Fish swimming optimization and exploiting multi-body ARCHIVES hydrodynamic interactions for underwater navigation by MA SSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOLGY Audrey Maertens APR 15 2015 Dipl6me de l'Ecole Polytechnique (2009) S.M., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2011) LIBRARIES Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY February 2015 @ Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2015. All rights reserved. Signature redacted ............. ....... .... ................. A uthor ............... Department of Mechanical Engineering December 5, 2014 Signature redacted Certified by........ .... Michael S Triantafyllou Professor of Mechanical and Ocean Engineering Thesis Supervisor Signature redacted A ccepted by ......................... ......... David Hardt, Professor of Mechanical Engineering Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Theses Fish swimming optimization and exploiting multi-body hydrodynamic interactions for underwater navigation by Audrey Maertens Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering on December 5, 2014, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering Abstract When walking, driving or riding a bicycle, we mostly rely on vision to avoid obstacles and evaluate optimal paths. Underwater, vision is usually limited, but flow structures resulting from the hydrodynamic interactions between inert and/or living bodies contain rich information, which fish can read through a dedicated sensory system, the lateral line. Fish can even extract energy from these flow features. Immersed Boundary Methods (IBMs) are particularly well suited to simulate flows resulting from several moving bodies. In this thesis, the difficulty of most existing IBMs to accurately handle Reynolds numbers higher than 103 is discussed, and a second order boundary treatment that significantly improves the accuracy at intermediate Reynolds number (103 < Re < 105) is presented. Using this new numerical method, object identification using a lateral line is first investigated. It is shown that the boundary layer of a gliding fish can amplify the hydrodynamic disturbance due to a nearby obstacle and thus help object detection and identification. With their lateral line, fish can also identify coherent structures in turbulent flow and measure flow features generated by their own swimming motion. In particular, fish have been shown to use their lateral line as a feedback sensor to optimize their motion in both turbulent and quiescent flow. Two mechanisms by which fish can minimize the energy expanded when swimming are presented: gait optimization and schooling. The Strouhal number, pitch angle and angle of attack at the tail are identified as the key parameters determining swimming efficiency in quiescent flow. By optimizing the undulatory gait, a quasi-propulsive efficiency of 57% is attained for a foil undulating in open-water (34% for a fish) at Reynolds number Re = 5000. Fish often travel in schools, and it is shown that significant energy savings are possible by exploiting energy from coherent turbulent flow structures present in fish schools. By properly timing its motion, a foil undulating in the wake of an other foil can reach an efficiency of 80%. Thesis Supervisor: Michael S Triantafyllou Title: Professor of Mechanical and Ocean Engineering 3 Acknowledgments I would like to thank my advisor Prof. Michael Triantafyllou for giving me the opportunity to follow my own scientific curiosity and sharing with me his enthusiasm and knowledge about fish swimming hydrodynamics. I would also like to acknowledge my committee members, Prof. Dick Yue and Prof. Pierre Lermusiaux, for their interest in my project and constructive feedback. I am particularly indebted to Gabriel Weymouth for introducing me to Computational Fluid Dynamics and sharing his code with me: it has been a great privilege to collaborate with him. Of course, these long years of graduate school would not have been as pleasant without the happy presence of my labmates. Heather Beem, Gabriel Bousquet, Audren Cloitre, Jahson Dahl, Jeff Dusek, Dixia Fan, Vicente Fernandez, Amy Gao, Jacob Izraelevitz, Leah Mendelson, David Rival, James Schulmeister, Stephanie Steele, Dilip Thekkodan, Fangfang Xie: thank you for the fun times and scientific discussions around lunch, as well as during crazy South-East Asian adventures and ski trips. Finally, I would like to thank my parents for always encouraging me to pursue the not very feminine but exciting engineering route. Of course, I won't forget my amazing fiance (Dr.) Fabien, without whom I would probably never have done a PhD, who always believes in me and encourages me to relentlessly aim higher in all aspects of life. And, as bonus, with him came my Providence friends who certainly contributed to making my New England years memorable. 5 Contents Introduction 1.1 Research motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Chapter preview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Accurate Cartesian-grid simulations of near-body flows at intermediate Reynolds numbers 2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 The Boundary Data Immersion Method revisited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.1 Smooth multi-domain coupling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.2 Evaluation of the convolution 2.2.3 Application to a one-dimensional channel flow . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.4 Flow solver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3 Application to fluid-solid systems 2.3.1 Two-dimensional flow past a stationary cylinder at low Reynolds num..................................... ber........ 2.3.2 Flow around a stationary SD7003 airfoil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.3 Flow around a heaving and pitching NACA0012 airfoil . . . . . . . 2.3.4 Multi-body example inspired by fish sensing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Exploiting information from the flow: object identification using a lateral line 3.1 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Materials and methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.1 Symbols and dimensionless numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.2 Towing tank experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.3 Viscous numerical simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.4 Potential flow model 3.2.5 Linear stability analysis of the boundary layer . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 R esults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.1 Viscous and inviscid pressure traces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.2 Flow field around a foil passing a cylinder: viscous effects . . . . . 3.3.3 Convective instability in the foil boundary layer . . . . . . . . . . 3.3.4 Enhancing potential flow predictions with instability results . . . . 3.4 D iscussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.1 The boundary layer: filter or amplifier? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.2 Lateral line stimulus and effect of swimming speed . . . . . . . . . 3.4.3 Can the boundary layer facilitate object identification? . . . . . . . 3 7 17 17 18 21 21 24 24 25 28 31 32 33 35 39 41 45 45 47 47 47 47 48 49 51 51 53 56 58 62 62 63 65 Exploiting energy from the flow: how efficiently can fish swim? 4.1 Introduction ....... ............................... 4.2 Fish swimming: modeling considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.1 Physical model and kinematic parameters . . . . . . . . . 4.2.2 Governing equations and dimensionless quantities . . . . . 4.2.3 On the importance of recoil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2.4 Imposed deformation, mid-line displacement and curvature . . . 4.2.5 Trailing edge pitch and angle of attack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Numerical method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.1 Fluid/body coupling: numerical implementation . . . . . . . . . 4.3.2 Force and power calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.3 Feedback controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3.4 Numerical method validation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4 Definition of efficiency for self-propelled bodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4.1 Net propulsive efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4.2 Propulsor efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4.3 Quasi-propulsive efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.4.4 Example: anguilliform vs carangiform gaits . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.5 Gait optimization for a self-propelled undulating foil in open-water . . 4.5.1 Reynolds number, Strouhal number and slip ratio . . . . . . . . 4.5.2 Optimization of Gaussian envelopes with A . . . . . . . . . 1 4.5.3 Optimization of quadratic envelopes with A 1 . . . . . . . . . 4.5.4 Optimization of Gaussian envelopes with A 0.65 . . . . . . . . 4.5.5 Optimization of an escape gait with A = 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6 Energy saving by swimming in pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6.1 Kirmdn gaiting and Weihs' schooling theory . . . . . . . . . . . 4.6.2 Flow in the wake of a self-propelled undulating foil . . . . . . . . 4.6.3 Effect of phase and distance for two undulating foils in a line . . 4.6.4 Effect of undulation frequency for two undulating foils in a line 4.6.5 Foil undulating in the reduced velocity region of the wake . . . 4.7 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.7.1 Efficiency and the notion of drag/thrust on a self-propelled body 4.7.2 Measure of performance for optimizing velocity and body shape 4.7.3 Proposed schooling theory and comparison with Weihs' theory 4.7.4 Application to three-dimensional fish shapes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 67 69 69 70 72 73 74 76 76 78 80 81 84 84 85 85 87 91 93 96 101 104 106 109 109 109 112 114 115 119 119 121 122 123 Conclusions 131 5.1 Accurate Cartesian-grid simulations of bear-body flows at intermediate Reynolds numbers .... .. ........ .................... .... ..... 131 5.2 The boundary layer instability of a gliding fish helps rather than prevents object identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 5.3 Swimming efficiency and drag increase for an undulating fish . . . . . . . . 133 5.4 Swimming optimization for a fish in open-water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 5.5 Energy saving by swimming in pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 5.6 Summary and future work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 A Convolution evaluation at sharp corners 8 137 B Derivations for the one-dimensional channel flow 141 B.1 Exact solution .......... .................................. 141 B.2 Direct forcing solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 B.3 Lim iting case v = 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 C Varying-coefficient model 143 D Validation: flow-induced vibration of a circular cylinder 145 9 10 List of Figures 2-1 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-8 2-9 2-10 2-11 2-12 2-13 2-14 2-15 2-16 2-17 2-18 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-4 3-5 Velocity profile and its derivative at the wall in a one-dimensional channel flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Smoothing across the immersed boundary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Integration kernel and its zeroth and first order moments. . . . . . . . . . . 27 L,, (a) and L 2 (b) norms of the velocity error in the channel as a function of the grid spacing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Exact, direct forcing, 1st order and 2nd order BDIM velocity profiles at the wall (located at y = 0) in an unsteady one-dimensional channel flow. .... 30 Flow past a stationary cylinder at Re = 100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 L,, and L 2 norms of the velocity and pressure error versus grid size and kernel radius fro flow past a cylinder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Flow past a stationary SD7003 airfoil at 40 angle of attack and Re = 10000. 36 Convergence of 1st order (*) and 2nd order (o) BDIM for flow past a stationary SD7003 airfoil at Re = 10000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Flow around a SD7003 airfoil at 4' angle of attack and Re = 10000 with I = 1. Time-averaged velocity magnitude and streamlines. . . . . . . . . . . 37 Average pressure (C.) and skin friction (Cf) coefficients around a SD7003 airfoil at 4' angle of attack and Re = 10000 with h = 1. dy = dx/4 for (b). 37 Three-dimensional flow around a SD7003 airfoil at 4' angle of attack and R e = 22000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 40 Definition of heaving and pitching motion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lift and drag coefficients on the heaving and pitching NACA0012 at Re = 105. 40 Instantaneous vorticity fields during heaving and pitching motion of a NACA0012 at Re = 10 5 for the 1st and 2nd order formulations (Ao = c, ao = 100, # = r/2, k = 1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Three dimensional flow geometry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Pressure around the axisymmetric fish in open water at Re = 6000. . . . . 43 Instantaneous pressure perturbation field around the axisymmetric fish passing the cylinder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Experim ental set-up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boundary layer fit for three Reynolds numbers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pressure traces at the three sensor locations shown in figure 3-1. . . . . . . Snapshots at t = 0.3 (a, c, e) and t = 0.9 (b, d, f) as a NACA0012 foil passes near the cylinder C 1 (r = 0.1, d = 0.1) at Re = 6 250. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Experimental flow visualization as a NACA0018 foil passes near a cylinder at R e = 75000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 48 51 52 54 54 3-6 3-7 3-8 3-9 3-10 3-11 3-12 3-13 3-14 3-15 Pressure coefficient changes along a NACA0012 foil passing near the cylinder C 1 at Re = 6 250, as a function of space and time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Properties of the mean boundary layer velocity profiles computed from viscous simulations, as a function of the location along the foil and wavenumber. (a): Pair of counter rotating vortices observed in the boundary layer of a NACA0012 passing near the cylinder C 1 at Re = 6 250. (b): Principal mode for x = 0.7 and kr = 15. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Viscous simulations of pressure coefficient changes as a function of time t and space x along a NACA0012 foil passing near the cylinder C1 for (a) Re = 2000 and (b) Re = 20 000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pressure coefficient changes along a NACA0012 foil passing near the cylinder C 1, as a function of wavenumber and time, for three Reynolds numbers. . . Amplification coefficient 6(k, t) estimated from viscous simulations as a function of wavenumber and time for Re = [2000, 6250, 20000]. . . . . . . . . Pressure coefficient changes along a NACA0012 foil passing near the cylinder C 1, as a function of wavenumber and time, for three Reynolds numbers. (a-c): residual, (d--f): fitted model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) estimated from poMagnitude of the pressure coefficient changes (max I tential flow (a-c) and viscous simulations (d-f). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Difference between the pressure coefficient changes due to two cylinders. . . Snapshots at t = 0.9 showing the velocity field and pressure coefficient disturbances as a NACA0012 foil passes near three different cylinders. . . . . . Schematic showing the fish model parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carangiform and anguilliform motion for f = 1.8 and ao = 0.1 at Reynolds number Re = 5000 with recoil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3 (a) Linear and angular momentum and (b) corresponding velocities for a neutrally buoyant self-propelled NACA0012 with carangiform motion at frequency f = 1/T = 2.1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4 Quasi-propulsive efficiency as a function of frequency for the carangiform and anguilliform motions with and without recoil. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5 (a) Typical displacement amplitude envelope for a swimming saithe or mackerel. (b) Typical curvature amplitude envelope for a swimming saithe or mackerel. Adapted from Videler [179]. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6 Flow configuration for the undulating NACA0012 simulations. The vorticity field for the carangiform motion with f = 1.8 and zero mean drag is shown as an exam ple. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7 Comparison of the WW, LL3 and PL3 wall laws. PL3 uses WW's outer-layer with a square-root buffer layer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8 Time-averaged drag and power coefficients for an undulating NACA0012 as a function of frequency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9 (a) Drag and (b) pressure coefficient on an undulating NACA0012 with carangiform motion at f = 1/T = 2.1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10 Time-averaged power coefficient as a function of undulating frequency for (a) the zero drag and (b) the fixed amplitude configurations. . . . . . . . . . . 4-11 Net propulsive efficiency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-12 Propulsor efficiency estimated from Wu's potential flow theory. . . . . . . . 4-1 4-2 12 55 57 59 59 61 61 63 64 66 66 69 70 73 73 74 76 79 82 83 88 88 89 4-13 Quasi-propulsive efficiency. (a): Comparison of towed estimates with selfpropelled values (Re = 5000). (b): Comparison of efficiency for Re = 2500 90 and Re = 5000 (self-propelled). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14 Definition of the parameters for a Gaussian envelope. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 4-15 Chart of a typical optimization procedure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 4-16 Strouhal number as a function of (a) frequency f and (b) sr/(1 - sr) for a self-propelled undulating NACA0012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 4-17 Quasi-propulsive efficiency as a function of (a) the undulation frequency f and (b) the Strouhal number St for a self-propelled NACA0012 at Re = 2500 94 ................................... and Re= 5000......... 4-18 Relationship between friction drag coefficient CDf, Reynolds number Re and Strouhal number St for an undulating NACA0012. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 95 4-19 Relationship between sr/(1 - sr), amplitude a and Reynolds number. . . . 4-20 Optimized (a) prescribed deformation envelopes and (b) displacement en96 velopes for the Gaussian parameterization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-21 Snapshots of vorticity for optimized gaits at t/T = 0 (mod 1). . . . . . . . . 97 4-22 7IQp as a function of x, and 6 near the optimum for Gaussian envelopes. . . 99 4-23 Superimposed body outlines over one undulation period for three frequencies. 99 4-24 Drag and power coefficients as a function of time for the optimized Gaussian envelopes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 4-25 Snapshots of pressure field with arrows showing the body velocity. . . . . . 101 4-26 rQp as a function of A(0) or f and A(1/2) for quadratic envelopes. . . . . . 102 4-27 Optimized (a) prescribed deformation envelopes and (b) displacement envelopes for the quadratic parameterization. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 4-28 Snapshots of vorticity for gaits with polynomial envelope at t/T = 0 (mod 1). 103 4-29 Drag and power coefficients as a function of time for quadratic envelopes. . 104 4-30 Optimized gait with Gaussian envelope for A = 0.65 (a): prescribed deformation envelope aoA(x) and displacement envelope g(x); (b): drag and power coefficients as a function of time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 4-31 Snapshot of vorticity for the optimized gait with Gaussian envelope and 106 ..................... A = 0.65 at t/T = 0 (mod 1). ..... 4-32 Snapshot of vorticity for the optimized escape gait with Gaussian envelope and A= 1 att/T=0 (mod1). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 4-33 Optimized escape gait with Gaussian parameterization for A = 1 (a): prescribed deformation envelope aoA(x) and displacement envelope g(x); (b): drag and power coefficients as a function of time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 4-34 Wake behind a self-propelled undulating foil for the optimized gait with Gaussian envelope and A = 1 at frequency f = 1.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 4-35 Vorticity phase in the wake of a self-propelled undulating foil. . . . . . . . .111 4-36 Time-averaged power coefficient Cp and amplitude ao for (a) the upstream foil as a function of distance d and (b) the downstream foil as a function of phase A 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 4-37 Snapshot of the vorticity field for two foils undulating at f = 1.5 with separation distance d = 1 and optimal phase A0 = 0.83. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 4-38 Snapshot of the velocity and pressure field for two foils undulating at f = 1.5 with separation d = 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 4-39 (a) Amplitude ratio ar and (b) quasi-propulsive efficiency ?Qp as a function of frequency f and phase A0 for two foils swimming in a line. . . . . . . . . 115 13 4-40 Snapshot of the vorticity, velocity and pressure field for two foils undulating at f = 1.8 with separation distance d = 1 and optimal phase AO = 0.87. . . 4-41 Snapshot of the vorticity field for two foils undulating at f = 2.1 with separation distance d = 1 and phase A0 = 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-42 Snapshot of the (a) vorticity and (b) pressure field for two foils undulating at f = 1.8 with separation distance d = 1 and phase AO = 0.38. . . . . . . . 4-43 Ratio of undulation amplitude ao and time-averaged power coefficient Cp as a function of phase for two foils undulating at f = 1.5 with longitudinal separation distance d = 1. In-line foils and foils with offset Ay = 0.17 are com pared. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-44 Snapshot of the vorticity field for two foils undulating at f = 1.5 with longitudinal separation distance d = 1, transverse separation Ay = 0.17 and optimal phase AO = 0.65. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-45 Snapshot of the x-velocity and pressure field for two foils undulating at f 1.5 with longitudinal separation distance d = 1, transverse separation dy 0.17 and optimal phase A = 0.65. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-46 Snapshot of the vorticity field around a two-dimensional foil with a separate tail. ...... .............................. .... ...... .. 4-47 Three-dimensional fish geometry based on a giant danio. Simulations are run 6 x 3 x 3 with constant velocity ' = U, on the inlet, a zero gradient exit condition with with global flux correction and periodic boundary conditions along y and z boundaries. The Cartesian grid is uniform near the fish with grid size dx = dy = dz = 1/100 and uses a 4% geometric expansion ratio for the spacing in the far-field. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-48 ?Qp as a function of xi and 6 near the optimum for (a) 2D and (b) 3D geom etries with f = 2.4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-49 Prescribed deformation envelope aoA(x) and displacement envelope g(x) for (a) carangiform gait with f = 3 and (b) optimized gait with f = 2.4. . . . . 4-50 Superimposed body outlines over one undulation period for (a) the carangiform motion and (b) the optimized gait. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-51 Snapshots of the flow around a three-dimensional fish with a carangiform and optim ized gait. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-52 (a,c,e) Side-view and (b,d,f) top-view of the vortex structures at several timesteps for the carangiform gait. (a,b): t/T = 0.1 (mod 1); (c,d): t/T = 0.4 (mod 1); (e,f): t/T = 0.7 (mod 1). A red line shows the formation of a vortex ring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-53 (a,c,e) Side-view and (b,d,f) top-view of the vortex structures at several time-steps for the optimized gait. (a,b): t/T = 0.1 (mod 1; (c,d): t/T 0.4 (mod 1; (e,f): t/T = 0.7 (mod 1. A red line shows a vortex shed from the tail that never fully develops into a ring, while green lines show the vortices shed from the body. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-1 D-1 116 116 117 118 118 118 123 124 124 125 125 126 127 128 Schematic showing the variables used in the derivation of the convolution evaluation at sharp corners. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 Sketch of the flow-induced vibration problem. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 14 List of Tables 2.1 2.2 Mean drag and lift and shedding frequency on a circular cylinder at Re = 100. 35 41 Mean drag coefficient on the heaving and pitching NACA0012 at Re = 10 5 . 3.1 3.2 Fitted parameters for the velocity profiles at x = 0.8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Average and standard deviation of the training data set inputs and test error. 62 4.1 Mean and maximum amplitude of power coefficient, amplitude of drag coefficient and undulation amplitude for a NACA0012 with carangiform amplitude at f = 2.1 and 0 drag. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Parameters and properties of gaits with Gaussian envelopes. . . . . . . . . . 98 Parameters and properties of gaits with polynomial envelopes . . . . . . . . 104 Parameters and properties of the optimized gait for a Gaussian envelope with A = 0.65.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Parameters and properties of thrust producing gaits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Parameters of the gaits used in the wake vorticity phase estimate and fitted phase and wavelength for the vorticity in the wake. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111 Efficiency and drag amplification for various gaits at Reynolds number Re = 120 . ..................... ................ 5000.......... Efficiency for a pair of undulating foils in various advantageous configurations. 122 Parameters and properties of 3D undulating gaits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 C.1 Number of time steps used for each cylinder radius r and distance d. . . . . 144 D. 1 Amplitude and frequency of vibration, average in-line force coefficient and maximum cross-flow force coefficient for a flexibly mounted cylinder. . . . . 146 15 16 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Research motivation Around Christmas 1968, the astronauts aboard Apollo 8, the first humans to contemplate Earth as a whole planet, were stricken by the vivid blue color of our planet. If Earth looks like a blue marble, it is because over 70% of its surface is covered by the ocean. Despite this ubiquity of water, the depth of the ocean remains mostly unknown, because exploring it - or even simply navigating in it - is technically extremely challenging. Until World War I, submarines relied solely on their periscope for navigation [181]. After then, the sonar system was developed [48, 176], and similar to dolphins, whales and bats, submarines can now use sound transducers to communicate and map the terrain around them [94]. And it is not until 1960 that the Challenger Deep, the deepest known point in the Earth's seabed hydrosphere, with a depth of almost 11 km, was reached. Only 9 years before a human first set foot on the Moon, almost 400 000 km from Earth. Yet, and despite what was once thought (cf. Edward Forbes' Abyssus Theory, 1843), the ocean is not a hostile environment for who is properly equipped. It is in the ocean that life is believed to have emerged, some 3.5 billion years ago, and in the ocean again that life evolved into animals, almost 600 million years ago. Even today, out of the 60 000 known species of vertebrates, half of them are fish and many more spend a significant portion of their time underwater. In 500 million years of evolution and natural selection, fish have learned to use to their advantage the heavy fluid in which they live. This fluid is, by definition, continually in motion; a motion that is affected by temperature and salinity gradients, winds, as well as interactions with inert and living bodies. Underwater animals have developed very effective sensory systems through which they can measure flow motion. For example, most marine mammals have a set of whiskers which allows them to blindly detect prey long after they have passed [40]. Another example is the lateral line, present in most fish and amphibians [112]. This flow sensor, usually used in conjunction with other sensory modalities more familiar to us like vision, smell and hearing, has been shown to play a major role in most fish behaviors. For instance, the lateral line has been shown to be instrumental to prey and predator detection [142, 38], obstacle identification [75, 180, 187], fish schooling [120, 96] and efficient swimming [206, 96]. The lateral line is so effective that some fish like the blind Mexican cave fish (Astyanax fasciatus), living in dark underwater caves, have evolved to rely almost exclusively on it for obstacle and prey detection [113]. It has been recently suggested that they have developed tricks such that mouth suction in order to increase the strength of the signal measured by their lateral line when detecting 17 obstacle [79]. Underwater animals interact with their environment trough water. Flow structures in water can mediate information: through their lateral line, fish can gather information about nearby obstacles or the motion of other fish (fellow, prey or predator). Flow structures can also transport energy. Using the lateral line as a feedback sensor, fish can minimize the energy wasted when swimming or extract energy from unsteady flow structures generated by solid bodies (Ka'rmnn gaiting [97, 98, 3]) or other fish (schooling [90, 186, 121, 92]). Whereas there is a growing interest in developing pressure and flow sensors that will mimic the function of the lateral line for underwater vehicles [209, 208, 154, 107], the hydrodynamics resulting from the interaction between several bodies is still very much unknown. The goal of this thesis is to help understand how water mediates information and energy in the multi-body interactions at play in underwater navigation. The numerical investigation of multi-body hydrodynamic interactions is very promising. Indeed, Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) is mature enough to provide accurate estimates of entire pressure and velocity fields, which are impossible to measure experimentally. Moreover, the freedom associated with simulations makes it easy to independently vary parameters and estimate the effect of each. However, the numerical simulation of the flow around several deforming and/or moving bodies is very challenging. In order to avoid the difficulties of mesh generation and deformation, the state of the art for such problems are immersed boundary methods, in which the computational grid does not have to conform to the problem geometry [111]. While these methods have been very successful at simulating fluids with complex geometries such as a cephalopod-like deformable body [193] and flexible insect wings [159, 150], their use has been mostly limited to low Reynolds numbers (Re < 1000). In order to accurately estimate the flow features resulting from the interaction of a fish such as the blind Mexican cave fish with its environment (2500 < Re < 6500 [157]), I built upon an existing method [195] and improved the treatment of the boundary. Using this method, I investigated two examples of interaction between a fish and its environment. In the first example I describe the flow features generated by a fish passing a cylinder and discuss how these features can be used to identify the cylinder. In the second example, I investigate mechanisms by which cruising fish can save energy, whether swimming alone or in groups. 1.2 Chapter preview In chapter 2, an accurate Cartesian-grid treatment for intermediate Reynolds number fluidsolid interaction problems is described. We first identify the inability of existing immersed boundary methods to handle intermediate Reynolds number flows to be the discontinuity of the velocity gradient at the interface. We address this issue by generalizing the Boundary Data Immersion Method (BDIM [195]), in which the field equations of each domain are combined analytically, through the addition of a higher order term to the integral formulation. The new method retains the desirable simplicity of direct forcing methods and smoothes the velocity field at the fluid-solid interface while removing its bias. Based on a second-order convolution, it achieves second-order convergence in the L 2 norm, regardless of the Reynolds number. This results in accurate flow predictions and pressure fields without spurious fluctuations, even at high Reynolds number. A treatment for sharp corners is also derived that significantly improves the flow predictions near the trailing edge of thin airfoils. The second-order BDIM is applied to unsteady problems relevant to ocean energy 18 extraction as well as animal and vehicle locomotion for Reynolds numbers up to 105 In chapter 3, we investigate an example of flow structures resulting from multi-body hydrodynamic interaction that mediates information. Inspired by the function of the lateral line in aquatic animals, we study the shape identification of a stationary cylinder through pressure measurements made by sensors located on the surface of a steadily moving foil, modeling a fish gliding in close proximity to an object. Comparing experimental results, potential flow predictions, and viscous simulations, we first show that the pressure in the boundary layer of the foil is significantly affected by unsteady viscous effects, especially in the posterior half of the foil. Therefore, even after the effects of the boundary layer thickness are accounted for, potential flow predictions are inaccurate. Subsequently, we show that the spatial features of the unsteady patterns developing when the foil is moving near a cylinder can be predicted accurately through linear stability analysis of the average boundary layer velocity profile under open water conditions. Because these unsteady patterns result from amplification of the potential flow-like disturbance caused in the front part of the foil, they are specific to the cylinder that generated them and could be used to identify its shape. We develop and demonstrate a methodology to calculate the unsteady pressure based on combining potential flow predictions with results from linear stability analysis of the boundary layer. The findings can be useful for object identification in underwater vehicles, and support the intriguing possibility that the significant viscous effects caused by nearby bodies on the fish boundary layer, far from preventing detection, could actually be used by animals to identify objects. In chapter 4 we show how the flow structures generated by the interaction between a swimming body and the fluid can be used by the body itself or by other nearby bodies to minimize energy expenditure. We discuss two means by which undulating bodies can save energy without modifying the body itself. After showing that the quasi-propulsive efficiency is the only rational non-dimensional metric of the propulsive fitness for self-propelled bodies, we use this measure to optimize the undulating motion of a fish in open-water. Efficient undulation is characterized by a deformation envelope with a peak around 80% from the trailing edge, corresponding to the peduncle section. By increasing the sharpness of the peak with increasing undulation frequency, the optimal Strouhal number, pitch angle and angle of attack at the trailing edge can be obtained regardless of the frequency. Then, we show that even more energy can be saved by fish swimming in an organized group when properly timing their motion to use the periodic forces from other individuals' wakes. Finally, we apply these results, based on two-dimensional simulations of a NACA0012 foil with free recoil carried out at Reynolds number Re = 5000, to a three-dimensional fish shape based on a giant danio. 