Civil Service Employees Council MINUTES

Civil Service Employees Council
Thursday, October 2, 2014 in the Quad Cities
Present – Alisha Barnett, Wendi Mattson, Stacy Dorethy, Tammy Klinedinst, Alison Shook,
Karen Trusley, Connie Lincoln, Butch Smith, Steve Whan and Heather McMeekan & Gail Ault
(via CODEC connection)
Non-voting members: Pam Bowman and Kristi Mindrup
Absent – Holly Fecht, Neal Thurman, Christine Staley and Charlene Hammond
Non-voting members: Julie DeWees and Peter Skrypkun
I. Director of Human Resources (Pam Bowman) – Pam talked to Amy Chambers. Amy
said an email went out to see if anyone was interested in an application evaluation in the
QC. She made arrangements to do them after the move. Four people decided to do it, and
they have gone through it. Alison had a suggestion that when Amy comes, she could send
an email so more people will know who are interested. Pam said it wasn’t necessarily set
that we were doing it quarterly. And she added that she will let Amy know more people
might be interested and see what else she can do. We can touch base again. Alison said I
thought quarterly was agreed upon at the meeting we had last winter with Pam, Kristy
Mindrop, Amy and Katrina. Pam said without the others present, it’s hard to talk about it,
but we do want to make sure people who want to test get the opportunity. Steve said we
hired a grounds worker and he quit, so we will be testing again soon for that. Pam said we
currently use interview exchange on the academic side for recruiting and selection
purposes and HR will be using it for civil service for the acquisition requisition process.
It just went live last week. We want to make sure when you’re involved in the process
you know what’s going on, so we can do facilities management went live first since they
have the greatest number of employees training sessions and we will go from there.
Alison said she had some concerns. Those four people in the QC were told HR would
come in April, but that didn’t happen, then June. There is some concern the QC is being
told one thing and then another and we feel put off in the QC. If Amy communicated with
me, I’ll help get the word out. QC people had some frustration with how it was handled
and how they were talked to. Pam said if there is an issue with communication, I
understand. The QC change in location as well as miscommunication was a contributing
factor to the change in dates. Let’s get that worked out. I’ll talk to testing. Stacy asked if
we need to try to get an HR representative in the QC. Heather said we can issue a
proclamation and have people sign it. Wendi said that the QC people should come
together and write down what is lacking and what the solution could be and we could go
from there.
II. Vice President for Administrative Services Report (Julie DeWees) – No report.
III. Group Concerns – none
IV. Minutes (last meeting)
a. Motion to approve: Stacy
b. Seconded by: Connie
i. All approved.
V. Treasurer’s Report (Stacy Dorethy) – Stacy shares the following reports: None. Stacy
says she doesn't have all of the information together yet. Wendi asked if it was alright
with everyone if we just wait until the next meeting to discuss it. Everyone agreed.
VI. President’s Report (Wendi Mattson) – Wendi emailed to everyone. She stated that she is
attending the Board of Trustees meeting tomorrow (Oct. 3).
VII. Civil Service Employee of the Month (Alisha Barnett) – Ann Lascelles is the Employee
of the Month for October.
VIII. Employee Advisory Committee Representative (Peter Skrypkun) – absent
IX. WIU Quad Cities Campus Report (Alison Shook) – Alison said the Q.C. campus has
moved into the new building. They have had a few wireless issues. Steve said there is still
stuff that needs to be ordered, like recycle stuff. He also mentioned that they have free
training for AEDs. Wendi asked if the Macomb campus also needed training on AEDs.
Karen suggested asking Digger. Stacy said that could be our community service project.
Heather said that in the health sciences department, they have a program and they have
instructors that might agree to come to train people, as well as the Beu and WIU's EMS.
We might be able to find someone to do it for free. Wendi said that could be something
we get a great response from. Heather said there is room for 24 people in a class in the
health sciences department. Stacy suggested that we might have to re-certify every two
years. Steve mentioned that people are sometimes scared to actually do it and are scared
to get sued. Heather said we are covered under the Good Samaritan law though. Wendi
said she will look into it.
X. Representative Reports to Council
a. Affirmative Action Internship Committee (need volunteer) – Wendi stated we
still need a volunteer. Karen explained that this is through her office, and the
volunteer will sit on a committee. Part of the role is to interview candidates, and
it's not too time-intensive. If anyone wants more information, they can contact
Rica in her office. Steve said he wouldn't feel comfortable taking the role on and
then having to drive from the Quad Cities. Karen said committee meetings are all
in the President's conference rom and can be done via the CODEC connection.
Wendi asked if the person has to be on council. Karen said she believed so.
b. University Diversity Council (Karen Trusley) – They haven't had a meeting yet.
c. Website and IT Issues (Connie Lincoln) – Connie said she has been updating
Westernopoly. The gameboard is on the website.
d. Training and Development (Gail Ault) – Gail said HR is offering finance
training. Steve wanted to know if training for QC people is based on interest.
Gail didn't know but will check into it.
XI. Committee Reports
a. Policy & Appeals (Christine Staley) – absent
b. Awards and Selection (Alison Shook) – Doesn't start up until the first of the
c. Constitution/Election (Butch Smith) – No report.
d. Education (Alisha Barnett) – No report.
e. Fundraising/Social Events (Karen Trusley/Connie Lincoln) – Connie said
the game board is done. She is getting the tickets done. She said Holly is
working on the raffle tree. We have a quote from Italian Express for food, and
we are getting a Sodexo quote for the same type of food: spaghetti,
mostaccioli, garlic bread, salad and cupcakes. Our price with that now is
$8.25/person. Steve asked if we are playing monopoly. Connie said no, but
the room will be set up in the format of a game board. Rocky might come.
Karen is in charge of getting someone to play the Monopoly man. And Connie
and Karen are working on donations. Holly got comedy sports tickets in
Chicago. Alisha will email an alum about hotel rooms after Connie gives her a
date. If anyone does get a prizes, give to Connie or let her know immediately
and she will put them on the website. Heather said that someone could ask
President Thomas if we could do a lunch with him as a prize. Heather said
she would ask. Butch makes a movement for the CSEC to pay for the lunch
with the President. Alison seconded the movement, and everyone agrees.
Stacy moved to set a budget of $750. Butch seconds the movement, and
everyone agrees. Stacy asked how many parking passes we were going to do
this year. The group decides to purchase three and ask Parking Services to
donate two. Stacy will call and ask.
f. Mentoring (Connie Lincoln) – New employees are below:
i. Kathryn Murphy, office support associate in management and marketing
ii. Theresa Taite, office support associate in admissions
iii. Lorri Kachinovas, admissions/records representative for Center for
International Studies
iv. Ryan Sullivan, steam and power plant I in the Heating Plant
v. Michael Morrison, chief broadcasting engineer in television services
g. Open Meetings Act Requirements (Christine Staley) – No report.
h. Provost Advisory Council Report (Karen Trusley) – The first meeting was
yesterday. Provost Hawkinson reviewed academic affairs and his goals.
XII. Old Business – We still need to fill positions.
XIII. New Business – No December meeting due to holiday. Jan meeting is January 8.
XIV. Meeting Adjournment –
a. Motion to adjourn: Stacey
b. Seconded by: Connie
XV. Next Meeting will be Thursday, November 5, 2014.