Civil Service Employees Council Thursday, November 5, 2015 Meeting Minutes

Civil Service Employees Council
Thursday, November 5, 2015 Meeting Minutes
Meeting held in Horrabin Hall 1
Present: Gail Ault, Debbie Collins, Stacy Dorethy, Tammy Klinedinst, Connie Lincoln, Wendi
Mattson, Robert O’Bear, Alison Shook, Butch Smith, Chris Staley, Neal Thurman, Steve Whan,
Angie Knight.
Non-voting members: Pam Bowmen, Katerina Dawson, Julie DeWeese, Matt Bierman.
Absent: Alisha Looney, Susan Beck, Karen Trusley, and Mitch Carey.
Non-voting members: Peter Skrypkun.
Stacy Dorethy and Connie Lincoln led the meeting in Karen’s absence.
Welcome and introduction of special guest(s):
Digger Oster-Fallen Soldier 5K Run walk-Raised $18,000 with 600 participants
totaling close to $70,000 for the Vet Scholarship. Big thanks to CSEC for helping out
and participating.
Matt Bierman, Interim VPAS-Introductions were given to Matt including name,
where work, and group represented.
Matt Mencel, IT Governance Committee-Proposal #42 to use Google instead of
Zimbra. There is a PDF with all the details including the committees opinions listed
on the web page. Review of Zimbra and what it provides vs. Google and what it
provides. There are some costs involved in letting Zimbra go. The big concerns
include security and shared calendars. They expect to have a $70,000 cost savings.
If it is approved, the goal is to be done and switched over ASAP-by the end of next
semester or the summer. If you have any questions, you may send questions to
Director of Human Resources (Pam Bowman): Pam is answering questions that
were sent to her by Karen. She has asked Diane Sayers to join today’s meeting to
help answer questions.
1. In regards to which is better, state vehicle vs personal vehicle and state
reimbursement mileage rates of $0.50 for state vehicle vs. $0.575 for employee
car: Cannot change the amount. It is highly recommended to use the state
vehicle and reimbursement rate of $.50. Since there seems to be inconsistency in
departments, this will be looked into and answered later, Matt also helped
answer this question.
2. In regards to decreasing/lowering hours vs. furloughs and how it affects benefits:
There are bargaining unit implications and benefit implications. Lowering hours
with lower benefits, ie: going to 90% means one would pay 10% of benefits.
3. In regards to bumping, is this procedural or case by case? Layoff is covered by CS
statute which follows the seniority in a classification rule. Also, other duties do
not matter in layoff rule. It is by class and seniority. The email Peter sent clearly
explains the procedure which came straight from the systems office.
4. In regards to unions on campus, person was unaware that there were 7
bargaining units. The bargaining units are as follows;
a. AFSCME (Building Service Workers, etal; Clerical), 399 (Heating
Plant/Mechanical Maintenance; Landscape Maintenance), Fraternal Order
of Police, Plumbers and Pipe Trades, Fraternal Order of Police also
includes Telecommunicators. UPI Unit B (Civil Service, Professional/Technical
etal) – 5 unions, 7 contracts.
5. Concerns over why clericals got raises on some other contracts and CS did not
get raises. This was a totality of overall expenses. AFSCME got raises because
they have been bargaining for 4 years. Administration did not get raises.
6. Questions were asked about internal auditing holds, job classification changes,
lower pay with more responsibilities assigned. Anita Sells does the auditing process.
These have to be approved by VP. Supervisor can request audit. WIU wants employees
classified correctly. Once audit is approved, the employee has to describe in detail their
job. Classification may be the same after audit. A job performance review is done
which is an objective employee evaluation of duties and their performance.
7. What does the CS contract say about furloughs? At this time, no furlough is
allowed. This would require contractual changes. The CS statute covers this and
was in the email sent by Peter.
8. Question concerning whether or not the state can force an employee to take a
wage reduction without consent. This also was in the email with the statutes.
Wage reduction can change with the employees consent. There is procedure to
follow but an appeals process can be done.
9. In regards to retirement incentives and future retirees, SURS cannot and has no
plans at this time for cash incentives or retirement incentives.
Vice President for Administrative Services Report (Julie DeWees): Julie discussed
the $10 million budget reduction. WIU is looking at all costs. The state is in bad
shape. There are 2 choices when looking at the budget. Choice one is to increase
revenue and choice two is to reduce expenses. WIU has made major cuts already.
The biggest expense is personnel. Even if the budget is released, this does not mean
a cash release. At this time, WIU is using tuition money from the students It is best
that WIU continue to move forward and come out stronger in the end.
Group Concerns:
- Other concerns included job trainings such as one on one.
- CS employees are appropriated no matter what department employed in.
- Expenditures are done to help save in areas where there is no room to cut
employees or there are no employees.