19 20 Chapter 2 Accurate Cartesian-grid simulations of near-body flows at intermediate Reynolds numbers 2.1 Introduction Immersed Boundary (IB) methods have become popular in the last ten years for simulating flows with complex geometries and moving boundaries. IBs remove the effort needed to generate a body-fitted grid and enable the use of efficient numerical methods that can be easily solved in parallel (see [11] for a review of IB methods). This relative simplicity makes IBs particularly attractive for engineering applications and the study of animal locomotion. However, these applications are often characterized by large Reynolds numbers, which we will show are particularly challenging for IB methods. Introduced by Peskin in the 1970s [125] to simulate heart valves, IB methods were first developed to solve the coupled motion of an elastic boundary immersed in a viscous fluid on a fixed Cartesian-grid. The effect of the IB on the surrounding fluid is simulated by the addition of a force density (which represents the force of the surface of the object on the fluid) to the Navier-Stokes equations [126]. These methods have then been extended to fluids with solid boundaries by defining artificial body forces [67]. Many options have been explored for defining the forcing (structure attached to an equilibrium with a spring [14], explicit feedback controller [67], porous medium [5]) but all require user specified parameters and are subject to severe stability constraints due to their stiffness [54]. To overcome these limitations, Fadlun et al. [54] proposed a formulation in which the forcing is directly estimated from the discrete problem such as to impose the desired velocity on the boundary. This method and the many variations that have subsequently appeared in the literature are direct forcing methods and have been widely used for flows in which the motion of the boundary is prescribed. A well known issue with this class of algorithms is their tendency to introduce large non-physical pressure oscillations (see [71] for example). Muldoon [114] even showed that the pressure could locally increase without bound as the time step goes to zero. These oscillations are caused by the lack of smoothness of the velocity across the boundary before the projection step [72]. A related issue is that these methods account for the boundary in the momentum conservation equations but not in the mass conservation equation. Uhlmann [170] proposed an alternative direct-forcing formulation in which the forcing is first computed on Lagrangian markers, then spread onto 21 the neighboring Eulerian nodes. While not directly addressing the mass conservation issue, this formulation later generalized by [175] and [127] has been shown to significantly reduce undesirable force oscillations. In sharp-interface approaches, the communication between the moving boundary and the flow solver is usually accomplished by explicitly modifying the computational stencil near the IB. Unlike forcing methods, sharp-interface approaches alter both conservation equations, usually using a ghost-fluid [64] or ghost-cell method [110, 165]. But Seo et al. [144] showed that even with such treatment, local mass conservation is violated which produces pressure fluctuations. Instead, they suggest the use of cut-cell finite volumes that reshape the cells in the vicinity of IBs [210, 169, 139]. However, cut-cells in three dimensions can produce seven different polyhedral control volumes and arbitrarily small cells. The small cells need to be merged to avoid stability problems and "freshly cleared" cells that appear with moving boundaries need a careful treatment in order to avoid pressure fluctuations [169, 139]. Due to all these considerations, sharp-interface approaches, and especially cutcell methods have lost the simplicity which was the main appeal of IB methods. An alternative approach, called the Boundary Data Immersion Method (BDIM), has been proposed by Weymouth and Yue [195]. Similarly to Uhlmann's direct forcing formulation [170, 175, 127], BDIM relies on convolving the equation governing the motion of the immersed boundary with the Navier-Stokes equations. The boundary, however, is represented by a distance function rather than Lagrangian points. The fundamental difference between BDIM and direct forcing methods, though, is an additional modification to the pressure term analogous to the discrete operator adjustments of sharp-interface methods such as [169] and [64], avoiding the projection issues discussed in [72]. Unlike sharp-interface methods, BDIM alters the analytic equations near the embedded boundary (and not the discrete operators), which makes the method easy to implement in existing flow solvers regardless of the geometry being simulated. This enables BDIM to predict a smooth pressure field even for flow featuring moving boundaries, while retaining the simplicity that makes IBs attractive. This method has proved its versatility by successfully simulating a variety of low Reynolds number and multi-phase flows [194, 196, 191, 193]. BDIM can also be compared with the volume-penalization IB method of Kajishima [89], wherein the interpolating function represents the volumetric fraction of the fluid in the computational cell. BDIM could reproduce this property using a linear kernel, but in practice we use a smoother kernel to help avoid spurious force oscillations as discussed in [207]. Additionally, because in BDIM the interpolation coefficient is only a function of the distance to the boundary and is independent of the grid, its calculation is trivial compared to the volume fraction. Finally, like direct forcing methods, Kajishima's method estimates the pressure without taking the solid into account whereas, as will be discussed in 2.2.4, BDIM also modifies the pressure equation. The next big challenge for IB methods lies in moderate to high Reynolds number flows, which give rise to fundamental problems for existing approaches [111, 81]. The source of these problems is illustrated here by considering a one-dimensional unsteady channel flow in which flow of kinematic viscosity v with uniform x-velocity U suddenly enters a channel with opening 0 < y < L at time t = 0. Figure 2-la shows the velocity profile u(y, t)/U near the boundary for two Reynolds numbers Re = L 2 /(ut) = 100 and 1000 computed on a body-fitted grid and Figure 2-1b shows the corresponding derivatives. The solution is uniformly zero in the solid domain (y < 0) whereas the solution in the fluid (y > 0) has a non-zero slope at the interface. Therefore, even though the velocity field is continuous across the boundary, its first derivative is not. Guy [72] showed that the pressure fluctuations in 22 1 18 Re=100 Re=1000 - 16 0.8 - Re=100 Re=1000 14 _J 0.6 12 10 8 0.4 6 r - -- -- 4 0.2 2 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04 y/L 0.06 0.08 U, 0.1 -0.02 0.02 0.04 y/L 0.06 0.08 0.1 (b) Velocity derivative (a) Velocity profile Figure 2-1: 0 Velocity profile and its derivative at the wall in a one-dimensional channel flow of height L for Re = L 2 /(Vt) = 100 and 1000. direct forcing methods are caused by the incompatibility of smooth IB methods with this discontinuity in the first derivative of the velocity. The higher the Reynolds number, the larger the jump in the velocity derivative, exacerbating this problem and requiring special techniques for accurate simulation. In all direct forcing methods as well as in BDIM, a weighted average between the fluid and solid velocities is used to estimate the fluid velocity near a solid boundary. Such a treatment will be referred to as 1st order in the rest of this chapter. While a 1st order treatment of the boundary can allow accurate predictions at low Reynolds numbers, they are not appropriate for flows characterized by a thin boundary layer. In this work we extend [195] by using the analytic BDIM formulation to establish a higher order formulation of the near-boundary interaction between the fluid and solid domains. The addition of the higher order term improves the accuracy of the method at high Reynolds number while generating a smoother velocity profile that reduces pressure fluctuations. We show through high resolution simulations that this analytically derived first-moment correction enables accurate simulations of high speed flows without introducing any new model parameters. 2.2 develops the new second-order BDIM approach. Specifically, 2.2.2 proposes an analytical equation that generalizes the convolution evaluation of [195] through the addition of higher order terms. Comparison of the new formulation with that of [195] and a direct forcing method is detailed in 2.2.3 in the context of a one-dimensional channel flow. Finally, a finite volume implementation of the proposed method is presented in 2.2.4. The generalized BDIM formulation is then applied to two and three-dimensional fluidsolid systems in 2.3, which demonstrate its improved accuracy for intermediate Reynolds number flows. Two-dimensional flow past a cylinder is used in 2.3.1 to assess the numerical properties of the method as well as present and validate the force calculation method. The new formulation is then tested on flows relevant to applications of practical interest: unsteady two and three-dimensional viscous flows past a stationary and a moving airfoil in 2.3.2 and 2.3.3, as well as a three-dimensional multi-body application in 2.3.4. This last example illustrates a case for which an Immersed Boundary method is more appropriate than a body-fitted one. An improved treatment of sharp edges, essential for thin airfoils, is also derived in Appendix A. 23 2.2 The Boundary Data Immersion Method revisited In this work we consider a two-domain interaction problem in which the domain Qf is occupied by an incompressible viscous fluid and the domain Qb by a solid or deforming body with prescribed velocity V (5, t). The governing equation in the solid body is simply given by U= V (2.1) whereas the fluid is governed by the incompressible Navier-Stokes equation (2.2) 7+1-v2= P p a+ ot After integration of Eq. 2.2 over a time step At, the fluid and body equations can be written in the form for X Gb (2.3) u = f(U), for X' E Qf with (2.4a) b= V fG, t +At)=U(to)+ ] tO+At -(-V) + vV 2 j dt- tO+st 1 -Vp dt ~tto p (2.4b) where 3 PAt is the pressure impulse over At and RAt (1-) accounts for all the non-pressure terms. 2.2.1 Smooth multi-domain coupling lB methods aim at solving Eq. 2.3 using a grid that does not conform to the boundary between Qf and Qb. The approach proposed in [195] to solve Eq. 2.3 consists in convolving the continuous equations with a nascent delta kernel in order to combine them in a smooth meta-equation. Eq. 2.3 can be written as a single equation t) = b(t), ((,, b) + f(i, ,t)lQf(5) for Gc Q (2.5) where 1A is the indicator function of subspace A. Convolving both sides with a nascent delta kernel K, with spherical support of radius c yields the following smoothed equation iE(X,t) j U(', t)K ( S') d'w = b, (x, t) + f(, QIS t) for x E (2.6) where bS,t) Lb b(yb,t)KE(S,Sb) dzb ucx(IQ u, t) = Xf, ) t) K, (X, Xf) (2.7a) dXf2.b Thus the general equation Eq. 2.6 smoothly transitions from the fluid equation to the solid equation as illustrated in Figure 2-2. In the dark gray area, fe 0, such that U" = be. 24 'C kernel support of the kernel boundary Figure 2-2: Smoothing across the immersed boundary. The equations valid in each domain are convolved with a kernel of radius c and added together. The gradient of gray illustrates how the contribution of b, and f, to the smoothed equation changes in the boundary region. The kernel at a point (marked by a dot) that belongs to the boundary region is represented. fE. The black dot is within distance E of the Similarly, in the white area, bE = 0, so ,i= point intersects both Qf and Qb. At that at that boundary, therefore the kernel centered point, both b& and fE contribute to UE. 2.2.2 Evaluation of the convolution Eq. 2.6 is very general and can be applied to any multi-domain problem by replacing Eq. 2.4 with the appropriate equation for each domain. In order to solve Eq. 2.6 numerically, we need to estimate the integrals on a grid. We wish a formulation that is grid independent, so that it can easily be implemented on any grid with little computational overhead, even for moving three-dimensional objects. In order to minimize the dissipative effects on the solution, it is necessary to ensure smoothing only occurs where it is needed to alleviate the discontinuity discussed in the introduction, ie on the boundary region in the normal direction. Therefore, two requirements will be kept in mind while discretizing Eq. 2.6: (i) smoothing only occurs near the boundary and (ii) smoothing occurs across the boundary but not along it. The naive way of discretizing Eq. 2.6 would be to approximate the continuous convolution by its discrete counterpart bE (It) = b(,t)KE(, db = (,t)KE( d- b(-tK(-X , )A4 + O(Ax 2 ) (2.8) b+OA where Ax denotes the grid size and d the dimensionality (2 or 3). However, this formulation violates the first requirement. Since the kernel K, (Y, Y) has a finite support, the integral can alternatively be evaluated using a Taylor expansion (2.9a) t)K(F, 4) dz4 be (Y, t) = jb(-, b(x, t) + Vb(, t) (z =(&,t) L - z)) Ke(z,5b) d'b + 0(c2) KE (F, b) d- + V6(y, t) 25 (F - )K(,Fb) d-e + O(E2) (2.9b) (2.9c) p~ ,)I -, F, ii) (,Y, where O(e2) appears on the right hand side to indicate the order of the error introduced by this linearization. Note that if the velocity within the support of the kernel is not smooth enough for the Taylor expansion to provide a valid approximation, local grid refinement (as in [81]) can be used, which will also greatly improve the accuracy of the discrete differential operators. In order to compute Eq. 2.9 in the boundary region, the body velocity is extended into the fluid domain. In the case of non-uniform body velocity, this is done using simple linear extrapolation. Note that this means the prescribed velocity may not be divergence free, but the modified pressure equation maintains divergence free flow in the fluid domain. Since we now have a smooth velocity field U4, the fluid equation can also be extended into the body part of the boundary region. Defining ft and f, respectively the normal and tangent to the closest point on the fluid-solid interface, we express Eq. 2.9c as: be (X, t) ~ b(Y, t) + (Z ,t) K (-, db+ Xb) -(7, an (5 b - t) X) - h Kc (X, Xb) db (2.10) 1 ( F - ) - f K ( , F) d -b In order to satisfy the second requirement, a kernel that only depends on the distance to the boundary is used (2.11) Ke(-,W) = Ke (- - h h, Y h h) If the radius of curvature of the interface is large compared to the grid size, the boundary can be locally approximated by its tangential plane [89], which significantly simplifies the calculation. Indeed, assuming the boundary is locally flat (h is constant across the support of the kernel), the tangential component of the integration can be eliminated and the kernel K, (7,Y) be replaced by a one-dimensional kernel E(- - h, b - h) / K(5- h , Ke (d, W)Ld b~ d h h) - d - (2.12) The convolution then simplifies to: b V where pk'a and pAB are respectively the zeroth and first moments of the one-dimensional kernel #e over Ob. Similar expressions can be obtained when the boundary is not locally flat. For example, the derivation in the presence of a sharp corner can be found in A. The same simplification holds for f6 (ile, z, t): (2.14) f 26 I~ 0.8 * E P , 0.6- pEF 0.4 \\ 0.2-1.5 -1 -0.5 0 d/E 1 0.5 1.5 Figure 2-3: Integration kernel and its zeroth and first order moments. Outside of the boundary 0. In the fluid for d > c, 0 and = 1.-Similarly, in the body for region (!d > c), /4 d < -6, p,F = 0 and p",B = 1. Within the smoothing region (Idl < ) all values are non-zero. where pig, and p are the moments over Qf. The kernel is chosen symmetric such that 0 outside of the boundary region. Consequently, i4 = f= f in the fluid, , Pi _ away from the boundary and vice versa in the solid. It is also chosen positive in order to guarantee the convergence of a broad spectrum of algorithms traditionally used to solve the Navier-Stokes equations. Note that extending the method to higher than second-order will require dealing with the non-zero second moment of positive kernels outside the smoothing region. Unlike distributed forcing methods [207], the solution proposed here is rather insensitive to the exact form of the kernel. In particular, as long as the kernel is continuous, changing it does not affect the possible pressure fluctuations or convergence properties. The following kernel will be used in the rest of this chapter: = (1 + cos(jx - y|7r/e))/(2E) 0 #e x, y) = if |x - yj fx-y 0 c(2.15) if Ix - yJ > E Using this kernel and defining d(xF) the signed distance from F to the fluid-body boundary (d > 0 in the fluid, d < 0 in the body), we find: [1 + P6(d) 1( 0 where pt 0= [ [f and p,F 1 + -sin (7r)] 0 2 1(dsin ( 7r) + I = PF 1' (I + cos for Idl < e for for d < d >c 7r) for for (2.16a) Idl <c |d| > c (2.16b) For the complementary domain Qb, we simply have 1 - d) p(d) and yt (d) = -p(-d) = -pc(d). The one-dimensional P '(d)= kernel # an its zeroth and first order moments are shown in Figure 2-3. Since these have been calculated analytically in the continuous domain, BDIM would belong to the 'continuous forcing' approach according to Mittal's definition [111]. This also means that the formulation derived here can as easily be used on a Cartesian grid (uniform or not) as on a tetrahedral or unstructured mesh. 27 Combining the simplified convolution Eqs 2.13 and 2.14 with Eq. 2.6 we finally obtain the new meta-equation S(X) = PC f + (1l-p) b (2.17) -(f-b) This meta-equation generalizes the one from [195] by adding the first-order term in the expansion of the convolution in Eq. 2.9. As noted in [195], pC can be interpreted as an interpolating function acting on the governing equations. The new P' term increases the order of interpolation, improving accuracy in the presence of a large discontinuity in the velocity gradient. As will be illustrated in 2.2.3, the P1 term further smoothes the transition and results in quadratic convergence in the external flow. Therefore, the present formulation, based on a second-order convolution, will be referred to as 2nd order BDIM, whereas the formulation presented in [195] will be referred to as 1st order BDIM. 2.2.3 Application to a one-dimensional channel flow In order to illustrate the role played by the first moment correction, the simplistic example of the one-dimensional unsteady channel flow presented in the Introduction is considered again. This example has been chosen because, except for the mass conservation equation that is absent, its treatment is very similar to that of the full three-dimensional unsteady Navier-Stokes equations and an exact solution can be calculated (see Appendix B1). A forward Euler scheme is used such that the transition from time to to time to + At have a very simple expression: b =0 (2.18a) f (u, y, to + At) = u(y, to) + At V a2 u(y, to). (2.18b) ay 2 The transition equation for 2nd order BDIM is given by U,(y, to + At) [Pf+ pi [1 + At4 v 2u,(y, to), (2.19) which we write in matrix form u,(nAt) ([p4+ pED] [I + AtvD ] U, (2.20) where D and D(2 ) are tridiagonal matrices resulting from the second-order central differencing of the first- and second-order derivatives respectively. The moments PE and P' are given by Eq. 2.16 where the distance function is d(y) L 2 L 2- _y (2.21) for this channel geometry. We will compare the error in the 2nd order BDIM solution to two formulations from the literature; the 1st order BDIM from [195] and a direct forcing method adapted from the approach in [207]. The 1st order BDIM transition matrix can be recovered by setting 28 P6 to zero in Eq. 2.20. The direct forcing formulation, which we derive in Appendix B2, is [1 + At v D(2)1 u. (nAt) = ([1 - ((T] ) (2.22) U, where ( is a column vector defined by (,(y) = (#E(d(y), 0) + #E(d(y - L), 0)) dy for the kernel q$ defined by Eq. 2.15. Calling uo the exact solution and u, an approximate solution calculated on grid g, we define the L, error with parameter p for grid spacing dy eo(dy,p) = max max luo - Ug1 (2.23) , gqEG(dy) [yE[p,L-p]J where p is the location of the first point away from the wall included in the error metric, and the L 2 error e 2 (dy) = max 2699 .GEG(dy) (UO - ug) 2 dy, yjo (2.24) where 699 is the 99% boundary layer thickness (see Appendix Bi) and 10 grids of similar spacing but different offset are used in g(dy). For all cases, we ensure that the simulations are converged in time by using 10 7 time steps. Figure 2-4 shows that for Reynolds number Re = L 2 /(vt) between 100 and 10000, e' and e2 are only functions of the ratio between the grid spacing dy and 699. The L, norm of all three methods converges at first order when the points in the smoothing region are included. However, excluding the first point off the boundary (setting p e in Eq. 2.23), or using the L 2 norm, the 2nd order BDIM shows quadratic convergence. (a) (b) 10 10 . linear - :' . linear 10 10 10 / -2 / 10-31 20 102 / -.-- / 2 / -j quadratic direct forcing ar0 i1 dy/699 --- quadratic / -2 10-3 10 100 1o 1' 100 dy1699 - 1st order BDIM * 2nd order BDIM Figure 2-4: L, (a) and L 2 (b) norms of the velocity error in the channel as a function of the grid spacing normalized by 699, the 99% boundary layer thickness as defined in Appendix B1. Error bars show the spread of the error calculated for Reynolds numbers Re = [100, 1000, 10000]. In (a), the black solid curves show the L, norm across the whole channel (p = 0), whereas the red dashed curves show the error away from the transition region (p = E). Note that as dy increases, so does the region excluded from the em (dy, f) error, causing the value to decrease artificially when the grid is so coarse that most of the boundary layer is excluded. Analysis of the limiting case v = 0, detailed in Appendix B3, can help understand these convergence results. 1st order BDIM and direct forcing have the same fixed point solution 29 uc(y) = 0 for Id(y)I < e. The smoothed solution calculated with these methods is as sharp as the exact solution, with the discontinuity displaced e into the fluid. This phenomenon can also be observed at Re = 1000 in figure 2-5. At large Reynolds number, interpolation is not enough to ensure appropriate smooth transition from the solid velocity to the fluid one, which results in linear convergence even outside of the transition region. Increasing the width of the kernel would not provide much additional smoothing, as these first order methods cannot take advantage of the whole transition region, and would increase the kernel dependent error. For the proposed 2nd order BDIM, the fixed point solution to the infinite Reynolds number case is uE(y) = exp ( E y - 1) for Id(y)i <e. (2.25) to uE(y) = 1 at y = e. The normal derivative term allows 2nd order BDIM to fully take advantage of the 2e wide transition region, resulting in a smoother velocity at the interface. This results in a significantly reduced error and second-order convergence in the external flow. The smoothness also ensures that discrete differential operators still approximate their continuous counterpart, which helps prevent artificial pressure fluctuations and flow instabilities as will be illustrated in 2.3.2. This solution transitions smoothly from UE(y) = 0 at y = -c 118 0.8 '~ 2 '10 0.6 0.4 0 ---------- exact -g-2-E-direct forcing 1st order --- 0.2 -0.02 -........... exact ---- direct forcing 1storder -2nd order 16 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 6 10 2nd2 0.1 order -0.02 y/L 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 y/L (b) Velocity derivative (a) Velocity profile Figure 2-5: Exact, direct forcing, Ist order and 2nd order BDIM velocity profiles at the wall (located at y = 0) in an unsteady one-dimensional channel flow of height L for Re = L 2/(Vt) = 1000. The solid region is colored in gray, the fluid region in white. The smoothing region that extends from y = -0.01L to y = 0.01L is represented by a gradient of gray. The new 2nd order method predicts a velocity that very closely matches the exact solution outside of the smoothing region. The boundary is halfway between two grid points. Finally, we note that, in this one-dimensional flow, 1st order BDIM can be considered a type of direct forcing method (though different from that described in [207]) because this example is missing a mass conservation equation. Indeed, figure 2-5 shows that they result in very similar velocity profiles, whereas the 2nd order BDIM profile is much closer to the exact solution, especially as v -+ 0. 30 2.2.4 Flow solver We will now apply the new 2nd order BDIM formulation to our fluid-solid interaction problem. Substituting Eq. 2.4 into Eq. 2.17 results in the momentum conservation equation for a general fluid-solid interaction problem i4(to Y +p + At) = + P a- + RAt(u-,) - - PaAt) (2.26) Since the fluid is incompressible, the velocity field has to be divergence-free in the fluid region at all time V- = O for XcGQf (2.27) The corresponding equation in the body is trivial -Z XEC=Qfor b - (2.28) If the divergence of the velocity is zero inside the body, then the full meta-equation automatically enforces a divergence-free i'. However, for general deforming bodies (like the shrinking cylinder example from [192]), the smoothing equation needs to be applied in order to resolve the discontinuity in V - U. Applying Eq. 2.17 to V -U- leads to the following generalized equation (1 )- 4 - (Vp-) for -EQ (2.29) b Vi Note that the mass conservation equation is applied to V - iU,, whereas direct forcing methods usually apply it to . Substituting in Eq. 2.26 gives the following mass conservation equation -. (p-t ( = (ii2 + +(Ct(e )) +P i +RAt (UE) n - (Y - V) Po - P(2.30) p) where we define a modified pressure P implicitly as - +P61 0PAt t) = -pPAt p38(P (.31) We use P instead of P on the left hand side of Eq. 2.30 to avoid inversion of a non-symmetric third-order pressure equation. As this variable substitution does not affect the right hand side, it does not introduce any error in the velocity field divergence and the error in the pressure field will not propagate in time. Eq. 2.31 shows that P only differs from P through a second-order term. The difference P1 between P and P can be approximately estimated from P by solving the following equation v P V an PA (2.32) As will be shown in @ 2.3.1, Pi is indeed quadratically driven to zero with grid refinement. 31 - VPO Eqs. 2.26 and 2.30 form the smoothed governing equations of the coupled fluid-solid system. They ensure exact mass and momentum conservation as well as the smoothness necessary for the discrete operators to approximate the continuous ones. The governing equations Eqs. 2.26 and 2.30 can be implemented with any computational scheme. We have implemented them using an Euler explicit integration scheme with Heun's corrector. The following equations are solved in order to calculate U' = i(to + At) from U-0 = i(to) and V = V(to + At). Euler integration with pressure correction i' = p ('do + rAt (A))+ (1 - P0) Z + p4 y (do + i At V - i VPO t(o) - - ' - (1 -- /1) V. V = (2.33c) U) (2.33a) (2.33b) t P Heun's corrector # 0' d + F ())+ At V. (1 - P06) f + P6 (- i i G V 'd' - (1 - a d)-? ) .- V 23 (2.34b) P SAt U2 = - P 1 (i 2 U = + 6 Vp1 (2.34c) U2) (2.34d) where for incompressible Navier-Stokes, -A (U) At ('d- [ ) i+ vV2 (2.35) These equations have been implemented in an Implicit Large Eddy Simulation (ILES) code (see [2] for a discussion on ILES). They are posed on a staggered mesh and central differences are used for all spacial derivatives except in the convective term in r-At which uses a flux limited QUICK scheme for stability. When the local flow is well resolved, these equations automatically revert to a non-dissipative (central difference) scheme. The only novel computations required by the 2nd order formulation are in steps 2.33a and 2.34a to add the /4 derivative term on the right hand side. This normal derivative term is computed by calculating the gradient using a second-order central difference at all points. The gradient is then projected on the outward normal to the closest boundary. Our experience is that this makes up less than 1% of the simulation cost and, as shown in the next section, enables accurate predictions of high Reynolds number flows. 2.3 Application to fluid-solid systems In this section, two and three-dimensional flows relevant to animal and vehicle locomotion are used to demonstrate the versatility and accuracy of the 2nd order BDIM formulation 32 1st order 2nd order 1 -1 w 0as c aR10 i v ft t Figure 2-6: Flow past a stationary cylinder at Re = 100, instantaneous vorticity for the 1st and 2nd order BDIM formulations. and its suitability for practical intermediate Reynolds number applications. First a grid convergence study is carried out on the canonical case of two-dimensional flow past a static cylinder at low Reynolds number in 2.3.1. A method to calculate the forces on a body is also presented and tested on that flow. The two following examples focus on airfoils at Reynolds numbers between 10 4 and 10 5 , since many potential applications of IBs (from industrial applications to the study of animal locomotion) involve airfoils for producing lift or thrust. The first example in 2.3.2 consists in a SD7003 airfoil at 4' angle of attack and Reynolds numbers Re = 10000 and 22000. In this very challenging example we show that a careful treatment of sharp edges dramatically improves the flow predictions near the trailing edge. In 2.3.3, a heaving and pitching NACA0012 airfoil at Reynolds number Re = 10 5 is simulated. Finally, in 2.3.4, the method is applied to a three dimensional example for which a body-fitted simulation would be highly impractical. 2.3.1 Two-dimensional flow past a stationary cylinder at low Reynolds number The canonical case of two-dimensional flow past a static cylinder is first considered in order to assess the numerical properties of the proposed method. The flow is simulated in a 29 x 29 diameter D domain, constant velocity u = U on the inlet, upper and lower boundaries, and a zero gradient exit condition with global flux correction. The grid is uniform near the cylinder with spacing dx/D = 1/120 and uses a 1% geometric expansion ratio for the spacing in the far-field. In this example and in the rest of the thesis, the radius of the smoothing kernel is chosen as twice the grid size e = 2 dx. The following studies in this section show that this level of smoothing is ideal. As shown in figure 2-6, both 1st and 2nd order BDIM methods show the same characteristic vortex shedding pattern on this simple example. In order to quantify the error evolution with grid refinement, the grid size is parametrized by parameter h such that the spacing is dx/D = h/120. Since an exact solution for this flow does not exist, we use the solution computed on a highly resolved grid (h = 1) as a baseline for computing the error. The same flow is then computed for h = [3, 4, 6, 8, 12], and the velocity and pressure errors are shown on log-log plots in figure 2-7 for 1st and 2nd order BDIM, as well as direct forcing. Also included on the figure are dotted lines denoting linear convergence and dashed lines denoting quadratic convergence. On all plots, the errors for 1st order BDIM and direct forcing are at least twice as large as the error for 2nd order BDIM. The order of convergence of the direct forcing method is between 1 and 1.5 for both velocity and pressure in the L 2 and L,, norms. For 1st order BDIM, the order of convergence of the velocity in L,, norm is also between 1 and 1.5, whereas in L 2 norm and for the pressure in both 33 (b) u 100 0 a) (c ) u 10-1 - (a) 10 u 2 1 _j 0_2 -JN -j 10 / ,/ / , 2 4 8 102 16 2 8 4 (d) 0.5 16 (e) 2/ 2 1 4 E/dx h h/ (f) p 10 p 2 -2 10 10 3/ 0 10 207 2 0.5 1 10 / 03 -J -1 4 70 2 8 4 16 2 4 8 - ----- 16 E/dx h h direct forcing pressure correction -E 1st order BDIM ---------. linear * -- - 2nd order BDIM quadratic Figure 2-7: L, and L 2 norms of the velocity (a-c) and pressure (d-f) error versus grid size (a-b, d-e) and kernel radius (c, f). The grid spacing is dx/D = h/120. norms, the convergence is close to second-order. Note also that whereas 1st order BDIM and direct forcing have almost the same velocity error, the pressure error decreases faster with 1st order BDIM than direct forcing. Finally, the 2nd order BDIM errors all converge quadratically but for the pressure error in L 2 norm that converges linearly in the range of grid spacing used. In figures 2-7d,e, the norm of the pressure correction P1 defined by Eq. 2.32 is also plotted and converges quadratically for both norms. We remark here that in this practical case the orders of convergence do not exactly match those estimated in 2.2.3 on the one-dimensional channel example. The addition of the pressure term, the smaller range of grid spacing and the impact of time convergence are potential reasons for the observed differences. We have also tested how the width of the kernel affects the accuracy of the computed solution. For h = 4, figures 2-7c,f show the L 2 norm of the velocity and pressure error for e/dx from 0.5 to 4. For e/dx greater than 2, the error decreases quadratically with the kernel radius. Decreasing e/dx from 2 to 1 hardly reduces pressure error and increases the velocity error; further decreasing e/dx results in an increased error. These plots show that the choice of e/dx is a trade-off between limiting the diffusion caused by a large kernel radius while ensuring enough smoothness for the discrete differential operators to be accurate. A radius of two grid points is the best compromise and has been used throughout this thesis. Forces are calculated using a one-sided Derivative Informed Kernel (DIK) derived in [189]. The expression for the pressure force uses the Neumann pressure boundary condition 34 Table 2.1: Simulated and experimental measurements of the shedding frequency (St) and the mean drag (CD) and lift (CL) on a circular cylinder at Re = 100 compared to 1st and 2nd order BDIM with dx/D = 1/120 and e/dx = 2. Experimental St is from [116] with an estimated uncertainty of 0.8%; experimental CD is from [164], with an estimated error of 6%. Exp. [119] 0.164 0.165 1.25 1.33 + 0.009 [77] [30] [29] 0.164 0.167 1.33 1.34 1.35 BDIM 1 BDIM 2 0.167 0.167 1.31 0.009 1.31 + 0.009 CL CDp CDf - +0.332 0.99 0.0082 0.34 + 0.0010 - - - 0.32 0.011 0.012 +0.315 +0.303 +0.321 +0.313 1.00 - 1.01 1.00 0.0085 0.0081 CLf +0.042 - - - - CLp +0.295 - CD - St - Source 0.30 0.30 0.0008 0.0007 +0.292 +0.285 0.035 +0.034 and has the form Fp=f p-d hf dZ where 6+ is a kernel designed to sample in the fluid near the surface. (2.36) For this work we used 6, (d) = Or(d, e)/(1 + d/R) with #, the kernel defined in Eq. 2.15 and R the radius of curvature. Similarly, the friction force is estimated using Ff= p v dh - (V V+ iUT)6 6d (2.37) The advantage of the DIK method is that it evaluates the unsteady forces on the body in one step without a surface grid. Note however that the forces are evaluated at a distance e from the body. While this does not affect the accuracy of the pressure force, the friction force will be underestimated if the width of the linear region of the boundary layer is less than e. However, as noted by Pourquie [130], this limitation is common to most IB methods. The mean drag (CD) and lift (CL) coefficients calculated using the DIK method, as well as the individual contribution from pressure and friction (indicated by subscripts p and f respectively) are compared to body-fitted simulations from Park [119] and Henderson [77] in Table 2.1. In the same table, results are also compared to other Cartesian-grid methods [30, 29] and experimental measurements [116, 164]. For this simple geometry low Reynolds number example, both 1st and 2nd order BDIM compare well with documented results, validating the force calculation approach. The mean forces have also been calculated using a control volume, and the results match the DIK average values exactly. 2.3.2 Flow around a stationary SD7003 airfoil Next the 1st and 2nd order formulations of BDIM are applied to a more challenging high Reynolds number streamlined body case. The two-dimensional flow past a stationary SD7003 airfoil at 4' angle of attack is computed in a 15 x 20 chord lengths domain. Constant velocity ' = U on the inlet, upper and lower boundaries, and a zero gradient exit condition with global flux correction are used. The grid spacing is set to 200/h points per chord length near the airfoil (corresponding to 16/h points across the thickness of the airfoil) with a 1% geometric expansion ratio for the grid spacing in the far-field. The thin boundary layer, low curvature separation and very sharp trailing edge make this case extremely 35 L 1st order 0.4 0.2 - Y ~ 0.4 -2nd order - 0.2 0 0 -0.2 - -0.2 -0.4 -0.4 0 0.5 1 x 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 x 1.5 2 Figure 2-8: Flow past a stationary SD7003 airfoil at 40 angle of attack and Re 10000 with grid size dx = 1/100 (h = 2). Instantaneous vorticity for the 1st and 2nd order BDIM formulations. Only the 2nd order method successfully predicts the regular vortex shedding pattern expected for this test case. 0.15 0.8 3 Q0------------------* * 0 0.6 0.1 2 * 0.05 -e- CY0.4 0 - - --------------0.2 0 2 4 h 6 8 00 - () 0 1 o * 0 4 h 6 8 00 4 h 6 8 Figure 2-9: Convergence of 1st order (*) and 2nd order (o) BDIM for flow past a stationary SD7003 airfoil at Re = 10000. Drag (CD) and lift (CL) coefficients, as well as reduced vortex shedding frequency (k = wc/(27rU)) are compared to values from Uranga [171] (dashed lines). challenging for Cartesian-grid methods. We first consider a Reynolds number (based on the chord c) Re = 10000 at which the boundary layer is expected to remain laminar along 94% of the chord and the wake to display periodic vortex shedding [171, 27]. Since [171] reported that at this Reynolds number 2D and 3D curves for average pressure and stream-wise skin friction coefficients are indistinguishable, two-dimensional simulations are used. Figure 2-8 shows instantaneous vorticity fields computed by both BDIM formulations for h = 2 and e/dx = 2. Whereas the 2nd order method shows laminar separation and periodic vortex shedding as expected at this Reynolds number (detailed in [171, 27]), the 1st order one shows vortices forming on the upper surface of the foil. This example compared to the previous one illustrates the fact that the local accuracy assumes a much greater importance at high Reynolds number, especially when low curvature separation is involved. At low Reynolds number, figure 2-6 shows that the low and higher order methods predict similar results. However, on this more challenging high Reynolds number example, the lower order method fails to predict the proper qualitative behavior because a higher order treatment of the boundary is necessary to address the large discontinuity in the velocity derivative illustrated in figure 2-1b. A grid refinement study has been performed in order to establish the convergence properties of the methods on this high Reynolds number streamlined body case. The grid spacing parameter h is decreased from h = 6 to h = 0.5, corresponding to 33 and 400 points per chord length respectively (2.5 and 32 points across the thickness of the airfoil respectively), and e/dx = 2 is used. Figure 2-9 shows the time-averaged drag and lift coefficients (re- 36 0.2 0 0 -0.2L V U.0 0.2 0.2 0 0.5 1 0 1.5 0.5 x lvi: x 0.19 0.00 1.11 0.93 0.74 0.56 0.37 1 .30 Figure 2-10: Flow around a SD7003 airfoil at 4' angle of attack and Re Time-averaged velocity magnitude and streamlines. (a) 1 (b) 0.06 0.5 0. 10000 with h 1. body-fitted [171] direct forcing 1st order BDIM 2nd order BDIM 0.04 .---.--.. o 0.02 0 .., ............ ..... od -..te 1--'] -0.5 -0.02 - -1 -N 0 -- - - direct forcing --1st order BDIM 2nd order BDIM 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 x/c 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 x/c Figure 2-11: Average pressure (Ce) and skin friction (C1 ) coefficients around a SD7003 airfoil at 40 angle of attack and Re = 10000 with h = 1. dy = dx/4 for (b). spectively CD and CL) on the airfoil as well as the reduced vortex shedding frequency k (based on the chord) compared to body fitted ILES results from Uranga [171]. The 1st order method does not seem to converge to the expected solution until the finest level. Indeed, despite the smoothing introduced by po the zeroth oder moment of the kernel, the solution remains in the wrong regime, even with 200 grid points per body length, due to the large jump in the velocity derivative at the immersed boundary. On the other hand, the 2nd order method converges steadily towards values that are consistent with Uranga [171] (force coefficients and separation location reported by other authors [27] are within 5% of values from [171]). The grid size h = 1 is chosen to further investigate the challenges associated with this example and the importance of carefully treating sharp corners with IB methods. The formulation derived above (Eq. 2.13) assumes that the IB is locally flat but it can easily be extended to account for a sharp corner (see derivation in Appendix A). Figure 2-10 shows the time-averaged velocity magnitude field and streamlines for four formulations: a) direct forcing, b) 1st order BDIM, c) the uncorrected 2nd order derived in the previous sections, 37 and d) the 2nd order with the sharp corner treatment derived in Appendix A. The direct forcing used here applies the 1st order BDIM equation for the momentum conservation and the unmodified mass conservation equation (Eq. 2.30 with p' 1 and p' = 0)). As has been observed earlier, the lower order methods (a and b) are unable to provide appropriate smoothing at this Reynolds number, causing instabilities to develop over the upper surface of the wing instead of further down in the wake. As a result the separation bubble is swollen and the velocity above it remains high until the trailing edge. In contrast, the second-order formulations show that the velocity rapidly recovers after the leading edge, as observed in [171]. However, the velocity field of the uncorrected 2nd order method shows that without a careful sharp corner treatment, the low velocity region extends too far downstream with unphysical fluctuations and streamlines. The simple analytic extension for sharp corners derived in Appendix A solves these issues and the 2nd order velocity fields and streamlines closely match those reported by Uranga [171] and Castonguay [27]. This example makes it clear that the second-order formulation of BDIM significantly improves flow predictions in cases where the grid does not fully resolve the geometry nor the boundary layer. Figure 2-11a shows the average pressure coefficient along the airfoil for h = 1. The pressure coefficient predicted by the 2nd order BDIM compares very well with Castonguay [27], whereas for the same grid size, the first order methods (direct forcing and 1st order BDIM) show large pressure fluctuations on the high pressure side and a plateau around mid-foil on the low pressure side that is not expected at this Reynolds number [171, 27]. Since calculation of the skin friction is carried out e away from the boundary, it is accurate only if the viscous sublayer is thicker than e, which is not the case in the simulations above. In order to accurately calculate the skin friction coefficient and separation point for this stationary, low angle of attack airfoil, a finer grid in the cross-flow direction is needed. Here we used the h = 1 grid and increased the density in the y direction by a factor of 4. Correcting for the fact that u,(0) = pco1u,/n (from substituting exact f and b solutions in Eq. 2.17), we calculated the skin friction as 2v'~~~i sez ei) 2 ++c) pi(0)( U2C - Cof = (2.38) where - (X- + en) is linearly interpolated from the grid and pi(0) = 0 for 1st order BDIM and direct forcing. As shown in figure 2-11b, only 2nd order BDIM compares well with [171]. We are able to accurately predict the skin friction, the location of separation (around x/c = 0.38 versus x/c = 0.37 for Uranga [171]) and even the transition of the boundary layer to turbulent as indicated by the sudden dip in Cf around x/c = 0.94. This example has been chosen to illustrate the main challenges faced by Immersed Boundary methods: accurately simulating thin boundary layers separating over a low curvature surface and ending with a very sharp edge. We show here that, unlike 1st order methods, 2nd order BDIM is able to accurately predict the pressure distribution around the airfoil, without spurious fluctuations, in a way that steadily converges with grid refinement. Using a finer grid in the cross-flow direction, it also provides good prediction of the skin friction and separation. If skin friction is of interest, local grid refinement [81] or a wall-model [138, 28, 25] can also be used instead of a global grid refinement in order to reduce the computational cost. However, in practice, IB methods are of interest to simulate moving boundaries, in which case the friction forces are much smaller than the pressure forces. Next, a Reynolds number Re = 22000 is considered, at which the separated boundary 38 0 0.04 0.0 0.0 00 5 10 15 20 Time (a) Time history of pressure drag coefficient for two grid resolutions. - (b) Instantaneous span-wise vorticity iso-surfaces computed with h = 1. Figure 2-12: Three-dimensional flow around a SD7003 airfoil at 4' angle of attack and Re = 22000. layer is expected to become turbulent around x/c = 0.7 [171]. In this regime, a threedimensional simulation is required to capture the main flow features and a domain of 0.3c is used in the span-wise direction. As illustrated in the time history of pressure drag coefficient for h = 1 and h = 2 in figure 2-12a, 2nd order BDIM naturally predicts the three dimensional wake as soon as the grid spacing is smaller than the viscous sublayer (dy+ 7 for h = 1). Figure 2-12b shows instantaneous span-wise vorticity iso-surfaces computed using 2nd order BDIM and the grid size h = 1. Compared to the canonical low Reynolds number flow past a cylinder, the present example combines three additional complexities: (i) a high Reynolds number, (ii) a low curvature and (iii) a sharp edge. This flow presents most of the difficulties encountered in practical fixed or rotating wings applications while being well documented, which makes it an excellent benchmark. We have shown that this flow is very sensitive to the treatment of the IB: the first order IB treatments (either BDIM or direct forcing) are unable to capture the physics of the flow. An appropriate treatment of the sharp trailing edge also dramatically improves the flow predictions and allows 2nd order BDIM to accurately capture the integrated forces, pressure distribution, flow separation and skin friction for this challenging test case. 2.3.3 Flow around a heaving and pitching NACA0012 airfoil In order to illustrate the application of BDIM to moving IBs, we apply it to a heaving and pitching NACA0012 airfoil at Reynolds number Re = 105 (based on the chord c and free-stream velocity U). The combination of heaving and pitching motion of a foil, known as flapping, is at the core of aerial and underwater animal locomotion. The position of the foil at time t is defined by A the vertical position of its pitch axis located at mid-chord of the foil and a its angular displacement (see figure 2-13), which are expressed as {Ac cos kt a' = = ao Ao cos(kt +) (2.39) where the reduced frequency k is expressed in radians and the time t nondimenionalized by U and c. AO represents the amplitude of the heaving motion, ao the pitching amplitude and # the phase between the two. 39 y U x Figure 2-13: Definition of heaving and pitching motion. ' 4. ' 1.2 ' ' ' 1st order 2nd order 0.8 2 0.40 -0 -0.4 - -2 -0.8 , 20 , . ' ' 22 ' ' ' 24 ' ' -1.2 L 20 Time 22 24 Time Figure 2-14: Lift and drag coefficients on the heaving and pitching NACA0012 at Re 10 5 . -4 A high thrust producing case investigated by [166] is chosen: AO = 1, ao = 10', # = 7r/2, k = 1. (2.40) The grid spacing is set to 67 points per chord length (8 points across the thickness of the foil) in the region swept by the flapping foil with a 1% geometric expansion ratio for the grid spacing in the far-field. The domain extends 6 chord lengths upstream, 8 downstream and 9 chord lengths on either side in the cross flow direction. As in the previous examples, constant velocity -= U on the inlet, upper and lower boundaries, and a zero gradient exit condition with global flux correction are used. The mean drag coefficient (drag force normalized by pU2 c/2) estimated with the 1st and 2nd order BDIM are compared to direct forcing and [166] for this case and two other parameter sets in Table 2.2. The role of the pressure equation is more important in dynamic cases than in static cases, therefore BDIM performs much better on this example than direct forcing. However, as noticed by Isogai [83], the detailed treatment of the boundary is much less important for this high frequency flow than for the steady case studied in the previous section. Indeed, figure 2-14 shows that the (dimensionless) drag and lift predictions from the 1st and 2nd order formulations are very similar. There are however two main discrepancies between the two: (i) in the lift around t = 22 and (ii) in the mean drag as shown in Table 2.2. Whereas the 1st order formulation underestimates the drag by 20%, the value from the 2nd order formulation is within 5% of the drag reported by Tuncer [166]. A more detailed analysis of the flow structures is necessary in order to assess the quality of the simulations. To do so, figure 2-15 shows instantaneous vorticity fields. During the 40 Table 2.2: Mean drag coefficient on the heaving and pitching NACA0012 at Re = 10 5 for various combinations of the flapping parameters defined in Eq. 2.39. Based on comparisons with experiments and other simulations, the error of the of the results reported in [166] is estimated to be within 15%. Flapping parameters Mean drag coefficient k 0 ao Ao direct forcing 1st order 2nd order Tuncer [166] 1 1 1.34 900 750 750 100 70 100 1 0.75 0.75 -0.174 -0.061 -0.214 -0.358 -0.173 -0.338 -0.418 -0.224 -0.394 -0.446 -0.29 -0.446 upstroke (figure 2-15, t = 21) both the 1st and 2nd order formulations show the formation of a positive starting vortex due to the high angle of attack of the foil with respect to the flow. However, as the foil reaches the top of its trajectory, the 1st and 2nd order predictions diverge (figure 2-15, t = 22 and 22.5). Only the 2nd order formulation is able to predict that the second (positive) vortex remains attached until it reaches the tail of the foil (as observed in [166] and [83]). This accounts for the slight discrepancy in the lift between the two methods shown in figure 2-14. We have demonstrated the ability of the 2nd order formulation of BDIM to capture the main flow features generated by a flapping airfoil at Reynolds number Re = 10 5 . The method has proved to provide accurate force predictions free of spurious fluctuations. This example validates the use of BDIM for the study of flapping foils and more generally highly unsteady flows. 2.3.4 Multi-body example inspired by fish sensing The validation cases presented above are typically solved using body-fitted simulations, and therefore do not feature complexities such as interfering bodies in the fluid domain. In this section we demonstrate the ability of our method to handle several three-dimensional bodies with different velocities by simulating a fish-like body passing a circular cylinder as shown in figure 2-16. Fish can sense pressure changes due to passing objects through an organ called the lateral line [37] and use the information to detect and identify obstacles. Similar to [199], our 'fish' is represented by an axisymmetric body of revolution based on a NACA0013 airfoil and a Reynolds number of 6000 is chosen (Reynolds number based on the airfoil length L and free stream velocity U). The computational frame is attached to the fish (whose axis of rotation is {y = 0, z = 0}) such that the fish is represented as stationary on the grid and the cylinder moves with the free stream. The minimum separation distance between the cylinder and the vehicle as well as the radius of the cylinder are chosen to be equal to the thickness of the fish (0.13L). The grid spacing is set to 100 points per chord length near the fish with a 1% geometric expansion ratio for the grid spacing in the far-field and the computational domain has 10L x 4L x 4L size. Constant velocity - = U on the inlet and y boundaries, periodic boundary conditions in z and a zero gradient exit condition with global flux correction are used. The method easily generalizes to multiple immersed bodies by applying Eq. 2.17 with b(Z) the velocity of the closest body and d() the distance to it (used to calculate the pE terms). Figure 2-17a shows the pressure field around the axisymmetric fish in open water. For easier comparison with body fitted simulations, the pressure coefficient C along the surface of the fish are compared to Windsor [199] in figure 2-17b. Our Cartesian-grid method slightly 41 t = 21.0 t= t = 22.0 1st order 1st order * N-V -1 01 1 -1 2 1 0 0 -1 -1 - 1 0 1 1 2- 2nd order 2nd order - A y 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 1 2 -1 0 1 2 1 2 2nd order - yc0 22.5 1st order 0 1 2 1 0 x Figure 2-15: Instantaneous vorticity fields during heaving and pitching motion of a NACA0012 at Re = 105 for the 1st and 2nd order formulations (A 0 = c, ao = 10', # = 7r/2, k = 1). underestimates the stagnation pressure at the front of the fish but the agreement with the body fitted simulations from Windsor [199] (dots in the figure) after the front 2% of the fish is very good. Our method also shows very small pressure fluctuations where the boundary crosses the Cartesian grid but, as shown in figure 2-11 on a two-dimensional example, these fluctuations are significantly smaller than with 1st order methods. Figure 2-18 shows the instantaneous pressure perturbation field around the fish passing the cylinder (compared with the open water pressure) in the slice at z = 0. The figure shows that as the fish passes the cylinder distinctive pressure changes can be felt by the fish. This kind of simulation is extremely challenging for body-fitted algorithms and the cost of deforming and/or regenerating the grid as the computational domain undergoes large deformations can exceed the cost of solving the Navier-Stokes equations. BDIM avoids these issues and the complexity and deformation of the geometry do not affect the efficiency of the new second-order simulation method. 42 a = 0.13L o U 1 U 2a U z y Ly x Figure 2-16: Three-dimensional flow geometry: projection onto the z = 0 and x = 0 planes. 0 0.4 -0.2 0.2 -Cp Y -0.4 -0.6 -0.2 -0.8 -0.4 - 1 p: 0 -0.5 -0.05 005 0 x 0.1 0.15 0.5 1.5 0 0.2 0.8 0.6 0.4 x/L 0.2 0.25 0.3 (b) Time-averaged pressure coefficient. 2nd order BDIM (solid line) is compared to Windsor [199] (dots) which has a reported estimated error of 7%. 0.35 (a) Pressure field in the slice z = 0. Figure 2-17: Pressure around the axisymmetric fish in open water at Re = 6000. 0.6 0.6 I 0.4 y 0.2 0 -0.2 K-. -1 0.6 0.4 y 0.2 0 I -0.5 0 0.5 0.40.20 -0.21 I1 -1 dp: -0.005 . -0.5 -0.003 -0.001 I 0 0.5 0.001 0.003 1 0.005 -0.2 -1 -0.5 0 x 0.5 Figure 2-18: Instantaneous pressure perturbation field around the axisymmetric fish passing the cylinder (compared with the open water pressure) in the slice at z = 0. Pressure is normalized by pU 2 . -0.5I ..I Q czzzzz~ I 43 44 Chapter 3 Exploiting information from the flow: object identification using a lateral line 3.1 Introduction The development of smaller, inexpensive autonomous underwater vehicles is rapidly expanding with the emergence of new actuators, sometimes inspired by marine animals [32]. The goal is to enable these vehicles to navigate the ocean and conduct complex tasks, such as inspecting offshore and submerged structures, and patrolling harbors autonomously. However, unlike the intricate sensory systems that allow aquatic animals to map their environment, currently available sensors for engineered vehicles, such as sonars, require large amounts of power and cannot fit in small spaces. Vision is not a reliable modality either, as underwater environments are often dark and turbid. To design more efficient and robust sensors, one can turn to the sensory systems of aquatic animals for inspiration. In order to detect prey, predators, or mates, and navigate through obstacles in the dark, fish can rely on several modalities: chemical sensing [34], electric sensing [103], and flow sensing through their lateral line [37, 35]. Because of its versatility, flow sensing is a very widely used modality. It can be used passively to detect moving bodies, or actively to detect stationary objects by exploiting the fish's own motion. Biotic or abiotic bodies can be identified, as well as flow features, including those generated by the fish itself. A prime example is the blind Mexican cave fish (Astyanax fasciatus) that is known to rely on its lateral line for most of its behaviors [113], including object detection and identification [180, 75]. Implementation of artificial lateral lines in underwater robots has already shown promising results such as station holding in a laboratory setting [140]. However, a fundamental understanding of the complex hydrodynamics at play is necessary to implement more complex and robust behaviors in unpredictable environments. The lateral line consists of hundreds of flow sensing units, called neuromasts, located either directly on the fish skin, in direct contact with the flow, or embedded in canals connected to the external fluid through pores on the skin [182]. The surface neuromasts act as local flow velocity or skin friction sensors [109]. When the fish moves rapidly or is holding station in external flow, these sensors are believed to saturate and lose their sensitivity to perturbations [53]. The canal lateral line, identified as measuring pressure gradient, is considered to be the major subsystem involved in prey detection and obstacle 45 identification [36]. A convenient implementation of the canal subsystem consists of an array of pressure sensors [140]. As discussed by [198], the pressure remains constant across the thickness of the boundary layer, therefore previous studies relied on potential flow models ignoring viscous effects to estimate the pressure sensed by a fish. The inviscid flow theory can indeed very accurately model prey localization with a vibrating dipole [39, 68]. A gliding fish can use its lateral line to sense changes in the patterns of its self-generated flow, caused by interaction with stationary obstacles [201]. [74] studied the disturbances caused by circular cylinders with a potential flow model, but viscous simulations of a fish gliding toward or parallel to a wall showed that viscous effects are substantial [199, 200]. [56] showed that the flow disturbances caused by a stationary cylinder actively interact with the boundary layer of a sensing body, rendering potential flow predictions inaccurate. Despite some encouraging results obtained using a potential flow model in a Bayesian framework for cylinder identification [56], accuracy is limited because of the rapid breakdown of the potential flow model. While the difficulty of solving the Navier-Stokes equations makes their real-time application computationally infeasible, accounting for viscous effects is essential for accuracy. In order to develop procedures to model the development of unsteady disturbances, we rely on methods of linear stability analysis that have proven effective in predicting the dominant features of unsteady flows, such as wakes [161, 117] and separating boundary layers [105]. The methods are widely used to study the transition of airfoil boundary layers from laminar to turbulent [134], and can also predict the selective intensification that occurs when certain disturbances interact with the boundary layer [205]. In this paper, we show through a combination of experiments, potential flow and viscous two-dimensional flow simulations, that linear stability analysis can accurately model the interactions between the boundary layer of a foil and the flow disturbances caused by a circular cylinder. More specifically, we show that the boundary layer of the foil acts as a tuned amplifier whose properties can be predicted using open-water flow results. The accuracy of the potential flow approximation can therefore be significantly improved by combining it with a linear amplifier whose properties depend only on the Reynolds number, and which models the boundary layer effects. Unlike previous work, such as [80] and [158], we consider how a signal of interest, as opposed to noise, is amplified by the boundary layer. By amplifying the disturbance caused by an object, the boundary layer could help fish detect and identify obstacles using their lateral line. The model problem, the experimental setup, and the numerical methods used are described in @ 3.2. Specifically, the symbols and dimensionless numbers are defined in 3.2.1, followed by a description of the experiments ( 3.2.2), and the viscous ( 3.2.3) and potential flow ( 3.2.4) simulations. The methodology of the boundary layer linear stability analysis is presented in 3.2.5. In 3.3, we first describe the viscous effects on a foil passing an elliptical or circular cylinder ( 3.3.1 and 3.3.2). We then show that the boundary layer of the foil is subject to a convective instability that can amplify the pressure disturbances caused by a passing cylinder ( 3.3.3) and present a method for incorporating this knowledge to improve potential flow predictions ( 3.3.4 and Appendix C). In 3.4, we consider the implications of the results presented in 3.3. In particular, we reconcile our results with the well accepted role of the boundary layer as a mechanical filter affecting the lateral line. ( 3.4.1). Finally, we provide numerical results for the typical frequency of the disturbance along a blind Mexican cave fish, and discuss how the boundary layer instability could help fish detect ( 3.4.2) and identify ( 3.4.3) objects. 46 3.2 Materials and methods We define a model problem with two-dimensional geometry to study the sensing mechanisms of a fish detecting an object: The gliding fish is modeled as a rigid foil of chord length L, while the object to be detected is represented by a stationary cylinder of elliptical or circular cross-section. 3.2.1 Symbols and dimensionless numbers The Reynolds number is based on the foil length L and the foil gliding speed U, as defined in figure 3-1, such that for kinematic viscosity v, Re = UL/v. In the simulations, the reference frame is attached to the foil, and the free-stream U, = UZi* defines the positive x direction. All lengths are normalized by L, velocities by U, and times by L/U. The results are presented in dimensionless units where the leading edge of the foil is located at x = 0, its trailing edge at x = 1 and t = 0 corresponds to the time when the center of the cylinder is at x = 0. The pressure coefficient Cp is calculated from the pressure p such that Cp = 2p/(pU,2), where the pressure is 0 at infinity. The average velocity field around the foil in open water is noted i-0 and the instantaneous velocity field is ' = io + u'. Similarly, the instantaneous pressure is decomposed as p = po + p'. C denotes a circular cylinder with radius r that passes at distance d from the foil (projected onto the y axis). C1 is the cylinder characterized by r = 0.1 and d = 0.1. 3.2.2 Towing tank experiments Experiments were conducted in the SMART (Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology) Center testing tank in Singapore that has dimensions 3.6 x 1.2 x 1.2 meters. A NACA0018 foil with chord length L = 15 cm and span s = 60 cm was towed past a stationary cylinder using an x - y gantry system supplied by Parker Engineering and controlled using Parker motor controllers and proprietary motion control software. The foil was cast with internal 3.18 cm PVC tubing to transmit pressure from taps at the foil mid span to the top. Honeywell 19C015PG4K pressure sensors were mounted on top of the foil, and measurements were collected at a sampling rate of 500 Hz via a NI USB-6289 data acquisition card. The experimental set-up and the location of the sensor ports are shown in figure 3-1. The foil was towed at speed U, = 0.5 ms- 1 (corresponding to Reynolds number Re = 75000) past a stationary cylinder of circular or elliptical cross-section. At its closest point, the foil was d = 5 mm to 10 mm (0.03L < d < 0.07L) away from the cylinder. A laser sheet and particle tracking system were used to visualize the flow as shown in Figure 3-1c. Note that the parameters used in the experiments do not match the values typically found in nature. Whereas blind cave fish are best modeled by foils of 12 - 13% thickness [199], a thicker foil was necessary to fit the pressure sensors and tubing. The Reynolds number was one order of magnitude larger than values typically found in the cave fish to ensure a large signal to noise ratio. Effects of Reynolds number and foil thickness are at most moderate in this subcritical regime and do not change qualitatively the results. 3.2.3 Viscous numerical simulations In order to map the entire velocity and pressure fields, we performed two-dimensional viscous simulations on a Cartesian grid using the boundary data immersion method (BDIM) described in [195] and [104]. In BDIM, the prescribed body kinematics and Navier-Stokes 47 (a) Stationary y cylinder 0 d Moving foil laser S ', U4 sheet' L L1 z camera Figure 3-1: (a) Sketch of the cross-section of the experimental apparatus showing the location of the pressure ports (Si, S2 and S3). (b) Picture of the experimental set-up. (c) Picture showing the laser sheet in a particle tracking set-up. equations are integrated over the fluid and solid domains with a kernel of finite radius E. The resulting blended equations are valid over the complete domain and enforce the noslip boundary condition at the fluid/solid interfaces. Problems previously studied with this robust immersed boundary method include ship flows and flexible wavemaker flows [190], shedding of vorticity from a rapidly displaced foil [197], and a cephalopod-like deformable jet-propelled body [193]. In [104] we demonstrate the ability of BDIM to handle several moving bodies and generalize the original method to accurately simulate the flow around 4 streamlined foils at Reynolds numbers on the order of Re = 10 . The numerical details of the simulation method follow those presented in Chapter 2. In the present simulations, the sensing vehicle is represented by a NACA0012 foil of unit length L = 1 attached to the computational frame, whereas a circular cylinder moves with the free-stream and passes at a distance d from the foil as illustrated in figure 3-1. The computational domain extends lOL upstream of the foil, 12L downstream and 5.5L on either side. Constant velocity i= U., on the inlet, upper and lower boundaries and a zero gradient exit condition with global flux correction were used. The grid spacing was set to 200 points per chord length near the foil (corresponding to 24 points across the thickness of the foil) with a 1% geometric expansion ratio for the grid spacing in the far-field. Blind cave fish have typical lengths from L = 5 cm to 10 cm and swim at speeds between U = 5 cm s 1 and 15cm s-1, corresponding to Reynolds numbers exceeding Re = 2500 [157]. In the present paper, Reynolds numbers ranging from 2000 to 20 000 are considered. Since the parameters in the simulations were chosen to match the values found in nature rather than those of the experiments, experimental and viscous simulated results will only be qualitatively compared ( 3.3.1 and 3.3.2). 3.2.4 Potential flow model In order to calculate the potential flow approximation to the problem, we implemented in Matlab a two-dimensional constant source panel method. Using the same notations as in the previous sections, we consider a free-stream U, and we denote by V the prescribed body 48 velocity, which is a function of the location X' for multiple or deforming bodies. fi is the unit normal vector to the fluid/solid interface. The velocity potential 4 is decomposed as: <b- and satisfies V 2 4 =U - X+ X(), (3.1) 0 in the fluid with the boundary conditions: 09n ( - Us) - h along the fluid/solid boundary, (3.2) at infinity. 0 We solve this boundary-value problem by uniformly discretizing the periphery of each object. The foil and the cylinder were discretized into 200 and 50 segments, respectively. If the viscous velocity field V- is known, the potential flow model can be improved by moving the fluid/solid interface * in the direction of its normal vector f. P* is the displacement thickness, calculated as: Jo0 (1 - v(V(6)} dy, (3.3) ' 6 where y is the distance to the boundary and v the component of &tangential to the boundary. 6 is the overall thickness of the boundary layer, which we define as the distance y normal to the wall where: dv(y) = 0.01dv (0). (3.4) dy dy If ment used, since the boundary layer velocity is approximated by its time average, a constant displacethickness 6* is used. In cases where the instantaneous displacement thickness *(t) is the rate of change of the displacement thickness directly impacts the source strengths the normal velocity of the boundary used in Eq. 3.2 is: d6* where 7b denotes the solid body velocity. Therefore, viscous effects responsible for dynamic changes in the displacement thickness directly affect the pressure on the surface of the foil. 3.2.5 Linear stability analysis of the boundary layer A gliding fish, or a foil in steady motion develops a boundary layer and steady state flow characterized by the velocity field U-0 and pressure field po. This basic flow field satisfies the incompressible Navier-Stokes and continuity equations. The presence of a solid object in the neighborhood of the foil causes a perturbation to that basic flow characterized by velocity field U' and pressure field p'. Writing the Navier-Stokes equation for the total flow field leads to the following disturbance equations: .au I V2 0#9+2 -#v- +V9 - V V U = 0. p'=0 (3.6a) (3.6b) Assuming that the radius of curvature is significantly larger than the boundary layer thickness, we can omit curvature effects. As discussed in [134], inclusion of curvature and 49 non-parallel effects improves the predictions only marginally. Assuming that the perturbation is small and keeping only the first order terms, we get the linear disturbance equation for parallel flow. We then express the velocity field u' in terms of the streamline function that we write as a superposition of normal modes: 40(x, y, t) = (37) ,(y)ei(kx-wt) where w is a complex frequency and k a complex wave number. Their real parts W, and kr represent the physical frequency and wavenumber of the disturbance, respectively, while their imaginary parts wi and ki represent the time and space growth (or decay) rates, respectively. The resulting linearized disturbance equation is the Orr-Sommerfeld equation: (uo -w/k) ( 2 k2 kie d 2O 4 + 2k 2 d + k =0 (3.8) with boundary conditions p(y) 0 and dp/dy = 0 at y = (0, + o). u is the component of i- tangent to the boundary and y is the normal distance to the boundary. The pressure perturbation associated with mode p is then given by: p(y) = (w/k - uo) + +p dy dy (3.9) 2d2o ). d k Redy d We discretized Eq. 3.8 using Chebyshev polynomials, which are particularly well suited to solve the Orr-Sommerfeld equation [118], though other discretization are also commonly used [158]. For a given wavenumber k, the corresponding eigenvalues W and eigenmodes p can be identified by solving the resulting eigenvalue problem. We used a Matlab code adapted from [185] to solve Eq. 3.8 with 128 points across a domain of length 1. The eigenvalue (frequency) with largest imaginary part corresponds to the most unstable mode, called principal mode. The frequency and wavenumber of principal modes are linked by the dispersion relation that we write D(w, k, Re) = 0. The basic boundary layer is computed using the Navier-Stokes solver described in 3.2.3. In order to easily compute the velocity and its derivatives at any point in the boundary layer, even at the wall where the immersed boundary method is least accurate, the maximum velocity Ue and boundary layer thickness 699 are estimated and a profile of the form: uo (y) = U, tanh a Y + b ( 699 2+ C ( 699 3 699 (3.10) is fitted for each x location and Reynolds number. The number of data points used to fit the profiles and associated errors are shown in figures 3-2a and 3-2b respectively for various Reynolds numbers and locations along the foil. Only locations x > 0.3 are shown as this ensures enough data points to properly fit the profile. Moreover, locations x < 0.3 will not be needed in this study (see figure 3-7 for instance). Examples of profiles at x = 0.8 are shown in figure 3-2c and the corresponding parameters can be found in table 3.1. These profiles are used to compute uo and its second order derivative in Eq. 3.8. 50 Re=20000 (a) (b) x 1 o- (C) 0 * 0 Re =20000 0 20- 0.8 0 Re = 2000 Re= 6250 * 0 Re = 2000 Re = 6250 1 8 0 0 o15 00 E -L 10 0.2 2 02 04 0.6 0.8 1 -. 0.4 0 0 x 5 /. 00.4 0.6 x 0.8 1 0 0.05 0 x 0.1 y Figure 3-2: Boundary layer fit for Re [2000, 6250, 20000]. (a): Number of data points used to fit each boundary layer profile. (b): Maximum error between the viscous simulation data points and the fitted profiles (normalized by Ue). (c): Boundary layer velocity profiles (solid lines) fitted from viscous simulations data points (.) at x = 0.8. Re Ue 699 a b 2000 1.054 0.094 0.741 1.123 0.841 6 250 20 000 1.042 1.038 0.060. 0.040 6 438 0.394 1.214 0.797 0.878 1.130 c Table 3.1: Fitted parameters for the velocity profiles at x = 3.3 3.3.1 0.8. Results Viscous and inviscid pressure traces We first compare pressure traces recorded in the experiments and those simulated with BDIM with potential flow estimates. Figures 3-3a-c show traces of the pressure at the three sensor locations indicated in figure 3-lb as the NACAOO18 passes an elliptical cylinder at three different orientations. For all orientations, as the foil passes the cylinder (0 < t < 1), significant differences arise between the pressure recorded by the sensors and the inviscid theory predictions. The value of the pressure coefficient measured by the first sensor increases as the foil approaches the cylinder and slowly returns to its initial value after t =0. A displacement of the stagnation point toward the cylinder is responsible for the pressure increase and this pressure trace is similar to what would be expected from an inviscid fluid. The pressure measured by the second sensor decreases as it approaches the cylinder and the fluid accelerates as it has to go through the channel formed by the foil and the 0.2), the potential flow model cylinder. Once the sensor has passed the cylinder (t predicts that the pressure slowly returns to its initial value. However, the experimentally measured pressure recovers much faster, before undergoing potentially large oscillations. This feature, consistently observed across all experiments, cannot be accounted for by the potential flow theory. At the third sensor location, the potential flow model predicts that the pressure slightly decreases as the foil approaches the cylinder, which is experimentally observed. After the front of the foil has passed the cylinder (t 0), the inviscid model predicts that the pressure returns to its initial value, before slightly decreasing and increasing again as the sensor passes 51 (a) 0 = n/2, d = 0.03 0.4- 0.2-a- (b) --- sensor 1 -- sensor 2 sensor 3 0.2 1 -a- 0 0 0 - - 0 0 = ir/4, d = 0.07 -0.4-0.4 (C) 0 t -0.5 0.5 0 = 3n/4, d = 0.07 (d) 0.4 0.12 0.2 F 0.08 -a. 0.04 0 0 0 -0.2 d = 0.1 (simulation) XI I '1% 0 4 I, 0.04 ^ A 0 0.08, -0. 5 0.5 0.5 0 . 0 e . -0 .5 / -0.6 0.5 1 t Figure 3-3: Pressure traces at the three sensor locations shown in figure 3-1. A vertical black dashed line at t = 0.2 shows a visual indication of when the potential flow pressure starts diverging from the viscous pressure. (a-c): Experimental (solid lines) and potential flow (dashed lines) traces for a NACAOO18 (Re = 75000) passing an elliptical cylinder at various orientations 0 and distances d indicated on the plots. The ellipse has major radius 0.3 and minor radius 0.2. (d): Traces from viscous (solid lines) and potential flow (dashed lines) simulations of a NACA0012 (Re = 6250) passing cylinder C 1 (r = 0.1, d = 0.1). In the potential flow simulation of (d) only, the foil has been augmented by its displacement thickness 6* (it is much thinner and not exactly known in the experimental cases). 52 the cylinder. The experimental pressure, however, keeps decreasing until the sensor passes the cylinder (t ~ 0.5), and only then does it rapidly recover its initial pressure. As has been observed for the second sensor, the experimentally measured pressure roughly matches the inviscid pressure until the second sensor passes the cylinder (t ~ 0.2), but afterwards the two pressures differ significantly. The experiments have shown consistently similar results for various orientations of the ellipse. In figure 3-3d we compare the pressure traces calculated by the viscous code with potential flow estimates for the circular cylinder C 1 at Re = 6 250. Despite differences in the cylinder size and geometry, and the Reynolds number and foil thickness, the viscous pressure traces present the same features as observed in the experiments. The mechanism responsible for the discrepancy between an ideal and a viscous fluid appears to have only a weak dependence on the geometry and Reynolds number. Therefore, results from the present case are assumed to be representative of most configurations and will be used in the remaining part of this study to illustrate the discussion. 3.3.2 Flow field around a foil passing a cylinder: viscous effects Figures 3-4a,b show the velocity and pressure coefficient fields at two different times for a NACAOO12 passing near the cylinder C1 (r = 0.1, d = 0.1) at Re = 6250. The presence of the cylinder deflects the streamlines, and in particular, figure 3-4a shows that at t = 0.3 the flow between the foil and the cylinder is accelerated and the pressure decreased. In order to better visualize the changes due to the cylinder, figures 3-4c,d show the instantaneous velocity and pressure fields from which the steady state has been subtracted. At t = 0.3, the cylinder pushes the flow near the leading edge toward the upstream direction, resulting in a stagnation point shifted toward y > 0 and an increase in pressure on the cylinder side. Just downstream of the cylinder, the flow is accelerated toward the trailing edge, resulting in a faster flow and therefore a decrease in pressure. As the cylinder moves downstream (t = 0.9), the cylinder keeps accelerating the flow between itself and the foil, causing a decrease in pressure. Even though the pressure drop near the cylinder is much weaker at t = 0.9 than at t = 0.3, the amplitude of the pressure drop on the foil is not significantly reduced. Upstream of the low pressure region on the foil, there is also a high pressure region (x ~ 0.55) that does not appear to be directly caused by the cylinder. While in figure 3-4e magnification does not reveal any additional features, figure 3-4f shows a pair of counter-rotating vortices in the foil boundary layer, around x = 0.55 and x = 0.8. These vortices correspond to the high and low pressure areas along the foil and are responsible for the discrepancies observed earlier between viscous and inviscid pressure predictions. Similarly, swirling flow along the rear half of the foil passing near a cylinder has been observed experimentally, as illustrated in figure 3-5. The presence of vortices implies that the pressure changes along the surface of a foil passing close to a cylinder, cannot be accounted for solely by inviscid theory. A second component, resulting from the boundary layer dynamics and containing memory effects, is needed to complement the potential flow model. We argue that if the changes in the boundary layer thickness are known, a potential flow model accounting for them can provide pressure predictions in good agreement with experiments and viscous simulations. Figure 3-6a shows the pressure changes along the foil passing near the cylinder C1 as a function of time and space, simulated with the potential flow code, augmenting the foil thickness by its steady state boundary layer displacement thickness at Re = 6 250. Vertical sections of this plot at x = [0.03, 0.3, 0.57] would result in the pressure traces of figure 53 t = 0.9 t = 0.3 U (a) >, 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.1 0 0 -0.1 -0.1 0.2 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 CP 0.2 0 -0.2 1 0 0.2 0.4 x (d) aU-o (W 0.3 i (b) x 0.6 0.8 -0.4 1 U-Un C -CPO 0.3 0.2 -0.1 0.2 -0.1 -- - 0 0.05 0 0 - --- -0.1 -0.05 -0.11 0 0.2 0.4 (e) x 0.6 0.8 1 0 U-GO 0.2 0.4 (M) 0.1 0.1 >0. 05 >'0.05 X x-U U.b U.t I CP-CPO G-GIn 0.05 -0.05 00 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.8 1 x x Figure 3-4: Snapshots at t = 0.3 (a, c, e) and t = 0.9 (b, d, f) as a NACA0012 foil passes near the cylinder C1 (r = 0.1, d = 0.1) at Re = 6250. (a-b): Velocity field and pressure coefficient. (c-d): The steady fields i'o and C,, have been subtracted and the displacement thickness &*(t) is shown by a solid grey line. (e-f): Magnified view of the area enclosed within the dashed line of (c-d). Figure 3-5: Experimental flow visualization as a NACA0018 foil passes near a cylinder at Re = 75000. (a-b): Particles pathlines from t = 0.88 (blue) to t = 1.08 (red). The locations of the foil at the start and end times are represented with their respective color (the intersection is purple). (b): Magnified view of the swirling flow region. (c): A representative pathline from t = 0.1 to t = 1 is represented in green with arrows showing the direction of motion. 54 (a) Potential flow +6 (b) 1.5 Cp-Cpo 1.5 0.05 1 - 0.5 0 -0.51 0 (C) Viscous simulation 1.5 0.05 0.5 0 0 -0.05 0.5 x Cp-Cpo 1 - 0 Viscous simulation -0.5 1 de-0.05 0 (d) d8 /dt 0.03 0.5 x Cp-Cpo Potential flow + a (t) 1.5 0.02 1 0.05 1 0.01 0.5 0 - 0.5 0 -0.01 0 0 -0.05 -0.02 -0.5- U -0.03 U.0 x -0.51 0 0.5 1 x Figure 3-6: (a, b, d): Pressure coefficient changes along a NACA0012 foil passing near the cylinder C 1 at Re = 6 250, as a function of space and time. (a): Calculated from potential flow using the steady state displacement thickness; (b): calculated with the Navier-Stokes solver; (d): calculated from potential flow using the instantaneous displacement thickness. (c): Rate of change of displacement thickness. Dashed line: cylinder location projected onto the x-axis; dotted line: location of a hypothetical feature moving along the foil at half the free-stream. Positive areas are enclosed within a solid red line and negative ones within a blue dashed line. 3-3d. As has been discussed previously, the cylinder causes an increase in pressure near the leading edge, followed by a decrease in pressure around the thickest part of the foil. Along the thinner rear half of the foil, the pressure changes are much weaker. Comparing the corrected potential flow prediction with the viscous simulation of figure 3-6b, we see very good agreement downstream of the cylinder, but very poor agreement upstream of it. A strong low pressure region moving at about half the free-stream (dotted line) characterizes the viscous pressure changes along the rear half of the foil (top right quadrant). The amplitude of this secondary contribution to the pressure changes varies with Reynolds number and cylinder geometry, but it is noteworthy that it moves at about half the free-stream velocity for all the cases we have tested. In order to assess how much improvement to the potential flow model can be gained from knowledge of the boundary layer dynamics, the instantaneous displacement thickness has been estimated from the viscous simulations. Figure 3-6c shows the rate of change of displacement thickness as a function of space and time. Here again, we can distinguish two components: a direct contribution from the cylinder following its displacement (dashed line), and a delayed contribution moving at half 55 the free-stream (dotted line). Even though the velocities involved are only a few percent of the free-stream velocity, their contribution to the local source strength can be significant, as they are normal to the boundary. In other words, although the boundary layer thickness * (t) does not vary much, its changes result in additional sources and sinks that significantly impact the pressure field. Finally, in 3-6d we show the pressure changes estimated from the potential flow using the instantaneous displacement thickness *(t). Even though the amplitude is slightly underestimated, the potential flow model is now able to predict the main features observed on figure 3-6b, including the low pressure region moving at half the free-stream. This confirms our hypothesis that if the changes in the boundary layer thickness are known, a potential flow model accounting for them can provide pressure predictions in good agreement with viscous simulations. 