, consider two special cases, and for simplicity assume immediate vesting. First, if the option holder follows the value-maximizing exercise policy in the presence of dividends, as in standard theory, then the true option value will be greater than the Black Scholes value to any deterministic expiration date, so it will exceed the MBS approximation. Alternatively, suppose the option is stopped, either through exercise or cancellation, at a purely exogenous rate, independent of the stock price. Then the option value is the average Black Scholes value over possible stopping dates, while the MBS approximation is the Black Scholes value to the average stopping date, so since the Black Scholes value tends to be concave in the option expiration date, the MBS approximation will overstate the true value, by Jensen’s inequality. The exercise policies followed in practice contain elements of both of these examples, and the MBS approximation can thus either overstate or understate the true ESO cost. In the base case, the MBS approximation overstates option cost by 4%, but as Panels B–D of of Table 7 show, the approximation error varies systematically with firm and option characteristics. As Table 6 shows, increasing volatility reduces the estimated exercise rate, and this also increases the option’s expected term. Both the ESO value and its MBS approximation increase with volatility. The ESO value increases more slowly with volatility than 17 the MBS approximation, so the approximation error increases significantly with volatility. Panel C shows the effect of increasing the dividend rate. This increases the estimated exercise rate, conditional on the option being vested and in the money, but uniformly reduces future possible stock prices, and ESO value declines with the dividend rate. The option’s expected term, conditional on vesting, actually increases slightly, because more stock price paths stay out of the money longer, but the MBS option value declines even faster than the true option value, so the error declines in algebraic value. This may be because the value-maximizing policy calls for some early exercise prior to a dividend payment, and the estimated empirical exercise policy comes closer to that than the deterministic-time exercise policy implicit in the MBS approximation. Panel D illustrates the effect of increasing the vesting period. A longer vesting period increases the risk of pre-vesting forfeiture, which reduces option value. Conditional on vesting, the option stopping time has less room to vary, so the difference between the option value and the MBS approximation shrinks. In the event of a plan modification pursuant to a merger, acquisition, or restructuring of option plan or terms, firms need to revalue and sometimes replace existing options, and these valuations affect contracting terms and re-allocations. The right-hand side of Table 7 presents option values for the out-of-the-money option. The MBS approximation errors are quite large. Moreover, comparing SAB 110 and MBS errors for the at-the-money and underwater options shows how sensitive the errors are to the moneyness of the option. This shows that there is no easy adjustment to Black Scholes to capture employee exercise patterns, and further highlights the need for a more robust valuation methodology. 