Civil Service Employees Council Present: February Minutes

Civil Service Employees Council
February Minutes
February 4, 2016-Held in Sherman Hall 205 @ 1:15
Present: Butch Smith, Alisha Looney, Angie Knight, Connie Lincoln, Stacy Dorethy, Steve Whan,
Karen Trusley, Alison Shook, Robert O’Bear, Christine Staley, Wendi Mattson, Tammy
Kinedinst, Mitch Carey, Neal Thurman, Debbie Collins.
Non-voting members: Pam Bowman, Peter Skrypkun, Anita Sells, Matt Bierman
Absent: Gail Ault
Non-voting members: N/A
Welcome and introduction of special guest(s): Digger Oster, Jim Ditulion, Vice President of
Quad Cities-Joe Rives.
Jim Ditulion discussed the Threat Assessment Team or known as the Intervention Team,
history, behind the scenes, confidential process, reasons for the team, plans and strategies
and who to contact for concerns of campus threat and/or violence; Student Development
Office and Office of Public Safety.
V.P. Joe Rives gave kudos for a great fall luncheon. He presents to discuss the task force and
initiatives set by WIU. Discussed the accreditation process and options between years 5-10
with the budget crisis such as quality initiative and working on enrollment and finances. The
three task forces include Academic Affairs and Programs, Affordability (all students
considered instate) and Social Responsibility with regards to the future of WIU. There is a 16
point plan to decrease expenses and increase revenue. At this time there have been 64 staff
Director of Human Resources (Pam Bowman): Pam announced that 203 employees will be
recognized for their years of service include 2 with 40 yrs of service. Pam discussed the EAC
and HRDAC Joint meeting held on January 15, 2016. She handed out an update. Topics
included Election process and facilitating electronic voting, Classification Plan and the
review. At this time, WIU uses 200-225 classes. Custom Classes discussed. The Audit Process
is under review. The current audit was scheduled for February but is suspended until Fall
2016. The Discharge Process was discussed. Specialty Factors under review, an example of
this is adding a qualification such as requiring one to be bilingual for the position. Legislative
Updates included Rule of Three and Residency and Employees on “Soft Money”-grant
funded position. The Card System was mentioned. Tryig to go electronic. WIU is very proud
of the efforts it makes to notify perspective employees of upcoming positions. Deadlines
with cards were discussed-see group concerns.
Interim Vice President for Administrative Services Report (Matt Biermann): Matt Bierman
did review the policy of Hoverboards being temporarily banned pending product
information. Discussed CSEC’s option of tax exemption status. This is not an option at this
time due to not meeting funds exchanged and the difficulty of requirements. Matt also
reviewed the High School Student Application Fee Program and one can pay it to the
Admissions office.
Budget was discussed. Many questions were asked in regards to positions, different forms of
cuts with other universities.
Situation is worsening-Eastern Illinois and Chicago State are in the same boat.
3 Main problems include enrollment, system budget reduction and cash flow.
WIUs decisions are based on the planning for FY 17-Fy 18.
Recommended by Joe Rives and Matt Bierman to read President Thomas’ Board of
Trustees Speech. There are factual stats in the speech.
President Thomas will also release weekly updates to keep WIU and the community
Retirement payout was a great option for WIU and employees.
Goal is to save as many jobs as possible when doing layoffs and budget cuts.
Group Concerns: Concerns were discussed with Matt Bierman as noted.
Exam notification and time requirement was discussed. If placed on exam notification
person will be notified by e-mail for the time and date stamp.
Position posing was discussed with requirement to posting CS positions and no time
limit of posting requirements.
There is open and continuous testing availability.
One can do an application evaluation at any time.
A&P positions are done through EOE and have 30 day requirement.
For those encountering layoffs-will WIU present employee with letter of
recommendation/layoff reason. Matt says he will honor this given employees record is
November minutes (Debbie Collins): A correction will made to January Minutes Treasury
Report: CORRECTION TO MOTION: A motion was made to transfer $359 from General
Fund to Endowment Fund for luncheon, instead of the motion made to transfer money
into the endowment fund from the Employee of the Month Account of $1672.8 from
profits from the lottery raffle.
Motion to approve: Alison Shook
b. Seconded by: Stacy Dorethy
All in favor.
December Treasurer’s Report (Connie Lincoln): Connie reviewed Treasury Report.
a. Motion to approve: Angie Knight
b. Seconded by: Wendi Mattson
All in favor.
Civil Service Employee of the Month (Alisha Looney): Renee Georges, Budget Analysis II,
Budget Office. Presentation will be Tuesday, February 9 @ 2:30 in Sherman 315.
