Civil Service Employees Council Thursday, August 6th, 2015 Minutes QC Complex, Room 2108/Video Conference Available from 11:30am-1:30pm in the President’s Conference Room Present: Alisha Looney, Stacy Dorethy, Connie Lincoln, Christine Staley, Wendi Mattson, Alison Shook, Steven Whan, Butch Smith, Debbie Collins, Karen Trusley, Gail Ault, Alisha Looney. –Non-voting members: Pam Bowman Absent: Tammy Klinedinst, Robert O’Bear, Neal Thurman, Mitch Carey –Non-voting members: Peter Skrypkun I. II. Welcome and introduction of guests Kristi Mindrup and Joe Reeves. Joe asked everyone to go around and tell their favorite thing about WIU and WIU QC and ask any question you had. Some answers: Joe-the people, everybody works together. It is a lovely campus that is designed by the students and faculty. Steve-Great Administration and the location and placement; can’t beat that view. The purple and gold makes you feel like there is a connection with WIU Macomb campus, but needs more. Allison and Steve both said the people, the staff, faculty, students, community connection, and campus connections. Kristy said the relationships are great. Other news at the QC: We can sum up that it is a great building with a great view and a great campus. The freshman class is full with gen eds. There are 155 Freshman/Sophomores. The art on campus include sculptures, and donations from the community. Joe stated that they were working with Amtrak to try and get a bus from QC to Macomb and visa versa. Also, a question was asked about WIU QC being independent. WIU will always be part of WIU, they are working on more standing programs. They do need more space and more offices which shows that they are growing. This is great. Some of the programs include Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math (STEAM). The art portion is more mechanical art which measures structures. It was also stated that layoffs do not affect enrollment as far as internships. They are still strong in this area. *Notes from this portion down were taken by Wendi Mattson in my absence. Director of Human Resources (Pam Bowman) Pam - rule of 3 comes affective January 2016 - procedures need to change- rule of 3 is - right now you have to score in top 3 test scores to interview - if you had 3 people at 100 only the III. 100's would interview - now it is the top 3 scores - you could have 100's ,nsfiatio 90's and 80's. Could be a lot of people for positions such as BSW. Working through with systems office. Data shows more is better. You get more minority groups. Also with residency. You still have 180 days to move into Illinois. You are considered along with anyone else. It is limited positions - professional and managerial positions. What is considered "professional". They are going to put definitions to it also. Typing requirement - wanted to get some feedback on that. Should we have a requirement? Allison - she thinks you cohe The previous director did retire - he is interim at this time. He is a retired attorney. Has made some changes early on so we will see how the search goes. Alison - being the Quad Cities - the limitations on hiring out of state is difficult and it would hurt if it were publicized. Pam - now they are all considered - so that is good. Pam - Sheila Downin is starting a new program - starting September 9th - you will receive a certificate. At this time additional compensation will not be available at this time. Pam likes the word administrative support professional. Allison - the Emergency Training that was provided. Pam - they will continue to do this. There will also be a technology certificate. Go through micro soft suite - also zimbra. Get a certificate for that. Wonderful to have for your file and just to have the knowledge. Steve is this something that could be offered at the QC Pam- they do come up many times so we do want to continue to do that. Steve -maybe connect through a lab. Connie - can it be done during the summer. Pam - hopefully you can get away as the administration is very supportive of this. Also, depends on who is doing the workshops and who is teaching them and their availability. Christine - where do audits stand in this financial climate. Pam - we are to classify employees on the job they are doing - it is required to have approval - there is no moritorium - we still want to make sure that they jobs are classified appropriately. The department can remove certain duties. Pam doesn't forsee any more bumping right now - but we don't even have a budget at this time. Katarina - Intern program - for any employees that are interested in that - pre-screening interviews - reach out to her individually - so she can better understand their interests given the situation with the current budget. If an employee would like to be at a higher level. Intern employees are paid 95% of the base pay of the higher level pay during the period they are hired for. Periods vary. I try to work with most civil service classifications. You would be non-status - but you still get full benefits. After you reach the 6 month time period - you can use your vacation time. Vice President for Administrative Services Report (Julie DeWees) – IV. V. Group Concerns Nothing new to update. June minutes (Debbie Collins) We will do next month. a. Motion to approve: b. Seconded by: VI. May/June/July Treasurer’s Report (Connie Lincoln) Connie Lincoln emailed report. 1. Motion to approve Treasurer’s Report: Stacy Dorethy. 