5.2 Gender and Rank Effects in Exercise Patterns and Cost Specifications 3 and 4 of Table 6 summarize the difference in male and female employee exercise rates with a single dummy variable, showing that men exercise faster than women. The resulting option cost differential of options held by women over those held by men is consistently at least 2–3% for almost all of the parameterizations shown in Table 7, except in the case of a very high dividend rate, where men’s faster exercise increases option value, or a very long vesting period, where the cost differential is driven to zero as the period of exercisability shrinks. The cost implications of the positive top-decile effect summarized by the dummy variable in specifications 5 and 6 of Table 6 are similar. To further check the robustness of these cost differentials, and investigate the differential exercise patterns in greater detail, we estimate specifications with a full set of interaction variables. Table 8 shows how male employee exercise patterns differ from those of female 18 employees. Men are significantly more responsive to Price ≥ 90th percentile of prior year distribution, but less responsive to Price-to-Strike Ratio, Correlation, Volatility, and vesting events. Table 9 shows the differential option cost for men and women based on specification 1 in Table 8. For example, the more negative correlation response of female employees makes the cost differential increase sharply with correlation. For most parameterizations, the cost differential remains at least 2–3%. Table 10 shows how top-decile option holder exercise patterns differ from those of lowerdecile holders. Top-decile holders are more responsive to Dividend in next two weeks, Volatility, and Price ≥ 90th percentile of prior year distribution than lower-decile holders, but are less responsive to Price-to-Strike Ratio, Correlation, and vesting events. The option cost differential between top- and lower-decile holders varies with the parameters, but remains over 2% for most parameterizations. 6 Conclusions This paper is the first to perform a complete empirical estimation of employee stock option exercise behavior and option cost to firms. We develop a methodology for estimating option exercise and cancellation rates as a function of the stock price path, time to expiration, and firm and option holder characteristics. Our estimation is based on a fractional logistic approach, and accounts for correlation between exercises by the same executive. Valuation proceeds by using the estimated exercise function to describe the option’s expected payoff along each stock price path, and then computing the present value of the payoff. The estimation of empirical exercise rates also allows us to test the predictions of theoretical models of option exercise behavior. We apply our estimation technique to the first both large and broad-based option dataset analyzed in the literature, consisting of a comprehensive sample of option grant and exercise data for over 500,000 employees at 104 publicly traded firms from 1981 to 2009. We find that firm and option holder characteristics affect option exercise patterns and cost in a manner consistent with both portfolio theory and results from the behavioral finance literature. For example, exercise rates are lower, and option cost greater, at firms with higher correlation with the market, and men exercise faster than women, resulting in lower cost. 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Start Sample is the earliest option grant date in our sample and End Sample is the last day that we track all grants and exercise events in the sample for all of the firms. Employees is the sample-period mean of the annual number of employees for the firms as reported in Compustat as “Employees: Thousands” (DATA29). Market Cap is the sample-period mean of “Common Shares Outstanding: Millions” in Compustat (DATA25) multiplied by “Price minus Fiscal Year Close” in Compustat (DATA199). Market-to-Book is the sample-period mean of the the Market Cap scaled by common equity as reported in Compustat (DATA60). Revenue is the sample-period mean of “Sales/Turnover” in Compustat (DATA12). Net Income is the sample-period mean of “Net Income” in