Employee Advisory Committee Representative (Peter Skrypkun): Peter discussed the
Merritt Board meeting. Audit suspension discussed, will be more focused. The Discharge
Process was discussed, looking to shorten the process.
WIU Quad Cities Campus Report (Alison Shook): No report.
Representative Reports to Council
a. Affirmative Action Internship Committee (Butch Smith): Discussed the Process of
Application and need to recruit for upcoming elections.
b. University Diversity Council (Wendi Mattson): Has not attended a meeting. There was
a meeting on 2/3/16 but possible error with calendar invite.
c. Website and IT Issues (Stacy Dorethy): She has made contact for training. Connie is still
updating the websites.
d. Training and Development (Gail Ault): An update was handed out in her absence. One
may still attend meetings and trainings if not signed up. Upcoming events include:
Feb 16-19, 11 a.m.: Tweet and Snap: Twitter and Instagram for Business and Marketing
in the 2nd floor computer classroom Malpass Library.
Online Facebook Training for Business at
Feb 25, 9 a.m.: Civil Service Position Audits Harrabin Hall 1.
Mar 10, 1:30-3:30: Developing a Positive Attitude Harrabin Hall 1.
Mar 30, 1:30-3:30: How to Deal with Difficult People/Situations Union Board Room.
April 12, 10-noon: Emergency Preparedness: More than Dialing 9-1-1 Horrabin Hall 1.
Committee Reports
a. Policy & Appeals (Christine Staley): No report.
b. Awards and Selection (Alison Shook): Still need CSEC volunteers to receive and put
together the application packets, may be able to wait until end of semester.
c. Benefits Committee (Tammy Klinedinst): No report.
d. Constitution/Election (Butch Smith): Attendance policy discussed. Right now, 3
absences would result in being off the committee. Suggestion of excused vs nonexcused. He will modify and present at next meeting. Elections will be 5/2016.
e. Education (Alisha Looney): No report.
Fundraising/Social Events (Connie Lincoln): Date set for Spring Luncheon is 4/28/16 at
the Rec Center. A vote for budget was discussed at $750.
a. Motion to Approve: Wendi Mattson
b. Seconded: Debbie Collins
All in favor.
g. Mentoring (Steve Whan): Karen Trusley to mentor new hire, Megan Newlon-Internal
Auditor, Group 1.
h. Open Meetings Act Requirements (Christine Staley): No report.
Provost Advisory Council Report (Alisha Looney): Read updates and reports:
A few members of faculty senate were present and were asking Andy Borst what they
could do to help with recruitment. A few of them travel to high schools often for
different training sessions. After a lot of discussion, Andy and Darcie said they would
work together to either get them some new material or current view books to hand out.
No movement on budget
Andy reported that our current enrollment numbers for next year are about 5.4% down
from last year, they are about the same as other state schools we are competing with.
The tuition reduction has resulted in an increase in inquiries about WIU and
applications. – Most other IL schools are freezing tuition and raising fees on the back
end. We haven't finalized our meal plan and other fees yet, but the recommendation is
that the numbers will be staying the same.
Darcie gave an update on marketing efforts: 3% tuition discount ads are going out to
students--prospective students and students who have been accepted but haven't
decided yet.
"Your new home is in your backyard" ad is going out to local students in the 9 county
area – about 1600 students
"Keep the region strong" ads about WIU out also – full page ads in 23 regional
Kathy – Summer school is a go. They are actually going to put a little more money into it
and it will be similar to past years. They don't make a lot of money with summer school.
Cost is about $5 million, and they bring in about $6 million. Low enrollment courses
might get cut.
Payroll is good through mid-summer right now, and then we will have to rely on tuition.
HLC Persistence Academy (Christine Staley): No report.
k. IT Governance (Alison Shook): Was unable to attend previous meeting on voting for
Google but Zimbra will move to Google for Education. The goal is to have the change by
fall, but that is a quick turnaround for something like this.
President’s Advisory Group (Karen Trusley): The Provost covered the meeting. Mention
of Will Gradle, SGA taking a stand for WIU in Springfield. Very active student. Kudos
m. Planning Task Force (Karen Trusley): Nothing to update.
Old Business:
a. Luncheon Meeting/Budget: Details listed above in Fundraising.
New Business: We need to begin thinking about elections. Recently Susan Beck resigned. In
May, other terms will be ending with one more resignation. Currently, there will be 5-7
Meeting Adjournment: Stacey Dorethy entertained adjournment in Karen’s early departure
from meeting.
a. Motion to adjourn: Christine Staley
b. Seconded by: Alisha Looney
All in favor.
Next meeting will be March 3rd at 1:15 in Horrabin Hall 60.