Civil Service Employees Council MINUTES

Civil Service Employees Council
Thursday, September 4, 2014, at 1:15pm
Capitol Room
Present – Holly Fecht, Connie Lincoln, Alison Shook, Steve Whan, Karen Trusley, Wendi
Mattson, Alisha Barnett, Stacy Dorethy, Butch Smith, Christine Staley, Tammy Klinedinst, Neal
Non-voting members: Jack Thomas, Pam Bowman, Sheila Downin, Julie DeWees
Guest: Sean Matthis (President’s Office Student worker)
Absent – Charlene Hammond, Gail Ault, Heather McMeekan
Non-voting members: Peter Skrypkun
I. President Jack Thomas: Jack thanks everyone for what they do for the University – it
takes everyone to keep the campus going. He asks individuals to continue to bring issues
to the forefront, as work should be a place that is enjoyable as well as a place where it is
conducive for individuals to meet their work and individual goals. He passes around the
initiatives for the year. In terms of academic programs, we want to continue to enhance
the quality of the programs, and he feels the Honors College, with the direction of Dr.
Hardy, is getting to a place at the forefront of this institution. Several individuals were
nominated for some prestigious awards. A new PhD is going live for Environmental
Studies. There are two PhD’s in line for future consideration – Law Enforcement and
Justice Administration and Instructional Technology.
With regard to facilities, Phase II of the Riverfront Campus in the Quad Cities celebrated
its grand opening yesterday. We received our $78.1 million allocation for the Center of
Performing Arts. The old cinema building is set to be demolished this fiscal year, and it
will be transformed into some green space. We also continue to improve the landscaping
across campus. Phase I of the University Union Renovation has been completed, and a
study is being done with regard to lighting security in a few places on campus. Julie talks
about LEED Certification of Buildings to improve sustainability.
He talks about tone of e-mails with goals of trying to improve tones and be mindful of
people’s feelings. Sometimes it may be better just to talk to someone rather than send an
e-mail that may get misconstrued.
Enrollment management continues to be a struggle. This year’s enrollment is projected
to be down. Retention, however, has really improved this year in terms of freshman to
sophomore retention. Dr. Thomas continues to share the University story; he continues
to attend alumni events across the country (there was even an event in South Korea
recently with over 300 alumni in attendance there). He also continues to visit the
legislators in Springfield; he plans to start a Presidential Blog this year that will be a
place for him to speak out on issues. The President’s Round Table will continue; he
plans to create an additional round table this year that will include staff (please send Julie
DeWees an e-mail if you are interested). The meetings are meant to be planning in
nature, as well as solving issues. Steve asks if this new group will be a comparable size
to that of the faculty; Dr. Thomas says yes (twelve). Steve says this group would be
representing a larger group. Dr. Thomas asks how many people he was thinking; Steve
said that just depends… maybe two more or maybe making decisions for enrollment
based on representation may be good. Julie asks Dr. Thomas to share some of the
examples of things they would discuss at these meetings. He cites institutional morale,
enrollment, fundraising, and the kind of students we recruit as a few examples of what
types of things are discussed.
Dr. Thomas plans for this year to be a good year, but there will continue to be a need to
be fiscally responsible due to the state budgetary issues. He opens the floor for questions.
Butch? Bud shares a concern about some planters that were removed near Waggoner
Hall, and he sees that there may be “new trails” where students are walking through
them. Julie will look into that.
II. Director of Human Resources (Pam Bowman) – Pam brought Sheila to update us on
what is happening in employee development. This is the year for nomination of
Western’s representation on the EAC (they may be looking at electronic voting this time
– last time there was only one applicant). Peter Skrypkun is the current EAC
representative at WIU. Julie asks what the role of this person is. Pam says they have a
statutory item in which each University has at least one representative on the Council.
Meetings are held quarterly, and they discuss issues concerning Civil Service Employees.
Steve asks how much time it takes out of your regular duties. Pam says since it is once a
quarter, there is travel to the meetings but there is not a ton of time commitment in her
opinion. Alison reports that the person has shared information about regulation at appeals
meetings in the past and needs to have an interest in knowing the regulations.
Sheila passes around a flier about a fitbit users group. Sheila also passes around a
flier about the SECA and the upcoming Charitable Giving Campaign. She encourages
us to get on the HR Facebook Page and Employee Wellness Facebook Page, as well
as to encourage others to do the same. She said they had a tent by the Rec Center
when classes started to pass out water and help give students directions.