Compustat (DATA172). Volatility is the average stock-return volatility over the sample period. Dividend rate is the average dividend rate over the sample period. Correlation is the average correlation between the firm return and return on the CRSP S&P Composite Index over the sample period. Table 1: Summary Statistics for Sample Firms 24 This table provides summary statistics within industrial groupings at the one-digit SIC code for the number of grants, the number of employees, the number of grants per employee, and employee outstanding option wealth and risk, as measured by their Black Scholes value, for our sample of 104 firms. Construction & Manufacturing Transportation, Retail Finance, Services All Communications Insurance, & Utilities & Real Estate SIC (one digit) 1&2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Panel A. Aggregate Number of Employees, Grants, and Exercise Events Number of Employees 183,249 114,241 11,950 35,176 116,564 53,255 6,688 521,123 Number of Grants 365,458 302,768 18,717 119,893 273,946 149,169 15,250 1,245,201 Number of Exercises 318,953 155,158 5,276 97,192 207,799 97,158 9,603 891,139 Panel B. Number of Grants per Employee Mean 1.99 2.65 1.57 3.41 2.35 2.80 2.28 2.39 Median 2.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 Standard Deviation 1.39 3.17 1.41 3.21 2.66 2.89 2.20 2.51 Panel C. BS Employee Option Wealth ($K) Mean 46.56 151.92 25.00 313.67 268.42 198.10 83.60 152.08 Median 12.24 7.84 1.47 18.74 13.10 18.50 7.23 12.16 Standard Deviation 1,417.70 1,444.64 264.89 3,183.44 4,936.09 2,336.64 616.17 2,842.69 Panel D. BS Employee Option Risk ($K) Mean 8.52 158.78 12.04 172.86 100.12 133.48 47.40 82.57 Median 0.56 6.01 1.03 9.11 6.35 9.25 4.50 1.46 Standard Deviation 407.41 1,801.32 130.78 1,969.09 1,805.04 1,847.31 378.46 1,431.95 Table 2: Summary Statistics for Proprietary Option Data: Sample Size and Structure 25 Transportation, Retail Communications & Utilities SIC (one digit) 1&2 3 4 5 Panel A. Dollar Value of Underlying Shares per Grant ($K) Mean 24.73 45.95 19.98 52.32 Median 5.70 12.50 3.21 11.53 Standard Deviation 191.20 281.26 193.85 295.18 Panel B. Maximum Number of Vesting Periods per Grant Mean 15.07 8.90 3.70 3.30 Median 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.00 Standard Deviation 17.25 10.65 0.46 1.34 Panel C. Percent of Options that Vest on the First Vesting Date (per Grant) Mean 38.98 28.75 27.46 38.74 Median 25.00 25.00 25.00 33.33 Standard Deviation 35.78 22.45 3.79 26.77 Panel D. Number of Months from Grant to Full Vesting (per Grant) Mean 37.01 47.78 44.44 40.99 Median 36.00 48.00 48.00 36.00 Standard Deviation 13.18 21.94 5.48 14.91 Panel E. Number of Months from Grant to Expiration (per Grant) Mean 115.39 114.68 120.00 122.43 Median 120.00 120.00 120.00 120.00 Standard Deviation 16.48 12.95 0.00 11.81 Construction & Manufacturing 4.88 4.00 5.86 36.91 25.00 28.42 40.71 48.00 19.10 120.00 120.00 0.00 48.59 33.33 29.42 32.92 36.00 17.99 120.18 120.00 0.38 61.43 26.38 466.12 106.41 25.85 715.92 2.90 3.00 1.14 7 8 120.00 120.00 0.00 39.17 36.00 15.01 35.87 33.33 14.37 3.26 3.00 1.25 41.32 10.98 201.52 Services Finance, Insurance, & Real Estate 6 118.55 120.00 9.88 40.54 36.00 19.51 37.60 25.00 27.79 5.80 4.00 8.16 49.68 10.05 383.96 All This table provides summary statistics within industrial groupings at the one-digit SIC code for the dollar value of the underlying shares per grant, the maximum number of vesting periods per grant, the percent of options that vest on the first vesting date per grant, the number of months from the grant date to the full vesting of all options in the grant, and the number of months from the grant date to the expiration date per grant for the 104 firms in our sample. Table 3: Summary Statistics for