Civil Service Employees Council Thursday, October 1, 2015 Meeting Minutes

Civil Service Employees Council
Thursday, October 1, 2015 Meeting Minutes
Meeting held at 10:30 in Garwood 10
Present: Karen Trusley, Neil Thurman, Wendi Mattson, Butch Smith, Steve Whan, Stacy
Dorethy, Connie Lincon, Alisha Looney, Susan Beck, Robert O’Bear, Debbie Collins, Allison
Shook, Christine Staley.
Non-voting members: Pam Bowmen, Katerina Dawson, Julie DeWeese, Peter Skrypkun.
Absent: Gail Ault
Non-voting members: N/A
Welcome and introduction of special guest(s) : Dr. Jack Thomas, President of
Western Illinois University
The FY 15-16 budget is not in yet. 1st time in history it has taken this long. WIU did
receive $6.6 million for the FY 15 a week ago. The state still owes money to WIU.
They are continuing to move forward and using reserve when necessary. There is a
governors meeting with chancellors and president on 10/22/2015.
3000 student could be affected by MAP grants. WIU did allocate the MAP grant for
2700 students. WIU was the last to sign on to this allocation. It would have meant
that we lost students.
Enrollment is down by 3.7%. There are measures in place to decrease the amount in
the future. Other universities are showing 5% enrollment reductions.
President has not had much opportunity to meet with many to discuss things
because there is still nothing to discuss other than what has been said previously.
Even though the situation proves to be tough, we have to sit, wait, and be patient.
Other cuts will be made.
The president did give a State of The Union address with the stated concerns. This
may be found on the Founder’s Day web page.
President Thomas did discuss the Presidential Initiatives. These are posted on the
website. A small summary of topics is listed:
Academic Programs-There are 3 task forces. One is for program cuts or combining.
The 2nd is for Reinvesting academics and feasibility. The third is for costs, can or
cannot afford, lowering costs of education. SIU has done something similar and
lowered their costs. WIU cares about the student and their financial constraints.
WIU has the 4th largest honors program in the country.
Enrollment management is a challenge. WIU is increasing funds for scholarships. He
is cutting his travel to cut costs. President Thomas wants to be an example for his
university staff in every way.
Budget was again discussed. They are working with cash flow and the payment from
the State of Illinois last week. The next meeting about budget is on 10/22/2015.
Alumni relations and development: More fundraising is necessary. They continue to
do fundraising with Alumni. Alumni care about the university.
More fundraising is necessary.
Facilities was discussed further: There is a hold on all capital projects by the
Governor. Performing Arts Center is also on hold.
Governor relations: This is the 4th year to host the annual legislative reception in
Springfield. We have a lot of support from legislation.
Campus collaboration: Hold President’s Roundtable meeting with students, the first
meeting is 9/30/2015.
Other updates are on the handout given by President Thomas.
President Thomas asked for the group to do introductions. Everyone introduced
themselves and what department they represented.
Questions to President Thomas?
Allison Shook asked about insurance benefits stopping. Per Pam, self-funded plans
may have their own issues. Open Access Plans and Quality Care might be
problematic. Physicians may require payment up front from patient, then insurance
will reimburse patient. Butch added that if insurance stops paying, will they stop
deducting from pay? No.
Debbie Collins asked if Obama Care related to this problem. No.
Butch Smith had a comment about student fees and their ability to afford them
when they are a great student. Is there a repayment plan, etc.? President Thomas
agreed losing good students over affordability is not ideal. If students are within
$500 they may register. There are other ways the student can find assistance. It is
important to send the student to Julie Deweese for retention of students. Our
university cares about the student and will try different avenues to help them out.
Connie Lincoln asked about different graduate programs particularly a Master’s
Degree in Agriculture since this is a signature bachelor’s program for WIU. Per
President Thomas, the idea must start within the Department. He recommended
talking to the Provost. He agrees that we must invest in the areas that are growing
such as Agriculture.
Stacey Dorethy discussed the plethora of information she gets from other colleges
recruiting local future students. President Thomas discussed recruiting efforts from
WIU and has looked into it and will continue to stay apprised to this.
Director of Human Resources (Pam Bowman): Introduced Katerina as standing in
for her when she is unavailable as well as her own input. The Administrative
Support Program is up and running, this is the 2nd out of 3 certificate programs.
Pam discussed when this began, they put important teams together to set up for
the process of putting together the programs. Making them the fruits of all things,
trying to develop the best possible program to offer the tools to do jobs with
confidence and skill.
There are 3 programs in which Katerina can discuss. They have the support of the
Kudos was given from Allison in regards to Joe.
Pam states Joe took over due to budget and continues to do a great job.
Katerina discussed the importance of students having access to WIUP for the
student to their job well. The student can come over on their scheduled work time.
It only takes a few minutes to get them trained and set up. Supervisors should be
allowing this and scheduling this time for the student.
Vice President for Administrative Services Report (Julie DeWees):
There is a board meeting tomorrow at 8 a.m. - open session in the Union Capital
Room. The closed meeting is tonight at 7 p.m. in Corbin/Olson.
At 1 p.m. today they are doing the dedication of Adams and Lafayette Street entry
and will rename it to C.T. Vivian Way.
2:30 is the patio dedication at the Alumni House.
There were 23 Rocky Dogs on display and 50 + are already interested for next year.
The Capella around the Bell Tower was deteriorated unexpectedly which is why the
project appears to be taking so long to be completed.
