Civil Service Employees Council MINUTES

Civil Service Employees Council
Thursday, January 3, 2013 at 1:15 pm
Capitol Room – Macomb Campus
I. Roll Call—Present: Bill Rupert, Jim Buffalo, Hilary Churchill, Tammy Freteug,
Stacy Dorothy, Carla Farniok, Holly Fecht, Charlene Hammond, Tammy Klinedinst,
Wendi Mattson, Kim Sedgwick, Alison Shook, Karen Trusley, and Linda Wade
Guest: Sheila Downin
Absent—Peter Skrypkun, Pam Bowman, Julie DeWees
II. Sheila Downin – mentoring gifts and streamlining the process
a. Orientation - Downin has a new Orientation packet to pass around and share.
She had thought about how to improve the former orientation process, and
the packet was developed. Orientation is changing to inform & educate new
employees. In the process, Human Resources is wanting to put Council
Website information in there; some deficiencies were noted, and Downin has
been working with Rupert and Farniok to update the information currently
out there. Deficiencies noted: would like to see voting group information,
member lists, and scholarship recipients correctly identified on the Website.
b. New Mentoring ideas – Downin is proposing a new form of mentoring personally inviting new employee to the next luncheon and following up with
needs. She would like to see the Council cover the cost of the first luncheon
(coupon system). At the luncheon, she thinks it would be a good idea to
introduce the new employees, seat all new employees at one table with one
“veteran employee,” and personally introduce the new employee to their VP
if their VP is there.
c. Current Mentoring system: HR is offering to take t-shirts and pins to new
employee for the Council to remove the burden of the Council having to track
down employees.
d. Council comments: Sedgwick thinks HR giving the items at orientation is a
good idea. Dorothy thinks the free luncheon ticket for new employees is a
good idea. Downin stated she will give the group rep number to the new
employee under the new orientation system. Buffalo would like to see a list
of all employees under an individual group. Downin stated she has a list but
hers does not show names, just classifications under each list. Shook thinks
it’s a good idea to invite new employees to first meeting, Rupert suggests
putting out a TeleStars semi-annual about meetings being open. Discussion
about a welcome committee forming to still greet new employees. Hammond
volunteers to be on the committee - asks what to say…several comments
about being a general voice of support - another face and contact point for
e. Actions – no actions will be taken at this time. Sedgwick recommends
Downin (HR) to give gifts to new employees – no vote needed. Rupert
suggests we follow up with DeWees about the possibility of covering the cost
- to ask for say 50 new employees per luncheon.
III. Minutes (Bill Rupert) - Sedgwick asked to change date of next meeting to January in
the minutes. Sedgwick indicates she is the one who approved the item in question.
Buffalo motions to approve the minutes, Trusley seconds.
IV. Treasurer’s Report (Carla Farniok) - Farniok walks through deposits and expenses
relating to last luncheon. Churchill shares deposit on 1/ 2/13. Rupert asks for an
analysis of profitability of luncheon for the next meeting. Farniok walks through
endowment information. Rupert asks if any new payroll donations (Fecht to check.)
Rupert motions approve, Dorothy seconds, all in favor, accepted.
V. President’s Report (Bill Rupert) - nothing new.
VI. Civil Service Employee of the Month (Wendi Mattson) - Mattson needs another
vote to select a February recipient. Churchill volunteered to take folder to vote.
VII. Vice President for Administrative Services Report (Julie DeWeese) - Absent
VIII. Director of Human Resources (Pam Bowman) - Absent
IX. Employee Advisory Committee Representative (Peter Skrypkun)- Absent
X. WIU Quad Cities Campus Report (Alison Shook) - nothing to report.
XI. Representative Reports to Council
a. Affirmative Action Internship/University Diversity - (vacant) Churchill
volunteers to take the vacant position on the committee; no one objects.
b. Website and IT Issues (Jim Buffalo/Holly Fecht) - We still need to update
the website for the issues Downin mentioned. Fecht mentions accessibility of
documents is needed for anything posted to the Website posted – probably
already fine if Scott Lawson approves. Buffalo indicates there is a problem
with getting updates done timely; Scott Lawson doesn’t give access to
individuals to update the Website themselves. Rupert asks for everyone to
take a look at the site share information on what is not current.
c. Training and Development (Carla Farniok/Bill Rupert) Farniok had
nothing to report with regard to training. On Develop, Rupert noted he
wants to do a focused endowment drive (had sample letter to members for
review and comments a while back). He wants to run in March; he would like
to see some targets asks to “big hitters “to request $1, 000 - VPs and Board
members, for example.
XII. Committee Reports
a. Policy & Appeals (Bill Rupert) – no report
b. Awards and Selection (Cindy Ron & Hilary) - Churchill has a question (new
to committee); she wonders if she is supposed to be doing anything. Bill says
to talk to Downin. Shook shares having parents of current recipients step on
the committee may be a good idea A recommendation is also presented to
check with areas on campus that have student’s cook.
c. Constitution/Election (Jim Buffalo) – Voting Groups. Bill w/? When to vote
and when not to…Jim? If drafted OMA issues. Linda (will draft) says bylaws
conflict with law that states quorum is sufficient. Need something for QC to
send electronically.
d. Education (Hilary Churchill) - no report.
e. Mentoring (Kim Sedgwick) – There are three new employees to report–
Kevin Swanson, Cynthia McClintock and Carrie Valet
f. Social Events & Development (Hilary Churchill/Wendi Mattson)Hilary tentatively set a date and reserved the MAC gym in Campus Recreation
Center for the Spring luncheon (5/3/2013). She also has a Union date and
place just in case. She asks for input on catering for the next event –
recommendations come forth to check with Hy-Vee, County Market,
Magnolia’s and Café Aroma.
Mattson presents a theme idea – Spring Fever replaces Disco Fever.
g. Open Meetings Act Requirements (Linda Wade) Churchill and Cindy (who
is Cindy?) haven’t taking yet.
XIII. Old Business
a. Survey’s (Bill Rupert) – Rupert asks for people to review and bring ideas of
things to try…maybe try just a raffle.
XIV. New Business –
Spring Luncheon (already discussed)
XV. Group Concerns – Trusley brings up the new orientation packet Downin shared
earlier; the first thing you see in it is a request for donations (Giving to Leatherneck
Club). She feels it is tacky to ask for money in the orientation packet when an
employee is just starting. With regard to the same packet, Fecht says it would be
nice to see daycare information for the campus daycare center added and vacation
benefits are incorrect – not all civil service start with the same number of vacation
days. Rupert to e-mail Downin comments.
XVI. Announcements – none.
XVII. Meeting Adjournment - Rupert calls for a motion to Adjourn. Buffalo motions,
Farniok seconds.
XVIII. Next Meeting will be Thursday, March 7, 2013, at 1:15pm in the Capital Room
of the University Union.