Proprietary Option Data: Grant Size and Contractual Features 26 Transportation, Retail Finance, Services Communications Insurance, & Utilities & Real Estate SIC (one digit) 1&2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Panel A. Number of Days Remaining to Expiration on Exercise Date (per Exercise Event) Mean 1,232.97 1,396.40 1,984.62 1,403.94 1,536.04 1,811.34 2,243.31 Median 1,261.53 1,382.01 2,234.51 1,306.55 1,515.34 1,875.26 2,395.31 Standard Deviation 614.17 676.90 868.75 792.35 613.47 885.48 729.92 Panel B. Number of Days the Option was In-the-Money from Vesting Date to Exercise Date (per Exercise Event) Mean 323.45 118.48 261.65 126.05 267.51 217.75 175.58 Median 173.50 79.67 80.37 95.03 155.65 139.44 113.75 Standard Deviation 406.29 138.11 536.83 119.95 301.63 233.31 215.13 Panel C. Ratio of Stock Price to Strike Price at Exercise Date (per Exercise Event) Mean 2.96 2.56 1.70 3.96 6.30 5.28 4.97 Median 2.84 2.09 1.67 2.64 5.06 3.42 2.26 Standard Deviation 1.56 2.43 0.67 4.43 6.09 6.40 8.15 Panel D. Whether Stock Price ≥ 90th Percentile of Prior Year Distribution (per Exercise Event) Mean 0.38 0.32 0.49 0.32 0.33 0.35 0.45 Median 0.28 0.28 0.50 0.27 0.31 0.29 0.43 Standard Deviation 0.32 0.22 0.35 0.23 0.23 0.27 0.28 Panel E. Fraction of Grant’s Vested Options that are Exercised (per Exercise Event) Mean 0.78 0.65 0.89 0.64 0.67 0.71 0.89 Median 0.89 0.67 1.00 0.65 0.68 0.83 1.00 Standard Deviation 0.25 0.28 0.21 0.28 0.23 0.31 0.20 Construction & Manufacturing 0.71 0.76 0.28 0.35 0.30 0.27 4.19 2.72 5.05 206.23 113.00 281.45 1,548.39 1,511.59 777.04 All This table provides summary statistics within industrial groupings at the one-digit SIC code for the the number of days remaining to expiration per exercise event, the number of days the option was in-the-money from the vesting date to the exercise date per exercise event, the ratio of the stock price to the strike price at the exercise date per exercise event, an indicator variable for whether the stock price at exercise was greater than or equal the ninetieth percentile of the prior year distribution, and the fraction of the grant’s vested options that are exercised per exercise event for the 104 firms in our sample. Table 4: Summary Statistics for Proprietary Option Data: Exercise Patterns Table 5: Employee Characteristics This table presents summary statistics for the demographic information that is reported by a subset of the firms in the sample. We summarize the information by employees over the sample period. Number of Employees Age 248,448 Male 208,598 Salary 55,729 Mean Standard Deviation 41.77 41.25 10.11 0.54 1.00 0.50 283,785.41 38,051.45 3,533,343.90 27 Median 28 Industry fixed effects Number of observations (employee-grant-days) Salary ($M) BS Employee Option Wealth ($M) BS Employee Option Risk ($M) Top-decile option holder Male Age Vesting event in past two weeks Price ≥ 90th percentile of prior year distribution Time to expiration Volatility Correlation Dividend in next two weeks Price-to-strike ratio Covariates Constant Yes 363M 363M 0.3639 (0.0042) 2.8197 (0.0055) -4.9232 (0.0096) 0.0064 (0.0001) 3.2360 (0.0797) -0.6616 (0.0103) -0.0829 (0.01202) -0.0973 (0.0009) 2 No 0.3559 (0.0042) 2.9452 (0.0053) -5.8718 (0.0086) 0.0059 (0.0001) 1.8474 (0.0700) -0.9591 (0.0099) -0.6697 (0.0106) -0.1039 (0.0009) 1 216M No 0.3716 (0.0058) 3.3738 (0.0072) -0.0048 (0.0003) 0.1858 (0.0059) -5.9913 (0.0209) 0.0162 (0.0001) 7.7375 (0.9302) -0.6305 (0.0152) -0.6576 (0.0197) -0.1364 (0.0015) 3 216M Yes 0.3661 (0.0058) 3.4023 (0.0072) -0.0048 (0.0003) 0.2057 (0.0061) -6.3018 (0.0272) 0.0159 (0.0001) 6.0740 (1.0643) -0.6323 (0.0158) -0.5103 (0.0205) -0.1375 (0.0015) 4 363M No 0.1838 (0.0046) 0.3554 (0.0042) 2.9438 (0.0053) -5.9610 (0.0089) 0.0057 (0.0001) 1.8534 (0.0720) -0.9119 (0.0100) -0.7109 (0.0107) -0.1000 (0.0009) 363M Yes 0.1222 (0.0047) 0.3635 (0.0042) 2.8208 (0.0055) -4.9921 (0.0101) 0.0063 (0.0001) 3.2046 (0.0807) -0.6353 (0.0104) -0.8575 (0.01203) 0.0945 (0.0009) Alternative Specifications 5 6 363M No -0.0672 (0.0647) -0.1655 (0.0556) 0.4619 (0.0031) 2.6325 (0.0043) -6.0209 (0.0194) 0.0051 (0.0002) 0.0626 (0.0909) -0.7219 (0.0116) -0.0825 (0.0151) -0.0631 (0.0008) 7 363M Yes 0.0652 (0.0041) -0.0817 (0.0065) 0.4613 (0.0030) 2.5866 (0.0041) -5.1736 (0.0081) 0.0032 (0.0001) -0.0819 (0.14951) -1.2190 (0.0070) 0.0694 (0.0068) -0.0778 (0.0007) 8 63M 0.0093 (0.0001) No 0.0066 (0.0009) 0.4201 (0.0107) 2.2608 (0.0157) -6.2088 (0.0268) 0.1041 (0.0006) 0.2189 (1.9225) -1.8081 (0.0319) -1.1009 (0.0421) 0.0252 (0.0028) 9 63M -0.0068 (0.0020) Yes -0.0045 (0.0028) 0.3226 (0.0116) 2.3023 (0.0168) -5.1596 (0.0333) 0.1086 (0.0006) 5.3747 (2.2071) -1.0099 (0.0414) -1.2239 (0.0508) 0.0054 (0.0029) 10 This table presents coefficient estimates and standard errors (in parentheses) for alternative specifications of the fractional-logistic estimator. Specifications 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, and 8 are estimated using the full sample of 104 firms. Specifications 3 and 4 are estimated using the subsample of 69 firms that reported information on gender and age. Specifications 9 and 10 are estimated using the subsample of 9 firms that reported salary data. Industry classification is based on one-digit SIC. The estimator clusters at the level of the individual employee. Table 6: Estimation Results 29 At-the-Money Option Changing ESO BS to Pct Parameter Value 10 Years Err Panel A. Correlation Effects 0.00 28.67 44.49 55 0.20 29.62 44.49 50 0.40 30.55 44.49 46 0.60 31.44 44.49 42 0.80 32.28 44.49 38 Panel B. Gender Effects Male 31.02 44.49 43 Female 31.86 44.49 40 Panel C. Option Holder Rank Effect Top Decile 29.95 44.49 49 Lower Deciles 30.83 44.49 44 Panel D. Volatility Effects 0.10 18.09 33.81 87 0.20 24.12 38.25 59 0.30 30.55 44.49 46 0.40 36.92 50.92 38 0.50 43.03 56.98 32 Panel E. Dividend Rate Effects 0.00 30.55 44.49 46 0.01 27.64 37.82 37 0.03 22.48 26.91 20 0.05 18.13 18.72 3 0.07 14.52 12.72 -12 Panel F. Vesting Period Effects 0.00 29.55 52.57 78 1.00 30.04 48.36 61 2.00 30.55 44.49 46 3.00 30.46 40.93 34 4.00 29.98 37.66 26 9 6 13 9 26 15 10 8 6 10 8 4 -1 -6 22 16 10 7 4 33.73 33.73 22.88 27.74 33.73 39.83 45.72 33.73 29.94 23.36 17.98 13.63 35.96 34.92 33.73 32.45 31.11 18 14 10 7 5 33.73 33.73 33.73 33.73 33.73 33.73 33.73 Pct Err BS to Mid Life 4.22 4.72 5.41 6.09 6.77 5.41 5.49 5.65 5.81 5.99 4.22 4.86 5.41 5.84 6.18 5.25 5.50 5.55 5.80 4.89 5.15 5.41 5.67 5.92 Exp Term 32.62 32.02 31.84 31.31 30.53 31.84 28.65 22.88 17.87 13.63 17.35 24.21 31.84 39.29 46.35 31.27 32.11 32.29 33.09 30.07 30.96 31.84 32.68 33.48 BS to Exp Term 10 7 4 3 2 4 4 2 -1 -6 -4 0 4 6 8 4 4 4 4 5 5 4 4 4 Pct Err 9.46 9.46 9.46 9.35 9.44 9.46 8.30 6.33 4.77 3.54 1.79 5.33 9.46 13.81 18.16 9.21 9.59 9.73 10.07 8.63 9.06 9.46 9.83 10.17 7.90 7.90 7.90 8.46 8.86 7.90 6.96 5.35 4.06 3.05 0.36 3.47 7.90 12.66 17.41 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.9 7.90 7.90 7.90 7.90 7.90 -16 -16 -16 -10 -6 -16 -16 -16 -15 -14 -80 -35 -16 -8 -4 -14 -18 -19 -22 -8 -13 -16 -20 -22 Underwater Option ESO BS to Pct Value Mid Life Err 5.01 5.01 5.01 5.38 5.77 5.01 5.07 5.17 5.26 5.35 4.97 4.99 5.01 5.06 5.12 4.95 5.05 5.08 5.17 4.81 4.91 5.01 5.11 5.21 Exp Term 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.51 10.48 10.50 9.24 7.05 5.26 3.84 0.90 5.21 10.50 15.97 21.38 10.34 10.59 10.67 10.90 9.97 10.24 10.50 10.75 10.98 BS to Exp Term 11 11 11 12 11 11 11 11 10 8 -50 -2 11 16 18 12 10 10 8 16 13 11 9 8 Pct Err The table shows option values based on the estimated exercise