3.3.3 Convective instability in the foil boundary layer In the previous section, we showed that the discrepancy between the inviscid and viscous pressure estimates can be accounted for by the dynamics of the boundary layer. In this section we show that these dynamics can be predicted simply from the average shape of the foil boundary layer in open water flow. In particular, we explain why the secondary perturbation always moves at half the free-stream velocity and discuss the effects of the Reynolds number. As described in 3.2.5, the Orr-Sommerfeld equation identifies the eigenvalues W and eigenmodes p for a given boundary layer profile and wavenumber k. A boundary layer profile is unstable if for a real wavelength kr, the imaginary part of the eigenvalue corresponding to its principal mode, wi, is positive. The boundary layer acts as an amplifier for the selected waves that grow exponentially in time while traveling with phase velocity c, = Wr/kr and group velocity cg = Owr/Ok, determined by the dispersion relation D(w, k, Re) = 0. Figures 3-7a-c show iso-contour plots of positive wi as a function of space and wavelength. At Re = 2000, only the posterior 10% of the foil boundary layer is unstable for wavenumbers between 10 and 20. However, as the Reynolds number increases, the unstable region grows larger and encompasses more wavenumbers. At Reynolds number 20 000, as much as half of the foil boundary layer span is unstable and the most unstable wavenumbers are between 30 and 40. For all three Reynolds numbers, unstable waves are convected downstream as they grow in time, which is referred to as convective instability [13]. A wave with wavelength 27r/k and initial amplitude Ao(k) at onset time to and position iO, has amplitude A(k, t, x) as it evolves in time and propagates downstream. The amplitude ratio a is given by: a (k, t, x (t)) = A/Ao = exp [Iowi (k, T, x (r)) drl = exp [jX wi (k, t( ), x) /cg dj . (3.11) So if we denote by x1 (k) the location where w (k) = 0, the maximum amplification is: amax (k, x) = max(A /Ao) = exp Figures 3-7d-f show iso-contours of positive [f wi(, k)/c 9 d1 . (3.12) ainax. Similarly to what has been observed in 56 W1 (a) 50 40 0 0 0 C~I II 0 301 Wj<0 201 10' 0.4 0.8 0.6 In(amax) (d) 50 r 50 40 40 ' 30 ' 30 20- 20 10 1 0.4 0.6 ( (a II s' W<0 40 40 ' 30 20 20 0.6 0.8 1 10 II 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 10 50 (I) 50 40 40 40 30 2 30 () 0.6 0.350.4 0.6 0.8 1 0.8 1 10 0.45 '-----.--- 20 j<0 0.4 C.45 30 -- 10 I 20 50 20 1 x (C c~J 0.8 ' 30 -.,. x 0 0 0 0 0.6 (h) 50S 30 0.4 0.4 x 5U 0 10' 1 (e b) 50i 40 10 0.8 0.45 x x 0 tO Cr (g) 20 0.6 0.4 0.8 1 10 0.35 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 x Figure 3-7: Properties of the mean boundary layer velocity profiles computed from viscous simulations, as a function of the location along the foil and wavenumber. (a-c): Iso-contours of positive wi for the principal modes (0.5 between successive contours). The dotted line shows the most unstable wavenumber at each location. (d-f): Iso-contours of the maximum amplification in logarithmic scale (0.25 between successive contours). The dotted line shows the wavenumber of largest amax at each location. (g-i): Iso-contours of the group velocity (0.1 between successive contours). 57 figures 3-7a-c, as the Reynolds number increases, the unstable region starts earlier in space and encompasses a wider frequency range. At Reynolds number 2000, the most amplified wavenumber at the trailing edge is about 13 but Umax remains small (less than 1.1). At Re = 6 250, the most amplified wavenumber at the trailing edge is close to 23 and Umax is now about 2. At Reynolds number 20 000, the most amplified wavenumber is 36 with amax now greater than 12. When the foil passes near a cylinder, principal modes of its boundary layer get excited with an amplitude depending on the cylinder size and distance. The unstable modes are amplified and propagate at the velocity determined by the dispersion relation, resulting in the secondary perturbation observed in 3.3.2. Since for the range of Reynolds numbers considered disturbances with certain wavenumbers will grow faster (exponentially, due to the instability of the boundary layer) than with other wavenumbers, figures 3-7d-f show that the boundary layer acts as a wavenumberselective signal amplifier. The amplification rate and preferred frequency range strongly depend on the Reynolds number: The larger the Reynolds number, the larger the frequency and amplification rate. There is, however, one property of the boundary layer that remains constant across our range of Reynolds numbers: the phase velocity of the amplified waves. As shown in figure 3-7g-i, the phase velocity of the most unstable modes is always between 0.45 and 0.55, explaining the observation made earlier that the secondary perturbation moves at half the free-stream velocity. On figure 3-8a we show a close-up of the pair of counter rotating vortices observed in figure 3-4f in the boundary layer of the NACA0012 foil. Next to it, on figure 3-8b, is shown the principal mode from the linear theory at x = 0.7 for kr = 15 (Re = 6 250). Despite the finite angle of the airfoil boundary with respect to the free-stream and a noticeable difference between the strength of the two vortices in figure 3-8a, figures 3-8a and 3-8b are strikingly similar. This similarity is another indication that despite the approximations employed, the linear stability theory is able to capture the dynamics of the boundary layer responsible for the secondary pressure perturbation. As observed by [31], linear stability theory has been shown "by serendipity" to provide accurate predictions of the frequency and wavenumber of basically nonlinear flows. This proves once more to be the case in this problem. Finally, figure 3-9 illustrates how the boundary layer properties discussed above impact the pressure distribution along a foil passing near a cylinder. Similarly to figure 3-6b, figure 3-9 shows the pressure changes along the foil passing near the cylinder C1, now at Reynolds number Re = 2000 and 20 000. The primary disturbance, in the bottom half of the figure, is very similar for both Reynolds numbers, but the secondary perturbation, characterized by a low pressure in the top right quadrant, changes with Reynolds number. Whereas at Re = 2000 the secondary perturbation is small, at Re = 20000 the amplification is such that by the time the instability reaches the trailing edge, its amplitude is larger than the disturbance that caused it. 3.3.4 Enhancing potential flow predictions with instability results We have shown that the pressure changes along a foil passing near a cylinder have two main components: the first part can be approximated accurately by potential flow model, while the second part can be accounted for by the dynamics of the boundary layer, acting as an amplifier. The properties of the latter can be predicted from the average boundary layer shape in open water, but the resulting convective instability amplifies the features of the unsteady flow initially predicted by inviscid theory. 58 (b) Viscous disturbance t=AQ (a) Linear theory principal mode x=(17 k.=1S ia-=62 0.1 0. 0.08 >- 0. 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.5 x 0.7 0.6 0.9 0.8 x Figure 3-8: (a): Pair of counter rotating vortices observed in the boundary layer of a NACA0012 passing near the cylinder C1 at Re = 6250. Arrows show the disturbance to the velocity field and colors the perturbation to the pressure field (the color scale is the same as in figure 3-4f). (b): Principal mode for x = 0.7 and kr = 15 shown above a boundary located at y = 0.04. The color scale has been chosen to roughly match that of (a). (a) Re = 2000 (b) 1.5. Cp-Cpo 1.51 0 0.5 0 -0.5 H 0 Cp-Cpo 0.05 0.05 1 Re = 20000 0 0.5 -0.05 0 -0.05 -0.51 0 0.5 x Figure 3-9: Viscous simulations of pressure coefficient changes as a function of time t and space x along a NACA0012 foil passing near the cylinder C1 for (a) Re = 2000 and (b) Re = 20000. Dashed line: cylinder location projected onto the x-axis; dotted line: location of a hypothetical feature moving along the foil at half the free-stream. Positive areas are enclosed within a solid red line and negative ones within a blue dashed line. 59 Let us consider a cylinder C causing a change in pressure coefficient Cv, (X, t, C). We denote by P(k, t, C) the discrete Fourier transform of Cy from the space to the wavenumber domain, using for our numerical results 128 points. We decompose the pressure changes into two components: P(k, t,C) = kI(k, t, C) + P 2 (k, t, C). If we denote by (3.13) Pi the pressure changes estimated by inviscid theory augmenting the foil by 6*: P, (k, t, C) ~_Pi(k, t, C). (3.14) Following linear stability analysis, the secondary pressure changes can be approximated by: P 2 (k, t, C) ~ Pi(k, to, C) exp (jwi(k,r)d-r) lt>t0 ~ Pi(k, to, C) a(k, t) (3.15) for an appropriate time to. This expression is valid until the disturbances reach the trailing edge and are shed into the wake. Using simulations for cylinders ranging in radius from 0.025 to 0.8 and placed at distances ranging from 0.05 to 0.8 (see Appendix C), an estimated amplification coefficient &(k, t) has been calculated, where: IP(k, t, C) - Pi(k, t, C)| =(k, t) pi (k, to, C)I + e. (3.16) to = 0.15 has been chosen, which roughly corresponds to the time when the amplitude of the inviscid disturbance reaches its maximum. Equations as (3.16) are referred to as varying-coefficient models, which arise in many scientific areas, and numerous algorithms have been developed in the last 20 years to estimate their parameters [76, 55]. The main advantage of these models over the more general form: P(k, t, C) = f (k, t,ji(k, t, C), Pi (k, to, C)) + e (3.17) is that they can handle large dimensions, especially when their use is physically motivated as here. Details about varying-coefficient models and the algorithm used to estimate &(k, t) are found in Appendix C. Figure 3-10 shows the pressure coefficient changes along a NACA0012 foil passing near the cylinder C 1 , as a function of the wavenumber k and time t, for three Reynolds numbers 2000, 6250, and 20000. Note that since the length of the foil is L = 1, the resolution in the wavenumber domain is limited to 2-r. As in the space domain plots, the potential flow pressure changes shown in figures 3-10a-c are similar for all Reynolds numbers and are only measurable as the cylinder passes the front half of the foil (0 < t < 0.5). The viscous simulations shown in figures 3-10d-f predict a distinctive second component to pressure changes that appears later in time, is stronger in magnitude, and spans a wider range of wavenumbers for larger Reynolds numbers. Figure 3-11 shows iso-contours of the estimated coefficient &(k, t) for three Reynolds numbers. The results are consistent with the observations from 3.3.3: The higher the Reynolds number, the larger the amplification rate and the value of the most amplified wavenumber are. The values of the most amplified wavenumbers are also very close to those predicted by linear theory: around k = 18 at Re = 2000, k = 26 at Re = 6250 and k = 37 at Re = 20 000. The values found for amplification, however, are much smaller than the upper bound amax found from linear theory and plotted in figures 3-7d-f. Whereas 60 Ra (a) =200o 1.5 * D 0 0.5 1.5 1 1 0.5I 0.5, 0 0 -0.5 20 30 50 0 20 30 40 -0.5 50 1.5. 1 1 30 40 50 0 50 V -0.5 I1 0.5 0 01 20 40 30 0.5 -0.5 U) -0.5 20 k 1.5. 0 0.5 k (e) -5-0.5 1 Ou -0.5 k (d) 1.5 E 40 Re =20000 Mc) 1.5 0 m Re = 6250 (b) 20 40 30 -0.5 50 20 30 0 50 k k k 40 Figure 3-10: Pressure coefficient changes along a NACA0012 foil passing near the cylinder C1, as a function of wavenumber and time, for three Reynolds numbers, 2000, 6250, and 20000. (a-c): 1pi (k, t, C) inviscid simulation; (d-f): IP(k, t, C) viscous simulation. Resolution in the wavenumber domain is limited to 27r. according to the linear stability theory 6(k, t) could reach 2 for Re = 6250 and 10 for Re = 20000, the values found here do not exceed 1 and 3 respectively. This difference can be explained by the fact that pressure changes near the leading edge of the foil largely contribute to Pi (k, to, C), whereas they do not contribute much to P2 (k, to, C) due to the high stability of the boundary layer near the leading edge. We define the test error as the average value of the residual e as defined by Eq. 3.16, calculated on a test set randomly chosen from the available data set and not used to estimate (k, t). The remaining part of the data is referred to as the training set (see Appendix C for details). Table 3.2 shows the average and standard deviation of the inviscid and viscous pressure changes for three Reynolds numbers and compares the test error to the (a) (b) Re = 2000 Re = 20000 (C) Re = 6250 1.5 1.5 1.5 1. 0.5* 0 -0 .5-05220 9 . r l 0 30 40 40 50 50 0.5 0.5 0 0 -0.5- 20 30 40 k 50 -0.5L 20 30 40 50 k Figure 3-11: Amplification coefficient h(k, t) estimated from viscous simulations as a function of wavenumber and time for Re = [2000, 6250, 20000]. 61 Re A 1Al 1p - p /41l IeI/N 1E/P - Pil 2000 0.123 0.149 0.668 0.272 0.409 (+0.009) (+0.008) ( 0.051) (+0.016) (+0.025) 6250 0.096 0.168 0.704 0.284 0.404 (+0.007) (+0.008) (t0.032) (+0.015) (+0.017) 20000 0.092 0.251 0.772 0.389 0.504 (+0.006) (+0.010) (+0.018) (t0.020) (+0.025) Table 3.2: Average and standard deviation of the training data set inputs and test error. difference between the viscous and potential flow models. While the magnitude of the inviscid perturbation decreases with increasing Reynolds number due to a thinner boundary layer, increased boundary layer instability induces a larger viscous disturbance. As a result, even after using the steady displacement thickness, the average error in the potential flow model is between 65% and 80%. By adding the Reynolds number dependent component &(k, t)Pi(k, to, C) to the model, we are able to reduce the error substantially, bringing it down to values between 25% and 40%. Figure 3-12 compares the viscous residual IP(k, t, C) - Pi(k, t, C)I (figures 3-12a-c) to the fitted function &(k, t)[pi(k, to, C) (figures 3-12d-f). The simple form of Eq. 3.16 is able to enhance the potential flow model and reproduce the basic Reynolds number dependent features. In particular, the increased amplification of high frequencies and increased delay of the secondary perturbation at high Reynolds number are captured by the model. The memory and amplification effects due to the boundary layer are thus added to the inviscid perturbation without significant complexity. Thanks to its simplicity and the wide range of cylinder sizes and distances used to fit it, the model is likely to generalize well to other obstacle shapes. A more complex model could, however, achieve better quantitative agreement with the viscous simulations. 3.4 3.4.1 Discussion The boundary layer: filter or amplifier? We showed that the fish boundary layer acts as an amplifier of the pressure disturbance caused by a nearby cylinder. In the lateral line literature, the boundary layer is often viewed as a filter [109], damping mostly low frequencies. The two views, however, are not contradictory as they refer to different problems. The superficial neuromasts are located on the skin of the fish, contained within the boundary layer. Therefore, the measured velocity is attenuated depending on the neuromast height to boundary layer thickness ratio. When the fish is stationary, the thickness of the boundary layer that develops due to an external stimulus reduces with increasing stimulus frequency; hence the boundary layer acts as a high-pass filter for the superficial neuromast excitation [109]. The neuromasts located inside the canals have been shown to respond to the gradient of pressure below typically a few hundred Hertz [172]. In the absence of freestream velocity, it is possible to predict the stimulus detected by the canal neuromasts using a potential flow model [39, 68, 132]. Indeed, the thin boundary layer that develops over the fish does not affect the pressure, as there is no pressure gradient across the thickness of the boundary layer. All these studies have been conducted assuming a stationary fish next to a vibrating 62 R=2000 (a) R=62'ICA (b) 1.5 R (M 1.5 =20000 p-i 0.8 1.5 10.6 0.5 0. 5 0 00 -0.5 20 30 (d) 40 50 k -0.5 0.4 0.5 02 0.2 20 30 (e) 40 50 k -0.5 20 30 M 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 40 50 k !0. 0.8 0.4 -0.5 20 30 40 50 0.5 20 30 40 50 -0.5 20 30 40 50 Figure 3-12: Pressure coefficient changes along a NACA0012 foil passing near the cylinder C 1 , as a function of wavenumber and time, for three Reynolds numbers, 2000, 6250, and 20000. (a-c): viscous residual J(k,t,C) -Pi(k,t,QC), (d-f): fitted model 6(k,t)JPi(k,to,QC). Resolution in the wave number domain is limited to 27r. sphere, when the fish boundary layer is solely due to the vibrating dipole. Several studies have shown that moving fish can also use their lateral line to discriminate stationary objects or arrangements [180, 75], but little is known about how the viscosity affects the measured signal. In this paper, the fish is assumed to be gliding, resulting in a thicker boundary layer and typically much higher velocities than for a stationary fish. In this configuration, the surface neuromasts may be already saturated and hence unable to detect external stimuli, but the canal neuromasts are still able to detect external stimuli [53]. [199, 200] recently showed that inviscid simulations significantly underestimate the pressure changes along a fish gliding toward or parallel to a wall. Indeed, viscosity causes the fish to displace more water, which can be modeled by adding a stationary displacement thickness. We have shown here that the dynamics of the boundary layer can further enhance the signal measured by the lateral line, as the boundary layer amplifies certain wavelengths and frequencies. In conclusion, depending on the specific problem studied, the boundary layer can either act as a filter or an amplifier. 3.4.2 Lateral line stimulus and effect of swimming speed In order to assess the effect of the fish gliding speed we consider specific examples. We start with a fish of length L = 10cm gliding at two body lengths per second, with a Reynolds number Re = 20 000. A large portion of its boundary layer will be convectively unstable with the most unstable wavelength equal to 17mm (figure 3-7f), corresponding to a frequency around 5 Hz. If the same fish glides at 0.8 body lengths per second, with a Reynolds number Re = 6 250, the most unstable wavelength is 27mm (figure 3-7e), with a frequency of 1.5 Hz. We estimate next the magnitude of the stimulus caused by a nearby cylinder. Figure 63 Re = 2000 (a) 0.8 0 Re (b) 0.6 0.4 = 6250 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.4 -0.4 0.2 Re = 20000 (C) 0.8 0.2 0.2 0 C 0 0.4 d 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.4 d (e) 0.8 0.6 0.8 (f) 0.6 0.6. 0.4 d 0.2 0.4 d 0.8 0.6 0.8 0.6 -0.4 -0.4. 0.2 - 0.2 (d) 0.8 0.4 ci) 0 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 d 0.6 0.8 0.2 0.2 0.4 d 0.6 0.8 0.6 0.8 Figure 3-13: Magnitude of the pressure coefficient changes (max 1C,|) estimated from potential flow (a-c) and viscous simulations (d-f). 3-13 shows the magnitude of the pressure coefficient changes due to a cylinder as a function of its radius r and distance d. The upper threshold in the detectable distance depends on the background noise, so the iso-contour lines represent detectability limits for various noise levels. As expected, a cylinder is more likely to be detected the larger its radius is and the closer it gets. Figures 3-13a-c show that according to the potential flow model, the signal from a given cylinder is slightly stronger at lower Reynolds number due to a thicker boundary layer, but the increase in detectability from Re = 20 000 to Re = 2000 is no more than 30%. For Reynolds numbers Re = 2000 and Re = 6 250, the amplitude predicted by the potential flow model is in good agreement with the viscous simulations, also within 30%. Indeed, despite qualitative differences between the pressure signal predicted by the two methods, the amplification factor for these Reynolds numbers is less than 1, as shown in figure 3-11, so the boundary layer does not increase the amplitude of the pressure signal. However, at Re = 20000, we have estimated amplification factors greater than 2 for wavelengths between 0.1 and 0.2. As a result, the amplitude of the viscous pressure signal can be much larger than what would be predicted within an inviscid fluid. If, for example, we assume that pressure coefficient changes larger than 0.4 can be detected, without the effects of the pressure amplification by the boundary layer, a cylinder of radius r = 0.3 could only be detected at a distance less than 0.06. Because of the amplification, however, it can be detected from twice as far. It is important to note that since only two-dimensional flows are considered in this paper, pressure changes are overestimated compared to a three-dimensional case. However, the same methodology can be applied to three-dimensional flow, and the results qualitatively transfer to three dimensions. Moreover, comparison between two- and three-dimensional viscous and inviscid simulations of a fish approaching a wall suggest that viscosity impacts the magnitude of the pressure changes more importantly than three-dimensionality [108]. 64 3.4.3 Can the boundary layer facilitate object identification? As we have shown, the boundary layer acts as a pressure signal amplifier in the posterior part of the foil, whereas in an inviscid fluid a cylinder would cause significant pressure changes only along the anterior half of the foil. Since both the anterior and posterior parts of the foil are subject to large pressure variations, object detection becomes easier in a viscous rather than in an inviscid fluid. An important question is whether viscous effects can also help with shape identification. Figure 3-7 shows that the boundary layer amplifier has a large bandwidth. The bandwidth, defined as the range of wavenumbers for which the amplification is at least 1/v'2 of the maximum amplification, is indeed around 20 for both Re = 6 250 and Re = 20 000. Therefore, the frequency content of the original signal is largely preserved in the pressure signal after amplification, preserving information concerning the size, distance, and shape of the cylinder. For example, figure 3-14 shows the difference between the pressure coefficient along a NACA0012 foil passing near the cylinder C1, with r = 0.1, d = 0.1, and a slightly larger cylinder, placed further away, cylinder C 2 , with r = 0.125, d = 0.12, both at Reynolds number Re = 6250. Stimulus differences estimated by potential flow (figure 3-14a) and by viscous simulations (figure 3-14b) are provided. Both estimates agree that the magnitude of the stimulus due to C1 is larger, as indicated by the positive difference at (x = 0, t = 0) followed by a negative difference around (x = 0.15, t = 0.1), corresponding to the positive and negative peaks of the stimulus as seen in figure 3-6, respectively. The peaks associated with C 2 are also wider, as evidenced by the negative difference on either side of the positive difference, and vice versa. Along the rear half of the foil, however, the inviscid difference is much weaker and has a much lower frequency than the viscous one. In the viscous simulation, the information that the stimulus is stronger but narrower is amplified by the boundary layer, and hence a negative difference (blue), surrounded with positive difference (red), is seen moving along the posterior half of the foil at half the free-stream velocity. This demonstrates that the boundary layer, in addition to amplifying the pressure signal due to a cylinder, also amplifies the difference between signals caused by two different cylinders, therefore facilitating object identification. This difference in the amplified disturbance due to different cylinders is even stronger at higher Reynolds number, Re = 20 000, where the amplification is larger. Figures 3-15a-c show disturbances due to three different cylinders, with radius r = 0.10, 0.25, 0.50; and placed at distances d = 0.06, 0.10, and 0.12, respectively. All three figures contain a characteristic clockwise (blue) vortex, corresponding to a pressure coefficient drop of about 0.25. The typical width of this main vortex increases from about 0.07 on figure 3-15a, to 0.1 on figure 3-15b, to 0.12 on figure 3-15c. Whereas the small wavelength of the clockwise vortex on figure 3-15a leaves room for a counter-clockwise vortex of comparable strength, this second vortex is much weaker on figure 3-15b, and hardly exists on figure 3-15c. It appears clearly from these three figures that the wavelength of the amplified disturbance increases with the distance and radius of the cylinder. The difference in the frequency content of the disturbance caused by different objects, as convected by the unstable boundary layer, can clearly be used to distinguish between the objects. 65 (a) Potential flow + 8n 1.5* (b) Viscous simulation AC, 0.01 1.5m 0.005 0.5 0 -0.5 0 -0.51 -0.51 0 0 x 1 0.5 x -0.01 3-14: Difference between the pressure coefficient changes due to two cylinders: (1) C 1 0.1,d = 0.1) and (2) C2 , Cp(r = 0.125,d = 0.12) using potential flow predictions (a) and simulations (b); both at Re = 6250. Areas of positive difference are enclosed within a solid and areas of negative difference within a blue dashed line. , Figure CP(r = viscous red line -0.005 0 (a) d=0.06,r=0.10 0.22 (b) d=0.10,r=0.25 (c) d=0.12,r=0.50 0.2 0.2 Cp-Cp0 0.2 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 x x x Figure 3-15: Snapshots at t = 0.9 showing the velocity field and pressure coefficient disturbances as a NACA0012 foil passes near three different cylinders with radius r at a distance d: (a) d = 0.06, r = 0.10; (b) d = 0.10, r = 0.25; (c) d = 0.12, r = 0.50; all at Re = 20 000. 66 Chapter 4 Exploiting energy from the flow: how efficiently can fish swim? 4.1 Introduction The grace and agility of fish and marine mammals have excited the curiosity of scientists for centuries. From the Northern pike (Enox Lucius) that can reach an acceleration of up to 25g [73] to the European eel (Anguilla Anguilla) that annually swims across the Atlantic Ocean (over 5000 km) while fasting [65], fish using body undulation as their primary means of propulsion greatly surpass all engineered vehicles in terms of accelerating, cruising and maneuvering capabilities. In the hope of unveiling the secrets of fish extraordinary performance, biologists, hydrodynamicists and engineers have tirelessly observed fish swimming [69, 179, 167], measured their metabolism [6, 183], proposed hydrodynamic principles and scaling laws [63, 99, 62, 174], and even built robots mimicking fish [162, 152, 143, 82]. In 1933, Gray [69] provided the first detailed analysis of eel swimming kinematics, as well as force and energy estimates. A similar analysis applied to dolphins [70] led to the conclusion that dolphins cannot produce enough power to overcome the drag on their body. Even though Gray's paradox was largely resolved by better data on speed and muscle performance [6, 183], it is an influential paradox that still inspires researchers, as illustrated by Bale's recent paper [9]. If Gray's paradox has been so influential, it is because of its intrinsic relation to the question that has obsessed scientists and engineers for decades: how efficient is fish swimming? One of the challenges behind this apparently simple question lies in the difficulty of measuring the swimming power: global methods such as oxygen consumption rates do not specifically measure the swimming power, and direct measures in muscle only give local measurements [51]. With large computational power now available to all, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) provides an alternative means of studying fish swimming that promises new avenues [41]. Since the first viscous simulations of a two-dimensional self-propelled anguilliform swimmer by Carling in 1998 [26], a variety of methods have been developed to simulate fish swimming. These methods range from arbitrary Eulerian-Lagrangian methods with deformable mesh [91], to immersed boundary methods [16, 149, 101, 12], to multiparticle collision dynamics methods [136] and viscous vortex particle methods [50]. Thanks to recent improvements in Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV), it is now possible to visualize near body and wake flows in great detail [167, 115, 4] and even estimate the thrust generated by swimming fish [60], but CFD is a unique compliment that gives access to full three67 dimensional flow structures as well as local forces and power. CFD makes it easy to estimate the hydrodynamic power of swimming, but a more philosophical question still needs to be answered before the efficiency can be calculated: what is the useful power of a self-propelled fish? We will address this question in 4.4. The application of CFD to the study of fish swimming is still in its infancy, and a number of modeling decisions also need to be made. For instance, 2D or 3D model [91, 45], towed with imposed kinematics or self-propelled with free recoil [136], actively deformed fins or elastic fins [12], etc. In addition to modeling considerations, if recoil is allowed, the coupled body-fluid motion needs to be carefully handled, in particular to ensure stability of the numerical scheme [61, 211, 33]. Once these modeling and numerical questions are resolved, CFD becomes a very powerful tool allowing unmatched freedom. Unlike with real fish, it is particularly easy to alter the body geometry or the swimming kinematics and measure the influence of each parameter on the swimming performance. Taking advantage of this new freedom, there has recently been a number of publications reporting efforts in optimizing fish shape and/or swimming motion [91, 173, 52, 160]. In addition to optimizing their motion with respect to self-generated flow structures, fish might be able to use each other to save energy. Whether energy saving is one of the reasons for-and benefits of-schooling has long been controversial. Weihs [186] argued, in one of the only papers proposing a hydrodynamic theory of schooling, that fish can save energy by taking advantage of the reduced velocity area found, on average, between two propulsive wakes. However, Partridge [122] later showed that saithe, herring and cod do not swim in the diamond pattern predicted by Weihs, which led Pitcher [128] to write that "no valid evidence of hydrodynamic advantage has been produced, and existing evidence contradicts most aspects of the only quantitative testable theory published." Yet, as pointed out by Abraham [1], such conclusions are premature because they ignore the potential trade-offs involved in school functions. Indeed, despite the difficulty of assessing the importance of energy saving in schooling due to the dynamic nature of schools, there has been experimental evidence that the fish in the back of a school spend less energy than those in the front [92]. A recent paper even suggested that in a fish school, individuals in any position have reduced costs of swimming, compared to when they swim at the same speed but alone [106]. Finally, the recent finding that ibises in a flock position themselves and phase their motion such that they can take advantage of the vortices left by the ibis in front of them suggests that a similar mechanism might be at play in fish schools [129]. The goals of optimizing fish body shape, swimming kinematics, and school organization are two-fold. From a scientific stand point, comparing the optimal parameters to those observed in various species can help shed light on the evolution process that led to each species. From an engineering stand point, the goal is to discover new design principles, inspired by efficient living organisms [173], and potentially even exceed the performance of these organisms [173]. In 4.2, we discuss modeling considerations for the simulation of fish swimming and define the model of a two-dimensional NACA0012 used in the rest of the chapter. We then present and validate the numerical details specific to fish swimming simulations in 4.3. After defining the quasi-propulsive efficiency as the only rational way to measure the performance of fish swimming in 4.4, we optimize the gait of an undulating foil in open-water ( 4.5) and the positioning and timing for a pair of undulating foils ( 4.6). 68 4.2 Fish swimming: modeling considerations Fish in nature present a wide variety of designs and propulsion modes. However, most fish generate thrust by bending their bodies into a backward-traveling wave that extends to the caudal fin, a type of swimming often classified as body and/or caudal fin (BCF) locomotion [145]. In this chapter, we investigate the efficiency of BCF propulsion, with particular examples drawn from eels that undulate their whole body (anguilliform motion), as well as saithe and mackerel that only undulate the aft third of their body (carangiform motion) [21]. Since the swimming motion is two-dimensional, we first use a two-dimensional model. 4.2.1 Physical model and kinematic parameters We represent a swimming fish by a neutrally buoyant two-dimensional undulating NACA0012 foil of length L = 1, as illustrated in figure 4-1. The foil propels itself at speed U, in viscous fluid by oscillating its mid-line in the transverse direction y. The leading edge of the foil is located at x = 0 and its trailing edge at x = 1. The lateral displacement h(x, t) of a point located at x along the foil is given at time t by: h(x, t) = ho(x, t) + B(x, t) + y1(x) = aoA(x) sin (27r(x/A - f t + 0)) + B(x, t) + y(x) = g(x) sin (27 (ft + 4 (x))) + y1(x) (4.1) where A(x), with A(1) = 1, is the envelop of the prescribed backward traveling wave of wavelength A and frequency f, B(x, t) = (ar + brx) sin (27r(f t + 0r)) (4.2) is the recoil term due to the hydrodynamic forces on the foil, and Yi(X) = C(x 2 + -yx + 3) (4.3) can be used for steering (see 4.3.3) by adding camber to the foil, while -y and 3 ensure that linear an angular momentum are conserved through the deformation. yi is necessary to ensure stability but, in steady regime, yi < ao and it can be ignored. The parameter ao determines the amplitude of ho at the trailing edge. It will either be kept constant (ao = 0.1), or adjusted through a feedback control loop to ensure that the average net drag on the foil is 0, as described in 4.3.3. ho(x, t) can be used to prescribe the full kinematics of the swimmer, in which case h(x, t) ho(x, t), or only the deformation for y fA Us 0 a X L Figure 4-1: Schematic showing the fish model parameters. A foil of length L undulates in a flow of speed U, with a wave traveling backward at speed fA and amplitude a at the trailing edge. 69 1 01carangiform -carang 0.8 anguil -- 0.6 -0.1 0.1 01 - anguilliform 0.4 0.1 0 -0.1 0.21 0 0 0.2 0.4 x 0.6 0.8 0 1 (a) Prescribed amplitude envelopes Figure 4-2: Carangiform and anguilliform motion for Re = 5000 with recoil. f 0.6 0.8 x (b) Mid-line displacement 0.2 0.4 1 = 1.8 and ao = 0.1 at Reynolds number a freely moving foil on which the recoil is prescribed by hydrodynamic forces. In the latter case, the envelope of the actual displacement is given by g(x), with peak to peak amplitude at the trailing edge given by a = 2g(1). The prescribed kinematics of a carangiform swimmer, based on the experimental observation of steadily swimming saithe [179, 178], is often modeled as: ao = 0.1, 2 A(x) = 1 - 0.825(x - 1) + 1.625(x - 1), A = 1, B(x, t) = 0. (4.4) This motion is for example used in [16, 44]. Experimental observations of American eels [168] suggest that anguilliform motion can be represented by: ao =0.1, A(x)= 1 + 0.323(x - 1) + 0.310(x 2 - 1), A =1, B(x, t)= 0. (4.5) This motion matches very closely that used in [17]. Figure 4-2a shows the prescribed envelope A(x) for the carangiform (resp. anguilliform) swimmer defined in Eq. 4.4 (resp. Eq. 4.5). Figure 4-2b illustrates the resulting mid-line displacement in the presence of the recoil term. 4.2.2 Governing equations and dimensionless quantities In a self-propelled swimming model, the body motion is prescribed by the coupling between the fluid and body dynamics. The physical values are non-dimensionalized by the fish body length L, its intended average cruising speed U, and the density of water p. The fluid is governed by the Navier-Stokes equations, which we express in a nondimensional form: t \ = - / - Re U Vp (4.6a) (4.6b) V - U'= 0 where U- is the velocity in the fluid normalized by U8 , the pressure p is normalized by pU,2I 70 and the Reynolds number is defined as: Re =Us Lv, (4.7) where v is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid. Unless specified otherwise, the Reynolds number used is Re = 5000. The other important dimensionless parameter for swimming is the Strouhal number, defined as: St =fa Us, (4.8) where a = 2g(1) is the peak to peak amplitude of the trailing edge displacement. In a reference frame moving at velocity U, with respect to the fluid, the motion of the fish can be decomposed into a rigid body motion and a deformation. The rigid body motion is defined by the translational and rotational velocities, Ve and Wb respectively. The deformation is defined by velocity V* in a local frame attached to the solid body with origin at its center of mass (COM). The foil motion is written as: x*, (4.9) fh ds, (4.10) V c+V*+ where * is the position vector in the COM frame. The net force on the body is defined as: Fh where fh are the hydrodynamic forces on the foil and corresponding moment is: Jc= 0Qb is the surface of the foil. The ds, (4.11) -fh - Vds. (4.12) x*xfh and the swimming power is: Pin = We define the net drag on the body as the x-component of the force and the net thrust as its opposite: D n = Fhx, T = -Fh. (4.13) From these values, we define the dimensionless power coefficient Cp and thrust coefficient CT: C = Pi" 1pU3L and CT =p71. 1pU2L' (4.14) -CT, as well as the friction (CDf) and We similarly define the drag coefficient CD CDf + CDp. The time-averaged values of pressure (CDp) drag coefficients such that CD these quantities are represented by an overbar. Finally, we call R the resistance (drag) of the rigid towed foil at speed U, and define the quasi-propulsive efficiency 7Qp and the net propulsive efficiency 7Th: R)=- (4.15) , = (TFin in 4.4. details in in which are discussed In order to simplify the equations of motion, we consider a planar motion in the (x, y) IQ P 71 plane, such that ic is a two-dimensional vector (vX, vg) and wb = W' We then define the generalized velocity V, location X, and force F vectors, as well as the generalized mass matrix M: V = Vezd V Fx 1b X F M= F 7 Mt 7n 0 0 0 0 IC m 0 , 0 (4.16) where m, is the mass of the body which has density Pb = p and I, its moment of inertia with respect to the COM. The motion of the body is governed by: d ~(MV) =F. { (4.17) The prescribed deformation V* should also conserve linear and angular momentum, such that: b PfdQb~0 pf p fx * dQb=, (4.18a) (4.18b) where Qb represents the volume occupied by the foil at time t. Eqs. 4.17 and 4.18 determine the recoil B(x, t) resulting from the prescribed motion ho(x, t) and the hydrodynamic forces F. Due to the significant added complexity incurred by the recoil term, most of the earlier simulation studies neglected it [16, 44]. However, the amplitude of this term, and its impact on the estimated swimming power are substantial [136], as will be shown in the next section. 