Group Concerns: these were discussed with President Thomas, Julie DeWeese and
Pam Bowman after the President’s Initiatives were discussed. Please see above.
September minutes (Debbie Collins): Corrections by Katerina Dawson were email.
Those updates are complete. Connie Lincoln corrected the September report error.
Those corrections are also updated.
a. Motion to approve: Stacey Dorethy
b. Seconded by: Allison Shook
September Treasurer’s Report (Connie Lincoln): No report is available, today is
October 1st and report has not been submitted as of yet. Next CSEC meeting will
have September and October Treasurer’s report.
a. Motion to approve: no motion necessary
b. Seconded by: no motion necessary
Civil Service Employee of the Month (Alisha Looney): Christie Weishaar in the
Foundation and Development office. Emailed 9/30/2015. Ceremony will be
10/6/2015 @ 2 p.m. @ Sherman Hall 303F.
VIII. Employee Advisory Committee Representative (Peter Skrypkun): Jeff Brownfield is
the new director, he has been there for a long time. As for budget, the senate is
having a meeting today @ 10 a.m. The hearing is on 10/5 @ 10:30 a.m. at Eastern
Illinois University. If the House and Senate cannot come to an agreement at the
10/20/2015 meeting, the budget issues could go into 2016, unfortunately. Allison
Shook added that feels like furloughs are still the best option for budgets.
WIU Quad Cities Campus Report (Alison Shook): Steve Whan gave the report. On
9/17/2015, the Day of Caring consisted of 7 people from John Deere who showed
up to beautify campus. On 9/23/2015, Renew Moline was also completed. They
tilled up and planted one of the islands. This was paid for by John Deere as well.
Allison Shook states her reporting line is still under Kristi Mindrup who now reports
to the Provost. Both I & Lois Retherford are under Provost now.
Representative Reports to Council
a. Affirmative Action Internship Committee (Butch Smith): No reports
b. University Diversity Council (Wendi Mattson): No reports. Neither committee
has met.
c. Website and IT Issues (Stacy Dorethy): Stacey Dorethy is not trained. Connie
has updates.
d. Training and Development (Gail Ault): Absent. No reports.
Committee Reports
a. Policy & Appeals (Christine Staley): No reports
b. Awards and Selection (Alison Shook): No report.
c. Constitution/Election (Butch Smith): Butch reviewed our tendency to move
meetings in conjunction with what laws and rules must be followed. This
includes posting online, on the door, etc. Karen Trusley explained this was
done at the President’s request concerning his availability. This was done in
time for the meeting to be moved.
d. Education (Alisha Looney): No report.
e. Fundraising/Social Events (Connie Lincoln): There is a meeting on Tuesday
10/6/2015. The $250 dollars Mitch Carey received for candy, he only spent
$200 of that money for candy and had an abundance. He also has $50 left
that can be used for the luncheon.
f. Mentoring (Steve Whan): Laura Black is new employee in Law Enforcement.
Karen Trusley will be the mentor.
g. Open Meetings Act Requirements (Christine Staley): Susan Beck is to do the
h. Provost Advisory Council Report (Alisha Looney): No new info as they have
not met.
i. President’s Advisory Meeting Report (Connie Lincoln): President’s Advisory
1. Received last FY 15 funds
2. Plan is to utilize tuition from room/board/fees and then tap into
3. Governor meeting with the university & community college
4. 10th day enrollment count was 11,094
a. 10 additional added after 10th day
b. Down 467 from last year
c. Increase in grad students
d. Fresh-Soph retention was at 67.7%
e. Down 70 freshman but class has higher ACT score and
higher GPA
j. Peoria charter bus is no longer coming to Macomb, due to few people
utilizing the service.
k. College of Business & Technology will be celebrating 50th anniversary next
year, so they have begun preparing for that celebration
l. A student market & employer market analysis in the QC will be happening in
the next few months
m. When hiring all finalist candidates need to have employment verified
n. Already had over 500 registrations for Fallen Soldier 5K
o. Already raised over $50,000 for Veterans
p. Lobby day for Illinois Students is October 20th
Old Business (notes taken by Alisha Looney):
a. New shirts – Karen: Everyone should go to Little Stitches when they get a
chance and look at colors and style. Choose color and style, but don't order
yet; just get an idea of what you want. It is going to be split roughly $10 from
CSEC and $10 out of pocket.
b. Collaboration with COAP? Big Pink Volleyball? – Karen: Email Karen if
interested in participating.
c. CSEC member stickers/signs for desks – Alisha: Alisha will print and send via
campus mail to everyone
d. On boarding process for new members – Karen: Welcome new member
Susan Beck.
e. Council on Councils at ISU – Robert and Alisha signed up. CSEC will pay per
Diem, mileage, and for hotel via reimbursement.
f. Luncheon donations (need help, boxes, wrapping paper) (REMINDER) –
Karen: Everyone should be available to help that day. We still need door
prizes and material to wrap presents, especially tape.
g. VPC-photos for website ASAP – Karen: Call VPC as soon as possible if you
haven't taken your picture for the website. Email Alisha and she will get
picture and send to Connie.
New Business
a. Homecoming Parade this weekend
b. Need one more person to help handout water at Fallen Soldiers 5K
Meeting Adjournment
a. Motion to adjourn: Alison Shook
b. Seconded by: Connie Lincoln
Next Meeting will be Thursday, November 5th: Location TBA – In Horrabin Hall 1