functions in Table 6. Panels A, D, E, and F are based on Specification 1, Panel B is based on Specification 3, and Panel C is based on Specification 5. The left side of the table shows valuations for a 10-year at-the-money option with a $100 strike price. The right side shows the case of an 8-year option that is 40% out of the money. The base case assumes 8% annual termination rate, two-year vesting period, 30% volatility, zero dividend rate, and correlation of 0.40. The riskless rate is 5% and the expected market return is 11%. BS to 10 Years is the probability that the option vests times the traditional Black Scholes option value. BS to Mid Life is the probability that the option vests times the Black Scholes value of the option, assuming expiration at the average of the vesting date and stated expiration date. Exp Term is the expected term of the option conditional on vesting, given the estimated exercise function and assumed termination rate. BS to Exp Term is the probability that the option vests times the Black Scholes value of the option, assuming expiration at the option’s expected term conditional on vesting. Table 7: Valuation Results Table 8: Estimation Results with Controls for Employee Gender This table presents coefficient estimates and standard errors (in parentheses) for alternative specifications of the fractional logistic estimator that include controls for the gender of the employee. Specification 2 includes controls for industry fixed effects. The estimator clusters at the level of the individual employee. Alternative Specifications 1 2 Covariates Constant Price-to-strike ratio Dividend in next two weeks Correlation Volatility Time to expiration Price ≥ 90th percentile of prior year distribution Vesting event in past two weeks Age Male × Constant Male × Price-to-strike ratio Male × Dividend in next two weeks Male × Correlation Male × Volatility Male × Time to Expiration Male × Price ≥ 90th percentile of prior year distribution Male × Vesting event in past two weeks Male × Age Industry fixed effects Number of observations 30 -5.7275 (0.0315) 0.0254 (0.0002) 10.4642 (1.6464) -1.0854 (0.0238) -0.9329 (0.5852) -0.1326 (0.0025) -6.0242 (0.0362) 0.0245 (0.0002) 9.3907 (1.6873) -1.0688 (0.0240) -0.8917 (0.0380) -0.1326 (0.0025) 0.3508 (0.0092) 3.4645 (0.0119) -0.0055 (0.0005) -0.2411 (0.0414) -0.0112 (0.0002) -2.8935 (1.9700) 0.7641 (0.0308) 0.3442 (0.0436) -0.00201 (0.0031) 0.3454 (0.0092) 3.4895 (0.0118) -0.0056 (-0.2191) -0.2191 (0.0416) -0.0107 (0.0002) -3.7979 (2.1531) 0.7247 (0.0307) 0.4886 (0.0435) -0.00686 (0.0031) 0.0321 (0.0118) -0.1389 (0.0149) 0.0008 (0.0006) No 216,347,669 0.0318 (0.0118) -0.1346 (0.0148) 0.0008 (0.0006) Yes 216,347,669 Table 9: Valuation Results by Employee Gender The table shows option values based specification 1 in Table 8. The left side of the table shows valuations for a 10-year at-the-money option with a $100 strike price. The right side shows the case of an 8-year option that is 40% out of the money. The base case assumes 8% annual termination rate, two-year vesting period, 30% volatility, zero dividend rate, and correlation of 0.40. The riskless rate is 5% and the expected market return is 11%. At-the-Money Option Male Female Pct Diff Underwater Option Male Female Pct Diff Changing Parameter Panel A. Correlation Effects 0.00 30.48 29.70 -2.6 9.48 0.20 30.79 30.76 -0.1 9.61 0.40 31.09 31.76 2.2 9.73 0.60 31.38 32.69 4.2 9.85 0.80 31.67 33.53 5.9 9.97 Panel B. Volatility Effects 0.10 18.75 19.17 2.3 1.84 0.20 24.69 25.23 2.2 5.50 0.30 31.09 31.76 2.2 9.73 0.40 37.42 38.24 2.2 14.16 0.50 43.48 44.43 2.2 18.58 Panel C. Dividend Rate Effects 0.00 31.09 31.76 2.2 9.73 0.01 28.02 28.52 1.8 8.52 0.03 22.65 22.87 1.0 6.46 0.05 18.16 18.20 0.2 4.83 0.07 14.47 14.39 -0.5 3.57 Panel