4.2.3 On the importance of recoil We consider here the carangiform motion of Eq. 4.4 with frequency f = 2.1. Figure 43a shows the dimensionless linear and angular momentum for the fully self-propelled foil (recoil determined by hydrodynamic forces and adaptive amplitude ao). The angular and transverse momentum are larger than the longitudinal momentum, but the three amplitudes are comparable. However, the moment of inertia of the foil is much smaller than its mass: m = 0.081, Ic = 0.0045, (4.19) where the mass and moment of inertia are non-dimensionalized by the length L and density p. Therefore, whereas the linear momentum results in velocities smaller than 3% of the free-stream Us, the rotation of the foil generates velocities at the trailing edge up to 40% of the free-stream, as shown in Figure 4-3b. This observation suggests that, whereas the longitudinal motion of the foil might be negligible, the transverse motion, and specifically the motion due to the free-rotation, are probably important. In order to further illustrate this result, figure 4-4 shows the quasi-propulsive efficiency as a function of frequency for the carangiform and anguilliform motions with and without recoil. The figure shows that, at all frequencies, the undulation with recoil requires more power than the undulation without recoil. Therefore, simulations that do not allow for recoil are likely to underestimate the swimming power, as discussed in [135]. The figure also shows that the optimal frequency without recoil might differ from the optimal frequency with recoil. In the cases studied here, the optimal frequency for the carangiform undulation 72 4x 1 0.5 2 E -. 0 E0 E 0 ~vC -0.5 -v_ - C C C L -4 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.8 0.2 0 1 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 t/T /T (b) Velocity and rotation rate (a) Linear and angular momentum Figure 4-3: (a) Linear and angular momentum and (b) corresponding velocities for a neutrally buoyant self-propelled NACA0012 with carangiform motion at frequency f = 1/T = 2.1. 0.7 carang, recoil -+--anguil, recoil -00.6- carang, no recoil anguil, no recoil -- 0.50 - 0.4 -0 0.3 0.2' 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 f Figure 4-4: Quasi-propulsive efficiency as a function of frequency for the carangiform and anguilliform motions with and without recoil. without recoil is around f = 1.6, while with recoil it is around f = 2.1. We have shown here that the pitch motion of the swimming fish is significant and its impact on swimming performance is large. In order to estimate meaningful values of fish swimming efficiency, it is critical to allow for recoil. 4.2.4 Imposed deformation, mid-line displacement and curvature As explained above, the lateral displacement h(x, t) of a point located at x along the foil is the sum of ho (x, t), the imposed deformation, and B(x, t), the recoil term resulting from the hydrodynamic forces on the foil. If B(x, t) was negligible, the envelope of the displacement, g(x), would be proportional to A(x). However, we just showed that the magnitude of B is comparable to that of A, such that A(x) is not representative of the displacement envelope. Since the recoil is a linear function of x, the curvature can be expressed as h"(x, t) = ao [(A" A +) sin (27r(x/A - ft)) + A' 73 cos (27r(x/A - ft))1. (4.20) 2 Curvature (b) Displacement (a) 0.1 5 0.08- 4 0.06 3 E 0.04- E 2 0.02 0 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 1 0 0.2 0.4 x 0.6 0.8 1 x Figure 4-5: (a) Typical displacement amplitude envelope for a swimming saithe or mackerel. (b) Typical curvature amplitude envelope for a swimming saithe or mackerel. Adapted from Videler [179]. So if A is smooth, h"(x, t) oc A(x) sin (27r(x/A - ft)). (4.21) Therefore, A(x) is representative of the amplitude of the curvature at point x. Videler [179] analyzed the kinematics of mackerel and saithe swimming and, for both species of carangiform swimmers, he measured the lateral displacement and body curvatures. Typical envelopes of the displacement and curvature are shown in Figure 4-5. The displacement is minimum around x = 0.25, with a slight increase in amplitude around the leading edge and a steady increase until the trailing edge. The curvature is smallest at the leading edge, with a sharp increase between x = 0.7 and x = 0.9, corresponding to the peduncle, followed by a sharp decrease in the tail section. The significant difference between the two curves is another indication that, in swimming fish, the recoil is indeed substantial. The displacement curve of figure 4-5a can reasonably be approximated by a second order polynomial, which is why A(x) is usually chosen as a quadratic function when the displacement is imposed. However, if recoil is allowed, figure 4-5a is representative of g(x), whereas A(x) is better represented by figure 4-5b. Therefore, when one imposes the deformation rather than the displacement, a second order polynomial is not appropriate any more, and a Gaussian function might be better suited. In 4.5, A(x) will be optimized in order to maximize the quasi-propulsive efficiency of the undulating foil. The performance of quadratic functions, inspired by the carangiform displacement curve, and of Gaussian functions, similar to the carangiform curvature envelope, will be compared. If the gait of living fish corresponds to some optimal motion, we expect the optimization to yield results that are similar to those shown in figure 4-5: Gaussian deformation and polynomial displacement. 4.2.5 Trailing edge pitch and angle of attack The propulsive performance of rigid flapping foils has been extensively studied [133]. The parameters that describe the symmetric motion of a flapping foil are the heave amplitude, Strouhal number, maximum angle of attack and phase angle between heave and pitch. Triantafyllou et al. [163] showed that the propulsive efficiency is maximum when the Strouhal number is between 0.25 and 0.35. Read et al. [133] recorded maximum thrust coefficient around angle of attack 35' and maximum efficiency for angle of attack 15'. 74 For an undulating foil, we define the Strouhal number, heave amplitude, pitch angle and angle of attack at the trailing edge. While the motion cannot be characterized by these parameters alone, they very likely play an important role in the swimming efficiency. Changing the amplitude of motion and Strouhal number is easy through parameters like ao and f, but the pitch amplitude 0 max and maximum angle of attack amax cannot be directly controlled. Therefore, when optimizing the swimming gait, it is important to choose a parametrization that allows the pitch and angle of attack amplitudes to be adjusted independently of the heave amplitude and Strouhal number. The pitch is a function of the envelope shape A(x) and the undulation wavenumber k = 27r/A. For example, if we consider a motion without recoil (to keep things simple) and assume the angles are small, the instantaneous pitch angle is given by: 0(t) ~ ( (A'(1) + ik (1))ei(2rft-k) 1, t) = ao Im (4.22) The angle of attack is approximated by: a(t) ~ I lh U_ (X = lit) - Oh = 1, t), -(X (4.23) such that Omax ~ G' ~ ao /A'(1) 2 + k 2 A(1) 2 , amax ao /A(1) 2 (k - 27rf/U) 2 + A(1)' 2 . (4.24) Therefore, the pitch and angle of attack are best adjusted by changing the derivative of the prescribed envelope A(x) at the trailing edge. As will be discussed in 4.5, while parameterizing A(x) by a second order polynomial makes it easy to change the amplitude of motion at the leading edge and at mid-chord, a Gaussian parameterization spans a wide range of values for the derivative at the trailing edge without running into degenerate envelopes. 75 4.3 4.3.1 Numerical method Fluid/body coupling: numerical implementation . In order to solve the coupled fluid/body problem described above, we adapted the boundary data immersion method (BDIM) presented in chapter 2. In the present simulations, constant velocity ' = U, is used on the inlet (x = -6), periodic boundary conditions on the upper and lower boundaries (y = 2.4) and a zero gradient exit condition with global flux correction (x = 7). The Cartesian grid is uniform near the foil with grid size dx = dy = 1/160 and uses a 2% geometric expansion ratio for the spacing in the far-field, as illustrated in figure 4-6 The fluid and body equations (Eqs. 4.6 and 4.17 respectively) are integrated over the fluid and body domains (respectively Qf and Qb) with a kernel of radius c = 2 dx. The BDIM equations for the smoothed velocity field i4 are valid over the complete domain Q = Qf U Qb and enforce the no-slip boundary condition at the interface. We repeat here these equations which, integrated from time t to time t+ = t + At, are: ~file(t+) = (t+)+ ((d) V (t+)+ At (ii(t) - + p(d) -- aPAt) (4.25a) (4.25b) -d (t+) =0 where V' is the velocity field associated with the closest body, h the unitary normal to the closest fluid/solid boundary (pointing toward the fluid), and d the signed distance to the closest boundary (d > 0 within the fluid, d < 0 inside a body). The pressure impulse aPAt and Rst accounting for all the non-pressure terms are defined in Eq. 2.4. The coupled dynamic equations are discretized using a sequentially staggered Euler explicit integration scheme with Heun's corrector. Sequentially staggered schemes are computationally efficient, but for large added mass they become unconditionally unstable [61], regardless of the particular scheme used. In order to stabilize the numerical scheme, we introduce the virtual added mass matrix: mii m12 Ma =m21 m22 (m m13 m13 m33) m32 31 (4.26) . The virtual added mass, which will be used in an implicit added mass scheme [33, 212, 124], 2- homogeneous fine grid region -2 I -6 I I -4 I -2 iii I | I I I| 2 0 I I 4 6 x Figure 4-6: Flow configuration for the undulating NACA0012 simulations. The vorticity field for the carangiform motion with f = 1.8 and zero mean drag is shown as an example. 76 can eliminate the instability due to large added mass, but its exact value will not affect the results, as will be shown in 4.3.4 . In the case of an undulating foil, the coefficients of the matrix can be estimated from the added mass of the foil at zero angle of attack, or heuristically tuned to avoid instability. In the present simulations, the following virtual added mass matrix has been used: Ma = m 0 0 (0 0 11 0 0 0 . 13) (4.27) We also define the total mass as: (4.28) MT = M + Ma. With these new definitions, we integrate Eq. 4.17 over a time-step At in the form: t+At F +Ma dV dr. 1 V(t + At) = V(t) + MT- (4.29) At each time step t7 , the fluid and body velocities, ii4= Ui(t,) and '7 = (t,) respectively, are calculated from the velocities and forces at the previous time steps. Explicit Euler integration is first applied to Eq. 4.29 in order to calculate an intermediate body velocity V': = update-body (Va, tn+1 - tn, F"', t V - tn 1 , V 7 - 1 , Va). (4.30) The new generalized body location Xn+ 1 is then calculated: {Xn+ 1 } = move-body (Xn, tn+1 - tn, Vn, V' (4.31) . The moments p' and p' are updated accordingly, and an intermediate body velocity field V'n+1 is calculated following Eq. 4.9, using Vn 1 and the prescribed deformation 6*+. Explicit Euler integration is then applied to Eq. 4.25 in order to calculate intermediate velocity un+1 and pressure p'+ 1 fields: {Un+1, Pn+1} n+1, tn+1 - tn) update-fluid U,, Un, (4.32) . Heun's corrector step is then applied to the body, updating V' n+1 accordingly, and to the fluid: V" 1 } = update-body Vn+,i { 'n+1 - tt , F' Pn+1= update-fluid (in, U , t n+1, 1 - tn, V1, V'n+1, tn+1 - , tn, (4.33) (4.34) where Fn l are the hydrodynamic forces associated with u/n+1, v/n+1, and p' 1 (detailed in 4.3.2). F" 1 , the hydrodynamic forces associated with u"n+1, v'n+1, and p"+1 are then 77 calculated for the next time step. Finally, the new velocities are calculated: Vn+1 = nl+1 2 + 1 , V 1 71 + Vifr7,+1 2 ' Vn+1 = -~ U7+1 Uf + + 2 n+1 (.5 (4.35) The equations used to update the body/fluid system are: {V}= update-body (Vo, At, F, Ato, V1 , V2): V=Vo+AtM 1 - 1 (F+Ma V2AV1 Ato {X} move-body (Xo, At, V, Vi): X = X0 +At {i7, p} (4.36) (4.37) 2 update-fluid (i-o, U1, V, At): TA At 9 =U+po+ Ut V- (PO (i 1 - il PE 6 =Ip +UV2rU1 (4.38a) 1 U - 6+ FAt ))(43b 1 - V3 - At p" 0=Vp 4.3.2 (4.38b) (4.38d) Force and power calculation The hydrodynamic forces and torque on the body are at the core of the fluid/body system dynamics. In the study of fish swimming, the power associated with these forces is also of primary interest as it relates to the power expanded by a swimming fish. The forces, moment and power defined in Eqs. 4.10, 4.11 and 4.12 are calculated using a one-sided Derivative Informed Kernel (DIK) derived in [189]. The advantage of the DIK method is that it evaluates the unsteady forces on the body in one step without a surface grid. The expression for the hydrodynamic forces has the form: Fh = (4.39) 6+ dQ. The associated torque is expressed as: .cA = (*[ d )x 65 dQ, (4.40) d. (4.41) and the swimming power: J =- - The stress 9' results from the sum of the pressure and friction components, respectively a 78 . -. - 10 / 5 / ------ LL3 / -ww - - - 0 0 10 square-root buffer layer 20 30 40 50 y Figure 4-7: Comparison of the WW, LL3 and PL3 wall laws. PL3 uses WW's outer-layer with a square-root buffer layer. and ory, where the pressure term is expressed as: =)-. d (4.42) In order to calculate the friction term, we use a wall model, which allows us to retain a good accuracy when the boundary layer is not fully resolved. Though wall models can be used to adjust the velocity in the boundary region, here we only use it to calculate the friction force on the body. The most common wall-law assumes that the near-wall layer consists of a fully viscous sublayer with linear velocity profile and a fully turbulent logarithmic superlayer (LL2). To account for the smooth transition between the linear and the logarithmic region in the buffer layer, a logarithmic fit can be used in the buffer layer, resulting in the three-layer (LL3) law [23]. The log-laws are transcendental and require an iterative inversion for the wall shear stress T_ [156, 22]. A simpler two-layer approximation, proposed by Werner and Wengle [188], is based on the assumption of a 1/7th power-law outside the viscous sublayer, interfaced with the linear viscous sublayer (WW). Unlike the log-laws, the power-law can be transformed into an explicit definition of the wall shear stress. However, the power-law for the outer layer is not valid in the buffer layer and therefore yields wrong values of Tw. For this purpose, we fit a power velocity profile to the logarithmic buffer layer from LL3. The resulting model blends a square-root transition layer with the linear viscous sublayer and the 1/7th power-law for the turbulent superlayer: U+(y+) jTj +=Re{T Iy. (4.44) y+ 2.5 if y+ < 6.25 if 6.25 < y+ < (8.3/2.5)14/5 8.3(y+)1/7 if (8.3/2.5)14/5 <Y+ where we are using the scaled variables (u and y being already normalized by U respectively): U+ (4.43) and L Figure 4-7 compares the velocity profiles for WW, LL3 and our three layer power law (PL3). The wall shear stress can then be calculated explicitly from the velocity u at distance y 79 fron the boundary: -r (y, i, Re) ( u(y Re)- 1 (u/2.5)4/ 3 (y Re)- 2 / 3 (u/8.3) 7/ 4 (y Re)- 1 / 4 if u y Re < 6.252 if 6.252 < u y Re < 2.5(8.3/2.5)21/5 if 2.5(8.3/2.5)21/5 < uy Re Also correcting for the fact that in BDIM u,(d calculate the friction force using: d Re (4.46) =+ (4.45) 0) = p&ue/On (from Eq. 4.25), we W 4.3.3 Feedback controller In steady state, the time-averaged velocity of a swimming fish is constant and the mean forces on the swimmer are 0. In order to ensure that the system converges toward a steady state in which the swimming velocity is the prescribed velocity U8, we designed a proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controller that adjusts the thrust by tuning the amplitude of the swimming gait ao. If the foil is fully self-propelled, the time-averaged linear momentum in x is used as feedback (referred to as displacement control). However, we have shown in 4.2.3 that the amplitude of the oscillations in vx is very small, so in most cases we actually fix the foil in x in order to reduce the PID convergence time. In this case (referred to as force control), the time-averaged drag is used as feedback. We will show in 4.3.4 that both approaches result in the same swimming power estimate. We have also shown in 4.2.3 that it is important to let the fish free to heave and pitch under the effect of the hydrodynamic forces. In order to ensure stability of the fish in heave and pitch, the time-averaged linear momentum in y is used as the input to a PID controller that tunes the camber parameter C of the y1 (x) function defined in Eq. 4.3. For a self-propelled fish with flapping frequency f = 1/T, we define the error as: x:mv(tk)(tk+1 n-i f () = -tk), (4.47) k=no where no is the first index k such that tk > t, - T. If the x motion is fixed and force control is used, Fhx replaces mvo in the calculation of ex. The integral of the error is calculated as: n e- (tn) (4.48) (tk)(tk+1 - tk), = k=0 and its derivative is: ed(tn) =t- (no - (tn - T))*(tnO-1) + ((tn - tno.0 - T) - tno-_13 (tno) (4.49) At the beginning of each time step, the parameters ao from Eq. 4.1 and C from Eq. 4.3 80 are updated as: {ao(t,) max [ao(t,) + (t, - tn_ 1)(Kje (t,) + KfeT(tn) + Kde'(tn)), 0], C(tn) = (4.50a) (4.50b) (KpeY(tn) + Kiye '(tn) + Kdey(tn)), where e' and ey denote respectively the x and y components of the error vector C. The gain coefficients used in this study are Kp = 5, fx= 5, Kx = 5, (4.51) Kx = 100, (4.52) Kdy = 12, (4.53) for force control in x, Kp = 5, Kix 1, for displacement control in x, and KPY = 8, Kty =10, for displacement control in y. 4.3.4 Numerical method validation . Problems previously studied with BDIM include ship flows and flexible wavemaker flows [190], shedding of vorticity from a rapidly displaced foil [197], and a cephalopod-like deformable jet-propelled body [193]. In chapter 2 we have demonstrated the ability of BDIM to handle several moving bodies and generalized the original method to accurately simulate the flow around streamlined foils at Reynolds numbers on the order of Re = 10 4 We first validated the fluid/body coupling routine presented in 4.3.1 by computing the motion of a flexibly mounted cylinder and the results are presented in appendix D. In order to validate the code for simulating undulating foils, the force and power resulting from a fully imposed kinematics are then compared with results reported in the literature. Finally, a convergence study and sensitivity analysis on a self-propelled undulating foil are performed. Undulating NACA0012 with fully imposed kinematics Using a fully imposed carangiform undulation: h(x, t) = (0.1 - 0.0825(x - 1) + 0.1625(X 2 - 1)) sin (27r(x - f t)), (4.54) the undulation frequency is varied from f = 0.5 to f = 2 and the resulting time-averaged force and power coefficients are compared to the values from [44] in Figure 4-8. Note that in these simulations the kinematics is fully imposed, not allowing for recoil. Similarly to [44], we find that the average power coefficient, slightly negative at f = 0.5, increases to around 0.25 at f = 2, and that the drag is positive for f < 1.6 and negative for f > 1.6. The good agreement between our method and the results from [44] serves as a validation of the force and power calculation routines for an undulating foil. 81 0.3 - 0.- - C , Dong (2009) -. 25D, Dong (2009) 0.2 -- a- 0.15 . . , BDIM U- , BDIM 0.1 0.05 0-0.05-0.1 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 f Figure 4-8: Time-averaged drag and power coefficients for an undulating NACA0012 as a function of frequency, compared with values from [44]. Self-propelled undulating NACA0012 We now ensure that the simulation results presented here are independent of the grid parameters. In this section we consider the carangiform motion with frequency f = 2.1. Figure 4-9 shows the evolution of power and drag coefficients during an undulation period T=1/f for various configurations. By comparing the free undulation and the fixed x case, we first notice that fixing the x location of the foil does not impact the power, confirming the observations from [8]. The amplitude of the drag oscillations are a bit larger for the case with fixed x location, as would be expected, but this does not impact any of the results discussed in this paper. On the other hand, precluding all recoil completely changes the phase and amplitude of the power and drag coefficients. Figure 4-9 also shows that the power and drag coefficients estimated on grid 1 (introduced in 4.3.1) are very close to those estimated on a grid twice as fine (grid 2, dx = dy = 1/320) and a grid twice as large (grid 3, x C [-12, 14], y C [-4, 4]). Table 4.1 summarizes the mean and maximum power, maximum drag, and undulation amplitude ao for all these cases. These results confirm that, while fixing the x location of the foil will not impact our swimming efficiency estimates, the foil should be let free to heave and pitch. Therefore, a foil fixed in x, free to heave and pitch under the influence of the hydrodynamic forces will be used throughout this chapter. Moreover, the estimates on grid 1 being very close to those on a finer and larger grid, grid 1 (5 points across the boundary layer) will be used for the optimization procedures with a fish in open-water, whereas grid 2 (10 points across the boundary layer) will be used for visualization and for a swimming pair. 82 (a) (b) (b) 0.1 0.3 r 0.2- 0.05 0.1 0 0 0 0 - -0.1 - -0.05 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.2 0.4 t/T 0.6 0 0.8 - free, grid 1 - fixed x, grid 1 no recoil, grid 1 - fixed x, grid 2 fixed x, grid 3 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 t/T Figure 4-9: (a) Drag and (b) pressure coefficient on an undulating NACA0012 with carangiform motion at f = 1/T = 2.1. Various grids and constraints are compared. Grid 2 is twice as fine as grid 1, while the computational domain of grid 3 is twice as large as that of grid 1. Case free, grid 1 fixed x, grid 1 no recoil, grid 1 fixed x, grid 2 fixed x, grid 3 Cp 0.124 0.125 0.093 0.112 0.125 (Cp - CP)max 0.153 0.155 0.087 0.165 0.156 (CD)max a0 0.054 0.065 0.054 0.068 0.065 0.100 0.100 0.065 0.097 0.099 Table 4.1: Mean and maximum amplitude of power coefficient, amplitude of drag coefficient and undulation amplitude for a NACA0012 with carangiform amplitude at f = 2.1 and 0 drag. 83 4.4 Definition of efficiency for self-propelled bodies Let us consider the general case of a self-propelled body of mass m moving with acceleration ac and velocity U, (both averaged over a period) along the x-direction. Efficiency is defined as the ratio of useful work over expended energy, measured over a specific time interval. The useful work, for a body moving at constant speed within a viscous medium, is the work needed to overcome the resisting fluid forces (drag). However, except in very few, limiting cases, this work cannot be measured because the drag of a self-propelled body depends not only on its shape and speed, but also on the type of propulsor used, and, in particular, the body-propulsor hydrodynamic interaction. Keeping in mind that efficiency is also a normalized measure of performance and that the objective is to minimize the expended power for a given swimming speed, let us define several measures of efficiency. 4.4.1 Net propulsive efficiency Considering the system {body + propeller} as a whole, the efficiency (referred to as net propulsive efficiency 71) in its strictest definition is the ratio of the power output Pu1 to the power input Pin: = Pin tn. (4.55) The power output is given by the rate of change of kinetic energy (averaged over a period) of the body: d 1 2 Po5=dt= macUs = TnUs, (2mU)2 (4.56) with T, the net thrust produced by the {body + propeller} system, such that: TIn = Tn US (4.57) Pin This definition of efficiency is also used to measure the performance of an isolated propeller. Going back to the intuitive definition of efficiency, which is the ratio of useful work to total work, different configurations can be compared. A propeller in isolation is meant to produce thrust that will balance the drag on the hull of a ship, so TsU. is a reasonable measure of useful power output. Similarly, for a fish performing a C-start or an escape maneuver [43, 101], its goal is to accelerate, such that 'qn is still a reasonable measure of efficiency that quantifies how much work is needed to attain a certain speed in a given amount of time. However, once the cruising speed is reached and the body moves at constant speed, the total average hydrodynamic force son the body must be zero, so using the definition of Eq. 4.57, the net efficiency is 0. As pointed out by Schultz & Webb [141] among others, "unless a fish is trying to 'stir up the water,' it performs no useful work" when swimming at constant speed: ?I = 0 for a self-propelled body in steady state. (4.58) This measure of efficiency becomes meaningless when the goal of the system is not to accelerate or produce thrust. 84 4.4.2 Propulsor efficiency Under special circumstances, one could still define a propulsor efficiency, jp, by separating the propulsor thrust Tp from the body drag (one balancing the other when Tn = 0): i =TUS Pin (4.59) For flexible self-propelled bodies, such as undulating fish, where the distinction between thrust and drag cannot be made, obtaining Tp, is much more challenging than for a propeller mounted on a rigid body. The distinction can be seen as arbitrary, like when it is obtained by separating the positive longitudinal forces from the negative ones in time [16] or in space [12]. It is still possible, in some cases, to estimate the thrust produced by a swimming fish. Indeed, when the Reynolds number is sufficiently high and uncontrolled flow separation effects are of limited extent, inviscid methods can be used to provide an estimate of the power needed for propulsion, as well as the developing thrust that must equal the resistance. This can be quite accurate if separation effects, other than vorticity shed from body edges and from fin trailing edges, are small, and interaction of the body with shed vorticity is insignificant. For instance, [100], [204], [46], [123], [202], and [213] employ inviscid methodologies to estimate the thrust generated and power expended by swimming fish. However, the main problem with this definition of efficiency is that, even in rigid bodies such as ships and submarines, one is not interested in the propulsor efficiency, but the power needed to sustain a certain speed. Indeed, it is possible that a very efficient propulsor may cause a large increase in the total drag when attached to the vessel, due to adverse hydrodynamic interference, and hence an increase in the required thrust Tp. Then, although the propulsor efficiency is high, the system efficiency is low because the "fuel" needed may be excessive over another propulsor that may be less efficient in isolation but does not increase the resistance. What should be important in terms of the energetics of a certain fish is to employ a swimming mode that minimizes the power needed for propulsion; whether this mode is hydrodynamically "efficient" is secondary. 4.4.3 Quasi-propulsive efficiency The goal of propulsion optimization is set as follows: For a given shape and size vehicle, find the propulsor that will require the least amount of power to drive the vehicle at a given speed Us. We intend to minimize the "fuel" consumption under certain size and velocity constraints and not the hydrodynamic efficiency of the system. This is exactly what the cost of transport (COT), traditionally used in life sciences, measures, since it is defined as the energy spent per unit distance traveled: COT = Us, (4.60) where Pot is the total metabolic power consumed by swimming at speed Us. However, the COT is a dimensional quantity, and there is no natural way to normalize it. For instance, Kern [91] normalized the COT by mUf /2, Liu [102] used mLf 2 , Eloy [52] chose pQ2/ 3 U2, and Tokid [160] normalized it by mgU. For the first two normalizations, two gaits with different flapping frequencies f would result in different values of normalized COT even if they have the same cost of transport, which is undesirable. On the other hand, for a 85 given fish, the last normalization is the only one that ensures that two gaits have the same normalized COT if and only if they have the same COT. While this is a nice property, this normalized COT is not an efficiency-like quantity since it does not have a natural unit scale. Hence, we propose to normalizes the COT by the towed resistance R. Since here we only consider the hydrodynamic efficiency and not the internal losses, qp, is employed, defined as: (4-61) QP = U nP where Pin is the power required by the propulsor to drive the vehicle at speed U, under steady-state conditions (zero total hydrodynamic force) and R is the towed resistance at speed Us. In the case of a flexible body, the towed resistance must be measured or estimated in a straight configuration, i.e. not allowing any bending of the body. Indeed, at constant speed, the role of the propeller (for a ship) or of the swimming motion (for a fish) is to compensate for the drag such as to keep the cruising velocity constant. In an ideal fluid, there would be no drag on the body and no work would be needed to sustain velocity U,: gliding would be enough. However, since water is a real fluid, if the fish was not swimming, or the propeller not rotating, the body would lose kinetic energy at a rate of: d d_ (4.62) Pos = d m U)2 -RUs < 0, where, again, R is the towed resistance at speed U8 without a propeller (or a swimming motion). The goal of the propeller - or of the swimming motion - is to prevent this loss of kinetic energy due to the drag on the rigid body. Since the goal in this case is to compensate for the resistance R and prevent the kinetic energy loss P10,,, a reasonable definition of useful power is: Puse = Pout - P0oss = (Tn + R)Us, (4.63) which we use to generalize the quasi-propulsive efficiency q)p to cases where the net thrust is not 0: (4.64) jQP = PusePin = (Tn + R)Us/Pin. Eq. 4.64 shows that the quasi-propulsive efficiency is the ratio of the useful energy over the expanded energy, where the goal of swimming is to overcome the drag and prevent kinetic energy losses. For the case of a self-propelled body moving at constant speed, Ta = 0, such that the definition of propulsive efficiency proposed in Eq. 4.64 is the same as Eq. 4.61. The power Pin is either experimentally measured, or evaluated numerically as the time-average of the power needed to actuate the body. Finally, since towed experiments or simulations are often preferred to self-propelled ones for practical reasons, we will show in 4.4.4 that Eq. 4.64 can provide good estimates of the self-propelled quasi-propulsive efficiency under towed conditions. There are fundamental differences between the propulsive efficiency of Eq. 4.59 and the quasi-propulsive efficiency of Eq. (4.61): First, in the "useful" power of Eq. 4.61, one uses the towed resistance of the vehicle measured under steady towing conditions at speed U and without a propulsor attached; hence, this definition does not suffer from any ambiguity as to what the force should be. Second, in Eq. 4.59 all quantities used refer to the same (self-propulsion) test; in Eq. 4.61 the numerator refers to a towing experiment, while the denominator to a self-propulsion experiment, conducted at the same speed. It is not difficult to see that, if we maximize the efficiency TjQp, we simply minimize the 86 expended power Pi, (since the numerator is independent of the propulsor), in agreement with the original intent. The advantage of qp is that the towed resistance captures the essential hydrodynamic features of the specific hull or body, and can be used to compare the performance of dissimilar vehicle shapes, and for devising scaling laws. An apparent disadvantage is that the quasi-propulsive efficiency is not strictly an efficiency: it is not necessarily less than one. If the propulsor causes the resistance of the ship to drop substantially - for example by reducing flow separation - then the self-propelled power will possibly be less than the power needed to tow the bare hull, resulting in a value of T Qp higher than 100%. A distinctive advantage of the quasi-propulsive efficiency is its universality. Unlike propulsor efficiencies relying on inviscid thrust models, the quasi-propulsive efficiency is as appropriate for low-Reynolds-number swimming motions as for large-Reynolds-number ones. Becker et al. [11] define and use a system efficiency which is the same as the quasipropulsive efficiency definition herein; they study a three-link micro-propulsor, employing flexing of the links to achieve locomotion at very low Reynolds numbers. In the words of the authors, "We define a swimming efficiency as the power necessary to pull the straightened swimmer along its axis at the average speed of the actual swimmer, relative to the average mechanical power generated by the actual swimmer to achieve that speed." It is important to note that the useful power is defined in terms of the towed straightened swimmer. In fact, for very low Reynolds number, it is impossible to distinguish thrust from drag, since viscous forces produce both forces, making the use of the quasi-propulsive efficiency essential. Microswimmers have, typically, less than a few percent efficiency. 4.4.4 Example: anguilliform vs carangiform gaits In order to illustrate the discussion above, we will show through an example why the quasi-propulsive efficiency is the only meaningful way of measuring propulsive efficiency for self-propelled fishes or vehicles. In this example, we use A(x) = 1 + (x - 1)ci + (x 2 - 1)c2 (4.65) as the envelop of the prescribed traveling wave of wavelength A and frequency f. ao, the amplitude of ho at the trailing edge, will either be kept constant (ao = 0.1) or adjusted through a feedback control loop to ensure that the average drag on the foil is 0, as described in 4.3.3. We consider the carangiform and anguilliform envelopes characterized by A = 1 and: {carangiform: anguilliform: c = -0.825, c2 = cl = c2 0.323, 1.625, (4.66a) = 0.310. (4.66b) These envelopes are illustrated in figure 4-2a. The performance of both gaits at various frequencies f in a towed and self-propelled configuration will be compared. Figure 4-10a shows that the self-propelled undulating NACA0012 foil travels with the least energy when using the anguilliform gait with frequency f = 1.6, in which case Cp = 0.10. If the carangiform gait was chosen, the most efficient frequency would be f = 2 with a power coefficient of Cp = 0.13. Though dimensionless, the power coefficient is not an intuitive measure of efficiency and does not allow easy comparison between various geometries. 87 Zero mean drag: C= 0 (a) (b) Fixed amplitude: cO = 0.1 0.16 3 -0- 0.15 -.-- -e- carang carang anguil 2.5 0.14 I 2 Ioa- 0.13 1.5 - 0.12 1 0.11 0.5 0.1 anguil - 1.5 2 2.5 U1 3 -- - ---- --------- - ---3 2 f 4 5 f Figure 4-10: Time-averaged power coefficient as a function of undulating frequency for (a) the zero drag and (b) the fixed amplitude configurations. From the prescribed undulation ho(x, t) and the recoil B(x, t) calculated by the viscous BDIM simulation, Wu's potential flow theory [203, 204] can estimate the input power and propulsor thrust Two ~ T,. Using the input power Pim and the net thrust Tn estimated from the BDIM simulation, as well as thrust and power estimates from Wu's theory, we will now compare the efficiency of the various gaits using the three measures defined above. Net propulsive efficiency As discussed in 4.4.1, the net efficiency qn = TPU/Pn is zero when the mean drag on the foil is 0, which is the case for the self-propelled cases in Figure 4-11. In these cases, it is therefore impossible to compare the performance of the two gaits or of the various frequencies using q, As soon as the mean drag is non zero in the towed simulations (ao = 0.1), it becomes clear that the anguilliform undulation is more efficient than the carangiform but, with values ranging from -0.6 to 0.3, these undulating foils seem to be very poor propellers. It is interesting to notice that, at low frequency, the net efficiency is negative due to a net drag on the undulating foil. What is the meaning of this negative efficiency? If we were considering a propeller, a net drag on the propeller would be counter productive and the 0.4 > 0.2 0 -0.27 -0.6 . SI carang, 0 drag anguil, 0 drag carang, ao=0.1 - ang m. u , a Nl =% .1 .0 --- - -A e -* e - -0.47 3 f 2 4 Figure 4-11: Net propulsive efficiency. 88 5 ship might "perform" better without the propeller, so one intuitively expects the efficiency to be negative. However, in the case of a self-propelled undulating foil, an undulation is counter productive only if it increases the drag, not merely because it is not able to completely overcome it. Since in the present case the drag on the towed undulating foil is less than on the towed rigid foil, one would intuitively expect the efficiency to be positive. The quasi-propulsive efficiency solves this paradox by offering a measure of efficiency that is compatible with intuition. Now, if the goal is to accelerate the foil, a net thrust is needed. According to the net propulsive efficiency, the optimal undulating frequency is around f = 2.5 (,q = 0.27) for the anguilliform motion and f = 3.5 (i, = 0.21) for the carangiform motion. These frequencies minimize the work required to attain a given acceleration. However, once the cruising speed has been reached and the goal is to minimize the power spent swimming in steady state, there is no guarantee that these frequencies are optimal. Indeed, these optimal frequencies are different from those selected from figure 4-10. Potential flow propulsor efficiency In order to calculate the hydrodynamic efficiency of the undulating foil in the stationary regime, the thrust produced by the swimming motion needs to be estimated independently of the drag on the foil. This thrust can, for example, be estimated by one of the numerous inviscid methods. Here we use Wu's two-dimensional theory [203] which has an analytical expression for thrust and power. The dependency of 7 w, = TwuU/Pw, on the undulating frequency f, shown in Figure 4-12, is qualitatively consistent with figure 4-10. Similarly to what had been observed from the viscous power estimates, Wu's method suggests that, in general, the anguilliform motion is more efficient than the carangiform one. The maximum efficiency for the anguilliform gait is 7w, = 0.69 at f = 1.6 whereas the carangiform gait is most efficient at f = 2 with ?lw, = 0.64. However, this approach might overestimate the efficiency by rewarding high thrust, which is also synonym of enhanced drag. Whereas here the most efficient gait and frequency according to Wu's theory correspond to the gait and frequency with least power, there is no guarantee that this will be true in general. 0.7 -- 0.68 . + carang, 0 drag anguil, 0 drag 0.66 0.640.62- 0.6 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 f Figure 4-12: Propulsor efficiency estimated from Wu's potential flow theory. 89 (a) 0.5 (b) 0.5 0.40.4 0.3 0.2 -e- 0.1 -e- 0 1 1.5 2 2.5 carang, 0 drag anguil, 0 drag carang,a=O.1anguil, a=O.1 3 3.5 f 0.2 - 0.3 -e- carang, Re=5000 anguil, Re=5000 -O- - carang, Re=2500 -+- - anguil, Re=2500 - 0.1 0 1.5 2 2.5 f Figure 4-13: Quasi-propulsive efficiency. (a): Comparison of towed estimates with self-propelled values (Re = 5000). (b): Comparison of efficiency for Re = 2500 and Re = 5000 (self-propelled). Quasi-propulsive efficiency Finally, TQp = (R + Tn)Us/Pjn, with values comprised between 0.2 and 0.5, provides an intuitive and meaningful measure of the efficiency for the two undulating gaits at the various frequencies. Figure 4-13 shows that the carangiform gait, requiring less power, is an energetically better choice for a cruising undulating foil, and the best frequency is f = 1.6 with an efficiency of 43%. For the carangiform undulation, the maximum efficiency drops to 35% for the frequency f = 2.1. Since self-propelled experiments and simulations are often more challenging than towed ones, it is of high practical interest to be able to estimate the quasi-propulsive efficiency from towed experiments. Figure 4-13a also shows that the estimates obtained by keeping the amplitude ao constant instead of ensuring 0 mean drag are very close to the self-propelled values (except at the very low frequencies). Within the same hydrodynamic regime, the values of 77Qp for different Reynolds numbers are also of comparable amplitude, on a natural unit scale. For instance, figure 4-13b compares the efficiency of the same self-propelled undulating motion for two different Reynolds numbers: Re = 2500 and Re = 5000. Even though the power coefficient increases by 50% from Re = 5000 to Re = 2500, the difference in efficiency between the two Reynolds numbers is no more than 7% and their trends are very similar. This result therefore corroborates what the intuition would expect: within a given hydrodynamic regime, the efficiency only weakly depends on the Reynolds number. This also illustrates that, even though both Cp and 1/?Qp are normalized versions of the swimming power, Cp is not very convenient to use due to its strong dependence on Reynolds number. Finally, we would like to remark that, as the thrust produced by the undulating foil increases, TjQp converges to rn. Indeed, if T > R, then ?7Qp, ~TaU/i,. Since this is typically the case for a propeller, the drag on the hull being much larger than that of the propeller, TQp can be seen as a generalization of the traditional propeller efficiency to the low thrust regime. 