- There was a rumor that dismissal letters are being delivered in December. At this
time, there are no dismissal letters.
- President Jack Thomas will make a State of the University address in early
- If an employee wants time off before and after a holiday, they are allowed and
will be paid as long as they are in employee paid status.
The best place to find the most current and transparent information is on the
main WIU page.
September minutes (Debbie Collins): All corrections have been made. Request that
where there are corrections, the track system to be used. This allows others to see
what was corrected. September and October approved.
a. Motion to approve: Alison Shook
b. Seconded by: Butch Smith
September Treasurer’s Report (Connie Lincoln): September and October reports
were approved.
a. Motion to approve: Butch Smith
b. Seconded by: Wendi Mattson
Civil Service Employee of the Month (Alisha Looney): November EOM is Amy
Clayton (Office Support Specialist) in the Knoblauch Advising Center. December EOM
is Cindy Lotz (Administrative Clerk) in the academic Personnel Office in Sherman.
Information on their presentations was previously sent out on 11/17/2015.
Survey for CS of the year was sent out on 11/16/2015.
Employee Advisory Committee Representative (Peter Skrypkun): No report in his
WIU Quad Cities Campus Report (Alison Shook): No report.
Representative Reports to Council
a. Affirmative Action Internship Committee (Butch Smith): No report.
b. University Diversity Council (Wendi Mattson): No report.
c. Website and IT Issues (Stacy Dorethy): Connie has updates and will start
working on them.
d. Training and Development (Gail Ault): No report.
Committee Reports
a. Policy & Appeals (Christine Staley): No report.
b. Awards and Selection (Alison Shook): Recipients have been responding and
attending the luncheon on 12/3.
c. Constitution/Election (Butch Smith): No report.
d. Education (Alisha Looney): No report in her absence.
e. Fundraising/Social Events (Connie Lincoln): So far CSEC has 129 confirmed
RSVP’s for the fall luncheon. Reminder that 11/29/2015 is deadline to RSVP.
CSEC employees should wear their CSEC shirts.
f. Mentoring (Steve Whan): Debbie will mentor Kirsten Clerkin, Nurse
Practitioner at Beu. Butch Smith will mentor Mike Kraft, Storekeeper,
University Union Bookstore. Wendi Mattson will mentor Anna Powers, Office
Support Associate, Student Development and Orientation.
g. Open Meetings Act Requirements (Christine Staley): New member Angie
Knight to complete the training.
h. Provost Advisory Council Report (Alisha Looney): No report in her absence.
i. HLC Persistence Academy (Christine Staley): Unable to attend the meeting,
no update available.
j. IT Governance (Alison Shook): See update from Matt Mencel concerning
Google vs. Zimbra.
k. President’s Advisory Meeting Report (Connie Lincoln): Connie went to
meeting. Updates are the same as 10/29/15 updates.
Old Business:
a. New shirts: Connie will order the shirts, please give her your size and color.
Once the shirts come in, CSEC will pay Connie.
b. Reflect on Blood Drive and Big Pink Volleyball: Thanks to everyone that
participated from COAP and CSEC. A lot of fun. There were 29 units of blood
collected. Thank you to CSEC for assisting in the blood drive.
c. CSEC member stickers/signs for desks: No new information.
d. On boarding process for new members; new applications received-need to
vote on it. New Member Angie Knight. Decision was unanimous.
a. Motion to approve: Wendi Mattson
b. Seconded by: Debbie Collins
e. Council on Councils at ISU: Robert attended the meeting. He was very
impressed. It was interesting to learn what other CSEC’s do. Other CSECs pay
for service time to the annual meeting.
f. Luncheon donations (need help, boxes, wrapping paper) (REMINDER) –
Karen: Everyone should be available to help that day. We still need door
g. VPC-photos for website ASAP: Reminder to get pictures updated.
New Business (notes taken by Wendi Mattson):
a. Would we like the Threat Assessment Team to come and speak with us in
January or February?
Yes. We were going to see if they would be willing to come to the February
b. Death of CS Employee, naming of book award.
Naming of book award - we voted to make one of the textbook scholarships
a memorial scholarship, but we didnt name it
c. Voting on gift: Approval for a retirement gift for Julie DeWeese. Unanimous
a. Motion to approve: Stacy Dorethy
b. Seconded by: Steve Whan.
d. Are we dressing up for luncheon? Voting on number of parking passes for the
Wear your CSEC polo shirts
We skipped this topic since a luncheon planning committee meeting was
scheduled, we felt it was something that could be addressed then.
e. Promotional ideas for Rocking Moving for ScholarshipsWe tabled this until January, because we didn't feel that we would have any
responses in November and December.
Meeting Adjournment
a. Motion to adjourn: Allison Shook
b. Seconded by: Gail Ault
No Meeting December 3, 2015. This is the luncheon. Next meeting TBA.