D. Vesting Period Effects 0.00 30.85 31.86 3.3 9.73 1.00 30.85 31.69 2.7 9.73 2.00 31.09 31.76 2.2 9.73 3.00 30.79 31.33 1.7 9.58 4.00 30.16 30.58 1.4 9.58 31 9.26 9.69 10.09 10.44 10.75 -2.4 0.9 3.6 6.0 7.9 1.91 5.70 10.09 14.68 19.26 3.4 3.6 3.6 3.7 3.7 10.09 8.79 6.61 4.91 3.60 3.6 3.2 2.4 1.6 0.7 10.09 10.09 10.09 9.93 9.88 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.6 3.2 Table 10: Estimation Results with Controls for Rank of Option Holder This table presents coefficient estimates and standard errors (in parentheses) for alternative specifications of the fractional logistic estimator that include controls for whether the employee’s option holdings, measured by their Black Scholes value, are in the top decile of employee holdings at the firm. Specification 2 includes controls for industry fixed effects. The estimator clusters at the level of the individual employee. Alternative Specifications 1 2 Covariates Constant Price-to-strike ratio Dividend in next two weeks Correlation Volatility Time to expiration Price ≥ 90th percentile of prior year distribution Vesting event in past two weeks Top-decile option holder × Constant Top-decile option holder × Price-to-strike ratio Top-decile option holder × Dividend in next two weeks Top-decile option holder × Correlation Top-decile option holder × Volatility Top-decile option holder × Time to Expiration Top-decile option holder × Price ≥ 90th percentile of prior year distribution Top-decile option holder × Vesting event in past two weeks Industry fixed effects Number of observations 32 -5.8022 (0.0010) 0.0009 (0.000006) 1.8068 (0.0006) -1.2053 (0.0011) -0.0631 (0.0013) -0.0110 (0.0001) -4.8214 (0.0013) 0.0009 (0.000006) 3.0895 (0.0075) -0.0913 (0.0012) -0.0785 (0.0015) -0.0108 (0.0001) 0.0342 (0.0005) 2.9977 (0.0006) -0.0338 (0.0019) -0.0005 (0.00001) 0.088 (0.0282) 0.0954 (0.0022) -0.2108 (0.0022) 0.0035 (0.0002) 0.035 (0.0005) 2.8681 (0.0007) -0.0444 (0.0019) -0.0006 (0.00001) 1.3401 (0.0246) 0.091 (0.0023) -0.1735 (0.0023) 0.0042 (0.0002) 0.0037 (0.0009) -0.0174 (0.0011) No 216,347,669 0.0039 (0.0009) -0.0155 (0.0011) Yes 216,347,669 Table 11: Valuation Results by Rank of Option Holder The table shows option values based specification 1 in Table 10. The left side of the table shows valuations for a 10-year at-the-money option with a $100 strike price. The right side shows the case of an 8-year option that is 40% out of the money. The base case assumes 8% annual termination rate, two-year vesting period, 30% volatility, zero dividend rate, and correlation of 0.40. The riskless rate is 5% and the expected market return is 11%. Top-decile option holders are those whose option holdings, measured by their Black Scholes value, are in the top decile of employee option holdings at the firm. At-the-Money Option Top Decile Lower Decile Changing Parameter Panel A. Correlation Effects 0.00 29.47 0.20 29.71 0.40 29.96 0.60 30.21 0.80 30.45 Panel B. Volatility Effects 0.10 17.30 0.20 23.45 0.30 29.96 0.40 36.41 0.50 42.60 Panel C. Dividend Rate Effects 0.00 29.96 0.01 27.19 0.03 22.25 0.05 18.07 0.07 14.56 Panel D. Vesting Period Effects 0.00 28.31 1.00 29.15 2.00 29.96 3.00 30.09 4.00 29.77 Underwater Option Pct Diff Top Decile Lower Decile Pct Diff 28.42 29.61 30.77 31.87 32.87 -3.6 -0.3 2.7 5.5 8.0 9.04 9.15 9.26 9.36 9.46 8.52 9.05 9.56 10.01 10.41 -5.8 -1.0 3.2 6.9 10.0 18.38 24.36 30.77 37.12 43.21 6.2 3.9 2.7 2.0 1.4 1.75 5.20 9.26 13.57 17.92 1.81 5.39 9.56 13.93 18.29 3.8 3.8 3.2 2.6 2.1 30.77 27.81 22.56 18.16 14.50 2.7 2.3 1.4 0.5 -0.4 9.26 8.14 6.23 4.71 3.52 9.56 8.38 6.38 4.79 3.55 3.2 3.0 2.4 1.8 1.1 29.96 30.36 30.77 30.62 30.09 5.8 4.1 2.7 1.8 1.1 9.26 9.26 9.26 9.15 9.30 9.56 9.56 9.56 9.44 9.52 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 2.3 33