90 4.5 Gait optimization for a self-propelled undulating foil in open-water As stated in 4.4.3, the goal in this section is to find an undulatory gait that requires the least amount of power (P,) to drive a NACA0012 at speed Us, such that the Reynolds number is Re = 5000. In other words, we want to maximize the quasi-propulsive efficiency r1Qp of the undulating foil and identify the key parameters under the constraints if fixed body size and Reynolds number. To do so, we first consider the carangiform and anguilliform gaits introduced above and investigate the relationship between Strouhal number, undulation frequency and Reynolds number, and how these numbers relate to the friction drag coefficient and quasi-propulsive efficiency in 4.5.1. Then, for several values of undulation frequency f and wavelength A, we optimize the deformation envelope A(x) in 4.5.2-4.5.5. Unlike Eloy [52] and Tokic [160] who combined an evolutionary algorithm with Lighthill's potential flow slender-body model to simultaneously optimize the shape and kinematics, with respectively 22 and 9 parameters, we parametrize the amplitude A(x) by only two parameters. While the reduced numbers of parameters allows us to find an optimum with a reduced number evaluations, it also facilitates the visualization and interpretation of the results. Following our observation that the envelope of curvature amplitude in saithe and mackerel has a distinctive peak around the peduncle section ( 4.2.4) and our assumption from 4.2.5 that a good parametrization needs to span a wide range of tangent values at the trailing edge, we first use a Gaussian function: A(x) = exp (- ( ) + ( I)), (4.67) where x1 parametrizes the location of the peak and 6 its width, as shown in figure 4-14. In order to estimate how important the choice of the parametrization is, we also try in 4.5.3 the traditional polynomial envelope, parametrized by ci and c2: A(x) = 1+ cI(X - 1) + c2 (x 2 - 1). (4.68) With the Gaussian function, it is easy to change the pitch and angle of attack amplitudes at the tail by adjusting the location and width of the peak. The fact that the Gaussian envelope is always positive is particularly convenient, as most of the (ci, 6) space can be used to search for an optimal gait without running into degenerate gaits. The quadratic parametrization makes it easy to change the amplitude of motion at the leading edge and at mid-chord, but only a narrow band of the (Cl, c 2) space yields reasonable gaits. For example, making the very non conservative assumption that 0 < A(0) < A(1)/2 results in the following constraints on ci and c2: 1/2 < C 1 + C2 < 1. Instead of using this thin band, the results in 4.5.3 are presented in terms of A(O) and A(1/2). For each parametrization and frequency, the envelope A(x) is optimized using derivativefree optimization [137]. We apply the BOBYQA algorithm that performs bound-constrained optimization using an iteratively constructed quadratic approximation for the objective function [131]. For each set of parameters, the viscous simulation is run for 15 nondimensional time units, and the average power coefficient Cp across the last 10 undulation periods is calculated. Based on the values of Cp, the implementation of BOBYQA provided by the NLopt free C library [85] interfaced with Matlab computes the next set of parameters. In order to avoid finding a local minimum due to numerical noise, after the algorithm 91 x, ao exp((1-x,) 2/6 2 -.0.78 a, exp((1-x,)2 / <oC ca 2 ) . ) 0.1 a0 0. 0r 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 x Figure 4-14: Definition of the parameters for a Gaussian envelope. Choose - fish model geometry and swimming speed - wavelength X=1 - frequency f Set Optimization loop - deformation envelope parameters x1 , 6 Calculated from d(MV)/dt = F recoil parameters a,, b, Adjusted by PID such that CT converges towards 0 - amplitude ao t = t+dt ift<1 5 Output C,() Navier-Stokes/ body motion solver if t1: 5 and converged to C = 0 Output to minimize if optimization not converged P if optimization converged Optimal gait x 1, 6 Figure 4-15: Chart of a typical optimization procedure. 92 (a) (b) -carang, Re=5000 -anguil, Re=5000 - e - carang, Re=2500 0.55 V) Q 0.5 0.45 0.65 0.6 - * - anguil, Re=2500 CO 0.55 0.5 P - 0.65 0.6 '~0.45-A 0.4 0.4 0.35 0.35 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 0 1 2 f Figure 4-16: Strouhal number as a function of (a) frequency f 3 4 Sr /(1 -Sr) 5 6 and (b) Sr/(1 - s,) for a self- propelled undulating NACA0012 at Re = 2500 and Re = 5000, where s, is the slip ratio defined as Sr = U,/(Af). has converged, it is run again, using the previously found minimum as a starting point. The optimization procedure is summarized in figure 4-15. 4.5.1 Reynolds number, Strouhal number and slip ratio For a given undulatory gait and frequency, the amplitude of motion for a self-propelled fish or foil is enforced by the chosen velocity: there is at most one amplitude that will allow the fish or foil to swim at the designated speed. Therefore, the Strouhal number St = fa/U, which is often considered as one of the key factors of fish swimming efficiency [163], is not a free parameter but a function of the swimming gait, speed and frequency. Figure 4-16 shows that the Strouhal number depends on both the Reynolds number and the gait. Indeed, the carangiform gait requires a larger amplitude than the more efficient anguilliform motion in order to sustain the chosen velocity with a given undulation frequency. At lower Reynolds number, a larger amplitude is also needed to overcome the larger friction drag [49]. At low undulation frequency, the swimming amplitude increases significantly and the Strouhal number is proportional to sr/(1 - Sr), where sr is the slip ratio defined as sr = U 8 /(Af). However, once the frequency increases above the optimal frequency (f = 2.1 for carangiform and f = 1.6 for anguilliform, as shown in figure 4-13), the Strouhal number remains almost constant and independent of the undulation frequency. Figure 4-17 shows that, for a given gait, the optimal undulating frequency only weakly depends on the Reynolds number. However, the corresponding Strouhal number strongly significantly increases with decreasing Reynolds number. Indeed, as the Reynolds number decreases, the drag on the foil increases, requiring larger oscillations to overcome it. Figure 4-18 shows that this increase in Strouhal number results in increased skin friction: this is why the quasi-propulsive efficiency slightly decreases with decreasing Reynolds number. Indeed, it has been shown in the literature that, in the laminar regime, body undulations cause the skin friction drag to increase [100, 184, 66, 177, 49]. The examples used here suggest the following scaling law for the friction drag coefficient, as illustrated by Figure 4-18a: 2 CDfo. (4.69) + CDf 93 0.3 -e- anguil, Re=5000 0.1 0 0.2- -0-- carang, Re=5000 0.2 - 1 G 0.3 0CL 0.1 e - carang, Re=2500 * - anguil, Re=2500 1.5 2 f 2.5 - (b) 0.5 (a) 0.5 0 3 0.35 0.4 0.45 St 0.5 0.55 Figure 4-17: Quasi-propulsive efficiency as a function of (a) the undulation frequency 0.6 f and (b) the Strouhal number St for a self-propelled NACA0012 at Re = 2500 and Re = 5000. And since CDfo ~ 2/V'-, then: Re, CDf ~ 2(St + 1)/ (4.70) as shown in Figure 4-18b. This scaling law holds for both gaits (carangiform and anguilliform), both Reynolds numbers (Re = 2500 and Re = 5000), as well as towed and self-propelled configurations. Finally, Figure 4-19 shows that, for a self-propelled foil, the amplitude of the trailing edge displacement multiplied by the Reynolds number to the power of 1/4 is proportional to the square-root of sr/(1 - s,), where s, is the slip ratio. While the slope seems to depend on the gait, it is absolutely independent of the Reynolds number for the values Re = 2500 and Re = 5000 tested here. For the anguilliform motion: a/L Re'/ 4 1.5 (4.71) r 1 -s After reorganization of the terms, this relationship can be expressed as: St ~ 1.5 1 5 -. Rel/ 4 Sr s, I -(s, . (4.72) Since we showed with figure 4-17 that the optimal slip ratio is mostly independent of the Reynolds number, Eq. 4.72 suggests that the Strouhal number scales like Re-1/4, as found by [62] from animal data. The results presented here suggest that, for a given gait, the Strouhal number is not the key parameter defining the efficiency of undulatory swimming: the slip ratio seems to be a more relevant parameter. Specifically, the plots of quasi-propulsive efficiency versus undulation frequency estimated for a towed and a self-propelled foil collapse, as shown in figure 4-13a, whereas plotted as a function of Strouhal number, the plots would not collapse. Similarly, the optimal swimming frequency is almost independent of Reynolds number, while the optimal Strouhal number changes, as shown in figure 4-17. As a result, in the linear regime, the Strouhal number scales like Re/4, similarly to the results presented in [174, 62]. 94 2.5 _ _ 1__ * 2- 0 0 1.5- 0 * 00 _1 carang, a=0.1 anguil, a =0.1 carang, Re=5000 anguil, Re=5000 carang, Re=2500 anguil, Re=2500 y = 2x 0.5 0 0 10 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 St (a) Using the towed friction drag. 4.5 e 1_1_1 carang, a=0.1 4 0 0 * anguil, Re=5000 3.5- 0 carang, Re=2500 anguil, Re=2500 anguil, aO=0.1 o carang, Re=5000 * P4 3y = 2(x+1) 2.52 0 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.8 1 St (b) Without reference to the towed friction drag. Figure 4-18: Relationship between friction drag coefficient CDf, Reynolds number Re and Strouhal number St on an undulating NACA0012. Fixed amplitude ao = 0.1 at Re 5000, as well as selfpropelled foils at Re 2500 and Re = 5000 are considered. 4 .0 =1.5x y (D 2- 3 ---* 0 0.5 1 carang, Re=5000 - anguil, Re=5000 e - carang, Re=2500 - anguil, Re=2500 2 1.5 ( -s)) Sr/(1 Figure 4-19: Relationship between sr/(1 - 95 2.5 2 sr), amplitude a and Reynolds number. (a) (b) 0.12 0.12 0.1 0.1 - 0.08 -f=1.5 - - f=1.8 - --.-. f=2.1 ---- f=2.4 0.08 / --- /f / / 004 f=2.7 0.06 /> . C 0.06 I 0.04 0.02 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 x 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 x Figure 4-20: Optimized (a) prescribed deformation envelopes and (b) displacement envelopes for the Gaussian parametrization. A = 1 and f = [1.5, 1.8, 2.1, 2.4, 2.7]. 4.5.2 Optimization of Gaussian envelopes with A = 1 We now fix the Reynolds number to Re = 5000 and optimize the parameters x1 and 6. The Gaussian envelopes resulting from the optimization for A = 1 and five frequencies ranging from f = 1.5 to f = 2.7 are shown in figure 4-20a. For all the frequencies, the optimized deformation envelope A(x) looks qualitatively similar to the curvature envelope from Videler [179] shown in figure 4-5b, with a small amplitude at the leading edge, a peak 10 to 30% from the trailing edge, and a sharp decrease in amplitude at the trailing edge. We also observe that the location of the peak amplitude moves aft as the undulation frequency increases, from x1 = 0.73 at f = 1.5 to x1 = 0.88 at f = 2.7. At the same time, the width of the peak decreases from 6 = 0.52 at f = 1.5 to 6 = 0.21 at f = 2.7. For all frequencies, however, the amplitude of the peak is very close to 0.1. The corresponding displacement envelopes g(x) are shown in figure 4-20b. The displacement envelopes look qualitatively similar to the carangiform displacement envelope from Videler [179] shown in figure 4-5a, with a minimum amplitude around x = 0.25 and a maximum amplitude at the trailing edge. While the amplitude at the leading edge decreases by a factor of two from f = 1.5 to f = 1.8, it remains almost constant for f from 2.1 to 2.7 with a value g(0) = 0.02 very close to that of figure 4-5a. At the trailing edge, on the other hand, the amplitude varies roughly proportionally to N/sr/(1 - S.), as already observed in figure 4-19. Figure 4-21 shows the deformed foil and vorticity snapshots for the five optimized gaits at t/T = 0 (mod 1), where T = 1/f is the undulation period. For all gaits, the boundary layer remains attached to the foil as previously observed for waves traveling faster than the free stream [153, 147], and a reverse Kirmdn vortex street forms in the wake. The width and wavelength of the reverse Kairmin vortex street decreases with increasing undulation frequency, and secondary small vortices, present at low frequency, disappear at higher frequency. As expected from figure 4-20, while at f = 1.5 the entire length of the foil undergoes noticeable deformation and displacement, at higher frequency the front half of the foil undergoes virtually no deformation. It is also interesting to notice that, whereas the undulation wavelength is A = 1 for all frequencies, as the peak of the Gaussian becomes sharper, the curvature due to the envelope becomes predominant over the curvature due to the wave in the peduncle section. This phenomenon is particularly noticeable for f = 2.7, at which frequency the undulations are mostly restricted to what would be the peduncle 96 0.4 (a [(a) - (b) 0 >.0 -0.4[ 0.4 (d) (c) -0.41 0 0.4- (e) 0 1 1.5 2 2.5 X e W: -0.4 1 0.5 (f) 1 1 1 11 0 0.5 1 1 x 1.5 2 -20 -16 -12 -8 -4 0 4 8 12 16 20 2.5 Figure 4-21: Snapshots of vorticity for optimized gaits at t/T = 0 (mod 1). f = 1.8, (c): f = 2.1, (d): f = 2.4, (e): f = 2.7, (f): colorbar. (a): f = 1.5, (b): and tail sections for a fish. Table 4.2a summarizes the parameters and properties of the five optimized gaits. The quasi-propulsive efficiency qQp of these undulatory gaits is of prime interest. The efficiency reaches 57% for f = 2.7, whereas the least efficient frequency, f = 1.5 reaches 7Qp = 49%. An other important parameter is the Strouhal number, which oscillates around St = 0.35. We showed in 4.5.1 that the Strouhal number varies with Reynolds number and that, for a given envelope, the undulation frequency seemed a more relevant parameter than the Strouhal number. The consistency of the Strouhal number for the optimized envelopes across frequencies suggests that, for a given Reynolds number, there exists an optimal Strouhal number that can be reached with a large range of frequencies. Like the Strouhal number, the maximum pitch angle 0 max and maximum angle of attack amax are almost constant across the five optimized gaits, with a value close to 9 max = 31' and amax = 170. The phase angle between the heave and pitch of the trailing edge that allows these values of angle of attack is 0 = 82'. The results from this optimization show that, like for rigid flapping foils, the efficiency of undulating foils is primarily driven by the Strouhal number, pitch angle, angle of attack and heave-pitch phase angle. There are however other parameters affecting the efficiency of an undulating foil, since the efficiency ranges from TjQp = 0.49 at f = 1.5 to qQp = 0.57 at f = 2.7. This result runs contrary to the observations from Shen et al. [147] that a slip ratio around Sr = 0.8 (f = 1.2) is optimal. However, in our case, the undulations at higher Reynolds number are confined to a small section of the foil, thus reducing the losses due to undulation of the front part of the foil and to increased recoil. The location and sharpness of the envelope peak need to be tuned for each frequency, such that the optimal Strouhal number, pitch angle and angle of attack are attained. Indeed, the optimal envelope A(x) for one frequency can result in a highly inefficient gait at a different frequency. Figure 4-22 shows the efficiency as a function of xi and 6 in the neighborhood of the optimal envelope for the five frequencies considered above. The migration of the most efficient region from the top-left corner at low frequency to the bottom 97 f x1 6 ao a Omax(o) Ginax ( ) 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 0.73 0.77 0.81 0.87 0.88 0.52 0.36 0.28 0.23 0.21 0.084 0.066 0.062 0.079 0.073 0.23 0.18 0.16 0.15 0.13 31 28 29 35 34 17 19 20 16 15 0 O() 82 82 81 82 84 St Cp ?Q P 0.34 0.33 0.35 0.37 0.36 0.093 0.089 0.087 0.083 0.081 0.49 0.52 0.53 0.56 0.57 (a) Optimized envelopes at several frequencies. f Xi 6 ao a Omax(0) cf max(o) () St Cp ?IQP 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 0.65 0.78 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.90 0.50 0.49 0.29 0.31 0.37 0.25 0.050 0.068 0.082 0.101 0.103 0.186 0.17 0.18 0.22 0.22 0.21 0.32 22 26 36 37 35 53 22 21 17 16 19 10 82 78 84 82 78 87 0.30 0.32 0.40 0.40 0.38 0.57 0.097 0.093 0.096 0.095 0.094 0.140 0.45 0.47 0.46 0.46 0.46 0.31 (b) Examples of envelopes around the optimal gait at f = 1.8. Table 4.2: Parameters and properties of gaits with Gaussian envelopes. Motion parameters are the frequency f, peak location x 1, peak width 6 and amplitude ao. Properties are the peak to peak displacement amplitude at the trailing edge a, maximum pitch angle at the trailing edge 0max, maximum angle of attack amax, heave and pitch phase angle 0, Strouhal number St, time-averaged power coefficient Cp and the quasi-propulsive efficiency 'rQP. right corner at high frequency appears very clearly in this figure. The figure also shows that, for all frequencies, the efficiency decreases very rapidly as the width of the peak 6 is decreased bellow its optimal value, while the efficiency is much less sensitive to increases in 6. Moreover, as the frequency increases and the peak of the optimal envelope becomes sharper, the optimal region becomes narrower, especially as far as 6 is concerned. Finally, while for all frequencies it is possible to find a region in the (xl, 6) space that reaches an efficiency close to 50%, it appears that the envelope that is most efficient at f = 1.5 is quite inefficient at f = 2.7, and vice-versa. Increasing the curvature of the foil at the base of the tail when the frequency increases allows the deformation of the foil to match the curvature of the trailing edge trajectory and thus avoid the efficiency loss associated with a large angle of attack. Indeed, figure 4-23 shows that, as the length of the stride decreases with increasing frequency, a larger curvature at the peduncle is necessary for the body deformation to match the trailing edge trajectory. In order to better understand the impact of x, and 6 on the gait properties, table 4.2b summarizes these properties for several values of xi and 6 near the optimum for f = 1.8. As the location of the peak moves aft and its width decreases, the portion of the foil undergoing significant deformation reduces, therefore a larger amplitude is necessary to ensure that enough thrust is produced. As a result, the Strouhal number and maximum pitch angle increase. This observation also allows us to interpret the optimization results. We observed in figure 4-16 that, for a fixed envelope A(x), the Strouhal number of a selfpropelled undulating foil increases with decreasing frequency. In order to mitigate this effect, an envelope with small xi and large 6 that can produce the same thrust with smaller amplitude makes it possible the reach the optimal Strouhal number even at low frequency. 98 (b) ________(e) Figure 4-22: qp as a function of x1 and 6 near the optimum for Gaussian envelopes. (a): f = 1.5, (b): f = 1.8, (c): f = 2.1, (d): f = 2.4, (e): f = 2.7, (f): colorbar. The black dots show the location of the points that have been used to build the thin-plate smoothing spline (tpaps function in Matlab with smoothing parameter p = 0.999) represented in color. (a) f=1.5 (b) f=2.1 (C) f=2.7 Figure 4-23: Superimposed body outlines over one undulation period for three frequencies. 99 (a) (b) 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.1 f=1.8 -0.2-0.1 ------ f=2.1 f=2.7 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 t/T 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 t/T Figure 4-24: Drag and power coefficients as a function of time for the optimized Gaussian envelopes. Similarly, at high Reynolds number, a large x1 and a small 3 make it possible to produce the required thrust at the optimal Strouhal number. When the undulation frequency reaches about 2.5, we noticed in figure 4-16 a plateau in the Strouhal number, the same happens with the optimal envelope which reaches x1 a 0.9 and 6 - 0.2. Figure 4-24 shows the drag and power coefficients as a function of time for the five optimal gaits described above. For all gaits, the period of the drag and power is half the undulation period T, with times of positive drag and negative power alternating with times of negative drag and positive power. As the frequency increases from f = 2.1 to f = 2.7, the time of maximum drag (minimum power) shifts from t/T = 0.12 to t/T = 0 (mod 0.5), whereas the amplitude of drag and power oscillations reach a minimum at f = 2.1. The amplitude of drag oscillation is twice as large for f = 1.5 and f = 2.7 as it is for f = 2.1, while the amplitude of power oscillation is three times as large for f = 2.7 as for f = 2.1. Moreover, f = 2.1 is the only frequency for which the swimming power is always positive. In order to understand the reasons for the change in phase and amplitude of the drag and power coefficients, figure 4-25 shows the pressure field and body velocity for the optimized envelopes with frequency f = [1.5, 2.1, 2.7] at their respective time of minimum and maximum power. For f = 1.5 (figures 4-25a,b) and f = 2.7 (figures 4-25e,f), there are three distinct sections along the upper side of the foil: high pressure near the leading edge, low pressure in the middle and high pressure near the trailing edge (and the opposite on the other side). In figures 4-25b,f, these sections almost exactly match transverse velocity of respectively positive, negative, and positive sign, resulting in a very large instantaneous swimming power. Conversely, in figures 4-25a,e, the sign of the transverse velocity is reversed, resulting in a significant negative swimming power. For f = 2.1, the pressure changes along the foil are smaller, and the pressure is close to zero along a large portion of the foil. Moreover, unlike for f = 2.7, the sign changes in pressure do not match the sign changes in transverse velocity. For instance, at t/T = 0, the pressure along the bottom side of the foil near the trailing edge is positive (not shown here), which would result in a positive swimming power. Therefore, the minimum power is reached at a later time t/T = 0.12, at which point the amplitude is largest in areas where the pressure is close to zero, resulting in a very small power. Similarly, the maximum power reached at t/T = 0.34 is not as large as for f = 2.7 because the sections of high pressure do not exactly match the sections of large transverse velocity. 100 p 0.4 -(a [(a) 0.4 (b) 0.32 0 0.24 1 -0.4 0.16 0.4- (d) (C) 0 0.08 X 0 -0.08 -0.4 0.4 -0.16 (e) (f) -0.24 0a -U.4 0 -0.32 0.5 1 1.5 0 2 X -0.4 0.5 1 1.5 2 X Figure 4-25: Snapshots of pressure field with arrows showing the body velocity. (a, b): optimized Gaussian envelope at f = 1.5; (c, d): optimized Gaussian envelope at f = 2.1; (e, f): optimized Gaussian envelope at f = 2.7. (a, c): t/T = 0.12 (mod 1) (minimum power for f = 1.5 and f = 2.1); (e): t/T = 0 (mod 1) (minimum power for f = 2.7); (b, d): t/T = 0.34 (mod 1) (maximum power for f = 1.5 and f = 2.1; (f): t/T = 0.29 (mod 1) (maximum power for f = 2.7). 4.5.3 Optimization of quadratic envelopes with A = 1 We showed in the previous section that, by changing the location and width of the peak in a Gaussian deformation envelope, a very efficient gait can be designed for a large range of undulation frequencies. Since carangiform and anguilliform gaits are often represented by polynomial envelopes, we investigate here the swimming efficiency reachable by optimizing such envelopes. The two parameters to be optimized are A(0) and A(1/2), the envelope amplitude at the leading edge and mid-chord respectively (the amplitude at the trailing edge being constrained to A(1) = 1). First, we fix the undulation frequency to f = 1.8 and optimize the quadratic envelope A(x), restricting A(0) to positive values. Figure 4-26a shows the efficiency as a function of A(0) and A(1/2). The carangiform envelope used in previous sections is indicated by a black square and the anguilliform gait is shown by a diamond. As long as the envelope is concave, most gaits are rather efficient, and the performance is not very sensitive to the exact values of the parameters. Therefore, the very convex carangiform envelope is very inefficient, whereas the anguilliform envelope, which is close to a straight line, is much more efficient. Among the concave envelopes, A(0) = 0 seems best, together with 1 < A(1/2) 5 1.7, where the efficiency reaches 48%. The facts that the most efficient gaits lie on the boundary A(0) = 0 and that rqp = 0.5 cannot be reached suggest that the quadratic parametrization is not optimal. Indeed, quadratic functions with a sharper peak, similar to the optimal Gaussian envelope, could be obtained by further decreasing A(0) to negative values, but the envelope should, by definition, always be positive. Since the optimal quadratic gait saturates the constraint A(0) > 0, we then fix the leading edge amplitude to A(0) = 0 and optimize the undulation frequency f and the 101 (a) 1 (b) 1QP 1.5 2 0.5 0.45 1.5 0.4 0.5 0.35 0.5 0'' 0 0.2 0.4 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 0.3 f A(0) Figure 4-26: IQP as a function of A(0) or f and A(1/2) for quadratic envelopes. (a): fixed frequency f = 1.8; (b): fixed leading edge value A(0) = 0. The black dots show the location of the points that have been used to build the thin-plate smoothing spline (tpaps function in Matlab with smoothing parameter p = 0.999) represented in color. In (a), the carangiform and anguilliform motions investigated in 4.4.4 are respectively represented by a black square and a black diamond, and a dashed line shows the location of linear envelopes (points bellow this line correspond to convex envelopes, above it the envelopes are concave). second envelope parameter A(1/2). Figure 4-26b shows the efficiency as a function of f and A(1/2). Here again, the efficiency is not very sensitive to the exact value of f and A(1/2) around f = 1.6 and A(1/2) = 1 where efficiencies of 49% are attained. It is interesting to notice that, since quadratic envelopes can only result in functions with a wide peak, they can reach the same efficiency as the wide peak Gaussian envelopes at low frequency (f = 1.5), but not at high frequency (f = 2) where a sharp peak is advantageous. Figure 4-27 shows the prescribed amplitude aoA(x) and the corresponding displacement envelope g(x) for the two optimal quadratic envelopes described above, as well as the carangiform and anguilliform envelopes from 4.4.4 at their respective optimal frequency. Whereas the anguilliform and carangiform envelopes A(x) are convex, the optimized envelopes are clearly concave, reaching a maximum around x = 0.7, similarly to the optimized Gaussian envelopes at low frequency. The resulting displacement envelopes, however, are not concave. For the carangiform and anguilliform envelopes, the displacement is minimum around x = 0.25 and maximum at the trailing edge with a sharp increase in amplitude in the last 20% of the foil. The two optimized gaits have a displacement envelope very close to the prescribed anguilliform envelope aoA(x), with a minimum amplitude g(0) = 0.04 at the leading edge and a maximum displacement amplitude g(1) ~ 0.1 at the trailing edge. The increase in displacement amplitude in the last 20% of the foil is also milder than for the anguilliform and carangiform envelopes, which is consistent with the displacement envelope observed by Videler [179] and represented in figure 4-5. The deformed foil and vorticity snapshots at t/T = 0 (mod 1) for the four gaits described above are shown in figure 4-28. For the carangiform gait at f = 2.1, shown in figure 4-28a, the deformation of the front half of the foil is very small, similarly to the deformation of the optimized gait at the same frequency in figure 4-21c. However, whereas the optimal Gaussian envelope leads to large curvature along the rear half of the foil, this is not the case here. This less efficient gait also produces a reverse Kirmain vortex street with vortices of larger magnitude. On the other hand, the optimized gaits shown in figures 4-28c,d, are quite similar to the low frequency gait with optimized Gaussian envelope of figure 4-21a. These gaits are characterized by large undulations visible along the whole length of the foil. 102 (a) 0.12 0.1 0.1 - f=1.8 0.08 0.08 -. -- carang, f=2.1 anguil, f=1.6 . ---- optim (f=1.58) . optim, (b) 0.12 < 0.06 CD 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.02 Ce 0 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.2 U0 0.8 -- -.. 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 x Figure 4-27: Optimized (a) prescribed deformation envelopes and (b) displacement envelopes for the quadratic parameterization with A = 1. Carangiform and anguilliform envelopes from 4.4.4 at their respective optimal frequency are shown, as well as the optimal envelope for f = 1.8 and the optimal envelope for A(O) = 0, which has frequency f = 1.58. 0.4 (a)( 0.4 (d) (C) 00 I- -0.4 00 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 x 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2 2. 5 x Figure 4-28: Snapshots of vorticity for gaits with polynomial envelope at t/T = 0 (mod 1). (a): carangiform, f = 2.1; (b): anguilliform, f = 1.6; (c): optimized with f = 1.8; (d): optimized with A(O) = 0 (f = 1.58). The color axis is the same as in figure 4-21. The gait resulting from the anguilliform envelope (4-28b) has a mix of features from the carangiform and the optimized gaits: noticeable undulation along the whole length of the body, but rather small curvature. The properties of gaits with various quadratic envelopes are summarized in table 4.3. Similarly to what has been observed in 4.5.1, the Strouhal number decreases with increasing undulation frequency and reaches a plateau at high frequency. In the meantime, the pitch angle also decreases, but since the heave-pitch phase angle decreases too, the angle of attack does not decrease. The inefficient carangiform envelope is characterized by large Strouhal number, large pitch angle and large angle of attack. The inefficiency of this envelope is mostly the result of the phase angle being very so from 90': when the tail is zero (0(t) = 0), the the heaving velocity of the tail is large, displacing a lot of fluid but producing much thrust. The much more efficient anguilliform envelope reaches the optimal Strouhal number identified in the previous section, St = 0.35, at f = 1.6, as well as a pitch amplitude of 310. However, the phase angle / is still quite small, resulting in an angle of attack too large to be optimal. The optimized gaits, with a phase angle around 80' reach a Strouhal number, pitch amplitude and angle of attack in the range of optimal values found with the 103 optim, f=1.8 2 .9 ) 7 f A(0) A(1/2) ao a Oiax (O) amax( 0 ) V'(O) St CF 1.6 1.8 2.1 2.6 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.20 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.158 0.126 0.100 0.077 0.29 0.23 0.18 0.15 44 39 34 28 34 33 33 34 63 61 59 56 0.45 0.41 0.38 0.36 0.127 0.117 0.114 0.118 0.36 0.40 0.41 0.39 1.3 1.6 2.0 2.4 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.37 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.61 0.146 0.096 0.070 0.057 0.32 0.22 0.17 0.14 39 31 25 22 24 24 27 30 72 68 64 61 0.42 0.35 0.33 0.32 0.110 0.100 0.104 0.113 0.42 0.46 0.44 0.41 1.8 1.6 0.00 0.00 1.40 1.06 0.054 0.079 0.17 0.21 23 29 21 20 81 77 0.31 0.34 0.095 0.094 0.48 0.49 ]QP Table 4.3: Parameters and properties of gaits with polynomial envelopes A(x). Motion parameters are the frequency f, A(0), A(1/2) and amplitude ao. Properties are the peak to peak displacement amplitude at the trailing edge a, maximum pitch angle at the trailing edge 9 max, maximum angle of attack aimax, heave and pitch phase angle, Strouhal number St, time-averaged power coefficient Cp and the quasi-propulsive efficiency rQP. Lines 1-4: carangiform envelope; lines 5-8: anguilliform envelope; lines 9-10: optimized envelopes. Gaussian envelopes. Finally, figure 4-29 shows the drag and power coefficients as a function of time for the four envelopes discussed previously. It is interesting to notice that the least efficient gait (carangiform) is also the gait that has the smallest amplitude of oscillations in drag. While these oscillations are often perceived as detrimental to efficiency, this figure shows that reducing their amplitude is not necessarily an indication of improved efficiency. Optimization of Gaussian envelopes with A = 0.65 4.5.4 In the previous sections, a wavelength of A = 1 has been imposed. Even though Videler measured a body wavelength for saithe and mackerel consistently roughly equal to the body length [179], values reported for eel, trout or goldfish typically range from 0.6 to 0.76 (b) (a) 0.2 0.2 0.1 C) 0.4 0 U 0 -0.2 [ -0.1 - :(Y - -0.4 -0.2' 0 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.8 carang, f=2.1 anguil, f=1.6 ---- optim (f=1.58) 0 1 - 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 t/T t/T Figure 4-29: Drag and power coefficients as a function of time for quadratic envelopes. 104 f x1 6 ao a Omax(c) 2.27 0.86 0.38 0.064 0.16 33 amax( 0 ) 15 V)(O) St CP r7QP 90 0.36 0.085 0.54 Table 4.4: Parameters and properties of the optimized gait for a Gaussian envelope with A = 0.65. . times the fish length [167, 183, 71. Here we choose a wavelength of A = 0.65 and optimize the Gaussian envelope parameters x1 and 6, as well as the undulation frequency f. The resulting deformation envelope aoA(x) and displacement envelope g(x) are shown in figure 4-30a, while the parameters and properties of the optimized gait are summarized in table 4.4. The frequency of the optimized gait is f = 2.27. The associated slip ratio is s, Us/(Af) = 0.68 for A = 0.65 whereas it would be sr = 0.44 for A = 1. The location of the envelope peak corresponds to the optimal peak location for the same undulation frequency with A = 1, but the width of the peak is closer to the optimal value for lower frequencies at A = 1. Indeed, the smaller wavelength results in a larger curvature, so the envelope does not need to provide as much extra curvature for the body deformation to follow the tail path. As a result, the height of the peak is now close to 0.07 and not 0.1 as for A = 1. The Strouhal number, however, is the same as the optimal Strouhal number identified in the case A = 1, which confirms the existence of an optimal Strouhal number that is a function of the Reynolds number only. The pitch angle is in the optimal range identified earlier, but since the phase angle is exactly 9 0 TC, the angle of attack is smaller than for the A = 1 cases. Finally, as pointed out by Lighthill and others [99, 183], there is less recoil with the smaller wavelength, resulting in a smaller displacement amplitude at the leading edge A snapshot of the deformed foil and vorticity field at t/T = 0 (mod 1) for this optimized gait is shown in figure 4-31. The wake and body deformation are very similar to those observed for the corresponding gaits with A = 1 in figure 4-21c. In particular, the deformation along the front half of the foil is very small, while it is quite large in the rear half. Even though the peak of the deformation envelope aoA(x) is smaller than for A = 1, the curvature is roughly the same because of the smaller wavelength. Finally, we see from the figure 4-30b that the drag and power coefficients have very (b) (a) 0.12 '.2 0.1 0.08. 0.06E 0.04 0 -0.1 a0 A 0.02/ 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.8 - 9~ 0 -0.2 1 0 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.8 1 t/T x Figure 4-30: Optimized gait with Gaussian envelope for A = 0.65 (a): prescribed deformation envelope aoA(x) and displacement envelope g(x); (b): drag and power coefficients as a function of time. 105 0.4 -0.4 0 1 2 3 I 4 x Figure 4-31: Snapshot of vorticity for the optimized gait with Gaussian envelope and A t/T = 0 (mod 1). The color axis is the same as in figure 4-21. 0.65 at 0.4- -0.4 0 X 1 2 3 4 x Figure 4-32: Snapshot of vorticity for the optimized escape gait with Gaussian envelope and A at t/T = 0 (mod 1). The color axis is the same as in figure 4-21. 1 small amplitude oscillations, just like for the optimized gait with f = 2.1 and A = 1, but the phasing of these coefficients is similar to that observed with the higher frequency gaits for A = 1. 4.5.5 Optimization of an escape gait with A = 1 All the gaits presented so far have been designed with the goal to minimize the power consumed by the self-propelled undulating foil in steady state. These gaits have been obtained by maximizing the quasi-propulsive efficiency rqp and are a good choice for longdistance travel and migration. However, there are also times when fish need to produce a lot of thrust in order to accelerate. This is for instance the case of a fish attempting to escape from a predator or chasing a prey [73]. In these configurations, the goal of the fish is not to minimize its swimming power, but to maximize the acceleration it can reach with its available power. In other words, the fish wants to maximize its net propulsive efficiency. Here, the velocity of the foil is still fixed, but it produces a net thrust (T $ 0) which would result in acceleration if it was not towed. The frequency f as well as the Gaussian parameters x1 and 6 are optimized, whereas the maximum amplitude of the envelope is fixed to maxXE[oJ1(aoA(x)) = 0.1. The snapshot in figure 4-32 shows that, unlike the gaits optimized for distance, the gait optimized for thrust has a large deformation along the whole length of the foil. The wake is also wider and the vortices produced are much stronger, in order to produce a large thrust. Whereas the wake produced by the undulating foil in a self-propelled configuration (T = 0) is symmetric with respect to the centerline, figure 4-32 shows an asymmetric, deflected wake pattern. To the knowledge of the authors, such a pattern has never been reported for undulating foils, but it is consistent with previous findings for a thrust-producing rigid flapping foil [86, 95]. Both studies found that for values of irSt > 1, the wake appears asymmetric or "deflected". Since the value of this parameter for the current simulation is 1.95, the asymmetry in the current flow is not unexpected. 106 (a) ,_,_,_,_(b) 2 0.120.1 1 0.08\ 61 0- 0.02- 0_ _ 01 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 -21 1 0 0.2 0.4 x 0.6 0.8 1 t/T Figure 4-33: Optimized escape gait with Gaussian parameterization for A = 1 (a): prescribed deformation envelope aoA(x) and displacement envelope g(x); (b): drag and power coefficients as a function of time. Figure 4-33a shows that the width of the peak of the prescribed deformation envelope aoA(x) is much larger than the peak for any of the low energy gaits. The resulting displacement envelope, g(x), is very similar to that of the anguilliform motion (figure 4-27b), with a minimum displacement around x = 0.25 and a displacement amplitude at the leading edge about half the displacement at the trailing edge. The properties of the gait optimized for thrust are summarized in table 4.5 and compared to the carangiform and anguilliform gaits at their respective frequency of maximum net propulsive efficiency. The gait optimized for thrust and the anguilliform gait have almost the same frequency, motion and pitch amplitude. The phase angle 4, however, is much smaller for the anguilliform motion, resulting in a much lower thrust and power coefficients, and an overall lower efficiency q, = 0.28 instead of 7, = 0.32. Here again, the carangiform motion is much less efficient. With its large frequency and small phase angle resulting in a very large angle of attack and Strouhal number, the thrust coefficient of the carangiform gait is the same as for the optimized gait but the power is much larger, resulting in a much lower efficiency 77 = 0.21. f 4.0 2.4 2.5 x1 6 carangiform anguilliform 0.75 0.74 ao a Omax(0) 0.100 0.100 0.089 0.19 0.24 0.25 35 33 32 armax( 52 39 37 0 ) () St CT Cp 54 64 73 0.75 0.56 0.62 0.22 0.13 0.23 1.07 0.47 0.72 7, 0.21 0.28 0.32 Table 4.5: Parameters and properties of thrust producing gaits. Properties are the peak to peak displacement amplitude at the trailing edge a, maximum pitch angle at the trailing edge Omax, maximum angle of attack amnax, heave and pitch phase angle 0, Strouhal number St, time-averaged thrust coefficient CT and power coefficient Cp, and the net propulsive efficiency Tin. The optimized escape gait is compared to the carangiform and anguilliform gaits at their respective optimal frequency for in- Finally, this optimal thrust gait requires almost 10 times as much power as the low energy gaits discussed above. For practical purposes, the optimization would probably be constrained by the maximum power muscles (or motors) can produce. Moreover, figure 4-33b shows that the amplitude of oscillation of the drag and power coefficients is also one order of magnitude larger than for the low energy gaits. A possible consequence is that 107 there would be large oscillations in the acceleration. 