III. Vice President for Administrative Services Report (Julie DeWees) – She doesn’t
really have anything today. Wendi asks if she knows when the parking lot next to Brown
Hall will be closed; she thinks possibly in the spring. Julie asks everyone to contact her
office if they see anything around campus that needs fixed that may be small and be
overlooked. She also asks Council members how they liked the move-in weekend
change to Friday.
IV. Group Concerns – Tammy asks if extra help could possibly get extra credit on tests in
the future. Karen says that it is probably a SUCSS issue, and she recommends talking to
Amy Chambers.
V. Minutes (last meeting)
a. Motion to approve: Butch
b. Seconded by:
i. All approved.
VI. Treasurer’s Report (Stacy Dorethy) – Stacy shares the following reports:
1. Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report: Connie
2. Seconded by: Steve
a. All approved, motion carries.
VII. President’s Report (Wendi Mattson) – Wendi asks if we want to continue with the blood
drives that Ed Lavin used to head up. Tammy says if we would like to do one, there is an
employee who is retired that we could feature to benefit.
VIII. Civil Service Employee of the Month (Alisha Barnett) – She said she is a little behind
this month, so she asks people to vote as soon as they can.
IX. Employee Advisory Committee Representative (Peter Skrypkun) – absent
X. WIU Quad Cities Campus Report (Alison Shook) – The grand opening was yesterday,
and the Governor was there. Whitey’s redid the Western Rocks (ice cream?), and she’s
trying to see if we can get some saved for us for our meeting next month. There are still
some minor things to be completed in the buildings, including flooring and a punch list,
as well as the grounds. The 60th Street building is also to be decommissioned.
XI. Representative Reports to Council
a. Affirmative Action Internship Committee (Holly Fecht) – Holly would like to
step down from the committee and will share information with employees.
b. University Diversity Council (Karen Trusley) – no report
c. Website and IT Issues (Connie Lincoln) – Information on the luncheon is up
there now.
d. Training and Development (Gail Ault) – Nothing
XII. Committee Reports
a. Policy & Appeals (Christine Staley) – Nothing
b. Awards and Selection (Alison Shook) – Nothing
c. Constitution/Election (Butch Smith) – Nothing
d. Education (Alisha Barnett) – Nothing
e. Fundraising (Karen Trusley/Connie Lincoln) – Connie said they have been
working on the Westernopoly and designing an actual game in the book
store. Connie is working with Dietetics about incorporating their students.
f. Mentoring (Connie Lincoln) – New employees are below:
i. Issac Croxton, Building Service Worker
ii. Ginger Toland, Building Service Worker
iii. Phyllis Longcor, Building Service Worker
Dawn Kirby, Building Service Worker
Anita Rhodes, Building Service Worker
Dale Adams, Building Service Worker
Nathan Angeles, Building Service Worker
Laura Bremmer, Library Assistant in Libraries
Peggy Bowen, Chief Clerk in Admissions
Rita Jefferson, Clerk in UHDS
William Starcevich, Grounds Worker WUIQC
Joshua Jefferson, Library Assistant, Libraries
Carol Marquardsen, Office Support Specialist at WIU-QC
Abigail Wendle, Broadcast News Specialist at WIUM
Tera Wiseman, Office Support Specialist in Admissions
Ralph Turner, Building Service Worker at WIU-QC
g. Social Events & Development (Karen Trusley & Connie Lincoln) – Please
combine with fundraising group above.
h. Open Meetings Act Requirements (Christine Staley) – absent
i. Provost Advisory Council Report (Karen Trusley) – no report
XIII. Old Business – Karen says if anyone else would like to go to the Council of Councils
Meeting on October 17th, please let her know.
XIV. New Business –
a. Karen Trusley – Sexual Harassment and Title IX: Karen shares some materials
with the Council involving Title IX. Karen talks about title nine and it spanning
far across athletics in terms of anti-discrimination practices at the University. The
Universities Anti-harassment policy touches on this.
XV. Meeting Adjournment –
a. Motion to adjourn: Stacy
b. Seconded by: Alison
XVI. Next Meeting will be Thursday, October 2, 2014, in the Quad Cities.