2. Seconded by: Allison Shook, all vote yes. X. Civil Service Employee of the Month (Alisha Looney) Stacy is August employee of the month - July was Patty Battles - It would be great to see more people from the Council at the presentations. Thank you card from Bea from WQPT. XI. Employee Advisory Committee Representative (Peter Skrypkun) Peter is absent. He sent email. Pam covered the information that he had sent out. XII. WIU Quad Cities Campus Report (Alison Shook) No report. XIII. Representative Reports to Council a. Affirmative Action Internship Committee (Butch Smith) Butch has no report. b. University Diversity Council (Wendi Mattson) No report. c. Website and IT Issues (Stacy Dorethy) Web Site - Needs to get training d. Training and Development (Gail Ault) Training - Gail - run hide fight - it was very worthwhile - it will be offered again - nothing coming up for August XIV. Committee Reports a. Policy & Appeals (Christine Staley) b. c. d. e. f. g. h. No report. Awards and Selection (Alison Shook) No report. Constitution/Election (Butch Smith) No report. Education (Alisha Looney) No report. Fundraising/Social Events (Connie Lincoln) Luncheon Hollywood theme - December 3rd in the Union and Wendi and Alison are co-chairs Motion - $750 for prizes and decorations by Stacy - 2nd Gail - all ayes Prizes go to Connie Lincoln - Connie is doing door prizes - please start soliciting asap Big prize - technology - mini ipod maybe but they are expensive Kindle fire? Mallard tickets and hotel - Andy - Blue Man Group Burlington Bees - Celebration Belle - need the Friday before Thanksgiving - save boxes and wrapping paper - boxes will be numbered and we will be drawing for the number - not announcing what are in the boxes. Net flix. Mentoring (Steve Whan) Chris Brach - billing and receivables Diane Root - Financial Aid Advisor Natalie Smith - Clerk -UHD Services Open Meetings Act Requirements (Christine Staley) We are good on that. Provost Advisory Council Report (Alisha Looney) They have not met. XV. Old Business Alisha - did a press release on Rocky Moving for Scholarship - Physical Plant donated $115. It is $25 for a week. a. Payroll deduction option- you can do that on line b. Luncheon survey- everyone who attended should have now received it - a lot of good feedback will get password to Allison and Wendi. Alisha has offered that next time she will help her set up the survey - a couple of the questions were confused on them it was over all positive - they loved the theme - they liked the food - location - cupcakes -Kudos to coach Brownlee. Do a flyer - etc. explaining that the more tickets you buy the better chance you have of winning have a designated person in each building to sell tickets. c. CSEC Educational/Informational Drive (Alisha Looney & Steve Whan) Alisha made flyers - there are extra's if anyone needs one - Sheila Downin is going to start putting them in new employees packets, this led to 2 emails - 1 statement of candidacy and an email of interest. d. Please get your photo taken at VPC and let me know when it is done. We need to get our site updated. Make sure you get your photo done at VPC - let Karen know when it is done - if it is not done at this time. XVI. New Business a. New shirts There is a men's XL that is available - Steve can use. Shirts - if anyone interested - Council would be willing to pay half. Lil Stitches or Joan’s is very good. Motion to allow 1/2 of the cost of shirt - Stacy - 2nd - Steve - votes all yes Karen will check with the shirt places. b. Collaboration ideas with COAP Teresa Koltzenburg - blood drive and some other things that we can do together - maybe go out to the schools - mentoring, etc. Open to ideas. Important to be seen on campus. Homecoming parade? Coat drive - at the luncheon or food drive. or gift for drive - Canned good = raffle prize ticket Unified front with Coap - School supplies c. CSEC member stickers/signs for office/desk Stickers & signs office desk - to indicate that you are a CSEC member - Alisha will ask Jessica to design one. d. Marketing events to grant funded employees in Horrabin Market to grant funded offices in Horrabin. e. Options for changing memorial money In the past we give money when someone passes away. Is there something more "useful"? Tree planting, etc.? f. Review current scholarship program CSEC Book Award updated the book award is staying the same Dependent Scholarship - Teri had noted that we do have the option to add it in preferences as to the people that could be qualified. Alison - we are not at the point where we can narrow it. g. Statements of candidacy Susan Beck - in Groupe II - works in Beau motion to accept Stacy 2nd Allison - yeas – all. h. Need new committee member for Parking Appeals going to OPS as requested reading appeals - no formal committee meetings can be done any time during the day. Alisha Looney. There are other committees that civil service employees are serving on that they do not have to be on Council. Holly in Foundation office - Raised $1050 -went to the 27 people that gave last time 18th Annual Council on Councils - October 15 & 16 at ISU - it would be great if we had a lot of representation. The more we are seen would be great as we are wanting to host this event in the future. We have budgeted for 2 people in the past - but we could vote to fund more individuals. President’s Advisory group - included the budget - it is the President's first priority - our budget was based on 6.5% reduction - but it could be higher - communication with the University Community -how do you talk with the community - situations such as the fight after the dance they are going to have an open forum with the community regarding budget - he is going to have round tables with students Beth Pervis came to campus yesterday -state still owes us $20,000,000 retention is 65.5% which has gone up overall enrollment has gone down goal - working on enrollment - academic programs, how we distingush ourselves from other institution - what are we doing to improve univeristy image and working with the town. Steve - payroll? Alisha - payroll should be fine as there is the contingency fund and then after students come we get tuition so it should be fine Karen - state budget vs Western's budget are different XVII. Meeting Adjournment Motion to adjourn: b. Stacy Dorethy. Seconded by: Butch Smith. XVIII. Next Meeting will be: Thursday, September 3rd at 1:15pm in the VPSS Conference Room (Sherman Hall 322)