108 4.6 Energy saving by swimming in pair We now consider a pair of undulating foils. We have shown in the previous section that a foil, undulating in open-water, can attain a quasi-propulsive efficiency of almost 60% by optimizing its gait. The goal in this section is to determine whether, by working as a pair, fish can further reduce the power required to travel at constant speed U,. 4.6.1 Kairmin gaiting and Weihs' schooling theory It has been well documented that fish swimming in the Kirmin vortex street behind a cylinder tend to synchronize their motion to the vortices, which allows them to significantly reduce the energy spent to hold station [98, 97, 3]. This phenomenon, known as Kirmain gaiting, has been explained by the faculty of fish to harness the energy of the vortices. We have shown in the previous sections that undulating foils also produce rows of coherent vortices, however, it is still unclear whether fish can harness the energy of vortices produced by other fish. As Liao summarized it in his review of fish swimming in altered flows, "no hydrodynamic or physiological data exist to evaluate the hypothesis that fish can increase swimming performance by taking advantage of the wake of other members" [96]. Due to the difficulty to experimentally measure the swimming power of individual fish in a school, simulations can provide extremely valuable information to help solve this mystery. There are two major differences between the wake of an undulating foil and that of a D-section cylinder as used to study Krman gaiting. The first one is that the undulating foil produces a reversed Kdirmain gait, in which the time-averaged flow along the centerline is faster than the free-stream, and not slower. The second one is that, while the wavelength of the Kairmain vortex street behind the D-section used in experiments is larger than the fish body length, the wavelength of the reverse Kdirmin street produced by an undulating foil is smaller than the foil length. Whereas KArmAn vortex streets are unsteady by nature, Weihs' schooling theory only considers time-averaged flows [186]. According to this theory, a fish swimming directly behind another fish would experience higher relative velocity and would therefore have to spend extra energy. On the contrary, a fish swimming between two wakes would experience a reduced relative speed, allowing it to save energy. According to Weihs, the energy benefit of schooling results from flow refuging and not vortex capture. Even if the average flow in the wake of a cylinder is slower than the free stream, the fact that fish change their kinematics and synchronize with the wake suggests that they actually use individual vortices to save energy [3]. Moreover, Boschitsch et al. [19] recently showed that the net propulsive efficiency of a pitching foil located behind a similarly pitching foil could be anywhere between 0.5 and 1.5 times that of an isolated foil, depending on the phase. These results suggest that, by properly timing its undulation with respect to the incoming vortices, a fish swimming in a wake of another swimming fish might be able to save energy despite being, on average, in a jet. If that is the case, the hydrodynamic theory of schooling, proposed by Weihs, will need to be revised into a theory that accounts for individual vortices and not only the average flow. 4.6.2 Flow in the wake of a self-propelled undulating foil The flow in the wake of a self-propelled undulating foil consists of vortices of alternating sign. The vorticity snapshot in figure 4-34a shows that the vortices decrease in strength under 109 (a) W 0.4 U 0 1.4 1.24 1.08 0.92 0.76 0.6 0 4.0 0 -4.0 -12.0 20.0 -0.4 i (C) 0.4- (d) 5.0 3.0 1.0 -1.0 - 0 -04 (b) 20.0 12.0 5 1-3..5 2 2.5 3 3.5 -5.0 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 ti 1.2 1.12 1.04 0.96 0.88 0.8 x x Figure 4-34: Wake behind a self-propelled undulating foil for the optimized gait with Gaussian envelope and A = 1 at frequency f = 1.5. (a): instantaneous vorticity field; (b): instantaneous x-velocity field; (c): time-averaged vorticity field; (d): time-averaged x-velocity field. the effect of diffusion, but this is a slow process and the wake is primarily characterized by its periodicity. Figure 4-34b shows that the vortices are arranged in such a way that the flow along the y = 0 axis is faster than the ambient flow, whereas the flow away from the centerline moves slower than the ambient flow. As a result, the time-averaged vorticity field in figure 4-34c is characterized by four shear layers of alternating sign, resulting in a jet along the centerline with strips of slowed down flow on either side, as shown in figure 4-34d. The reverse Karm.n vortex street behind a self-propelled undulating foil is characterized by its periodic structure with vortices moving parallel to the y = 0 axis in stable formation. The vorticity at longitudinal distance d from the trailing edge in the wake of an undulating foil can be modeled as: w(d, y, t) = Wy (y, t) Wd(d) sin (27r (#1(d) - ft) ), # 1(d) = d/Aw + #Ow, (4.73) where the frequency f is given by the undulation frequency and the wavelength A, and phase #w of the wake need to be determined. For the five optimized gaits with Gaussian envelope and A = 1 presented in 4.5.2, we estimated from the vorticity field the phase #1 at several distances d along the wake. In figure 4-35a we show the phase #1 as a function of the distance d, as well as the least squares linear fit for each swimming gait. The coefficients for the linear fit are summarized in table 4.6. For all the gaits, the phase is essentially proportional to the distance d, with a coefficient of proportionality very close to the undulation frequency f. Since A. = fce, where c, is the speed at which the vortices travel in the wake, this result shows that the vortices travel at the same speed as the freestream. Moreover, for the five gaits considered, the phase at d = 0 is around 0.25, which means that the vortices are shed by the foil when the trailing edge has maximum transverse velocity. Finally, we confirm these observations by plotting #1 as a function of fd in figure 4-35b. Assuming c. = 1, the least-squares estimate (+ standard deviation) of the phase 0" is: (4.74) OW = 0.24 + 0.02. From now on, A, = 1/f and Ow = 0.25 will be used to estimate the phase 01 encountered by a downstream foil whose leading edge is located at distance d from the upstream foil. 110 (b) 6 f=1.5 4 4 3 f=1.8 -f.-.f=2.1 5 U f=1.5 * f=18 f=2.1 f=2.4 f=2.7 o . 5 -a -- 0-- f=2.4 ---f=2.7 + -4 4 ./.-- .0e A' ' (a) 6 3 2 2 N y=x+0.25 1 0 0. 5 1 d 1.5 0 2 2 4 6 fd Figure 4-35: Vorticity phase in the wake of self-propelled undulating foil as a function of (a) distance and (b) distance times frequency. For each frequency, the optimized gait with Gaussian envelope is used. 01 linear fit Gait parameters c. = 1 f x1 6 /A1 , $w $1 -fd 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4 2.7 0.73 0.77 0.81 0.87 0.88 0.52 0.36 0.28 0.23 0.21 1.52 1.77 2.07 2.37 2.65 0.19 0.26 0.30 0.29 0.29 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.26 0.25 Table 4.6: Parameters of the gaits used in the wake vorticity phase estimate and fitted phase and wavelength for the vorticity in the wake. An estimate of the phase 0,, assuming a phase speed cW = Aw/f = 1 is also provided. 111 (a) (b) 1 1.8 R(CP) 1.6-- ) - - - R(a 0 M*: 0.9(cC)1.41.2 0 Ix0.8 0.7 --. R(C P) - - - R(a0 ) 0.5 1 1.5 1 0.8 0 2 0.5 1 A$ d Figure 4-36: Time-averaged power coefficient Cp and amplitude ao for (a) the upstream foil as a function of ditance d and (b) the downstream foil as a function of phase AO. The solid (resp. dashed) line marks the average value with respect to the phase (resp. distance) and the shaded area indicates the range of values reached across the various distances (resp. phases). 4.6.3 Effect of phase and distance for two undulating foils in a line Here we consider two foils following each other and undulating at frequency f = 1.5 with the optimized gait for this frequency, as illustrated in figure 4-37. The amplitude of undulation, ao, is adjusted independently for each foil to ensure that both foils are in a stable position and produce zero net thrust on average. We vary the distance d between the trailing edge of the upstream foil and the leading edge of the downstream foil, as well as #, the phase of the downstream foil motion as defined in Eq. 4.1. An important parameter will be A#, the phase difference between the motion of the downstream foil leading edge and the vortices it encounters: AO = # - 01 (d). In order to measure the impact of the pair configuration on each foil, we define R(Cp) (resp. R(ao)), the ratio of the power coefficient (resp. amplitude) in the pair configuration over the power coefficient (resp. amplitude) for the same gait in open water. Both foils can greatly benefit from swimming in pair, but the patterns are very different. The swimming power and amplitude of the upstream foil is virtually independent of the phase of the downstream foil, as shown in figure 4-36a. For large separations d, the downstream foil does not impact the upstream foil and its efficiency is almost the same as in open-water. However, as the downstream foil gets close (d < 0.5), the high pressure around the leading edge of the downstream foil 'pushes' the upstream foil, regardless of their phase difference. As a result, the upstream foil can reduce its swimming amplitude, expending less power than it would in open-water. At d = 0.25, the undulation amplitude is reduced by 10%, resulting in 28% energy saving, corresponding to a quasi-propulsive efficiency (based on the towed drag on open-water) of rqQP = 69%. For the downstream foil, the situation is very different. Even when the upstream foil is several chord lengths ahead, the downstream foil encounters its wake. The performance of the downstream foil is determined by its interaction with the vortices of the wake. It appears from 4-36b that the swimming power of the downstream foil depends primarily on the phase difference A# between its undulation and the encountered vortices. Regardless of the distance d, the swimming power of the downstream foil is low if AO is between 0.7 and 1, and it is high if AO is between 0.1 and 0.5. Like for the upstream foil, the reduced swimming power results from a reduced undulation amplitude ao, but despite a more significant reduction in amplitude (27% for A# = 0.8), the power reduction does not 112 0.5 d 0 -0.5 F lop -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 X Figure 4-37: Snapshot of the vorticity field for two foils undulating at f 1.5 with separation distance d = 1 and optimal phase AO = 0.83 at time t/T 0.25 (mod 1). The color axis is the same as in figure 4-21. exceed that of the upstream foil. For the downstream foil, a maximum energy saving of 24% is reached at AO = 0.85, corresponding to an efficiency of qp = 65%. Figure 4-37 shows the vorticity field around the two foils undulating with frequency = 1.5 at distance d = 1 for the phase AO = 0.83 that minimizes the swimming power of the downstream foil. At t/T - 0 = 0.25, the downstream foil approaches the negative vortex (at x = -0.1 on its left) as it is turning its "head" (leading edge) to the right. This acceleration of the head causes a low pressure on the left side of the head, as shown in figure 4-38e. Due to its position, the approaching negative vortex causes an increase in the longitudinal velocity, as shown in figure 4-38b, which results in an increased stagnation pressure (figure 4-38f). However, this vortex also generates a large transverse velocity with negative sign, as shown in figure 4-38d. As a result, the effects of the head motion are amplified by the incoming vortex, displacing the stagnation point downstream on the right side and deepening the low pressure on the left side (figure 4-38f). While the energy required by the foil to rotate its head is increased, the drag is decreased, despite the faster flow encountered by the foil. f At the same time, the positive vortex located at x = 0.2 on the right side of the foil thickens the boundary layer and significantly accelerates the flow in a region where the foil undulation already accelerates it (figure 4-38a,b). This interaction between the vortex and the foil results in a very large pressure drop around x = 0.3 that also contributes to the reduction in drag while increasing the swimming power. The vortices are convected downstream at a speed which is substantially lower than the phase speed of the foil deformation. Further downstream, the distance between the vortices and the foil increases, and their interaction becomes weaker. At the trailing edge, the phase between the vortices and the foil motion is close to 7r, such that the positive vortex reaches x = 1 as the trailing edge of the foil is at its leftmost position. This vortex will be shed just upstream of the same sign vortex shed by the downstream foil. The resulting wake configuration is unstable and it takes several body lengths for the wake to reorganize into two pairs of opposite sign vortices per cycle. The results presented in this section are consistent with the experimental results from thrust producing rigid pitching foils in an in-line configuration [19]. We found that, for small separation distance, the propulsive efficiency of the upstream foil is greatly improved. We also showed that the efficiency of the downstream foil only weakly depends on the separation distance, the primary parameter being the phase difference between the wake from the upstream foil and the undulating motion of the downstream foil. If the undulation amplitude was fixed, the downstream foil would experience an increased drag and decreased power for 0 < A# < 0.5, whereas it would experience a decreased drag and increase power 113 (a) 0.4 _ (b) 0 -0.4 (d) (C) 0 4 0 -0.4[ -e)0.4-M -2 -1.5 -1 0 -0.5 x 0.5 1 1.5 2 x Figure 4-38: Snapshot of the velocity and pressure field for two foils undulating at f 1.5 with separation d = 1 and optimal phase AO = 0.83. (a,b) x-velocity; (c,d): y-velocity; (e,f): pressure and arrows showing the velocity of the foil. (a,c,e): upstream foil at t/T = 0.25 (mod 1); (b,d,f): downstream foil at t/T - # = 0.25 (mod 1). The same color axis as in figure 4-25 is used for the pressure, and the same as in figure 4-34b is used for the velocity (centered in 0 for the y-velocity). for 0.5 < 4 < 1. For a self-propelled foil, the energetic benefits of a reduced amplitude resulting from a reduced drag overcome the power increase caused by the vortices. 4.6.4 Effect of undulation frequency for two undulating foils in a line We now fix the distance between the two foils to d = 1 and vary their undulation frequency. For frequencies f = [1.5, 1.8, 2.1], the optimized Gaussian envelope is used, for which the parameters are summarized in table 4.6. Figure 4-39 shows that most of the conclusions drawn in 4.6.3 still hold as the undulation frequency is increased. While the upstream foil is mostly unaffected by the presence and phase of the other one, the undulation amplitude of the downstream foil is largest for 0.5 and smallest for 0.5 < AO < 1. However, the correlation between amplitude 0 < AO and efficiency is not as strong any more and the exact value of the optimal phase depends on the frequency. For instance, at f = 2.1, the amplitude is minimum for AO = 0.85, but the quasi-propulsive efficiency is minimum for AO = 0. Whereas with f = 1.5 most phases result in an increased amplitude and power coefficient, with f = 1.8 and f = 2.1, the amplitude and power coefficient of the downstream foil never exceeds that of the upstream foil. Therefore, at these frequencies, it is always beneficial to swim in the wake of an undulating foil, which is in contradiction with Weihs' theory. At frequency f = 1.8, the situation at the optimal phase, shown in figure 4-40, is very similar to that described in the previous section for f = 1.5, with the vortices from the upstream foil reinforcing the effect of the body undulation. However, the wake at this frequency is narrower, therefore the vortices are closer to the foil and they lose more strength through their interaction with the boundary layer. Moreover, since the distance between two consecutive vortices is proportional to the undulation frequency, the vortices are closer to each other. The resulting wake is dominated by the two single vortices from the 114 k) R(ao) 0.87 . kV 1.3 . 08 .0 1.6 1.8 f (p O.8 1.3 01.2 1.2 060. 1.6 2 1.8 2 f Figure 4-39: (a) Amplitude ratio a, and (b) quasi-propulsive efficiency rQp as a function of frequency f and phase AOp for two foils swimming in a line at distance d = 1. The amplitude ratio a, is defined as the ratio of the undulation amplitude of the upstream and downstream foils: ar = ao(upstream)/ao(downstream). The black dots show the location of the points that have been used to build the thin-plate smoothing spline (tpaps function in Matlab with smoothing parameter p = 0.999) represented in color. downstream foil, each accompanied by a weaker vortices of opposite sign from the upstream foil. As the frequency gets higher, the vortices from the upstream foil lose more energy through interaction with the boundary layer of the downstream foil, therefore the wake behind the two foils turns into a pair of single vortices, as shown in figure 4-41. Moreover, since the efficiency of the downstream foil mostly depends on the phase of the leading edge with respect to the reverse Kairmain vortex street from the upstream foil, the phase of the trailing edge with respect to the incoming vortices in the optimal configuration changes with frequency. Figure 4-42 illustrates the cases of the downstream foil undulating with the worst phase with respect to swimming efficiency for f = 1.8. In this configuration, the vortices from the upstream foil counteract the effects of the undulating motion of the downstream foil. As the foil turns its head to the right, displacing the stagnation point to the right and causing a low pressure on the left side of the head, the positive y-velocity caused by the approaching positive vortex has the opposite effect. The high velocity regions caused by the vortices along the foil correspond to low velocity regions from the undulating motion. Finally, when the vortices from the upstream foil reach the trailing edge, they merge with the same sign vortices from the downstream foil. The resulting wake is very stable and is a classical reverse Kairmain vortex street much wider than the one behind a single foil. For all the frequencies considered here, a self-propelled foil can save energy by undulating behind another self-propelled foil undulating at the same frequency, reaching efficiencies close to qQP = 70%. By properly phasing its motion with respect to the incoming vortex street, the vortices can reinforce the effect of the undulation. Whereas for a fixed amplitude this phase would result in an increased swimming power, the reduction in drag results in an overall decreased swimming power. 4.6.5 Foil undulating in the reduced velocity region of the wake We have so far considered the case of the pair swimming in an in-line configuration. Since our fish model has a robust feedback controller ensuring its stability in y, it is also possible to impose an asymmetric configuration with an offset in the y direction. Indeed, according 115 (b) (a) 0.4 -0.4' (C) 0.4 _K _K 4 (d) -o 0 -0.4 (e) 0.4 AWL 0 0 -0.4 (h) (g) 0.4 0 -0.4 -2 -15 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 x x Figure 4-40: Snapshot of the vorticity, velocity and pressure field for two foils undulating at f = 1.8 with separation distance d = 1 and optimal phase AO = 0.87. (a,b) vorticity; (c,d) x-velocity; (e,f): y-velocity; (g,h): pressure and arrows showing the velocity of the foil. (a,c,e,g): upstream foil at t/T = 0.25 (mod 1); (b,d,f,h): downstream foil at t/T - # = 0.25 (mod 1). The same color axis as in figure 4-25 is used for the pressure, and the same as in figures 4-34a and b for vorticity and velocity (centered in 0 for the y-velocity). 0.5 r0 -0.5 [I I I I I I IIIIII I I I I -2 -1 I 0 1 I 2 I 3 x Figure 4-41: Snapshot of the vorticity field for two foils undulating at f = 2.1 with separation distance d = 1 and phase AO = 0. The same color axis as in figure 4-34a is used. 116 (a) 0.5 ()-0.5 -U 0.5 (b) -0.5 0 0.5 - -0.5 (C) 0 -0.5 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 Figure 4-42: Snapshot of the (a) vorticity and (b) pressure field for two foils undulating at f = 1.8 with separation distance d = 1 and phase AO = 0.38 at t/T - 0 = 0.25 (mod 1). The same color axis as in figure 4-34a is used for the vorticity and the same as figure 4-25 for the pressure. to Weihs' theory [186], the only way for a fish to save energy in a school is to swim in the region of reduced velocity located between two wakes. Figure 4-34d shows that, even with a single foil upstream, the flow on either side of the wake is slower than the free stream: for f = 1.5 the average flow is slowest at y = 10.17. With the downstream foil offset from the upstream foil by Ay = 0.17, we vary the phase difference A# in order to see if the downstream foil can also save energy when swimming at this location. Figure 4-43 shows that, even when the downstream foil is not directly in the vortex street, its swimming performance greatly varies with the phase. However, it is easier for the foil to save energy in this region of reduced flow velocity than directly behind the upstream foil. Directly behind the upstream foil, only 30% of the phases result in energy savings, but by using the unsteadiness of the wake, the quasi-propulsive efficiency can be brought down from 50% to 60%. When undulating in the region of reduced flow velocity, it is easier to save energy since over 70% of the phases result in energy savings. The energy savings can even be very large since 'rQp = 80% is possible for AO = 0.65. As illustrated in figure 4-44, with this phase the leading edge of the downstream foil reaches its leftmost position at the same time as it reaches a positive vortex. Figure 4-45b shows that the leading edge of the downstream foil exactly passes through the region where the longitudinal velocity is smallest. As a result, the stagnation pressure is greatly reduced (figure 4-45d). Moreover, the region of accelerated flow between the negative vortex and the foil (x = 0.4) reinforces the accelerated region caused by the undulation, which we showed earlier is beneficial. 117 (b) (a) 1.8 1.8, downstream foil -4-in line 1.6 1.6 offset ---- 1.4 1.4 0 1.2 1 1 upstream foil 0.8 -e - in line - -offset -~ 0.8. - 06 -e-~ ar, - 0.6 1.2 % 5 0.2 0 0.4 Ac 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 1 0.8 * Figure 4-43: Ratio of undulation amplitude ao and time-averaged power coefficient Cp as a function of phase for two foils undulating at f = 1.5 with longitudinal separation distance d = 1. In-line foils and foils with offset Ay = 0.17 are compared. I i *0 0 I I I I I I I 0 -1 -2 * zZZZ~~rf~ i i i 2 i I 3 x Figure 4-44: Snapshot of the vorticity field for two foils undulating at f = 1.5 with longitudinal separation distance d = 1, transverse separation Ay = 0.17 and optimal phase AO = 0.65 at time t/T - # = 0.1 (mod 1). The color axis is the same as in figure 4-21. (b) (a)0.5 > 0 I -0.5 (c)0.5 11, (d) . . ; j -2 -1.5 x -1 -0.5 I I I I 0 0.5 1 1.5 I ~ 2 2.5 x Figure 4-45: Snapshot of the (a,b) x-velocity and (c,d) pressure field for two foils undulating at f = 1.5 with longitudinal separation distance d = 1, transverse separation dy = 0.17 and optimal phase AO = 0.65. (a,c): upstream foil, t/T = 0.1 (mod 1); (b,d): downstream foil, t/T - # = 0.1 (mod 1).The same color axis as in figure 4-25 is used for the pressure, and the same as in figure 4-34b for the velocity. 118 4.7 4.7.1 Discussion Efficiency and the notion of drag/thrust on a self-propelled body Schultz & Webb [141] discussed the difficulty of establishing a system propulsive efficiency for self-propelled bodies. They applied the concept of propulsor efficiency to define the system efficiency; since the net force is zero (as it must be in every self-propelled body), the system efficiency defined in this manner is zero as well; this is not a helpful result, because any system, however wasteful its propulsor may be, will be deemed equally (in)efficient as any other. The difficulty of establishing a propulsive efficiency stems from the impossibility to separate drag and thrust since they balance on average and pressure (resp. viscosity) is the primary source of both at large (resp. low) Reynolds number. Inviscid approaches propose thrust estimates, but these remain controversial due to the blurry definition of thrust for a self-propelled body. For instance, it is sometimes argued that Lighthill's model overestimates the thrust [78, 4, 149]. The quasi-propulsive efficiency moves away from the ill-defined notion of drag on a self-propelled body, using the well defined drag on a towed body instead. It results in an intuitive measure of efficiency that can be used to minimize the "fuel" consumption rather than the hydrodynamic efficiency. Although the notion of thrust is ill-defined, attributing high (resp. low) quasi-propulsive efficiencies to a drag reduction (resp. enhancement) is a possible way of interpreting the performance of a propulsion system. Indeed, if one considers a {body+propeller} system, a low quasi-propulsive efficiency is either the result of an inefficient propulsor, or adverse hydrodynamic interactions between the propeller and the body (or a combination of both factors). Adverse hydrodynamic interactions between the body and the propulsor can be interpreted as an increase in drag due to the propulsor: 7 RUs =QP - Pn =Pin R TP (4.75) & where Tp/R is the drag amplification. This drag increase due to body undulations, which has often been made in the literature, is at the core of a century long controversy opposing the drag reduction proponents [63, 59, 57] in the wake of Gray and his famous paradox [70], to the drag enhancement advocates [100, 184, 66, 177]. While the latter have long conjectured that body undulations must significantly increase the skin friction along the body due to what is often referred to as the Bone-Lighthill boundary-layer thinning hypothesis [100], such an increase has never been confirmed. Instead, experimental visualization of the boundary layer of dead towed and live self-propelled fishes showed that the skin friction on a fish, undulating or not, was just higher than the drag on a fiat plate [4]. Similarly, theoretical analysis from Ehrenstein Eloy [49] suggested an increase in the skin friction drag on the order of 1.2, well bellow the Bone-Lighthill hypothesis values of 3 to 5 [100]. Our viscous simulations of undulating self-propelled foils in which power, friction and pressure forces are simultaneously estimated can help shed a new light on this controversy. Using Wu's potential flow theory to estimate the propulsor efficiency, the drag amplification due to the undulating motion can be estimated as the ratio between the propulsor efficiency and the quasi-propulsive efficiency. Table 4.7 shows that, for the range of examples considered in this chapter, the drag amplification is between 40% and 60%. This drag increase is traditionally attributed to an increase in the friction drag, and the amplification of the 119 gait f St 1.8 carangiform 2.1 2.6 anguilliform r/QP 7iWU CDf CDfo rlWu/'rQP 0.41 0.40 0.63 1.45 1.60 0.38 0.36 0.40 0.39 0.64 0.62 1.41 1.39 1.58 1.59 1.3 1.6 2.4 0.42 0.35 0.32 0.42 0.46 0.41 0.66 0.69 0.64 1.49 1.38 1.34 1.58 1.50 1.57 optimized 1.5 2.1 2.7 0.34 0.35 0.36 0.49 0.53 0.57 0.76 0.75 0.79 1.42 1.46 1.44 1.54 1.41 1.39 optim, A = 0.65 2.27 0.36 0.54 0.79 1.64 1.45 Table 4.7: Efficiency and drag amplification for various gaits at Reynolds number Re this Reynolds number, the friction drag accounts for 65% of the towed drag. 5000. At friction drag is indeed of the same order. However, while the friction drag increases with increasing Strouhal number and wavenumber, the total drag amplification does not follow these trends. In general, increases in friction drag alone cannot account for low swimming efficiencies. It seems from table 4.7 that the least efficient gaits are the result of an inefficient propulsor and a drag amplification (mostly pressure drag). By optimizing the undulatory gait, we were able to bring the propulsor efficiency up to 80% and the drag amplification down to 40%, resulting in a quasi-propulsive efficiency of close to 60%. It might, be possible for drag reduction mechanisms to further mitigate the drag amplification and result in highly (quasi-propulsive) efficient swimming gaits. Such mechanisms used by fish and mammals, either passive or active, are reviewed in [57]. For instance, experiments on a robotic tuna by Barrett et al. [10] suggested that, especially at high Reynolds number, it is possible for the undulating motion to interact beneficially with the drag on the body and obtain quasi-propulsive efficiencies larger than 1. Barrett et al. [10] directly measured the power needed to drive the tuna-like motion of a robotic mechanism under self-propulsion conditions. Inviscid theory provided values for the self-propulsion power very close to the experimentally measured values [10, 88, 151]. The quasi-propulsive efficiency, estimated as proposed herein, provided values up to 150%, well in excess of 100%, which simply means that the resistance of the actively swimming body was less than the drag under straight-towing conditions. The measurements were at the transitional Reynolds number of around Re = 800 000 where re-laminarization of the boundary layer and separation suppression is possible. Indeed, simulations [147] and experiments [155] on an actively flapping two-dimensional sheet demonstrated clear turbulence reduction, in addition to flow separation suppression, which was noted earlier by Taneda [153]. This can explain the drop in drag under self-propulsion conditions and hence the high quasi-propulsive efficiency values; indeed Barrett et al. [10] found the equivalent drag coefficient of the actively swimming mechanism to be closer to laminar boundary layer values, whereas the drag coefficient of the straight-towed mechanism was close to turbulent boundary layer values. 120 4.7.2 Measure of performance for optimizing velocity and body shape We have shown through examples that quasi-propulsive efficiency r7Qp is the only rational measure of the efficiency for a self-propelled body in steady motion. There is no theoretical guarantee that T/Qp will be smaller than 1, and it can indeed be greater than 1 for very efficient propulsion [10]. However, it gives an intuitively meaningful number that allows the comparison of various geometries and propulsion systems. It can, for instance, be used to compare the efficiency of man-made systems and biological ones. It can not, however, be used to compare or optimize the performance of hull or body shapes [87, 173], or swimming velocities [102]. One should also keep in mind that the mechanical efficiency, considered in this paper, is only the last link in a series of processes involved in swimming. As [51] explains in his short review of Webb's contributions, "For fish, just as with engineered vehicles, fuel consumption is the most obvious measure of power input." Fuel comes in the form of metabolic energy, and the efficiency of converting this chemical energy to mechanical energy plays an important role in the final measure of swimming efficiency. A more general goal than that of Section 4.4.3 can be expressed as: For a given mass m, find the body shape, propulsor and velocity that will require the least amount of energy to drive the vehicle from point A to point B in a fluid of kinematic viscosity V and density P. In other words, the goal is to minimize the energy per unit length traveled for a mass m in a given fluid. For this problem, the natural units are: mn mass: m, length : 1/3 - (M)2/3 time : v , P - P . (4.76) If the average swimming power is Pin and the average velocity is Us, the average energy E spent per unit length (using the length unit defined above) is: nm/3(4.77) = Usp1/3 The corresponding dimensionless coefficient, which we will call energy coefficient CE, is: __ CE = Pin " - pUsv2~ (4.78) Unlike the quasi-propulsive efficiency, this energy coefficient is convenient for comparing various geometries and propulsion strategies. However, CE is decreasing with Reynolds number, therefore any optimization would conclude that a swimming speed of zero is optimal since it does not require energy. Indeed, the coefficient CE takes into account the hydrodynamic power spent to travel from A to B, but nothing ensures that the travel will be accomplished in a finite time, which is why the total metabolic power Pit, needs to be used instead of Pin. The metabolic power, which includes a cost Pm proportional to time, can be expressed as [102]: Pt = P + Pm, /3 (4.79) where 3 is the muscle power efficiency, Pm is the standard metabolic rate independent of swimming speed and P is the hydrodynamic power (similar to the definition of Pin in Eq. 121 f d Ay A05 (mod 1) qQP/(upstream) ?Qp(downstream) 1.5 1.8 2.1 1.5 1.5 1 1 1 0.25 1 0 0 0 0 0.17 0.83 0.84 0.00 0.83 0.65 0.52 0.55 0.56 0.67 0.51 0.60 0.61 0.62 0.66 0.81 Table 4.8: Efficiency for a pair of undulating foils in various advantageous configurations. The undulation frequency f, longitudinal separation d, transverse distance Ay and the phase difference A0 between the leading edge of the downstream foil and the vortices in the wake of the upstream foil are considered. 4.12). We now define the performance index: COT' C77 (4.80) that can be used to solve the very general problem of optimizing the body shape, swimming speed and propulsion system. Co, is very similar, in spirit, to Toki's normalized cost of transport mg/COT, and for a given fluid and fish mass, optimizing C,, is equivalent to optimizing Tokis normalized COT. Even though the performance index could also be used to solve the optimization problem presented in Section 4.4.3, its order of magnitude varies widely with Reynolds number: C, ~ 106 for the examples considered in this paper. The quasi-propulsive efficiency, with a natural scale going from 0 to 1, is much more intuitive and easy to work with. 4.7.3 Proposed schooling theory and comparison with Weihs' theory To the knowledge of the author, the only existing hydrodynamic theory of schooling has been proposed by Weihs in 1973 [186]. Although this theory proposes some useful insight, most arguments are based on time-averaged flows. By ignoring the unsteady nature of fish wakes, Weihs probably over simplified the problem and overlooked key aspects of fish schooling hydrodynamics. Whether a fish swims directly behind another fish or with an offset that allows it to benefit from a reduced flow velocity, A0 the phase difference between its undulation and the wake vortices determines whether its drag is reduced or enhanced. By using the transverse velocity of the individual vortices to accentuate the effects of its undulating motion, the fish can reduce its drag, even when swimming in a region where the averaged flow is faster than the free-stream. Conversely, swimming in the region of the wake where the flow is, on average, slower, does not guarantee a reduced drag. However, we observed that it is easier to reduce drag and save energy by undulating in the region of reduced velocity than directly behind an other fish: up to 80% quasi-propulsive efficiency can be reached for a foil undulating with proper phase in the region of reduced flow velocity, as summarized in table 4.8. If reduced drag means reduced undulation amplitude, the correlation with energy saving is not as straightforward in a school as in open-water. Indeed, the vortices impact both 122 0.4 ' ' -0.4 '' 0 0.5 1.5 1 2 2.5 X Figure 4-46: Snapshot of the vorticity field around a two-dimensional foil with a separate tail. the drag and the swimming power. If the undulation amplitude was kept constant, phases 0 < AO < 0.5 would result in an increased drag and decreased power, and the reverse would apply to phases 0.5 < AO K 1. The energy benefits of a reduced amplitude generally more than compensate the increased swimming power, such that drag reductions tend to result in power reductions. However, the phase resulting in the smallest amplitude is usually not exactly the optimal one. In particular, the drag is mostly governed by the interaction between the head of the fish and the vortices, whereas the power is mostly governed by the interaction between these vortices and the tail where the transverse velocities are much larger. The exact value of the optimal phase therefore depends on the undulation frequency and the gait. A fish undulating in a vortex street cannot be considered as a rigid body with a propeller located in a jet. Regardless of the exact location of the fish in the vortex street, constructive interactions between the undulation and the individual vortices can result in enhanced thrust, while destructive interactions result in enhanced swimming power. The exact value of the optimal phase depends on the gait details, but in general the drag reduction configurations are the most advantageous, and it is easier to reduce drag when undulating in a region of averaged reduced flow velocity. 4.7.4 Application to three-dimensional fish shapes We have so far modeled a fish by a two-dimensional foil. However, fish have a highly three-dimensional geometry. In particular, most carangiform and thunniform swimmers are characterized by a region of reduced depth, around 20% from the trailing edge, called peduncle. In order to model this region of reduced added mass with a two-dimensional geometry, it might be more appropriate to model a fish with a separate foil for the tail, as illustrated in figure 4-46. The fish model shown in this figure undulates with the optimized gait at frequency f = 2.4 identified earlier, and the performance (rcp = 0.54) is very close to that obtained with a single foil, indicating that the results are robust to changes in the geometry. In the rest of this section, we consider a simplified three-dimensional fish shape, shown in figure 4-47, which is based on a giant danio (Devario aequipinnatu). For this geometry, we fix the undulation frequency to f = 2.4 and optimize a Gaussian envelope for quasipropulsive efficiency (for a fixed swimming speed U, we minimize the expanded power P. In figure 4-48 we compare how qQp changes with the envelope parameters x1 and 6 for a two-dimensional foil and for the three-dimensional shape. The efficiency is generally lower with the three-dimensional shape, but the dependency on x1 and 6 is very similar for both geometries: the most efficient gaits are for 0.8 < x, < 0.9 and 0.2 < 6 < 0.3 with a sharp decrease in efficiency for 6 < 0.2. This shows that, even though three-dimensional effects 123 (a) (b) Figure 4-47: Three-dimensional fish geometry based on a giant danio. Simulations are run 6 x 3 x 3 with constant velocity - = U on the inlet, a zero gradient exit condition with with global flux correction and periodic boundary conditions along y and z boundaries. The Cartesian grid is uniform near the fish with grid size dx = dy = dz = 1/100 and uses a 4% geometric expansion ratio for the spacing in the far-field. (a) 0.6 05 (b) 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.4 UO rto 0.3 0.-3 0.35 0.2 0.1 0.6 0.5 0.45 0.5 0.8 X1 1 0. 06 10.3 02 0.-2 0.8 . 