Ledger Summer School 2010 Rosemount Elementary

Rosemount Elementary
April 2010
Independent School District 196
Leprechaun Ledger
——————–“Educating our students to reach their full potential”———————
Class Lists for 2010-11 School Year
Summer School 2010
During April and May of each year, the staff places students into their classes for the next school year. This is
a process that takes thoughtful consideration at a number of different levels. We recognize the special needs
and learning styles of our students. Throughout the
process, we attempt to create purposeful placement and
make every attempt to balance our classrooms. Our class
lists do not become final until early August.
Rosemount Elementary students will attend Summer
School at Shannon Park this year. Transportation will
be provided, and breakfast will be offered daily. If
your child has been invited to participate in Summer
School, you should have received enrollment forms on
March 12th. If you have completed forms and returned them to school, thank you! If you have not
returned forms, please do so as soon as possible.
Some of the factors we use to determine student placement are: Reading level, math ability, special services,
student behavior and the need to separate students
based on request.
A practice throughout the elementary schools in our district is called “clustering.” This is a grouping strategy
for meeting the needs of identified gifted and talented
(G/T) students. The cluster classrooms at Rosemount
Elementary have up to six to eight identified GT students with classmates at a variety of different levels.
Cluster classrooms will take place in grades 3-5.
Summer School dates are July 6th-29th
Classes are in session Monday-Thursday
8:00 AM to12:00 PM
There is no summer school on Monday, July 5th
Summer School confirmation forms will be sent home
with students on the last day of school. Confirmation
forms will include Summer School teacher names,
room locations, and bus stop locations/times.
This newsletter contains a student placement form for
parents to provide input. Please complete this from and
return it to the office by April 16th if you feel the information would be helpful to us for the placement process.
If you know your child will not be returning to RES next
year, please call the office to let us know. This helps us
in our planning for next year.
If you have any questions about Summer School you
may contact Kris Scallon, Summer School Coordinator, at 651.423.7690 or kristine.scallon@district196.org.
Please contact me if you have questions regarding our
class placement process or clustering classrooms.
Kindergarten Orientation, May 3rd
∗ 5th Grade Music Program, May 6th
∗ No School-Memorial Day, May 31st
District 196 does not engage in unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, disability, status with regard
to public assistance, sexual orientation or age. The School District Attorney, 14445 Diamond Path West, Rosemount, MN 55068, (651) 423-7883, has been designated to respond to inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies, including inquiries under Title IX.
Rosemount Elementary School
Visit our Website - http://district196.org/re
MCA-II Testing
Tests for Grades 3, 4, and 5 in April
In April students in grades three,
four and five will take the
Minnesota Comprehensive
Assessment (MCA-II) tests in
reading and math. These tests
were developed by the State of
Minnesota to evaluate district,
school, and individual student
progress on the state’s academic
standards. Students do not pass
or fail the MCA-II tests. They are
among the many assessments our
district uses to measure the progress of individual students.
The math tests for grades 3, 4,
and 5 include multiple choice and
open response questions involving
shape, measurement, number
sense, and chance and data handling.
The reading tests for grades 3, 4,
and 5 include multiple choice
questions that test skills in comprehension, interpretation and
Rosemount Elementary School
The science test for grade 5
has figural-response (FR)
questions where students use
the technological capabilities
of a computer to do such
things as create a graph or
drag images and words into
designated response areas.
Individual results for MCA-II
tests will be mailed home to
parents of third, fourth, and
fifth grade students in August
or September of 2010.
For more information about
MCA tests you may contact
Kris Scallon at (651) 423-7690
or visit the state website at
Reading-April 19 and 20
Math-April 26 and 27
Tests will be given in the
morning and afternoon
on test dates.
Vacations, late arrivals
and early releases are
disruptive on
MCA test days.
Discuss-Talk to your
child about the importance of doing his/her
Support-Regular study
habits should be encouraged throughout
the year.
Relax-These tests are
not “pass” or “fail”,
but a chance for your
child to show teachers
what he/she knows.
Eat-Breakfast is important every morning.
Listen-Following directions will help your
child do his/her best.
Encourage your child
to ask questions for
Visit our Website - http://district196.org/re
I don’t have any specific
volunteers to thank this
month. However, if any
parents have helped out in
any way during the month of March, it was
greatly appreciated! Also, thanks to all those
who bought Garden Center Gift cards to raise
money for our PTO.
Garden Center
Gift Cards
Round 2
Thanks for participating in our first round of buying Garden
Center Gift Cards. However, we only raised $138.00.
Probably because there was still snow on the ground! This
is round two and just like last time RES will get 15% of the
money spent. So think about how much money you usually
spend on flowers for your garden. Then order some gift
cards for that amount. RES will profit and your flowers will
I would like to mention some changes to this
year’s Spring Picnic. The date will be Friday,
June 4th. It will be held during school,
from 12:30 to 3:45 pm, instead of after
school. All the students will attend a show
at the Ordway Theater in the morning. After
they return to RES, they’ll have a hot dog
lunch and participate in track and field events
and more. Planning will start soon. If you
have any interest in volunteering, please contact me at resvolunteer@gmail.com. Also,
look for additional Spring Picnic updates in
your child’s Friday Folder.
Thanks for helping to make our school such a
great place!
be paid for in gift cards you can use at the participating
Centers. They are also a great gift idea.
( M other ’ s Day is May 9th )
Your Gift Cards Will Be Here By April 30th
Make Checks Payable to RES PTO
RES Jump Rope for Heart Fundraiser
Generated $3,860.52
For the American Heart Association !
~ Patty Grunklee, Volunteer Coordinator
The 5th Grade music program
“All That Jazz”
will be on May 6th
(School Calendar
Says April 29th)
Rosemount Elementary School
Tuesday, April 13th
4:00-6:30 pm.
Room # 202
Visit our Website - http://district196.org/re
We are launching a brand new
Spring 2010 Box Top Campaign!
“Get on Track with Box Tops”
When: March 29th – May 28th
What: Our 5th annual Box Top competition between all the classes at RES.
RES Goal: For the 2009-2010 school year, we have set a goal of
70,000 Box Tops = $7,000.00 for RES! - Let’s have some fun and do it!
WE ARE HALF WAY THERE! This fall we collected 35,269 thanks to you!
Dear RES Parents:
Box Tops have become a key fundraising source for RES! By cutting and turning in little pieces of
cardboard, we are raising thousands of $$ each year for RES. In order to reach our goal this year,
we need your help. Help your kids cut out the Box Tops from the packages right in your home. If
you do not purchase Box Tops products – that’s OK. Help out the Box Top campaign by asking
family members, neighbors and co-workers to collect for you. It is easy and makes a tremendous
“Get on Track with Box Tops” kicks off on Monday March 29th and will run for nine weeks, ending on Friday May 28th. Surprise! If we collect 35,000 Box Tops during the nine weeks,
Mr. Idstrom will have a surprise in store for our students! Additional details for the fun competition will be coming home soon in a letter.
This competition will include surprises, bonus Box Tops for some classrooms and fun for all of the
students. Most of all, the money raised helps support key school projects for the kids and their
Come On Everyone!!! Let’s Get on Track and Do It!
Estimated Box Tops:
If each student at RES would collect just 1 Box Top
each day over the nine week period,
we will collect over 31,500 Box Tops.
Rosemount Elementary School
Visit our Website - http://district196.org/re