1 0.2 X1 Figure 4-48: 'rQp as a function of x, and 6 near the optimum for (a) 2D and (b) 3D geometries with f = 2.4. The black dots show the location of the points that have been used to build the thinplate smoothing spline (tpaps function in Matlab with smoothing parameter p = 0.999) represented in color. reduce the swimming efficiency, most of the conclusions drawn from the two-dimensional study extend to three-dimensional shapes for two-dimensional undulations. The parameters and properties of the optimized gait for f = 2.4 are compared to those of the carangiform gait in table 4.9. Like in the 2D case, the optimization decreases the power consumption by 50% compared with the carangiform gait. As in 2D, the optimized gait manages to bring the phase angle between the heave and pitch motion of the trailing edge close to 900, which significantly reduces the angle of attack. As a result, the optimized gait for the three-dimensional fish shape have a pitch angle, phase angle and angle of attack very close to the optimized gait for the two-dimensional foil. However, since the 3D effects reduce the thrust produced by the undulating motion, the Strouhal number is higher than in 2D, especially for the carangiform gait. Figure 4-49 shows the deformation envelope A(x) and the displacement envelope g(x) for the carangiform gait at f = 3 and for the optimized gait. Despite a different mass and added mass repartition along the length of the body, the displacement envelope for the carangiform motion is very similar to the envelope observed in 2D (figure 4-27). The superimposed body outlines for the optimized gait shown in figure 4-50b also look very similar to the body outlines of the optimized motions in 2D: the deformation of the tail follows the trajectory of the trailing edge, resulting in an efficient low angle of attack. The body outlines for the carangiform motion, on the other hand, show that the pitch of the tail is out of phase with its velocity (phase angle different from 90') which results in a very inefficient gait with a large angle of attack. 124 f 3.0 2.4 6 x1 carangiform 0.84 0.26 ao a Omax(0) amax( 0 ) 0( 0 ) St CP ?IQP 0.099 0.085 0.18 0.18 34 37 41 17 59 87 0.53 0.43 0.035 0.023 0.22 0.34 Table 4.9: Parameters and properties of 3D undulating gaits. Properties are the peak to peak displacement amplitude at the trailing edge a, maximum pitch angle at the trailing edge Omax, maximum angle of attack amax, heave and pitch phase angle 0, Strouhal number St, time-averaged power coefficient Cp, and the quasi-propulsive efficiency rqp. The optimized gait at f 2.4 is compared to the carangiform gait at f 3. (a) (b) 0.12 a A 0 g 0.08 L0.06 0.04 ,,, 0.02 . 0 aA E E 0.04 0.02 - 0.1 -- g 0.1 -- 0.08 O0.06 - 0.12 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 1 0 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.8 1 x x Figure 4-49: Prescribed deformation envelope aoA(x) and displacement envelope g(x) for (a) carangiform gait with f = 3 and (b) optimized gait with f = 2.4. Finally, we show the flow structure around the 3D fish model for both gaits in figure 4-51. The performance difference between the two gaits is accompanied by noticeable differences in the wake structure of the two swimmers. For both gaits, figures 4-51a and 4-51b show wakes comprised of two interconnected vortex loops per cycle, together with other smaller structures. In particular, the structure in the wake of the optimized motion is complex, with many vortex tubes interlaced with each other. Indeed, as can also be seen in the vorticity field at z = 0 (figure 4-51d), the deformation at the peduncle is quite large for the optimized gait, resulting in vortex tubes separating from the main body and then interacting with the structures shed from the tail. Borazjani et al. [18] also observed in their 3D simulations that, for Strouhal number greater than St = 0.3, the wake structure observed in 2D, dominated by a single vortex pair (or ring in 3D), transitions to vortex loops wrapping around each other. Dong et al. [45] showed that the same phenomenon happens to elliptical flapping foils of finite aspect ratio: at low aspect ratio/large Strouhal number, two vortex rings are shed each cycle. As the aspect ratio increases or the Strouhal number decreases, the tip vortices do not merge together any more and the wake consists of interconnected loops. As the Strouhal number (a) Figure 4-50: (b) Superimposed body outlines over one undulation period for (a) the carangiform motion and (b) the optimized gait. 125 (b) (a) (d) (c) 0.4 -- 10 02 1-2 -0.4 - (e) 10 p (f) 0.4[ 0.15 I- >0 0.09 0_________________ 0.03 -0.03 -0.09 -0.15 -0.4 (h) (g)M0.4- -h 0 -0.4 0 1 0.5 1.5 L 2'' 0 1 0.5 1.5 2 x x Figure 4-51: Snapshots of the flow around a three-dimensional fish with (a,c,e,f) a carangiform and (b,d,g,h) an optimized gait . (a,b): Three-dimensional vortical structures visualized using the A2 -criterion; (c,d): z component of the vorticity in the z = 0 plane; (e,f): pressure in the z = 0 plane; (g,h): pressure in the z = 0.06 plane. further decreases or the aspect ratio increases, the three-dimensional effects become even weaker and the linkage between tip vortices disappears. At this point, the 3D wake looks similar to the (reverse) Kdrma'n vortex street observed in 2D. In the carangiform example shown here, the tip vortices merge, while with the optimized gait, which has a lower Strouhal number and angle of attack, they do not. At higher Reynolds number, the Strouhal number would be smaller and a wake similar to that observed in 2D would probably emerge. Figures 4-51c and 4-51d show that near the tail, the vorticity in the z = 0 plane looks very similar to what can be seen behind a 2D foil. However, under the influence of the tip vortices, the vortex sheets shed by the tail do not evolve into two strong vortices as in 2D. As a result, whereas the pressure field around the undulating fish shape is very similar to the pressure around an undulating airfoil, the pressure signature in the wake in the plane z = 0 is very weak. The pressure signature in the plane z = 0.06, just above the peduncle, is much stronger, and could still be used by a downstream fish to reduce its swimming energy. Figure 4-52 shows a magnified view of the vortex structures generated by the carangiform motion. A red line shows the formation of a clear vortex ring at the trailing edge of the tail between figures 4-52a and 4-52c. In figure 4-52e, the vortex ring is fully formed and detached from the tail. Since the vortex rings are oblique, they produce a large transverse velocity, which is inefficient and is waste of energy. We also see a spanwise narrowing of the 126 (a) (b) (c) (d) z y 0.5 1 1.5 0.5 1 1.5 x x Figure 4-52: (a,c,e) Side-view and (b,d,f) top-view of the vortex structures at several time-steps for the carangiform gait. (a,b): t/T = 0.1 (mod 1); (c,d): t/T = 0.4 (mod 1); (e,f): t/T = 0.7 (mod 1). A red line shows the formation of a vortex ring. vortex rings as they convect downstream, as also observed in the simulations of Blondeaux et al. [15] and Dong et al. [45] for a respectively rectangular and elliptical pitching and heaving foil. Figure 4-53 shows a magnified view of the vortex structures generated by the optimized gait. The structure of the wake is more intricate than for the carangiform motion. In particular, instead of one set of interconnected vortex tubes, there are two sets of tubes, marked in red and green in the figure. The loop marked in red is the same as observed for the carangiform gait, but at this lower Strouhal number, it never fully closes into a clearly defined vortex ring. The tubes marked in green are formed upstream of the tail and are shed from the body as a result of the large curvature at the peduncle. The resulting vortex tubes are interlaced with the vortex loops from the tail with which they have a phase difference of close to 1800. For a three-dimensional fish shape with two-dimensional undulation, as for a twodimensional foil, the Strouhal number, pitch angle, angle of attack and phase angle at the trailing edge are the key parameters for efficient swimming. The optimization results in a low Strouhal number and angle of attack, which reduces the three-dimensional effects observed behind the non-optimized gait, such as an inefficient oblique vortex ring. With the optimized gait, the production of thrust is also distributed between the body and the tail, both shedding vortex structures with opposite phase. Distributing thrust production (or energy capture) is often used to increase the efficiency in turbines, fish might use the same technique to improve their swimming efficiency. Finally, while we used a simplified fish geometry with a two-dimensional body and caudal fin undulation, fish can also rely on three-dimensional motion of their dorsal and pectoral fins to save energy [93, 47]. 127 (a)) ((d) zy 0.5 1 1.5 0.5 1 1.5 x x Figure 4-53: (a,c,e) Side-view and (b,d,f) top-view of the vortex structures at several time-steps for the optimized gait. (a,b): t/T = 0.1 (mod 1; (c,d): t/T = 0.4 (mod 1; (e,f): t/T = 0.7 (mod 1. A red line shows a vortex shed from the tail that never fully develops into a ring, while green lines show the vortices shed from the body. 128 Chapter 5 Conclusions For engineered vehicles, navigating in the ocean is very challenging. Indeed, senses and tools traditionally used above ground to help navigate tend to fail underwater. Even when the water is clear, natural light does not penetrate more than 100 m. Spotlights can still be used, but they need to have a very high intensity (drawing a lot of power) and their efficacy is often limited by the scattering caused by particles in suspension. The Global Positioning System (GPS) cannot be used either as the electromagnetic waves attenuate very quickly underwater. Therefore, submarines rely almost entirely on sonar to detect obstacles. While sonar has almost given eyes to submarines, especially in murky water, active sonars are often bulky and expansive devices, that draw from limited power resources and are potentially harmful to marine mammals [42, 84]. Moreover, sonar is far-sighted, with a blind zone all around the vehicle. The lateral line of fish, on the other hand, is short-sighted. Therefore, a sensory system combining both approaches would be able to map the entire space. Another challenge, for underwater vehicles, is turbulence that disrupts their trajectory and causes noise in sonar readings. Indeed, compared to air, water is a very heavy fluid and its interaction with bodies results in complex flow motion, often associated with significant pressure fluctuations. Whereas these fluctuations are often considered as noise by manmade vehicles, a better understanding of them would allow us to use them as fish do. For instance, fish are able to save energy when swimming in a stream by taking advantage of the pressure gradients and coherent vortices caused by obstacles or other fish [96]. They can also detect prey and identify obstacles by measuring flow features through their lateral line [142, 187]. These flow features, used by fish, result from interactions between several (often deforming) bodies and water. They are all the more complex that the Reynolds number is high because a very wide range of space and time scales are involved. Therefore, studying these flows is challenging and requires the development of new methods. 5.1 Accurate Cartesian-grid simulations of bear-body flows at intermediate Reynolds numbers Chapter 2 generalizes the Boundary Data Immersion Method proposed in [195] by establishing a higher order analytic meta-equation. 2nd order BDIM provides a robust and accurate treatment of IBs in high Reynolds number fluid/solid interaction problems. Our method addresses the issues encountered by first-order methods (including direct forcing methods) at high Reynolds number by adding a higher-order term to the traditional averaging used to estimate velocities near the boundary. The resulting algorithm is both simple to implement 129 in existing Navier-Stokes solvers and computationally efficient. Applications with Reynolds numbers ranging up to 105 are presented: viscous flow past a static SD7003 airfoil and past a flapping NACA0012 airfoil, as well as flow around an axisymmetric fish passing a cylinder. It is shown that the predictions of flow around a slender body with a sharp trailing edge is very sensitive to the IB treatment and that 2nd order BDIM, with its new sharp edges treatments, can successfully predict it. 2nd order BDIM has also demonstrated its ability to simulate highly unsteady flows without encountering grid-locking issues as is the case with direct forcing methods [24]. The final examples illustrate the ease of our method to handle three dimensional complex geometries with moving boundaries. A limitation of the present method lies in the necessity to resolve the boundary layer using a Cartesian-grid in order to accurately predict the skin friction. Considerations of computational cost caused us to limit our studies to Re < 10 5. Combining BDIM with a local grid refinement technique [81] could improve computational efficiency for the thin shear layers of higher Reynolds number flows. The use of a wall-layer model [138, 28, 25] or tangential force model [139] to reduce the required near-wall resolution for very high Reynolds numbers is an active area of research. At higher Reynolds number, the interactions between wall-layer approximation and subgrid-scale model also need to be investigated in the context of immersed boundary as has been done by Temmerman [156] for body-fitted grids. The ability of 2nd order BDIM to accurately simulate the viscous flow around complex geometries up to Reynolds numbers of at least Re = 10 5 enables a wide range of exciting applications from ocean energy extraction to animal and vehicle locomotion. The robust and smooth simulation of pressures and forces are also especially important in resonant marine systems such as tank sloshing, vortex-induced-vibration reduction, and investigation of biological hydrodynamic sensors such as the lateral line and seal vibressa. As such we believe this simple Cartesian-grid approach based on a strong analytical framework to be a significant contribution to the accurate study of these and other highly non-linear viscous flow systems. 5.2 The boundary layer instability of a gliding fish helps rather than prevents object identification The inspiration for the study presented in chapter 3 derives from the reported function of the fish canal neuromasts for detecting pressure gradients. The model problem used in the study, that of a rigid two-dimensional foil moving at a steady speed near a stationary cylinder, is intended to represent a gliding fish mapping a stationary object, as observed by [180]. In an inviscid formulation, potential flow can predict accurately the pressure induced by the object on the foil and hence continuous pressure measurements at a finite number of locations can yield the shape of the object [74, 56]. The experiments we conducted, however, show that potential flow predictions are accurate only over the front half of the body and deviate substantially over the posterior half, with large pressure oscillations present, as shown in figure 3-3. Hence, potential flow predictions, although easy to obtain even in real time, cannot be used. Whereas under certain conditions the pressure along the body of the fish is not influenced by the viscosity [132], when moving in the proximity of objects, it is affected by the viscous interaction between the body and the surrounding flow. When 130 moving toward or gliding parallel to a wall, the inviscid assumption predicts the correct shape of the pressure changes but underestimates them [199, 200]. We show that for objects of general shape, dynamic interactions between the boundary layer and the object generate flow and pressure features that do not exist in an inviscid fluid. While there is no pressure gradient across the thickness of the boundary layer, the velocity profile selectively amplifies unsteady perturbations in the form of large vortices traveling at half the free-stream velocity, creating large unsteady pressure variations. Linear stability analysis of the average boundary layer profile in open water, i.e. in the absence of any nearby obstacle, shows that the large pressure fluctuations in the boundary layer consist of the pressure disturbances induced by the object, amplified through a convective instability of the flow; hence they are predictable. A methodology is established whereby the potential flow predictions are used to drive an amplification function derived through stability analysis. Without significant additional computations, the resulting model adds to the potential flow pressure prediction a Reynolds number-dependent component caused by the passing cylinder, featuring memory and amplification effects. The predictions agree with viscous simulation results, reducing the error by a factor of 2 compared to the potential flow model, even when the latter includes the steady displacement thickness. Such a model can dramatically improve the performance of existing object identification algorithms [56] and the ability of underwater vehicles to identify objects by measuring pressure fluctuations. The unsteady pressure fluctuations predicted by linear stability analysis can enhance detectability of the object only if they are combined with potential flow results, because one must know the features of the signal that is being amplified. Therefore, the devised methodology places importance on both the potential flow and the linear instability results. While the features of the pressure induced by a stationary object within the potential flow theory are rather simple and intuitive, the features of the selectively amplified disturbances in the boundary layer are not, and hence would require animal learning in order to be used for detection. There are, indeed, examples of animals training themselves to perform complex tasks, such as trouts holding place in the vortical wake of bluff cylinders in steady flow [97]. Given the simple decomposition of the pressure signal we show in this paper, it is plausible that live fish could employ such self-training to detect and map nearby objects. 5.3 Swimming efficiency and drag increase for an undulating fish In chapter 4, an undulating tow-dimensional foil is used to model a fish swimming at Reynolds number Re = 5000 and determine how efficiently fish can swim. But what is a proper measure of efficiency for swimming fish? The net propulsive efficiency 7 1 , defined as the ratio of the change in kinetic energy over the work done by the undulating fish, is a good measure of performance for accelerating gaits. However, in steady state, ?In = 0, making this measure useless to compare the performance of different propulsion modes or swimming gaits. The hydrodynamic efficiency is not a good measure of optimality either, because it relies on the ill-defined notion of drag and, far more importantly, its value depends on the propulsion mode employed. The optimal propulsor for a self-propelled system is the one that minimizes fuel consumption for a given body size and speed. If we consider that, in steady state, the goal of the swimming motion is to keep the swimming speed constant (prevent kinetic energy losses due to the drag on the non-swimming body), a natural measure of efficiency is the quasi-propulsive efficiency rQp, defined as the ratio of the energy needed 131 to tow the rigid fish straight at a given speed divided by the power to self-propel itself at the same speed. This is a rational non-dimensional metric of the system propulsive fitness, which extends the definition of the net propulsive efficiency to low thrust cases. A distinctive advantage of i]Qp is that it can easily be estimated in towed configurations since the function rlQp(f) is mostly independent of the net thrust. For a given body and swimming speed, maximizing qQp is equivalent to minimizing the expanded power P. The notion of drag on a self-propelled body is ill-defined because pressure contributes to both drag and thrust and there is no general way to separate one from the other. However, at the Reynolds numbers considered, the friction drag is well defined. Whether the friction drag increases or reduces when a the body undulates is a very controversial question. We found that at Reynolds number Re = 5000, the friction drag increases with Strouhal number. For a self-propelled foil or fish, the friction drag is about 50% higher than for a rigid towed foil or fish. We also found that the swimming efficiency is not correlated with friction drag. 5.4 Swimming optimization for a fish in open-water & Whereas the displacement envelope of the body observed in swimming saithe and mackerel can be approximated by a convex quadratic function, this displacement is the combination of a recoil term and backward traveling wave with a peak deformation at the peduncle. We show that, for a two-dimensional foil as well as a Danio-shaped body, such a deformation envelope is necessary for efficient undulatory swimming. By changing the location and width of the deformation peak, the Strouhal number, pitch angle and angle of attack can be adjusted independently to ensure a low angle of attack. This result suggests that undulating fish and underwater mammals separately evolved with a peduncle as a means to allow great flexibility in this region, which allows them to swim efficiently. Widespread undulations are good for producing a lot of thrust, which is particularly useful for accelerations or when a low undulation frequency is used. Undulations localized at the tail are more efficient when the undulation frequency is large and acceleration is not needed. By tweaking the width and location of the undulation amplitude peak, the foil can undulate very efficiently regardless of the frequency: at fixed Reynolds number, for all frequencies, the Strouhal number, pitch angle and angle of attack of the optimal gait are the same. While the quasi-propulsive efficiency for the gait traditionally used to model carangiform swimmers does not exceed 40%, the optimized gait reaches qQp = 57%, thanks to an improved propulsor efficiency and a reduced pressure drag amplification. We observed that the friction drag enhancement due to body undulations, around 40% at Re = 5000, increases with Strouhal number and wavenumber, but is not directly correlated with the efficiency of a specific gait. The swimming efficiency of an undulating (3D) fish is also governed by the Strouhal number, pitch angle, angle of attack, and the phase angle between the heave and pitch motion of the tail. Therefore, the qualitative conclusions about efficiency drawn from a 2D foil also apply to actual fish. The resulting wake has a periodic 3D structure with coherent vortices that another fish can use to save energy by properly timing its motion, just like ibises have been observed to do [129]. However, the three dimensional flow around a fish is much more complex than the flow around a two-dimensional flow. Since the three-dimensional effects mostly result in a loss of efficiency, the optimization reduces these effects while distributing the production of thrust between the body and the tail (resulting in 1QP = 34%). But there are more ways for a fish to save energy, as reviewed by Fish Lauder [57] and Fish [58]. In particular, there is evidence that fish move their pectoral [93] 132 and dorsal [47] fins in a complex manner in order to generate vortex structures that will interact with their caudal fin. And since all these fins are flexible, fish can further improve their efficiency by controlling the flexibility of their fins [212, 12]. Therefore, a lot can be learned by combining hydrodynamic simulations with structural and muscle models as in Toki6 et al. [160]. 5.5 Energy saving by swimming in pair The swimming power can be further reduced by swimming in a group. To test this hypothesis, we considered two foils undulating in various configurations. Whereas the widely used schooling theory from Weihs [186] predicts that a fish swimming directly behind another fish would experience increased drag and have to expend more power than in open-water, we show that this is only partially true: it all depends on the phasing of the undulating motion with respect to the vortex street. Regardless of the location of the foil in the wake, when vortices constructively interact with the foil motion, its thrust increases, which can be used to increase the efficiency, but a bad timing leads to enhanced drag and swimming power. However, results partly confirm Weihs' intuition, since we found that energy savings are maximized when simultaneously extracting energy from individual vortices and taking advantage of averaged reduced flow velocity. For foils undulating at the non-dimensional frequency f = 1.5, the most efficient gait identified in open-water has an efficiency 1Qp = 0.49. The swimming efficiency can go up to 7Qp = 0.64 when undulating directly behind a similar foil, and to qQP = 80% when swimming in the reduced-velocity region of the wake. 5.6 Summary and future work Using a robust Immersed Boundary Method, I have derived and implemented a second order boundary treatment that significantly improves the accuracy of intermediate Reynolds number simulations. The new method, referred to as 2nd order BDIM, allows accurate simulation of flow past a streamlined body, deforming or not, at Reynolds number up to Re = 105. It can even predict the transition of the flow from laminar to turbulent along the immersed boundary, which is a substantial achievement. Being able to accurately simulate the flow around several three-dimensional moving bodies at Reynolds number up to Re = 10 5 is a significant improvement over existing methods, but further development is need to achieve even higher Reynolds numbers. Indeed, the Reynolds number of underwater vehicles and most adult fish and marine mammals is still several orders of magnitude larger than that. The constant increase in computational power will make it possible to simulate higher Reynolds numbers, but appropriate numerical methods will also be necessary. Turbulence models that perform well near walls, in particular, are still missing. Moreover, unless a reliable way to model turbulent boundary layers with relatively coarse grids is developed, local grid refinement techniques will be needed. Using 2nd order BDIM, I have first investigated hydrodynamic aspects of object detection through a lateral-line-like sensor. I have identified two mechanisms through which a stationary object can affect the signal measured by the lateral line of a fish passing next to it and proposed a numerically inexpensive method for estimating them, which could be useful for real-time object identification. The first mechanism can be entirely modeled by a potential flow. This inviscid disturbance, caused by the deflection of the streamlines around the object, can then excite unstable modes in the boundary layer of the gliding 133 foil. As a result, some frequencies get amplified, but since it happens over a short distance, the amplification does not single out one frequency. The resulting signal, measured by the lateral line, is a function of the boundary layer, that can be predicted by linear stability analysis of the boundary layer, and the object properties (size, location, shape). In other words, the boundary layer works as a wide-band signal amplifier, where the signal to be amplified can be estimated by the potential flow theory, and the amplifier properties result from the linear stability analysis of the boundary layer. The boundary layer, despite causing turbulence, could facilitates object detection and identification. We are proposing here a tractable and accurate hydrodynamic model of the interaction between a foil and a cylinder. The method could easily be applied to three-dimensional vehicle (or fish) shapes and more complex geometries, since changing the geometry does not alter the hydrodynamic mechanism. Coupled with surface mounted pressure sensors or an artificial lateral line, this model opens the possibility of obstacle local detection and identification for underwater vehicles. However, this is a very arduous task: even blind cave fish, that excel at using their lateral line, sometimes fail to avoid swimming into walls. An artificial lateral line would be best used as an additional sensor. Merging input from sonar, vision and local pressure could give access to a complete knowledge of the environment. Fish themselves are known to rely on several sensory cues for most their behaviors, hearing, vision, smell and the lateral line being among the major ones. I have then used 2nd order BDIM, to study efficient swimming of single and paired fish. Using the quasi-propulsive efficiency as a performance indicator I have optimized the undulation gait under the assumption of given body size and swimming speed. I have shown that recoil effects are significant and that, when recoil is allowed, the deformation is largest at the peduncle for efficient swimming. The exact shape of the optimal envelope depends on the wavelength and frequency chosen: for low frequency, large oscillations along the whole body (widespread oscillations) are necessary in order to generate enough thrust; at higher frequency, large deformation only near the peduncle region (deformation localized at the tail) are best. Through modifications of the amplitude envelope peak width and location, the three parameters driving undulation efficiency can be adjusted independently. These parameters are the same as those identified for rigid flapping foils, namely heave, pitch and angle of attack at the tail. Quasi-propulsive efficiency up to 57% can be reached for a foil in open water (34% for a fish), whereas for the envelope traditionally used to carangiform swimming, it cannot exceed 40% (22% for a fish). Swimming in pair allows further increase in efficiency. By simultaneously taking advantage of the regions of reduced velocity and extracting energy from the vortices, up to 80% efficiency can be reached. This requires that both fish undulate at the same frequency and that the downstream fish carefully phases its motion with respect to the wake vortices. Fish have developed many mechanisms to save energy and exchange information through hydrodynamic interactions; I have contributed to shed light on two of them. Other interesting questions include how the interactions between the various fins of a fish can be used for enhanced efficiency and maneuverability, and how tweaking the stiffness of the fins can help take advantage of the flow/structure interaction. Fish schools are also known to respond very quickly to the presence of a predator. How information travels in a school is another intriguing question. Unveiling how fish take advantage of their surrounding medium can help discover new paradigms for the design of robust and efficient underwater robots, but there are still many open questions. 134 Appendix A Convolution evaluation at sharp corners In Section 2.2.2, kernel moments are analytically evaluated in order to accurately immerse the boundary data from the solid mechanical system onto the fluid mechanical equations of motion. At corners (like sharp trailing edges), the smooth interface assumption introduced at Eq. 2.13 does not hold. Here, the case of a geometry with sharp corners is locally treated as the intersection of two component planar geometries. Let us consider a point 7 near a two-dimensional corner defined by two planes. We call wi (with normal n', and distance dl from 7) the wall closest to 7 and w 2 (with normal n-2 and distance d2 > d, from 7) the other wall. The angle between the two planes is 0. Figure A-1 shows a schematic of the geometry and variables. d nj Figure A-1: Schematic showing the variables used in the derivation of the convolution evaluation at sharp corners. Let us define a local coordinate system centered in 7 such that . = this local coordinate system, the equation of w2 is: 1 - a2 x + ay + c = 0 ( ni and i -i2 > 0. In (A.1) . with normal n 1 - a2 , a). Therefore, a = i 1 n2. We also know that the point -d 2i belongs to w 2 , therefore c = d2 135 We can now write: (U+, = fc Job b(-, Xb) bX b ( b(it,Y) ~(,z b - ) K(5, , )d b (K(, d- d-b+ (,x) KE(,) (A.2a) -db - )d ,)b (A.2b) (A.2c) B eB Using the previously defined local coordinates and assuming a 2D problem (and kernel), we can write (use d = di): puoGF) = Lb KE (zsb) dXb oB(z) jidi (A.3a) 1 ji22 y-eF fx=-VE2_y2 =@(y)#0,(y) 22 (X,Y)<0 (Y) 2 2VE - dx dy (A.3b) y2 (A.3c) dy where 1 d2(X,Y)<O = lx<-(ay+c)/ -a 2 (A.4) therefore /min(Ne2_-2, Jmin(- 2 -(ay+c)/ e2_y , -(ay+c)/v' =max 02+min '2 I ay -c () 1-aI) 2 (A.5a) 1=dx 62 _2 (A.5b) (2' 2Vce2 __ 922/1I -2 )] For most functions 4, the integral above does not have a closed form solution. To simplify 2 __-y 2 by E. This is equivalent to the equation, the integral is simplified by replacing assuming a kernel with square support instead of circular. Therefore (y) ~ max [0, - + min 2 (-,2' 1- U2 2cv/1 -a2 (A.6) where 0(y) = 0.5 (1 + cos (yrr/c)) 136 (A.7) Similarly, -Z1(-) = r pc'B(_) = (A.8a) (Yb - -) K(i, -b) d-b V y=-e 2 x=- x i + yj) d2(Xy)< 2 () e2 -_y 2 2 1-i(i(y)i + O.Eyj (A.8b) dx dy (A.8c) 0,(y) dy where - 2 min (1 - (ay + c) 2 a2)(2 y 2 - (A.9a) 11 ) ' 2 0 0, ' C* -min 2 (ay + c)2 (1 - a2)C2 1i (A.9b) These equations minimize the modeling error near sharp corners, as shown in 2.3.2. 137 138 Appendix B Derivations for the one-dimensional channel flow Here we detail some derivations for the unsteady one-dimensional channel flow example analyzed in Section 2.2.3. B.1 Exact solution The exact solution to the unsteady one-dimensional channel flow at Reynolds number Re = L 2 /(Vt) is u(y, t) = U E e-(2k+1)2 r2 /Re sin ((2k + 1)7ry/L). (B.1) k=O The sum converges very rapidly and summing over the first 50 terms guaranties an error smaller than 10-10. For Reynolds numbers larger than 100, the velocity in the middle of the channel is not affected by the boundaries, and the 99% boundary layer thickness is given by (B.2) 699 = 3.65/vRe. B.2 Direct forcing solution We will now derive a direct forcing formulation (described in [207, 170]) of this example. Using the same notations as in Section 2.2.3, the velocity in direct forcing is expressed as nC(y, to + At) = f(u, y, to + At) + g(u, y, to + At) (B.3) where g is a volume force ensuring that u, = 0 at the boundary (d(y) = 0). The volume force is evaluated using a regularized delta function 6, G(Y)6(y g(u, y, to + At)= - Y) =- E YC{O,L} YE{O,L} 139 F(Y, to + At)6E(y - Y) (B.4) where capital letters (F and G) refer to values at the boundary. These values are interpolated from the Cartesian grid points using the regularized delta function F(Y, to + At) f(y', to + At)& (y' - Y) = (B.5) In summary, the direct forcing formulation is Ue(y, to + At) f(u, y, to + At) - f(y', to + At)& (y' - Y) 6S(y - Y) YE{O,L} (B.6) Y where the discrete delta function is & (y) = #f (d(y), 0) dy for the kernel 0, defined by Eq. 2.15. Defining the column vector ( 6 (y) + 6, (y - L), the matrix form of the direct forcing formulation is: (B.7) U6 (nAt) ([I - (c(f] [I + At vD (2)]) U. B.3 Limiting case v 0 The fixed point solution of the limiting case v = 0 for 1st order BDIM is given by the equation (B.8) Pouf. Similarly, the fixed point solution for the direct forcing method is given by UC = [I - (C(T] UE. (B3.9) In both cases, the fixed point solution verifies u,(y) = 0 for Id(y) < e. For the proposed 2nd order BDIM, the fixed point solution is given by UE = pE + PC UE (B. 10) In this case, the fixed point solution for jd(y)j < e is that (B. 11) we (y) = A exp y where the constant A = exp(-1) ensures that u,(c) = 1. 140 , Appendix C Varying-coefficient model Varying-coefficient models form a locally parametric family of structured models that assume the form of the multivariate regression function as: g(s, z) = zt a(s). (C.1) Varying-coefficient models can be seen as a generalization of linear regression in which the coefficients are adjusted locally. By reducing the dimensionality of the functions that need to be identified, structured models are a popular way to avoid the difficulties of large dimensions. If the data to model indeed has the structure of Eq. C.1, then a varying coefficient model can significantly decrease the variance while not increasing the bias, and is therefore expected to fit better than an unstructured model such as Eq. 3.17. There are several approaches to estimate a(s) in Eq. C.1, among which kernel-local linear regression [55], which has been selected here for its simplicity. The model from Eq. C.1 is estimated from a data set consisting of n triplets (si, z , yj). 3 The local linear estimator &(s) is calculated by minimizing: n [yj - z'a - z'B(sj - s) L(a, B) = 2 Kh(WIsj - s11), (C.2) j=1 - where Kh(t) = K(t/h)/h with K the unit Gaussian kernel. In the case of Eq. 3.16, sj (k3 ,tj) with dimensionality ds = 2, z3 = Pi(kj, tj, Cj) with d, = 1, and y3 = IP(k3 ,ti, C) Pi(k3 , tj, Cj)1. a is a dz-vector while B is a dz x d, matrix. The smoothing parameter h is chosen by 10-fold cross validation. Let us define: n..,z ], y =[yi,. .n ., it Z = zi, . S= [si - s,.. . ,s7 - s], w, = diag[Kh(JIsI - s),. F = [Z,diag[S,(1,:)]Z,. .. ,diag[S,(d,,:)]Z] .. ,Kh(1s - sI)] The local linear estimator solution to the optimization problem Eq. C.2 is: a(s) = [Id2 , 0(d where Id. is a size dz identity matrix and 8,)] (tw ,f,) 8 - ,w,, y (C.3) 0(dz,ds) a size dz x (dz * d,) matrix with each entry being 0. 141 d 0.8 0.4 0.2 0.1 0.05 0.025 5 9 17 27 39 49 5 9 14 21 27 33 5 7 11 14 17 18 U.4 U.8 4 6 7 9 4 6 - .2 - U.1 - - M.UD - I Table C.1: Number of time steps used for each cylinder radius r and distance d. The viscous simulations used to estimate & consist of cylinders ranging in radius r from 0.025 to 0.8 and in distance d from 0.05 to 0.8. For each cylinder, wavenumbers k = 27r[2, 3,..., 8] are used, as well as a number of time steps proportional to the distance between the centre of the cylinder and the foil. Table C.1 shows the size and distance of the cylinders used to estimate h, as well as the number of time step for each cylinder. This represents a total of 363 x 7 = 2541 data points, half of which were randomly assigned to the learning set, while the other half was only used for testing and to compute the test error reported in table 3.2. 142 Appendix D Validation: flow-induced vibration of a circular cylinder The flow-induced vibration of an elastically constrained two-dimensional cylinder is a canonical fluid-structure interaction problem. In this example, the cylinder of diameter D and density Pc is constrained to move transversely to a uniform free stream U, as illustrated in Figure D-1. The structural stiffness and damping ratio are designated by k and b, respectively. In the following, all the physical variables are normalized by the cylinder diameter D and the oncoming flow velocity U. The non-dimensional cylinder displacement, velocity and acceleration are denoted by (, ( and (, respectively. The sectional in-line and cross-flow force coefficients are defined as C = 1 (D.1) CY = and U DU2 - DU2' where Fx and F. are the in-line and cross-flow dimensional sectional forces exerted on the body by the flow. The body dynamics is a governed by a forced second-order oscillator equation, which can be expressed in the following non-dimensional form: (D.2) m*+ b* + k*( = Cy, where b , pUD' 7rPC m*=__b 2 p' b k*= k k pU2 . y U, p, V k b /T//1 /T Figure D-1: Sketch of the flow-induced vibration problem. 143 (D.3) Study Shiels et al. [148] Shen et al. [146] Bourguet & Lo Jacono [20] BDIM, ma = 0 BDIM, ma = 10 (')max f CX (Cy)nax 0.58 0.57 0.57 0.57 0.58 0.196 0.190 0.188 0.193 0.194 2.22 2.15 2.08 2.04 2.06 0.77 0.83 0.88 0.76 0.76 Table D.1: Maximum amplitude of vibration, vibration frequency, time-averaged in-line force coefficient and maximum cross-flow force coefficient for a flexibly mounted cylinder at Re = 100, for m* = 2.5, b* = 0 and k* = 4.96, from previous work and BDIM with several virtual added mass values m,. With the cylinder centered (on average) at (x, y) = (0, 0), a computational domain extending from x = -8D to x = 16D and y = -10D to y = lOD is used. The Cartesian grid is uniform near the undulating cylinder with grid size dx = dy = 1/60 and uses a 2% geometric expansion ratio for the spacing in the far-field. Constant velocity u = U is used on the inlet, periodic boundary conditions on the upper and lower boundaries, and a zero gradient exit condition with global flux correction. 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